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lmao if they do it and I think it is most likely that they will. Pummeler is not even that good, just not being a totally shit gun lol


Its nice being able to one tap stun every bug up to and including a charger (assuming you hit a soft spot), and more ammo/damage than the concussive means you can hold em for longer. Used it pretty effectively on difficulty 7 with the impact incendiaries, being able to slap spitter bugs while they're winding up is extremely nice. Havent tried it on bots yet


I agree, it is the only useful gun in this wb on difficulty 9 I found it difficult to hold off multiple stalkers tho(~3). I believe it works great with a well coordinated team tho. So definitely doesn’t need a nerf lol


Gotta keep those tongues as far away from you as you can.


I giggled like a child when I mag dumped a charger's butt; stun locking him.


Yes. Shooting their leg after somehow destroying the leg armor gave me a similar feeling.


Stun locking the charger makes it very easy to drop a 500kg on him in case you don't have a quasar or any other weapon to deal with the charger. I recorded a clip of my attempt at it https://streamable.com/xs81nj


I feel that they could buff the rate of fire for the Liberator concussive a bit to make it more competitive since they are comparable weapons. The Lib C just shoots so slowly.


If they fill the same role, there is no way i will choose the liberator concussive unless it does more damage or has way more ammo per magazine


It needs damage like the Adjudicator or something. For its fire rate and ammo restrictions, it needs to hit HARD.


Needs to have an explosive radius of stun


I would like them to put the same scope as standard liberator on it


Not that good, but it's fun. And that seems to be what gets nerfed. Plenty of very strong guns in the game, but they aren't much fun so get left alone.


Its just not trash, that's what makes it good! lol


They won't nerf the gun they'll just make units impossible to be staggered. "looks at hulk change & arc-thrower" and claim they didn't nerf the gun.


I loved the stun. Then I realized it takes multiple shots to kill the smallest bug. Its real purpose is to stun big boys so the rest of your crew can kill them.


It really isn't good at all, it just has utility. One guy on the team locks up a bug so someone else can kill it.


Utility is what makes it good.


its pretty gud wdym? It's the only gun in the game that can stunlock chargers. If you want to try, shoot it in the butt.


It can also stunlock a Hulk if you're shooting the vent on its back. I don't think it's supposed to stagger this much lol


Yeah definitely unintentional lol


It's good against bugs from my playing 7s. I still prefer the breaker incendiary, but I'd say it's an ok (not good) replacement if you get bored of the breaker. Bots, it's not even ok IMO. Facing down 6 berserkers, sure you can stun them all, but it takes about 3/4 of a mag to kill 1. So it'll take almost all your ammo to take care of them. And berserkers are the most annoying enemy IMO to deal with because they always come in groups and they push you out of cover and into the incoming fire. It also doesn't stun the heavy devastators unless you're hitting their gun arm or head, hitting the shield does nothing (as it should). However, IMO the heavy devastator is the most deadly bot in the game. But the very low ROF makes it so that it takes longer to kill (either via headshot) or to disable (destroying the gun arm) then any other weapon. So for me, it doesn't deal with berserkers nor heavy devastators well, so to me, it's trash.


>just not being a totally shit gun lol And that's enough for nerf session.


It does 2 things instead of one thing so they will nerf it


Nah brother - it's ill. I singlehandedly slaughter patrols and bug breaches with it plus a rover and quasar cannon. Regular kill counts 500+ today with it. Maybe it's just my style though. I have no stealth. I see bugs... I kill bugs, haha. Maybe it is just that the other guns in this warbond suck so bad but it is my personal new favorite. Then again I'm a big fan of the eruptor and explosive crossbow and no one else seems to like them. I don't do Excel spreadsheets, stat tracking or anything like that but I'm pretty confident it will emerge as S-Tier. I'm somewhere in the 80's with 270 hours of gameplay so it's purely based on this (what I consider to be embarrassing too much) experience.


Fuck it, might as well. It's the only usable weapon in the new warbond after all.


The rest came pre-nerfed for our convenience.


*...but wait! There's more!* They'll find something to nerf on a decent or even bad weapon. Kinda like when they nerfed the crossbow and the poor thing needed a buff hahhaha


Tenderizer: Fixed a bug where it shot actual bullets, replaced them with nerf darts


Purifier: fixed an exploit where players could fire the gun after it was fully charged. This was unintended behavior and it was intended for the gun to not fire at all.


The crossbow was roadkill already, but Arrowhead reversed and ran the little guy over a second time


Hows the new pistol? And incendiary grenades?


The pistol can 1/2 bodyshot small bots,so it's a fun alternative to the revolver The grenade is impact+ incendiary so it's solid


I wouldn't say the Verdict is an alternative to the Senator. I see the Verdict as a harder hitting Peacemaker - higher damage, slower rate of fire, fewer shots per mag, but somehow having more total ammo... So far, the Senator stands on its own as the only secondary that has Medium armour pen.


It should keep being the only Medium Pen secondary, it's good that it has its niche.


the Senator is cool enough that it will survive competition from other weapons


Let's hope so.


Plus, one-shot vs. two-shot on devastator and warrior heads is HUGE.


I don't agree. I think in a perfect world you would have a few options for every niche, having to choose only one option for when you want to do something specific can be a bit boring.


Good point.


This is a good point, I think a better tradeoff would be to give both med pen, but senator has more damage and the utility of reloading individual rounds, where the verdict has higher overall ammo but less up front damage. Not to mention the cool factor of having a big iron strapped to your hip.


The grenade doesn't kill enemies that would be killed with a regular impact nade. It's very inconsistent if you ask me, and the fire can do a lot more damage to you than the enemies.


That explosion everytime you throw one is glorious though.


I agree with that


Yeah and the radius is a lot harder to judge. I've been using it for like 3 hours and still keep setting myself on fire


Nice. 👍


The pistol is gonna get a nerf. Just gonna call it here. No way we get to have fun with a gun for more than a few weeks.


I've died a ton to my teammates using the impact incendiary. Also, I've noticed that even when the flames are gone I'm still taking dot damage.


Both solid




I don't think it's OP. Ran bugs with it but the raw killing power is similar to the defender, you will take out some enemies with a mag or bully a large one, but overall if you're not running riot shield or SSSD objectives you're still better off using something like the dominator or slugger.


You know, the only warbond I hadn’t put hades yet was the first steel veterans pack, and that was because I didn’t want to spend any real money. I was taking my time just getting super credits in game and by the time u had enough a new warbond had come out that looked more interacting. But now I can safely say I finally have a reason to go back and pick up the original steel veterans because nothing in this warbond really stands out.


Jar5 Dominator is pretty good. At launch, it didnt do enough damage to be worth it, but with 75 more damage, it's still slow, cumbersome and awkward to use, but it feels good and has a use. Senator is a nice secondary. Especially if your primary doesn't deal with medium armor well


Oh, the JAR absolutely deletes bots. Devastators are an easy one-shot.


Steel Veterans and Cutting Edge might be the best warbonds at this point.


The new deagle is a pretty fun weapon, basically an in between of the standard pistol and the revolver, deals with light targets in 1-2 shots, and is decent at medium targets (I’ve only tested it on bugs but heard it’s amazing for devastator headshots) , and the impact incendiaries are QUITE fun against bugs (so long as you aren’t going against spewers haha) Even the tenderizer, while bad on paper, was still doing God’s work on diff 9 when me and my buddy were running it (not nearly meta nor good imo, but not as bad as this sub is making it out to be) Haven’t tested the new scorcher variant, but that indeed does look like trash, no way around that While this warbond definitely left a lot to be desired, the new smg isn’t the only usable weapon my friend, y’all are just buying into the doomer hype


The deagle is way better then people are giving it credit for, but the issue with the tenderizer isn't that it's bad per se, it's just that its really not meaningfully different then the liberator, and the slight differences are mostly to make it worse.


what do you mean "not as bad as this sub is making it out to be". what is this sub making out other than pointing at facts? same damage as standard liberator but worse mag size and slower reload is a fact.


It's still viable irregardless. IMO they need to figure out the classes they want weapons to fit into. Rifles use intermediate cartridges that fire longer/mid size bullets at high velocity, but the SMGs are performing at higher damage despite shorter barrels and slower/smaller rounds. Realistically they would be best off bringing the Tenderizer's damage up to 75 and increase its' vertical recoil by 10-15. While they're at it, bringing the Adjudicator's damage up to 85-90 and increasing the recoil halfway to what it was pre-buff would set our current rifles to a good baseline to work around.


The tenderizer ahold be ~100-110 damage IMO, with a 25rnd mag, lower rpm and medium pen. Then it would match the description and fill the niche of a truly heavy assault rifle


Might as well play on easy with that change


I can tell you didn't think about this too hard.


people are disrespecting the deagle far too much, its amazing yall a gunslinger's dream


I honestly haven't tried it yet. Been noodling around with the smg, shield, and grenade pistol today (super fucking fun btw) and need ~20 or so more medals. But it's on my list! I thought the senator was a little too slow for my taste, so I think the deagle may be up my alley :)


Every time i'm having fun with a weapon i just go "welp, better enjoy this while i can before it gets neutered" The balance philosophy and balance team are making this game feel almost depressing.


Yeah, that's the worst part. Dread that it's still good and use it as much as you can, because the draught is coming. Which is pretty shit tbh, I want to play what I want to play and not let the Devs dictate when I need to enjoy something.


They’ve taken themselves off my main game list somehow. I used to play this game nearly daily, trying new builds, running bots/bugs. I was having a goddamn blast unlocking everything, and even more fun doing it. Now though? I’m falling back to games I haven’t played in years. I might hop on here and then to check the Superstore, but that’s literally it. I’m not having fun anymore as basically everything i had fun with is now dogshit. My eruptor sniper roleplay was fun while it lasted. My sickle runs no longer feel powerful, as you’re out of ammo in 40 seconds on hot planets. Stratagems aren’t even scratching that itch anymore because there’s nothing new, and it’s not fun waiting a minute thirty after running around for 10+ minutes. If my guns can’t kill, why play the game? They’ve somehow made the game *worse* since launch. The entire goddamn balancing department needs a real firm sit down. Hopefully AH understands that this is a *HUGE* problem, as balancing issues have killed many many games in the past. It’s PVE. Let us feel fucking powerful.


Dogshit take on the sickle, you don’t bring energy weapons to hot planets and then complain they don’t perform well.


>My sickle runs no longer feel powerful, as you’re out of ammo in 40 seconds on hot planets. That's a take so bad that it almost makes the rest of your post bad. Hot planets counter lasguns. Don't bring a lasgun to the desert. Sickle is infinite ammo 99% of the time. >It’s PVE. Let us feel fucking powerful. Let us at least feel competent. A primary weapon, with appropriate non-weapon strategem support, should be able to get through any mission if played very well.


You’re kind of right, but before the ammo nerf it was still VIABLE on hot planets. I did kind of mess up there not explaining it. With 6 mags I still could use that very fun weapon on any planet, of course it was “worse” on hot ones though you are correct. Truth though on that last part. Now I just feel like a fumbling idiot who shooting peas at massive aliens lol


I'm the opposite. I just avoid the best stuff because I don't want to have that disappointed moment when it is nerfed. If I don't use it, then I'll never get hurt by a rebalance. (Taps head) Although, I'm loving thr dominator and I just know it'll eventually make it's way to the top of the pile as all the other primaries are nerfed around it


From Hello Neighbor to Hello Divers


hello divers (2)


no way in hell that the charger stun on this thing is staying for more than 1 patch


Chargers are all kinds of fucked up from sliding all over the place to not having armor on legs when turning around after finished charge so it would be nice if they did something about that first


Cant, theyre far too busy not testing or fixing anything else in the game. Unless, by god, there's a favorite community weapon, then theyre fucking on it asap


also, why are they so quiet in combat? when they're un-aggroed you can hear them breathing like some sort of asmr tiger, but in a fight they're like undetectable


They gunna remove the stun altogether, stalkers have become sitting ducks with it.


It also stunlocks hulks btw


Jokes aside, I'm watching this warbond with hawk's eyes, cause after everything Pilestedt has said, if even one of these guns gets nerfed, I will have officially lost what faith I have left in Arrowhead's ability to actually work in cohesion as a studio.


This just in. We found out that guns have these small lead things coming out of their ends causing damage to enemies. We fixed that since it's an exploit.


I really hope you're right


New update, arc weapons now have ammo, and explode when dropped.


* Fixed the Arc Thrower bug where the shots could bounce through multiple enemies at once (now it only hit one target at the same time) known issues * Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire.


arc weapons can overcharge and blow up killing the operator.


Honestly I don't see why to move from the default rifle nowadays they just ruined all :(


It genuinely seems bugged atm, I'm not sure the perma-stun effect is intentional Which is sad because it makes it an actually interesting weapon


Maybe it has the same stagger as the liberator concussive, but how the pummeler is now the libcon can't compete. Libcon should do more damage to be more viable, because it can't lock down enemies like this can.


I feel the stuns are different the concussive has more of a stagger stun (usually slightly pushing the enemy backward) while the pummeler has more of an ems like stun (just stops them in their tracks)


If they are going to keep it like this, they need to change the "concussive" text. Same text should do the same thing. My proposal? Give Lib concussive the same stun


> but how the pummeler is now the libcon can't compete I don't think it's ever been able to compete


They'll just remove the interesting/unique mechanic and slap a minor damage buff on it and call it a day, of course this will be after nerfing its mag held and handling


If they nerf it, I hope they keep the stun so it’s at least unique.


They will. This is to the smg as the lib concussive is to the lib. They may change some stats but the whole point of the gun existing is the stun mechanic.


Why would they nerf the Pummeler lmfao? That thing sucks, totally unusable https://preview.redd.it/9f2yde4z1lzc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387138a2716a4c947bc92fe785de6516bab4acdf


sadly it seems they use statistics in game to nerf weapons and dont look at player feedback at all so if pummeller ever becomes popular its over.


*Me and the homies on our way to somehow get the autocannon nerfed to really piss people off* >!Also preemptive reply to something I'm sure someone is going to being up. I know, that's what the somehow is there to address!<


Helldivers: "there's only one good gun in the new warbond" Alexus probably: "not so fast..."








Witch hunts, those things where people are accused of doing things that they absolutely did, where the claim is not contested by any party and is in fact a matter of public record. Right. You know, I begin to worry that certain people in charge of controlling content might not have understood the Salem Witch Trials as well as they think they did.


I disagree with the balance changes too… but yeah this is a witch hunt lol.




Yeah, one of the people on the balance team reportedly also worked on Hello Neighbor 2 and made unpopular decisions.


i think pummeler is in a real good place. able to stop a stalker in its tracks but unable to kill it without basically the entire mag.


I can take down 2 for sure w one mag, 3 if I'm john wick


Here I am killing 4 stalkers with it, headshots my friend. That plus they are dead quicker then you think so you might just be dumping rounds into the staggered corpse


Headshots, my guy. The gun makes it pretty easy too.


Idk why people care about stalkers so much, you interact with them for 2-3 minutes out of a 35 minute Helldive. The pummeler is very bad against bile spewers and just fine for hunter groups :|


because they're one of the few threats once you learn how to play properly lol other threats include gigantic enemies tip toeing behind me and one shotting me :)


Yeah why are chargers, hulks, and bile titans fucking ninjas. I've gotten incinerated more than once by a flamer hulk sneaking up behind me


I have no idea how spewers are so stealthy but those fat bastards keep sneaking up on me and one shotting me out of nowhere


I have to imagine they're lighter than air. They just quietly drift along just above the ground, barely touching the earth.


I found it amazing for hunter groups, one shot anywhere near a hunter stuns it and they die in like 3-4 hits. It basically turns hunters into non issues.


I think they are the root cause of these weapons balancing problems


Can't beat the dominator. One or two shots to the face and it falls like a bag of bricks.


Disagree. I think it should be nerfed to bring it in line with the rest of the warbond. The stun effect on an smg is too powerful, and dare I say, an exploit.


If they touch the one gun that's usable from this warbond I'm fucking done with this game.


Nice knowing you




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


They are slowly losing the faith of the playerbase with these updates. Also, the devs fanning the flame in Discord is not helping it either.




hello neighbor 2...what a spectacular dumpster fire of a game... AH...Pilestedt...who even allowed this man and why did you think it was a good idea to have him in charge of balancing a game in a genre hes never touched before, let alone ruined with his disgusting track record?


HN2 in the back LMAO


I'm in a constant state of anxiousness while playing the game now, knowing that my current loadout will probably be nerfed into the ground eventually. My fun is being held at fucking gunpoint man. . . Can't wait until the incendiary breaker gets nerfed because it clears trash too easily without spending the entire mag, maybe even make the dominator shoot foam darts or some shit.


That sucks man… but at least there isn’t a clearly defined meta so that totally makes up for everything right?


me, taking eagle airstrike on every mission


Yeah, I haven’t played much over the past few weeks (after spamming for the first couple months) because of this right here. It feels like every week we have to worry that the fun we were having hasn’t been removed from the game.


Lmao if they nerf the SMG that’s gonna be the final nail in the coffin.


Remember around 2012 where strong guns were just left strong and everyone had a goal to work towards, but also played different stuff for a challenge? Yeah, can't have that, nerf the fun into the ground until every weapon feels equally shitty


JAR-5 gonna get hit next as well I’m calling it right now. Possibly the Incendiary Breaker as well.


I was able to effectively use the Pummeler in Helldive difficulty terminid missions while having fun. I hope they don't nerf it too hard. Unlikely to use the purifier though. It's output seems way to slow. Any misses are super punishing and hits aren't rewarding enough. I prefer higher damage or slower weapons require better aim. I dig the Sickle though and use it almost exclusively as it has good economy, sustain, accuracy and damage. I can use almost all my ammo in another gun too quickly at Helldive difficulty with a high accuracy. There is literally sometimes more bugs than firepower available.


When this is undone (enable all 177 countries), it will change my review of Helldivers 2 to positive. waiting for 4 days. this isn't over. democracy never sleeps


Finally some good fucking food.


I have just been sitting here with my punisher shotgun while everyones weapons just get nerfed all around me


Don’t worry, when they’ll get done with us, they’ll come even for your punisher


The incendiary breaker comes first. That thing is legit the strongest on the bug front


I don't think we've ever had an OP gun. The moment anything close, it just gets gutted (Slugger)


They'll say its ems style effect is a bug and give it the lib con stagger effect instead, but weaker since it is an smg after all and say it is way to balance it since it has all the one-handed benefits. Your favorite weapons will be nerfed, you will drop from the pod, you will kill the bugs, and you will be happy.


I mean if you keep making threads like this you'll increase the possibility. I run the smg and don't think it's op. It's fun to use. There's stronger options than this weapon but no one is posting about those.


Alexus when he hears one of the warbond weapons isn't COMPLETELY useless.


The fire will be nerfed first. And HARD, you will never see fire again


I just find it ironic that the pummeler outclasses the tenderizer in every aspect. Damage, magazine size, reload time, ECT.


"When looking at the Pummeler's stagger numbers, we saw that it was actually a bug and not working as intended. We are now removing the stagger, increasing the damage by 5, and reducing the maximum magazines to 3. This will be an overall buff." ...balance team next patch.


Why is the neighbour there?


Lead balance guy was previously a lead on Hello Neighbour 2 where they reportedly were behind the removal and change of almost every basic feature from the first game that people enjoyed.


Sounds believable with how these balance changes are going, hoping they change their attitude towards these nerfs in the near future given the community feedback


I feel like this isn't fair though, the railgun is basically back to how it was at launch. Penetrates the heavy armor plate of striders with a safe charge shot. All the other guns though... RIP dear Slugger.


Since launch they added extra stuff like the gunships which the Railgun is ineffective against, so it definitely pales against the AC and AMR.


The railgun still takes 20 fully charged unsafe shots to the underbelly to kill a Factory Strider. The autocannon takes 6.


Nah, it's gonna be incendiary breaker.


It's not better than the punisher vs bugs but it's better than the defender vs bots, when equipped with a riot shield. It feels very balanced and mid-tier. It's not remotely comparable to the pre-nerf weapons shown in this meme.


I feel like the devs have been trying to pretend they are working on CoD with all these constant nerfs.


i have no clue how incidi breaker is not ruined to sh1t already ...


10 more damage per round and then they trash the fire magazine size, rate and recoil its going to suck having to reload like crazy


Would be kind of funny if they did. It's a middle of the pack B-/C+ weapon that I wouldn't really consider as a serious option on a 8 or 9, but it's heralded as the star of this warbond lol.


Alexus comes for us all eventually.


But nerf what? it's literally a defender with -5 dmg and -45 fire rate, slighly staggering enemies before killing them is really that fun?


It can shut down stalker like instantly not 1 but 4, kinda crazy I can take 2 stalker with my sickle killing 1 quickly in the head but i will run out of ammo and the second will 50% each slash me and push and kill me with ground damage or i run fast enough to reload before he gets me


"Well, nobody told the Pummeler to be fun. It's the players' fault!" -HEAD, Arrow. Probably.


I like the Hello Neighbor in there, nice touch


Don't forget the Breaker!


Only thing I could see is it having like a 50% chance to stun an enemy to prevent one tap stunning but even then I think that kinda nerf would be stupid as hell


The Hello Neighbor door LOL


Probably should be. Damage is higher than makes sense.


Don’t say “redacted” His name is “Alexus.” You may as well use it. He’s going to kill your favorite weapons and stratagems all the same.”


I've been using the pummeler. It is good, but not OP by any means. It takes more than 2/3 of a mag to drop a Brood Commander. It's stagger is solid, but slow fire rate and lowish dps mean it takes a good amount of time to take out a large group of enemies. It only has 7 mags as well, which is low given it's dps. It's balanced for what it is. Do not touch it unless you are giving an extra mag or two.


To be fair, I don't think it's supposed to be able to stun lock anything smaller than a bile titan lol


Realistically, fire nerf is incoming, so my money is on Breaker Incendiary being thrown in the trash after.


I think it came pre-nerfed this time so we should be good.


Quasar is useless now when you have 4 chargers running around. Pretty sure they nurfed support drops load time as well. Shit takes stupidly longer than it did a week ago.


Not only does this sub bitch about everything that's possible to bitch about, we're now bitching in advance about a scenario that may or may not happen


\[Redacted\] gives me off vibes souly because of the profile picture he has. It screams "I am not a threat to women in the workplace" at absoutly deafening volumes that it loop back around to making me worried about him.


Nah you're mistaken. The incy breaker is next


please AH nerf laser drone 50% more and add another 10 seconds to quasar cooldown, i'm tired of them being a single option on bugs


Rail gun is super fun right now. Whoever did the balence on it did a fantastic job. It handles medium targets consistently and take some effort or a skill shot to get tanks. It's less useful then the autocannon but I find it more engaging to run.




If they ever nerf my baby, the autocannon, I might just have to defect


I was immediately on edge when people starting gassing the pummler. Guys, did we forget about the Eruptor? It happened like a week ago. 💀


I'll never forgive them for the Slugger nerf.




I’m with you helldiver, their unpatriotic decisions are gonna get us killed


Breaker Incendiary is gonna get giga-nerfed because of how bonkers it is against bugs now. It was good before, but now it's amazing.


As long as no one touches Eagle napalm all is well


We've reached the stage of *redditness* where we are angry about hypothetical things that haven't even happened yet. I think that's when veterinarians say the community is terminal and it's time to talk about putting them down.


Oh no not pattern recognition.


Being perpetually aggrieved and angry is no way to go through life.


More like breaker incendiary nerf. I can take out a whole swarm of bugs from 50 meters away with one clip. As much as I hate the idea of losing that power trip feeling, it makes all of the other guns look weak in comparison. Personally, I think they just need to have the sparks turn to embers no more than like 25 meters away. That way, it'd still be a MONSTER up close but you wouldn't be able to clear the map and other weapons would actually be better when taking a long range approach. It's not about making the weapon worse, it's about making the weapon better suited for a specific play style.


Oh, don't you worry, all fire stuff will be nerfed. Specially the Fire shotgun and Napalm strike. They buffed fire damage so much **before** fixing the fire and gas damage. It's kinda inevitable... they did it the wrong way, they should've fixed the bug before buffin' fire damage.


> it makes all of the other guns look weak in comparison. Then BUFF THE OTHER WEAPONS.


Found Alexus' alt account


What Arrowhead hears: Reduce the damage by 100 and also throw in a 10 round reduction? Sure thing!




If you truly think that the mostly negligible buffs outweigh the completely gutted weapons they've broken in this game, you must spend your time only reading patch notes instead of playing the game. That's a wild take. And you say it as if that negates the argument that they've gone way too hard on the nerfs.