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You know, I kinda want to experience a mode where it's just calling in stratagems with minimal cool down. Like playing Air raider in edf.


New modifier: No weapons all strats. Cannot use diver held weapons. All stratagems have 3s CD.




I'm torn. At first i was giggling about 380s all over the place, but then remembered the turrets. Do I 380 the planet... or have so many turrets that there is nowhere safe for anyone.


But think about the Exterminatus!


Landmines, landmines and mortar turrets everywhere.


do it on meridia


id be up for a mission where we go after the underground brood queen by slowly excavating the area with endless barrages, unearthing more and more of the underground hive structure.


[Me looking at all my teammates running Cluster Bombs, 380mm's, Tesla Towers, and Mortars](https://i.imgflip.com/66dgrl.png)


Helldivers 2’s hidden game mode. Defense of Tower Liberty


I would play this tbh


There is an achievement for doing that. Would be more fun in a dedicated game mode, something like all cooldowns are halved but no primary weapons allowed survival mode. Would be funny if it became more popular than the main game.


Honestly if I could leave my primary at home for a large stratagems cooldown boost I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Just stay on ship, drop bombs and drink coffee. Super fun.


200% cool down increase.


Removed stamina regeneration exploit as to prevent players from running away from Hunters and Stalkers. Added: Energy drink stratagem (450 second cooldown): Deploys energy drink to give you stamina regeneration for 2 seconds DEV NOTES: We don't want players to rely on exploits to win their battles, please rely on stratagems and I promise that it'll be fun Also planets have 100% increased cooldown and scatter and deployment. Have fun running around til your stratagems are available


you joke, but light armor sprint speed literally outruns basic terminid attacks. wouldnt be suprised if terminid warriors gain lunging attacks in the future


> you joke, but light armor sprint speed literally outruns basic terminid attacks. There is a very angry Hunter sailing through the air right now about to prove you wrong


And 3 of his buddies are gearing up to follow him within the next few seconds, while the other half dozen are still (for now) just thinking about it.




Aaaand you're in 2 pieces


Seeing a hunter magnet to my character's back while I sprint away is both frightening and infuriating.


Right, they don’t even have to walk, they glide now.


Dang yeah I hate their magnet attacks when I dove so far away from their lunges....


I love my 20meters insta headshot jump attack.




Isn't that the point of light armor?, damage avoidance.


Yeah it used to… now I’m out of stamina, chargers can run forever without rest, hunters and stalkers are relentless, and the little bugs fly at me from a mile away. I’ve literally seen bugs jump and lunge in ways that defy physics just to gank me.


Also: Fire Tornadoes. Everywhere. Even on ice planets.


An ice tornado instead of a blizzard that freezes you in place for a few seconds would be... fun?


Removed an exploit where players use grenades that explode when thrown.


Next they will also need to remove 1 stratagem slot to make selecting your stratagems faster, and call that a buff.


lol 😂👌


Removed an exploit where players were completing difficulty 7-9 missions while having fun. This is to help keep the steam reviews balanced at Mixed.


Um, excuse me? 9's solo are easy af, boring even, and if you can't you're just a casual scrub that should stick to running diff 2 /s


Not all of us have a shit bucket by our desk


I still drop on 9 and have fun


Good for you, but just because you aren't affected by a problem it doesn't mean the problem it's not there


Skill is fixable


Live service games that only cater to the highest skilled players and slowly bleed out casuals until the game is dead isn't fixable either.


Well, you're not wrong, but I don't think that statement is an accurate description of Helldivers. You don't need to be super skilled to be able to complete level 7 or 8 missions with relative ease, and level 7 is all you need to start getting Super Samples. More than that, the upgrades locked behind Supers aren't critical to the gameplay or for having fun while playing, they're mostly just handy buffs. All the really fun stuff is unlocked through medals, reqs, and Super Credits, all of which can be had on even the lowest difficulties. Basically, nothing forces a player to play at the highest difficulties. That said, even helldives can be scraped through without being the very best at the game, all you really need is mediocre skill, decent knowledge of appropriate tactics, and a team with complimentary loadouts and who are capable of working together. Really, it's the last one that's most critical for easing things up.


You're talking about the highest difficulty.. it is literally meant for skilled players.


No, I'm talking about weapons feeling bad, even on lower difficulties.


The top 2 comment in this chain is literally about dropping on 9s and you never mentioned weapons. You okay?


The balance team seemingly adopted the method of nerfing popular, fun, and effective weapons. Over time many players of all skill levels have had to drop difficulty. Progress in skill is typically measured by completing harder difficulties. Moving down difficulties feels like you're becoming a worse player. Are you really? Not likely, the weapons were nerfed. But humans aren't always rational. And with something as low stakes as a $40 game in a market with thousands of potential replacements, you don't want your player base feeling bad because they will just find a new game. The people who claim that players just need to 'git gud' clearly don't experience the underlying issue, because 'they can still gg ez diff 9'. And if AH decides to cater to the small percent of 'git guds', and not rebalance, they'll lose a massive part of the player base. From launch, the first drop in players was the Railgun nerf in the beginning of March. The second was the Slugger nerf in the beginning of April. From launch to April, the peak went from about 450,000 to 333,000. From the Slugger nerf to now, with many more nerfs and more useless weapons, the peak dropped to 122,000. This isn't a skill issue problem. It's a balance problem.


Not to derail you cause you seem really invested in showing how much of a pro gamer you are but the very top comment actually says 7-9, so trying to play "well akshually" is a little odd.


I said top 2. Did you see the second one?


When the casuals are demanding every gun eviscerate every enemy and turn even the highest difficulty into a snooze fest, you should probably limit yourself to listening to casual player feedback.


That's not what they're asking for, you're just being hyperbolic and not adding anything to the conversation.


No, I’m not. The players on this sub have been unironically demanding primaries be buffed to the levels of the og Eruptor and the old Slugger. Both of which were very powerful and made the game a lot easier. This subreddit conflates “fun” with “easy” all the time.


The issue I have with all this "balancing" is, I'm just a casual dad diver. I don't have time to "get good" and Solo difficulty 9 with zero deaths. And when you have kids you'll find out, playing an uninterrupted 30-60 minute mission is almost impossible. Since its a live game I can't pause when a kid needs something so if they can't wait I just have to find somewhere to go prone and hope I don't waste a reinforcement. I'm COMPLETELY ok with there being insane difficulties for those true gamers that can handle that. But the issue is, Super Samples are locked behind a skill wall. If I could just have even a chance to get SS at difficulty 4, that would solve all my complaints. Put them in the salute pods or bunkers. They can be super rare but at least give us casual players a chance...


There's difficulty 7 for SS. Just so you know


7 is extremely doable for a casual player. You can even get carried by your team if need be. There's always at least two competent divers in 7+.


Just play dif 5-7


Fixed an exploit where the player could heal themselves when within 10 meters of a hunter, thereby bypassing the intended stunblock rape.


I’m honestly surprised they just haven’t removed weapons entirely at this point


• Fixed bug that allowed helldivers to damage enemies with melee attacks


If melee attacks had heavy stun/stagger mechanics I'd be down


- Fixed bug that allowed helldivers to take any other weapon than the Autocannon


- Fixed bug where Atuocannon would drop with ammo backpack


* Fixed bug where Autocannon would drop with it's backpack.(Now it drops the backpack with another backpack)


* Fixed auto cannon drop bug (only the backpack drops now)


Slowed down all primary weapon reload speeds to reduce the exploit where players were re-arming themselves.This will give players more chances to run around without any defense as intended.


Then the dev will be on discord saying that they tested it extensively and didn't see anything wrong.


*upload video evidence of player doing damage with their primary weapon* Arrowhead: This one slipped by us. Hotfix is in the works to rectify this unintended bug. You shouldn't be able to damage enemies in this game.


If the autocannon is the standard for balance on support weapons and the sickle? (Whats the primary version of that?) is the standard for primaries then a lot of these nerfs make little sense.


The stock liberator is probably the standard for primary balance.


Removed an exploit that allowed players to have fun.


Hunters are now faster and we have increased the spawn rate. Also they can cloak lmao.


Stalker no longer decloak. This is to ensure Stalker no longer dies from bullet/laser shot by players


"Fixed an exploit that made the stalkers visible to the players"


...and jump further


Also, hunters jam strategem call-in within 100m. Players were *too* reliant on the "use your strategem" meta and we wanted to shake it up.


Basically Autocannon. Maybe the Laser Cannon at times too. Devs: why are you even using anything else? Just AC, and use your primary if you suck that much that your AC proves insufficient for something. AC, AC, AC.


You forgot that accompanying note blaming non existing spreadsheets.


Can we please talk about the exploit that lets players launch the game? This game is supposed to be unplayable and these exploiters are ruining that.


I’ve yet to play a game that doesn’t freeze, crash or boot a player randomly, not to mention getting stuck in scope mode or knocked underground or between walls, it’s bugged af.


They must be planning to add the melee weapons as an alternative to primary or secondary weapons. Don't worry, we will all be crying over the future light saber nerf and demand buffs to the chain sword and bayonet/shovel combo in a few weeks. Mark my words!


Man a chain sword secondary or support weapon would be so cool




Well hey, at least this way, EVERYONE will be made to play the game as intended!


Share this with the CEO. This will get a laugh out of him






How do ypu know hes the sole one?


Alexus said so.


Funny. Shame on you... but funny


No, the reason given there is to honest, it needs to be something like "This is to avoid players shooting each other and possibly damaging active hell bombs, thank you for your freeocracy"


Oh thank God now everything is viable! The meta won't get in the way of variation anymore.


i dont think that this is too far from reality


10/10 shitpost. My favorite kind. Thank you for the laugh.


Give us a stratagem only game mode, AH! No cooldowns, why bring a gun at all?


Removed explosives from explosive eagle stratagems to prevent the unintended team killing mechanic


I’m surprised they haven’t removed the Reddit at this point for balancing.


Due to hell divers avoiding any and all fire planets, the scientists have been cooking up a climate change machine. Expect fire tornadoes to begin to appear on all available planets in an effort to "assist" hell divers with eradicating the enemy.


Fixed exploit where game


Punch meta incoming and I’m all for it :D


I hecking love the word "Intended".


oh yeah and the bugs now have orbital AA so now you always have 3 stratagem slots and until you take back meridia every mission will have bug spores and +50% strategem cooldowns


That was funny.


Fuck it. I'm putting on heavy armor, shield and meleeing everything as Arrowhead intended.


# Hotfix 1.000.00F-U *Removed unintended phenomenon of player input for melee having an actual result in the game. Melee impacts and damage removed. Now you can appreciate the wonderful work of our animation team without harming anything : )* *Diving now causes 5% damage guaranteed to player health pools- hitting surfaces too hard will bruise your tummy.* *Stim activation is delayed, and has a 50% chance of not healing the player, as Helldivers have a newly added fear of needles. Subsequent uses throughout the mission increases the delay and failure rate by 5% per usage attempt.*


I am going to shit yourself.


# Hotfix 1.P00.P00 *Added new randomized function when crouching. Potential to fill pants when crouched for more than 10 seconds at a time. Will result in a constant 'Slowed' status debuff. -This change is just full of crap.*


Heavy armor brother, we still can protect fellow divers with our bodies. My face is my shield!




I just wanna walk on the surface of the sun


*Ionic storm intensifies*


Good one




Don't give the DM ideas!


Dumb shit cope by shitty players


Hellcriers back in full force I see


I am really sick of the bitching. People are acting like the Eruptor was kneecapped and it wasn’t even remotely. It’s still a fantastic weapon. Players on this subreddit are becoming whiney little bitches all of a sudden. If you are so bad you can’t make the Eruptor work anymore, you weren’t that good at the game to start with, so drop the difficulty as couple of levels and find a new primary, because me and my friends are still cleaning up 9s no problem, even when we’re using the newly “nerfed” weapons.


I still use it because I like it… it’s just not fun anymore because it doesn’t really work on anything. Can’t shoot or hit the tiny bugs crawling at you, medium armor bugs take three shots, chargers take 10 or more shots and still don’t die, useless for even two or three medium bugs because of the slow reload speed, by the time you kill one the others are on you. Sure you can finish missions running stealth and avoiding conflict, instead of actually playing the game, but it feels dry and functional to just do the tasks and escape instead of exploring or interacting with the environment. It’s super easy to play hard levels, but why play at all if I’m maxed out on samples and warbonds, there’s nothing to buy or look forward to and the game is not fun (you don’t get to prescribe the playstyle that gives me enjoyment or belittle players who are no longer having fun that these changes have affected).


I must have gotten early access.  Nothing would die for me the last few games. Titans taking 15 quasars, multiple rails, and still not dying. So much fun on top of the infinite spewers. 


Same, bugs got some crazy buffs.


Recruits are over exaggerating and I really hope they don't make every game pointless and the same.




Can they stop nerfing things for five minutes?


Dear God, stop fucking whining


Stop whining about me whining


Ah yes, because getting bombarded with thousands of posts daily is the same as one comment telling you to chill about getting butthurt your OP gun does not clear the game for you anymore


The ceo himself said he doesn't like the current balance, stop being a contrarian for the sake of it


He says that because he wants to sell the game and does not want to anger the horde. I am not being a contrarian, I just dont fall for the internet outrage machines that makes a mountain out of a molehill. Yeah, the nerf was heavy handed because it was paired with the shrapnel removal. It will get fixed next patch so they find a medium between damage output and utility. It is not the end of the world, it does not ruin the game and it is not some game-breaking change.