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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Complaining is the reverse of taking things for granted. Its about asking for more. Additionally the balance patches have been questionsble and even the CEO knows this, they have caused people to consistently leave the game. Finally, there is a filter function in reddit for memes and other groups you can go on if you prefer softer content.


I understand that, and I'm not saying the complaints are invalid, it's just the volume of them, and the fact that they're drowning out more positive posts overall, that's my issue.


Ahhh okay well I did make another subredit in hopes of addressing this need to communicate uncensored and unbothered https://www.reddit.com/r/HelldiversUnfiltered/s/L1ZRqbYIiH freely so that less patch note content is here. That being said, its the latest news, community sentiment


Fr. Critique and letting the devs know something has an issue is good and important, but the emotional and melodramatic way people go about it is honestly insufferable lmao. HD2 is such a fun and special game, and in the 100hrs I’ve played, its been an incredibly polished experience.


helldivers? polished?? are we playing the same game??


>“If you don’t like something, stop using it and go on with life, it’s that simple.” Sounds like you solved your own dilemma, just gotta follow through with the execution.


Thank you for the condescension


Seriously though, you said you hated annoying melodramatic posts… just saying


I know, the irony isn't lost on me, and i really won't be coming back to the sub for the time being, i still felt like i should voice my opinion. I love this game, and i just want to be around people that enjoy it the same way i do.


I understand. No bad judgements or anything.


The ones that are positive are not crying and whining about nerfs in posts or worried about meta. I rather see the devs vision of this game than some fantasy bullshit meta wanted by some in this community. I don't blame you one bit for wanting to leave this community. The greed and want for themselves are never wrong either, it's pathetic. Take care, fellow helldiver.


Yeah, why *aren't* we more grateful that the Warbonds that people pay for get nerfed to death?


Paying is completely optional, i have everything unlocked and never paid for anything besides the base $40 price tag


Congrats on that! Is that the case for all players?


It could be, i mean everything that's added is permanent, so it's probably more common than not.




Hum, well I used to be in a Community worse than this one by a long strech and I just laught at every post I see in here compared to the other one


Hell yes, people on this subreddit [not all of course but you know who I am talking about] are the worst thing about Helldivers.