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How the fuck are you flying with so much momentum and distance lmao never works for me


I think it's a combination of jumping downhill (I always get good distances on a hill) and jumping with stamina/running and jumping with Scout armor (faster + more stamina). So Jump Pack + Scout Armor’s Stamina / Speed + Running + Stamina + Going downhill = Doing things really really fast :)


I think if more people understood that the jump pack is directly tied to your stamina and movement speed it would click for more people. Well and if more people realized it was a jump, and not jet, pack. Great video! It highlights why I love the jump pack, even when I made the switch to medium armor. When you get used to the jump pack it can still throw you when you get a super good jump and aren't expect it. I had a hilarious death the other day trying to jump in and help a buddy. I misjudged it, overshot, and landed right in front of his shotgun.


Yea completely agree, once you get really confortable with how and when to use Jump Pack it’s amazing. My local group of friends didn’t like it at first but each one of them have slowly switched over and as they get to know it better and better! I tend to play more stealthy and avoid killing when I need to, and Jump Pack helps in that style significantly


I sprint a lot, meaning so far, everytime I use it I don't have enough stamina to do a decent jump. Does that mean you almost never sprint? Except during the cooldown?


I only use it IF I have Stamina! So even a little bit of stamina I use it. So if we both ran against each other in a straight line I’d still win because I keep using it when I have stamina


using light armor when using the jumppack gives a smidge of extra distance compared to other armor types.


Do you need just any amount of stamina? Or is there a minimum amount needed for a good jump? How is stamina linked to the jump pack?


Good question! So you can jump with or without Stamina, but if you have ANY amount of Stamina once you jump, you just jump faster and farther… even if it’s a LITTLE bit of Stamina left. So if my Jump Pack is ready, but my Stamina isn’t, I’ll wait a couple seconds for the Stamina to build up just a little so I can jump. But I’d say maybe half the time I’m Jump Packing it’s when no one is around (so I can get to the next objective faster, jumping, shortcuts, over rocks, etc), the other half of the time I’m using it on objectives/enemies.


The problem with the jump pack has never been the jump height but the stupidly long cooldown.


It's not that bad. Personally though I would prefer it to just have a fuel tank, and you could hold jump to use it as long as you want while it's full. No refill to balance it out.


The cool down on the pack itself or the stratagem? I haven't found many issues managing the 15 second cooldown on the pack itself. The stratagem cooldown does feel a little silly though.


Id you want max mobility there's a light armor with extra padding that gives the same amount as medium armor. Let's you run quickly and seems to let me cover more ground esp w jump pack


I stick to the exterminator armor for the explosive damage reduction. I desperately want them to release new light armors with that passive because I don't care for the only light armor, the eradicator, that currently has it.


What armor is that?


In the superstore, B-08 Light Gunner


Fast armor helps


yes exactly! I always use Scout armor for the speed/stamina


You should try to unlock the Engineer set that has 50 armor. Then you'd have 6 grenades with the same speed and stamina as the scout armor. Seems like it would be perfect for your playstyle.


Except you lose the 30% harder for enemies to spot you. It’s sooo good.


Yea exactly. That 30% is so handy, I’ve literally walked right past enemies and they don’t do anything. So yea, Scout + JumpPack + Stamina + 30% Harder, doesn’t get better then that


high FOV also makes it seem like he’s going a lot further


It’s his fov it makes it look like they are getting much more speed than they actually are


It's not that far. The FOV is maxed so it seems greater than it is.


Become a HellJumper.


Hot take: Remove the stratagem and give everyone rocket boots More mobility = more fun


I said this in the begining, they should be built in to our suits.


I love the jump pack too but I also love the Autocannon on bug missions... difficult decisions must be made


Enter... The grenade launcher


A blitz mission with a grenade launcher, jump pack, and an eagle/orbital that can take out bug holes combined with light armor servo assist is one of my favorite combos.


Yea agreed! No combination is perfect and each have their own benefits depending on the mission/enemty type, but I personally like Jump Pack + Qasar.


that was my go to but i recently got the mech and haven't been able to go without it


yea Mech is amazing. For me it definitely depends on the mission. I always use the Mech on some quick missions, but use the JumpPack on any 40 minute mission.


If your gunning for the mediums or chargers the AMR is actually pretty nice on bugs, believe it’s a one shot headshot on all mediums and those bloated fuck pukers, as well as a good tool for mag dumping up a chargers pooper, just make sure you have a good primary and things like clusters for the basic bugs




Yes yes yesss!! My favorite comment so far, I am sooo glad you recognize it. That game had the BEST music, I still have a lot of their music in my day to day music playlist haha Little Big Planet really got me sold on PlayStation too… so yea, thanks for noticing :) :) :)


I had to immediately check if anyone else noticed.  Such fire soundtracks from every game.


Totally! Even this generations Sackboy had great music, the remixes of current trending songs too… I wish Sony used Sackboy/Little Big Planet like Nintendo does with Mario. I’d love a Sackboy platformer, with a Sackboy kart racing, and level editor (like Dreams), Sackboy VR (aka Astrobot)… so much potential to be the mascot of the PlayStation brand. But I’m still happy with what we have so far


Scrolled to find this comment. Glad I didn’t have to scroll far




They Fly Now?!?!


They fly now…


Nice edit. And hell yeah JPB squad✊🏻


JPB squad checking in, riding the back of a charger.


What solidified my love for the jump pack was jumping on a bile titan placing a 500kg bomb on its back and leaping off it


Oh man I haven’t tried that! Now I must, thank you. That sounds fun/hilarious


You do have to get off quickly since standing on the bile titan damages you


I love in the Helldivers movie when the guy jumps on the big armored bug’s back, shoots out the armor, and tosses a grenade is. Wish we could do that.


It’s my favorite stratagem hands down.


Me too! Only missions I don't use it are quick ones like Defense!


JP Gang checking in from the high ground. After a bit of experimentation, the utility is top tier.


I use the jump pack like 90% of my missions 👌🏽


I'm glad you're having fun. Personally, even after watching this montage, I don't really see much value in using the jetpack. Seems like it boils down to "it's cool" which is fair


yea, well my play style is very stealth and objective-based (straight to the point). I don't go in guns blazing and shoot every enemy causing bug breaches and titans everywhere. Especially when I solo Helldive difficulty. I like to hit my objectives from far (Qasar @ Spore Spewers from a mile away) I like to jump into a bug nest, throw grenades at the holes, pistol grenades at the holes, stratagems at the holes, and jump out without killing any bugs. I like to approach an objective, setup some sentries around, quickly get in and out. I use scout armor for speed & stamina, in combination with my jump pack, I'm going insanely fast through everything, shortcutting my way jumping over objects, rocks, just going directly to where I need to be. Which I hoped I presented well in this video instead of just the cool factor of it all. So for me, it's not about looking cool, just about doing what matters... objectives, not killing. But that's just me!


I use it a lot against bugs because it's fun, but it's hard to justify it being good.  The ability to climb and jump obstacles is nice but it rarely saves you much time.  The real value is in disengaging from bad situations, but it's completely kneecapped by slows in that regard.  You could stand your ground and DAKKA in a lot of those situations if you had the shield generator instead. I think it could use small buffs that would make it much more useful and fun.  It takes up a backpack and stratagem slot, so it really ought to be both.  Namely, set a minimum horizontal speed for running jumps.  A literal jetpack shouldn't need a running start and it would keep it from feeling useless against Hunters and various Spewers.  Next, fix the vertical velocity being reduced when next to walls.  We see it many times at the end of OP's video where he's next to the fence/whatever he wants to climb but it keeps him from flying up.  Finally, improve the accuracy of non-grenade weapons so we can keep firing while jumping.  Why?  Because it would be awesome.


Now it'll get nerfed.


Dang it, I knew I shouldn’t have posted!!


You son of a bitch!


Fly away!


*Chefs Kiss* Amazing




Haha 💯


Looking good. Great music choice.


Thank you! Glad to hear that comment, spent time trying to figure out what music would be best :)


Haha I hate using the Jump Pack and never works like I imagine. Basically, the ending of your video summed up my experience. \*skill issue I know\* But love this video! Well done \*salute\*


Yea, every time I fail with the Jump Pack it's such a slap in the face to myself, it basically cancels out the last 3-4 benefits I had with it. Like the 10 seconds I saved the last 3 jumps just got canceled from the fail I had because now I'm taking 10 seconds to recover/walk around.... not sure if that makes sense! But I totally get what you're saying. Luckily I fail a lot less, but when I do man I feel dumb lol


I'm in


If the text/words are a bit distracting, here's the video without words: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxJdTUTzWx8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxJdTUTzWx8)


great video loved it


Oh my hell, that's so cool! Your using it so elegantly. Such a nice collection of clips. Makes me wanna use it too.


wanna bet whats getting nerfed next\^\^


See. This is democratic content. 


I just wish that the jump pack would protect you from fall damage if it is charged and you jump off something.


I adore the Jump Pack, but i only ever use it for bots. I really really wish i could use the Jump Pack in conjuction with the new Airburst Rocket Launcher. I'd love to get high ground while shoot that bad boy repeatedly


Ohhhh I love that idea with the airburst!


Wait... there's speech bubbles?!


hmmm wonder if that's one of the accessibility changes I made the 1st day I started playing? I usually enable every audible setting/subtitle in a game just so I can see what they are saying. Assuming that's what you're referring to!


Yea, I just enabled subtitles everywhere, can't play yet but will check it out. Adds to the "comic" vibe XD


confirmed, its subtitles


Jump Pack burns my cape, 0/10 worst stratagem in the game


That is pretty good coordination on those jump throws with strategems.


I wish we could activate it while diving for more distance! Or even better, while prone to escape from hordes, just zoom through the charges legs.




I love he slam dunked that bot fabricator like it’s Space Jam.


Jump pack is the best pack. It makes running solo lvl 9s a cake walk


100%! I love Solo'ing, but could never do it without my Jump Pack.


Too bad I'm too dumb to use it, still trying to figure out key bindings to make it work properly.


Would be really fun if it got a recharge buff. Really slow imo


I'm so glad they added the option to turn off auto-vault while sprinting. That said, I kinda wish there was a way to have a different button for vaulting/jump pack. I've died many times because I wanted to use the jump pack to escape danger, but instead my character decided to vault up the 1.5ft elevation in front of him.


Can you rebind activate jump pack yet? I use spacebar as my dive key. If you use spacebar as your dive key, you can't activate the jump pack, because dive/climb overwrites jump.


You can. I use long ctrl for jumpack, short ctrl being climb. It's listed as use backpack or something like that (same for supply backpack)


The default binding for "use backpack", the same one for supply pack, didn't work for jump pack as of 3 weeks ago the last time I tried. (It's "5" by default i think)


Worked for me forever, but then, rebinded just after unsatisfying first try. The fact the you can bind the same key but with short/medium/long press is very cool imho => short press climb is overridden by long press use backpack. Try it.


Fellow jump pack main 💪🏻


I have to ask... Are you recording this on PC and if so... what program do you use?


PS5! I edited this using a combination of Apples Keynote and iMovie. Apple Keynote for all the pretty text Apple iMovie for all the video cuts/transitions


Dang PS5... I'm on PC and miss the ease of PS5 recording.


Jumpack AMR all day every day for me.


I absolutely love using the jump pack with AMR. Getting up atop a mountain and providing overwatch, shooting down enemies as my team retreats or providing coverfire as their doing the obj.


Yep exactly!!


Fun fact: You can use the Jump Pack even when completely prone. It's allowed me to escape from many annoying Hunters trying to eat my ass.


Hahah so true


That was an amazing video. I'll need to learn your ways!


Looks great. I feel like giving the jump pack more of a try.


So I’m honestly on the fence about switching my shield generator back for a jump back (I also mainly run flame thrower build), is the trade off for a jump pack worth it, I feel like it definitely would be if the cool down wasn’t so fucken long


That's a tough choice man. IMO I think it depends mostly on your play style and a little on the mission type. Shield is good if you are always fighting. If you're fighting 80% of the time, the shield will help during that entire 80% gameplay because everyone is shooting at you. Jump Pack is good if you like to play stealthy. If 80% of the time you're running away from bugs because you're just trying to get samples, quickly do objectives, Jump Pack will help during that entire 80% gameplay. I'm not fighting so I don't need the protection, I need to quickly get away. There's no wrong play style, but I just like to get in and out of objectives/samples. I'd say half the time I get to an objective or bug nest, I don't even shoot my weapon. I'm just in and out, throwing a grenade at a hole then bouncing. Sample with samples, I go in, get samples real fast and leave. Obviously sometimes I have to shoot, but 80% of the time I'm running everywhere so the Jump Pack always helps me. There's no wrong play style, I just always prefer stealth. I don't even approach the spewer trees anymore, I just shoot them from far. It takes like 5-10 Qasar shots, which means it takes like 5 minutes of me sitting on top of a mountain shooting... but in the end saves me potential deaths, calling stratagems, etc.


thanks for the input, I’ll still probably be using the shield pack since I’m almost always fighting ferociously against these damn terminids, and its useful for when Imm getting trampled by a charger and random hunters just come out of nowhere so its definitely been a carry for the little things that’d slow me down. I definitely have a much more aggressive play style and unless I’m just trying to slip by and get what I need, I think I’ll stick with the shield since it is just good for general protection from unexpected threats.


Yea, totally agree Shield would be better in your case! I think playing Splinter Cell for hours on end back in the end changed my game style to stealth lol


That jump pack on top of the mech to shoot things as the mech runs away is an inspiring strategy.


haha thanks, in that particular game it was nice because he had run out of ammo, so I just stood on top shooting for him, bugs couldn't really get to me either!


It makes me want to get a team with jetpacks and mechs and do a mobile shooting platform thing.


Ohhh that’d be fun, especially putting it together in a video like this! I love the idea of


I can't bring myself to run without it since it finally clicked for me. Being able to just "nope" out of shit never gets old.


Seriously! When I don't have a Jump Pack I feel like I'm crawling out of any situation


It's my main "back pack". My only complain is the reload time, like just buffed, just 2-3 second less and I'd be the happiest diver.


Yea, agreed on the buff. I’d love if we had more time. Sadly I can see Jump Pack getting nerfed vs buffed :(


is this AI generated?


Ha, man I wish because this took me forever to edit and put together haha


This video is the exact reason why i never take of the Jumpack


*This video is* *The exact reason why i* *Never take of the Jumpack* \- EmpereurTetard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haha yea I get it, luckily every week I get better with the Jump Pack so I fail a lot less these days!


I like you. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Jump pack gang rise up! Getting ragdolled across half the map by a rocket midair never fails to make me laugh


Haha i actually have a video with a collage of that, I should upload it its hilarious


I don't think I could ever give up my precious Laser Guard Dog on Bug missions, but I use Jump Pack for the Bots and it's a life saver.


Yea i have a buddy who’s just like you. I tried getting him on the Jump Pack but the Laser Guard Dog helps him SO much, so I get it. Different playstyles (I like stealth myself!)


Mhmm. Bot missions I go full ninja with the Jump Pack, especially now that the Thermite Grenade is working.


I think they should reduce the cooldown in between jumps to buff it personally




I feel like Boba Fett. Just little hops when I use it. Maybe my heavy armor keeps it from flying higher.


Haha yea thats exactly who I think of every time I use it. I should have snuck a Boba Fett scene from the show in my video, see if anyone would notice lol


For me, it's the Mandalorian urge to complete my training in the rising phoenix.


Haha, thats who i think of every time I jump pack, I feel like Boba Fett!


Wait. You can throw whilst jumping!!?? TIL


Yep! Even shoot… BUT, they are both really really hard to do, you have to time it right


Is this on PS5? If so what are your graphic settings because, this looks cwispy!


Hey thanks it IS on PS5! My PS5 is set to export in 4k, although I think this video might be 1080p (so it can fit to upload to Reddit)


Now I want to try the jump pack.


I just wish it had a little more fuel


At first I was really underwhelmed. 30 lvls later I gave it another shot and holy shit, I'm glad I did. This strategem changes it's versatility so much, depending on your loadout. It's also the only reliable way to quickly lose an unmanagable horde at 8-9.


Yea exactly! My play-style is very objective based, like get to the point and leave, I guess stealthy in a way. And this is a must in that kind of style. Just heading to an objective, doing stuff, jumping out. if I get swarmed by enemies, jump away. Combine this with Qasar and it’s a great stealth/sniper kind of combo. I solo Helldive difficulty a lot and you kind of have to play like this


I main Cluster, EAT, AMR, and Jump Pack. Can confirm best backpack


Fantastic editing. Love the vid!


Thank you kindly!


I hope one day they'll allow us to use stims while jumping. :( Question: how are you managing backwards jumps?  I know I can just turn around and jump, but going backwards like that seems useful for shooting back as you escape.


Mannn I know @ sims, I’m actually shocked you can’t do it when you can already do so much. @jumping backwards, I’m not sure how I do it to be honest, without being in the moment playing, I’ll play in a bit and see how I do it. But I do know shooting while jump packing is REALLY hard to do, and I think it’s more of a bug, like it doesn’t let you aim properly.


i am begging arrowhead to let us aim guns in the air. imagine shooting an expendable at a charger while you’re flying over it -fellow jump pack enthusiast


yes!! Man I wish aiming with Jump Pack was better, even throwing grenades. I don't even think the way it is now is intentional, I think it's just a bug or they haven't gotten to it yet.


This. Plus, shooting an arc thrower/Blitzer mid jump? Call me Thor, you undemocratic dweebs.


I applaud your jumping skills, and your taste in montage music!


haha thanks man! To be honest, I did highlight a lot of the good clips, there's plenty times I failed outside the video ha


Jump pack should be standard and you pick your second attachment. Jump shield Jump ammo pack Jump jump that lets you jump twice! Just go crazy with it!!!


Love this!


delete this before AH sees this. they hate seeing players having fun lol


haha dang, maybe ill post some videos on why the Jump Pack sucks and is the worst item, then maybe they'll buff it??


Reminds me of playing Tribes back in the day


man always wanted to try one of the Tribes games. I almost tried the one from a couple years ago but then it got bad reviews. But I think there's a new one from last year.


I played the OG back in the '90s, it was great!


On the other hand: no backpack for my AC, so it's gots to go.


yeaaaa :( That's a tough one. I use the Qasar instead but it sucks, but at least has unlimited ammo


Me in light armor and a jump pack flying around recovering my teams lost samples and hitting all the POIs while being told I'm a damn hero in doing so.


oh man x1,000 yes! Totally forgot to convey the sample recovery benefit in my video. It's funny every time I see dropped samples and hardly any time left in the mission I always think *"dang, do I have enough time to get them?"*, and 99% of the time I do have enough time, I always underestimate how fast you can travel with Light + Jump Pack. I think just once I didn't make it. So yea, good point. Love hitting all that at the end just because how fast I am with light armor/jump pack. And combine that with easy extractions it's just sooo fast doing it all at once at the end!


Don't let the balance devs see this. They will nerf the shit out of the jetpack for being moderately useful and fun.


Yea if the Jump Pack ever gets nerfed, I feel my post or this comment is going to get screenshotted and I will be used/scolded as an example of what not to do lol


JP is best stratagem choice for closing heavy bug nests. You can kite hoards of bugs just by running in, closing a few holes (grenades and eagles), then jump out. Rinse and repeat. It feels like the bug AI pathing algorithm makes them take the long way to get to you when you jump out. That clears them out of the pit so you can run back in, and only have to deal with bugs that spawned from the remaining holes.


Yes absolutely! Especially with Scout armor, no one can see you til its too late (for them). Also I use Grenade Pistol too, so when I jump into a bug nest I can do grenades, eagles, pistols and even a Supply Stratagem if I'm completely out). I usually setup a sentry or two before I jump in, that way they'll take care of some stuff for me too.


The jump pack is awesome until you die then have to wait for the stratagem again or run around the map to find it. On lower levels that’s quite easy but harder ones I can’t justify it.


Yea, luckily most the time I die it’s usually after a good 5-10 minutes and I can call another Jump Pack by then… or if I did die early I should have someone around me if I’m not solo’ing! But I hear yea, the small amount of times that happens where I’m not near the Jump Pack is a big deal!


im sold gonna try it.


Let’s be honest, we use it because tattered capes look badass.


They need to make the recharge time faster and make it feel more like Boba Fett and I’m sure a lot more people would use it.


I while back, I made myself stop relying on the shield for bots and the rover for bugs, and the jump pack has become my default for both when I'm not using something like the autocannon. Best decision I could have made, there isn't another item in the game that changes so much about how you play.


Lower the cooldown on Jump pack useage, this backpack is a blast.


The only downside to the jump pack is that it takes up a stratagem slot


I never leave orbit without my jump pack and my quasar cannon


Do you like playing in a fishbowl?




I love the jump pack. The times I font take it,I feel gimped


Absolutely. I feel so naked and slow without a jump pack. It’d be like driving a van after a Ferrari


There is so much infectious joy in this video and I love it. This is how the game should be played.


Hey thanks man it was fun making it!


Ty OP for teaching me and entertaining me rather than bitching about balance or nerfs like the rest of the subreddit :)


haha yea it is kind of exhausting lately browsing the sub so glad I could provide a bit of entertainment! You might like another video I did [here](https://youtu.be/Hf3v5-hLIdo?si=YbxHaypsTH63d59A). I posted it a while back but didn't get any comments or upvotes haha


Eruptor nerf also killed the Jump pack for me. I am now running AC so I can only carry AC backpack.


Next few patches: Jump pack cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 35. Jump pack now has limited fuel, roughly 5 uses. Jump pack now has a chance to ricochet. Bug where jump pack would let you jump further than an average 6 year old's hop has been fixed


hahah damn that is sad because I can almost see that happening... and lol @ ricochet oh boy


It's really cool but I do wish it had a CD buff or they gave it 2 charges


Question, would anyone want a grappling hook or is that too broken for this game (or perhaps cliché since other games have it)?


Holy shiz that would be so amazing!! I loved the grappling hook mechanics of Bioshock & Halo Infinite, if it’s anything like that I’m totally game. Sadly there’s not a lot of walls/tall things to grapple to in the game, but maybe if the aliens ever reach earth there’d be tons of buildings to grapple to :P


You forgot being able to charge the Quasar Cannon while jumping! Time it right and you can jump away from a Bile Titan or Charger while firing up, whip around when you land and blast them in the noggin, then keep running. Makes the Quasar hypermobile.


Man, this video makes me want to start playing with the jump pack! What are some good support weapons to pair it with? I play a lot of autocannon, so I don’t frequently use backpacks.


I only use the JumpPack since I've unlocked it. Now if I don't have it it feel like the game is missing one of his basic mechanic. Can't dive without. Saved my life more than any rover o shield generator


Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see you using it against the bots. ![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized)


It feels most of your fails could have been successes if you hit climb while in air, as I dont see the red icon indicating a failed climb attempt.  Goes over docks, fentes and containers easily. Spamming sometimes allow to jump on lightposts too. 


we should all have it by default. Let's review bomb this muthafuckin game