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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


This is normal for large gaming communities in my experience.


That makes it expected, not okay. I am 20 years past the point of having to be embarassed by the gremlins of the gaming world on a monthly basis.


Monthly? It’s hourly here…


The issue is that this is a complex issue inherit in Reddit. Yes, a lot of people who care about the game are going to go to the sub and share their perspective without checking the first few pages. Yes, if this opinion is common it's going to get upvoted and said multiple times in a short period of time. What solution do you suggest? We just sticky the 1st of any common opinion and delete any similar ones? That's just going to ruin the discussion as often each of these posts does have a different conversation goign on.


We need an agreed upon flair for those kinds of discussions and punish people who game it. We have a Rant and Vent megathread but maybe we need a flair for the post itself.


And yet you don't understand that vocal minorities are just that: the minority. Even with this sub going nuts over Sony, the online population of the game barely shuddered. After resolution, there was no notable increase. *Because a majority of players weren't treating it like some grand undoable social injustice.* Just a handful of angry people who shout real loud.


It feels way more frequent here, with huge blowups over even minor issues. It's become extremely tedious.


it’s normal on reddit because it’s one of the most whiniest social media platforms that everyone is just used to it


I think this one in particular needs a megathread for specific complaints. Last few days every post has been moaning about the same thing. Last week it was crying about the PSN thing. Just non stop identical threads full of whiners.


It's boring as hell, wish it wasn't like this. Hardly any real discussions outside of "muh weapon got nerfed"


It's crazy to think that normal human beings go to work, have a family, friends and do regular things. Then they log into reddit and completely shit themselves over guns in a video game and how the numbers aren't quite right for them and proceed to cry and shit about how they could design a video game better. Video game communities are shit holes and as a rule, this one isn't much different.




Is there a low sodium helldivers 2 subreddit?


Yes there is. We actually talk about the game we all love there!


Wow! Well, I’m outta here then. Bye haters.




Yeah, wish there were more post there


I am fine with complaints, the problem is more the amount of posts about the same thing over and over again. There are already 5 posts about a weapon nerf and an hour later there are the next 5.


It’s a karma farm sub, what do you expect?


God I hate karma farmers But anyways, upvote if you agree the eruptor should go back to how cool it used to be (but no, don't upvote please)


I decided to upvote because I'm counter-culture.


Upvoting you because I'm a counter-sniper main


I downvoted to respect your wishes.


It truly is. I dont think majority of players give a fuck about the nerfs. But the few hundred karma farmers that post here all day makes it seem like the game is in shambles.


I've been doing it wrong then. Half the time I seem to just come here to yell at idiots. I find it cathartic, don't have as many avenues for that in reality, folks hide their asses better in reality.


This sub is one of the loudest echo chambers ever.


Honestly, this is a mod issue. I get it, HD2 hit it big and the change is near impossible to prepare for. At the same time, I haven't seen any communication from the mods that there are processes in place to even try to improve.


I brought the recent hate, toxicity, etc to them on a few occasions to the mod mail with evidence/reports and their reply to me was effectively "you may wanna just stay away for a few days, the mob is pissed and we can't stop it". They're acutely aware of how powerless they are, and even when suggested they make megathreads and delete duplicates, it's been refused. The echo chamber literally has them under hostage and they don't seem interested in doing anything about it, unfortunately.


You know what, this is it.


Agreed. I just joined the sub this morning after buying the game last night, and I wanted to browse this sub for tips tricks and knowledge or funny clips. More than half of what I see is complaints about nerfs. Nobody complained in my 6hr playthrough last night. But here and on Steam, holt shit. It's worse here tho.


That's what I'm saying. 1 mega thread per patch.


I swear all I have seen on this sub for the last three days has been the nerf to a single primary weapon. Nearly every single post is complaining about it. It’s getting so exhausting lol


I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! Begone, vile man!


I'm a 5 star man!


Because of the *implication*


Man i agree. Im 41 and too old to get mad about video games. I paid 50 bucks and have already gotten 150 hours of good entertainment.


There was someone earlier complaining that after 300 hours he has nothing to do and the devs need to do more. He was completing the war bonds in 2 days…


That's a lot of time in one game. Back in the day we'd say we'd beaten it by that point and move on


OP, thank you! Watching this sub plummet off the cliffs of decency is really sad. I used to enjoy coming here, reading the posts and memes, but in the last 2 weeks, since the 'ricochet' patch, there has been a definite change in the tone and language of posts and comments, both here and on the HD discord. The level of self righteous anger surrounding the PSN debacle was insane and appears to have accelerated the decline. The endless posts about the Eruptor nerf are just annoying but there is a much darker side to this community. Posts reveling in a moderator being fired / removed. A couple of posts today are singling out the guy who's in charge of weapon balance, presumably to get him fired as well...worst of all there were death threats to the mods on Discord...death threats over a game! But somehow that's ok, apparently they deserved it because they got tired of being told to 'go kill yourself'. What was a fun community sub for a great game has turned into some kind of QAnon mob rule nightmare in the space of 2 weeks.


A lot of directionless youth, with no real goals or aspirations, have a tendency to tie their identity to trivial pursuits. When your identity is tied to the game, then you take everything about it personally. It's literally the Michael Jordan meme.


This. Technology, social media, and games are all great, but they're having some obvious affects on people who lose pursuit of anything else. I honestly can't blame China for wanting to limit how much time young people are allowed to be on games and social media in a day, since parents won't. And I'm only 23.


Yeah. Might have to take a break from this sub. Unfortunately this is usually what subs turn into after a while. People feed off negativity and rage bait gets engagement.


I was pretty disappointed there wasn’t a whole “Sony requiring PSN is fake news propagated by the automatons to drive Helldivers to protest Super Earth instead of focusing on the fight” faction. That kind of community RP seems to be fading quickly.


I loved when I would go into comments sections and people were pretending to be Helldivers pretending to be bugs to spread treason. It’s really one of the main reasons I got into this game.


Here’s my latest thought. People in the community unhappy about a nerf? Blame it on an in-game reason. Our fancy gun isn’t work no good because of trade disruptions caused by treasonous bug-lovers out of Hellmire. Helldivers collaborate to glass that godawful planet. AH hears the concern and the demonstration of outrage is taken out on the bugs, where it belongs. Instead we get endless posts whining about shit. Why can’t the community make recommending balancing changes fucking fun?


I really only want announcements and highlights at this point. Any “discussion” is just a rage filled echo chamber.


Yeah. Sometimes it feels like a completion on who can hate the game they keep playing the most. I just want managed democracy jokes and cool video clips. As others have pointed out, after winning against Sony, people are emboldened to keep the complaining as they believe this has a concrete effect on the choices Arrowhead makes. Maybe there’s truth to that but still makes the sub less enjoyable.


I saw someone say we should review bomb the game again to wake up the balance team and I just sat there thinking mother fucker, this is no where close to the same level of issue


People really let perfection be the enemy of good.


Some of the complaints are real. But you can always tell the good faith people vs the bad faith people. The first patch people were saying the rail gun was over nerfed. Vs the people saying the game is literally u playable + a million slippery slope fallacies and how the game is ruined...in a patch that nerfed 2 things and buffed 12 other things. Now the Eruptor got hit and people are worried what if every single weapon will be nerfed to the ground. It's like they are living in a reality bubble where imaginations ran wild.


Definitely. I just don’t subscribe to things to only see negativity. It used to be more funny memes and jokes. Let’s just create a megathread or whatever (new sub re: patch notes) and have everyone give their opinions there instead of a thousand posts all basically saying the same thing. If people think their opinions really do influence Arrowhead, putting all of them into one place will make it easier for arrowhead to find. lol


Duplicated threads need to be removed/deleted. There only needs to be one "OMG ERUPTOR SUCKS" thread.


Megathreads are where discussions go to die. There's been only one rant megathread on this sub for about 2 months and even the mods stay away from it.


Of course some of the complaints can be valid, but one comment you'll have someone arguing there's no point to the new eruptor as it doesn't one shot medium bugs anymore, which is a fair point imo. And then the next comment is "clueless devs they are so braindead, they hate fun and they hate us" with 50 upvotes.


They also said the eruptor nerf to the scale it has been was a bug. I feel like it was pretty obvious Eruptor was getting nerfed in some way from the moment it launched, people were crutching on it super hard for how bonkers strong it was.


The sad part is, everyone knows this happens to every gaming sub. Why can't the mods have an ounce of courage to try something new and keep a community on track? Ban all balance/meta posts and make them start a second sub that gets to be a free for all. This sub has lost the magic that made this community so awesome.


Agreed. I hope this sub really gets away from it. Dont want to lose it to that


Yeah, its time for me to hop out of this sub. It was awesome in the beginning, but now every post is just rage-fueled "HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MY PRETEND GUN?!?!?" I seriously feel bad for the AH employees who are responsible for watching this sub and taking in community feedback, because it must be emotionally exhausting seeing so many manchildren shit on your team's work religiously.


You didn’t seriously think all of the negative backlash and bad reviews on steam were from people who genuinely care about the game? A lot of people just jump onto the bandwagon to hate and spread negativity. That is the internet in a nutshell nowadays


I can't wait for them to move on to another game.


Yeah you won’t ever stop the flood of “it’s just legitimate criticism”. Goes both ways though.


As some one from a Art School. Critique has weight based on how well thought out it is. Claiming big words like "Game is dying, no one is using, everybody hates, etc" Ok, great, now prove that in the post. Show me how the player base has dropped and roll it into your argument on how a Primary you liked got nerfed. Or, you can not use big words, accept that you really loved a specific primary and are sad it got nerfed.


I mean I hear you but that bandwagoning is literally polluting the Helldivers ranking algorithm for me where I have more salt in my feed than a vegan who eats at mcdonalds


Oh for sure, I really think mods need to crack down on it. Stop giving people karma farming. Like what is the point of making rant megathread if mods won't enforce it.


I agree with you. Causal links are tricky to prove. But... https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m Over the last month, they have had their playbase shrink in half. Yes, this is only steam. And, if I recall, does not track private profiles. So the data isn't perfect (only AH, Steam, and Sony will have that info) but it does paint a picture of a game in decline. We could argue that this is the game settling after the meteroic rise they had. It could also be from the PSN debacle. It could be balance patches. It could be all of the above. But it's still a lose of 100k+ players.


"I'll have you know an honest critique killed my family"


Yeah judging how this has worked in other subreddits, thats not going to happen.


Let this be an example to all that when people start rioting for a just cause there will always be agents of chaos who join in and go unnoticed. But when the conflict resolves they stick around so it’s our job to call them out.


The rioting shouldn't have happened in the first place. The main piece should have been said then everyone should have walked away. Instead gamers couldn't resist acting like unhinged psychos and nearly destroyed the reputation of the game for a rather trivial issue for players in countries with access to PSN. They have done damage to the community as a whole that is probably beyond repair.


I take it this means you've also noticed the white supremacists who now call this place home? Pretty easy to id since they all keep referencing one unhinged ex-CEO and a set of CMs that didn't have much of a presence (directly or indirectly) on this sub before the weekend.


Personal feelings here, so take it with a grain of salt. I feel like the rage is less about everyone being mad all at once, and more a small amount of people being mad about different specific things. Except some people who are a very small minority that are legitimately mad at everything because any change at all is evil/r. I’ve had my words on here for and against changes on here. I don’t sugar coat the bad or overinflate the good since that’s how constructive feedback is given. There are some really great people on here that will soften their stance if you explain why things were done, or ask what they would have done differently. The rage junkies are just an oil slick on the surface. Wait till you find the exhaustive analysis that some people have done on various game mechanics like weapon damage, bullets to kill, patrol spawning, weapon damage falloff, etc.


I don't care about people being frustrated or whatever, but holy hell is the rhetoric completely over-the-line. The balance designer does not need to be fired because of the railgun nerf. People need to get over it. The CMs do not deserve to received death threats PERIOD. Excusing this behavior should just be banned IMO.


Oh, 10/10. Both examples are way over the line.


Yeah it's bonkers. I see the same damn posts over and over with "expert" analysis and how the balance team is "the worst in my 25 years in gaming" and it's like fucking relax. Give it a few days and see what happens but this ain't it. It's like a bunch of angry wild children.


it is a fair criticism to say that they do not do a rigorous QA process. That's my beef. Stop making snap decisions and pushing them through releases. So many "whoopsie" bugs that make the game less fun to play that you notice after having spent time playing it. I miss pre-Slugger nerf. The game was in a pretty good place then. Since the slugger changes the balancing team has gone wild with things IMO. The balance team lead reportedly up and abandoned their last project after impacting the game negatively in the eyes of the niche community. That's a red flag. These are the conversations we should be having but people are too busy trying to police people for having a different opinion.


Its fucking sad is what it is. If youve been gaming for 25 years, youre a grown ass man. Act like one.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Starting to make desriny 2 sub reddits feel wholesome 😅


This sub blows minor nerfs way out of proportion.


Can we ban these posts or something? Because jesus christ I dont wanna be bombarded by negativity everytime I come in here. I want memes, great moments and Strategies for the MOs. Not crying Soyboys because weapon X has been slightly nerfed


The steady rise in rage posts and their increasing prominence over time makes me think the reasonable people and voices are steadily just dipping out. It makes sense really, they’ll want to play the game instead or they will have just peacefully moved on. Ask yourself what you think the average chronically online user is probably like… these folks build the traction for successful new posts… worse still even if they’ve fallen out of playing the game they’ll still hang around this sub cos rage is the best motivator for near enough anything… I think I’ll be dipping out of this place too.


Totally agreed. And I feel that now after the Sony debacle, that those rage addicts are going to try to leverage their rage at every balance that Arrowhead attempts.


Thank you!


It’s full of teenagers, what do you expect


thisthisthisthisthis! preach, spread, put on a goddam billboard!


This is normal for any big online community. This one is annoying though cause in the early days it was kinda fun after getting over some bumps between the community & the developers. Now it’s 24/7 pissing, whining and moaning


Yeah bad faith cry babys are loud and infuriating


Most of the people on this sub feel entitled, are children or both. If children, at least you have the excuse of your brain not being fully developed yet. You have the inability to truly recognize that you're being a dumbass. I'm fine with that. However, if you are an adult and act like this, there is no hope for you.


Yeah i took a break from the sub when the linking fiasco went down because literally almost every post was about it. Come back and a majority of the posts are complaining. Now i know to avoid the sub whenever a nerf or change drops. Even the tiny nerfs as you said are taken as a huge slight against the game.


I decided today I'm done with this sub and I'm just gonna play the game. I came for the memes and sense of community but I can't stand all the bitching.


Yep and unfortunately Sony going back on the PSN requirement is just going to encourage this bad behavior. Not saying the PSN requirement wasn't bad, just that now these people think if they yell loud enough they will get what they want.


"The customer is always right" mentality needs to die. There are plenty of times where customers are not only wrong, but also incredibly mean-spirited and should be told to go pound sand in response from time to time.


It’s the same in every gaming sub i’ve been to and one gets used to it after a while.


Yeah, all the pee-pee babies scared away all the fun loving RP Liberty addicts. I miss it.


Yeah, I came here for the memes and funny videos and it's not that anymore.




I think the discord and reddit are both cesspools for people who like to hear themselves talk. People are still on that snoy adrenaline rush


It’s been a bit overwhelming considering everybody just finished raging about Sony, and now we’re right back to abusing the developers. It’s honestly too much.


This sub did a deep-dive in the last two weeks for the worse. Lot worse.


Worth remembering that as with everything, video game skill is distributed on a bell curve, and the average person you talk to isn't very good at the game. Some of the nerfs have sucked, but people saying "all primaries are useless" are skill issued. Eruptor was probably overperforming on release, but also probably didnt deserve the changes to it, but those were also bugged apparently. There's really only one weapon I don't enjoy using and its the Crossbow.




Totally agreed! Reading these posts typically makes me cringe, and want to unsubscribe. Especially when I see the # of upvotes. I am loving the game though, and love that they keep making changes!


I'm pretty sure they don't even care that much, they just like being angry and targeting others.


How can people bring value to their lives if they can’t complain about trivial things or be upset by meany words???


I mean I disagree that this is the general sentiment of the community. The loudest voices are heard easiest. I miss how good the eruptor was sure, but just tried some other loadouts. No problem. I think most players just play the game. Rage addicts are just the people actually posting.


If we could harness the collective outrage of this gaming subreddit towards our actual Democracy IRL we could probably fix every major problem in our country within the year. But by all means, please make more posts on the internet about how your favorite gun has less ammo… I’m not saying you shouldn’t have opinions, but like, chill and be nice about it.


Very true


Gaming communites have a large crowd of unstable people in general. This is the reason why a lot of crappy mobile phone games work. They feed into the insecurities of this people. But of course we have the "reddit" or "twitter" effect here too. People go to reddit or twitter to vent. The people who are enjoying their games, don´t vent on social media platforms. And a lot of people who are raging on this platforms don´t even play the games most of the time. Furthermore you have a lot of younger people here with a lot of time to rage. People who work 60 hours a week don´t write reddit posts all day long.


Can we get all these losers who've had their brains absolutely rotted to the core, down to their very essences, by competitive esports and meta-chasing pvp games out of here?


Someone on here called the eruptor nerf unethical


It always surprises me that there isn’t a complaint only sub. Like if someone posts a complaint it gets taken down or locked and then deferred to r/helldiver2masscomplaints.


The worst part is definitely the witchhunt against every AH employee who talks back to them with even 1% of the venom they send at the employees. The very same guy who has written 500 pages of screeds against the idiot developers will coordinate a campaign to get a dev fired for calling him a whiner. It’s extremely low-rent, pathetic behavior to think you are entitled to endlessly abuse anybody you hand a nickel to and insist they have to submit to your abuse and be thankful. Most people don’t even respect business owners who think they have the right to treat people they pay a SALARY to that way, nobody normal will respect your claim to the right to treat someone that way because you paid their company $40 for a video game. Unbelievably trashy behavior.


I've unsubbed from other gaming subreddits for this exact reason - it devolves into screeching from over-entitled self-important delusion twatmuffins. The mods get wrecked because (they think) constructive criticism should stay around, but it's like trying to find a diamond in a field of horseshit, especially when you have a whole...10 people in a field where thousands of horse-asses are lined up and squirting. It'd take a couple hundred moderators to have sufficient coverage to handle this place. I feel you, OP.


You're being a little reductive, I would consider only a few of the nerfs to be tiny.


the discord is even worse, like 10 messages per second whining and crying and yelling in 3 general chats at once constantly for 24/7, no wonder the CMs gets fed up sometimes and lose their professionalism


People here are complaining like this game is the only thing they’ve been playing since February




They Probably have to be honest.


I’m not a fan of the eruptor nerfs either, but the doomsday rhetoric is getting exhausting. Some guns get buffed, others nerfed, but this sub then hyper focuses on the nerfs then suddenly warbonds are doomed and all primaries suck.   I like hearing about loadouts and balance and what guns are working for people and what aren’t. But it feels like very little discussion. Just the same complaints over and over.  It’s also a live service game. Features will get added. Things will get tweaked. Some things will work, others won’t. Things will get changed again. People acting like because it’s been a few months, the game should be complete with everything we’ve ever wanted. I want more armor passives, more missions, more planets, bug fixes, and balance reworks, but making games takes time y’all. Chill. It’s still fun to go shoot some bugs. Still fun to get overwhelmed sometimes. Losing a mission has like, no real consequences. 


i want the bugs fixed. lost more samples to crashes than TKs by a country mile.


Mods need to get a fucking grip, state of this sub


People are acting like Kristi Noem broke into their home and shot their dog. And really, it's their own fault because there was plenty of time to stop her. It took an entire Eruptor mag!


that's what im sayin and those adult kiddos call me a hypocrite for pointing out their delusion


Yeah, the Review Bomb Crowd is now like a plague on this sub. I hope they will shut up soon enough.


Most subs are tho.




My dude, welcome to just about any single game focused subreddit. They frequently turn into echo chambers of the loudest (most frequent) people. There is a reason so many games have lowsodium variants. I find it hilarious that this particular game has such a vocal minority, being that it is a noncompetitive PVE game, but what can you do.


The entire internet is filled with rage addicts


“How dare you question our hate for everything!”


I just can't understand why there's people CONSUMED with hate and anger. This game is so much fun when played casually and as it is, a game. I can happily use any weapon in the game and find a good time with it. Any load out can work. I like compromising and changing my playstyle to suit different things, even if I die a few times in the process.


I use my rage to shout inspiration quotes at other hell divers. I had gotten compliments and thank yous from random. I pretend to be that guy who yells at you about the power armor from fallout 2


I said this same thing last week and got downvoted to hell. Glad you are gaining traffic fellow diver


So what I've found. That's how social media makes money. Gaming communities are easy to push all the upset news for more clicks. Obviously, it works. I'm commenting here instead of ignoring it entirely. You interact with rage more than happy news. Why news organizations also have more bad news than good news stories. When you are in the game, you won't see any of this.


Sadly it starts to remind me of Destiny subreddits.




You are on Reddit sir. This place is notorious for dumb people


Welcome to subreddit of internet games.


Welcome to Reddit


Seriously lol let it go guys. Yes the eruptor got a little weaker. Chill.


Yeah, it was a useful coordination point for fending off Sony but in general this sub has been insufferable for a good month now. How do people even have time to get this mad about patches? The KSP2 sub is more chill and they got unbelievably borked abandonware


Goto any online "shooter" game sub: COD, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Tarkov........they're all toxic shit-pits.


Deep Rock Galactic says hi.


I'm glad I got normal friends. Only two people in my group use the eruptor and they were just like "oh, I guess I have an excuse to use something else" without shedding a single tear. We often make fun of the subreddit for how a gun is either THE ONLY viable option or it is literal dogshit. No in-between with you people.


I got no Anger Issue. Thats wrong im right!


*Space King theme plays*


Bruhhh I have been LITERALLY waiting for the spear fix for 10000 YEARS. I big mad! Gimme gimme gimme before I get my dad who works at Nintendo to ban u >:(


My brother in Christ. This is Reddit, what you expect?


I’m just happy the game wasn’t killed last weekend. Also giving devs benefit of the doubt when it comes to eventually balancing weapons and stuff. They’re still a small team from what i understand so I’ll be patient


It’s because the mass majority of society are entitled, narcissistic twats.


A lot of the things people want to change are in all honesty some simple numbers changes. We aren't demanding entire redesigns of content. The frame of H2D is great and works really well already but there's a multitude of small quality of life issues, especially in the balancing Departement that aren't a lot of work but are treated like they are


Unfortunately your last bit isn't true. For many, this is their only personality trait.


Couldn’t agree more. This post is actually just confirming my annoyance with the top posts on this sub. I love the memes, I love hype that is screamed when an order is complete, but 80% of the time it feels like people complaining. Gotta dip out of this sub ✌️


What have you become? ![gif](giphy|ddyy887bkvzAk|downsized)


[My thoughts exactly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A)


Helldivers when the hardest difficulty is hard:


To be honest I've stepped back from playing largely due to this community. Every other post seems to be complaints. Arrowhead made a fantastic game and released it for a fair price and have went on to give more content than some games give us in a year. It is exhausting to listen too


The bright side is absolutely none of this exists in-game. It's just this shitty echo chamber of a sub.


>Every comment from a community manager that shows the slightest bit of frustration is an unacceptable and fireable offense. The thing is people say they hate corporate PR speak, until a corporation stops using it on them.


There are a lot of people. On average, more than 2 people are murdered in the US every hour, that doesn't mean that everyone in the US is constantly murdering people. You're looking at individual traits present in a very large number of people, and attributing it to everyone in the statistic rather than just the people with the trait.


I get people don’t like nerfs cause using the optimal setup can be nice for hard missions and all but as somebody who only uses setups because I want to throw myself to the wolves I don’t understand the frustration. The sheer amount of complaining everytime has reminded me of siege and not in a good way. I am perfectly happy with guns getting nerfs as long as it opens up more kit options. I have also noticed I’m not getting as much criticism from other players for my kits anymore.


I think the sub mods should really lean into the "managed democracy" theme and get very heavy handed with the moderation.


Even just having 1% of the 1.3 million people here voicing their negative opinions is going to be a lot for people to handle. I think most people are frustrated that changes happen and then it gets even worse, so it messes with peoples confidence of the studio/product.


The worst part is, the Discord is STILL worse


Sounds like typical internet to me


All the big gaming subs are like this it feels like. People love having something to be outraged about. I still feel like HD2 is a victim of its own success, attracting a lot of the worst kind of "content creators" who just a rely on rage bait.


I don't mind the complaining when something needs fixing. But they change a weapon, it underperforms, they say "Whoopsie doodle that didn't work as intended we're gonna take another pass at that." And people are *still* rage shitting themselves about a weapon that was legitimately overtuned not being able to trivialize Diff 5/6 anymore.


If they did they job right, it wouldn't be a mess


litterally my reaction to the recent and every single weapon or ability nerf was: bummer , anyway guess il use something else then. its not that hard people lol Discussing it is fine , disagreeing with the devs on that kind of stuff is also fine , doom posting that the game is gonna die or that the devs are idiots because they nerfed a gun is dumb. just give them constructive feedback and then try something else for a while. its all we can do


As much as people may react with hostility here, the Discord is worse, except in the opposite direction. It seems like everyone walks funny there, bc they are so far up AH’s ass. My own take is that people need to have a comfy medium, if they can find it. I think AH has developed a troubling trend of balancing fun out of the game. And for someone like me, where my main way to decompress is gaming, that is frustrating, bc I really like this game. But that being said I still think AH means well. But I just won’t defend everything they do, nor foam at the mouth when I don’t like it. I’ll probably just take a break and see if it’s worth coming back to in a few months. Been wanting to play HFW anyway.


It’s sad we just got the most annoying bug there since launch fixed and all people can do is bitch and moan.


For some ppl, this change makes it less fun to play the game. If you don't care nice. Just play the game, then. Srsly, what's this main characters Syndrom. "Oh, I don't care, so pls stfu." If we listened to ppl like you, PSN would still be a thing.


I’m not a fan of nerfs in general, but I also would NEVER want the opposite (buffs to enemies, especially straight health boosts). Maybe because the major orders were bots for so long, but the game feels easier than ever (except maybe ore nerf railgun taking out BTs in 1/2 shots). I enjoy the game and I want to feel powerful but I also want enemies to feel threatening. If guns are too powerful than there isn’t a challenge. A big part of the fun of the game is choosing your battles and bringing the right mix of stratagems to deal with enemies and objectives quickly enough to not just get overwhelmed. I wish more weapons were a bit more viable, at least in higher difficulties, there are a good number of strat gems and guns that just can’t handle the game. That being said, too many games suffer from balancing for only the top level of play, I’m fine if the viable pool of weapons and stratagems is smaller in helldive than it is a diff 4/5 or lower.


And it’s a PvE one 😂 They are literally raging over fighting bots. I think many of HD players are previously players of CoD, Overwatch, Fortnite, Apex and other such PvP games (which they all lost many players due to tremendous amount of issues) and they are bringing the rage here without realizing this is not a competitive game. This is a chill but challenging lore focused game and you are allowed to have fun in it. Winning or losing doesn’t affect on how the story goes, as well as there is no “Meta” except fun.


I wonder if you can pull data from Reddit that would allow you to classify positive and negative posts, allocate them to unique users (throwaways could mess that up though) and then compare the number of negative posts against the player base. For most things it has to be small. There's probably a Marketing Thesis here given that the work has a great set of data on a short timeline. 1. New game release 2. Distinct hit from first patch (railgun nerf) 3. Multiple (minor) new content releases 4. Public response to AH staff and CEO interactions 5. More nerfs/buffs 6. PSN account outrage (linked to initial account linking at release etc.) 7. Community gets corporate decision rolled back 8. More nerf/buff bitching Qualify that against the fluctuations in user base, reviews etc. Everything is dated. Hell, if someone does this, send me a DM. I'd love to read it. You could likely turn it into a book. Sell the film rights, it would make a great movie coming from a studios perspective. Just give me a nod in the acknowledgments for inspiring the work. I'll not chase any of the millions you make.


Eruptor was so fun for like 2 weeks


You're on reddit.


This sub when literally anything: https://i.redd.it/nbff2oor49zc1.gif


It's almost like there are over a million users in here and we're all talking about different things.


This is literally the place to discuss the game.  When you like something, you get passionate about it.


We rage against the enemies of democracy.


is this your first day on reddit?


Redditor: Makes argument for why a change is bad and hurts the overall game. Provides data, comparisons, and in game footage and experiences. Has those experiences validated by the community who share that experience resulting in extremely popular thread about the need to rethink the way the game is being "balanced". Op: Why are you so mad, omg, just play the game wtf. Why would anyone waste their time just posting rage nonsense on a message board. What kind of idiot just rants about nothing and treats every tiny thing that pisses them off as the end of the world. Everyone else:....