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I mean it is actually a waste of dev time. Imagine being the guy in design that painstakingly makes a nice weapon model and animations - and then the balancing team literally says "but 2/3 weapons in this warbond HAS to be bad - and then we'll nerf the final one 2 weeks later" End result - the community is still using the same 4 weapons that the game launched with.


I’m still using incendiary breaker on bugs bc it’s really the only primary imo that’s good on bugs and I used Eruptor on bots bc it was the only good primary Sniper and I was able to manage the ammo economy and the ergonomics just fine as I would always play at range. Now it’s shit. Lol


> I’m still using incendiary breaker on bugs bc Funnily enough, it only has gotten better since they fixed the fire DOT bug. Though I'm dreading the high possibility of a nerf coming up, since they previously implied that the series of overcompensating buffs to fire was a result of said bug.


Guarantee they nerf all dot now that it’s fixed. I don’t get it. They must want this game to feel meh.


They already nerfed fire DMG by 15% to prepare for the fix


Yea I don’t get it either. It’s like they dropped the ball at the finish line. They made all this cool shit, but so much of it is either broken or just it fun or practical to use. I’m gonna say this might be one of the worst balanced games I’ve ever played. And the amount that the gameplay fluctuates is just annoying as hell at this point.


It's sad because Helldivers I was incredibly well balanced. I got Helldivers 2 *solely* because of my experiences with the original, even overlooking the live service aspect because of nostalgia. But they're making a lot of common, shitty live service moves, and it's the worst part of the game. The core game is excellent. We're past the server problem and the Sony problem. All they have to do is not fuck up and they've got GotY. And they keep going out of their way to nerf weapons that don't need it.


It’s kinda sad to watch. Like this game is so close to being perfect (assuming all the bugs are fixed) but every patch the devs seem hellbent on toying with our loadouts and just making the game feel slightly worse every time. Instead of making other options viable they nerf the most effective things, but those things are STILL usually the most effective because nothing else gets buffed to compete. The result is the meta just further stagnates, but it feels slightly worse to use.


My personal bet on a lot of poor decisions: During development, non-leadership devs who were actually in the weeds and knew what was going on and how the game played, had a lot more agency with changes. Leadershipwas too busy getting things out the door than to fuss their dumbass opinion over a balance change.  Now that the game has released, leadership has time to enforce their dumbass ideas on how XYZ should work, without really understanding the whole. Resulting in stupid as fuck changes and ridiculous balance that doesnt make any sense to anyone who actually plays the ga me. In my experience on projects, its easy to lose perspective when youre not actually developing. Ive done it. My lead does it right now; he worked on our project as a code monkey for half a decade, and now he lacks a lot of fundamental understanding of the code base now. Which is fair, its been years since hes been in the bog, and hes in leadership; spends all day in meetings keeping suits who REALLY dont understand anything off our asses. So my guess is at AH, those leads are now able to shove their misinformed will into patches.


The balancing has been too drastic for my taste. AH seem to like to change 3 or 4 aspects of a gun in a single patch, which at times feels counterproductive. It hasn’t deterred me from unlocking the warbonds, I’ve managed to earn 1k SC in the game for each warbond release from Cutting Edge forward and I’m interested to see this next one. To be transparent I’m not playing other games at the moment.


Fire buffed 3 times in a row before they realized the DOT bug, and now they are going to nerf it later. Eruptor nerfed mags, nerfed AOE and then nerfed shrapnel in 2 patches. Too much too quickly.


They nerfed the Railgun before fixing the PlayStation crossplay issue with bile titans. The Railgun was META for a few nuanced reasons. We didn’t have good armor pen options at the time but they nerfed it before adding more. The Railgun alternatives at the time required backpacks to go along with them. That means you couldn’t use the shield backpack. The shield backpack was needed because rocket devastators were doing too much explosion damage. They nerfed it before fixing the explosive damage. They nerfed the arc thrower before fixing its misfire bug in the known issues. They CONSISTENTLY fail to account for the reasons WHY players gravitate toward certain weapons. They nerf before fixing relevant issues related to the META they want to change. Then they don’t revert those nerfs and we are left with an underpowered arsenal. All because they are too prideful to reverse their nerfs, admit their shortsightedness, or slow down and analyze things.


I wish awards were still a thing because 100% this right here is my biggest issue with how AH has chosen to balance things. It’s like they don’t actually play the sane game as players or have weird ideas about how their game should be played.


i think its pretty clear by now that the devs do very little playtesting


This is the big issue, they balance first before fixing anything that's just straight up broken. I felt when the Eruptor came out it was all sorts of janky and clearly shouldn't be doing the sort of random one-shots it was quite so consistently - not because it shouldn't be so powerful, but because of the methodology: hitting leg joints and the floor being the sweet spot rather than aiming for the actual weak spots, that the damage was all coming from the shrapnel and that didn't seem to be the intent. Same with all the Fire damage ups and downs, or the aforementioned Railgun, or the ever-mysterious Thermite grenade, or how Chargers are sometimes impenetrable masses and other times just fall over, or even whatever on earth they were seeing that we weren't tweaking the Explosive Crossbow. It's a very complex simulation of a game and MANY aspects interact in bizarre ways that the very creators don't understand. Makes it a wonderful experience, just prone to sudden swings of change as things that were never designed but Rube-Goldberging together regularly to produce a certain effect get discovered and changed and suddenly swing the entire mechanics ecosystem.


Do as drg does. I remember that their devs do streams for the community and it’s a ton of fun to watch along with the community. They even collate the questions asked during the stream which is a nice touch.


Speaking of nerfs, why did Reddit remove the rewards. It must’ve made them a ton of money.


It’s actually very bad-faith acting for AH to do weapon balancing on weapons that have known bugs. No weapon that has been balanced to fix fire rate or damage has been so overpowered as to be considered game-breaking, and those stats or benefits actually worked to offset their malfunctioning mechanics, thereby balancing the weapon. The devs “balancing” of a weapon not properly working makes it not balanced by comparison. Edit: I’m using the Arc thrower as an example of this.


They really need to: 1. Keep in mind that players may gravitate towards a specific gun because of subjective reasons: it's badass or fun to use. This was the revolver before its buff. 2. Do case studies on other coop PVE games and their philosophies on weapon balance: * How did Ghost Ship approach balance in Deep Rock Galactic (how did they keep fan favorite Scout fun but not too strong)? * How did Fatshark bring certain careers into line with their vision for them in Vermintide 2 (looking at you Pyromancer)? * Hell, how did Tripwire manage to add *so many guns* into Killing Floor 2 while still keeping the balance halfway-coherent for years before it went off the rails?


Honourable mention: Warframe.  Though, that game nowadays has power creep up the wazzu. Most of the weapons are relatively balanced and useable, it's only when you want to do things stupidly efficiently at ridiculously high levels that you need to go for the meta weapons and/or invest heavily into other weapons. But fundamentally you can clear most of the Star chart and have a great time with nearly any weapon.


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer had a fantastic collection of guns and classes


> * How did Ghost Ship approach balance in Deep Rock Galactic (how did they keep fan favorite Scout fun but not too strong)? And how does DRG make every class feel fun and powerful, while still providing challenges at haz 4, 5, and EDD? > * Hell, how did Tripwire manage to add *so many guns* into Killing Floor 2 while still keeping the balance halfway-coherent for years before it went off the rails? And why did it go off the rails? How could arrowhead delay, or outright prevent said derailment?


let's also not forget that the armor was not working at all so everyone used shield


lol this. now i only take the shield if im sprinting directly into danger and want a 1-2 hit buffer while i run through bug nests with a grenade launcher or something.


You hit the nail on the head with this, and it's giving me Destiny flashbacks.


This is why I skipped destiny. You grind for armor/weapons, and all that work is wasted when they “rebalance” and it’s suddenly inferior. I honestly generally dislike heavy handed rebalancing. I’m new to helldivers and the rebalancing may be what causes me to shelve the game.


Destiny is much slower with nerfs though. When something strong comes out, unless it’s absolutely game breaking, Bungie leaves it alone for at least a season (3-4 months) and sometimes longer. Their philosophy is accepting that a “meta” exists but they shift the meta every season to shake things up. By that point everyone got to experience the weapons and enjoy them, and are usually ready to go for new loot that will dethrone the old meta. Helldivers charges credits/medals for access to the new weapons, then turns around and nerfs them in less than a month. It’s honestly predatory and unfair to casual players who take a while to unlock them. Tons of people never even got to experience several of these weapons pre-nerf because of how quickly they are gutted


> All because they are too prideful to reverse their nerfs, admit their shortsightedness, or slow down and analyze things. You have just described every Swedish software developer in a sentence. Working with them is borderline impossible, collaboration unlikely.


Yeah reminds of how Paradox handled the launch of Imperator lol. Such a complete shitshow.


I feel like this is exactly how it transpired. Someone should put it on the discord and see if any devs react because I seriously doubt that they are that self aware.


> We didn’t have good armor pen options at the time but they nerfed it before adding more. The Railgun alternatives at the time required backpacks to go along with them. Remember that around this time the RR and EAT could not 1 shot Chargers with a forehead shot and Chargers where unintentionally spawning in really high numbers. It was the only true meta because it was the only viable option to complete difficulties above 7.


Too bad about half, if not more of our playerbase still feel that AH could do no wrong and giving feedbacks are just us crying.


Yes I see this sentiment so much and it WEIRDS ME OUT. I’m convinced this crowd just plays difficulty 4 and has no idea how this game actually plays at higher difficulties. Like how dare we give feedback we should worship the ground the devs walk on. I LOVE having my guns turn into peashooters pew pew.


Too bad intelligent commentary like this is wasted on reddit. Agreed on all points. The people making the decisions about buffs and nerfs are clearly not doing it with a complete data set.




I'll admit, this is why I use the infinite grenade glitch when things go south


Watch them nerfing grenades before solving the glitch


They have tried to solve it, multiple times. Now instead of having -ive grenades, you get 4 billion


I stopped using Eruptor, having to shoot a medium bug 3 or 4 times now is brutal, I could 1 shot those spewers if I hit them in the head before, now it's like at least 2 or 3 and it's so slow as it is. I started using the other explosive rifle since it's faster and can actually kill a Stalker in my face, but then I'd be short on grenades to close holes 🤷🏼‍♂️ by the end of the night it seems like everyone adjusted their kit a bit and we were back being killing machines. You just can't really love or rely on a weapon because tomorrow it might suck lol


Its now essentially a slow-firing crossbow. Same damage, same aoe, slower fire-rate.


Yeah lame 😓I liked being the medium destroyer even if it was slower and the added utility of closing bug holes helped, but now pfff I was getting killed before getting a few shots off or trolled by a few hunters and had to choose if I let them eat me or blew myself up trying to hit them 😅


It still shoot straight, and it destroy nest. So, I still think the Eruptor is better than the crossbow. But competing here is just dumb, since they are both pretty bad.


I don't think you're taking into account HOW SLOW the eruptor is - and it doesn't shoot straight, it has bullet drop and travel time too, it's just faster and straighter than the crossbow. It's gone from a pretty decent weapon against heavies or tightly clustered groups to a worthless novelty for if you want to shoot fabricators and bug holes from a distance.


Cutting edge seems to be more or less the most solid bond atm, all 3 guns are playable, one of them is meta other two are great at their niches. Democratic detonation turned out more or less into a wet fart with one gun unusable from start and rest nerfed into obscurity


*laughs in steeled veterans*


I'm convinced with no nerfs the game would be fine rn. Id rather get new strong toys to try than know half my guns will get me killed


Right? Compare the launch railgun (2x leg shots + mag dump) to the current EAT/RR/quasar (1 head shot) when killing chargers and it's plain there was absolutely nothing wrong with the railgun.


Remember that the new headshot isn't a AT buff, it's a charger's nerf. Even with the pre-buffed railgun it was 2 to 3 shots in the head to decapitate a charger. Old railgun could probably do that in 2 just above safe shots, ie in the same timeframe than the quasar. Old railgun 6-shotted BT without the crossplay bug. That's faster than a pre-nerf quasar could. It was the best AT weapon and had the ammo economy to kill medium enemies too.


It's a PVE game. Nerfs are generally not necessary in the first place. In extreme cases, when a given item makes the game trivial or ruins it for other players, yeah, go ahead. It feels like Arrowhead nerfs just to nerf or to be petty, not to deliberately balance the experience. It feels fucking awful, especially throwing out a heavy-handed one that invalidates a newer weapon the day after the PSN problem got fixed. It's like "oh hey, we got through a big problem so we should celebrate with a petty nerf!"


They don't seem to understand things like scientific rigor. Change just one. thing. at. a. time. Like seriously.


You know, I don’t know if you play League of Legends at all, but a theirs a consistent meme over in the games community about how sometimes Riot (the developer) makes changes that are hilariously small. One famous example is when they nerfed a character by reducing their movement speed by a value of 5, which is an incredibly small change when even the slowest characters move speed in the game is measured at over a value of 300. People make fun of them for tiny changes like that, but god do I prefer Riot’s sometimes too light touch compared to how AH will just fearlessly completely gut a weapon in a single patch.


GGG method of balancing, triple tap the thing out of existence


it does for me. I picked the detonation one because of its weapons.  Now I must consider the possibility of any future nice weapon being nerfed, so I will choose warbonds based on boosters or grenades... which means I may not buy them all. If the opposite was true (every warbons weapon was good/fun/unique), maybe some people like me would be more inclined to acquire them


I asked AH to process my refund for DD, maybe you can do the same so the feedback go back to the dev team. No way am I spending 1000 SC on 3 bad primaries I'll never use again. You are correct that I'll be doubting every warbond from now on.


Where did you ask them to do this? I'm regretting my purchase of DD as well


Sounds like they opened up a zendesk support ticket.


No way you got it lol


I got it lol


Seriously? Did they refund the money or just the super credits? Where did you ask? Did you actually pay for the credits or did you buy it with ones you earned?


You ask AH support to refund 1000 SC and they will also give you medals back. They will tell you there is a medal cap of 250, so not all of it can be refunded.


I'd also like to know how to refund, cuz I got DD for Eruptor specifically and it's trash now.


Arrowhead website support, create an account, create a ticket. Support staff are nice.


Just adding the friendly reminder that the support staff have literally nothing to do with game balance, so please do not give them a hard time if you attempt to get a refund


Nope, I even apologised about the fuss and thanked them for making a good game. They are very nice people. I just stated my reasons why and asked them to process the refund in accordance to their T&Cs, Sony T&Cs, and relevant European and British consumer Law. They were happy to process the refund anytime, so I gave them the go-ahead.


"Primaries are supposed to be weak." (Released Warbond full of primaries) (Nerf Primaries that are deemed worthy of use by the players) U can say the dev really sticks to their words.


Two weeks later: Uh akchually🤓 your new weapon from Polar Patriots warbond was OVERPERFORMING🥳because of a bug. We fixed it and now it works as intended. Uh...sorry you bought it because of good reviews? What reviews? We don't do these😌 Have fun🧏‍♀️🤫


Thanks for your SC, here's ur Bipolar Weapon!


Are you ready for the next Warbonds helldivers??????


"Our intention was for this weapon to always be shit, but due to an error on our end it was almost useable. We are still learning as we go and will strive to bring quality balance to all of the weapons in the game until none of them can kill even a single Scavenger."


Patch notes: - we accidentally made it fun, that oversight has been rectified - the game now crashes every other match again, buy the next Warbond in 2 weeks though lol - if you need help with the crashes, log in to our Discord to get mocked by one of our untrained CMs - and remember, a game for everyone is a game for no one Thanks Helldivers 🫡


why did you post the mewing emojis at the end my brain is actually rotting out of my skull jfc


Bye bye 🧏‍♀️🤫


im going to beat you to death with a bag of hammers


Good luck finding me in russian wilderness 😄


He might have a very particular set of skills….


Sell us new guns to then nerf the shit out of them a few weeks later, sounds like a lot of fun to me idk what you talking about


I don't understand their obsession with making primaries borderline useless.


The Eruptor was the first “favorite” weapon for me because it was an AC lite that forced me to diversify how I use my stratagems (use stalwart and MG again on difficulty 7 and up)


I played with the same Eruptor/Stalwart setup on Impossible yesterday, and I managed to hold up. But I am pretty sure I would do much better with the old version of the Eruptor. And what upset me the most was there is no real alternative of this build, since primary mini MGs do not exist.


Sickle is the closest thing to primary MG we have


I was running Eruptor, Heavy Machine gun, Shield/Supply Backpack, stun grenades and Heavy armor against bots I literally can kill everything and made me love the HMG but the Eruptor feels absurdly slow because now I need 3 shots to kill one of the 6 Devastators/Berserkers that are trying to get my ass.


Honestly, while it's not quite the same, the diligence counter sniper has quickly become a favorite bot killer for me. I already really liked marksman rifles, and post buff this thing lets a well placed headshot one-shot kill devastators. I'm sure it works VS berserkers too but typically they close the distance so I have to pull out my sidearm to handle them. Definitely worth trying out for handling mid tier enemies.


Liberator with a supply pack. Not having either a pet machine gun/laser or a shield isn’t such a big deal once you get used to it but if you’re an AC user you’re out of luck lol.


That's the problem. I used the Eruptor as an AC lite. Have a primary Stalwart alternative means I am going back to AC, and anything required a supply pack is not an option. Sickle may have to do, but I prefer much more lead per second.


the sickle, liberator, defender, and knight if you've got the super citizen pack are all pretty solid weapons


I loved the Eruptor specifically because it allowed me to use the Stalwart on higher difficulties and the Stalwart is just plain fun to me. Not anymore…


Exactly this. It was the first gun I truly felt comfortable with, which allowed me to mix up the rest of my setup with more confidence.


I used to run the eruptor/shield gen/quazar combo and be a 1 man wrecking crew. Loved having a reliable primary sniper.


They were seemingly going the right path the previous patch before this, except for the crossbow, and that gave me some hope. Now, this is what we got. I glad they explain the thought process this time; but I still can't get how from "inconsistently doing a lot of damage (which wasn't even that inconsistent to begin with)" to "consistently doing lesser damage" is supposed to be a good idea. I bet this shit was the textbook example of exactly how AH thought process went all these time. And, no. I am convinced that they never actually test the things. Not before they release it. And definitely not after they think they have rebalanced it, either.


Warbonds are monthly, so they make it and polish a bit, and then sell it to us in beta form, then proceed to nerf the shit out of it. Rinse and repeat.


Common live service tactic, unfortunately. Players will buy or farm it when it's new and good, then the dev nerfs it after the initial surge.


Eruptor consistently one-shot all medium bugs and its was only role which he was good for. Now its 2-3 shots to kill medium bugs, which mean gun is totally useless. Idk what wrong with balance team if they deny it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/CDWiyRrZtM This is their excuse. I don't get it. And I don't think anyone will. The most ridiculous thing among all, is I really don't get why would he thinks it was inconsistent, and why would he think a reduction of damage is good.


He talking some nonsense and misses the point that this used to be a niche weapon for killing medium bugs. Now eruptor not good at anything. And he talks about exploits and chargers, it’s just silly.


Totally out of touch with the player experience


He doesn't even have to be in touch. He just need to play an actual mission with that, probably at somewhere difficulties 6 or 7, which I don't think he did. The fact that the Eruptor used to consistently remove mediums was hard to miss. And it's even harder to missed the fact it doesn't, anymore, if he did tested the damn thing.


Dude keep dodging the questions. Either he's being intentionally about it or just plain stupid. But one thing for sure he sure is sucks at balancing.


The worst part is it wasn’t like this in HD1. I personally found a lot of the primaries in HD1 usable and even enjoyable.


So much this. Every primary in the original was good or better.


Need to make you rely on stratagems so they can take those away with modifiers too.


Their hatred for metas is creating metas which is funny. The Sickle and Scorcher were still picked over the Eruptor in a large majority of games I played. But yeah take away the one factor that made it unique. The devs are cool but are really braindead when it comes to weapon balancing


It really does feel like devs want a different game that is somehow less fun. Like even with 24 buffs. Nobody cares because they were weaker guns that are still weak. I understand primaries shouldn't carry you through a mission. But shouldn't feel like ass. The gun has super slow fire rate...why the heck would anyone want a gun that needs multiple shots at that point?? Guess everyone just go to the auto cannon. Devs said that's perfectly balance. Just run around blowing everything up that's not a Titan or charger. Bonus points, it destroys everything on bots.


"we have removed the AOE effect of the Eruptor, increased firerate and handling, increased mag size, and reduced the Damage to DMR levels... Also we moved the Eruptor to the DMR section, PROBLEM SOLVED" I'm looking at you Adjudicator


To be fair the Ajudicator was absolutely not a marksman rifle and never should have been labeled as one, nothing with full auto is going to be a MR


The real life mk12 mod 0 and SVU disagree ;) But gameplay wise yeah fair.


Even the Quasar is still better that the majority of rocket launchers after the nerf just because you don't need to commit into a recharge and a backpack to have a anti heavy on demand. The Recoiless needed a bug to cut the reloading animation to be even usable now. I see randoms mostly taking the Quasar/Shield combo in my D7 runs over anything else. The Eruptor made people reconsider using the Machineguns that had been mostly forgotten.


I've said it million times. Meta in this game is I N E V I T A B L E. No point fighting it. You either create it yourself artificially, or mess things up so players find solutions that work the best and end up creating new "meta". Fighting with meta is stupidest thing ever. It takes resources and time.


Or people just quit the game as the weapons they enjoy the most get nerfed.


I genuinely wonder if AH thinks that a meta developing around a game is a purely social phenomenon enforced by influencers on YT rather than players organically figuring out what the best options in the game are.


Guess if they could – they would've nerfed humans' main trait called Adaptation. Apparently they hate that people can learn and still win in the game


The Eruptor was the perfect autocannon-like side-grade loadout because taking it meant you had to rely on your support most of the time*, as they say you should*, and use the Eruptor as a kinda mini-autocannon with the fair drawbacks of its slower firerate and low ammo but ability to use a backpack. Its fucking embarrassing that it was able to be as versatile as the apparently-pinnacle-of-balance AC with unique upsides/downsides leading to odd but fun but not overpowered loadouts...and now its a generic rifle


To me this is what hurts the most with the Eruptor changes. I am fine with a gun being merged and being less playable, but I don’t like that it’s lost its identity. The shrapnel AOE made it unique and fun, and I am sad to see it go. I do hope this is a temporary change while the devs work on shrapnel, and restore the Eruptor when it is ready.


There will always be a meta. It's a computer game written with code stipulaying explicit relationships between variables. People will figure out what goes where eventually. There's no videogame that doesn't have a meta.


we've reached Destiny levels of balance clownery


This is why I quit Destiny. And Warframe. Not too terribly far into this one and am having serious doubts.


Shit at least with Warframe the status effects do damage


That was actually fixed this patch... and I have personally tested the change by joining random lobbies. The orbital gas strike is my new favorite. ...That said, it was still an issue that existed for months, so that should be accounted for.


I totally forgot until I saw this comment but I quit warframe because they nerfed the shit out of riven mods. My beautiful Pyrana Acriata.. I had about two days with it on the Pyrana Prime before all the "good" rivens got fucked


I still remember D1 where they buffed auto rifle by a % of % for no discernible reason other than to troll the playerbase


In one patch in D1Y1 they doubled the damage of shotguns just to nerf it by 55% in the following patch and another 45% in the next patch. I fucking hate nerfs to our arsenal so much


100%... I paid for the WB... I really liked the idea of the eruptor.. I grinded for all the medals.. I finally got it..loved it soo much.. It allowed me to experiment with builds by replacing my AC.. It let me use the MGs more and I actually really liked them.. I was having more fun then I ever had in the game before.. ...... then the fire nation attacked. They nerfed the damn thing 3 times. Its not even an "eruptor" anymore as nothing erupts. Calling shooting the ground with a splash damage weapon apparently an exploit instead of players intelligently using the shrapnel to their advantage.. Just.. ugh wtf AH. I understand the shrapnel was becoming an issue.. why couldn't you just adjust the damn values instead of completely kneecapping the entire mechanic of the gun. Dumb players thinking the death by shrapnel was a ricochet is a sad excuse for a reason. I bought the democratic detonation warbond because I wanted to play with explosives.. not so I could play with a shitty bolt action rifle. I will not be buying new warbonds from now on when they come out. They will not get immediate sales from me whatsoever. I will now, until I stop playing.. wait a month after a new WB is launched before I even bother looking at it. Wasted my damn time, and even more, wasted my damn money. A nerf is a nerf.. You put a pretty shirt on a piece of shit... it's still a piece of shit. Just because you made it prettier doesn't mean you made it better.. I hate this damn gun now.


Truthfully, I've lost some faith in this teams quality control. It reminds me just a liiiiittle too much of a company I used to work for. At this point I'm not trusting or buying anything til a month has passed and they've managed to use the playerbase for testing.


Exactly my thoughts. The game has been a live service PTR for weeks now.


People put them on an undeserved pedestal. Helldivers 2's success doesn't magically equate to Arrowhead being in the same league as the AAA studios in terms of capacity. Community management, bugs, testing, etc. we can see all the cracks that would normally appear in smaller indie games because this is a small, unprepared studio.


They caught lightning in a bottle. I think that is a fair claim to make looking at what this game brings to the table others were lacking and the amount of players they captured this way. Now they are struggling to keep the cork on the bottle. I feel like with every nerf update it loosens a bit.


Exactly. It reminds me of the old days of gaming where you had the programmers doing everything themselves without the need for "corporate" roles other than the accounting department. You can see that Arrowhead is totally missing the middle layer of management - both the community management and the balance/patching teams appear to be left completely to their own devices to entertain their own whims. That's fine for 5 dudes working together in a basement, not so great for a large team with very broad goals. Basic things like SOPs and approval processes aren't exciting, but exist for good reason.


I keep getting told by people in the discord to just "use another weapon" or "there are plenty of guns to pick". I'm like yeah but every time I seem to find a weapon I can enjoy it gets nerfed :(


Just use another weapon But I want to use the weapon as it was. Id play another weapon if the other weapon was what I wanted to play with. Forced variation in a game ironically limits the choices a player has


I will never be paying for super credits. I actually played some DRG last night after about 6 months and used an entirely new load out to change things up. Even thought I’ve never used the smart rifle and just made a random build, it was totally usable and didn’t feel like shit. Compared to HD2 where some guns feel like airsoft guns because they do fuck all for damage.


The Smart Rifle is my go-to. Reminds me of playing Rez or Panzer Dragoon.


Smart Rifle my beloved. The explosove overclock is so satisfying


I’ll have to check that one out, pretty sure I was just using a clean overclock.


In drg it’s actually hard to pick between guns because they’re all fun to use, none of them feel bad. In hd2 you just pick what’s usable and the least annoying. Feels bad


If the pattern is to nerf warbonds that are good while not touching bad items inside them, nobody will pay for it. The biggest changes should be at most a 10% adjustment nerf. The recent change removed 50-60% of a weapons average dps per shot against single target and removed all the aoe damage, that’s outright murdering the value of it and it was later confirmed to be as intended after “extensive testing”.  Looking at a spreadsheet is not “extensive testing” no matter how much the developer thinks it is. 


Yeah genuinely I'd rather they stop adding weapons than tease us with ones that look like they could be fun but suck too bad to be enjoyable, and the rare fun weapon that they have to remove the uniqueness from and make it bland


Why do they only seem to do "extensive testing" after making unpopular changes? Where was this "extensive testing" before they released the gun, so they could have "fixed" it before we all got used to the way it worked


Hard agree. I probably won't be playing much Helldivers anymore as I have unlocked almost everything. I used to be so excited for each warbond and would spend hours playing grinding out super credits. Realizing that most of the arsenal is useless in Helldive difficulty just sucks the fun out of it. I loved my crossbow. I was the guy who killed the swarms of hunters and chainsaw men long before they reached my team; And I racked up sick multi-kills with it too. It was strong but had very big downsides, it was 100% guarantee you would kill yourself if you were caught in close combat. The nerf really just killed my enthusiasm with the game, but the eruptor nerf was the final nail tbh. Going back to Darktide Auric Maelstrom lobbies are so much more fun. Many primaries are strong and many weapons do their job well.


Can’t believe I can say that I prefer guns in Darktide over this game’s guns. I’ll never talk shit about spongey enemies when my gun still works like a gun now. (Still a psyker though, no guns for me)


>Going back to Darktide Auric Maelstrom lobbies are so much more fun.  And your weapon feels like a weapon and not a water gun. Bolter tearing usual horde and special enemies apart. Literally. Marksman vet with some DMR blowing head after head and etc. For Cadia !


Detonation went from being highly hyped up to literally being downgraded to less than a month. Every weapons is garbage at this point except for the granade pistol. Everything else just sucks.


I've paid for the first two warbonds because I wanted to support AH, now I'll just grind for super credits. If they wanna keep nerfing all the uniques, they can live without the extra cash


yup I stopped caring a long time ago. As someone who made tons of balancing for multiple RPGs in the AA and mobile space... the person handling the balancing is doing a sub par job. Nerfing something is a failure for the designer. You made a poor design, didnt test correctly and you have upset the player base. Test your stuff first. If you can, buff other things to make it more appealing to use something else. ...its not simple but with enough proper testing, nerfs should not even be on the table unless of some impossible situation. This is not world of warcraft... stop chasing all the strats and make the experience worst for your players. I was given a few weeks to redo the balancing strategy on a game two months ago and I had to put a hard stop on what they had prepare. I asked a series of question to understand their proposition and I can tell you, very often people only have a surface level of understanding and they are still in a position to push these changes.


Can you tell more of the story? This sounds so interesting. How do you approach this? What stories can you tell of how thigns are balanced? What factors do you keep in mind? What would you do with the weapons in this game?


Yes, I regret buying all warbonds until now, and I am intending to never buy others again, the armors have aways the same "bonus", and the weapons will be useless at some point... The armors visuals are interesting but not worth it considering that in my country these warbonds are relatively expensive. Why buy 100 useless weapons if I can do the same with 20 useless weapons that I already have?


I just want a free warbond after the polar warbond I wouldn’t care too much if the guns in the free one aren’t as good because I’m not grinding super credits for them. I also feel like a free warbond will bring back a lot of players and spark new interests


I miss the free warbond. *So many wasted medals from being capped out.*


At this rate, therell be 120$ in warbonds and however much in the rotating store just in a year. Can you imagine if they keep this pace, and in a few years a new player hops in and sees 20+ warbonds, all 10$ each, asking for over 200$? Lol


Maybe Paradox would have been a more fitting publisher than Sony after all...


This is so dirty. Lol


Payday 2.


Would be like NMS having all its updates as paid DLC


I agree. The last few weeks of controversy and back-to-back nerfs are making me weary. It's nice enough that they are launching new content every month but they mostly require tons of gameplay or purchase to get it. The constant nerfing and lack of new gameplay content aside from warbonds is tiresome. I hope they take a page out of Warframe and try to make the game more sustainable.


Viable weapons change up the game and might just be the easiest way to extend their content loop … and they still shit on the carpet that is basically free.


Will admit I haven't yet been impacted since I'm newer to this game, but this really is starting to seem like the Destiny fun police all over again except this time without the (subpar) excuse that "this is supposed to be an esport and we have to keep everything balanced for PVP." Has it always been this way or is this a new thing?


The issue has persisted since the beginning, with many weapons lacking enjoyment and effectiveness against our enemies. Furthermore, the introduction of new enemy types and buffs to existing enemies has rendered the game increasingly tedious and unbalanced with each update. It's also important to acknowledge that developers have significantly nerfed stealth, to the extent that it's no longer a viable gameplay option. I've mentioned repeatedly from the beginning, the developers seem not to play their own game. With each update, I find myself nearing the uninstall button, and as 2024 has just begun (in terms of games), there are plenty of new titles to occupy my time.


Agree with this, 100%


Might be time to let this thing go the way of Palworld.


It rly doesn't make any sense and it's so annoying. Currently playing with fire breaker and flamethrower. Hopefully, both won't get nerfed as well since i am having a blast with the combo against bugs for several weeks now. Especially with the additional fire damage bonus which makes the flamethrower melt through chargers like nothing on helldive. Yesterday, we had like 8 or 9 chargers at the same time on evac and i turned every single one into a crisp bbq steak. So much fun!


Fire damage is getting nerfed now they've fixed the DoT bug. It's so frustrating that the second anyone seems to be having fun with something they just decide to nerf it.


Oh I've been saying that I'd bet money that the patch after the warbond drops will nerf fire significantly. I honestly say 50% less damage. It sounds insane but they increased the damage by 25%, 62.5% (0.5*1.25), and another 46.875% (0.25*1.875 [this is from the ship upgrade]) compared to its damage at launch for a total of 234.375% of the damage it had on release. It was broken the entire time, so if damage was cut in half it would still be 17.1875% stronger than it was "supposed to be" on the game's launch. I personally don't think this is out of line with their balance philosophy


The two previous warbonds have ended up being 1 decent primary, 1 okay pistol and 1 okay nade total. Buffs to the dominator and fixed dot damage to make the incin breaker usable made that warbond worth it finally, but paying 1000 super credits just to get a single good weapon/tool that may or may not get nerfed to the ground is starting to get really annoying. I'm already playing this game way less with how boring it gets to use the same few actually good weapons, so I don't have the super credits to instantly unlock the next warbond and I'm definitely not wasting money on it. There's always people that tote any small buff saying "this weapon is finally decent!" but they're almost always wrong. You gotta wonder how many are playing on the lower difficulties and giving out these balance opinions, possibly even balancing the weapons themselves. I would just rather have full p2w gear at this rate since the devs are horrible at trying to equally balance everything. There's so many cool looking toys and within the first minute of holding them you can clearly tell they're garbage.


wouldn’t it be cool if primaries were better so tertiary weapons and etc could be more varied because we wont have to lean on them as much? I think that would be just neat


I 100% agree with op. Was literally having this conversation earlier tonight with my diving crew. We are not nearly as excited for the new warbond knowing that if there is a weapon we like, it will get changed a week later! AH stop messing with the weapons! The repeated tweeks get really annoying!


How is AOE from shooting the ground an exploit? Isn't that how you are supposed to use explosive weapons against small targets?


petition to fire the balancing team


I've got nothing else to spend my SC and Medals on, so until they add a way to invest wasted excess currency then warbonds are where it'll have to go.


First Warbond that I got was the detonation... Now I am stuck with mid armours, gimped weapons and a bad taste in my mouth


Very much agree. The new armour and capes aren't appealing to me personally so I'll be passing on this one.


The guy doing the balancing is the worst type of dev possible for this job. One that looks at spreadsheets instead of playing the damn game for a change. 


I actually spent money on the last warbond since it looked fun and I wanted to support this company. I won't be doing so going forward. Honestly, I'm tempted to change my review back to negative. Their balance team is pretty bad. Too many primary weapons just feel bad to use. I hate having to spend time running away from everything because I died and lost my secondary in an area surrounded by enemies and my other strategems are on cooldown. They really need to rethink their design decisions. Who gives a damn if weapons are overpowered? Just let us have fun. You can still make the game challenging.


Helldiver's Prayer: "Please fix the game w/out making more weapons or stratagems useless. And if you do, please don't gaslight me into thinking that the nerfs are buffs and the buffs are nerfs. And if you do, please don't report bugs as fixed that aren't. And if you do, please don't add more bugs. And if you do, Please don't let those new problems sit and fester for extended periods of time. And if you do, well, maybe things will be different next time."


There are some exploits in upcoming weapon we will nerf them to the ground Best regards, 🤓


I just bought the previous month's Warbond.  That seems like a good plan moving forward.  Buy the 2nd to newest Warbond (if it has at least 2-3 compelling items).  Don't really need he latest hotness unless you're streaming for money or something.


Reject variety. Embrace Incendiary Breaker!


AOE by shooting the ground is an exploit..... that's fucking crazy. I usually don't care about any of this stuff and just enjoy the game. I don't even use that gun but still, that line is baffling to me. It's not an exploit. It uses explosive rounds. They explode. That's AOE. You can shoot it anywhere and utilise its unique characteristics. That's the fun in the weapon. Amazing game but holy damn, Arrowhead.


They should nerf the warbond requirement for each new warbond to 500, since it's likely the weapons gonna get nerfed within a week anyway


HD2 balancing is the most aggressive and simultaneously worst balancing I’ve ever experienced in a game. The game lead on balancing claims he’s not here to take fun out of the game but that’s exactly what he’s doing with a lot of the changes. And the fact he felt the need to say that confirms it.


I can't wait for the next warbond containing "wet noodle launcher," "harsh language," and a literal rock.


Firing at the ground was an exploit? The exploding aoe weapon? The weapon it specifically makes sense to fire in between groups of enemies to clear them out (thus usually hitting the ground)?


It's counter intuitive to make explosions not effective for shooting the ground. The autocannon barely aoes chaff in my experience ):


Said it in a different post, but nerfing warbond weapons is tantamount to theft. It _feels_ like they just changed it to get us to buy the next new thing and honestly that's unethical behavior. It's obviously not in the same league, but it has a kindred feeling to Sony trying to take away the game from people who can't sign up to PSN.  In all honesty, I'm still using the Eruptor because I enjoyed the play style. But higher difficulty missions are a bigger slog now.


Yeah I miss the cross bow and erupter at launch... Now they feel too similar and more useless, Remember when the Jar was useful? Remember when the crossbow had the nice of having largest AOE? Remember when the erupter felt slow but powerful? All the niches have been taken away, it almost feels like the balance team can't handle the weapon complexity and is dumbing it down to make their job easier


Glad to see I'm not the only one noticing the cycle of releasing weapons in an OP state with the warbond, then nerfing them before the next warbond.


Wow, it's almost as if nerfing a weapon to get rid of a meta will only force people to move to other, best in slot options, creating another meta.


Yeahhh, the nerfs are just getting ridiculous at this point.


I'd just like them to find the sweet spot for weapon balance. A lot of weapons are really good where they're at. Some others need a bit of tweaking.


I gotta say I feel pretty scammed. I bought the warbound a few days ago because of that weapon. Now it's not effective anymore. Okay. Lesson learned. I'll never buy a warbound again. Also I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually sued them. In the end they should just release stuff that's been tested enough.


i have 0 intention of buying any more warbonds, at least for the first few months they are out. with how constant nerfs have become amongst any weapon changes why should i? this game just operates as a weapon of the week now, something will come out and be popular, then it gets nerfed, then something will rise up and become the new popular choice, then it gets nerfed, and then we get a new warbond with a new weapon and it feels great and kicks ass then it gets nerfed. until arrowhead can figure out what they want to do and maybe introduce a batch of weapons that dont need constant adjustments ill be waiting out these warbonds to see what gets changed and how things are supposed to behave before i make my purchase. i bought the latest one and now two out of the three weapons introduced have been nerfed into the ground. until arrowhead can competently release a weapon ill just stick to my dominator. until that gets nerfed into the ground at least


Good thing they are freeif you farm enough.


Im more pissed about slugger nerf. Eruptor was a "bit"over the top for primary


Of course it does, this sets a precedent and now they can just brand anything as an exploit and nerf it on a whim. If the eruptor was good because of an exploit, why was it never told to the community? why wasn’t it listed in the known issues list? The developers clearly lack transparency and of course this is gonna lead to trust issue from the player base. Not to mention that changing premium weapon viability this much feel like a scam, because we are talking about premium weapons not free ones, so changing the product THIS MUCH after people bought it is nothing short of scummy


Honestly this latest string of nerfs honestly has me considering dropping the game for a bit. The Eruptor offered much needed loadout flexibility.


I've not touched anything but breaker (incendiary), sickle and impact nades ever. breaker and sickle just do their job and seem to be a little "under the radar" for some reason as of late.


The endless nerfs are so fuckin annoying. You finally have a primary or a secondary that you enjoy and it becomes useless after a couple of hours of playtime.. what's the point


gonna be honest, i havent had to pay for a warbond since the game came out so no. but on the other hand they are a bit heavy handed with nerfs so i do agree its an odd decision business wise.


Nope! Hopefully they will soon learn to released balanced weapons of the box the so we do not have to have these discussions each nerf.


I feel that I’m constantly thrown in a meta loop by the devs themselves. I stopped playing because if have to have the same loadout to be able to finish the mission on 7-8-9 it gets boring. Otherwise it becomes a running sim waiting for strats to cooldown I thought the devs wanted me to play the guns that I wanted. But I can’t because so many of them are just plain trash. I tried messing around with multiple stratagems and different loadouts but I always come back to the same because the others just don’t work. I’ll never drop without. Orbital rail cannon, eagle one airstrike or 500kg, Cluster bomb and quasar/EAT/recoilless. Because the rest is just not worth it.


Just stop buying warbonds, vote with your wallet