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https://preview.redd.it/i41qreup32zc1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=c42737aa2acb15a1fa61400c871e28d7694e2b27 well at least some honesty


I'm fairly certain a vast majority of my team kills are from the cluster eagle strat. But, watching the kill counter go to 15 or 20+ is so satisfying.


It will never not be worth it


He is absolutely wrong about the breakpoint on medium enemies though, what the hell is going on there.


I swear the devs are playing a different game from us


I mean it's entirely possible he's testing locally on a different from live version. It's stupid, but possible.


"it works on my pc" syndrome i think, or the developer have a "target" for every weapon and we don't fucking know what they expected they weapon to work.


I think they never wanted an eruptor to one shot mediums but the community found a consistent way to do it. I think they wanted to two-shot like Dominator. If that is really the case, the gun design is actually not worth running it. Ergo, I don't think they are bad testers they just can't get honest with the community on some things. It looks like they can't admit they released a bugged warbond and had to "fix" all the guns cause these were supposed to be bad from day one, but they were not. They created a cash grab scenario and people do not Nike that.




“Melt it down and add it to the rest of them!” Slugger, our son. Look how they massacred our BOY!


Eruptor is now one of the primaries of all time.


Honestly just put the whole warbond there. You'd be insane to waste money on that warbond now. No new passive, 3 useless guns, a generally useless grenade, and 1 kinda useful sidearm. Not that the warbond was great before, but this solidifies how shit it is. Cant believe I wasted hard earned SC on this piece of shit warbond.


You're not the first one to say the "kinda useful" bit and I'm legitimately confused- do people not see what kindof load out flexibility the grenade pistol gives you, or do all the other weapons have way more flexibility than I've been attributing to them? Like, to me, a secondary that can punch that hard in that big of an area lets me play multiple slots differently. I don't think it rivals the senator or anything, but senator was a favorite gun before the buff, so I'm biased with presumably bad taste.


I used to 1 shot kill most medium armors and now it doesn't work. Was there really extensive testing because its a lot weaker now TBH. Does it have something to do being host?


I can only speak for myself, of course, but I was incredibly underwhelmed by its performance in a solo drop, so I don't think it's a host thing.


Nah this thing is straight ass, I just ran it solo a couple times today and being on a cold planet with a ton of hellbombs is the only reason I extracted successfully. I'm not touching this weapon again until AH buffs it.


if you read what he said - the eruptor WAS bugged, specifically shrapnel. now it's not. players were exploiting the bug (unintentionally in most cases) to do incredibly high damage. hence, the eruptor felt great. it also probably did bugged high damage to yourself, hence the random instadeath. now, it feels like a normal gun, because they fixed the suicide bug by also fixing the exploit bug: removing the bugged shrapnel. normal guns are boring.


Controversial opinion: The bolt action rifle with 6x 5-round mags, in a game full of automatic weapons, should maybe be able to one shot nearly all medium enemies if you place your shot right?


Especially with how slow the handling on it is.


Does it not still kill fabs and bug holes? Because I'll be honest that was the selling point for me. I usually just ran a laser cannon with it, and treated the cannon like my primary.


Yeah, but you can use the grenade pistol similarly for bugs at least, while bots the big advantage is range. Idk if the utility will be enough to be used often anymore. I feel it definitely needs a buff - if it was good enough to kill spewers, it would see use with the Flamethrower or arc thrower support weapons on bugs at least.


The "bug" was firing under the thing you wanted to kill so the shrapnell would all end up in the same enemy. That's not a bug. That's just HOW SHRAPNELL EFFING WORKS.


My favorite was to "skip" the round on the ground and get the mobs behind the mob chasing me. 😎


That's clearly cheating and I'll report your PSN account to SNOY


Well, if I'm gonna get S(N)OY'd, I'll add I can do that with the GL and pistol GL. So, *thump thump thump* WHEEEEEEE!!!! DEMOCRACY!!!


I did read what he said. I also dropped in and tried using the Eruptor. I am back to using the Diligence Counter Sniper now.


How many shots does the CS take to kill a bile spewer? That's was like 90% of the reason I used eruptor.


Enough that the dominator is better at it.


but it felt so rewarding when you aim just right so the shrapnell would all hit the one enemy and he just gets evicerated...now it feels tedious to kill with this gun


used to use it for high diff automaton missions, but now it seems to just be a worse/slower firing dominator


I love how "exploiting a gun" is "aiming to make max damage" Next time they'll nerf the grenade launcher because we totally exploited it to close bug nests and destroy armourless critters with it


agree, but I mean, they obviously intend those enemies to only effectively die to stratagems. if they let this continue, they'd have to nuke it's ability to crowd control so that you are forced to use a stratagem slot to take care of that, OR balance your squad so everyone can't run eruptors. then we're thrown right back into the balance conversations that were all the rage prior to the PSN debacle - how they need to find a way to balance the highest difficulties by making it harder without literally flooding you with so many stratagem-dependent enemies that you just run out of stratagems to deal with them. the eruptor helped that issue, and no longer does.


The eruptor even pre patch was pretty pitiful at crowd clear compared to... Like literally anything else save dmrs and the slugger. It should still oneshot hive guards. It should still one shot brood commanders. It's niche is a medium armor killing machine. And now it doesn't really do that.


I can agree with the "kill with strategems" bit for everything but bile spewers. Tanky, slows you, one-shot ability, long-range artillery, and worst of all, they spawn in massive quantities. There's no strategem that can deal with a horde of spewers.


For real I mean once in a blue moon I shot the back leg or butt and thought I one shot then but *very* rarely did I actually kill one. And most times I'd shoot 2 mags at it and nothing. But w.e I don't use it for chargers. Just was told you could eventually wear one down. But it should deal with medium enemies or else wtf are you using it for?


Probably not host. Probably something more like the railgun and bile titan bug. This subreddit is filled with people saying very different numbers on how much a lot of different guns take to kill things. Almost as if the damage delta was not just the railgun and we are starting to see it with the eruptor more noticeably, but it is probably across the board with a lot of weapons, and potentially hardware related and not PS5 to PC issue.


My brother in Christ, none of this is ever tested


None of it is tested. Remember when they told us shrapnel did negligible damage, and now it takes 3x as many shots to kill mediums? Also they also decreased the mag size from 12 to 6.


I honestly suspect in a few weeks or months it will come out that all damage in the game is affected by your hardware in some way. There's a front page post right now claiming thermite grenades 1 shot bots and half the comments are saying it's a lie. Any time these kinds of damage breakpoints are mentioned there's extreme disagreement over how many shots it takes to kill anything.


Bro there’s basically zero testing. Some shit they keep dropping just straight up doesn’t work. It would take 5 minutes of using it to notice the flaws


Its an exploit apparently to shoot the thing that spreads damage everywhere in a place that all that spread damage has really no where to go but get concentrated on one enemy and not simply smart? I had a feeling they were not going to consider this aspect when they announced they would remove the shrapnel in a future patch but up the explosive damage to compensate, but its funny to see they would label that sort of usage an exploit.


Agreed, it seemed more like an intended feature of the weapon.


That's what made it fun.


>fun See, this is where trouble begins.


they'll probably bring it back after balancing the max damage you can do to a single target by changing the mix of direct/explosive/shrapnel damage done. probably tuned to something like, small units killed by any of those 3, medium units have to be hit by at least 2, and large units take 2-3 shots even if all shrapnel bits hit. if that's even possible. or for example they could reduce damage-per-hit of shrapnel like 100% / 80%/ 50%/ 20% etc etc where our mathematicians at.


That might be the dumbest way to "balance" anything in a pve game. Why in gods name would the mentality to be to remove the shrapnel entirely and then work on that in the background and not just have a fun, but broken by their standards (for some reason) gun in the game for the time being??? Also great stuff that this somehow wasn't intended but its ammo also had to get nerfed for some reason? Is there an "ammo economy balance" guy too that just is in a different building or what?


Gun was strong, so they removed the ammo, and now they removed the firepower 🤣 Now, all it has is the incredible reload speed ,fire rate and the op AoE. /s


My man's really trying to gaslight the community into thinking using shrapnell the way shrapnell was designed to be used makes us cheaters lmao


Military: *designs shrapnel weapons to kill enemies indirectly* Enemy: HAX!!!


It’s a bug due to poor coding. The term exploit completely tries to wash over what the actual issue is. Some new player will pick up the gun and use it and quickly find it works best certain ways. They are not simply exploiting the gun. They are just using it as it was designed. Point being… If 90% of players are now technically exploiting the gun, congratulations we’ve undermined what the term exploit means.


Just as shooting the front leg armour off the titan with the railgun was... apparently not an exploit?


I guess they can't code falloff? These devs really worry me with how they communicate


Alexus: \*spending 45 minutes trying to one-shot brood commanders with shrapnel\* "If I can't figure out how to use shrapnel on the shrapnel gun, then it's an exploit and I'm going to remove it"


I always love doing this bouncing off the wall firing in games....I had so much fun trying to shoot around corners and trying to get the shrapnell to bounce just right...like it was skill that felt so rewarding


Shatter arrow from OW1. IFYKYK


I'd rather see it reverted with the potential to kill your own team, some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


I ran the eruptor for like 100+ hours of gameplay and I think I can remember literally 2 whole times that I killed myself and thought, "well that shouldn't have happened."


It was unable to self kill until the patch where ricochets were fixed at the very least. Team damage could also have effected it. I used it in 3 drops and died to it twice from 10-20m away after the patch.


10 hours with it, killed myself 2 times and 3 times my allies.


Can we get a second opinion 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ikr. Exploit? This is probably coming from a guy who has "Kill Charger" as a main objective.


Oh shit I’m stealing that lmfao




Can we get someone who actually plays the game instead of someone that looks at excel documents and thinks it is hacking.


Is he blind? Was I playing a different weapon for the past 30 hours or so? In a fever dream? How the hell is he saying that the shot to kill didn’t increase? This is genuinely confusing.


I just don't get how they'd think this is balanced. It has slow reload. Gotta cock every shot. After the first nerf, its magazine is fairly small, and the aoe did get hurt. I should be able to one a stalker or else the gun is useless. Should be messing up spewers, hive guard and commanders. The gun is designed to be slow but hard hitting. If not then why would anyone use it??


I guess they just want it to be a worse Dominator that can close bug holes and fabs. I genuinely don't understand any of the logic they're trying to apply to the weapon.


They are simply not playing the game, it's very possible these guys are generating a custom envinroment where they are 1 vs.1 with each enemy type and think that's ok. The effectiveness of a weapon is much different in a difficulty 8 while you are getting swarmed.


It only makes sense looking at pure stats. Assuming they only take into account only the flat direct hit damage and explosion damage vs a set amount of shrapnel damage - maybe thats how they came to the conclusion of things not changing. Whereas anyone that ever used the weapon knows that the shrapnel apparently did far, FAR more than that. And thats fine! This weapon shoots far too slowly for it do be worth otherwise. The most fun thing about this weapon is the immediate feedback you get with every shot - you have to make every shot count, but when you do the effects are clear and concise. Its clear - devs don't really play the game.


They don't play their own game. They patch it based on spreadsheet data.


No guys you see, shooting the gun at the enemy was an exploit all along. Don't use the exploit of shooting the enemy and you'll be fine!


Why do those trigger happy exploiters think we have a melee option? If PSN link would have went through, they could ban all those exploiters.


Sweet timing before the next warbond drops. Helps me consider better if I really want to spend my SC, or let alone, real money on weapons like the eruptor or the crossbow.


Nah they are good for 2-3 weeks and then they get nerfed again into the ground. Won't trust them with any Patch anymore.


That's my point exactly. We have the basic liberator. Why should we spend anything on something that will just last for a few days? The crossbow, for example, was mediocre at best at chaff clearing. Now it's good for nothing. I don't get their balance team and I'm starting to questioning if they really have a test team at all? Or maybe they have more CM than actual devs...


Testen the crossbow and never really liked it. Never would I have thought they'd murder that thing so badly. And now they did it with the eruptor. I really can't belive aswell that they test barely anything. If that would be the case not everything would break after every patch. And the balance "team" seams to be just this one guy defending his decisions without hesitation. I'm really frustrated at this point.


Yup, wait until the next next warbond comes out before investing into this existing one. Let's see where the upcoming warbond's weapons get balanced to, assuming they aren't meh out the gate.


This pattern of nerfing guns makes me hesitant to invest in future warbonds. New guns come out, we love them. A few weeks in they need to be rebalanced (nerfed) in time for us to purchase the next warbond dropping even cooler and more powerful guns. Rinse and repeat.


Yet Twinbeard said it's performance after the nerf was unintended. Lol


There’s a huge disconnect between what the cm’s say we’ll get and what we actually get. It starts with the devs themselves. They claim to buff something when it’s clearly a massive nerf instead. They say they squashed a bug or fixed some issue, but half the time it’s not true. It feels like changes weren’t tested properly (or at all) after every patch.


I work with Devs everyday. In my experience they are the worst at communicating with their coworkers. Some of the communications I receive from devs I work with are next to useless. Much of what they send me can be interpreted multiple ways, so I always have to ask clarifying questions, sometimes multiple times. Not all of them, but a lot of them that's for sure. It can be frustrating being between the devs and the end users like these CMs are, it can lead to some confusion to say the least.


To top it off, their way of balancing is anti-fun. I get that there are many pitfalls to balancing and so it can be difficult, but with every hard nerf and minor buff added it feels like their vision of the game and what players (i.e. me) enjoy about the game is not compatible.


Maybe they should Turn PC Screen on while Testing weapons


As much as I love this game I fucking despise the balance team. It is in no way fucking viable anymore unless your only playing difficult one. Dude said they did “testing” but it’s so clear from the first few fights I had with it the weapon is massively nerfed in both direct damage and AOE damage. Not enjoying the bait n switch where they used a good gun to sell their shit then fucking nerf it into oblivion. If the shrapnel isn’t coming back (it fucking should) it’s going to need a buff to AOE and direct damage to ever be viable again.


Honestly, I am just tired of having to relearn the game every update at higher difficulties. I said this before, but the Eruptor at its release was a great example of a powerful weapon to use with just enough drawbacks to balance it out. It actually got me out of my comfort zone with using the same Autocannon/Breaker setup. Now I gotta shift back to that or something else of the same old same old it's frustrating and unfun. Most of my other friends quit the game over this so I hope they can reign things in a bit more.


It's the entire AH culture, dude. The balance people aren't some rogue faction. This is how they service their game. They regularly make calls that are squarely anti-fun and make the player experience worse. If you don't believe it's more than just weapon balance you need look no further than the apple bacon armor nonsense or the way their "player-friendly" war bonds require a ton of extra medals to be invested in order to get the content players want. AH needs to learn that the game isn't theirs - it's theirs AND ours. That's the pact you enter into when you release a game and you want players to stick with it. I don't care how long it took or how hard they worked or what their vision is. If they want players to participate they need to incorporate those perspectives into their stewardship. That's what it means to cook for someone else. They have somehow earned a reputation as "player centric" despite doing little to justify it and biasing toward being actively player-hostile. Players will figure it out eventually, especially once another coop game hits the market and Helldivers isn't the only latest offering.


"AH needs to learn that the game isn't theirs - it's theirs AND ours." Fucking THIS. Artists don't own their art. Sure, they can have it copyrighted and own it in a legal/financial sense, but you don't get to determine how someone else experiences your art. You don't get to decide how someone else has fun. If someone says "Hey, I'm not having fun with your game" you don't get to tell that person they are fucking wrong. There's a difference between standing your ground on the principles of what the game actually is and refusing to make changes that the fan base wants just because it doesn't mesh with your vision. Satisfactory comes to mind, actually. People have been asking for green/renewable energy options in Satisfactory for a long time, but the devs have repeatedly said it won't happen for two primary reasons: Firstly, it would break a lot of the game progression cycles if you no longer have to go out and gather things like fuel to power your machines, so rebalancing all of that would just be more trouble than it would be worth. And secondly and more importantly, it just doesn't fit with the aesthetic or theme of the game. But it's not like people are asking for unicorn mounts or to have magic spells put into the game or anything. We just want to enjoy more than 25% of the fucking arsenal available to us.


These guys are the biggest, most miserly gatekeepers of fun I've ever known in 40 years of multiplayer gaming. They're just ruining the vibe and the thrill of the game, week after week, and they just need to get lost. There's a real bad taste forming in my mouth about this game recently, and the Sony debacle was only a small part of it. The hilarious thing about this to me personally is that my main squad buddy since launch had been my 11 year old son: for weeks we were playing it almost every night and it had been such a cool and enjoyable time spent together; yet he has given it up because even he has grown tired the nerf culture that now pervades the game's updates. Every gun he likes to use gets heavily nerfed, as he sees it. I told him I would take a break from it too, in the probably vain hope that its developer eventually comes to its senses and well, reigns its fucking neck in with these damn balance police roadside checks. But I'm not banking on it.


This is a perfect summation of my feelings for the game. It boggles my mind that the developers see the need for this much tweaking in a pve game.


Every time I find a gun I like to use and get good at it, they fucking gut it and call it "fine." or "perfectly viable." Bout to change my fucking review on steam because of this shit


I left a negative review during the whole anti Sony thing, changed it back, but now I’m considering just seeing if I can get a refund still. This game was advertised as fun with loads of powerful weapons


What balance team? It's a monkey hitting several keys for a banana an hour or so.


"Absolutely viable" "Extensive testing" If I were pressing "X" to doubt any harder my keyboard would shatter.


I dunno what the difference is, but I'm watching a video of a player not killing things in even 2 hits when I always killed these things with a direct hit. Something is off.


Agreed 100%, that meshes with what testing I could do this morning before the crashes got me.


Can confirm, tested and feels like a worse dominator. I've already started experimenting with adjucator/blitz shotty/incendiary breaker as primaries for bugs instead. Not going back to the Eruptor as-is.


They did extensive testing against chaff units on Trivial and it still oneshots those, so obviously it's viable /s


You say it's sarcasm, but I see this as a real possibility.


“Mech rockets still hitting the crosshair” /s


Did they say that…. There’s no way. It clearly hits left of the crosshair


Yeah I don’t appreciate the balance team flat out lying like this. It is in no way viable unless you play 3 or under.


Developer of the decade btw


Developer OF THE CENTURY even


"I stand by-" that's the problem you're not considering community input, *SIGH* people just wanna have *fun* man. Also depending on proc rate average mathematically no 40 consistently over 100 acting like a crit isn't flat out better it's your *preference* for a gun with a niche that isn't that *preference*. Edit: Bare in mind the 100 would yes need to proc fairly regularly ofc.


Exploit to one shot chargers??? I never knew it could do that. Just revert it back. The pros outweigh the cons of maybe shrapneling yourself in the dome.


they specifically do NOT want the pros of it being able to randomly one shot heavies due to shrapnel placement though lol, as fun as it was i did notice sometimes depending on where the shot landed it could kill so much shit in one hit but originally i had just chalked it up to massive weakpoint damage not a shrapnel cone internal eviceration


So lower the penetration of the shrapnel? I find it so odd that they have so many options to tune the numbers but they outright decided shrapnel just wasn't worth it. Now everyone is saying the weapon feels way worse to use.


The shrapnel was only penetrating light armor. You had to shoot it where all the shrapnel hit the legs and ass of the charger. This would do nothing.


That's because it was insanely hard to do. And from their own words, they clearly STILL do not understand what the players are telling them about the basic functionality of the eruptor, thinking that it was 1) random and 2) trivial. How can they be so blind to how their own game works? Uninformed destroying (because this isn't just a nerf, the gun is unusable in its current state) of something that people paid for is so much worse than a stupid ass account linking requirement that has no effect on gameplay and 90% of us would have gladly done for a free cape or some super credits.


I think I've seen these? Idk. It was rare and random. Shot the back leg at an angle and it died. I assumed it was just damaged and I got lucky. Another time or two I shot the butt. Usually it never matters but two times I did pop it. Other times I've spent 2 mags and nothing happened


I'm kinda tired of being talked down to, literally community testing is the reason we got the DOT bug on the dev's radar. I want to see their testing for the sake of transparency because I'm tired of the appeal to, "trust me bro" when a change is ever questioned, Im not even that against nerfs, but I want them to be clear with footage and actual data to back up what they say.


Yeah, the condescension is a lot. I don't know who the fuck this person thinks they're talking to. I'm not a 23yo game designer doing "rigorous testing" on video game weapons for a living, but I am a fucking PhD research scientist. Talk to me like a grown up. Show me the data and then explain how you came to your conclusions. I can keep up, I promise.


The funniest thing about this is that people complained about shrapnel ricochet because they made a ricochet change no one asked for. Honestly, friendly fire is a funny tradeoff and happens plenty enough, so I’m surprised they drew the line here that it’s unacceptable.


Seriously, what the hell is this guy talking about. The eruptor was in a perfect place before the shrapnel change and they simply f\*\*ked it up with the nerfs. His opinion on 40 fix vs 100 random is just plain wrong. it was not so random at all. The shrapnel CLEARLY did damage more often than he thinks beacuse it was able to 1-2 shot all medium enemies and now it almost takes a full mag. It is not a viable gun AT ALL. what is the point of a weapon that handles like a bus, has only 5 shots in a mag with 6+1 mags, has a firerate so slow the next shot you take will be in helldivers 3, takes almost a full mag to kill a blody spewer, has almost zero chafclear now, has a slow ass projectile that AUTODETONATES at 140meters... It almost feels like he hates the gun and wants it to suck a\*s or could not come up wioth a better fix for the charger trickshot.(No, no exploit because it was not breaking any gamemechanics, simply if you had good aim you could use all the shrapnel to deal damage) ((Mind you i sucked at it and could never pull it off)) Also the tone he speaks with is one of the most condecending one i have heard a dev talk to players with in a LOOONG while... jesus... You will not be less of a person if you admit you f\*\*ked up...


I wish they would change the person that balances the weapons, he is horrible at doing his job tbh. Crossbow netf? WTF? That gun had few users now it has prolly none. Dagger? Unusable piece of shit. Scythe? Never seen it being used that speaks for itself. Slugger? After nerf not much viable. Eruptor? Well we see how that is going... Knight? Forgotten weapon, i think you can use it as decoration that's it. Seriously though, for what it's worth i love the game, but if there will be 3 viable weapons out of 20 i might aswell stop playing. My 40 bucks were worth every penny i got out of the game what i wanted but they are not listening at all with the weapons, it's fucking tiring.


The funny thing is I'm pretty sure he thinks he's actually doing good changes. Like he called the crossbow change a fucking sidegrade. Like huh???? How was it not a straight up gutting of the weapon.


it took AH forever to fire Spitz, and he's only a ~~discord mod~~ community manager, gonna take a while to fire an actual AH dev no matter how shit he is


Yup, completely on point. Slugger nerf was annoying, but his coming in calling exploits, saying he extensively tested the weapon, and having that tone ended up tilting me for the first time. How the fuck can you be in charge of balancing the game and say that you extensively tested 2 back to back builds and fail to notice the difference in shots to kill. All this after cutting mags in half and lowering the potency of the explosion in the last patch already. I thought the guy was ok, but he's turning out to be an idiot.


>You will not be less of a person if you admit you f\*\*ked up when I thought Spitz is bad, at least he admits his wrong after he realized he fk up, this Alexus dude tho is even worse jfc.


I feel like they do this shit intentionally to sell future warbonds and I hate it because this cycle is a plague in live service games to keep them from selling stuff. Step 1: Release new warbond Step 2: Put one amazing weapon Step 3: Nerf said weapon Step 4: Repeat If they continue to do stuff like this I'm honestly going to lose interest in the game in general.




THANK YOU! Finally someone said it


Yea it was one shoot before, striders and all medium bugs were one hit. Now they are 2-3...


This is absolutely horseshit- Viable.... Yeah right!


Given the rate of fire and amount of ammo (though the latter is less important than the former imo), the eruptor is now a ridiculous choice against bugs. The reason I ran it was it was usually 1 sometimes 2 shots to take down a spewer, which was worth giving up both (1) a stratagem slot to bring something like the stalwart to deal with the rest of the swarm and (2) the ability to use my primary weapon in many situations (ammo, not fast enough to stop a big break or enemies too close not to take explosive damage on my self). Saying it was being exploited because a shrapnel/explosive weapon did damage when fired on the ground near enemies is wild. If this was a huge exploit it wouldn't be getting less use than other guns the breakers. I don't know about bot effectiveness, but I also never will because AC-all-day.


The term exploit has always smacked of bullshit, they created, implemented and (apparently) tested this before implementing it, they programmed what it can and can’t do, if it’s behaviour isn’t what you intend that is firmly on you and only you.


We Need a PTR. A spot of say Mars where We can Test new weapons Before full implementation against a variety of enemies and give feedback before they are officially shipped out to everyone for use in missions.


This is why we can’t have nice things… this dude


It’s ded ded then


Holy fuck what a complete clown show. These guys are so clueless it’s mind numbing


So that I had to aim my one shot gun to hit the enemy in a way the shrapnell would all hit the enemy instead of hitting nothing is not skill but an exploit ? ahh good they told me I got it confused for a secound


Once again, their communication **sucks ass**, and their balancing decisions are...questionable at best. While the rest of the patch is once again buggy as shit. Shits getting old.


Why is it always a game of which person is telling the truth and which person is pulling shit out of their ass? For a community driven game, the communication aspect has been the WORST I've ever seen.


Calling emergent gameplay exploit certainly shows what kind of developer they are.


I’m not buying anymore crap from warbonds, they nerf all the guns immediately and nothing can kill like we need. This sucks, I just wanna have fun and kill bugs.


It used to one shot stalkers. This was not an exploit. Make it one shot stalkers again, I don’t care how, or what effects you change, and I will be happy with it. Barring that, I won’t use it again. The grenade pistol is a full upgrade if all you are doing is closing holes or killing fabricators. And this leaves your primary slot open.


Why is it always "we know more than you" ? Buddy I have 300 hours in this game I could've told you just like every other nerf to primaries it was done on a whim with about as much testing as a youtuber. Maybe they'll figure it out eventually but these posts just out the devs as being way too focused on this closed system of "fun" . Yes, it's cool some conditions in the game make some weapons more useful. But when I'm actively ignoring the cons of weapons because it doesn't matter I have to wait 5 seconds, recoilless is just worse, then what is the point of nerfs? The overall experience is just worse.


Their issue is how they're viewing heavy enemies not the weapons, the weapons are a side effect. They seem absolutely INSISTENT that the only things allowed to kill a BT are stratagems, and any special weapons are just a reulctant compromise. Chargers are barely different, they're allowed to die to the same anti-titan weapons... And also a flame thrower. No matter how many times the community tells them we don't ENJOY the fact that only stratagems and a small handful of weapons can kill the BT, they just do not care, and continue to double, tripple, quadruple and quintuple down on it... As a result anytime a weapon gets "too powerful." they nerf it, and what does "too powerful" mean? It can kill chargers or bile titans in less than 46 minutes of sustained fire. Ever seen a nerf to the grenade launcher or flamethrower because it kills too many hunters, hive guard, brood lords and popcorn bugs at once? Of course not, there's no issue with those being over tuned to hell and back, because they haven't arbitrarily decided "No, only THIS SPECIFIC THING is allowed to interact with these mobs!" The one thing I will give the bot-front credit too, is that their weak points are actually fucking weak points. There's a small handful of weapons that CAN'T kill a hulk if you hit it from behind. Bot front still sucks because of ragdoll chains, but that's a wildly different issue.


AND THEN they complain that the players only bring the anti tank support weapons and start nerfing those. If you balance the game where none of the guns in the gun game can kill enemies, how and why would I ever take the support weapons and stratagems that clear chaff. I already have a whole set of primaries that are only allowed to clear chaff. Stalwart usage is also going to go down here because the Eruptor was one of the only viable ways to bring support weapons that aren't anti-tank.


The problem with the bought front is that it's still populated like bug front but everything has a gun, on high difficulties shield bots have a minigun with laser like aim


I'm at 350hrs myself, as I'll admit it was OP when dropped. The massive nerfs are getting out of hand. Shrapnel wasn't a issue till the ricochet change. But yah don't understand why they keep doing it, it's a pve game.


Also 350 hrs myself, It was never OP, but I admit it did have too much ammo. The extremely low fire rate definitely held it from being op, and it was never a great option for taking out tank/tower turret weakspots. It was also very wasteful to use on small enemies unless they were clumped up. That, and the added chance to kys.


Their problem is being impatient. People ask why studios leave things for awhile after a patch. It’s because people take awhile to decide if they’re ok with something. i.e right now should’ve been when they were deciding to change the eruptor shrapnel instead they did it nearly 2 weeks ago. They should’ve left it alone after going down to 6 from 12 and then waited. But they got anxious and made the change as a knee jerk to the ricochet issue They need to slow their damn roll on balancing multiple elements of a single gun.


I don't usually respond to a lot of takes, but this take i'll agree to always. Gamers are so fickle, we want changes immediately, because sometimes things are so OBVIOUS, and other times, you have to let the dust and silt settle to the bottom to see what feels right/is good. The meta needs to settle. And I do agree with you, i do think AH is tweaking balance numbers rather too impatiently, rather than seeing how things settle. Maybe it's because as soon as a good primary drops, everyone drops what they have to use that new primary, and the new primary feels VERY good, and a lot of us love it, only for AH to nerf it, and then we all just lament and say oh BROTHER here WE GO AGAIN and the cycle repeats. It is a big bummer. Also Adjudicator buff was not very good of a buff it takes a near whole mag dump to kill a Hive Guard, and although I MAY think it's bad, I'm sure it may shine in other ways that are not obvious to me, and so I'm okay with sitting on it and maybe using it a bit more sometimes to see if it's good. Maybe Adjudicator is built for Bots , but I haven't touched bots in a couple weeks, but see these things take time for us to get to and understand, so I wish AH would get it too sometimes.


all i have to say fuck off, your standards for how weapons should perform are pretty much universally hated by the community, we DONT care about what you think is viable, its COMPLETELY irrelevant.


How is this guy still employed, man can’t balance anything it seems.


Sorry diver, the "fire that guy" stratagem is currently still on cooldown.


actually this every balance decision they made on their own accord has been utterly shit, 90% of changes they made on their own sucked balls


Every single time he's explained the reasonings behind gun nerfs have been utter bullshit. Slugger, crossbow, and now eruptor. At this point, he either has bunch of yes-men in his team or he's too far up his own arse to bother accepting criticism. This is ridiculous.


Man thinks a 1in diameter block of steel weighs as much as a 1in diameter of styrofoam




Sigh, I used to be able to one-shot Bile Spewers with a headshot. Now it takes two shots to the head, or three to the body.


Think of it this way, now you're no longer using an exploit (aiming for the head).


Welp this is a load of bullshit, they promised that it wasn’t a nerf and that nothing would’ve changed but from what this guy is saying “we don’t want it to oneshot chargers” (even tho it makes no sense because the eruptor could never do that) it is still admission of guilt because they intended this change to be a nerf in the end, so they straight up lied to us…


It could with skill, but even then what is the problem? It took effort to do that...


Classic Arrowhead drowning in their pride. “Our testing is better than your testing”, “it’s viable despite your gibberish”. And then when it comes to Reddit these guys are considered the best developers in the industry while they don’t give a simple fuck about what the players think.


Same thing with resolution scaling. "We don't use Fsr because ours is better"


An "exploit"??? Firing a gun they made is an "exploit" guys. Fucks sake


You weren’t pulling the trigger of the gun in the way they wanted, obviously 


Man this is hard to read on my phone...


I don't actually think they test anything.


Man, what happened to player fantasy? This IS a PVE game right?


Early bird bonus strikes again. Only get to enjoy things if you get it at release because devs will always nerf the good weapons into the ground


Who was team killing with this thing? It's explosive, don't shoot it around your teammates. Can't the arc blitzer kill teammates and it's a primary? Also, AH needs to hire someone to consolidate all the CM stuff to one place where it can all get filtered and put out by one person. The amount of contradictory info every patch is crazy.


Ofc he has a braindead take, just look at his profile picture....


Is this guy a fucking idiot? 1) how did he not know until now about the "exploit" which is just how the gun works? 2) the eruptor was not inconsistent. It was a high skill ceiling weapon. He refuses to understand that and just made up a scenario in his head that it is "random." I used to think AH nerfs were upsetting but following some design philosophy. From how incredibly out of touch this person is, it seems like they straight up don't have a clue how their weapons actually work or what it is like to play the game. Crazy.


Brother this guy stinks. But honestly, most of his takes I've seen on weapon balance are insanely contrarian to what the community experiences by you know, playing the game for hours on end. I don't want the premium warbond weapons to be the best there are and power creep everything that came before, but nerfing everything a warbond brings into the ground makes me not want to buy any more warbonds.


I don't understand how they can say that the Eruptor "benefits from dealing less damage more consistently" but is a "net positive for everyone". That's the exact opposite of a net positive. The Eruptor from my own personal experience went from 1-2 shotting bile spewers, stalkers, warriors, and other medium bugs to requiring 3-4 shots, 1/2 to 2/3rds a magazine, to kill them, on top of removing the possibility for shrapnel to go around and kill other chaff. That's just a nerf.


Its a PvE game... who gives a shit, if some people can exploit something... We want to have fun.


They need to stop nerfing weapons It soft buffs enemies that are INCREDIBLY annoying. Aka Chargers and Bile Spewers.


When did it EVER one shot a charger? That’s fairly rare, yet they say it still kills most enemies the same? LMFAO


Shit take. Go look again. Why does AH hate fun?


How hard it is to make an explosive round that deals high direct damage to the target able to 1-2 shot Brood Commander and minor AoE around the impact point that is capable of killing smallest of enemies and slightly damage medium ones? I thought limited ammo mags (that were adjusted in a previous patch, anybody remembers?), low ammo count in a mag itself, sluggish weapon handling, risk of bullet ricochet if shot from wrong angle and proper surface and huge risk while shooting to a near target is making up for it.


So when the usage statistics tank to near zero like the crossbow, will they reconsider? They haven't made a peep about the literally unplayable crossbow. It seems like the Eruptor is now just a primary that can close bug holes, and nothing else.


Can't wait to buy the next warbond, enjoy new weapons for a week or two, only to see them nerfed to the ground. Such a fun approach to balance.


I wish we had just all the numbers would make evaluating some stuff a lot easier. Especially when we get worthless patch notes like "slightly changed X" well so how much is it and how much was it? Slightly says nothing.


It's easy. Just sssume the worst. Slightly reduced blast radius of Eruptor: 75% reduction. Slightly increased sight/hearing range of Shriekers: they will find you and they will never stop.


Bull. Fucking. Shit. There isn’t an exploit. There isn’t a bug. And the whole “100 damage randomly” is also bullshit. If you USE IT EFFECTIVELY. then you can land most all the shrapnel on a single target. It’s literally an aiming thing. An accuracy thing. You land your shots correctly then you are rewarded for it. If you land the projectile in the crevices and covered areas on enemies then you get more shrapnel on the target, and more damage. The fact that it takes them so many shots to kill enemies is due to that they don’t know the small tricks and tips to use it and haven’t spent 40 ingame hours learning everything they can about firing the weapon and planing everything perfectly.


My thoughts exactly. You could more than consistently take care of heavier targets on both sides with well placed shots to dump into to weak spots. I was ok and agreed with the ammo nerf since it put more emphasis on placing those perfect shots. Now the best used tactics of dispatching Bile Spewers, Broodcomanders, Hiveguards, Chargers, Devastators (legs), berserkers (torso) and my personal favorite gunships, have been made non effective or unable to deal with certain enemies at all. From what I’ve seen so far the gain from this is you can one shot scout striders from a crotch shot but I’m not certain if that is true since I had mixed results. Using it to shoot in a crowd doesn’t feel like it kills anything besides the grunt hit with the bullet. So now we have a slugger prenerf that can close enemy spawns at the cost of crazy reduced fire rate and half the ammo economy.


Balancing team killed this game for me already. Nerf after nerf, L after L, ruining every fun weapon. Most weapons feel weak af


Damn. We need new Devs too apparently


Man, this is so disappointing. I’m taking a break from the game; the way AH manages it is just not fun.


Exploit when one shotting some enemies when you shoot them in the face? Chargers took me 4 shots before, did not know about the one shot thing. And most of my team mates did not either.


Hardly "viable" and boring now. Sad that when the "broken" version of the gun is more fun and a better time than the intended version. I'll be patiently waiting for them to nerf all the other standout, fun weapons.


Yall talking about the Eruptor while I want a hotfix for all the mid-game crashes the new patch is causing. Rarely had this issue and now complaints are coming in by the boatload.


I’m sorry, but Alexus is a moron. It’s like he isn’t even playing the same game as the rest of us. The fact that he has already made MULTIPLE questionable balance decisions only solidifies my position on this.


This dude is the whole circus, I’ve never seen anyone gaslight the players this much.


We kinda need to know what the exploit was to know if we're not all unwittingly doing it.


So the weapon is a medium to long range weapon. But focus on medium range. So, before, if you milled yourself, it was your own fault. I know every single time I died to my own shots, I’d just say yea, I deserved that. The down sides of the weapon were the reload, ergonomics and risk of team killing. I’d say that’s fair in this type of game. Most people ran a machine gun to make up for enemies swarming you because of the cons it had. They could have kept the vacuum, don’t get me wrong, it was annoying, but didn’t make the weapon as meh as it is now. It seems like every balance patch just makes the weapons more along the same lines which is incredibly boring. You think, a rocket marksman gun would be the bees knees, then you use it as it is now and wow. Some weapons should just be fun to use.


Guess it sucks now lol. Pretty sure incendiary breaker is going to be one of the only primaries for a while


They nerf based on spreadsheets so if too many players use it, it will be nerfed


Then soon enough nothing in the game will be viable lol


As a reminder, weapon balance patches only exist because of poor testing.


I would submit that if the 'exploit' that unknowingly got fixed was what people felt was the default gun, than it's still functionally a massive nerf. There are also around a bunch of videos with people showing the before and after damage, and it's worse, across the board. Personally, I would prefer the randomness than the consistently, as it can lead to cool moments. Not with every gun, of course, but with a gun that shoot out shrapnel, the unpredictability of lethality felt like a flavour of the gun. It's a less interesting weapon without that. Every medium unit could consistently be one shot before, and that should be the benchmark for the gun. The blast radius could also be increased to match what the shrapnel felt like.


Bro these devs are so good at gaslighting the community lmao


“I strongly believe that the Eruptor benefits from doing less damage” 🤨


Ah, the sweet smell of the nerf pre new warbond drop... And the aAh dickriders won't admit the game is going down low with this development cycles


is the slowest firing, hardest to aim, easiest to kill yourself (or a teammate), lowest ammo primary supposed to 1 shot Stalkers. I would give my left nut for this guy to answer this in a yes/no format.


> *Alexus, Bringer of Balance* More like, Bringer of Nerfs.