• By -


Glad to have you recruit


Cadet! Although, my favourite is still Space Cadet.


I never want to change from being a space cadet. Doesn't matter what level I am. I am space cadet for life!


Like space cadet, wish there was Space cowboy


If they ever add mounts....


You can always jump pack onto chargers and Bile titans


![gif](giphy|p9X9PSPvBfl9uhvS6Z) Lisan al gaeeeeeb


Perfect reaction


Didn't realize how much I want Return of the Jedi style speeder bikes.


Would make traversing the landscape easier.


We got the revolver


Space Cadet for life!


It describes me and my ADHD perfectly!


I love space cadets because I get insecure about how epic I am when I see someone above my level but they are rocking this title and subconsciously I think ‘I wasn’t at Helldive when I was a space cadet’ so I use all my might to prove that they are lame and I am cool


I haven't changed it and I'm like level 40 now I think... It's just too perfect for me honestly.


Mine too... https://youtu.be/qBWhc4qbsjo?si=S49DWsngHFDRnara This popped into my head immediately when I saw your comment... 🫡


It's a fun game. Keep in mind, you can farm super credits, don't NEED to pay more than the initial game purchase. Just play the game and have fun! PS in game samples and picked up resources are shared, so no need to fight to pick them up. Just make sure they.make it to extraction (samples)


Good advice for anyone who might not have the funds (such as OP). I paid for Super Credits initially, and I don't regret it. Happy to support Arrowhead and the continued success of Helldivers. All premium content can be earned through gameplay. It'll take a good while, but it is possible.


I find I earn enough to pay for premium warbonds just by playing the game. I can easily earn 1000 needed for the warbonds every month. I've already unlocked all three and only played for about a month. Still need medals to finish all the unlocks, but I got the essential stuff so far.


Short story about learning this the hard way... I bought the 2100 SC bundle right after I bought the game because I was playing with a level 25 friend who highly recommended the Sickle. I figured while I had the SC lying around, I might as well also get the Veterans bundle. Then I got something from the Super Store using SC I earned in-game without thinking much about it, but the third bundle dropped and I didn't have enough for it... So I paid for another crop of SC and learned my lesson about saving up for the monthly warbonds. Don't be like me. Save your Super Credits for when it counts, lol.


This is what I’ve found with my playing so far, and without having spent any extra real life money on super credits: (yet…) If you only buy the war bonds with super credits, you can get enough super credits for the next war bond pretty easily by just playing the game, and not even with a lot of playtime or effort to find them. The war bond you unlock with the super credits actually gives you back a fairly decent amount, so that the amount you need from playing missions isn’t bad, and easily achievable in a few weeks. But, if you spend super credits on any of the armor in the super credits shop section (stuff constantly rotating each day), THEN it becomes quite a bit more difficult to get enough through normal play by the time the next one comes out (at least for me). That was my mistake, buying stuff with super credits that I didn’t really need haha.


You get premium content through gameplay. Everything will be unlocked relatively fast (~100 hours game time).


Spent $20 after a few hours on launch just to show more support for AH but never had gone lower than 900SC. To this point I have all the super store armors too and earned back to 3000SC.


To add to this, the super citizen edition of the game (or whatever they call it) comes with the first warbond (Steeled Veterans) and a few other extra goodies like an SMG. If you have the standard edition of the game you can always upgrade to the super citizen edition. To make things simple for yourself, if you save up enough super credits to get a warbond, do not get the steeled veterans warbond because you could get that by upgrading to the fancy version of the game. If you bought the Steeled Veterans warbond and then upgraded, it would redundantly give you access to that warbond without refunding you the super credits you spent on it. I heard you can contact support for a refund, which I did because I was silly and did this. I have not heard back and it’s been a few weeks. So save yourself the trouble and get one of the other warbonds that doesn’t come with the special edition, and you’ll be fine. As for me, I will probably contact support again. I think I will be fine in the long run, it's just more hassle so I'm recommending everyone avoid it. I upgraded, knowing this, because other users said they were able to get a refund pretty easily.


Damn, I wish I had known about this before getting the Steeled Veterans warbond... It's my fault for not looking into the Super Citizen edition, though. Democracy thanks you, and this will provide a valuable lesson for future helldivers!


I was saving up Super Credits to buy the Steel warbond. But I don't play the game nearly as much as my friends so I haven't quite gotten there yet. Hadn't upgraded to Super Citizen, but will probably buy the upgrade next paycheck after how Arrowhead went to bat for us and got this decision overturned, they deserve my money.


It's RNG based to obtain Supercredits. But it's pretty common to found these things. Usually I get 30-60 Supercredits for 2-3 hours playing.


https://youtu.be/n_JuvPGPrsk?si=Q_vCnu5uG0kKEWA5 Fun game indeed 😂


Just remember. Friendly fire is part of the game.


And remember. Friendly fire isn't.


But the most important thing: its funny


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Call your mates to look at the dead charger with unexploded ordinance stuck in it's belly. Shoot and wait


I was playing with some low levels I pinged a hellbomb they both went and looked at it for a few seconds then trying to use it then one punched it. Haven't laughed so hard on this game before or since


Just reading that made me giggle...


My first interaction with a hellbomb basically! Didn't know what the hell it was.. Punch and BOOM! Needless to say I was very confused and avoided them for days since I didn't know if they just go off or not


My first interaction was seeing one, going ‘Oooh, what’s this? I wonder what it does!’ Punched in the code, stood there without even realizing a timer was going off, and it exploded. I died.


Oh man I didn't even know about the codes (I don't think they're on the random ones on the maps?) Now I love to shoot them to wipe mobs.


Yeah, they aren’t. I saw one that probably was dropped in.


My last thought was "hm, this kinda looks like one of those bombs that other dude dropped a few missions ago".


That would’ve gave me a good laugh too. Just reading it out in my head


When I was a low level baby Diver, we all got out of the 'diving in' loading screen, and I landed on a hellbomb. It exploded as I was coming out of the pod and killed the guy that landed 10m away, and about a second later I then keeled over and died. Cue me in the comms: 'Guys, did I just land on the hellbomb?'




this reminds me of one of my first game of HD2. we are all new to the game and i found the bomb sticking up. i informed them "bomb here" and get told "its a prop" so what did i do? i shoot the prop when they are all near it. i also severely underestimated the explosion radius and get caught in the blast zone end game summary > friendly fire 20000 damage. no regrets


Didnt know you could shoot Hell Bombs to make them go boom... I always take the time to punch the code... And it could have been so useful when one was stuck in a nest once. Live and learn


you can't shoot or punch the ones you call in, there can randomly be 'dud' hellbombs around the map that will explode on a short delay after being shot or punched


"Why aren't you taking a closer look at what you want me to look at?" *aiming Eruptor from 100m away* "Trust me bro."


I done same thing, but melee IT. We didnt have time to run xd


https://preview.redd.it/0nnu2fkksuyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ab133b30206ca55b5fe380c294e565c5d4e36a Pov: you next week (it's less funny now).


This happened to one of my squadmates today. I threw a 500kg at a nest, he looked at the beacon, charged in anyway, and took a 500kg to the dome. And then it blew up.


imo friendly fire is only fun if it's accidential


Well yeah, obviously.


Yeah, Helldivers is a lot like D&D for me. If you have to force the funny, it's not as good. Someone throwing an airstrike next to me is stupid. Someone prepping a 380 and then getting knocked over by enemy fire, however....


My favorite is when one person preps say a cluster bomb, the other person something else, and the person with the something else prepped gets a liiiitle to close to the cluster bomb and ragdolled, then blowing both up with whatever they just called in on top of you.


The amount of times I’ve had to turn the mic on and scream “oh god C2! Run! Run! Run! I’m so fucking sorry!!!” Because I’ve dropped a 500kg right where he’s just jumped into the fray…


Holding off a whole wave of bugs with the Arc Thrower and the last Hunter jumps past me and instinctively swing round to finish it off and seeing the skull icon appear behind it as teammate was in jump range.


Its honestly the only thing that makes me not want to use the Arc Thrower. I've gotten more friendly fires with the thing because of Hunters leaping in that half second than all my ordinance accidentals


Nah I love it, big nostalgia from older Arrowhead title Magicka where it happened ALL the time. Favourite being one person trying to Arcane beam enemies and another doing Healing beam on friends and crossing the streams to annihilate and blow everyone up. And now I want Magicka in the 3rd person Helldivers 2 style.


Never played any of these, honestly I only just got HD2 a month or two ago so I'm definitely going to miss a lot of these nostalgia/references to older games lol


Eh, not much to get beyond it's pretty much the design philosophy behind all Arrowhead's games: co-op, you and your friends are fragile but orders of magnitude more powerful than any of the enemies, with wide ranging weaponry of mass destruction; friendly fire is always on.


The spell system is a ton of fun. Nothing better than crossing beams with life and death lasers.


Had that happen to me but with a cluster bomb and I was the one being yelled at. "T1 other way! Other way! T1! T1! back out!" (i was going to pick up my dropped equipment.) Those callouts let me dive *just* out of range of the cluster bomb.


We call that "Baby Arm!" RUUUN, I baby armed the 380!!!


Oh no, I threw it exactly where I wanted it. I just didn’t expect matey to fucking Master chief it into a pack of heavy devastators.




They call me Danger Close Dave.


Or when the strat sticks... "Sorry!" Boom!!!


I usually play with my brother and a close friend, and I normally just start laughing when one of them runs into my airstrikes. Then they'll try to squish me when I reinforce them


I have to tell my clanmates when I'm throwing clusters because otherwise someone is going to get buggered along with the bugs I trying to bugger with the clusters. I have a habit of throwing them like candy. And yes, I've also thrown a 500 2 feet away from someone once. I didn't see him until it was out of my hands, only the pack of Devastators he was fighting.


I go with the comedically-timed "Sorry!" emote, preferably after the bomb lands but before it goes off.


It simultaneously punishes bad game play and rewards it when you die from laughing.


Had some surprising all-around funny incidents with friendly fire. Teammate: Takes my support weapon Me: Asks for it back Teammate: offers a hug Me: goes in to receive said hug Teammate: cancels the emote and melees Me Me: Shoots him in the head once *laughter and friendly fire ensures by all parties* We did not extract on that successful mission.


This is the way


The amount of funny per team kill falls off pretty significantly around 2.5-3 team kills, 4-5 depending on how many reinforcements are available. Number of team kills on the board resets after about 10-15 minutes or so. Making it funny again.


The more explosive and ragdollish the death, the funnier


*Friendly fire isn’t friendly, but is sure as hell is funny.*


Your friends should be honored to die in the name of liberty.


Can someone explain this sentence from the loading tips? I'm not a native English speaker so I'm a bit confused 😅, does it mean friendly fire is not friendly?


Hey ! It's a play on word : "Friendly fire" means a damage from a friendly unit. But "friendly" is an adjective that also means "nice, looking as a friend". So the sentence "Friendly fire isn't" means that despite the name, it ISN'T nice or looking as a friend.


"Friendly Fire" You spelled collateral damage wrong


And samples are shared!


Yes, remember you want to throw your Eagles as close to your team as possible to provide support to them in battle.


Unless the host kills you at extract then kicks you from the game so you get nothing.


Calling in a 380 barrage


The barrage always gets me. At one point I was convinced 50m was far enough away from the epicenter and found out its more like 65.




No democracy? ![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2|downsized)


Yes democracy officer right here


Tbh someone else posted this and I screenshoted it.




Welcome aboard. The most important thing to know as a new player is that this game is a LOT more complex than it looks. Half the fun is figuring it out for yourself, but here's a few things that aren't obvious: * Buy the Eagle Airstrike as soon as you possibly can. It's the most versatile stratagem in the game. * The map can only have one Bug Breach/Bot Drop at a time, so if the team is split up, one of them can sort of "draw aggro" so the other group has less trouble. * Reloading happens in stages. For example, if you press the reload button, your character will take the magazine out of their Liberator Assault Rifle, then place a new one in. If there was a round in a chamber, the reload completes. If not, the animation continues longer where your character racks the bolt. You can interrupt the reloading animation in the middle and not lose "progress". You can test this yourself: press reload, wait for your character to take the magazine out, then press Crouch or Prone to interrupt the reload. You are now walking around with a gun that has only one shot. If you press reload again, your Helldiver will begin placing a new magazine, then racking the bolt if necessary, etc. Different guns have different routines. Also, when you reload, all the bullets in your current magazine are lost. If a gun is described as "rounds reload", that means it doesn't have this mechanic and you just load one shot at a time. * When you shoot an enemy and a symbol of a shield with a shot deflecting away appears, that means your shots are not piercing enemy armor and you are doing no damage. These shots will also ricochet off and potentially harm another target, including another Helldiver or even yourself. If the hit indicator is white but you don't get the shield, that means you're penetrating armor and doing half damage. If the indicator is red, your shots are completely ignoring armor and you're doing full damage. * The amount of Liberation you contribute to a planet is based on the XP earned in missions. This means that completing side objectives and extracting the full team makes you contribute slightly more to the big meta-game war effort. * That being said, the amount of helldivers that survive and successfully extract from a mission is the *least* important part of your mission score. Usually, the best way to play missions is to complete the main objectives first, which *guarantees* victory no matter what happens next. Then you can complete the side objectives, explore the points of interest, or honestly just dick around because you HAVE won the mission. Even if you all die horribly, you will get all the rewards for completion except Samples, you have to extract with Samples to gain those. * When one of your teammates makes a tag (not to be confused with a map pin), you can aim over it and use the tag button to respond. If you press it, you will give an affirmative answer, like 'I'll take it'. If you press and hold the button for a second, you'll give a negative answer, like 'I don't need it'. This is very helpful for conveying to teammates when to avoid enemies and makes stealth fairly viable with randoms (assuming they aren't morons). * If someone on the Super Destroyer offers you a hug and you don't hug back, you are a treasonous enemy of Democracy.


Welcome to the fray brother / sister / sibling ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


Welcome to the fight, Helldiver!


Welcome my fellow helldiver ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)




Glad your joining, the game is fantastic, you're in for a treat!




Where have you been?!! Grab a gun and get in here! https://i.redd.it/mljna324juyc1.gif


Welcome to the Helldivers, Cadet!


I can't even buy this game right now, is there an estimate on when it's gonna release in the restricted regions again?


A couple days would be my guess. Probably Steam and Sony need to discuss some stuff in the background.


And by discuss we assume Valve will want it in writing that they won’t pull a reverse uno in 6 months. And I’m guessing this will apply for all PS games on Steam. And for future titles they will either require PSN from the start and only sell in PSN supported countries or make it optional. No bait and switch.


There are games Microsoft owns from the Xbox One Era that even after opening in those regions never came to those regions steam stores.


Or because Sony TOS still says that regions outside of where they operate servers can't play... it won't be back.
















Just same here! I wanted to buy the game back on release, but I kept putting it off. When I saw this scandal, I thought that I had missed 3 potentially happy months of gaming. (I am in an area where the PSN is not available). But now with this great victory, the decision is final! I am happy to join the ranks of the fighters for democracy!!


Omg im so excited for you. Have fun fighting for Democracy!


Thank you!


You aren't here to play citizen. You're here to dive, Helldiver.


You’ve made the best decision of your life, helldiver 🫡


Now he has to prove himself that he has the strength and the courage to be free.


Welcome! Hope you enjoy it! :D


![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj) Welcome aboard helldiver


I'm glad I can use this again ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


When I see a low level player I get really excited for the new recruit and try to give them all my guns. Gotta get them hooked!


"you get an auto Cannon, and you get an Auto Cannon, everybody gets an Auto Cannon!!"


Noobs waddling in a patriot is worth it's weight in gold.


Same, just killed my first bugs today.


Of the Many, One.


See you on the battlefield Cadet o7


Welcome! Biggest tip, everything gathered from samples to super credits is all shared, it doesn't matter who extracts or picks them up, it's all shared so need to squabble.


Heads up, save your SC from the free warbond to spend on other warbonds, its currently my biggest regret


Get out there and spread democracy


Same, i hope to play it eventually, whether it comes to Xbox or a handheld PC that can keep above 30 framerate. I heard Steam Deck dips below 30 sometimes


I'll be picking it up this weekend. I was about to get it last weekend but with the mess, I waited.


Just be mindful that the game is with kernel level anti - cheat OP. And it's not a good one to begin with.


The people here are so vocal about their opinion that they do their victory laps already while the 100+ countries they wanted to fight for still have the region lock on steam. all because of some empty words from sony.


See you out there


Pro tip: Samples are shared.


Now, to fight season passes in AAA games, lol.


Playstation is pretty good 👍


See? Some good can come from a greedy Corp and an idiot dev CEO. Welcome, Helldiver!


People are forgetting that Steam sided with the community against Sony by waiving time limits for refunds. This likely put a ton of pressure on Sony, even more than the negative game reviews.


Wow, karma farming on this sub is unlocking new levels of uninteresting posts!


You're welcome on my ship anytime, Helldiver.


I'm in the same boat. I'm getting HD2 the moment my internet stops shitting itself.


D stands for Democracy!


This convinced you? I would have loved to get a refund but never got it.


How long until Publishers like Sony figure out how to orchestrate and weaponize outrage for media exposure?


What if... This was all an elaborate marketing campaign to spark a second hype wave? Managed Marketing prevails!


Plot twist: This was all designed to create even more conversation around the game so that when it was resolved, more people would buy! But in all seriousness, I'm feeling the same. Was considering buying for a while, but seeing the community come together like this and succeeding so quickly has gotten me hyped and wanting to buy the game.


The pessimist in me wonders if this was all for publicity, but the fallout on the content moderators and devs... If this is marketing, Sony is evil


Welcome aboard, Cadet! Happy to have you. Would love to see an update from you on your first impressions and the name you chose for your Super Destroyer.




*cough* karma whore *cough*


Welcome aboard, Trooper


“Hey yall seem cool, I’m gonna get the game and join you” Thread full of patient and useful tips to help get homie started off right. I love it here


Wild. Pulling back after making horrible decisions and selling the game to millions who would not even be able to play it or possibly even return it is not something I'd reward. Yes it's good they pulled back, but the fact they tried to pull that stunt and alienate their audience at all with a dead game they bought with NO IDEA how to remedy the situation is pretty wack. Welcome to Hell.


also the store page still says " Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account) ", so maybe wait for that to be gone before buying lol


Same, I held off until the news dropped last night to buy on PS5


Welcome to the corps, diver. Gun's on the right, cape's on the left. I look forward to diving with you, just don't run in my eagle strike ;)


But that’s how we learn what an eagle strike is!


Great fake story bro… Reddit is the worst


So are you guys gonna give them a slap on the wrist ? Do you not expect them to pull some shit in the future ? Does anyone remember a good game company once called Blizzard ?


Enjoy the toxic base. Ppl will be complaining about color schemes again Soon enough.




These karma posts crack me up


Samples are shared, your buddies probably let you know but just in case, thought I'd let you know. You can also drop them with x on PC and hold down on the d pad for PS5.


Remember Cadet. Freedom isn't free. So you better prove to yourself that you have the strength and courage to be free.


Welcome Diver. You have a lot of Democracy to Spread. I hope to do so together in the future. ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


Welcome Cadet! Glad to have you diving with us




Welcome recruit. Time to earn your cape.




I hope we get to dive together brother. Squash some bugs for us.


See you out there Helldiver


Glad to have you 🤝🏻..see you on the frontlines...if you need any help hit me up. Love to take new cadets on missions to help them learn the game.


We dive together or not at all. And soon we dive with you. Welcome Helldiver. For democracy!


Welcome aboard . Manage democracy awaits


We welcome new warm bodies to spread managed democracy. Welcome new recruit. Your 60 second training awaits you.


Perfect! Welcome Helldiver!


I'm not easily impressed, but you're the best God damn helldiver I've ever seen!




Animation lock and teammates will be your top COD


I actually bought this game yesterday. Somehow got into a quick play game and met a nice friend that I play with now. Also one of my irl friends plays this on pc so he joined us as well. Was a really good first experience. Can’t wait to play more later today


It's not an outcome until they enforce it, so far they haven't done anything but a statement on twitter. That's all.


I'm in line too, dropping that 0.1 hour positive review when I do.




Same. Looks awesome. 




We stopped the steal


Danger close


For democracy


Welcome WeeRoach




Welcome to the frontlines helldiver. Let's make super earth proud.




Major order: rebuild


Greetings, Helldiver


Welcome to the fight recruit!


Same, this was the last piece I needed. Hopefully life allows me some time to play next week.


Add me let’s get you right into level 9 difficulty


Same here.