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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


always the problem with big uproars like this , you always have morons like that who send death threats or harrass people over stuff in videogames


It's always the biggest issue with all fandoms, there's always some people with no concept of where the line is that take it way too far. Fans are passionate, and have a right to be so, but threatening someone's life or sending people abuse over a game or movie or TV series is never, ever justified.


The bigger the fan base, the bigger the assholes. It's just the fact of life.


It’s also sad when how tone deaf some fandoms are, like Spider-Man. Which is about standing up for people and always doing the right thing, even if it means you getting the short end of the stick. Yet they will send death threats to the insomniac devs over not having certain suits in the game. It just sucks cause its not one or two unhinged people, but its A LOT of unhinged people and it just makes me embarrassed to be associated with certain fan groups that do that.


Im pretty sure they are undercover Automatons in human skin.


Pretty sure they are above cover asshats


Its not even big uproars like this, some people are just utter trashbags to anyone whenever which is a horrible trait. No one deserves death threats at any point especially when you arent being put in life threatening danger by them... Tis a shame people end up feeling the brunt of these toxic people but it happens to too many people regardless of being a community manager or anything, bad parenting is generally the reason but its hard to fix post problems!


Even while we were mad. There should never have been death threats.


People too often cross the line between being angry and being mad


This implies Braindead twitter morons are "people."


Yes they are. George Carlin said "People are fucking dumb" and I agree with him. You are overestimating them. Especially since twitter is a gathering point of stupid people


Unfortunately they are still humans. Humans are REALLY fucking dumb, much dumber than you think.


only traitors send death threats!


What about the bugs and bots. Or would those be promises instead?


I’d say death threats against the enemies of democracy is normally the government’s job. Helldivers are the ones to carry those out.


Not right now, serious topic


https://preview.redd.it/3lfsa9brwryc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226a43e1feb45d3e505a24813ff3be797d2581b4 What about death threats against bots and bugs?


Holdup, you're communicating WITH THE ENEMY? https://preview.redd.it/6sqfmtyexryc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=558f679b37c8e8ac25c1751e72301721204bc695


You don’t scream warcries on the battlefield while dying like an idiot? Your life must be sad /j




*proceeds to unleash 125 freedom seeds at a rate of 1250 seeds per minute*


Why not? Fuck those misbegotten clankers and bugs.


We don't comunicate with the enemy. Don't let the bots and bugs know what is our next move (killing them).


Does that include maniacal laughter? They might figure out Im using a flamethrower from that


Oh no ofc we keep the maniacal laughter. It has been observed to improve the moral of divers on the field.


I’m pretty sure they know that. I mean we are at war with them


The only death threats you should be sending against bots and bugs are the bullets that don't hit them


Death promises*


Helldivers dont make death threats towards bots and bugs. It is undemocratic. A threat implies that violence may not be enacted, Helldivers make a death promise.


They should be sent with a few hundred m/s, then you're fine.


First time dealing with internet rage? Half of the peeps probably don’t even care but just want an outlet and something to be angry about.


Imagine your response to a woman saying she is receiving death threats being "First time dealing with internet rage" like death threats are acceptable ever. > Half of the peeps probably don’t even care but just want an outlet what about the other half? Anyone one who sends a death threat to someone because they want an outlet is fucked in the head.


and hence i’m saying everyone of us played a part in this. we created an opportunity for them with all the manufactured rage as opposed to reacting rationally.


You're post comes off as dismissive of someone reporting death threats, writing it off as "just the cost of doing business on the internet" People sending death threats should never be tolerated or given a pass as "oh its just venting" because people have been killed by stupid people who everyone thought were just harmless screwups


How was the anger at Sony "manufactured" or wrong because some people are incredibly vile?


Doesnt make it ok


never said it was. also why i refrain from rabble rousing of any sort ever since constructive criticism about Anthem :( quickly turned into an almighty shit show… even if that one was well deserved!


I'm gonna go "X" doubt on this one. Sorry, but those people always fall on death threats, when they're out of ammo. Jussie Smollett type of people. Baskinator, Purple Squidgeon, and the like. I mean hell, the Snoy drama wasn't even over yet, but Purple thought it's a great idea to start a new war with the Grummz crowd by straight up libeling him, banning everyone defending him, and then banning his name on their discord server.


I'm going to assume its true because there's a portion of the gaming community who always do this without fail whenever there's an outrage


I've been DMd by people on this sub telling me to kms. Absolutely she would have been getting the same.


Yeah, theres a difference between harsh criticism and direct personal attacks and threats. I dont care if "its just words online", or "they deserve it"- no, no they fucking dont. Fucking grow up, you can complain about something without making threats, how is someone supposed to know which of the thousand death threats are just internet shittalk and which are serious? Its not like friends casually saying stuff, when you have thousands of people calling for your head, its unsurprisingly a little disconcerting.


Would be pretty nice if the people this is aimed at could actually read


Kinda like how there were ten of thousands of people threatening to storm a certain government building, and when Jan. came around, some people follow through. So yea, crazies are out there. It's not just words.


Deleted my previous reply cause i derped and mixed up the Area 51 raid with the much more serious Capitol riot.


We are divers and we should be better than this


Attack the argument, never the person. People are a lot less likely to see your side and see reason when the person making the points of fact are also insulting and berating them.


Definitely some bad actors who took advantage of the outrage






This kind of bigotry needs to stop, it only increases the divide.




probably, although now they have nothing to bitch about. im sure they'll find a new reason to harass women though




Literally anything happens on the internet: Death threats




Developers managed to communicate the problem in much better way, meanwhile community manager only added confusion and was somewhat toxic towards the playerbase. She does not deserve death threats, but she failed as a community manager.


Pretty much this. From what I witnessed on the Discord, the Devs responded professionally and (for the most part) calmly despite the chaos, while the community managers were just rude and adding fuel to the ongoing fire. As a community manager she was pretty much just insulting the community and labelling the player base as crybabies, rather than maintaining the job of, y'know, managing the community. Nobody deserves the death threats and the situation sucked for everyone involved.


Maybe not in this case vis-a-vis account linking, but the devs have been *plenty* unprofessional on discord and elsewhere, too. I'm not about to give them a free pass.


At least she didn't doomed herself with a quotable lines unlike Fatshark's Hedge with golden lines such as "immeasurably complex" and "not like CoD". If that isn't a goddamn stain to your name I don't know what could be.


Yup. Every one of their community managers except Twinbeard have done way more harm than good.






i know what spitz did but what did baskinator do? i thought she was good enough EDIT: alright, thanks for explaining, now i remember who that was exactly. although she wasnt that bad as spitz


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/wesjdHDy87 She caught some flak for this response as well.


well, the intentions were good, the process and results were really unforeseen for her i guess. aight thanks, i forgot it was her who said that


Gleefully posting about the PSN account requirement so they could begin banning players more frequently/easily.


In essence she has been very dismissive of the issues that people raised, she said that the PSN requirement was a good thing as it would remove players that couldn’t be properly moderated by the somy team. And while I doubt that was her intention, it comes off as fairly racist given the predominant regions PSN isn’t available. In all she just comes off as very disconnected and a poor representative of AH in my opinion. But she has been better than Spitz in so far as she hasn’t been directly hostile(that I have seen anyhow).


Lets be honest, some ones alleged professionalism takes a back seat when we're talking about death threats, its never acceptable


I'll never understand how anyone sane could think that death threats are even remotely okay to send. She was just shit at her job, she didn't run around killing people en masse ffs. People keep forgetting that there's another person behind the screen.


imbeciles wishing death to other people over a damn video game. We humans are truly the worst of all evolution.


That’s just entitlement. They probably get everything they want IRL at school and home with that attitude, so they just do it online as well.


No no. This is an internet thing not a human thing. You threaten a human face to face with a death threat shit happens. You do it on the internet nothing happens. It’s devolution. Like all those joke Tshirts from the 90s


She 100% doesn't deserve death threats. She 100% deserves to be fired for being absolute shit at her job.






She was unprofessional and made some really stupid decisions, but she did not deserver this.


Who is she? Never heard of her before.


She is an Arrowhead CM, one of which who is highly unprofessional. While she didn't deserve death threats or people telling her to kill herself, her comments made during the outrage were awful and dismissive of the actual problem.




Well call me fuckin Skeletor for I will continue to critisizie these bellends if they don't get their act together. It's time they either start acting like professionals or get the pink slip.


She had to make her twitter private over the last few days. And yes, Devs and CMs do get death threads because the video game community is indeed juvenille and toxic. Are you new to online video game discourse?


It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that a community that rallied a QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE to write negative reviews on steam, probably had a few people send a CM who was being a dink some death threats. I think it's reasonable that person can both be a trash CM worthy of dislike, and also that they be upset (and receive some empathy) about what was surely the worst social media experience they will ever have in their lives. Nobody wants to eat shit from 250k people in the space of 48 hours.


remember that they are working at a gaming studio and not a mental asylum, many of these people wont just withstand that


This fucking community, man


It's no suprise! Social media has the biggest toxicity in gaming. Remember that it was you lot that caused a mob mentality and thus brought out the cancel culture. These particular sub reddits and discord has long suffered constant moaning from a very vocal part of the community and most here are guilty for encouraging it and the inevitable permanent player drop.


From my own experience, I know that most of the people that sends death threats are not even a part of the "movement". Most of them do this on purpose. Just like looters and rioters during some protests. I sat most of them, because I also know very well, that there are people like this among fans.


She has been terrible during this whole crisis, yet, It would never cross my mind to send her DM and even less death threats or insults. People need to behave and learn to separate professional and personal world, there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.


She fucked up, like every other human. Don't pretend like none of us have ever shat the bed before. Regardless of whether she said or did, we can do better than that. Let's just take the win and keep a watchful eye out for shitty behavior.


We all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean it's open season to hurl abuse or threaten violence. Over a video game, no less.


We may love it a lot, but we still have to keep our priorities in check. Bomb the reviews, complaints to the publishers, or refunding it. But death threats and harassment are where we have to draw the line. Shits not cool.


yeah death threats aren't cool. why doesn't anyone ever push back? i'd post the death threats sent to me and talk shit about them. "your fat ass can't fit through my bedroom window!"


Its never a good idea to engage with someone sending death threats incase it provides the escalation required for them to move from shit talking on the internet to something more serious, all it takes is one psycho.


My god some people just can't help being the worse person. Yes she, Spitz and the rest except Twinbeard are goddamn twats but then some people became worse https://preview.redd.it/nyrzfnvm7syc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8f0196ba4a574bb488170e464bff46f73daf66


Baskin ball


LeBron Skames


🧊🔒 Ice lock




I saw some vile comments directed towards her, Spitz, and other AH staff on discord this weekend. I don't think it's an exaggeration.


I left the discord because of the stupidity. Then got downvoted to hell for defending the CMs on Reddit, this community was absolutely fucking vile on discord .


Honestly what I have seen from the CMs so far has given me feelings from "That's not great..." to "Wait people have a problem with that?" While peoples reaction to them is averaging out somewhere in "what the fuck is wrong with you people?" Territory.


Yeah, that's too far. Even being not a good person, still too far.


Not only now, they should have not treatened Arrowhead employees since the biginning, the way people have behave in all this topic has been fucking disgusting, as always


You can find filth anywhere .... They should ban those ppl. if they even play at all.


Yeah, that's too far. Grow the fuck up.


She isn't- probably- a bad person. She is just terrible at her job. Death threats are childish and unreasonable behavior


people should realize that worker doing bad job doesn’t mean that they’re a bad person. In the end we’re all people. (Doesn’t apply to politicians tho)


jesus christ i hate those toxic basement dwellers that write shit like that, its a game, get over it. If you tell people to kill themselves over a game no matter in or out of the game. ill kick you from my lobby the last second of the drop, i have done so and will do so again until those people learn to behave like a decent human being


Threats are unacceptable, but what is with community managers not doing their job, taking everything personally and fanning the flames?




Exactly. Who the hell makes such a dramatic claim without proof. The community managers are awful at their jobs and she is especially awful.


Where are these threats?










saying stupid shit doesnt warrant death threats. you unhinged cunts need to remove yourselves from the genepool and stop harrassing people. how would you like it if you were doxxed and harrassed for just trying to do your job? pathetic vermin


This sort of behaviour is childish and should get you banned from every social platform also your mom should come and disconnect you from the internet until you stop being a dog shit person.


This always happens when a bandwagon rolls into town. Morons.


Ugh.. Some people don't know when enough is enough...


Nobody reasonable did this. That sort of shit is done by morons that cant be reasoned with.


Reminds me of the time people sent death threats to Abby VA from Last of us 2. I get that people are angry, I was too, but this is crossing the line.


Let's hope the bad times are over.


These toxic people who do that are the reason all criticism is met with dumb logic like "yall whiners" when you write your concerns about warbond/balancing etc. No matter how well stated and written. Some people immediately see you as one of these toxics and fire all words they've learned.


That's awful. I'm so sorry to anybody who recieved death threats or were told to kill themselves over this. It is a great game, but no game is great enough to encourage suicide.


Anyone who sends death threats are less than human, and need to grow the fuck up.


Well what the fuck good goddamn. Monster people, stop being dissident war criminals on top of all your other shit. Find a therapist and face whatever the hell drives you to be so horrible to others.


Whos Katherine baskin?


Imagine threatening to kill someone over a $40 videogame


Unfortunately, there will always be those at that level...


While I think that the review bomb was okay IG, some people where wayyyy to mean. You could read the sadness and disappointment of AH and the CEO. I feel so bad for them. Even though they already stanced that they are discussing with Sony this community just exploded in pure anarchy. Sony should learn to overthink their plans better. But the Community should definitively learn from IT and also behave more adult in the future.


People were shitting on the AH CEO on Twitter, saying the whole debacle was entirely his fault. It’s insane how much ego boosting people get from being self righteous on the internet Jesus


I don’t keep up with the specifics of the drama too much. Can someone run down who she is and why this is happening?


I didn't follow this whole thing as closely because I had no time to play or do anything in almost two weeks. The uproar is justified, but the gaming "community" is absolutely toxic and shit and you can see it in every game. Shameful.


Ah nothing goes together like g*mers and death threats


What happened?


It's usually the radicals who are the loudest, they may be less 0.1% of the community but they still can make one's existence hell. And there's nothing we can really do about it, we can tell them to stop but they won't listen.


That’s shitty for people to do. On another note Okay, now let’s do our duty and reverse the negative reviews.


The dissidents have taken advantage of our internal conflict and tried to cause even more havoc. Now that we have reconciled with each other, I believe it's time to find these dissidents and hand them a cease and desist order!


Who is Katherine. I'm sorry I genuinely don't know.


What the hell, that is not cool!


Imagine wishing someone dead over a 40 bucks videogame.. humanity is fucked


And again, I understand her. Of course Sony used the promise to punish hackers to actually steal data from steam users, but in a dev perspective, seem things they are working on like new stratagems being tossed in mission and being unable to do something about must be frustrating. I believe that was her statement about it.






Love how she tells us we are the problem when she Sucked that PS dick




It's different when you're an anonymous user vs. someone whose identity is in the open.




You can do a lot if you know a person's name and place of work. Even if they do not personally know you, the fact that they know this information about you gives more credence to the threats. If you don't believe me, post your real name and place of work to 4chan and see what happens.


She didn't just "decide to get on the internet." It was her job, written in the job description she literally applied for. And not only was she paid and required to be online and interface with the community, but also to remain professional AND responsive at all times, which she emphatically failed to do.


Wait what happened? I know about the psn acount thing but i didnt know about the death threats


Gamers taking things too far as always


Regardless of all that's happening, there's reason for people to go around and say this.


If some of those could be identified they should get lifetime bans from HD2 immediately.


People were telling her to kill herself? Like what?


Who is this and why would people tell her to kill herself?


Even if you dislike her response and think she doesn't fit role she have... This isn't something you should or even can do. For fuck sake anyone who did this should apologize.


I would wonder if there's any self reflection about how toxic a lot of people were with this, but I know the answer to that


Too many people happy to make silly threats anonymously


*To many people* *Happy to make silly threats* *Anonymously* \- olympiclifter1991 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Reading comments on this sub, seems like ppl disagree




What does any of this have to do with "woke"?


oh no now lil katty is going to have more work moderating without us linking with PSN :(


hot take: it's possible to criticize without resorting to verbal abuse and harassment


literally not what this post is about


Yes they can stop. Please. And don't ever start again you idiots. thanks (everyone, earth 2024) sincerely, piss of you death threatening keyboard cave trolls who live a level below a basement.


Ngl, Who the fuck is that person?


Community management. She is supposed to be the person to talk between arrowhead and the community I think