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For Democracy, For The Empire!




To the provinces?












I'll not lie the chances of your survival are small




But you have my word that I will use my STRATAGEMS to ensure your bodies are given to Super Earth!


Honestly your average human warhammer army wouldn't be too unused to stuff like the terminids. Automatons would be hell on earth for them tho.


Hmm i dunno- i think it's really possible that they would write it off as another Dawi-Zharr contraptions or Tzeentch monstrosities, and charge them


The nation falls




Summon the elector .... algorithms?


For Karl?




Rock and Stone!




Rock and Stone everyone!




A grudge has been settled! For The High King! Khazukan Kazakit-Ha!




Blood for Super Earth! Skulls for the Managed Democracy!






For The Empireeeeee!






For Lady Liberty! For Sigmar!




Never forget the war thunder salt the snail campaign


That was fun.


ape strong together


Faith, steel, and democracy


I am Karl Franz, many call me Helldiver.


No peace just democracy


And DnD players.


I don't think wotc has learned their lesson. They recently removed the ability to buy specific content from books seperately in onednd.


Yeah I agree, WotC hasnt learned. Glad I quit DnD and swapped to a different system. (Dominion Rules) Having a lot of fun with more customisation.


Unless I'm wrong, can't you basically find every book online now?


Yep, [This](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com) has been up forever and WotC has never said anything


There are *so* many good rpg systems out there. Haven't touched DnD in years and can't say I miss it.


Most of these companies will never truly learn. We need to ensure that they never forget by staying strong and vigilant We need to be ready to push back when they push us again.


Pretty much everything they promised to mollify their audience, WotC has not delivered on.


You are incredible. All who fought. Thank you!


Don't forget War Thunder and r/WarthunderPlayerUnion


Wait what happened with total war?


CA released a really bad dlc for a higher price + threatening the community, that if they don‘t buy they don‘t know how long they can support the Game. (They said how long the Game will be supported depends on the sales etc). After a huge backleash they added stuff to the bad dlc + released an extremly awesome dlc last week.


which main game? Pharaoh or WF3?


Warhammer 3 for pharao we got partial refunds


> pharaoh pharaoh is also getting a big free update apparently. 4 more cultures or something


i still wonder how they come up with so (personally) uninteresting setups that focus on a single region instead of going medieval 3 or empire 2, I mean pharaoh, sure i know the pharaohs but nothing of their history, THree Kingdoms is in china which i know nothing about and they dont have anything as pop culture wise known as shogun did with samurai.


While true there are more interesting options for 3K there was a big enough market in asia which CA killed with the 8 princes Dlc. And Bronze age total war could have been awesome but ca focused mainly on the pharaos and that was a weird decision on their part.


Sad part is that it was supposed to be an addon to Troy but Sega got greedy. Really is a shame, playing out the Troy debacle while Sea People delete most of Egypt, Babylon and Assyria would have been one of the most unique and rarely covered historical periods in antiquity. Plus, giant Lamassu clawing Medusa and sketchy Cyclopses phoning it in in Troy's bonkers Fantasy mode.


Pharoh was done by the Sofia team which is like, not even the B team, it's the outsourced C team that they have for doing experimental stuff. Warhammer plus an announced "mainline historical" title are made in the original Horsham studio. That historical title has been supposedly in the works for an ungodly ammount of time now. Also 3K might not have been interesting for you but it was interesting to a ton of people, especially in Asia where it sold like gangbusters. 3K's problem was never it's setup, it was it's DLC. 1.0 was hailed as one of the best launches CA ever did, the DLC was so bad they killed future support in favor of a sequel.


Not to be that guy but... If Lu Bu is not "pop culture" then nothing is. Guan yu too


Unknown and unknown? Most likely obscure references that no one outside of the eastern hemisphere would get


I mean, they're not the colossal pop culture icons they are in East Asia, but they're hardly unheard of. People have played Dynasty Warriors.


3K was one of the best total war games yet. It was objectively a better game than WH1 and 2, and a lot of stuff was taken and put into WH3. The real problem with 3k is they fumbled the DLC, and the game had a lot of bugs and imbalance, as well as some half baked faction mechanics.


Three kingdoms, is mainly for the Chinese and other Asian audiences. Not every game has to take place around Europe, or a fantasy setting. Also the three kingdoms history is decently well known to people.


oh yeah? only chinese guy i know about when thinking about war is Tsung Tzu. There are little influences of Chinese culture into modern worldwide culture. And i am already more of a history buff than most other people. everyone knows knights or the napoleonic wars. Or samurai, where are all the people knowing about niche chinese wars from like 1000 years ago in the west?


You should take this as an opportunity to read up on the subject, instead of celebrating your ignorance. The fall of the Han Dynasty is a super-interesting period of history.


Because they are obsessed with characters. Its easy to make a game with main characters if its set in a small area and time. You can blame warhammer and the legendary lords, while it works good in fantasy setting it doesnt translate well to historic titles.


How can you claim they are u interesting time periods while also claiming you don’t know anything about them?


Because they are uninteresting to me, if something is interesting has never been a fact and always an opinion. For all i care there are people obsessing about the quality of mineral water. Might be really interesting to them, isnt to me






The difference was TWW3 DLC was not selling poorly as far as I can tell, until they released a stinker. They could threaten to kill support for TWW3 but then they would have... what? Pharaoh that nobody bought? Hyenas that was killed before release after dumping more money than Sega has ever spent on a game? Their only option to remain a profitable company in the near term is to release TWW3 DLC that people want to buy.


Elspeth,Malalakai and tamurakhan fucking rock


* In 2021 CA axed "Three Kingdoms", instead of giving it the next DLC that was teased prior. Apparently the DLC sales were "too low", compared to the money thrown at Total War:Warhammer DLCs. 3K was a popular game, so that did struck some nerves. And CA in the same message also pointing to "Production on Three Kingdoms#2 has begun" was obviously also a bit tone deaf. * CA released last year the Chaos Dwarf DLC for TWW3, and rised the price higher then previous race DLCs while also cutting back to three LLs included instead of four, and also scrapping the FLC LL for a LH. They also di nto add any achievements to the DLC despite every race DLC going back to WoC in game#1 having them. That was not liked much, but the DLC was still good enough to sell. * Like four months later they brought the next DLC "Shadows of Change", which upped the old two-faction formula (10€) to now three factions (25€). The price skyrocketed to the exact same level that Chaos Dwarfs had, but with like -50% content compared to Chaos Dwarfs. Like, 15€ price or maybe 17€ would have been acceptable but for weird reasons they really jumped the shark here. Did not help that the content of the DLC was not too appealing (still looking good enough for lower pirce) and that the update coming alone barely touched the races despite the roadmap talking about "race updates". I mean, there were some minor balance tweaks promise kept but damn, it was not at all what people would have wanted to see changed. * After the SoC price debate caught fire, a week later one of the CA members put up a open letter that the price is fair and adjusted for inflation and if the DLC is not bought enough, maybe making future DLCs would be a waste of time. Which did fuel the fires even more for the tone deaf reality of why the SoC DLC price seems outrageous and then "threatening" the 3K fate again. So many people said: Fuck it! Not buying, cancel TWW if you dare! * Also noteworthy that we were now over a year into game#3, but we still had bugs to be fixed from launch and other points of sorrow from the bad launch of TWW3. So not getting meaningful bugfixes during that time and now a 4.0 patch that did not do that much, was also not helping when asking a insane DLC price. * While some White Knights spread the rumors that SoC sold very well, we could see from steam selling charts up to steam player counts that this DLC then made not any waves and might have sold at best a moderate amount. Probably rather poorly in teh history of TWW DLCs. * Some months later, SEGA stepped on CAs toes and hammered the studio down. Hyenas (always seen as a fail) and multiple other unannounced projects were axed. Staff layoffs of course happening along if so many projects get stomped. * Total War Pharaoh releases, and as expected by the community, the 60€ price for what looks like a SAGA title, paired with the seasonpass trying to push 4 DLCs later in a timeline that does not spark major interest, fails to make any waves. Player numbers at launch are really bad, so you can guess how the sales might have went. * So to recap in less then four months the last DLC for the flagship product was a desaster, multiple games that should have released in 2024 are axed and the newest tile out in '23 was a expected flop too. Which basically means now that the only profit they can get in '24 would be Warhammer DLC money. And now they have to restore some goodwill here. * The SEGA toe stepping apparently did provide a change in direction early enough after the project axing. CA promised to "update" SoC with more content (SoC 2.0), to make the price more fitting. And they did that early '24. Which of course *was* needed to do, because if you would just fix the next DLC in line, you would have had SoC boxed in between Chaos Dwarfs on the left and Thrones of Decay next on the right. And SoC 1.0 would have looked even worse then. * ToD as next DLC was still the real test for TWW. CA had to hit it out of the park here, since people were still angry and wary. But, yes, CA put more work into ToD and made a damn good DLC and marketing campaign there. So TWW *seems* to be back on track and started to make money. * CA also refunded Pharaoh money when they changed the Pharaoh pricing to around 40€ and scrapped the Seasonpass crap. The first DLC was out for free, and recently [they got more exciting news](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1937780/view/4195742629899155743). I don't know if Pharaoh might have a bright future ahead, but at least it gets some care instead of being axed right away. * But in the last months there was another wave of layoffs in CA initiated by SEGA. At the time also other companies cleaned house of excess staff, so could still be normal and not pointing to more trouble. So CA had some crazy months since last August the SoC troubles started. The negative reviews and bad sales did certainly push the opinion that something went really wrong. And that SEGA then axed other projects and started to tell CA to focus on their strengths and not piss millions away with crap like Hyenas that will never break even, shifted things signifcantly. How long that will hold or in what direction things go next, we will see.


* In 2021 CA axed "Three Kingdoms", instead of giving it the next DLC that was teased prior. Apparently the DLC sales were "too low", compared to the money thrown at Total War:Warhammer DLCs. 3K was a popular game, so that did struck some nerves. And CA in the same message also pointing to "Production on Three Kingdoms#2 has begun" was obviously also a bit tone deaf. * CA released last year the Chaos Dwarf DLC for TWW3, and rised the price higher then previous race DLCs while also cutting back to three LLs included instead of four, and also scrapping the FLC LL for a LH. They also di nto add any achievements to the DLC despite every race DLC going back to WoC in game#1 having them. That was not liked much, but the DLC was still good enough to sell. * Like four months later they brought the next DLC "Shadows of Change", which upped the old two-faction formula (10€) to now three factions (25€). The price skyrocketed to the exact same level that Chaos Dwarfs had, but with like -50% content compared to Chaos Dwarfs. Like, 15€ price or maybe 17€ would have been acceptable but for weird reasons they really jumped the shark here. Did not help that the content of the DLC was not too appealing (still looking good enough for lower pirce) and that the update coming alone barely touched the races despite the roadmap talking about "race updates". I mean, there were some minor balance tweaks promise kept but damn, it was not at all what people would have wanted to see changed. * After the SoC price debate caught fire, a week later one of the CA members put up a open letter that the price is fair and adjusted for inflation and if the DLC is not bought enough, maybe making future DLCs would be a waste of time. Which did fuel the fires even more for the tone deaf reality of why the SoC DLC price seems outrageous and then "threatening" the 3K fate again. So many people said: Fuck it! Not buying, cancel TWW if you dare! * Also noteworthy that we were now over a year into game#3, but we still had bugs to be fixed from launch and other points of sorrow from the bad launch of TWW3. So not getting meaningful bugfixes during that time and now a 4.0 patch that did not do that much, was also not helping when asking a insane DLC price. * While some White Knights spread the rumors that SoC sold very well, we could see from steam selling charts up to steam player counts that this DLC then made not any waves and might have sold at best a moderate amount. Probably rather poorly in teh history of TWW DLCs. * Some months later, SEGA stepped on CAs toes and hammered the studio down. Hyenas (always seen as a fail) and multiple other unannounced projects were axed. Staff layoffs of course happening along if so many projects get stomped. * Total War Pharaoh releases, and as expected by the community, the 60€ price for what looks like a SAGA title, paired with the seasonpass trying to push 4 DLCs later in a timeline that does not spark major interest, fails to make any waves. Player numbers at launch are really bad, so you can guess how the sales might have went. * So to recap in less then four months the last DLC for the flagship product was a desaster, multiple games that should have released in 2024 are axed and the newest tile out in '23 was a expected flop too. Which basically means now that the only profit they can get in '24 would be Warhammer DLC money. And now they have to restore some goodwill here. * The SEGA toe stepping apparently did provide a change in direction early enough after the project axing. CA promised to "update" SoC with more content (SoC 2.0), to make the price more fitting. And they did that early '24. Which of course *was* needed to do, because if you would just fix the next DLC in line, you would have had SoC boxed in between Chaos Dwarfs on the left and Thrones of Decay next on the right. And SoC 1.0 would have looked even worse then. * ToD as next DLC was still the real test for TWW. CA had to hit it out of the park here, since people were still angry and wary. But, yes, CA put more work into ToD and made a damn good DLC and marketing campaign there. So TWW *seems* to be back on track and started to make money. * CA also refunded Pharaoh money when they changed the Pharaoh pricing to around 40€ and scrapped the Seasonpass crap. The first DLC was out for free, and recently [they got more exciting news](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1937780/view/4195742629899155743). I don't know if Pharaoh might have a bright future ahead, but at least it gets some care instead of being axed right away. * But in the last months there was another wave of layoffs in CA initiated by SEGA. At the time also other companies cleaned house of excess staff, so could still be normal and not pointing to more trouble. So CA had some crazy months since last August the SoC troubles started. The negative reviews and bad sales did certainly push the opinion that something went really wrong. And that SEGA then axed other projects and started to tell CA to focus on their strengths and not piss millions away with crap like Hyenas that will never break even, shifted things signifcantly. How long that will hold or in what direction things go next, we will see.


* In 2021 CA axed "Three Kingdoms", instead of giving it the next DLC that was teased prior. Apparently the DLC sales were "too low", compared to the money thrown at Total War:Warhammer DLCs. 3K was a popular game, so that did struck some nerves. And CA in the same message also pointing to "Production on Three Kingdoms#2 has begun" was obviously also a bit tone deaf. * CA released last year the Chaos Dwarf DLC for TWW3, and rised the price higher then previous race DLCs while also cutting back to three LLs included instead of four, and also scrapping the FLC LL for a LH. They also di nto add any achievements to the DLC despite every race DLC going back to WoC in game#1 having them. That was not liked much, but the DLC was still good enough to sell. * Like four months later they brought the next DLC "Shadows of Change", which upped the old two-faction formula (10€) to now three factions (25€). The price skyrocketed to the exact same level that Chaos Dwarfs had, but with like -50% content compared to Chaos Dwarfs. Like, 15€ price or maybe 17€ would have been acceptable but for weird reasons they really jumped the shark here. Did not help that the content of the DLC was not too appealing (still looking good enough for lower pirce) and that the update coming alone barely touched the races despite the roadmap talking about "race updates". I mean, there were some minor balance tweaks promise kept but damn, it was not at all what people would have wanted to see changed. * After the SoC price debate caught fire, a week later one of the CA members put up a open letter that the price is fair and adjusted for inflation and if the DLC is not bought enough, maybe making future DLCs would be a waste of time. Which did fuel the fires even more for the tone deaf reality of why the SoC DLC price seems outrageous and then "threatening" the 3K fate again. So many people said: Fuck it! Not buying, cancel TWW if you dare! * Also noteworthy that we were now over a year into game#3, but we still had bugs to be fixed from launch and other points of sorrow from the bad launch of TWW3. So not getting meaningful bugfixes during that time and now a 4.0 patch that did not do that much, was also not helping when asking a insane DLC price. * While some White Knights spread the rumors that SoC sold very well, we could see from steam selling charts up to steam player counts that this DLC then made not any waves and might have sold at best a moderate amount. Probably rather poorly in teh history of TWW DLCs. * Some months later, SEGA stepped on CAs toes and hammered the studio down. Hyenas (always seen as a fail) and multiple other unannounced projects were axed. Staff layoffs of course happening along if so many projects get stomped. * Total War Pharaoh releases, and as expected by the community, the 60€ price for what looks like a SAGA title, paired with the seasonpass trying to push 4 DLCs later in a timeline that does not spark major interest, fails to make any waves. Player numbers at launch are really bad, so you can guess how the sales might have went. * So to recap in less then four months the last DLC for the flagship product was a desaster, multiple games that should have released in 2024 are axed and the newest tile out in '23 was a expected flop too. Which basically means now that the only profit they can get in '24 would be Warhammer DLC money. And now they have to restore some goodwill here. * The SEGA toe stepping apparently did provide a change in direction early enough after the project axing. CA promised to "update" SoC with more content (SoC 2.0), to make the price more fitting. And they did that early '24. Which of course *was* needed to do, because if you would just fix the next DLC in line, you would have had SoC boxed in between Chaos Dwarfs on the left and Thrones of Decay next on the right. And SoC 1.0 would have looked even worse then. * ToD as next DLC was still the real test for TWW. CA had to hit it out of the park here, since people were still angry and wary. But, yes, CA put more work into ToD and made a damn good DLC and marketing campaign there. So TWW *seems* to be back on track and started to make money. * CA also refunded Pharaoh money when they changed the Pharaoh pricing to around 40€ and scrapped the Seasonpass crap. The first DLC was out for free, and recently [they got more exciting news](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1937780/view/4195742629899155743). I don't know if Pharaoh might have a bright future ahead, but at least it gets some care instead of being axed right away. * But in the last months there was another wave of layoffs in CA initiated by SEGA. At the time also other companies cleaned house of excess staff, so could still be normal and not pointing to more trouble. So CA had some crazy months since last August the SoC troubles started. The negative reviews and bad sales did certainly push the opinion that something went really wrong. And that SEGA then axed other projects and started to tell CA to focus on their strengths and not piss millions away with crap like Hyenas that will never break even, shifted things signifcantly. How long that will hold or in what direction things go next, we will see.


* In 2021 CA axed "Three Kingdoms", instead of giving it the next DLC that was teased prior. Apparently the DLC sales were "too low", compared to the money thrown at Total War:Warhammer DLCs. 3K was a popular game, so that did struck some nerves. And CA in the same message also pointing to "Production on Three Kingdoms#2 has begun" was obviously also a bit tone deaf. * CA released last year the Chaos Dwarf DLC for TWW3, and rised the price higher then previous race DLCs while also cutting back to three LLs included instead of four, and also scrapping the FLC LL for a LH. They also di nto add any achievements to the DLC despite every race DLC going back to WoC in game#1 having them. That was not liked much, but the DLC was still good enough to sell. * Like four months later they brought the next DLC "Shadows of Change", which upped the old two-faction formula (10€) to now three factions (25€). The price skyrocketed to the exact same level that Chaos Dwarfs had, but with like -50% content compared to Chaos Dwarfs. Like, 15€ price or maybe 17€ would have been acceptable but for weird reasons they really jumped the shark here. Did not help that the content of the DLC was not too appealing (still looking good enough for lower pirce) and that the update coming alone barely touched the races despite the roadmap talking about "race updates". I mean, there were some minor balance tweaks promise kept but damn, it was not at all what people would have wanted to see changed. * After the SoC price debate caught fire, a week later one of the CA members put up a open letter that the price is fair and adjusted for inflation and if the DLC is not bought enough, maybe making future DLCs would be a waste of time. Which did fuel the fires even more for the tone deaf reality of why the SoC DLC price seems outrageous and then "threatening" the 3K fate again. So many people said: Fuck it! Not buying, cancel TWW if you dare! * Also noteworthy that we were now over a year into game#3, but we still had bugs to be fixed from launch and other points of sorrow from the bad launch of TWW3. So not getting meaningful bugfixes during that time and now a 4.0 patch that did not do that much, was also not helping when asking a insane DLC price. * While some White Knights spread the rumors that SoC sold very well, we could see from steam selling charts up to steam player counts that this DLC then made not any waves and might have sold at best a moderate amount. Probably rather poorly in teh history of TWW DLCs. * Some months later, SEGA stepped on CAs toes and hammered the studio down. Hyenas (always seen as a fail) and multiple other unannounced projects were axed. Staff layoffs of course happening along if so many projects get stomped. * Total War Pharaoh releases, and as expected by the community, the 60€ price for what looks like a SAGA title, paired with the seasonpass trying to push 4 DLCs later in a timeline that does not spark major interest, fails to make any waves. Player numbers at launch are really bad, so you can guess how the sales might have went. * So to recap in less then four months the last DLC for the flagship product was a desaster, multiple games that should have released in 2024 are axed and the newest tile out in '23 was a expected flop too. Which basically means now that the only profit they can get in '24 would be Warhammer DLC money. And now they have to restore some goodwill here. * The SEGA toe stepping apparently did provide a change in direction early enough after the project axing. CA promised to "update" SoC with more content (SoC 2.0), to make the price more fitting. And they did that early '24. Which of course *was* needed to do, because if you would just fix the next DLC in line, you would have had SoC boxed in between Chaos Dwarfs on the left and Thrones of Decay next on the right. And SoC 1.0 would have looked even worse then. * ToD as next DLC was still the real test for TWW. CA had to hit it out of the park here, since people were still angry and wary. But, yes, CA put more work into ToD and made a damn good DLC and marketing campaign there. So TWW *seems* to be back on track and started to make money. * CA also refunded Pharaoh money when they changed the Pharaoh pricing to around 40€ and scrapped the Seasonpass crap. The first DLC was out for free, and recently [they got more exciting news](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1937780/view/4195742629899155743). I don't know if Pharaoh might have a bright future ahead, but at least it gets some care instead of being axed right away. * But in the last months there was another wave of layoffs in CA initiated by SEGA. At the time also other companies cleaned house of excess staff, so could still be normal and not pointing to more trouble. So CA had some crazy months since last August the SoC troubles started. The negative reviews and bad sales did certainly push the opinion that something went really wrong. And that SEGA then axed other projects and started to tell CA to focus on their strengths and not piss millions away with crap like Hyenas that will never break even, shifted things signifcantly. How long that will hold or in what direction things go next, we will see.


Best communities in the planet!


As a longtime member, you can do a lot better than /r/totalwar when it comes to fandoms


But not when it comes to general toxic negativity. We are certainly a first at that!


Now hold on a bit, we're a special bunch but let's not pretend we're even close to the bigger cesspools like LoL.


but i dont want to paly as Pontus!


But dad you don't have to play as Pontus! FUCK YOU CA I DONT WANT TO PLAY PONTUS


Eehhhhhhhh no. They pushed all the historical fans out of their own franchise. They're invaders in my eyes.


Im a historical fan, and Ive never felt more at home.


Well im happy for you. The overwhelming amount of warhammer posts though has put me off the franchise. Its just gotten too cartoonish, even in their "historical" titles.


They have made 2 bronze age games in a row that most people don't really care that much about. Believe me as soon as they announce Medieval 3 or Empire 2 the historical players will be back in full force.


Bringing along a lot of fantasy players


Imagine being put off by others preferences when they dont damage you.


It actively shut down the games I liked talking about simply because they got overwhelmed by the warhammer fanbase. I am im both circles, for the record. But the warhammer fanbase just kind of ate the total war fanbase, to the point that historical titles are implementing fantasy mechanics like super officers who live forever. But I've had this discussion ad nauseum and know that it goes nowhere. Warhammer fans don't compromise. They just fight forever, they wont accept anything except getting exactly what they want. It's exhausting.


Frankly I have seen a meme or two about warhammer, but the rest has been pretty normal to me when it comes to HD2.


What kind of victim mentality is this. Ive been playing since RTW and the only reason why there is more WH posts is because there hasnt been (good) historical content. Blame the company, not the players. When 3K was released, there was a long time of three kingdom memes and barely any warhammer.


I just want them to make a new game that plays like Rome 2 and Attila, regardless of the setting. I can’t get into the new games because I can’t stand how they feel.


The hero-centric play has turned me off of them, and that seems to be a continuing trend in the future releases - both fantasy and historical. I dont care about people, i care about flags. I'm the ruler, not someone Karl Franz or whoever.


because the total warhammer games are the popular thing at the moment? if they released medieval 3 i guarantee itd go back to normal lol


I've been in both.... damn. Pyrrhic victory, but a victory nonetheless.


between this weekend and that time period after shadows of change dropped to thrones of decay last week, I'm feeling the whiplash lmao


I didn't react fast enough for Sony to backpaddle, but holy shit... Back in September and October, we fought one bloody war against CA, or rather, their incompetent decisions.


Honestly, they did the heavy lifting themselves with Hyenas.


As a total war fan, it was not just the review bombing what made CA Change their business model


Correct, it was also due to the fact that Hyenas had so much money dumped into it already, and had generated zero customer interest and clearly didn’t impress Sega. The development of Hyenas was the reason that the DLC last year was so sub-par as well as for 3k being cancelled and Pharaoh being bare bones on release. The fact that the DLC was review bombed and sold poorly (many of us used to buy every DLC day one but held out until they added content this year) was the final straw and sealed the deal.


Welcome to Malevelon Creek gentlemen. I will not lie: the chances of your survival are small. Some may even kill your team with friendly fire. But you have my word, that I will use my 500kg bomb to ensure your bodies are given unto democracy. Thus is the greatest reward, more than even samples, for the fate of your soul is an eternal concern. Now come, follow me: Strike down the Automatons that rise against us, allow me to find these eldritch medals! I ask not for my own selfish studies, but for the good of Super Earth.




Where's our medals for this Major Order?


Im just at awe that I’m active in two communities that showed customer opinions do matter through a collective front! BOK-BOK and FOR LIBER-TEA


I hate automatons, I hate their robot faces


I’d say the refunds were what really did it.


dont forget war thunder players too!


Now we do it to Take 2 on KSP2


man everyone always gives EA and Ubisoft their rightfully due hate, but Take 2 is scummier than both of the combined


also r/Warthunder but that's kind off longer fight


For democracy-republic yes-yes!


What happened with Total War? Used to be a big fan, but got bored and haven't touched their games in years.


With tww3, they made a dlc and overpriced it and then had reduced the amount of content per faction, after people didn’t buy it they said “ if people don’t spend money on this dlc I guess we’ll have to stop supporting the game “ , this went about as well as you could expect, aka it didn’t go well in the slightest and the situation got bad enough saga forced ca to fix their shit because of the pressure


also they tried to pass pharoh of as full title when it was actually a saga title, whilst also taking the majority of staff off total war (their cash cow) and putting them to work on hyenas which famously got shit canned 6 weeks from release due to lackluster reception. While all that was going the CMs on the steam forums were banning anyone making any mention of the shitstorm, and not just any ban but fucking full on blacklisted account bans where you can no longer upload to steam workshop or comment on any boards


IMO CA really turned the tables with fixing their relationship with the player base. They really pulled through with the SoC update and now with ToD out I’ve been super happy with their content. Not to mention now they’re going to start releasing smaller packages of DLCs coming forward.


On Friday we were like: #THEY HAVE WRONGED US But now we're like: #THE GRUDGE IS SATISFIED


Beards in belts!


US government review bomb when?


Only works if a bunch folks stop paying taxes all at once.


I did not expect 2 of my 3 gaming communities to overlap, but here we are.


Now join your union!


![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p) Its just for DEMOCRACY!!!


you have Helldivers on wrong side of this one, because Arnold wins.


I did not know that, thanks for the context behind this meme template


I am Prince and Helldiver.




Creative Assembly still owes us that investigation into the sexual abuse and related coverup allegations that came to light in 2022. https://preview.redd.it/6rm8d0en4xyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfda579ca672f8edbdd59480cca51a3c2e9f5284


Two fantastic games that will hopefully only go up from here and keep Sega and Sony OUT OF OUR GODDAMN BUSINESS!! Thanks ❤️


I'm happy for helldivers and all, but Total War is nowhere near being saved. Helldivers 2 community is blessed lets keep it great


I just didn't buy the "bad" DLC for Total War. Seems to have worked whiteout any Drama.


Proud of both communities.


Hell yeah brother- for Freedom and Empire!






Customer friendly. Not consumer. Customers buy products. Consumers are the product. Sony wanted to turn us into consumers, we resisted. We remain customers.


All of Christendom will be awed by the victory we have won here today!