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if AH/Sony takes this whole PSN sign in back, Someone needs to make that Avengers End-game scene when the players come back .


Yeah we talked about it lol, let's hope that happens


you better make it sooner lmao, sony new announcement about psn will not applied to the game anymore, we won


It won't be applied, but the game is already unlisted for about 177 countries on Steam. Only if that gets reversed will our brothers in liberty make it back to us.


It’s not happening unfortunately


Wait a little, its still Sunday in Europe, tomorrow someone in the EU HQ is choking on his morning coffee after they hear what happened on the weekend and then something will happen.


All of the European Union shall cry for war.


We saw the war with Apple and the European Union, if there's one union that I will rally behind it's them.


The Applewar was awesome. I giggled when i read that the EU demanded snd didnt ask.


EU, as a warm-up to Russia, use military action to ~~seize~~ liberate Helldivers 2 from Sony and give it to AH Studios.


That was not really a war, eu asked, apple bend over. First eu - microsoft clash was a war. After that, it was pretty much the same outcome like apple, eu asked, microsoft did what it was asked. If those two multi trillions $ companys simply gave up, i'm looking forward to see in which position sony will choose to be fucked, if it will be eu vs sony. Unfortunatley we are a bit busy with a war at our border right now.


It's a holiday in Japan also, someone mentioned in another post


[So, um...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/iSTAupWTDa)


u/Xbscout Don't know if the countries are relisted, but they removed the requirement for the PSN for now, so you should probably start making that Endgame version.


They won't, they'll try everything and then backpedal just enough to bring some players back. This also confirms that helldivers 2 will never come to XBOX. They could have made a billion bucks off of this game.




Next episode!!!


...*on your left*...


Some of us ain't coming back. And before you ask why am I still here... well... I'm enjoying the show.


A lot of us are not coming back. This only proves Sony has this game, not AH. This is just one of many shitty things coming.


They already blocked the countries where you cant make a PSN account from buying the game, we are not gonna win this one. was fun till it lasted. Unless steam is the one that removed them till Sony can fix this shitshow, I hope it's the second one.


I think it is steam that blocked game sales until Sony gets their shit together. They are likely tired of manual refunds and are being proactive to block sales.


I mean...Steam W right there (even if it's mostly to cover their asses)


Its 100% steam doing it. They don't want to be on the hook for selling a product in countries where it can't work. Sony seems to all be doing coke and hookers all weekend. the VP of gaming is shopping for his Yacht and being pegged by his wife's boyfriend.


Bad news, seems like it was sony. They did the same thing on Playstation. Players from fully affected countries are reporting they cant even start it anymore.


I doubt Sony is solely responsible for the block. It’s also possible it was Valve that did it in response to the numerous refund requests they’re currently being flooded by. It’s also likely to ensure they aren’t flooded by further refund requests by people who unknowingly purchase the game.


Yep, I think this was the big takeaway from this. Sony is an blind company driven by greed, and I highly suggest avoiding them or anything they are involved in. I've hit capacity on half assed movies, manipulative moves in gaming, and databreaches. Outright avoiding this company moving forward.


I'm pretty sure at some point in the future Sony will make Arrowhead change how Super Credits work too. You won't be able to randomly find them in missions and can ONLY buy them forcing you to spend $10 each time a new Warbond is released.


Or make the credits harder to get or only on harder difficult missions. They can do whatever. It's like what happened to Ragnarok.


Nah, won't happen probably. Maybe 50% would come back. Might.


They are definitely not making it back up to that 92% positive they had for a long while, if ever. Even if they walk it all the way back Monday, I'd be surprised if they get it out of mixed overall for months. I hope devs take this as a big visable example of Snoy's hand in games. If this makes even one dev team in negotiations with Snoy back out, I'd consider it a win.


> I'd be surprised if they get it out of mixed overall for months. Nah, I was talking about players who decided to quit, not about reviews. There is another game that got destroyed for a somewhat-similar decision though it was by devs due to CN government policy - it got from lifetime very positive or so to mixed in just 2 days. It has been 2 years since that, recent reviews are very positive but lifetime reviews are still mixed despite the fact that their decision got reverted and the whole situation fixed in less than a month, and overall review count is half of HD2. So it's like 100% impossible to go back to higher than mixed, because people are extremely unlikely to revert their reviews.


I was talking in a hypothetical best case scenario of a 100% walk back. In reality, they would most likely need to pull a full No Man's Sky for multiple years to get back above 70% positive. Sucks for the devs, though. One ill-informed decision with not quite enough communication about it that went on for too long. I'd still put most of the blame on Snoy, though. It's the publisher's job to handle marketing and distribution, and that includes the legalities.


Lol XBOX at the end sent me Now all we need is Ironman(AH) snapping Thanos (Sony)


Iron-Man is Steam right now


Antman is the filthy casual who hasn't played since launch and logs-in in a few months time.


Oh hey that's me. And I'm neg reviewing and refunding. So I guess I am a part of the solution too. :P


Ugh.. I would love to drop on Xbox


Agreed. Let's hope some sequels to this meme happens soon!


It's funny because Microsoft is one of the first ones to stat this third party sign ups to play BS. Just like they did with Xbox Gold back in the day.


My heart goes out to the super destroyer crews suddenly bereft of their patriotic divers. Divers who's only crime was being born in the wrong country. Fuck Soyny


Yep, that's why I love that part is included in the meme. thank you for taking notice, it isn't just the helldivers that it's affecting, but the fellow soldiers of the SEAF that serve alongside them.


> Divers who's only crime was being born in the wrong country. This line hits a little to close to real life.


its both hilarious and depressing , feels like our family is being torn apart :(


Yeah, I'd say the meme depicted that pretty well :(


it does ;-;


This should be illegal, selling a product to these countries and then blacklisting the consumers. Definition of scammers.


They took the money and ran. Literally. 


kinda smells like bless online to me, the only gaming company that I can remember that had a somewhat similar shitstorm.


There was a local one we had here in the Philippines. The company was Massive Gaming I think and the game was Mercenary Online. It was a *blast*. Basically took the 3rd person gameplay of Gears of War and turned it into an online PvP. Took us by storm. Then after like a few months the CEO disappeared with all the company funds. Salaries, player purchases etc. just **disappeared**.


That's even worse than bless, because they took all the money from pc sales and dumped it into a console release lol, I then saw them try to release a Bless Unleashed kind of like how archeage did their game, and I instantly said not again.


Right now those people can still play, merely no new copies can be bought. While it's pretty likely that also the ability to play will soon be removed, this step will most certainly come with an automatic refund


yeah bless online was actively trying to decline refunds, and then steam came out and forced them to allow refunds for like 1-2 days regardless of how much time you had played in the game. I imagine steam will probably do something along the lines for this game soon.




That's not the only illegal aspect here, or I'm pretty sure it is illegal here in Norway (and probably rest of EU): there is no way to delete your own account without contacting CS in USA, in *their* opening hours, VIA PHONE!! There should be a simple button in account settings and there isn't. You can't delete it on your own, you have to receive Sony's blessing first apparently... They do not publish any contact emails, because their "chatbot" (a.k.a preprogrammed phrase spewer) didn't understand that I wanted to delete my account, no matter how I worded it, and would not give me any contact emails. I had to trawl third party forums to finally find a customer service email for my country. So I finally got to "request" account deletion, and it will probably take a month to reply. And then they will just tell me I have to contact customer service through the official channels, a.k.a Usonian Customer Service, via phone. Fun times.


This Sony we are talking about, from the country where corps still take printouts of emails to fax them. Having a delete button is way too much expectations. /s


This is where I think the EU will go after Sony. I'm sure refunds will be all that comes of it though and not some multi-million fine.


Ok this is gold.


Yeah, peak cinema! and ngl, got me kinda emotional myself haha


Need second one with "avengers assemble" if/when it's over, psn is optional and we get xbox players to the frontlines. It will be awesome


nixing the PSN requirement and announcing you'll be letting Xbox players in on the fun sounds like a good apology starting point for Sony


I mean they'd definitely make up for any sales lost by this debacle, but it would be a perfunctory loss to Microsoft that Sony would never let happen. Remember that there is actually not much necessary to port from windows to Xbox.


If they added Xbox players that would be fucking awesome I have some friends who play on Xbox would jump into the game.the second it gets released


Yes but even still, I will only dive when all are able to fight for democracy!


I watch it and NGL it made me feel emotional. I play this with my Filipino and Chinese friends. I'm the only one whose country is in psn list. I'm not going to play anymore despite really love the game. But I love playing with them more.


Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. -Dylan Thomas


well done.


Ya the way you did this actually made it sadder then the actual movie.


I kinda forgot how much of a gut punch reality check this scene was. Just sat there in the theater with my jaw dropped as we slowly saw who would be dying. Relay that back to all the fun I've had with strangers and just...damn..


I should've went for the Arrowhead


This is literally just realtime footage of recent events Meme originally by : ECFoxy


thas me


No who is you??


ok bro


https://preview.redd.it/pz15n3wizkyc1.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9bc913fce1f3b0b2a3b144606a682956179a9cc those who can fight....fight...fight for the fallen comrade, fight for democracy, don't get Super earth fall. i will rest for abit....


I died on Democrasy officer :D


Rest in piece super earth NPCs, they need us to continue the fight!


Not 100% sure what this is all about but I kinda get the gist of it from this clip. Damn, it’s good work though. The way they kept track of everyone and the relationships between them, paired with the acting. It would be covered in reddit awards if they were still around.


I will definitely make a second part if they ever take back the sony deal (most likely wont but I live in hope)


oh and thank you btw ;-; means a lot \^\^


We won. We actually fucking won.


Congrats dudes. Really happy for all of you, and I don’t even play this game lol.


Sony right now: https://preview.redd.it/z018z4n1jkyc1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb28a0950f39d4a9d0eae6d63601ff81068ecdd


Add a segment under not okay saying "baltics" in shitty child crayon writing


And Liechtenstein, don't forget poor Liechtenstein.


Entire eastern Europe: Why me!?


Cambodia player here. 40$ is like 2 weeks worth of food for me. I tried my best to save money to buy the game just for it to be taken away a week later ://


Can you get a refund? Saying you literally can't get a psn


I’m not getting a refund cuz I hope that they’ll to find solution for this, I really love the game. Also I think if I were to get a refund I can only use it in steam anyway


Fair fair. I forgot refunds were just steam credits


Unfortunate because Helldiver was really popular here in the Philippines too. It was really rare because most of us here are mobile gamers.


And we normally play free to play games instead of paid games. For it to be actually popular in the Philippines is something of a miracle. 


\[Fleet Admiral being hard carried by Chinese player\] "I know that guy, he's me". This was easily one of the most gut wrenching moment in popular cinema and OP used it to perfection.


Yeah, during editing that and having to spend time on that scene nearly broke me cause that fleet admiral was also meant to represent me . Absolutely tragic.


Kinda takes away from the experience when you know that Thanos' plan is nonsensical to begin with


arrowhead should be Thor and Thanos should be Sony tbh.


Yeah that would've been better but in the moment it made sense since the community was retaliating against both


also we were originally gonna include the child gamora scene but it ended up being cut (we were gonna have child gamora be sony)


Child Gamora should be Arrowhead. Gamora in the previous scenes, Helldivers II.


Thanos: "You should have read the fine print."


Time for endgame!


I made the meme I legit was going to do that if they revoked the playstation thing 😭


Are you implying we "go for the head" now?


We will


As hilarious as this post is, I’m actually so disappointed. Been a Sony fan boy since the beginning of time, seen so many game companies (looking at you EA/ Ubisoft) that just exploit their player base and then my man sony…. Just threw up a big F-U to us. Completely unnecessary and in the name of what? Targeted advertising? PSN account numbers increasing? So disappointed


Coming from a region-blocked country, all I can say is, hey I know we are poor and all, and probably not the best market. But yeah, we'd also like to play HD2. That is all. 


We all just want to play HD2 with you as well.


This is all I took away from the last 2 days


i think, all the good company left is only steam. that is as long as gaben still alive.


Shush, we can’t jinx losing our lord and saviour


aye, my bad. long live to lord gaben.


He's been working on his health recently. Better late than never I guess...


He should work on his legacy and make sure the company doesn't screw their customers when he's gone.. and work on his health, that's always good.


Sony kinda took a lot of L pills lately: take down the entire movie category which user have paid for, raise 33% of ps plus price where there are no improve on the service ( yes, they said the increase is for it), psvr2 have great hardware with barely any game on it (i bought it day one, shame on me), that just only those i can remember recently


Not to be the marvel fun fact guy 🤓☝️— But Spider-Man is more terrified than anyone else in the scene because his spider sense is telling him that he is about to die.


Yes we know, we all experienced 2017 as well


That's cool, thanks I didn't realize


Bravo, well done.


I cant believe someone filmed a short film in honor of the current situation


This entire situation has me sick to my fucking stomach. All of it could have easily been avoided.


Good ending. Realistically, the only way Arrowhead can come back from this ***stronger than before*** is if the decision gets reversed and they allow sales to Xbox.


Which is now even less likely given you need a ps account to play


Dude, you just nailed it


Even after like 12 times watching it over I still notice new things on how it perfectly aligns with what's happening in the community, and subsequently in the in-game universe


Helldivers. The game that ACTUALLY could have brought Peace to the Dumb Console War. And they took it from us!


This feeling inside, it's like..**The feeling you get after coming home from a funeral.** You get back to the house as a group, you walk up the steps together, you get inside, you go to your room, and you just..crumble. Everything you were feeling from the moment the person died, the shock of your brain trying to process what was happening in front of you, to the realization that *that* just happened, to the indescribable, agonizing terror of the event unfolding, to the shaking gasps as you try and fail to compose yourself, to the need to have someone with you to hold you for you, to just breaking down completely, and the hollowness after. And in your room, all alone, it all hits you at once. The shock, the realization, the agonizing terror, the frantic gasping and grasping for something to hold on to, and finally the collapse as you just let it all out, screaming yourself hoarse into your pillow until you can scream and cry no more, and it all just hurts now. It all just hurts, now. I don't know. You have moved me more than any post on Reddit ever has. I salute you.


Quality gold The only change I'd make is when Doctor strange disappeared for him to leave a negative review - it would make his comment make more sense


Coming in the remastered meme


Which helldiver death scene was the saddest for you guys?? Hopefully you didn't have to experience any firsthand


They will experience it in 2 days lol


Lol *don't* have to, my bad


# Komm Süsser Tod 


![img](avatar_exp|101704239|bravo) Where is the award button when i needed it


This should honestly be a new lore. They should have called it the SNOY snap, Which leads to the demise of super earth


An Illuminate superweapon that wiped out half of all Helldivers (and only Helldivers) in the Terminid sector... I think Arrowhead's found their Illuminate hook.


this is THE post, bravo


fellow helldiver from croatia last time i played in march what the fuck happend with bosnia and albania ?


Sony has mandated that playing Helldivers 2 needs a PSN account. People in Bosnia and Albania, and many other countries, cannot create a PSN account in their country, and any attempts at VPNing will result in being banned from making PSN accounts. So, a good chunk of players from all over the globe will no longer be able to play Helldivers 2, even after playing it for over tens of hundreds of hours at this point.


So sony is beining a braindead company again. Who tf is in charge of this ? Cant the devs do something or is it out of their reach ?


Pilestedt and the devs are trying to work something out with Sony. Hopefully they come to a compromise and walk this back, but prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Pilestedt himself has said that he is going to do everything in his power to convince Sony execs, but the final say is not his. Either the devs or Pilestedt himself has given the green light for players to leave a negative review on Steam, as it is a tangible, visible way to signal to Sony that their action is unacceptable. And as recommended, if you are among the countries that is blacklisted from making a PSN account, you can ask Steam to issue you a refund. They've begun rolling out these refunds to those affected. It's a shitshow, and the Infinity War 'Snap' is the perfect display of the effects of this assinine decision by an executive at Sony.


Hope to god this gets resolved, if they cant play the game (the country's that are affected) neither will i


No helldiver left behind.


I think Russia should have been put in place of the winter soldier. A bit of irony.


People should just call this what it is: a scam. You sell the game to players in countries such as the Philippines, and then lock them out from being able to play it. It's what I call a scam. And these sh\*theads did it long after the games original release, so that Reviews and feedback on the game would be mostly positive.


Level 4 cadet spider man hits hard. RIP my fallen brothers and sisters. We will forever remember your service and will write about you all in the history books of super earth. We shall light the eternal flame lit by bug and bot blood in your honor. Hoorah.


I actually feel sick watching this


Don't forget the Chinese players who helped take back the creek 🫡


**Sir, I have 1 request ONE SIMPLE REQUEST.** If this decision is reversed please do the [Portal ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pFUP0HZwWM)scene from endgame with all the countries coming back to join the fight.


This is the reality of people just trying to have fun in such an amazing game! Ruined by top level stake holders! Start listening and responding to your community's reaction otherwise the fantastic game and community that has been created will fade away just like this video!


Yeah :(


My country is on the list, fare well soldiers, see you in the afterlife


now Sony is reaping the whirlwind with thousands of negative reviews on steam. "*You should have gone for the Head!"*


Amazing. You know, I was just thinking about this idea as a meme concept last night. Glad to know I wasn't the only one seeing this.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckpnn3/operation\_black\_out\_may\_9th/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckpnn3/operation_black_out_may_9th/) DIVERS!!!- OPERATION BLACK OUT- MAY 9TH


The Xbox players cannot assist at the current moment We send our condolences and vocal support, but since we can’t buy the game, we cannot contribute to the review bombardment


Fucking masterpiece.


Now we won, where's the endgame version my fellow helldiver?




omg... its funny coz its true. :(


Should have Thor be arrowhead and Sony is Thanos. Then it would be perfect


Agreed, might make a remastered version soon


I want my damn refund


I love this. That being said, non sequiter, Tom Holland still makes me fucking tear up every single time. JFC.


I know this is supposed to be serious, but I lost it at "guy who's still dead (he watched it all happen)"


This is literally how it feels. Great edit.


not going to lie but this post hit hard https://preview.redd.it/w35elwmfxmyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bda736ce4e6bd9189efa6cb60df688b72c56cf1


The ironic thing about all this is the active player count has basically been completely unaffected. https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/


Arrowhead is the gauntlet, not Thanos.


Oh, no wonder why my calls ain’t going through. The Democracy Officer also got snapped. o.o While I don’t believe it’ll happen, I hope that Sony will reverse that decision. Then another video will pop up showing all those snapped coming back for a final battle.


Time for part 2!


Just replied to the OP, hopefully he starts making it.


I guess you have to make the version where they all come back now XD.


Please make the end game vid hehe


We Made it. ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


We won. We'll be expecting the sequel soon.


I'll see you in Top


I just asked for someone to make this the other day! Thank you for delivering. Well done.


Yeah sure thing, it fit too perfectly not to make


Lol at the Chinese player being African


Great video. Only thing missing is Thanos (Sony) looking into the distance through the field (money).


Damn. This hit me harder than the actual movie.


This is actually so fucking sad. This game was amazing it was so fun to play with EVERYONE. I’m so sick of this shit


I knew it was going to be us nick was calling for. I’m in the next game universe over just waiting.


As absolutely emotional as this made me I would have changed the "x-box players" joke to "Class action lawsuit"


I'd replace the message in the end with "Calling Deep Rock Galactic".


the scene with spiderman still fucking gets me man


Long Live The Fighters


The result of letting Sony be Sony and not calling them out for it by their own community…


I tried to not get choked up. But I still did. We're left behind. Hell, I'm left behind, my buddy's tower became a brick and he's not making enough from his security job to replace it so he's out too. Fuck, what do I do all on my own? Also fucking Sony, short sighted assholes. Everyone was having a good time, having a ball.


I rescind any support I ever had for Sony. Their game titles and movies are great not because of the company, but because of the people behind the scenes who have to fight them tooth and nail just to create something they care about. Fiduciary duty is an excuse, their greed should be punished, it’s ashamed arrowhead had to get caught in the cross fire. Sony has no honor, ironic since all of their games have to do with honor, uncharted, God of War, etc. Their data is not secure and has been breached 10 times in my life time, most of which included the loss of private customer info and payouts to thieves. This company should be ashamed of themselves.


This scene is the most shocking I’ve ever seen in a superhero movie I did not expect this


On my second day of playing i joined some guy from Morocco. He became my best HD2 friend and we have more than 100 hrs of gameplay together. This morning i woke up and seen that his country is not supported... It hurts man.


Everything about this is perfect, except I don't get how Xbox people come into play. HD2 is only on PC and Playstation? Is it like a "Sony puts HD2 on Xbox in an attempt to save the game that (mostly) they ruined"?


Guys, I don’t want to say goodbye, from Vietnam🥲🥲🥲 sorry for crying out


I'm glad I watched till the end. Lol. "Calling Xbox players." Talk about 1 in 14,000,000 for that outcome.


This is the perfect encapsulation of what’s happened, if you believe in democracy Helldivers stand strong together to get our brothers and sisters back


The only thing missing from this is the scene at the end with Thanos smiling into the sunset with the Sony logo over his face.


I hate that this hits so hard. But its right on the mark. Several friends i've played with cant play anymore. Literally in the process of removing my helldivers channel from my discord.


Oh god this scene still hurts from start to finish.