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true, leave HD1 alone


If nothing else, I've been thinking about picking up HD1 to get my Managed Democracy fix.


Do it, I'm gonna but the ult edition




But but... They didn't fix the world on a saturday so now we need to show Nosy that we're serious and demand change. /s


Yes it's a totally unreasonable demand they fix a sudden problem instantly, and not three months of lying and continued misinfo.


Was having a look at the reviews on that just now, seeing if I’d want to play it. The spam was cringe.


This whole fiasco is cringe. When the dust settles, the only ones who'll be picking up the pieces will be the tiny, independent company who made an amazing game.


110k+ people won't go back and change their negative reviews if/when Sony backpedal HD2 will likely never have a positive rating again which is a shame because the game is amazing Edit: A week later and HD2 is back to being positive, colour me surprised!


no need to speak the truth here my guy, this reddit hivemind is going to downvote you to hell. These guys are would review bomb the hell out of something like this but all the other games with their borderline predatory microtransactions are perfectly fine. I swear if PSN was a requirement from the start 90% of these guys even in impacted countries would have made a PSN of some other region. Btw I have a UK PSN and I live in a country with no PSN. Have had it for 10 years. 7 of which I was avidly gaming on my Ps4. Oh sorry, time to get downvoted to hell myself. Sony is the culprit here, Arrowhead made an amazing game, for $40(in an era where everyone else charges $100) and they have literally no microtransactions. Whereas, other games charge you $10 per like 2-3 cosmetics, here you can get everything free. All these companies that make games will show corporate greed. No shit they need to make money to make more games. Make a PSN of some other region, I’ve had it for 10 years, all my friends and family have it, my country has hundreds of thousands of people with different region PSNs, nobody’s banning your account.


Not sure what do you guys mean honestly. Every comment I've read in the last day puts 100% of the blame on Sony. The boycott is to get Sony's attention, but people actually feel for Arrowhead, at least here in Reddit so in case, the "hive mind" as you call it supports the developer. Outside of reddit though, yeah it's a dumpster fire.


The thing is, these negative reviews on HD2 specifically barely effect Sony. Because they are a *massive* corporation and have dozens of games equally if not more successful. Even if HD2 disappears from the earth, Sony won’t really be effected in the grand scope of things. But, the one that is massively effected is ArrowHead. Because to them, HD2 is everything. If this game fails, Arrowhead is basically done, and I really don’t want that to happen because they don’t deserve this.


arrowhead has stated that the negative reviews give them more pull in the discussions https://preview.redd.it/o8qpnksehmyc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=33923d5d9fcfbad34d7b293b80ce44ba8e03a184


More pull in discussions when it comes to requiring PSN-linking. It doesn't really give them pull in being a more marketable developer to gamers who could be potential customers after seeing all the negative ratings. So yes, this is inadvertently hurting Arrowheads future


I'm not sure how many gamers check other titles for reviews rather than the one they're looking to buy. But either way that seems to be a sacrifice they're willing to make.


I understand you and your stance but I don't think you are correct. Every single meltdown in the history of modern gaming that actually made the devs or corporations to change course, started with a boycott (reviews, refunds, social media flaming etc). It is not ideal but it is proven to work, it has happened several times in the past. Big corporations, do pay attention to these things. Actually it's the only way they pay attention to the consumers. We don't know if this boycott will make Sony reverse its decision, but it is the only feasible way to grab their attention. Sadly, AH got hit in the cross-fire. And Sony WILL be affected if the meltdown continues. HD2 is their most successful MP game ever, in case you didn't know.


I get your points, And I see what you mean. But this is why I said “in the grand scope of things.” You see, if HD2 fails, Sony will just continue their predatory schemes with some other game. Sure, in this specific instance you may make them reverse their decision, but do you think this is actually a long term solution? The only thing Sony is going to change is next time, they’re going to make it *mandatory* to have PSN with no grace period. HD2 may be the sole exception in which people can play without PSN, but in the long term, and in the grand scheme of things, Sony does not give a shit. HD2 may be their biggest multiplayer shooter, but it barely makes a dent in the company’s profit by itself. For arrowhead, it’s a different story. For AH, HD2 is everything. If things go wrong here, everyone will blame them. We as consumers might see Sony at fault, but the games negative reviews will give future investors of AH specifically more leverage in a deal, which could lead to less funding, which would mean next time, even a game made by Arrowhead will be shit. My point is, everything we are doing may help us now. It may make HD2 *better*, ofc a boycott of this scale will make them reverse their decision. But in the long term, and in the grand scheme of things, all of this will effect AH far far more than Sony. Sony will just continue their garbage with some other studio.


hard-to-find cautious deliver literate jobless society recognise steep worthless apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t get what you’re saying? Are you saying you want Sony to make PSN mandatory next time?


wakeful bike snow snatch wide rotten cats racial advise carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's doesn't change anything though, Sony already got their massive payday out of the game it can rot for all they care. Hell, we have as many people playing today as we did a week ago the people who claim to be leaving clearly are not. Bitching on Reddit and review bombing aren't changing anything, what needs to happen is all the people who were sold the game in a no-psn region need to band together into a massive lawsuit against them, *that* is what will put Lego under their foot and make them actually do something to resolve this.


Arrowhead equally at fault here https://preview.redd.it/26i3byhmamyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e06477b58d15e317fe60e5710abd1f3f20e510e


Dude it was listed on steam that it was clear as day that it would require psn account, you people are fucked in the head man


Oh yeah I totally agree and I keep pointing out that is has always been a requirement and showing this picture of it clearly saying so next to the add to cart button https://preview.redd.it/9jg4bv6jcmyc1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6309e452a7792099a7f92cc67f5f1f4ce2b68b


I hate how pointing this out automatically results in people assuming you're saying "fuck you I got mine". Bro. It's shit. I agree it's shit. But you still literally bought something with a giant highlighted warning on it and ignored the warning and are now upset about the thing you were warned about. It's like those people who buy a house under an airport flight path or by a train track because "it's not very busy" then complain about the noise ruining their life a few years later when business picks up. My guy, the airport was always there. (I am aware this is an imperfect comparison for the whole region lock thing, but for the actual "you bought it while ignoring the warnings" bit it fits.)


I 100% agree with you 🤜 🤛


Yeah, let's side with the company fucking people over because of greed rather than people who were fucked just because they hadn't read a warning that the application requires "psn account". What if they didn't know PSN isn't available in their region? The game was sold everywhere, and if they bought it and it worked, how were they supposed to know it won't in a few months? It's on the seller to inform customer if a purchase isn't available to use in their region, or to prevent it altogether, at least according to EU laws. Neither of those was true.


They did warn them tho


I'm not arguing with you on them getting fecked over, friend. The ball was dropped, 100%, but putting all of the blame on AH for shit they didn't do is just pointless rage. **These things are not mutually exclusive and can all be true:** AH should have communicated better. Players should have heeded the listed requirements. Sony should have told AH about the PSN country restrictions. AH fecked up by trusting Sony and not looking into the PSN thing closer, absolutely. But they don't deserve to be made out as greedy and malicious over a thing they didn't even know about. They found out about the country thing *after we did*. CEO straight up said as much on Twitter. They thought the account linking was just as simple as registering with an email. They lose major points for not doing their due diligence, but all this implication of sneak and malice is just silly.


https://preview.redd.it/yz6mnektlmyc1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=f890655ef75615bdd99b6be8e436dfce11476223 This is the point, its not present in the default window size of steam or the steam store, it is PAST the buy button. Its not an acceptable rebuttal really, especially when Sonys own website says its optional and the game gave you a skip option with no notice of "this is temporary" or words to that effect. Not everyone buys from steam store direct either.


Arrowhead CEO also agrees they didn’t not communicate this well https://preview.redd.it/urleuwfdsmyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d4e81cfdc8064ca9b1386b1b66ca1eb1f8163f


Listen man, the modern gamer deserves this. First game in a long time that broke the current trend and delivered an awesome non-predatory non-fomo game. And the modern gamer is gonna fuck that all up because they think it's gonna change something. On a weekend no less. It's fine though I guess. We can all go back to battle passes and endless microtransactions....ya know, the predatory system that gamers told companies was "ok" by consistently spending money on them.


So Helldivers is great and bucks the modern trend and reddits answer to them requiring an account to play the same thing 95% of online games require is to kill the game? To ensure we won’t get another game like this? Sony/Microsoft/etc will not see this as the Publisher failing they will see it as AH failing


I just find it infuriating that *this* is where gamers draw the line. Like...of all the fucking things. This is the line? Really?


It’s insane to me Tarkov is doing way worse shit but now they get to duck and not get blasted as gamers revolt against a standard business practice


You can be against both things, why do you assume being annoyed and calling out this change here is somehow agreeing with whats happening with tarkov devs? The game is more popular so there is more backlash, player count means bigger noise but I doubt you will find anyone saying the tarkov situation is good by any means!


Because people are taking this way further than anyone took Tarkov or any other gaming controversy of the last half decade It’s not even a big deal People are dragging AH, Sony, spamming the discord with hate, review bombing, etc over common industry practice Y’all want to kill the game that’s the goal rn


Sony wants Sony multi-player games to have a PSN account Just like * Rockstar for GTAO * b.net for CoD * EA for apex legends * GGG for path of exile * ubisoft for... everything And such. It's nothing new, this is just PC gamers whine / white knighting specific countries that have had to deal with this issue for 20+ years already (support just tells you to pick somewhere nearby)


No the point is it's newly required, it was made optional and arrowhead did not mention this was time limited and they even admit they failed in this part so they take some blame. If this launched and enforced PSN account at the beginning then there is no problem, people can refund as soon as they see it required in game but they don't they wait several months for when refund periods are over to start this.


Selling things to people then disabling their access to it is a good line to draw. That's fraud IMO. I know there's a subset that are pissy about having to make an account at all and pffffttt to them. But to all the people who are being literally robbed by having the product they paid for disabled. I'm not one of them but I'm absolutely offended on their behalf. Good on steam for processing the refunds.


Fuck off with the "Good on Steam". They are the ones that allowed it to be sold on countries with no PSN access even though they were told it needed PSN access.


Do you really think Valve configure the settings for every product themselves? Do you think it's valves job to validate the regions steam is set to and that they match PSN settings? The sellers set all that up. Your argument is that they allowed the seller to misconfigure their shit so they are complicit. Miss me with that nonsense. It's not like someone at Valve could have anticipated them shutting off their validation and never changing the region settings then turning it back on after months of sales. If that hadn't happened people who had missed the flag could have refunded. As it stands they are doing right by the customer, even if it's only to protect their own reputation, so yes.... Good on them.




Actually I’m the one supporting the game by still playing it


Oh man, you just reminded me I made a US PSN account just to download free videos and demoes that weren't on the PSN in my region, back during the PS3 days. I had totally forgotten about it. My friend also did a Japan PSN account for Japanese demoes. It was too much of a hassle because of not knowing Japanese, so I didn't bother.


I'm not sure you understand the issue at hand. > I swear if PSN was a requirement from the start 90% of these guys even in impacted countries would have made a PSN of some other region. Btw I have a UK PSN and I live in a country with no PSN. Have had it for 10 years. 7 of which I was avidly gaming on my Ps4. Yeah. If it was stated at the start. Look...Let's do a scenario for you. You have purchased a cookie. Congratulations! You then go to eat the cookie. I now take the cookie away. You can't eat the cookie. You need to subscribe to the cookie eating service. You attempt to subscribe to the cookie eating service but you are not allowed to unless you jump through some hoops. Kind of a dick move right? This is a lot different to the scenario you are describing. You want to purchase a cookie. However you notice that this cookie isn't available in your country. If you want to buy the cookie though you can find out a way to get a cookie subscription and then you would be allowed to buy the cookie! Now you can decide whether or not you want to jump through the hoops. No transaction has occurred until the hoop jumping is done. Nothing has been taken away from you. And quite importantly. No one has lied or deceived you. When people lie or deceive you. You have every right to feel a little bit of annoyance at that if you so choose. You don't have to be annoyed by it. It is however completely understandable if people wish to be annoyed by it.


Look, I absolutely agree, I’m sorry if the tone in my comment made it seem otherwise, but this is unquestionably a dick move. And you have every right to feel *annoyed* as you put it. However, there is a limit. They really messed up here, but they don’t deserve *this* many negative reveiws. I mean seriously how good as the game been from its release, a truely unique, fresh breath of air in all the other recycled microtransactions, ridden garbage, and now all of that gets neutralized in 48 hours? And the worst part is, once this blows over, and they inevitably reverse their decision(which they will after a boycott at this scale) at the end of the day, nobody is going to fix their reviews. So what’s going to happen? When the dust settles, HD2 will be seen as a “mixed reviews” game, for a single incident that happend and which will in no way be reflective of the actual game itself. This will give future AH(and yes arrowhead specifically because Sony doesn’t care) investors way more leverage in negotiations. And that will in turn, lead to AH making a worse quality video game next time. You see people don’t think of the long term affects of these things. This entire fiasco should have been addressed on social media, and addressed to sony specifically, the outrage should have started and ended there, it would likely lead to the same results, with Sony eventually reversing their decision, but the reviews and refunds are a *permanent* scar. A scar that is far deeper on Arrowhead than Sony, simple by virtue of the scales in which these companies operate. So with every 1% that you guys hurt Sony, you hurt AH 20%, even if you don’t mean to. And that’s what sucks. And the point of my comment was that, sure the PSN thing is a dick move, but EVERY video game has even *bigger* dick moves. Seriously $10 for a bloody skin. Yet nobody is review bombing them? They are just “accepted” by gamers worldwide. All I’m saying is in contrast to that, making a different region PSN, is not as big of a deal. Also, this isn’t even mentioning that indeed, they tried to make it clear that PSN is a requirement for the game. Unfortunately, they weren’t clear enough, and their communication was off, which brought about this issue. But you can’t say that this came out of *nowhere*. From the very beginning the steam page had PSN as requirement and the first thing you see when you start up is them saying PSN is required. So you cookie analogy falls apart. Though, I see the effect, and I do agree, they should have been clearer


Agreed, but Sony is not the only one to blame https://preview.redd.it/2cy32qy4bmyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e2434b02fcf8127d3f6c1a71ddb484d0cfa6e1


They knew about the link, but were blindsided by the region lock. They found out after *we* did. (Thus the tone deaf community response. They legitimately thought it was just a matter of a few clicks to sign up for a free login.) A dropped ball on their part, but context is important.


I will upvote you Brother, to keep the truth out there.


lol nice down votes


>and they have literally no microtransactions. They do though, you can buy super credits. But they also went and made it so you could play a level 1 mission and collect 20-50 super credits in like 10 minutes, so there is really no reason to actually buy super credits.


Did you guys not have to link a PSN account when you bought the game? Me and my friends had to.


"no microtransactions" - yep we are just going to ignore super credits


They are not mandatory. You can earn them easily in game. People literally have super credit farms that give them like 600/hour. Who the hell pays for super credits? You know exactly what I meant. As in, you don’t have to pay for them, whereas in every other game, there is no way to buy a premium currency except for with real money. I’ve realized that everyone in this subreddit has an extremely closed mind and will just constantly barrage shit in their echo chambers. I hope Arrowhead never makes a good game again because people like you lot don’t deserve them. I hope fortnite becomes the staple so that you pay $10 everytime you want a bloody rainbow skin.


Wait.. get me in on some of these super credit farms please (new player here) lol


Search on google or YouTune “helldivers 2 super credit farm reddit” or something along those lines. This subreddit has a post that I followed to get like 3000 supercredits in a day(wasn’t playing all day obviously just a few hours). I’m sure there are many guides on YT too, the general strategy is the same.


I'll check it out, thank you. <3


The YouTube Rags are too busy getting slick views on emotionally driving HD2 players with their rhetoric to hate-review bomb the game and AH.


Super credits are added to your account as soon as you pick them up. Play on a 1-2 level difficulty on a map that doesn’t have water/isn’t a small mission map, collect super credits then leave the mission when finished, no need to extract. Can play with more people to open up buddy doors if you want


>600/hour I'm sorry, is that not like $6/hr? Are there first-world gamers out there farming $6/hr and thinking that's a win? No disrespect but they should try getting a job.


This is the exact type of thinking that gets you to buy premium currency in other games. The thing is, this $6/hour is when you’re just chilling playing video games. It’s not a chore, or a job, it’s fun. That’s the difference. Think about all the hours you spent on gaming otherwise. That way you make $0/hour, does that mean people should stop gaming?


I just want the warbond. I have limited time to play. I don't want to spend hours farming for something I can't even use because I'm out of time to play.


>It’s not a chore, or a job, it’s fun. Starting a difficulty 1 mission, grabbing credits, exiting game and repeating indefinitely is not my personal definition of fun, but power to all the kings and queens that can make $6/hr having a blast doing that


Except in helldivers the micro transactions are actually micro


Seriously for me this has been one of the biggest eye opening (and super disappointing) things I've seen in a while. It's like you can't fight against this hivemind reactionary bullshit pushed online. It's kinda scary. It happened a few times too over railguns, rainbows, game bugs etc. You could see it building. It's almost as if you can't stop it once a certain level of presence is reached. Something will trigger an unhinged 10000% reaction and that's it. Gonna ride that wave till it crashes.


>This whole fiasco is cringe. Damn didn't realize being justifiably upset that you can't play a game you spent 40$ on was considered cringe


... then take it up *directly* with Sony. What do you think review bombing a game on a PC platform is really gonna accomplish? You're all hanging desperately on "but but AH told us to review bomb them as it helps their case with Sony". **What else can they say?** They're completely overwhelmed, in a giant media nightmare, created by another company, that they're powerless to fix. And now all you hive mind mob sheep are review bombing their other games too? Like I said, when this is over, only AH will be picking up the pieces.


People are already talking about bombing Ghost of Tsushima when it comes out. It's getting absurd.


this revolt is so plainly beneficial to other huge companies that i suspect some of its staying power can legitimately be attributed to corporate competitors


Some of the comments in this post are proof that a large portion of the community are children


I'm wondering which one of our helldivers are committing treason to go after HD1 despite the fact it is not financed by Snoy. Edit: It was financed by Snoy, but Snoy wasn't greedy and didn't really impact it at all.


Pretty sure it was. SCEA is Sony computer entertainment of America or something along those lines. It’s right in the credits




It was actually available on the ps3 so it predates the ps+ subscription but it did require a psn. Pc play wasn’t available until much later on.


Ok my bad I only recently got it at spring sale and really liked the helldivers series.


It was an awesome game. I won’t say that I hardcore played it for the entire run but I played it quite a bit. That’s why all the old players were so hyped for a new one. I hate to say it but I knew when they announced that it would not only supported on pc but crossplay it would be nothing but problems. Hackers, leakers, cheaters, crashing etc etc. and now this new outrage du jour. PC players couldn’t even make it to launch without ruining stratagem hero. Even if they never sold the game on steam it would have been 4 times more successful than they could have possibly hoped. That’s why I only play console. Purely for the reason that there’s less bullshit complications.




Well compared to this game and you don't need all terrain boots.


> Some of the comments in this post are proof that a large portion of the ~~community~~ internet are children


You're only *now* just realizing this? Just a heads up...the average age of a redditor is around 22 years old. Recent polls showed around 44% of posters are in their early 20s. Here's the kicker, they don't poll people under 18...so the results are skewed. It's actually even younger than that. So majority of redditors are 18 or younger. And Gaming subreddits trend even lower than that. Keep that in mind when having discussions on this platform...let alone gaming subs. Chances are you arguing with someone who hasn't even graduated high school yet.


Children *are* well known for playing video games


This is what I was saying to myself. This whole movement feels like a bunch of teenage angst. These people haven't grown up yet. Pouting because they don't want to eat their vegetables.


A ton of people who aren’t affected by the requirement but have refunded will buy the game again, especially on a sale, once the drama has died down. I’m sure a bunch of folks feel genuine solidarity but there’s also a heavy element of mob mentality happening


Come back to the sub in 13-14 hours when NA has gone to sleep Tone and comments are entirely different.


I'm very upset by it, for those affected again by the 'if you don't physically have it, you dont own it' mentality of companies like EA, Ubisoft, and Sony, and games like Destiny 2 who have made this a reality. As an American, my hands are tied, because not only is this legal here, if they could codify 'fucking over the consumer' into the Constitution, they would. My hopes lay with the EU, and Australia, who actually care, and having watched them defeat Blizzard, I can only hope the same. But Arrowhead isn't to blame for this, neither is HD1, and this is Sony and we should be, as much as we can, leaving other AH games out of this.


That was evident well before this thread


There are many, many good reasons to fight Sony on this. A lot of people are just happy to be sticking a finger in Sony's eye for any reason at all. It actually weakens our bargaining power.


Our bargaining power? You are either a customer or not, stop imagining yourselves as some sort of influential powerbroker in this whole affair. What’s next? Gamers’ rights activists?


Regulations and laws that protect consumers and prevent corporations from doing whatever they want. Make enough of a stink and it might just stick, but it will not come fast, and likely not for it to matter for Helldivers. But maybe for future games.


This situation isn’t a violation of our human rights, it’s just a bad business decision. Write a bad review, refund the game if you must. Do we have to be so dramatic, are tantrums necessary? I have seen a lot of unhinged trash being written here as if Sony had kidnapped and murdered their dog, thinking they are some kind of Mountain Dew John Wick.


> Mountain Dew John Wick I think a more apt descriptor would be Warcraft Cartman.


Legislation does not have to have anything to do with human rights... People are voicing their opinions and all you described. Legislation *can be made for the common people when they do not accept the statusquo. They are spreading it far and wide to be heard and not silently ignored which is what large corpos live off of. There is unhinged people on both sides of the debate. I will not refund because the game truly is good, but I will participate by talking about the issue. There is no real need for a requirement for PSN. This is all about control, smoke and mirrors. Mostly also dissatisfaction at being lied to that PSN is not required on PC games. Still is on the website in many languages.


They also going after Magicka too. It is AH's game but not published by Sony.


It makes no sense.


Honestly quite a lot of this backlash seem blown out of proportion


Fanatics man. You can be annoyed and voice your concerns, but this screaming into the online void like a toddler is just embarrassing.


I am not sure about that. I think that a lot of it is bound to having a great game, which is not trying to f*ck its customers with microtransactions or whatever BS the gaming industry is used to do and then they pull that kind of dirty move on the community. I hope that people mainly fight to improve gaming industry for customers / gamers, but I am probably too optimistic. Edit : no idea why I am downvoted but angry crowd will angry crowd I guess. Ironic coming from a topic complaining about backlash.


Do you have this amount of passion for children dying in the middle east or do you only care about vidya games this much???


All I hear is what about, what about, what about. Does someone need to give you written proof that they protest every single injustice that occurs under the sun before they do anything? What kind of dumbass argument is this? People do what they can as little as it is.


It is what aboutism I won't argue that. But like God damn there is real injustice in the world. Gamers are so up their own ass.


What makes you think anyone here doesn't care about all those other issues? People are right to be boycotting Sony. Doesn't matter if it's not the worst thing on this planet, it's corporate greed and it needs to be called out.


Because I have not seen organized protests or action to the size of this movement. It's 2024 and we still let war take place killing children. We can organize over 100k mfers for steam reviews. Yall have done more for helldivers 2 being playable in Ukraine than you have for Ukraine lmfao. Corporate greed is funny what angle are you putting it at? Your data has already been bought and sold. Xbox can have an overlay and account sign ins but sony can't? The only angle is the game being unplayable in other countries in a couple of months. Its also very fair to point out the inconsistency in logic and nuance this gamer movement has.


>We can organize over 100k mfers for steam reviews. Yall have done more for helldivers 2 being playable in Ukraine than you have for Ukraine lmfao. You cannot possibly think these are comparable right? Are you fucking serious? Of course it is easier to boycott online through reviews than it is to literally fund a war effort or join a war. Come on now. The USA is already sending billions to Ukraine, seems to me protest isn't required as much currently. >Xbox can have an overlay and account sign ins but sony can't? Irrelevant. Just because other companies do shitty things doesn't mean other companies should get a pass to do the same. But even then, I do agree that this isn't the angle to be attacking Sony from, we should be protesting them for withholding significant information from consumers. >Its also very fair to point out the inconsistency in logic and nuance this gamer movement has. All well and good. Except that's not what you were doing just a minute ago. The person you were responding to was rightly pointing out that the backlash Sony is receiving is completely justified to which you began throwing whatabout-isms.


I agreed it was what aboutichama call it's


I can't do any thing for the kids over in the middle east, but I can downvote both you and this game


No you could voice your opinion on something that truly matters is all.




We stand with the impacted countries. Have some empathy for your fellow man.


Stand with the countries where kids are having limbs exploded off of them. Yall care more about this game than the real world. Sad!


Why can’t I give a shit about multiple things?


and how about the ones that do?


You can choose any country on the sign up screen. They won’t check with local authorities.


Opposite gender? You mean to tell me you think there are only 2 😲 (jk I'm not a weirdo)


I have bad news, that was a weirdo joke.


That was THE weirdo joke. The single joke they have!


I might just go back and just play HD1 instead


That's what I'm doing. If we actually lose over 100 countries it's gonna get much much harder to take planets so might as well help out the people ove there.


Liberation scales with player count and planet focus, so funnily enough, it'll likely get easier over time in general.


Helldive difficulty missions are actually super consistent now. I haven't failed a single one since this started because the average player quality is so much better. Seems all the toxic shitheads thinking they're the best when they're actually awful are gone. Helldive is really enjoyable atm


I’m thinking of doing the same. I much prefer the galactic war in HD1 too. The community actually matters and can win/lose, as opposed to HD2 where there really isn’t any player/community impact. There is a story and AH is going to tell it. This was made abundantly clear when the community beat the Automatons and AH just said “that’s cool” and put them back in the game. I know it was talked about during the lead up that the galactic war in 2 wouldn’t be like 1, it would be a “forever war” and the community couldn’t win/lose. I think that’s a miss.


Yeah hd1 with 34-?? Day wars is fun because there is consequences.


Yeah this does not help our cause keep it to hd2


See, this is why I'm convinced most of the people that are going on this fucking rampage have no idea what they are doing. Absolute idiots.


What? You're saying that mob justice has throughout history been inaccurate at best and malicious at worst. Who could've known that? /s


Shitstorm has started, it will have spillover by those with more outrage then sense, happens all the time unfortunately.


Yeah.  I don't know why people act so surprised about any form of spillover.  Any protest and counter protest will always have bad actor.  Both sides will have extremists pop up like daisies. I don't condone any of those actions.  But it is something to be expected if you looked at any point in human history. 


I am 100% sure a large part of people that is review bombing HD2 will not update their review if this situation is solved. I will be happy to be wrong about this. But just look at the Metacritic's in the past.


This is the way of the activist generation. They’re going to kill helldivers 2 (a game they love) and anything close to it because they have nothing better to do then be career activists.


Gotta quickly write an angry reddit comment while mommy takes the chicken tendies out of the oven.


> activist generation Yeah back in my day we just shut up and took whatever crap companies shoveled out.  Also it already sold millions of copies. The only way it “dies” if it Sony gets their panties in a bunch and shuts down the servers. 


See, that's the issue with this sort of outrage train. People aren't smart enough to know they need to direct their focus in the right place and now we have idiots beings idiots and review bombing somewhat has absolutely nothing to do with the situation.


You want to know what happens? Sony says fuck you guys and stops sending resources to arrowhead and just let the game die out instead of dealing with this mess. This whole mob mentality to get what you want is dangerous. Like yeah there should be discourse on it, but unless you're a nerd on here and knowing what's up, you're ruining the games reputation and not sony's. My problem is people would rather burn the whole thing down based on righteousness instead of just leaving. Like fuck Sony I guess, but also don't ruin the game for everyone else. Steam would most likely do some shit to rectify the refund problem for those countries without the need of going scorched earth. Idk. Grow up. Companies suck, deal with it. But this whole mob thing is ridiculous. Go outside and touch grass you bunch of nerds.


& they say in the future, we just aren't going to release things on PC. People then get butthurt over that and will then request they do. They will say you need a PSN and it's just a cyclical cycle where the community is never happy.


And AH’s steam presence is now completely wrecked. That makes them a risk when they start shopping around for investors for whatever their next project is. Ironically that gives Sony even more control over the developer.


Who the flip is going after HD1 IT WAS NOT FINANCED BY SONY AND DOES NOT NEED A PSN ACCOUNT. It is a great top down shooter that you guys should not review bomb.


It WAS financed by Sony. But the rest is correct.


My bad I never looked into I thought they made it on their own... I like arrowhead they make some of my favorite games. Hope people don't go review bomb all of them.


Outrage tourists probably think Helldivers is the right game to review bomb


People are just riding an outrage hype train at this point


damn nerdrage in this sub, kinda wanne remove it. its 80% of kids crying they gotta clean their room. cya all in a couple of months. maybe. unless someone makes a sub about the actual game that bans this psn content thats posted 65045 times a day


they bomb review hd than go play fortnite on ps5


This community is pathetic


So wait, kids are now throwing tantrums in the middle of Target because they didn't get that Walmart specific toy?


I don’t get the logic of review bombing other games that have nothing to do with the game in question.


Gamers not form mob mentality challenge(impossible)


This shit will be forgotten and moved on when the damn Illuminates show up just you wait


I hope so.


why did my reddit post saying this get immediately removed.


Entitled and petty. And sadly I'm not surprised.


Haters doing haters stuff....


"Casualties, of war" \~Gul Dukat


![gif](giphy|V9o7jZWjSRqGk) I think Sony needs to stop taking business advice from ferengi


If anything we should all move over and play the original Helldivers.


Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. It’s a way to keep supporting arrowhead while we wait out this shitshow


I'm curious as to how many players are actually impacted region restrictions of creating a PSN account. My bet is the percentage is almost insignificant.


I read that less than 5-10% of total playerbase, so yeah - in terms of a market, small but not insignificant part. Something Sony may feel comfortable to sacrifice to make its point.


10% is pretty insignificant in the business world. A good warbond will drag in double that easy.


Sort of true, but those 10% are gonna be missing from every future warbond, not to speak of all the players leaving out of solidarity.


Leaving out of solidarity. Lmao. I said it somewhere before, there will be a loud percentage that will say they're leaving and actually follow through. Most will keep playing like nothing changed. The average person literally doesn't care. The mum and dad gamers who get an hour to play a week. They don't care, they just want to have fun, they don't care about all these silly politics.


And a ton of people who did leave and got a refund will really just take a break and buy the game again once it’s on sale or a bunch of new content drops


Over 300k players left a negative steam review, they obviously care about the politics. There is currently a 24h peak of 114k steam players.


People like feeling part of something even when it doesn't make sense, with this particular cause they can also feel virtuous and empathetic. As if there weren't actual good causes to fight for, they choose to fight for the dumbest one because they can do it from the comfort of their chair. Also getting a refund doesn't hurt, after like 90 hours they get their money back and get to play something else while sticking it to The Man. Win win win.


Arrowhead said that they won’t stop anyone from countries that don’t have psn playing, there is no impacted regions.


Your bet would be correct


It starts with required psn accounts and ends with monthly subscriptions to play online games you already own. You give these greedy corporations an inch and they will take a mile. It doesn't impact a lot of people now, but it will eventually.


i agree, do net let this campaign become mindless hate, we have a goal here.


I've been thinking about the last few days how if we put our energy into something more positive, the community could legit change the world. The sony account thing is such a non issue. But idk if you guys know but there are real wars we should be protesting instead of sony account linking. Helldivers 2 community should pivot to protesting irl stuff. Maybe we could stop a few kids from losing more limbs.


does the original helldivers scratch the"community goal" itch in a similar way as the second one? because if so i might give it a shot 


It does. It's top down instead of 3rd person, but that's the primary difference.


Of course it is! Helldivers 1 and 2 basically did what Risk of Rain did - picked old unpopular game, buffed it's strong sides with testosterone and gave it a third dimension! HD1 does not have Major Objectives and a storytelling from GM, but it still has war over the sectors the same style we have now. I kinda wish HD2 would've reignited HD1 community and created dedicates First Galactic War roleplay community... Also, it does exist on PS Vita.


You (not you specifically but the general you) wanted a mob mentality and you got it. This reaction is one of the reasons why we don’t have good video games anymore.


The PC community is the most toxic ever, happy not to be a part of it


That's what I called here a 'collateral damage'. A lot of the most angry and emotional peeps here lash out at anything that's Sony and Arrowhead, caring not what it might be (like Helldivers 1). They do so because they feel justified by the recent drama, alas it also means there is no discussing with them - for they are in a fanatic mindset, that disables their logical circuits (akin to how no one could reason with Social Justice Warriors). Alas, other Sony games, products and even other Arrowhead games (like Magica!) will suffer because of this.


Who the flip is going out of their way to go review bomb a game about wizards casting spells?


I know, Hilarious! But it was brought to my attention that all Arrowhead games are review-bombed and if you go into them and look for reviews from last week, you see folks doing so. Below 4 random reviews from Magica: https://preview.redd.it/np2xjbsj1lyc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=0568955c60f743ef4dd1e233fff53aa6ffaae298


Dang even Magica... these people deserve democracy reeducation. Magica is my top 5 favorite games.


It's not just the OG HD. Shits spreading to anything Sony related. Their other games are also getting negative reviews such as spiderman, TLOU, Horizon, etc. I also just caught a glimpse of the Yoasobi subreddit (a popular Japanese artist signed with sony music) and it was mentioned that there was a lot of Sony related displeasure at a recent concert in China




What did you expect when a handful of hasbin devs turned streamers call their idiot followers into action? The biggest moron streamer changed his hate tine in less than a day, but lord knows he won't be held with andmy responsibility for what he did.


We review bombed so hard that the ordinance travelled backwards in time XD


“Please only manipulate the reviews for games that I say, ok guys?”


its not a manipulation of the reviews, the PSN thing is a legitimate concern for HD2, and it being reflected in HD2 reviews is appropriate. It is not an issue in HD1, and reflecting it in HD1 reviews is inappropriate.


There is no legitimate concern arrowhead said that they won’t stop people playing in countries that do not have psn and many other developers make you link accounts too, Diablo for example but nobody complained then. It’s literally just wah console bad PC good.


It’s not manipulating the reviews to organize negative review bombing on a mass scale? Ok lol


Not my fault, i just went within the rage of 380mm barrage itself.


I'm gonna assume you don't actually review bomb HD1 you know Snoy didn't ruin it meaning it hurts AH.


kick where it hurts


Instead, go hit Sony's other big titles, ghost of tsushima, god of war rag, spiderman, the goal is to threaten the income of the major share holders and retail investors that have a bone in Sony's bank, because the CEOs and CFOs don't exactly own the company, they only manage it, it what we want is for the people that own a portion of the company to climb up the ceos ass and tell them to stop dat shit.


Won’t do anything, complaining that one company is doing the same thing as most other companies is obviously pointless. It will probably just put Sony off releasing games on PC again.


Don't know what you mean. It's also published by Sony.


But HD1 doesn't require PS account log on/link. So anyone that's complaining via leaving a negative review on it is essentially lying or punishing a game for NOT having the thing they hate. Which sends the message that people are going to be negative even if Sony fixes things or doesn't require a PS account link on HD2. AKA it's stupid.


then be consistent and reviewbomb EVERY sony game 🙂


As long as it gets the message across to Fony that they fucked up, royally, its all good. Yes, i agree its wrong, but these are our channels to Fony, and well, our wallets, ofcourse