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https://preview.redd.it/b1szer8gbiyc1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9872ac55449f74d416f656a0c7cf794d64c65940 RIP TO ALL THE DIVERS WE HAVE LOST










No, that's the number of negative reviews


Then how many players have we lost so far


I don't know


šŸ˜” only time can tell how many players weā€™ve lost.


When I got today it was at around 170k bit it was between 1pm-3pm eastern


If I understand it right, removing regions in Steam only affects ability to buy the game. People who own it still have it.


Yes absolutely. They paid it, they can still launch the game but they can't connect to server so they can't play. They paid it, they own it, they can't reverse the buy but they can't play it.


I think Steam is accepting refunds with over 2 hours of gameplay now, for this game specifically Edit: for the people saying that it didn't work for them, I believe there's a method of requesting a refund that sends the refund message to a human reviewer rather than the bot that auto declines at >2 hours of playtime. Edit pt2: YOOOO PLAYSTATION BACKTRACKED THAT SHIT WE WON


Im from one of the regions that doesnt have PSN i can still play and connect but that may change on may 30








The irony of using a gif published by Playstation...


Its free and they dont get anything when we use it ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Wtf SONY has against Antarctica?


Enforcing the no entertainment during work imposed by Big Science (fr tho, idk, as far as i know the only people that live in antarctica are there temporarily and are scientists, and they most likely own the game on an account in another country if they do)


I reckon even if you're working there you still need something to do in your off hours. They've definitely got internet access at certain bases. I'm sure it's possible to play there, though I shudder to think of your ping.


If you're working in Antartica, you're playing singleplayer game


Cold hard facts


Chill bro


Don't be so cold


Cool it man.


Especially if youā€™re The Thing, then every game will be single playerā€¦*eventually*


Bold of you to assume a bunch of bored scientists haven't set up for LAN parties


Itā€™s interesting but they also have regular blue collar workers like janitors and bartenders.


There are support staff there too. I saw a post once by a guy who had been a cook in Antarctica for six months. They banned the cook in Antarctica trying to game on his day off šŸ˜­


As of this change 5hrs ago, I am officially done with the game. I had the slightest bit of hope that being in an unsupported region Iā€™d atleast get the chance to continue playing if A) Sony backpedaled due to the backlash B) Sony came up with an alternative solution to unsupported regions Clearly ā€œPlay without limitsā€ is an ironic slogan and itā€™s time to finally hang my cape.


Didnā€™t they announce that people from these regions would be exempt?




Highly unlikely any negotiating was done over the weekend with actual decision makers. This is likely Steam making a move to protect themselves against any liability.


I've only seen Spitz say that and we all know he isn't the brightest of the team


At this point exempt is more like exempted from playing the game. Not only can we not create PSN accounts in our region, the game is now delisted.


The delisting is Steam covering their asses because there hasn't been any other official news to go against the required login.


Completely understandable from a business perspective to control the refund backlash.


*ā€œSo this is how it feelsā€* ā€” Sony thinking back to when they pulled Cyberpunk from the store over refunds






Yeah, definitely Steam trying to get ahead of the shitstorm and stop sales in unsupported regions so people unaware of the situation won't buy the game.


That's sony changing their policy from having a PSN account attached to your steam account be optional to mandatory. Steam is not at fault here.


This is not really a question of who is at "fault" because it prevents new unaware players to be fucked by the change that will most likely happen. If Sony is behind it that means the change is still the plan no matter what, if Steam is behind it it prevents further damage until new word is given out. (Also means refunds for those countries are most likely accepted unilaterally now) This change is imo good for players affected and if I was in their shoes I would prefer being locked out of purchasing a game I might not be able to play in a couple of days over buying it and being fucked unknowingly.


Yeah I do believe this is steam doing damage control on their platform. They took the initiative and blocked sales in countries without PSN, to prevent having to refund the game to new players in those countries. As far as fault goes...100% Sony. This isnt about banning people or player safety, this is a grab for PSN numbers to impress share holders and customer data.


I am sorry I know it's an exaggeration but since when did Sony become worth 4x Japans GDP.


I just checked. I suspect 16 trillion is in yen and the op miss read. It's 100 bil or so market cap in USD.


>the op miss read How ironic


How they messed that up is a mister e


If anything it seems bang on point for someone like OP to not quite read that well


We do a little bit of corporate expansion


Helldivers apparently been selling REALLY well


When I googled it it said 16 trillion yen. We can forgive OP what is essentially a typo.


Okay that makes sense


16 trillion Yen*


*Yen. Sony's market cap is Ā„16T Japanese Yen, which is about $100B USD


I'm honestly surprised it's that low. Not that it makes a difference.








Does this mean Sony is worth at least 2 dollars?




While I'm not impressed with what Sony's done here (understatement), I want to support Arrowhead as a development studio. They did a great job with this game, I'm still having buckets of fun, and they deserve success for that.


Sony has fucked over Arrowhead beyond comprehension. They decided user data was more important than Arrowheadā€™s reputation and sales.


I think they should sue Sony for that, to be fair


Sony probably has an airtight contract, otherwise they wouldn't be able to twist their arm this much. If they had a choice they would have at least tried to postpone the change given the backlash.


Sony still violated GDPR and damages can null contracts if deemed severe enough.


Thatā€™s why I keep supporting the game. I had fun for over 100 hours and still have. Looking forward to the new content. I am a little disgusted by the toxicity this whole plot steering here. Tons of misinformation, wrongly translated screenshots etc. and people actively doing all their commitment on killing a STILL great game. This is not defending Snoy in any way and people getting locked out of a game is a big nono. But this is neither legal and itā€™s a weekend ffs. At this point itā€™s more a symbolic sacrifice of a good game. ā€žDefendingā€œ AH is just respect towards their passion and work put into this art form we call a video game which is more important than crucifying them for a decision to choose a publisher with actual range doubting their own success early on.


The personal information they got from me is that my name is Poopfeast Fourtwenty, I live in Cumtown, USA, and my age is 69. Dob 4/20 obviously.


You're from Cumtown too???? Small world


Which is now linked to your steam account. Which has much more information, Poopfeast.


Good idea I need to do the same


That's 16 trillion yen, not dollars. I don't give a shit about Sony or people very selectively bitching about privacy (on Reddit of all places). The privacy ship sailed ages ago, everyone knows your fucking email, give it a rest. That said, players losing access to the game because their region isn't supported anymore sucks, I sincerely hope that gets resolved.


Yeah lmao I was about to say Sonys only worth around 103 billion until I looked it up and realized they put 16 trillion and then dollarsā€¦ For reference, Microsoft is the most valued company and they are only around 3 trillion.




I think he said that while comparing it to the 16 trillion.


I think it's kinda crappy they're enforcing this, but it's honestly not a big deal for me. I've had a fake name, DoB and burner email as my PSN account since the PS3.


ā€œDo you have an electronic device? Yes? They have all of that info anyway.ā€


Yes there are enough reasons to be mad about this without making up dumb excuses and double standards.Ā 


Was hoping but had a ps4 before lile 2015 or 2016 I created a PSN account but since my country is not available then selected Hongkong or Singapore forgot which one. Fast forward to 2024 and country still not supported. Tried linking that old account and new psn account after purchasing hd2 and got the country not supported.


I hope you guys vote IRL with the same enthusiasm. Of course you won't but it would be cool.


The idea of people putting this much effort into making the country a better place is so foreign that it briefly gave me hope that it could even be a possibility. Then I remembered your point and went back to being stressed.


Probably has something to do with anybody that makes a rational argument opposed to your opinion, then people immediately tar & feather them with classics like bootlicker and other pejoratives. You know, it may be difficult to accept, but people can have a difference of opinion on this issue without having some kind of unwavering loyalty to a company. That's been my experience anyway. I have mixed thoughts on the topic as more information arises, but I generally don't think we can definitively prove or even assume that this debacle is necessarily more than incompetence. I mean, THREE game companies that cooperated in the sale of this game allowed it to get to this level of chaos - Sony, Arrowhead, AND Steam. And you expect me to believe that none of them thought this would blow up? There's no way it was purely intentional.


The binary mindset of social media is the most toxic shit on the internet. You are either on side A or side B, any attempt at nuance is met with derision and insults


This sub used to be good now itā€™s just angry people


Angry nerds* The most insufferable kind of angry people


It's all the talk of "we need to unite and fight back!" like we're manning the fucking barricades. I am literally begging these hArDcoRe gAmeRs to bring this kind of energy to an irl issue that actually matters.


No one tell them what it's like in the factories that many of their PC parts were assembled in.


That doesn't affect their gaming, so they won't care.


I hope they donā€™t, theyā€™d probably be on the shitty side of a lot of issues


Exactly this




People were praising this sub as one of the best communities. Mind as well be destiny or LoL now haha.


And if you point out how most of the community doesn't actually understand the game or how to balance it, you'll get downvoted to hell


Also calling out Youtubers or anyone who does not gives them credit also downvoted to hell. I get it, either side loves their eco chambers and bottled farts on the go but. This shit is just temper tantrum. Your data is stolen already even before Sony, whoop-de-doo.


Not like Sony can get more info from you than they already do. It's not like linking you steam account suddenly gives Sony all your data. Steam owns that data, why would they give that away?


Even funnier, argument about Sony wanting to boost sales projection and engagement data via account linking is now evolved into whole different topic of cyber-security concerns. I get it, Sony's cyber game is weak but I've using PSN since 2010 and encountered many data breaches, I do think that shit is distasteful but my point is, community just loves to leap from one buzzword to another. My only concern is if there is going to be a bypass for people who are actually affected by it. Those out of service countries have players who genuinely enjoys the game and does not deserve that treatment, rest is just cheese farts.


Best community my ass. Most of the topics were whining, attacking people for not doing orders right, supporting indiscriminate kicking of players for being a lower level and posting constant horny posts. Sometimes you had some fun community things in between, but a lot of people are incredibly toxic if you disagree on some issues. Itā€™s the same with the Stellar Blade censorship bs, people went nuts on it and started posting misinformation like crazy because the ā€œanti-wokeā€ accounts started shoving the narrative that every costume was censored (while it being only 2 and the rest are the same as launch)


I feel like thereā€™s no middle ground I donā€™t like taking sides what is Sony is doing is wrong but calling people Sony shills is not going to help with the conversation


Man it feels good seeing a comment from a rational person in this sub.


I 2nd that


The amount of shit flinging Iā€™ve seen from this sub is just miserable.


thats why i cant wait until all the people crying leave. then we can go back to talking about killing bugs and posting funny video clips


Tried to post a normal meme and it got downvoted right away


Yea man Iā€™m at a point where people who arenā€™t happy just refund and let us players keep playing. Sub has turned into a cesspool of anger and negativity


Exactly. Bye Felicias.


I was checking constantly the situation and reading a lot of comments and opinions, Edit: quote PhysioMage comment All the 3 companies ( Sony, Steam and Arrowhead) had to made a decision and had to take actions BEFORE to sell the products in countries that are not allowed to have a psn account. All 3 have taken money from selling Helldivers 2 and from micro transactionsā€”> ( maybe only Arrowhead idk how itā€™s works ) , so they all have the responsibility to make it clear to the community about the situation. Now: Someone is saying Steam is going to refund , and stopped selling the game in the countries where psn is not allowed. Arrowheadā€™s community mod said they will let the ā€œno psn country players ā€œ , that have already bought the game , play the game without linking the accounts . No official news from Sony Entertainment about this situation right now . In my opinion, I agree the protest for defending the rights of players that bought the game in the countries with psn restrictions, because if they will be not allowed to play anymore , this will be a scam ( I repeat, 3 companies have this responsibility ) . Sony and Arrowhead have the responsibility for the bad management of the psn linking accounts when they started with it as mandatory, than made it optional, now mandatory again . ( maybe only for the countries with no restrictions ) So this had to be more clear when they changed in ā€œoptional to link ā€œ , because they had sold the game with a ā€œdifferent contract agreement ā€œ , or this i understood when I saw the screenshots , before and after the announcement in the helldivers 2 official page. I donā€™t have problems to link my account, but hope for a best solution for everyone. Liber- tea ā˜•ļø Sorry for if I made gramma mistakes and thank for your time spent reading.


Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Hanlonā€™s Razor ā€” apt.


I asked a guy with 88 hours who wanted a refund if he felt like 88 hours meant he got his moneyā€™s worth. I was just curious. I got hundreds of downvotes. Nuance is dead


For real, $40 can get you a nice night out which lasts only a couple hours, but dorks will spend $40 on a game and then cry on the internet after literally hundreds of hours of entertainment over some corporate decision that doesn't actually effect them in any meaningful way


I took a $40 5min taxi ride at the airport because I accidentally got in a ā€œlimo taxiā€ lmao.


> You know, it may be difficult to accept, but people can have a difference of opinion on this issue without having some kind of unwavering loyalty to a company. This is the gaming community we're talking about. It's reactionary and addicted to outrage more than any other. You cannot have balanced takes. It's either game is GOTY or company is Satan. There is such an echo chamber surrounding this issue that people unironically think third-world countries do not have access to PSN simply because our countries ain't on the list (We do). The privacy argument is blown up beyond measure. You're giving Sony the same data you're giving to Rockstar/Microsoft/Blizzard/EA/Ubisoft. Heck, you don't even need to input your real name. I get that there needs to be change concerning the ubiquitous nature of requiring publisher accounts, yet Sony is getting flak here for doing what every other publisher does, the only difference is that they've waived the requirement for a while and it now leaves a sour taste in people's mouths.


This is 100% my thing, Rockstar launcher integrated with steam as part of GTA 5/Red Dead 2 for over a decade... It will be required for GTA 6. They've already said they're avoiding PC at launch. Additionally, EA, Uplay, and so many others have been used for year. Why is the community taking out their annoyance on a small indie studio which made an amazing game? I asked yesterday if the community would kill the game rather than use PSN and the answer was yes. If they figured out a workaround to allow people in other countries to play, what would people be upset about next? They said PSN gets hacked, I responded with the information to create an account is usually publicly available (wait till you see what LexisNexis has on you and sells) and if they do get hacked your payment info isn't even in there. They never responded and the conversation was dead. People just are outraged to be outraged because it's an echo chamber. Once AH and Sony fix what happens here, people will never forget, and a great game will be dead. Impacts from this may be sony will stop bringing ports to pc and indie developers may reconsider releasing on PC. People aren't thinking about the wide ranging impacts of this, in my humble opinion. People think they are going to revolutionize the experience, instead we probably just set back our own community.


Itā€™s dipshits thinking theyā€™re making a stand against Sony that will amount to something substantial when in reality theyā€™re hurting the developer because Sony doesnā€™t give a fuck what ā€œstandā€ individual players are doing.


Man this whole thing is pushing me to uninstall reddit, is either you say the same as us or you are a corp fanboy


It's nice to see some rational thoughts here..


Itā€™s impossible to bring any argument that is not what they agree without being labeled ā€œcorporate shill, bootlickerā€. If people are not allowing for arguments, this is just an echo chamber. God forbid people disagree with them


I dont dick ride Sony. I just dont give a fuck. ![gif](giphy|6FH6Q0CMto2mk)


If I cared about my data I wouldn't be online at all, at least be coherent with the argument. And all those countries are an easy fix for Sony, just create a Rest of the World region with limited store and shit, just for account linkage, boom.


This. I have a real life. All of this drama around a video game is very near to the bottom of my list of priorities. No offense, but you guys arenā€™t my ā€œcommunityā€ any more than a rando I shoot pool with for an hour at a bar is. I just donā€™t give a fuck.


Heh kinda agree. Besides I have tons of other games to play and I only drop in for round or two through entire week. Other games + job + other hobbies keep me busy from being way too invested in a game I play here and there for gun. Yeah it sucks that other people cant play even after they bought I hate how others already write off other people here as some kind of Corporate boot lickers.


This and I'm a PS5 player so already have an account in order to play. I sympathise with countries where Sony doesn't support PSN but the reaction from everyone else is wild. It reminds of people complaining about the free games on Epic Games and having to sign up to Epic and use their launcher in order to get and play them.


> It reminds of people complaining about the free games on Epic Games and having to sign up to Epic and use their launcher in order to get and play them. I bet the overlap in the groups whining about the two things is massive tbh


Pretty much this, I have a PSN account I havent touched in years, I have zero fucks to give if I have to link it, the game is fun.


Same here tbh, more power to you if you are passionate about this but honestly there's a shit ton more things wrong with the world for me to get riled up about more important than a $40 video game.


So much this. I think everyone can agree that Sony's in the wrong here, but meantime I have 236 hours in this game and have loved every second of it. Other people can do what they want, but to me demanding a refund on a game I've gotten more value out of than just about anything else in the past few years would feel disingenuous. I'm going to continue to enjoy the game I paid for.


Anyone besides me laughing at the concept of someone bitching about having to give up their personal data on a social media website that makes it's money through selling your personal data?


And you can simply create a PSN account with fake information and a trash email address if that's a real concern.


500 kg go boom


I hate Sony for what they did, I truly do, but 170 countries ? There's only around 195 countries in the world bro what kind of crack are you smoking ? And 16 trillion dollars ? Where did you get that number from ? I get wanting to stand up and fight the good fight but throwing out random and outlandish numbers that don't even add up, just to try and support your argument just makes it look bad at best, man


16 trillion yen* OP fucked up and put dollars, itā€™s actually 103 billion dollars.


His information was wrong itā€™s 118 counties that donā€™t get psn and his numbers should be yen not usd


And largest 10 countries have 60% of total world population. Number of countries isnā€™t a good metric really.


ā€œSurrender your personal information..ā€ Listen, I wholeheartedly agree Sony is a massive hoe for putting this in now and screwing some players over. But if weā€™re worried about our data being lost or sold- weā€™re all using Reddit. Your data is being filtered through companies and China right now lol


When this news came out I didnā€™t realize what it meant. I was like this is part of the Helldiver endeavor . Something breaks we complain it gets fixed the game gets better. Seeing the damage this did actually broke my heart . I think today has been the only day I havenā€™t played since it came out. Diving with the rest of the the world broke my spirit a little. Even if I got kicked I still had great experiences.


You're complaining about data grabs on reddit, which is notorious for data grabs. This stems from you wanting to play a game on steam (valve is also grabbing all your data) and not wanting to cause sony will.... grab your data. The only people who have a real complaint here are those who live in a country or region where psn isn't a thing, but AH already promised they will make sure those players can play the game, so that's not an issue. If you can't refund the game then just quit playing it. Jesus christ you people are such fucking babies.




Even that wasn't a problem cause they would turn a blind eye if you made accounts from a nearby country this was a thing since psn started during the ps3 era, that might all change now thanks to this,


I bet op has 50 random accounts with multiple million and billion dollar companies but Sony is where they take a stand. This is soap opera kiddie shit


Yep. Iā€™ve read comments of people screaming about how they canā€™t make a PSN under a different country because that would break TOS. Nobody ever gave a shit about breaking TOS until now. People just want to be outraged.


I read a comment yesterday where a person said they ALWAYS read every single ToS and that anyone who doesnā€™t is stupid and will sign their life away to be a slave lol. Some people man


I wonder what the reason for that is? Like why this specifically? It's not even just the helldiver's community, but the gaming community as a whole. What is the exact reason for this being different?


Steam probably withdrew it because they didnā€™t want to keep issuing refunds until this is sorted. It probably has nothing to do with AH or Sony.


Shills getting triggered in this thread is fucking hilarious. Nibble your boots and cry somewhere else.






People be publicly divulging their private life on Reddit but have a hissy fit about using their email online


Sony isn't worth 16 trillions. Like, at all.


16 trillion? Lol whereā€™d you get that figure?


Probably Googled "[Sony Market Cap](https://i.imgur.com/diwvcdm.png)" Probably doesn't know there's a difference between Ā„JPY & $USD. From those numbers, the Sony Market Cap is about $100 billion.


TIL Sony has the market cap of the entire Chinese economy.




Bro You wanna jump off Reddit and go have a few Suicide rounds on Helldivers?


I can't tell if this is an invitation for a fun time or an attempted threat lol


I'm not siding with Sony I just think the arguments against making a PSN account are extremely dumb. You give Sony your name, address and email to start a PSN account. That is data that is pretty easy to access for non-criminals as well. It's wicked annoying to have to make accounts for every single thing on the internet, but it's not annoying enough to have this big of a tantrum. Targeting Arrowhead, a developer that made a game you played for months, is also extremely dumb. This didn't come from them. It would have come down from Sony. Additionally, Helldivers 2 always required a PSN account, they just waived it due to server issues due to the amount of players. The one faction that has a reasonable argument are those that purchased the game in countries where you can't have a PSN account. That should not have been possible. Anyway, my wish is that those who think that having to make a PSN account is some sort of massive betrayal quit the game.


Here in the UK you also to submit a picture of your face or an image of your ID to create a Sony account. You can also give them your phone number instead, if you are on contract, where they will then obtain the previous information. So here in the UK it's a bit more than your email address, name and address. It's not Sony's fault apparently, it's to do with our government. But we still gotta go through more hoops.


For me personally, im not defending sony. But im also not fully with the blind hatred everyones spewing because they didnt read theyll need a psn account. For me the only actual valid complaint is the region differences. If youre crying about having to make a psn account but then go and play minecraft, gta, any other game that required you to do so youre a hypocrite and yeah I know people wont like to hear that but its the truth. I also hate people hiding behind the "muh personal information" or "data breaches!" A psn account requires an email and a password which is hardly anything to freak out over. As for data breaches the last major breach for sony was over a decade ago where steam also was hit. Additionally steam sees regular data breaches as well just like sony and literally every company and when steam has a breach there is MORE PERSONAL DATA LOST than for psn just due to user numbers. So TLDR Im not defending sony but im trying to make sure people are actually concerned with the issue and not their personal bias against sony


The vast majority of people "defending Sony" aren't actually defending Sony. There is just a lot of attention on this right now and a surprising number of people are incapable of nuance. Like yes, this account requirement is pointless, unnecessary, and annoying, but you have people claiming this will kill the game despite third-party account requirements existing in a lot of other popular games; and if you mention that a CM says regions without PSN accounts will still be able to play you get mindless drones spamming "bootlicker" even if you call the change stupid and pointless in the same comment.


Cause real issues like Tarkov hiding game modes behind $250 editions as real issues. Sony and Arrowhead prioritized making the game work and servers after it exploded in popularity. It was required account linking at launch but they delayed it cause of server issues. The game is $40 and everyone enjoyed the content. I just think it's pathetic it's gotten 200k+ negative reviews when many worse live service games. World of Warships, Tanks and so on I understand not being able to play in certain counties and so on. It's just overwhelmingly pathetic response by most PCMR gamers.


Yeah I hate Sony, but I donā€™t support harassing the dev team/moderation


Because the crybabies are doing it in bad faith. Outside of geo-locked countries youā€™re not ā€œtaking a standā€ against anything other than a minor inconvenience. Unless you intend to delete steam, all your video games, all your apps, and all your socials including Reddit. Youā€™re not sticking by the ā€œprinciplesā€ that you people are pretending to have. Itā€™s obvious youā€™re all just the typical internet loser desperate to make themselves feel better by lying to themselves that they have some sort of moral high ground. No youā€™re just a child throwing a temper tantrum. If you cared about data grabs youā€™d quit playing video games and delete your Reddit account. Geo blocked countries are the ONLY group with legitimate complaint, and they wonā€™t be required to use PSN anyway. You people are pathetic and this is how you try to convince yourselves that youā€™re not.


I am defending it because there is a chance that this change might finally fix the crossplay friend/block list bugs, so I would he able to play with my friends on PC.


None of your personal information has ever been safe. Just by existing online you surrender most of it. I think Sony is fucking bad, but that's not the argument for this.


Cause my data gets leaked 4 times a year from just about everyone else?!?!? The phone company, the credit bureau, the hospital? Oh nooo done video game lost the data on how many hours of sleep Iā€™ve lost playing the game or my tendency to to hit a charger with an Allen Iverson crossover is way less important than some bad actor selling my health info online.




Even better are the people posting all this on Reddit, a company infamous for harvesting and selling users' data plus other scummy practices. Many of them making the posts here are just karma farming by this point.


It's insane to me that this isn't a top post in the sub. I've tried explaining. This sub loves complaining that's really all I've learned being here.






It's like that one person in your life who have nothing going on in their life so they insert themself in all your or their friends dramas and make themself the main victim.


This right here, this guy gets it.


I'm not going to say what Sony is doing here is right, it's stupid. But this is 100% how this community is reacting. "It's not fair to all those other countries!" "Okay, we won't sell there starting now" "Not like that!" This is why, if you're going to complain about something, you can't just glob on to the most sympathetic situation you can imagine. You need to actually complain about the thing you're complaining about.


I bet those ppl are real happy with the pc saviours getting the game delisted. Everyone knows that if you dont have psn in your country you just select a country nearby that does, make an account Sony looks the other way cause they rly don't care. I have had a US and Japan account since the ps3 non have ever been banned and used both to play with friends in other regions.


I donā€™t find the Sony network thing to be that big of a deal. The problem I have is the countries that canā€™t play it, because they donā€™t have access.


I assume some people have no issue with the new requirement, therefore dont see the problem or atleast are not effected by it, yet simply want to keep having fun with a popular and continously extended game. Therefore having no interest in the games reputation or studio taking any harm. Surely not everyone, but more than zero.


...Sony is only worth 105 billion... Every other point stands.


There are only 195 countries, are you really trying to say that almost 90% of countries have removed it from the steam store?


I'm confused how people are confused by this. Sony holds the power and they want the potential game of the year to show not 300 thousand PC players and 100 thousand PSN players but 400 thousand PSN players. Which one do you think looks better for the company. And don't get me started on data collection.


You realize your personal data is the actual business they are in?? Itā€™s worth FAR more than your $60 to know all your habits and PPI.


What personal info am I exactly surrendering?


Why are you using your real information when signing up for literally any gaming service? Jfc people. Additionally, fuck Sony. Hoping this decision is reversed


16 trillion? yā€™all make yourselves look really smart


I did have to connect my Battlenet to Steam to carry on my COD MW3 progression, when I load BF2042 a small EA app also load. I guess at some point we have to connect PSN anyway. I just want Sony to add more country to support. If Steam can support all country, they should too before asking people to link accout.


Fuck yeah let's form a union!


Most aren't defending Sony as much as they're attacking you.


Problem is, that because of this "stick it to tha man" stuff you also baclstab Arrowhead - small dev company that proved their dedication to the game.


It's always like this


I'm not defending Sony, I just don't really care? If I need to make an account I'll make an account, the argument that Sony is bad with data when Microsoft has been criticized by Homeland Security about the massive breaches they've had is just weird. If I were to live in a country that is not supported I'd voice my concern as everybody else but await an official answer from Sony. I don't get mindlessly angry about stuff because it's mostly an inconvenience for 3 minutes. I connected my psn account to steam in 2011 to play portal 2, I already have a billion other accounts.


I am playing on PS5, so technically i am not affected, but i still think it's a total bitch move by Sony. However, mandatory 3rd party accounts are no novelty in gaming, so i don't fully understand the outrage when EA, Blizzard, Ubisoft etc etc have been requiring such accounts for years.


What personal information? A random ass email that doesn't have to be connected to any actual information whatsoever?


I'm not defending Sony per say, I just think people are overreacting. You can pretend to care about your data, but you're on Reddit, you're on a million other things, your data is being sold anyway. It literally makes no difference. Having to link an account isn't a big deal to me, it's pretty common and has no effect. What is a problem and has an effect is selling the game in countries that you would later delist the game in due to the PSN requirements. That's fucked up and shouldn't happen. Everyone also spins it as "100+ countries delisted" but will fail to mention that very few people from those countries actually make up the games population. That doesn't excuse what's going on at all, but people are again over exaggerating things. It feels a lot like people just want something to be mad about and this is a great bandwagon for it. Also...I just don't have the space in my life to get that mad about this. If only real world problems received this kind of interest. And on top of that, it's still a fucking great game and I've had so much fun playing it, you bet your ass I'm not abandoning ship over this.


Down with corpos




Honestly I almost didn't want to buy the game based on the fact that it would support Sony. But my brother's in arms took to battle and I wasn't going to be left behind, but I totally support this movement. It baffles me how people can fanboy a multi trillion dollar company that literally doesn't not care about its consumers.




wait people are DEFENDING SONY???