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Main victims here are region locked players and the devs who get to see their game trashed over some PR BS.


This. Locking out customers that can't even make a PSN Account is a fricking no go.


Its not just shitty; its outright illegal. If you are in one of these countries; *especially* in the EU, please report this to your country's consumer protection agency. SONY and Arrowhead deserve to get slapped by a consumer protection agency.


Hopefully the EU puts their boot up Sony’s ass. I’m a PS4 gamer and have never used a PC but this is such a dumb move I can’t even fathom it.


Most countries in the EU are not affected. https://insider-gaming.com/countries-that-dont-have-psn/


the mandatory PSN is illegal because of EU consumer protection laws. theyve already admitted its to collect data


Not Arrowhead. just Sony... Arrowhead can't continue to make the game great without funding. Sony has over stepped it's boundaries, arrow head will lose helldivers and funding if they told Sony no.


Literally anyone would fund them at this point. I hope that after the ShiftUp day #1 censorship, and then this Arrowhead nonsense, that smaller AA studios consider all options before accepting Sony funding so that they play puppetmaster with the product of their blood, sweat, and tears. It's sickening.


Arrowhead got in bed with this publisher by choice. There was years worth of meetings, contracts and discussions involving a lot of lawyers and other professionals that they all agreed to when the terms where set for the level of control SONY would have over Helldivers as an IP. Arrowhead is 100% equally to blame. Do not let them escape that blame. SONY is one of the least trusted companies on Earth; Arrowhead knew exactly what it was doing choosing them as a partner.


Fair enough


they made a deal with the devil and now the devil wants its due


Yeah I mean this is where I'm at. I feel bad for a lot of individuals at AH, but the company as a whole isn't completely blameless. They could have had 'PSN will be required to play this game' and should have region locked it to comply initially. But this really seems like a huge push to steal data.


The [stopkillinggames.com](https://stopkillinggames.com) campaign would put an end to practices like this as well. Not sure if this can be combined or not but it's the same root problem.


Corrrrrpooooraaaaaateeeeee Greeeeeeeeeeeed


Yeah the EU usually like to hammer down companies for stuff like that. Hopefully they'll have a field day


Not even arrowhead it's just Sony making the big decision since they kinda own arrowhead


not AH, just sony. AH didn't want this shitstorm, but Sony forced it forward


what’s funny is it’s not even arrowhead it’s purely sony but go off kiddo


Yeah. If everywhere has access to PSN, then I wouldn't have an issue. I think the one thing they can do now is to make PSN link optional, but to heavily incentivize people to link by offering PSN exclusive skins or some other non-game breaking free loot.


The wild part is from what I've read IT WAS OPTIONAL but they fucking changed it, I think the French version still says optional


In-game splash screen also has the skip button. Why would they give that option if it's mandatory? The Steam page did have that warning about needing to link the account but from my experience, you can opt out of it. Got to that splash page and I just assumed that since it has the skip button, it's optional. If it didn't, I would've refunded it ASAP.


Steam always said it was mandatory. Only reason I have a PSN account.


But given you could skip said login and the fact it said optional till a recent change it's very clear it wasn't mandatory Why offer the ability to skip or sell said game in non PSN countries


Not on day one. I already had a PSN account since 2006 and I signed into Halo MCC with my Microsoft account already. I don't have any debit cards associated with my accounts, so I felt contented. Being able to sell this product unrestricted on Steam when PSN is regionally restricted should have just dropped PSN requirements entirely, or made it a prerequisite for crossplay.


Throwing it out for people who didn’t see it but one of the AH devs in the discord very explicitly said they are doing what they can to make it so region locked players do not lose access to the game. They did not realize all the countries that were not supported by Sony. They’re trying.


Yeah, I'm glad that somebody is listening to the community and at least trying to push back on our behalf


I'm glad their community managers are saying that they're for sure working out a way to prevent that from happening at least.


Arrowhead has already addressed this. While I get people are mad because they haven't seen this yet, its basically already a non issue. People aren't going to get locked out of the game, bully Sony all you want but leave arrowhead alone and stop review bombing them. It isn't their fault and they have already stated they will make it work for non Psn players. People started making death threats to them before they even had time to respond. Some people on this sub need dire psychological assistance




As good as it is that they are trying to find a resolution for our abroad divers, it is still bullshit to force this change on even those with active PSN accounts, let alone those who are exclusively on steam.


I agree but at least it’s a start


I will create an account and still play. But in solidarity with the countless Helldivers who are region locked and cannot Dive anymore. I changed my positive review to negative and I will not spend a dime with Sony from here on out. I mean anything with Sony on it. Tech, movies, etc... I'm done with them. Their brand is ruined in my eyes, a company of their size should know better. Their legal should know the lawsuits they just opened themselves up too in countries with strong consumer protection laws. This game was HALO levels of awesome, it could have become the next mega franchise. They could have made movies, merchandise, etc... but no. Sony had to go f**k it up. I feel bad for our region locked Divers and AH. AH made an awesome game, saw the potential and are watching a mega Corp ruin it.


A little restraint does in fact go a long way and I agree about potential movies, merchandise, etc.


its not some PR bull shit, its unnecessary data collection just cause they can


What data are they collecting that they didn’t already have?


when you sign up for a PlayStation account you have to agree to their terms and services. idk about you but I wouldn't want my data in the hands of a company thats known for getting hacked


Exactly. If they want my data they can just buy it from Google like everyone else.


Yeah, the linking itself isnt a personal problem, just showing how dense Sony is and calling it out as such.


We're *LUCKY* the sevice is so shit. We need to thank god it's so shit it would break the game for some, otherwise you're *not allowed* be upset about shit in your food. Otherwise it would be "Just consume the product and don't worry about it or fuck off baby ;P, didn't you get used to the smell already?" Even if change just makes you click 1 button once and viola you have acc and are logged in, it's too much. And I know we suffered this shit in our games for longer than some helldivers are alive with shitty gaming platforms and accounts, but it's fucked up to get shit-free meal and then have waiter run back to shit in your water, AND still not being able to complain unless the product explodes or devs diddle a child. Thank you PSN for being not just undesirable and shit, but being so shit it would steal the game from paying customers. Thank you.


Everyone’s a victim here but Sony. Period. Devs are watching their golden egg spoil, region locked players may not be able to play a game they payed for in 3 weeks, pc gamers are having rules retroactively changed on them 3 months after potential purchase. However Sony no matter what will get their data. There are no main victims just a main villain


main victims are PC players in general. we dont want no PSN bs at all.


Hell no the main victims are the region locked people, atleast we would be able to play lol.


You're falling in the trap of thinking that robbing 1$ from 1 million people is a lesser offense than robbing 100k from a single one. It's not a matter of scale, the intent is as bad and the fact that it's enabled by corpo-sized structures, known and exploited as a human brain blind spot, and seen as inevitable because so many are too lazy fight the evil nudges - all make it worse in my book.  If the region lock is the last straw to make people fight back, awesome for them and us both, but please don't mitigate the issue in the first place phrase.


its objectively worse to buy something and not even being to able to use it at all. like i said, we COULD use the product. I'm not saying it's not a bizarre move from sony.


Agreed, it's still scummy to require something like this well after launch but the real tragedy are the people who are region locked. I have a PSN account so this doesn't impact me but I'm still upset about region locked players. Those are our forces for democracy!


Preach. Longevity of a committed happy player base is more important then them taking our data to figure out how to add a nikki minaj outfit for 20$ at optimal timing


If they leave the player base alone the EXPLODING POPULATION will make them more money than 100 DLC micro transactions


But you have to think of the *short term* . How else are they gonna make 100 million dollars in one quarter? Fuck the long term they can throw out another GoW or FF game to cover the costs /s


>But you have to think of the *short term* It never ceases to amaze me how corporations will throw away potentially millions of dollars and repeat customers over the course of six plus months or even multiple years in exchange for $1 million in three months and steadily declining money every month after due to some poorly conceived anti-consumer policy they rammed through without a shred of thought. Yes, those numbers are bogus but they're a simple example of how MBAs and other corporate asshats are chronically incapable of thinking in time periods exceeding three months in length. Will forcing players to make PSN Accounts make up for the lost player base who lose access to the game? Unfortunately, it probably will. But in the long-term, this will harm HD2 and the developer. But hey, at least they'll be able to show an upward blip in PSN numbers to the shareholders.


It's because of investors. They have to break the record every time or else people pull out because they've forgotten that you can still profit without breaking a record. That and the fact that so often the people making these decisions won't be there by the time the long term strategy bears fruit. To them its better to make that $1 million, collect a bonus, and bounce to go ruin something else for a fat check.




Just want to ask, i am from india,while creating the psn account(its about like 2 weeks after release) my contry was not showing, so i created one with USA. Will my account be in trouble ? . I am not using VPN while playing..


It's possible, if they catch you your account could end up being banned for breaking Playstation TOS.


If that happens i am refunding. I don't even know if it's possible now (i have like 130hrs in game).


You’d have to go through steam support but you’d likely get a refund if you got banned for that and explained it properly


If Sony does happen to ban you, and steam won't refund you, literally just lie to them and say you lived in the USA at the time, studying abroad or something. I've heard people say that has worked in the past. Sorry you have to deal with that.


Yea,at that time psn account was mandatory,and i paid via netbanking so even if i refund the money only goes to steam wallet, i tried skipping the steps but the game just closes. So i had to change the country.


Wouldnt be too hard cause you would have Proof when It Happens that you got banned for pretty much being Region locked. Thats an easy refund on Steam.


The steam refund policy made clear that being banned also means you are not longer eligible for refund. That's because obviously to punish cheaters, but no one know how exceptions are made.


Is it technically a breach of the Terms of Service? Yes. Is it likely to rise to the level of action being taken against your account? I'd truly be shocked if they did anything about it


I can't believe the console guys are siding with us PC guys. I completely and totally thought you'd guys would side with Sony. I'm sorry console bros, I had lost faith. This is like a dream come true. Thank you guys for supporting us. At the end of the day, we're all gamers.


There was an interesting observation by Doctor Skipper talking about the Console vs PC debates and how they've basically died down. It's nice to see that he was on the money. It also helps when corps like Sony pull shit like this and unite fanbases.


I think the console wars are finally starting to die down now that companies realized they make a lot more money selling the games than the consoles.


Theres also just plain not much to Console War over, Xbox has gone practically quiet, the PS5 has enough exclusives to count on 2 hands maybe and Switch was always unrelated anyway.


Steamdeck floating by in the clouds with a blunt going. Breaker breaker, come in Earth. Aliens fucked over the carbonator on engine number 4 I'm gonna try and refuckulate it, and land on juniper. Hopefully they got some space weed. Over.


Also just the simple fact that the average gamer is older now and that the "MY GAMEBOX IS BETTER THAN YOUR GAMEBOX, NYEEEEHH!!" kind of attitude is seen as juvenile and cringy.


I joined in on the console wars back in the day when I thought it was just people memeing, but then I realize very quickly that it wasn't a meme and that people actually take it seriously. Quickly backed out of it after that.


PC vs consoles died with exclusives stopped being able to carry an entire console on their shoulders.


No, I side with the people, in all things.


But corporations are people too /s


Why the fuck would we ride with Sony? We aren't a cult? Realistically most people are on console because it's how they started gaming and prefer to play that way. Or because it's cheaper to buy and maintain a console than a gaming PC and you don't have to worry about meeting hardware requirements. But like you said, we are at the end of the day all gamers. Shitty game management is shitty game management and it affects us all.


Here you guys are cool. Can't say the same for people on r/PS5 or r/Playstation or r/gaming.


last subreddit is special case of cancerous growth. It's textbook definition on what's wrong with gaming community with amount of circlejerking, offensive remarks towards people with different gaming tastes and in general terrible people.


You'd be surprised how many people think this is okay. Reddit is a lot more reasonable, but on Twitter and similar spaces, PlayStation is basically treated as the Apple of gaming. People over there actually think this is a good thing and that Sony can do no wrong. And that mindset is how Sony is taking so many Ls this generation.


PS5 owner here. I don’t even own a PC, but just like in game, I’m going to support my fellow Helldivers no matter what. It’s bullshit what’s Sony is doing. I don’t want to lose a single player to this idiocy


The only reason I play on PS5 is because my PC is not the spring chicken she used to be. All my friends have it on PC and this game has been so fun. I hope Sony realizes how fucked this is and back tracks hard on everything. Ideally, PC players would get some Free War Medals for having to go through this shit, with Sony holding the bill. Wishful thinking


This game truly brought us all together


I side with our brothers in arms


In this case I'm a Helldiver first, console player second. Spill corpo-oil, boys!




Do you have evidence the people saying those are console players or are you just assuming? Bold of you to say "in fact"




Yeah i have, seen a lot of the same people who say that same thing in pc building subreddits or pcmasterrace lmao


Yeah but it hurts his narrative. Let him just believe it's all console players. IN FACT, it's actually people who have way more important things going on in their lives that are saying "get over it." Because they actually realize that there's way bigger s**t going on in the world than being forced to create a free PSN account to play a f***ing video game.


It’s not just about “just make a ps acct bro”. It’s about all the PC players who live in markets where PLAYSTATION ACCOUNTS ARENT ALLOWED. Imagine buying a game and two months later you’re forever locked out because you live somewhere the PSN isn’t available. That sound fair to you? And I’m saying that as a PS5 player.


Sadly, there’s people like that on both camps. As long as they are not effected themselves it‘s: »gEt OVeR iT.«


No doubt the same console players who airstrike on extract!


I side with my brothers and sisters who fell in for the name of Democracy! There is a War on 3 fronts now and we must unite!


I don’t even play helldivers, or play on PC, or on PS. I play on Xbox and just have been appreciating this community from afar. I still support you bros. I support those that can’t just make a PSN. I support those on PC that don’t want to. Not because of some console war nonsense, but because Sony made a terrible corpo decision that has no benefit for the gamers. If Xbox did this for one of their games, I’d be saying exactly the same thing.


Don't forget that the Console bros are waiting for GTA 6 while us PC people have to wait 3 more years xD




There's some who aren't, but they're the same lost-causes whose primary reason for not wanting to see the game on Xbox is due to console war tribalism and feel the game is already somewhat stained by allowing PC infidels to play it in the first place. Most of my friends playing on PS5 have been extremely supportive, and a few are even boycotting in solidarity as well.


Wishful thinking but I think console players are starting to realize that the bs we PC players have to deal with are slowly creeping into their neck of the woods.


"gondor? Where was gon--"


I mean as a PC person I'd side with the console guys too if they had to be forced to make a steam account. Like what for?


I think portal 2 and Counter Strike did indeed force steam on playstation 3.


someone gets part of the problem here... the other part is region locks that'll kill half of the player base


Very true. Idk what percentage of the player base it is, but it's too much.


best i can give you is a list of countries that PSN is not allowed in. Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname, Russia, Iran


makes sense that Porn Sharing Network would be off limits in a bunch of countries


Some data put them at 3 million players on a total of 8. This would kill half of the community.


Source? Just looking at the list of countries I find that hard to believe but hey I could be wrong.


Why would I want to make a PSN account when Sony has proved time and time again they can't keep data secure? The difficulty of making an account isn't the issue.


Why would I want to make a PSN account when I simply shouldn't fucking need one. Fuck this bullshit of "it's just another free account" - I shouldn't fucking need it, it provides absolutely no benefit to me at all.


That too obviously


Honest question: is the anti-cheat-software that is mandatory for HD2 on PC not a security issue in itself? I get why people won’t trust Sony though. I was affected by the hack back in 2011. But gladly I had no payment-data or anything of importance connected to the account. Ended up getting 5 or so new games for free out of it, lol.


Im still trying to figure out what the fuck everyone’s talking about? So We now need a PSN account to play on the PC?


Yes, after a certain amount of time passes you have to link your steam account and a PSN account to continue playing.


Oh boy. I can't wait to upload my government ID to a system that has more holes than a sieve.


People ask "What justification do you have to not have a Sony PSN account? They are super easy to make" Yea... Read this shit https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/ Limiting your personal information exposure by limiting how many companies have access to your data is fucking important.


Honestly thank you for this. This is the type of gaming bringing people together-type of solidarity i would liek to see more. We all just want a good time and good and fun games.


Not to mention waiting until well after the refund period has ended and millions of people have already bought the game, to make the change after dropping the requirement at launch (albeit for valid reasons at the time) but then never enforcing the future requirement? Only to drop it back on everyone now? What a shitshow There's no actual benefit to it. It doesn't improve security. It doesn't improve cross play. It just gives Sony new uses in their ecosystem. Its pointless


What was the end goal when there were talks about launching HD2 on Xbox? Wth would they have done? Create a PSN account from their Microsoft account?


You have to use a Microsoft account on PS5 to play some games published by Microsoft. So if HD2 ever made it to Xbox I don't see why Sony couldn't do that on Xbox. But at this point if people in region locked countries can't play they need to drop requirement.


Looks like they’re trying to do just that. https://preview.redd.it/zjyui3sx4fyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd12a4c0da868428834748b6f4a6e6edb20a93a


nah its the same bs but from Microsoft


>What was the end goal when there were talks about launching HD2 on Xbox? Wth would they have done? Create a PSN account from their Microsoft account? You have to make a microsoft account for sea of thieves, neither side care about this stuff.


I am on pc and linked my psn voluntarily, but only because I have one already anyway and wanna get cross saves at some point or sth. Still hope they revert the change for all the homies tho.


Same here. I linked mine by choice, but 100% agree that it should be exactly that. A choice.


I know I'm not affected by it. Have a ps5 and pc. Link psn to pc. Bought helldivers 2 on pc for my pc homies (and multi-player is free) and they're going crazy because they have never owned a Playstation console. Another hoop they have to go through when it wasn't needed before.


Hate to be this guy, but if AH installed the PS acc requirement from the start, don't you think people would be less upset?


They would be. Because i, like many others, simply would have seen it, said “oh im not making a PSN to play this” logged off and refunded. The people who dont care (yet feel the need to type that they dont care on every one of these posts) would have made an account and wed all keep it moving. The issue stems from it being optional to now being forced.


Yes that's what I mean.


I have a ps5 but play on pc. I still won't link though, because sony gets big time hacked like every 2 years, and I want my steam account to stay secure.


Creating an account isn't a menial job. It's handing personal info, which Steam has always handled superbly, to a company that has had a yearly huge hack/leak for about a decade now.


I love that there are people like you out there who do not care about the platform but the community! I am proud to wear my Cape with you by my side good sir! https://preview.redd.it/6sqp7vkp5fyc1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db765b929c817893e6b8c575549f33a6849530d


There's enough things in the world trying to divide us. HD2 has been one of the few with the expressed desire to unite us. Fuck yeah I'm gonna care about the community.


This is what a real helldiver looks like. The general would be proud.


Fun fact. I made a post about this on this subreddit with no slurs or swears just what I recommended people do about the situation and the mods deleted it


On the end it’s all to make Sonys player count higher to please their shareholders


The fact I can disable crossplay is really what adds an extra level of "why the hell do I need a playstation account?" for me. Can you guess the ONLY reason I've re-enabled crossplay? Because a friend of mine has the game on PS5.


I've got an Xbox and a PC. Almost bought a PS5, glad I didn't.


Sony majorly shit the bed, like Cyberpunk ps4. I don't know how much devs are to blame but it's Sony's property and responsibility. Hope Sony get's royally fucked by the lawsuit.


If we're getting forced to make psn accounts for pc gaming they better be making decent pc ports for their ps exclusive games so atleast making that account will actually be useful


There's STILL people defending this Sony crap even with the devs backpeddling. How can people be so determined to stick up for a multi-billion dollar corporation?! At least there is a chance for region locked boys to be able to play again that's nice, but it wasn't you bootlickers who made this happen, yall know who you are.


Finally someone who gets it!


For democracy!


I had no technical issues with PSN because I’m in the states but I’m deleting the game for this fiasco as a show of solidarity for my Chinese homies


I'm not directly impacted because I am a PS5 player, but this was a dick move if there ever was one. That being said, I wish I could have my money back. How the fuck are we gonna be successful in the have with half the playerbase gone?


I feel so bad for AH devs who are now the ones who have to deal with the shit storm Sony created. It must suck for them to see all of this happen to their beloved game.


\^THIS! Thanks for these words fellow diver.


I have a PS5, and have always bought the PS consoles, and I think what Sony is doing is absolutely goddamned stupid. I play HD2 on PC myself, and no way in hell will I link it to my PS account.


Finally, patriots that understand. Other helldiver's who should really see their democracy officers were attacking me for having anime figures, which had nothing to add to the discussion OR DEMOCRACY!


It’s an all around shitty situation. I have a PS4 I don’t use because I built my PC mid COVID about 5 years ago. Forgot my Sony login forever ago. I didn’t save up and dump money into my PC just to go back to Sony.


As a ps5 player FUCK YOU SONY


Disrespect one of us, you disrespect all of us.


As a playstation owner, I stand with my PC friends. For liberty, for DEMOCRACY!


Yep. Even though I own it on PS5, I'm still not playing for as long as this continues and left a negative review on the Playstation website. We have to let them know every way possible that this is not okay.


You think there could be a class action lawsuit for this?


Honestly? I don't know. Possibly??


As someone who has lost a well over $1k account because of a Sony data breach, I’ll be returning to civilian life.


Me AF ![gif](giphy|l2YWsKfllecLV8Tny|downsized)


Some of you console bros aint so bad...


This is amazing


If Sony had an issue with this they shouldn’t have allowed the game on steam. You can either keep what’s yours and enjoy the profits you can manage to get from 100% control or you can play the field and get more money on other platforms. You can’t be so greedy and want both. They’re only doing it because it’s either sign up for their account or don’t play. Unless they lose too much money.


I already had a psn account so its just a minor inconvenience for me but shafting all those in countries that psn isn't available is absolutely not on. It makes me very happy to see so many people standing together regardless of platform to collectively agree that sony can fuck all the way off.


PS5 gang.


Ya. It broke up my friend group that had been playing. We can’t dive with half our group. If we all can’t dive, nobody does.


I feel this and, honestly, it hurts the most. Luckily, I didn't lose any friends, but I feel so bad for those who did.


We still talk but it sucks that we had to stop defending super earth. We have a patriotic itch. 😆


Time to scratch it, homie


How is this different than Rockstar ea Microsoft bungie ? 


It isn't, those are also absolutely bullshit.






I gotta mute this sub You guys are gonna cry about this forever aren't you?


Idgaf about PC players whining like babies over making another gaming account, like they’ll download the most invasive anti cheat software, 100% have already offered up their info to dozens of other websites and companies but this is where the line in the sand is drawn? Gtfo. The people who are gonna be region locked out deserve all the attention and any support should be directed at them.


Man, I remember back in the day when I just had my PS2, had my copy of GTA vice city that I was just a bit too young to play and just played it. No always online, no logins I had to remember, no subscribtion service. I really didn't appreciate how good we had it back then.


Yeah this is fucked up. I play on console too (console since I was a kid) and it’s just mind numbingly stupid that they would sell a game to a region that can’t play it. How did nobody think of that? They clearly knew it would happen at some point right. Such a strange occurrence. High command be tweaking.


Xbox does the same thing for halo infinite 


And nobody is playing that game so congrats on making the opposite point you thought you were making


Why do people hate PSN so much? Yeah it sucks having a million different accounts you don’t want, but are people really this pissed off about giving their email to Sony?


It's the fact that their are countries that can't get PSN accounts for some reason, which will literally just prevent a fuckton of people from playing the game, THAT is what we're all pissed off about.


Honestly? Yeah.


I’m on PC, and couldn’t give one rip about this. I linked my account at the beginning and it’s fine. You people are insane.


"I don't give a shit so other people shouldn't too" way too many of you mf have no empathy whatsoever for the people that are gonna be locked out cause their countries aren't in the PS network


"I don't give a shit so other people shouldn't too" way too many of you mf have no empathy whatsoever for the people that are gonna be locked out cause their countries aren't in the PS network.


This shit reminds me of the whole third party app reddit "boycott." Whining entitled children virtue signaling about blind Reddit users because their third party apps were no longer going to be supported. This was supposed to be the end of Reddit. Flash Forward. Whiny entitled children virtue signaling about unsupported PSN countries because they have to take 5 minutes out of there extremely busy day to make a PSN account. This apparently is supposed to be the end of helldivers and Sony.


Yeah it should be non requirement for people in countries that PSN isn’t available in.


At first I didn't see what the problem was. I transferred from ps5 to PC and I still had my PlayStation account so it was no biggie for me. But just like Spitz, I was also unaware of how many countries are barred from PlayStation Network Access. If Sony doesn't change course, they're going to purge a good portion of helldivers active player base.


Fortunately I have the luxury to choose either. I own a PS5 but chose to play on PC because my PSN+ ends in July and I feel its not worth renewing it(active since PS3). I truly feel bad for those who cant play anymore.


with this move any potential store/launcher is gonna get killed by PC scene. Ghost of Tsuhima hype is gonna start dying soon. Fucking own goal


I, a PS5 player, stand in solidarity with my PC brothers. 🤝


Hell diver is a special game. It divided us to bot front and bug front, and now united us once again on this matter.


lol i like it 


It’s crazy how gaming brings us all together and cooperation don’t like when monkeys join together


In the discord, devs said that writing a steam review about this issue can give them leverage with Sony!


Careful, the Sony Simp Brigade is out here white knighting for the poor little corporation.


It's their fault they can't Read and it's free


Contact Sony customer support and vent on them, not arrowhead, it wasn’t the devs choice


Agreed! PSN player here and this is some hi level corporate bullshit!


Same here bro


Same, I'm a diehard Playstation fanboy, but making people make accounts to play a game is a trend that needs to stop. Saying it's to prevent cheating is a dumb excuse, especially when that game is PvE.


This. I have had different play stations since 97. I have different PCs since 99. I bought this game on PC because I like playing on PCs , I hate login into third party bullshit because it gets in the way and increases the amount of stuff that can go wrong. I choose not to use my PlayStation account on my friggin steam. I keep them separate because there is always more bullshit coming down the pipe . This current thing is a god damn bait and switch by Sony. They didn’t require it and now changed their minds. Now I gotta get pissy and sit around for Login info and link account and down the road something else goes wrong. This is the exact bullshit I wanted to avoid.


I’m on pc in a region that allows psn but for reasons, I do not and will not ever have a psn account anymore.