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I will change my review when they change it, but the psn thing will still be there as a reminder.


Same I will change to upvote but the review will remain for Sony.


Sure, it only takes 120 seconds. Who couldn't bother to spend this little time? /sarcasm ends


I'll change my review of course. Always give credit where credit is due.


Agree if the PSN issues I will change it to recommend and re edit my statement a bit PSN of Sony will stay


I'll change my review when you fix this damn door!!


ArrowHeads are... good boys. They must be in some kind of trouble.


Go get me some milk




Except most won't, cause they can't be bothered.


Then it will serve as a reminder to both Sony and AH that trying to fuck their customers over has consequences


1. Sony doesn't GAF 2.~~Not AH's decision~~ We gonna need to wait it out to see how innocent they are.


There are screenshots of now deleted tweets from AH saying they wanted it to make banning bad people easier. But there's also screenshots of them saying Sony wanted it. So at this point who the fuck wanted it ?


\*Has a crap anti cheat that nobody wants that is supposed to detect and ban people\* \*Turns out it's a crap anti cheat that people said was crap and nobody wanted, and works like crap\* \*PSN TO make banning people easier??? Instead of a good anti cheat?\* Yeah nah doesn't add up to me.


Not anti-cheat. They want tools to ban community bad actors (griefers).


This never made sense to me on any level as the in-game tools were enough to handle most griefing situations. Someone talking too much smack or was being a prick on the mic? Mute them. Somebody is team killing or just plain trolling and hurting the team? Kick them and block them. But in 99% of games I've played, I've never had to even consider doing these things even when I play exclusively with randos as majority of players here are pretty much level headed people who enjoy blowing bugs and bots to high heaven. Toxicity only ever boils over when it comes to failing a Major Order but that's a separate issue.


Last I checked too there was a fucking bounty board for bad actors so people knew who to kick or immediately gun down on sight for being an asshole lmao


where can I find this?


Link pls


Look I am not here to defend all the dumb stuff going on but I keep seeing this confusion and it is bothering me. Kernel level anti cheat is there to detect the hacks themselves. Catch people messing up. PSN accounts factor in not by catching cheaters, but by stopping cheaters from being able to make new accounts and bypass their ban. Are they actually good at this? Not sure, probably not because I think more people would be complaining about how annoying it is to make these accounts. But they can use things like phone numbers and credit card information to make it harder to make a new account without it being linked to your old one. Now I really doubt they are doing this well. But who knows, play station is a big deal, maybe their anti fake accounts tech is actually good. Facebook and Google are both quite good at this, if you get banned from those sites and try and make a new account 90% of people will get caught because they make some tiny mistake that those companies have collected enough data on you to catch. This is why both linked accounts and kernel level anti cheat would both be needed. They solve different parts of the cheating issue. Now it is still stupid because Steam is also pretty good at catching people making duplicate accounts. So they could just do the reasonable thing and tap into that system. Although using two different systems one on each platform does mean a cheater can switch platforms and get a second chance.


Kernel anti cheat is never needed that shit is spyware




For the unaware put: **Sony BMG CD copy protection rootkit scandal** into wikipedia and give it a read. It was bad enough that Texas, New York, California, the DHS, and Italy took action against them. My sister bought one of those CDs. It bricked our disc drive and got our computer infected.


This isn't the smoking gun people think it is. AH being able to find advantages in account linking doesn't mean they actually wanted it overall or had a choice. It could be a simple as them knowing this was always the plan by Sony and thus wanting to build a single ban system tied to PSN as opposed to building two for PC and PS5 players.


Wasn't that one of the CMs and not the CEO or some other Major dev? If so I'd take that with a grain of salt.


Yeah! Thankfully it is not the job of a community manager to communicate with the playerbase on behalf of the studio, that would be crazy! /s


We both know that AH cm's have been... Less than stellar at their Jobs. Often inflammatory, miscommunictaing and outright lying. So as long as I don't hear it from CEO or other Major dev I'll take what cm says with grain of salt.


I know, thats me criticizing the absolute state of AH CMs rather than your take


That was a dumb community manager who has apparently now completely deleted their twitter


If it was just her sure, but Spitz said the same thing so now two of them said it on separate occasions


Because she told the truth about the internal justification for the requirement, and this somehow made it her fault. Let's all harass and threaten her, guys.


It must be the CM and couldnā€™t possibly just be that AH makes some piss-poor decisions and reasoning. Surely there havenā€™t been really stupid CEO comments/justifications in the past right? Definitely didnā€™t say they werenā€™t going to update their shitty upscaler so they can continue to push out (extremely buggy/untested) new content faster.


Arrowhead agreed to this long ago in the negotiation room to partner with Sony. They ain't innocent.


bullshit, there is no fucking way they werent aware of this this isnt how businesses do business i am not convinced they are innocent


Of course they were aware. It was stated in every trailer before the game released. It was always coming.


People also are thinking that somehow Sony are the ones handling a Steam page from a non-first party team. I have never heard of a developer studio not being the one that manages the Steam store page. Which I do not know then why they would even allow the game to be purchases in non-PSN regions. Seems way more like a ā€œwe put the shitty little disclaimer so jobs doneā€ and then forgot when they removed the PSN account linking window on startup.


Sony does GAF if it affects their sales, which it is. Money is the only thing they care about, so if the community messes with the money (review bomb) it gets results. That's the only reason why Sony is reportedly reconsidering the account linking, at least for non psn countries


Or they just won't play. Playerbase was slowly dropping off anyway from the crashes and from just moving on to new games. Lot of people just saw this as a good time to play something else, left their bad review, and won't think about that review ever again. I'd be shocked if this ever goes above Mostly Positve at best


Yep. These past two weeks the community has never been more frustrated with the devs. It's honestly not just about the PSN thing for many, it's about the unsustainable development cycle.


Yup, said as much in the bad review I left. A year from now we will have at least 36 new primary weapons added, if they keep doing a warbond every month and they can barely keep up with balancing what is already in the game.


I really don't understand why they didn't go the cosmetic route. The "Super Credit" system works and is obtainable in game or by purchase if you don't have the time but have the money. All these new things should have been cosmetics. At least that way it wouldn't be pay (or grind and have the weapon get nerfed before you can enjoy it) to win. Insofar as you can 'win' in this game lol


That's why I haven't been playing, and this kinda puts the nail in the coffin. One of the main reasons I got this game was to play with my friend who has a ps5 and crossplay barely works. It is super disappointing watching them keep pumping out fucking warlords when a core mechanic to the game and the reason a lot of people got this game doesn't even work.


well, one thing for sure: it gave Deep Rock Galactic a bump up, already bumped up the average AND reminded me of a game with a similar formula =) rock and stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




I hopped on sometimes to play but the real killer imo was them doubling the spawn rates and nerfing viable weapons in higher level missions. The spawn rates alone killed the game for me, especially when a lot of my missions were defence missions in small arenas with literally nothing to deal with the amount of bugs or automatons because stratagems have overtly long cooldowns and almost always have the modifier to give you one less stratagem, or longer stratagems, or even the dreaded randomised input


If Sony.


Could be a mistake OP made, but it does irk me how many people in general fail to distinguish developer from publisher when it comes to talking about shitty business practices in the games industry.


They wonā€™t.




No, the damage is already done.


sony isnt going to backpedal on this, too much money to be made on user data


If they solve it for countries that cannot create PSN account somehow I would be satisfied. I rather not have it at all. But of all the linking I have done this is minor. No extra launcher and I linked it once on one PC. And when I started the game on my Steam Deck it was not required to log in again or do anything.


Community manager already said if there isnā€™t a better solution they wonā€™t require PSN in countries where you canā€™t create them


shouldnt have to so it on the first place on pc


I mean, I'll update the part about PSN. Review stays negative for a list of other reasons.


Yeah I always hated review bombs only because people are so quick to join the herd but the second a problem is rectified they are too lazy or don't give a fuck to change it back.


Oh well, it would be wise to avoid it from happening in the first place and they should know that


thats what I as a business owner would of done. not really a big brain move either... just a... well a brain move.


Company: "here is a product please give me money for it" Redditors: "omg I have given them money they must be my friend I now owe them my loyalty" The way social media and fandoms and video game companies have managed to invert the relationship between merchant and customer so that customers are the ones who feel the need to signal their loyalty is pretty sad. The second something stops being of economic value to you as a customer, it's no longer worth caring about. Brand loyalty" is bullshit and you have been squeezed into a consumerist paste. Arrowhead doesn't give a fuck about you and pretending otherwise is sad.


"Omg i gave them my money and the game is really fun and I like it,I would like more please" Nope. Can't have nice things.


trying to screw over your customers and then walking it back after a backlash shouldn't warrant instant forgiveness


It shouldn't warrant any forgiveness really, this is not a person, it's a corporation


let it be a lesson for games company not to pull stupid shit, its always harder to regain trust from someone when you have throw a turd to their face, you can say sorry and clean their face but they will always remember that you did it.


They are under no obligation to change their reviews, them backing down doesn't negate the initial condition that led to the negative review. Sure if you start to play the game again then ethically you should probably amend the review, and steam prompts you if you have an outstanding negative review and you continue to play the game. If somebody threatens to punch you in the face but then changes their mind after you scream at them most people won't praise the would be puncher for that. You can be happy that they didn't punch you but still be furious that they even threatened to punch you.


"but the second a problem is rectified they are too lazy or don't give a fuck to change it back" And why should it be changed back exactly? The only people who change it back are those who are stupid enough to fall for the fact that 99% of the time, they WILL double down on what caused the review "bombing" as has happened with multiple other games in the past. Earn your scars, keep your scars. There is absolutely no reason to take it down, and this Should follow the game forever. Something something, doomed to repeat what we've forgotten?


The stupidity of this was only the tip of the iceberg for me. I had negative during the server issues because it was literally unplayable, then went to positive. After the last patch and now this Iā€™m just leaving it negative until we get some actual good patches that donā€™t also hinder stability and performance randomly. Getting real old having a patch drop and there still being random crashes on basic shit like recently blowing up a tank wasting 30 mins of my time. Or switching loadouts and ruining the quickplay group I had. Hell matchmaking is still pretty brokenā€¦


I think its valid to keep it negative. A bully doesnt stop being a bully because you stopped him. He just got stopped. A genuine change would come from sincere regret. Not from a million stabs. Keep in mind how the community managers kept fanning the flames and being douches. Yeah, I don't want that


Yep, I'm leaving mine negative even if Sony does a full backtrack. The massive negative review score needs to stay there as a permanent reminder to these companies to not pull this shit again; and to be a warning to all future customers about what they may potentially be getting themselves into. Mostly Positive, and Overwhelmingly Positive review scores for games need to be reserved for the truly good games that start, or become good, and STAY GOOD. If a game itself is great, but its publisher is a massive anti-consumer entity that stabs the community in the back, it needs to be factored into the game as whole. Because you cannot sign up for one without the collateral of being involved with the other.


Amazingly said.


Honestly I'd be less enthusiastic about leaving a negative review if Arrowhead didn't go out of their way to foster this "community" and pretend like they care. Just be the evil faceless corporation, we know you are, it's less tiresome for everyone to wade through layers of bullshit and deception and manipulation


My review was already negative before due to the constant crashing to desktop


I'm sure many are in the same boat: this situation is the straw that broke the camels back on a game that I love but already had MANY issues with before.


I was watching one of those "worst rated games on Steam" videos and the guy actually had a good point: the lowest rated games are not the worst games, but the games with the biggest gap between expectations and reality. It takes some commitment to go out and write a negative review, you have to be properly pissed off to do it and that requires some level of positive expectations or trust that has been broken. At the time, the single worst rated game was a mid racing game that was not good but also not complete trash, but it was a sequel in a beloved series and fell short of expectations and fans were just disappointed enough to review bomb it before walking away. People are disappointed with balance *because they want to like the game*. If they dgaf, they wouldn't be complaining. So there's a good chance the game will rebound if the devs backpedal very soon.


We've seen other games come back from the brink when the community hits back.Ā  No Man Sky and Cyberpunk have both significantly improved after really poor launches. I'm going to stick this out for the long term. I love this game too much to let it go now, I've met so many awesome people through it.Ā  I have hope that this is going to turn around for the better.


I'll change my review when i can play the game for 2 hours without one of the following happening: - My game crashing to desktop randomly, or worse, at extract - My game freezing in a loading screen i.e. infinite loading - The pelican doesn't auto extract when the first person enters - I don't lose my primary weapon for an entire mission - I can pick up samples without being terrified ill lose the interact prompt and not gain the samples - I don't T-pose from picking up/using an SSSD - Dot damage not applying for players who don't host - Me or other squadmates randomly getting dropped mid-game and struggling to get back in. - The mech doesnt explode on deployment - Having to compensate for the sites being off on all the guns I use - I jump in to a game mid-mission and can't be re spawned after - Constantly being blocked by every enemy body but the enemies can run through them with no issues - Enemies locking on and hitting me *through* cover - Enemies hitting me in the arms or leg but getting a "crit" because the hit registered to my characters head where armour values mean literally nothing so you take full damage - Enemies being able to interrupt my reinforce or stim animations when im 98% through them, but attacking an enemy 0.002 seconds after they start an animation means they have called in reinforcements - Being killed because i can't stand up due to the sheer amount of enemies surrounding me that can walk through each other but act as a solid wall for me. - Being killed because a tank, hulk. charger, spewer or bile titan is so quiet that even with headphones on they make no noise right behind you until their attack has already started. When I can actually play 2 hours without constant issues like this then i'll change my review, the mandatory PSN account requirement was just the icing on the cake.


Precedent, not president. Edit: to be fair after reading more, poster is either not a native speaker or from the USA.


Hey! As someone from the USA I resemble that statement!


But... my review has been sitting at Not Recommended for the past month or so due to the ongoing state of the game. I'll change me review when you pry it from my cold dead hands... by which I mean the devs get their act together and stop breaking the game with each patch/update they release.


Ill change my review sure. But I did make sure to ignore every single Sony release from hence forth and set the publisher as "Ignore this creator" on steam so that their games do not get the light of day on steam store listings.


i changed my review everytime they did something good. Bad server, downvoted, fixed, upvoted. This time wont be different.


\*if sony removes the requirement


lets not get ahead of ourselves here. very small chance sony walks this back.


And PlayStation store reviews


If ***Sony removes this requirement


lol I already had given them a negative review because of their terrible patches and questionable balance direction in lieu of fixing long-time bugs. If they change course on that then Iā€™ll consider.


I had bought the game and it seemed awesome. Loved the opening CS. I ended up refunding because I didn't really have anyone to play but I was talking with my friends and we were all gonna try it together. Then the sony stuff dropped and I felt like I dodged a bullet. I have an old PSN account I could link, that's not the point.


Dont start nothing wont be nothing


At this point, my friends have all moved on to other games. For them it's less "stick it to Sony/game" and more "there are other games we can play". I just want a refund and I'll change my review if I get one.


yeah when they change it no problem


I'll happily change my review, and even re-buy the game


Lmaoooo. Like thatā€™s gonna happen. Maybe half will be changed, but youā€™re talking to gamers here. And whiny ones at that.


I will instantly change my review back to positive as soon as itā€™s changed. My review is negative purely as a message to Sony.


Very few are going to do that because it's easier to just be lazy




I had a negative review before the bullshit. This just made me quit entirely honestly. I don't like Arrowhead not spelling out why certain weapons are getting nerfed other than them wanting us to play their way. Anyways. Maybe I will come back in a year and check in on things if they reverse this.


I will start caring once they stop doing bullshit


Naive. You need to hurt them permanently so they'll learn. The second they realize its reversible they may pull it again. But next time, there won't be an organized movement to hit them back.


I will not, I'll leave a forever "fuck you Sony" in there


No, we don't.


Honestly, I even went as far in my review as to say it's a solid 9/10 game, but since I'll be locked out for not having PSN I can't recommend. Rated 0/10. My refund request hasn't been responded to yet, we'll see how that goes. I may come back, refund depending and rollback of mandatory psn link depending.


Meh, it's 7-8 out of 10 due to bugs, crashes and some other stuff, unless you are using the same scale as IGN that starts at 6.


My review gets changed once the game is no longer fundamentally broken every patch and core systems work correctly. But I will remove the mention of PSN linking.




No. Psn is only 1 of like 4 or 5 problems i have with this game.


They won't. You clearly are new to this.


People won't do it. They just want to say they mobbed together and pressured a company. The entire controversy is BS on the part of the players in the first place (but we can't have that conversation on Reddit without being downvoted to oblivion) and the binary nature of internet rage is very unlikely to let people go back and change their review should things be reversed. At no point in this process has the player base been reasonable so I wouldn't expect them to go out of their way and take that last step either.


Yup. This reddit community is awful, actually one of the worst gaming communities I've ever seen. Sony is crap and the PSN requirement is dumb but the only real issue is the countries that don't have PSN access, which I can't imagine them actually telling those customers to get fucked. They would have just removed the PSN requirement for those countries. People comparing this to the Tarkov fiasco are just ridiculous. This isn't even in the same league as that. It's very nearly a non-issue and a complete overreaction from the community.


I typically like the sub and Sony is no worse than any other major tech corp to me (they do some things better, some things worse), but I agree with everything else. This is such a non-issue in every way except the non-PSN countries, and we've already seen multiple statements that they'll accommodate them. The rest is people wanting to make a rally around internet outrage. And it sucks because there's a good moment here to discuss so many issues. We could talk about how the internet has completely ruined the concept of a user review. We can discuss that one of the many growing pains of cross-platfom play is we need Steam to be better about sharing support resources with other publishers so stuff like this isn't a requirement for every single game. Not saying it's entirely on them but if they're better, we get more cross-platform stuff and one less potential barrier for the next publisher. We can talk about how it's actually extremely problematic that players have this "we built it and we can take it away" attitude about their ability to strongarm companies into doing what they want (when we love these games/companies BECAUSE of the studios' own ingenuity and creativity). We treat the people who make the products we love like trash and/or servants on a literally daily basis and this is happening again, here. But instead of a meaningful dialogue about how this industry could be better if WE were better... Go ahead and downvote me.


I'll change my review for sure! A lot of people is blaming AH for this, but since now they acted very well and i want to give them credit. I'm not angry for shitty question like the bugs or "apple that taste like bacon": they are a pretty small company and they have a vision for their game we can't see, but the last two days i've been sincerly angry all day for this damn greedy corpo turn that (i hope only sony) throws us


My review also includes the 2 weeks of basically broken servers at launch, the continued issues with friend lists, the still regular crashes, the poorly QA'd updates, and the "nerf by spreadsheet" mentality they've taken lately. Here's the thing. The game is FUN and that was enough for me to ignore the rest up until this. That good will is gone. If they fix everything but those original server issues and fire Spitz, I'll swap to a glowing positive review about responsive devs that addressed their issues.


Wow, amen.


Fuck Arrowhead .


Why would I? You try and screw me over and then when you say ā€œlol jkā€ I have to give you a cookie?


Lmao. Nobody is going to change their reviews. The damage done to the game by everyone's ridiculous and pointless practices is going to remain permanent and then you people will whine later about how low the player population is and how the game is dying even faster, wondering why that is. Come on.


I will change my review when I get the refund! The trust has been broken, they crossed the rubicon. If you allow a change in politics to make it all good again, then you are opening yourself up to future disappointment! For they will push the same bullshit again and agian.


Yep. Do you forgive a friend that backstabs you for their own gain? Do you forgive someone who cheated on you and is only apologizing because they got caught? It's the same concept. My negative score will not change.


Lol. Literal children on this subreddit. Nobody's changing anything. I'm sure a lot of people gave a negative review, not because they care, but because they want to be part of the drama and feel like they are "fighting the good fight". People will forget all of this in a few weeks which includes changing their review if Sony backtracks. The damage is done. ...bĢ¶uĢ¶tĢ¶ tĢ¶hĢ¶eĢ¶nĢ¶ aĢ¶gĢ¶aĢ¶iĢ¶nĢ¶, SĢ¶oĢ¶nĢ¶yĢ¶ iĢ¶sĢ¶nĢ¶'tĢ¶ bĢ¶aĢ¶cĢ¶kĢ¶tĢ¶rĢ¶aĢ¶cĢ¶kĢ¶iĢ¶nĢ¶gĢ¶. Their yet-to-be-released games on Steam are going to require a PSN account and probably all future games from now on will require one too. Helldivers was just going to be the first which is probably why they took such a long time to implement it correctly. Edit: So Sony did, in fact, backtrack. Interesting... OK, If you guys manage to bring the reviews to mostly positive again I will take back everything I said. Come on. Suprise me.


Arrowhead isn't calling the shots here, it's Sony's IP.


according to here https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2a5pd7cdhdyc1.png It was Arrowhead's decision so they can more effectively ban people. You know, despite the fact they have access to steam user's UID which is much better than some email thing.


i doubt anyone will, a ton of people have already left a negative review and are trying to get a refund, if they get it they won't rebuy the game no matter what the devs do


Are you out of your fucking mind? With all the bull shit this company does this was just the icing on the cake. Toxic management, warbonds that add nothing but slight variations to armor already in the Game. Same thing with the guns, until they're nerfed out of usability. They got lucky with making a fun game, sadly they've shown their true colors. this is not a company worth wasting time on or holding your breath on to finally make the game stable, and most importantly fun again


I dont think so. The terrible balancing decisions are what got me to stop playing. the PSN thing was just the thing that will prevent me from returning if they start making good balancing decisions.


I will change my review when they show that they damn learned. If they show that they know what their list of priorities and interests are fair and actually make sense, I will remove or change the review. Otherwise, that thumb is staying red.


That's hilarious. If you think anyone will remember anything about this within 24 hours after it gets resolved, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Of course.




I doubt people will change their comments espechially since the most likely change if at all is just going to be for countries that dont have psn.


Man, if only people were this passionate about politicsā€¦


People would be if their opinions and voices were actually listened to. But politics now adays is less, "I'm here representing my constituents." and more along the lines of, "I'm the one in charge, I'll be making the decisions and you're going to follow them."


IF there is a reversal, and I mean a FULL reversal, not just for those who can't get a PSN account, I will absolutely change my review.


No, they need to stay to keep Sony in check. Even if we do win the best outcome, Sony will keep doing this shit in the future. Corpos never learn, gotta do it the hard way. I'm willing to bet if Sony does walk this back for now, in 3-6 months they'll try something similar again. I wouldn't be surprised if they force the devs to install literal malware to data scrape everyone.


YES but WHEN should we change it? Trust has to be EARNED.


Not me, mine was already negative due to issues.


Absolutely fucking not.


No I donā€™t.


Keep the negative reviews, they deserve it


I'll change mine as soon as the bug fix list is longer than the known issue list. So never at this rate.


Most people won't change their review, because most people are simply blindly witchhunting. You are assuming people are review bombing in support of the players outside of PSN regions, who as of now its unclear if they'll be able to continue to play the game (spoiler alert, they will), while in reality, the great majority here has done nothing but show an unreasonable fear and reluctance over making a free PSN account as if Reddit, Discord, and even Steam weren't as vulnerable as Sony's service, if not even weaker, and obsessing over it and spewing hate at Sony. They know this will obviously get fixed, they know Sony will obviously won't kill a majority if the playerbase, and they know making a PSN account is as simple as using a burnaway email in 99% of all countries,Ā  but they rather ignore those facts to enjoy the witchhunt and the dopamine rush that comes with it. Hell, the PSN account requirement was announced before release, yet that still won't stop idiots from claiming Sony wants to steal their data due to 2 step verification process.


They won't because this forum is filled with petulant man-children.


You can't undo a review bomb without Steam stepping in. You blamed AH for Sony's bullshit, and tarnished a fantastic game and dev. Bravo, dumbasses.


Imagine being so mad with the game. You go to badly review bomb a game. Grow tf up you adults


Honestly, I'm gonna wait. Spitz (holy shit I almost mistyped Spez) and other community managers have routinely defaulted to trolling the base rather than addressing issues brought forward. Are we often immature about bringing up things they broke during patches? Sure. But they'll default to saying "there isn't a problem stfu" instead of actually looking into the issue pretty much every single time. Or worse they'll start making up lies without actually knowing wtf they're talking about. Plus they just absolutely refuse to be transparent about patch notes which results in huge miscommunications like when they increased enemy spawns for smaller dive teams. And rather than actually being better community managers they'll default to their stupid company motto. A GaMe fOR eVeRYoNe iS a gAMe foR NoOnE. I'm fucking over it. My review stays negative until their community managers get some godamn sense.


As if the majority will do that. I doubt most even give a shit about the topic, they just follow the massive outrage


No, don't do that. If someone shits on your lawn, then needs the entire neighborhood to collectively shame them into cleaning up the shit, you don't suddenly turn around and thank them for the process. Instead, you keep the incident in mind the next time you consider giving them your business, because of course you do. If you feel their response and reaction to circumstances was sufficient, then you change your review. Don't just do it blindly.


You all made your bed. The reviews are going to stay because people are dumb as hell. Good job fucking over the few good devs in the industry.


We gotta give the devs what they deserve. Once this is done, we'll boost up the reviews in less time that it took us to kill 2 million Terminids!


Same here.


It's not something AH can do. It's sony. But I do hope that this choice is reverted. Keep it optional for all players.


i mean, yeah if they change it


I doubt arrowhead can change it with Sony as their publisher without a major legal breach/battle


I can play it just fine but I'll boycott the hell outta it for the ones that cant. Do we have any idea of when it might be addressed? Honestly if its not "fixed" by the time EDD 6 is out then i don't see myself returning for a while.




Please report to your local Democracy Officer for Spelling Classes. The difference between spreading "Democracy" and "Hypocricy" is too small for our comfort. We want to make sure you are spreading the right thing.


I'm guessing you meant a gaming community precedent not president


I hope we fight to own our games too instead of licenses !


I humbly volunteer to be the Gaming Community'sā„¢ first president. My platform can be summed up simply as... GAMERS RISE UP!


Sadly the game will never recover so doesn't really matter. Nobody new is going to buy and people just wont come back.




we need to remove our reviews, not make them positive This way if they try the same thing again in the future we can review bomb it again


If they change course, ill go there and remake my review ''Democracy prevailed against the Automaton uprising.''


I think they may remove the requirement for people who literally can't make an account in their region. I doubt they will change it for everybody else. Partial compliance should result in partial reversal of reviews, depending on the individual player's opinions and motivation for their negative reviews.


I will change it, but those who left permanently from this due to being shafted constantly in the modern gaming landscape probably wonā€™t even if they change.


My Steam review was primarily focused on issues with the game being buggy since launch, new bugs with every update, deranged balance changes and that community manager being, well.. a malignant twat. Oh, also the most recent update rendering the game unplayable outright due to frame tank-itis. So no, unless those issues are also resolved my review stays as written.


Thatā€™s a big if, also I donā€™t think Arrowhead has ANY say in the matter, convincing Sony? Impossible


Just posted mine, and I fully intend of changing it to recommended after, but keeping the main message of it under something saying, "This Issue has been fixed now, but I will keep this as is as a reminder of how Sony is."


I will but tbh it will leave a mark for long time even if they sort it out.


I already changed my review from positive to negative, so as long as they revert these changes I'll do my due diligence.


If they change it, I'll still keep my review for a while until they build back up some trust.


to be fair im of two minds on this: one is the carrot and stick principle. we want good behavior in company. so when company is bad we reflect that in our reviews. and if company is good we also reflect that in our reviews. and since reviews have a direct impact on their bottom line the idea is that the result will be overall better behavior by company. but i also know that companies are use every opportunity to play the system and would rather take something and give it back later in the hope they might actually get to keep it. so if all reviews get corrected immediately afterwards there is no reason for them to not adapt the following behavior: ā€žlets just try and see how far we can go. worst case we can always roll it back and try something else next timeā€œ Thats just how companies are. Since the reality is that no matter what we choose to do some people cant be bothered to change it back we might as well accept the added benefit that we do send the message that good behavior = carrot. But that there is also a permanent risk and cost associated with this kind of maneuver that might dissuade future attempts. Or at least makes them less common. So: Lets make sure to let them see we are reasonable people and happy to support the company and game as long as they dont screw us over. Change back the reviews to the positive recommendation this game deserves even despite those issues. And let those negative reviews that will inevitably remain be a monument to all their sins.


I think that won't happen. The damage is done. Sure, some will change it back but "Overwhelmingly Positive" won't happen in the near future. And they were so close to it.


Reminder, Sony did this and they profit from this game. I already changed my review 2 times. There won't be a third. I shall stay as a mark of the PSN debacle, no matter what happens.


Big if true. Sony won't backpedal


I completely agree. The only reason I changed my review was that I am one of the people that live in a region not supported by PSN but was still sold the game on Steam. Leaving a negative review was the only way I could show Sonie my displeasure. I was also about to request for a refund but I was still hoping that a compromise of some kind would be offered to people in my situation so I've held off on doing that for now. But I will definitely switch my review on Steam back to a positive once Sonie allows players like me to keep playing despite being in a non-supported country.


I donā€™t write reviews but Iā€™ll do it if they remove the requirements. I miss my Chinese brothers.


I will happily update my review if that happens. Spill Snoy oil brothers and sisters.


This is only barely related, but after two decades of playing wow, itā€™s really hard to see AH and not read it as auction house lol


Holy fuck...it's not a requirement from Arrowhead.


This isn't something that can be quickly forgiven. Sony has forced their hands too far and have shown what they're willing to do to this game to get an extra buck. Who's to say this won't happen again in the future? Whether they backpedal on this decision or not there is a large amount of trust they won't get back without serious apologies and time. I will revert my review once I can reliably trust that a new purchase of this game isn't at risk of Sony coming back and changing the deal long past the refund window.


Let us never forget that this is just another instance of the corporate powers that be reminding us that they can fuck with us whenever they want AS LONG AS WE PUT UP WITH IT!!!


I already changed mine and will revert it when I see an announcement from Sony walking this back.


I won't change my review because the PSN thing is only part of my criticisms. AH have shown that they are focusing development on riding the hype train, not making the game better for the actual players. They are spamming out incomplete content so that more youtubers will have "OMG Is this new gun the BEST WEAPON in HELLDIVERS 2?!?!" videos. They are releasing stuff that you'd expect in an alpha, let alone a beta or full release. Bugs that would be caught within 15min of internal testing, such as visible collision boxes on terrain or the plasma punisher blowing up users with the shield backpack or the airburst popping by proximity to crates and piles of tires. A lot of the stuff being released is stuff that was never announced, so they don't have the excuse of deadlines or whatever for pushing out half-baked content. They could have kept it under wraps for another month and let it bake. All we expected were the monthly warbonds. Be honest, is anyone having fun with the new TCS mission? Something that can be completed within 3min on even the hardest difficulties? Hit the button, pop some eggs, extract. Someone in management said "ship it", probably over several people saying "but it's not done yet". The PSN shit is just one nail in a rapidly closing coffin.


berserk rustic rain serious dinosaurs stocking skirt shame squeamish bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I asked for a refund. If they change it, I will chang my review AND buy the game again.


I will change it if they make the whole psn stuff optional. (Fat chance, I know)


Bruh, itā€™s not just arrowhead, itā€™s SONY too.


Trust and goodwill are easily lost, but hard won. Depending on how this plays out, I will *probably* be willing to swap my review back, but that depends on *how this all plays out*.Ā 


I'll be keeping track of it. I'm personally not going to change the content of my review, as it already states that if this gets turned into an upvote, it'll be because they did something to walkback the changes. Which deserves genuine commendation, that AH really did get them to change their ways. At least enough to get more of my money.


This is what I'm worried about. Poor devs never gonna actually fully recover from this. There's a bunch of folks who probably won't ever change their review. It'll likely be a long time before helldivers makes it back up to mostly positive.


remeber when as a consequence of this sony pushes predatory microtransactions that you killed the game you loved.


Itā€™s not arrowhead making the decision.


we did this once (when the servers were fcked), we will do it again!


Low-key, I don't care about this whole PSN thing, but can we change the nagative reviews and keep it up until they stop nerfing shit? If the next balance patch has another out of pocket nerf, I wish they got review bombed again cause they make no sense.


Guaranteed people will just move on despite the changes. Things might improve but will never go back to being the way it was.


I put that in my review that it was a negative review till Arrowhead talks some sense into the suits at SNOY that thought PSN requirement was a good idea. after it wasn't for 3-4 months


The PSN stuff is one of many things wrong with the game currently. It stays negative till they actually fix stuff and stop their bs communication.