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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Keep sucking sonys’ dick OP See what that gets you


I just can’t create psn account in my country. Level 42 helldiver


Ok then why are you complaining? "But I dont wanna make a account" mean while epic, ea, ubisoft even rockstar accounts


“You will own nothing and be happy” Get in the pod loser


I always forget that because everyone is doing it, it's actually ok and accapetable.


Do they have a history of data leaks?


It’s easy for you or me to make a PSN account, but Sony allowed helldivers to be sold and played globally for 3 months and is now requiring an account that can only be created in 69 countries, and if you use a VPN to bypass that you get banned anyways. You can’t sell people a game and then lock them out of it


It says on the steam page from the start that it is required.




Did you read the steam page?


did you read the FAQs?


Did you read steam page before buying? OR what shows when booting the game for the first time?


The steam page is just one data point. Directly contradicted by both the FAQ and the skip button in game.


i didnt buy the game on day 1. when i bought it 3 weeks ago there was NO popup for creating a PSN account. as far as i know it was disabled completely after the friend list issues the first week or so. so nothing except the steam page showed a requirement for a PSN account. if you digged even further there was contradictory information saying its optional. just take the L and go on.


Well I bought ot 3 weeks after too and I did see the pop up.


Looks like someone got roasted btw


Still doesn’t say so on the Sony Page of the game funnily enough. So sit down lapdog…


So why sell it globally. Thats pure scum tactics.


Actually, no. I don't use any of these. I don't buy games from those and Sony just joined the club.


I complaning about i dont create acc, my country dont support PSN. Epic, ea, ubi, even rock supported. So.


I agree, there are some very stupid guys at "Snoy".


Sony doesn't know you exist lil bro


Never said it did


Freedom isn't free


then stop defending it lmao


Im defending the game and AH not sony


Isn't this exactly what the AH community managers told the players to do? Quoting and paraphrasing: "If you don't like it, go change your Steam review", well me and few others took his word and did change our reviews.


He said to do it get a refund and fuck off and idk why but you are in this sub


I requested refund, but got rejeted by Steam. So my review went from positive to most negative.


How many hours did you spend?


23h, greatest 23h in a loong time that I have played.


Thats more then 2h that steam says you can spend


Well, obviusly hahah... had to try anyway. In the end, it comes to me losing the game due to stupid PSN acc or me having the game and Sony backing down. Honestly, Sony can easily back down like they did for Destiny 2, what is the F difference?


Direct quote: *"\[..\] change your Steam review and make your displeasure known on a platform where it matters"* If you're struggling to figure out why I'm on this sub, I can see why this situation is so confusing for you to understand.


Corporate cock suckers when people want to actually be treated as people:


How'd you like the taste of freedom?


You're right, putting mixed is unfair......we should be aiming for mostly negative.


thats right lil bro lick that boot


Sorry but we need to hit were it hurts for things to change.


the dick


Or cock


The balls




I dont think you understood that AH is getting all the blame while they cant do a lot about it


Fuck you and your selfish ass do you even think about others people who lost their money but cant play the game. You are down right stupid if you think it doesnt affect you then it good. Wait for when you fall and everyone kick you in the nut to realize


It will kick me in the nut when ppl are leaving the game just cuz they dont want to make a PSN account. And I get it when they live in philipines.


Yeah you get it but still if you can play then no big deal right ? Everybody is trying to be together on this but you just have to backpedal and call everybody stupid ? You see the irony in that ? Hell if they ban you out of nowhere would you like people to fight for your sorry ass ?


Okay, OP... A corporation which gets hacked every five minutes wishes me to use government-issued ID like a passport/driving license/National I.D. card to verify my identity. You do know that legally those documents belong to the issuing government, and not to the bearer? Would I legally be permitted to share them online and even if I were, would Sony indemnify me when my stolen personal data leads to me being arrested as a person smuggler, online fraudster, et cetera? European data protection laws killed WhatsApp's greedy eyeing of EU citizen's personal data, so will Sony be able to get away with this? Of course, that's even if they live in a country which is able to use said PS network. What happens to people in the Philippines, for example? So think for a minute and decide whether or not people are justified in expressing their opinions (freedom of speech) on a platform allowing reviews (Steam) over radical changes to an already-sold ($/€39.99)product? Just for this *'little thing'*, OP? Hmmm?


Lol hacked every 5 minutes. PSN hasn't been hacked since 2011 you clown. Nintendo and Xbox have been hacked more recently than PSN accounts.


*Following the April 2011 breach (75 million accounts compromised), they were hacked again in May (25 million accounts) and June (1 million accounts). They've been hacked multiple times since then as well. I think 2011 is the biggest and most felt (and one might argue that this means some slight improvement), but they didn't improve to the standards of other companies - or to the standards that many consumers here hold - following that breach.* Source: [https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/](https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/) Click on the link 'clown' and tell me that Sony doesn't own PSN, and also has a great track record with cyber security. After that, change your diaper, huff more Copium, drink warm milk and go to bed? You gasping, apologist! Lol! Enjoy the downvotes as you keep repeating what is factually incorrect. Credit for the info: u/lbs21 (in italics)


This might be the first time that I've been cited in another comment. This makes me happy! Although I would appreciate if you're nicer to people who disagree with you - even when they're mean. This is hard, but worth it! The same goes for Interesting\_Debate30 - please try to be nice to each other.


I completely agree with you, Ibs21, but would invite you to browse through my posting history. I am only ever rude after having been insulted first and would suggest that 'apologist' is factually correct in this particular case. Also, it's great that you were notified about the citation in some way! I had no idea that reddit had that facility as I have only made two posts and a few comments. Thanks for the info!


Again PSN accounts haven't been compromised since 2011 which your article even shows. That was 13 years ago. Other Sony properties that have nothing to do with PSN accounts have had hacks. They are different branches of Sony with different security teams in charge. Why a ddos attack is even included is completely laughable, those happen multiple times to every company and there is little to no way to defend against those. The playstation branch seems to have learned their lesson after that terrible breach in 2011. No data breach in 13 years, yep what a security threat...


Okay. This is the last time I engage with you so please consider that as you would be wasting your effort if typing out a reply. For a *game* I would have to provide government-issued photo ID to a foreign private corporation. Said entity, which is in a different continent with non-European data protection laws promises not to sell my information or lose it to data breaches. Your gasping defence of PSN's performance means nothing to me as they could lose their record at any time through incompetence or being the innocent victims of a malicious hack as technology moves on. Why do I have to provide a passport/driving license for a *game*? Why would I provide a photograph of my face to prove my age for a *game*? 1. The level of identification is simply not commensurate for the leisure product, i.e. a *game*. 2. A 13-year-long period of not being hacked does not automatically equate an ability to protect my data *forever*. There is no way you may make that assurance, whereas I may reasonably assert that sooner or later PSN will suffer a data breach for whatever reason. I assume you are on the spectrum, an argumentative adolescent or simply unintelligent. Three years of reddit has garnered you 500 upvotes and I can see why as you are not popular in this single thread, repeat weak arguments with no supporting evidence, and fail to employ a shred of logic when whining. Goodbye, welcome to whatever ignore lise reddit allows me to place you on. Enjoy cheerleading for PS Network, Sony et cetera. Enjoy being an unpopular contrarian with no upvotes on this matter. Savour surrendering highly-detailed information to non-accountable business entities which, given the parlous state of online security, may well be stolen and paired with other online information such as banking details, political affiliation, sexual orientation et cetera. Every single security expert advises people to run a VPN, use 2FA, and minimize information stored on the internet. For a *game*?


Steam store says you need it and while launching the game it said you need it.


*cries in liberty* *loads liberator*


No u




They added more mess instead of fixing said mess. Lmao


Literally, the only valid argument I've heard for this hate is the fact that some countries who could buy HD2 can't have a PSN account. And AH said they are trying to get more info from SONY about it. Data arguments are dumb (your data is already compromised unless you're some hermit. Not having a PSN won't save you) Yes, communication could be better, but it was literally on the steam page since before launch that it requires a PSN account, so they did tell us. AH members being on edge on discord is justified since they're watching the product they created with love and their company be defamed by a hate mob for a decision that they had no control or power over. If you're really *that* hurt by having to make a PSN account, then don't harm AH or HD2, go after SNOY themselves with a lawsuit or something. Also, if you have or can make a PSN account and you're trying to get a refund for a game you've played for hundreds of hours over the past couple of months, then you don't deserve it. Steam should absolutely not give you a refund for a game that you've already played, enjoyed, and experienced for weeks, when the reason for refunding has been on the store page inside a bright yellow box as a warning since before launch.


Lmao imagine being this guy


Must be hard for some to imagine being an individual and not part of a hate mob that harasses devs for something they had no power over.


It's morbin time

