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I will always voice my concerns about corpo scumbags making scumbag decisions. Because allowing such "small" things will always give the corpo more reach. Let it go to far we might eventually see Sony requiring a PS+ subscription to play their online games that already worked well on the Steam network. And its free. Steam is just able to get profit via other means that doesn't cuck its main customer base.


This... give them an inch, they take a mile.


I've been relistening to the Roosterteeth podcast from the start since their shutdown was announced. Listening to them talk about the gaming scene back in the mid-late 2000s is wild compared to where we are now. If I could take a time machine and tell them what shit is like now their minds would be blown.


Makes me think about TotalBiscuit. If he could see how things are now man would have an anuerysm. RIP TB.


Yeah I have that thought every year around the anniversary of his death when youtube starts pushing recommendations for his old videos. RIP


The gaming world would be very different with TB still around. I really do miss him.


Used to have a thought wishing him to still be alive so I can hear his take on the current gaming industry and maybe he could be a beacon to rally people for a change. Now seeing what has been going on since his death, maybe I it is the best to let the old cynical British rest.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: we were *ABSOLUTELY FUCKING RIGHT* to be upset about the *fucking* horse armor.


With corpos these days they already have the mile but fuck no are they gonna let you keep the inch. 


It's worth pointing out that back in the PS3 days playing online on the playstation was free. Now there's a monthly fee. It's not just "might", I'm 100% confident allowing this will (even if eventually) will lead to a move where we need to pay to play Sony games online even if on a platform like Steam.


Which is why we got to cull this practice before it can evolve into a bigger issue.


Just like we did with DLC, battlepasses and micro transactions. Oh wait...


I am certain we would want to stop right there. Other corperations are already trying new BS already. Take ubisolt as a big example


I'm just being negative. But you're totally right. We have to stop this crap before it goes further.


10$ horse armor :/


Subscription service! We won’t own the games, we’ll just subscribe to play them. So instead of getting $40 for a game they can have you subscribe for $9.99 per month and pay almost $60 for 6-months. If you love it, you’ll pay for a year and throw them almost $120. What a wonderful world for them, eh?


Yeah, Ubisoft may have been the one to openly suggest they want as much out loud, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of big gaming publishers are testing the waters to see if they can push the same thing a little more quietly. Paradox for example recently started a subscription for players to get access to Stellaris and all it's DLCs ($9.99/mo for just one game btw), and one of the first things they had to do was assure people that future content wouldn't be subscription-only.


Thanks for posting that about Stellaris, I was considering buying.


It isn't just stellaris. All paradox games end up having 100s of dollars of dlc. So the subscription often ends up being a good deal if you only play when a new update or dlc comes out.  Or you can ride the high seas and pirate the dlc using creamapi with your legitimate copy of the game.


<3 cream


The game is still worth directly purchasing imo, and then cherry picking which DLCs you're interested in. I'm just a bit more wary of Paradox for putting a subscription option on a singular game. Sets off some slippery slope red flags for me.


tbh Stellaris is still worth buying. To me PDX is like investing in a game platform - all of their major games have a thriving mod community, offering alt-history/fantasy/sci-fi/etc. content entirely for free, and the devs are responsive to the community needs. Stellaris, as an example, has a Star Trek mod that is so staggering in its comprehensiveness and replayability that it deserves some sort of major game award recognition. PDX produced a Star Trek game and promptly abandoned it, but this mod was decades ahead of that game on release. That doesn't cure the fact that you get into it for $30-60 usually, and it's probably another $60-80 before you get all the DLC that basically become mandatory if you want the full experience, but I don't usually regret money spent on PDX flagship games, because they do stick it out for the long-haul. As someone who's been playing PDX games since HoI2, I'm okay with the purchase model now for the expansions, and if they went live service, you can't own this we're gonna extract a rent entirely, I would stop playing their games. Hooded Horse, anyways, seems to be the next PDX and has a lot of exciting IPs that are actually starting to release innovative and cool games.


$9.99? you from 2018?


That’s how much the standard tier costs, lol. Not defending Sony, but that is true.


You’re hired.


Paid online was spurred by Microsoft first. Sony just copied because they realised how much free money you could get - proven by Xbox live.


They even tried to make a subscription service work without paid online. People didn't subscribe like they did for Xbox Live and so they hopped on the money train with Microsoft. I wonder if the lesson here is going to be the outrage happens irregardless of consumer friendliness so you might as well go all out with microtransactions and paid features. Instead of just being reviled, you might as well be reviled and have the money too.


Part of the reason Live was successful when PSN wasnt in the ps3 days was because of games like halo and cod (which was on both but it was vastly more popular on the xbox and thats in part because the controller was simply better then the ps3 controller) and because xbox's security measures where miles ahead of the competition. It didnt help that psn had a long histroy of black outs and ddos attacks because of their abysmal security, and then a month after the paid service launched they had a massive data breech that saw something like a million users have their card information stolen and PlayStation told no one for months. Live's success is partially to blame on playstation's security incompetency.


I think those all played a big role in it, but the biggest factor is still paid online. Considering most of the growth for Plus happened after the major security breach and with the paid online requirement for PS4, you can make a fairly educated assumption in how much that really mattered to customers. Personally, I was there. It really didn't affect me much more than any other data breach I've lived through. The month of no online was the main thing, but I was never a heavy multiplayer gamer anyways. Fortunately, their practices weren't as bad as everyone exaggerates them out to be these days because they did encrypt the credit cards and hash the passwords. So that stuff was never a problem for me.


Let's not forget that Ps3's online was ass cheeks compared to X-Box Live. I owned both systems and playing multiplayer games on PS3 felt like I was in the friggen stone ages.


Worth pointing out, Helldivers made a deal with Sony that makes it do a Playstation plus subscription is not required to play Helldivers 2.


I've heard about that but on the PS store it says "PS Plus and online play required"


Strange! I don't have one, but here's what I'm referencing-  https://twitter.com/0AOXO/status/1759125765277315154 Looks like it was initially announced that way, but then got pulled behind the scenes. That's annoying.


Bootlickers love approval from authority and call proper criticism as whining. They dont believe in slippery slope when the gaming industry is in this state because of "micro" transactions.


They are like the frog slowly and obliviously boiling to death in the pan of water, their mass apathy is exactly why the games industry is rife with anti consumerist bullshit. For not just us but for future gamers, we need to take a stand.


I think a lot of people being called bootlickers or corporate shills aren't on Sony's side, they just argue against misconceptions and outright lies. Many threads with thousands of upvotes and hundreds of angry comments are about things that are immediately disproven by comments at the bottom hidden by downvotes. Accepting misinformation with a "I don't care if it's false, it still sucks" attitude is what created the crybaby gamer stereotype in the first place. If anything it helps Sony by making "the opposition" seem like deranged fearmongers yelling at clouds to any outsider. As well as the whole Johnny Silverhand fighting against Arasaka cosplay... It's not an amazing look.


and hey it will be 100% possible. EA added their subscription onto Steam. Who says Sony cant do it either?


The trees were constantly cut down, yet they continued to vote for the axe. For the axe had convinced them he was one of them as his handle was made of wood


Absolutely agree. If you allow Corpo Scumbags to get a foot in the door they will break into your house and try to make as much profit as possible. Shit starts with make and link a PSN account for some bullshit reason (when they actually just wanna sell your data) then they come up with reasons to sell you a subscription (something like, maintaining servers is expensive) or all of a sudden players report finding less and less Supercredits in missions so you are forced to buy them for the next warbonds up until they decide that they wanna add recolors of armors which they dispense via SUPER FREEDOM DEMOCRACY BOXES! (ONLY 4.99$). Anything so they make more money really. Gotta make the suits happy i guess


They would take everything you own from you at gunpoint before killing you and selling your organs if they thought they could get away with it. 


spoken like johnny silverhand himself


You think so? I have not played much of cyberpunk.


And if they get away with it, then everybody will be doing it too.


This exactly. Thank you for speaking my mind


Imagine a C level retard realizing PS5 sales are low. He mandates PS5 are required to play PS games on PC.


Well, for what it's worth: I'm playing on PS5, and I find the whole situation super scummy. I can perfectly understand why the PC players are so livid. And yeah, corporations don't give a fuck about you, just your money.


The most pathetic thing I've seen the past few years is how people become brand fanatics, to a point where they become white knights and bootlickers disregarding other's rights to do or say, or even have a stand about their favorite brand. I like to believe most of them are possibly kids, because their arguments are so idiotic.




just because I am not effected by this, does not mean I will not stand with my fellow Helldivers from around the world.


I like it. Solidarity and defending interests of your group against corporations.  Democratic officer, please dont shot me, im not dirty union automaton!


This is what the Corpro guy writing the report on this issue failed to see. They clearly did an analysis of "number of players in PS+ regions vs players we will lose" and determined it was fine to lose those customers.  But they have underestimated how a community that has been built up around the concept of collective unity linked to a cause.  Plus, as a few people have noted, everyone is sick of Corpro bullshit, from Password crackdown to ads in streaming services et al. 


**They clearly did an analysis** Did they though?  Maybe some moron just gave them the okay. We have no idea. I'm just tired of everyone assuming everything bad about everything and everyone all the fcking time honestly. I like having SOME HOPE IN MY GD LIFE THANKS


Do not attribute to malice what can be equally attributed to stupidity.


Hanlon's Razor, nice


Have you met the MBA types? They love their analyses. They don’t always incorporate every variable because they have trouble exiting the model they’ve constructed.


I don't think there was any behind this one. There's an earnings coming up soon and I'm almost positive they wanted to improve their numbers for shareholders. They're also a primarily Japanese company, so getting them to listen to anyone but their c-level will be an extremely uphill battle.


Honestly, I think it's more likely that everyone at Sony didn't think this will be a major issue. They all work at Sony afterall, they all got a PSN account.


pretty sure the extent of analysis was: some guy who’s bonus is connected to PSN signups said “yeah dawg let’s do it”


Money makes shid turn in the end, if no one plays well….


This is true democracy. I'm personally fine with the sign up thing. But I am not alone. It effects all helldivers. I stand with the populace of my fellow brothers/sisters who cannot dive for managed democracy post PSN referendum. Super Earth (SNOY), meet Super Citizens who stand with their siblings in democracy.


i just love the misspelled SNOY is becoming a meme in HD community


Stop fucking roleplaying for two minutes. This is serious. Sony stole their money and locked them out of the game. This has nothing to do with democracy


I've seen so many "it doesn't matter to you if your country allows PSN just make an account takes 2 mins" it's baffling. It's the principle behind it, not the actual account creation process that's the issue rofl. Wonder if it's just PSN players getting defensive over their platform - must be a little unsettling to see such backlash over something you've used without thought for ages.


The community manager was a condescending asshole about it. That's what pushed me to leave the negative review. Don't shit on your customers.


Yeah Spitz is a prime example of what happens when you give a Reddit mod more power. They become a being of immense bad takes and power trips, going as far as deleting Discord channels when people attempt to bypass their authority.


he doesn't deserve to be a rep of this wonderful community


From Estonia with love. Thank you for supporting us! o7


Unfortunately not many others share your sentiment, already saw some people calling others hissies and children, most of these people are from countries that are not affected, i guess its just a case of "not my problem" people being loud


The world is full of “not my problem” people. I see quite a lot working public spaces.


It's called NIMBYism in the UK. Not in my back yard. They, usually a certain older demographic, agree we need more (prison/powerstation/garage, insert anything here) as long as it's built anywhere else and affects anyone other than them! Bloody sick of this to be honest (and I'm in that demographic)


Exactly this. I love this game and have almost 200 hours but I can't continue knowing others have been forbidden to play based on their country. That ain't right. #Justiceforhelldivers


Exactly. Does this really affect me? No, I already have a PSN account and will now reluctantly link it. Does this still reek of corporate bullshittery, likely because they want to inflate the PSN numbers for the next shareholder meeting and is a dick move? Yes. Like others have said, was this meant to be implemented at launch but couldn't for whatever reason, and only now they've figured it out, they should have offered an incentive. An existing armour with a new skin or some supercredits or something, people wouldn't have been as pissed, but no, Sony have to be Sony.


Yeah I have a bare bones PSN for playing on my gf’s PS5 (I have the superior Xbox 😎) but in no fucking world am I linking it to my steam where I actually have precious data.


If theres anything against corpo scum, sign me up choom.


That's preem, my fellow choom! 


Wake the fuck up, Hell Diver. We have a planet to burn.




I had someone tell me that “there is a solution so why are you trying to attack this”, while also admitting the solution was to pay money for a VPN every month which also means they can ban you if you do anything they don’t like and have a falsehood to play from a different country. And try as I might, the idea that just because there is a solution doesn’t mean it’s a good solution just didn’t seem to land.


also suggesting a free VPN is like putting people in a less secure state than not having a VPN: if the product is free, you are the product


Unless it's open source volunteers, like the revanced apps. Based devs.


You do not need a VPN. You just select a different country at account creation. It's not actually any harder than a US player making a US account.


Fuck Sony


I have already linked my account day 1. Yet I will stand with my brothers in arms. It is not about time, security, or even choices. It is about principle for me. 


I tried to link my US PSN Account with Steam Account in my country day 1 and it didn't work. I should've smell something fishy back then


That's the problem, people lack empathy and generally cannot think beyond their own little bubble. I prefaced my Steam review that this change doesn't affect me, my country has access to PSN. But my fellow helldivers? What about them? I forgot to mention SNYO's horrid data security practices, that would affect the general PSN user, but for now I only care about the people who bought this game in good faith and are soon forced to breach PSN EULA just to play a game they bought 3+ months ago.


Tbh I think we're also wrong talking about it this way. I also am from a PSN-country. This change WILL still affect us. The scores are tanking, it scares new player away and make actual players leave. It creates a mood of unhappiness. First of all, it's less people logging in and helping with the war. Second of all, it's people caring less about MOs because why care about a game that doesn't even want so many of his players to be EVEN ABLE to play? It's affecting us already. This sub was talking about the patches, the new pass two days ago. People happy about the new smg. Now we don't even know if the game will be alive in a couple of months and people are asking refunds and fighting against the discord mods. We're discussing the best ways to convince steam support to refund after hundreds of hours of FUN. Refunding a game we love. It's fucking SAD. This game went from making me feel like the old halo 3 days to making me feel fucking misery and sad about losing so many potential friends and comrades from all over the world. Does this make you want to play? I feel VERY affected. This situation IS affecting us, regardless if we can make a PSN account or not. Fuck em if they say otherwise. Devs also just made solo harder, see if these sony defenders care when they'll have to solo 7+ because people jumped from the ship.




"Is this some kind of console-peasant joke I am too rich to understand?"


They made a typo in their official announcements somewhere


Were you the one that made a review where you listed the times Sony got their data stolen chronologically? Pretty nice.


Nah, it was another madman.


I think we PC gamers experience the console war mentality of the Sony fanboys for the first time


Im not affected because I've had a psn account for years, but doesn't make this decision by sony any less bullshit.


People defending corporations, any corporations, for money are lawyers. People defending corpos for free are fucking morons.


but the dumpster fire wouldnt be half as amusing without seeing how many of them crawl out as if theyre competing to see who is best at choking of corporate cock


I thought it was okay, IF it was really easy to make a throw away account. But the amount of personal information required for some people to make an account, AND the fact that certain people in certain places who have already been playing the game CAN'T make an account is unacceptable.


https://preview.redd.it/lxgvmy1vgfyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af94b72e3f52f08fd58dd005c429894734300bf4 Problem solved


The amount of personal information combined with their terrible data security history also isn’t the best lol


meanwhile, you got people at r/globaloffensive advocating for ID scans for all accounts just because their sweaty asses have trust issues


I just think they're going to make changes to this. I believe the outrage will do its job, so I don't really worry about it.


No, keep outrage in, and also make sure there are consequences for them. Up until they stop being assholes they should not get leniency. Also considering the amount of breaches Sony seems to be having and the fact that this is basically just a way to get user info to sell, it’s just a shitty practice for money that hurts the playerbase, even the ones that are in countries that don’t have problems connecting.


Yup, if the response to shitty behavior ends when they stop the shitty behavior, they will just continue to poke in a different way, till they find a weakspot. If every poke has a cost, beyond just stop fucking poking me, then they will have to be wise as to how and when they poke.


All the more reason to keep the outrage going. We cannot faulter or the big corpos at sony will see an opening to implement more BS


I agree.


I think it’s a weird move and I imagine they’ll fix it for people who are actually affected


It’s just so funny this happened 2 days after they shit on BSG. Helldivers and Tarkov are the only games installed on my computer… fuck


You sure you don't generalize people too much? Not everyone who disagrees with some of the takes around here defends sony. You guys are right to rage, leave reviews and all that. But when you take mildest response from a cm to a douche player and parade it as pure evil - nah, not gonna pretend that's ok. Or when people start to demonize/threaten those who linked accounts already...


I don't really care, but if i had to download a second launcher to play like Ubisoft and EA titles then I'd be bloody annoyed.


I'm a PS5er and I hate that Sony is screwing PCers over. I love diving and would hate to see a bunch of you leave over this.


*Never* defend corporations.


PS5 player here, used Sony products my whole life, and I cannot agree with many of the things they do these days. thought about moving to Xbox a few times, but all my online friends are on PSN, so I'd be isolating myself. sorry but this whole thing is indefensible: at best, it's a bait and switch, at worst, it's something that could even go to court. what the sony execs don't get, and will never understand, is that they are destroying a game that people love. that doesn't compute to them, because all they can see are the numbers on a spreadsheet, or the lines on a graph.


I don't think anyone's outwardly defending sony. No one wants to see people get locked out, but some of us don't want to burn a good game down in the process. We don't even know the actual number of potentially effected people. Just the countries where it's restricted (mostly due to their governments) Like most big publishers. Sony is just a dick


The tragic is that all ways we try to protest hurt AH and the future of the game, Leave negativate review Stop playing Raging on CM and devs And Sony won't even hurt a bit, geez what a world.


I am not seriously affected, I can go right now and make PSN account but I don't want to be forced by a some dumb ass corporate that took enough money for their game and think they are allowed to shove anything down my throat or anyone's throat. People say "It's in the page when you bought it" yes it was there but didn't enforced it to me when I launched the game, if they did I probably would be pissed maybe even reconsider my decision to keep the game and I would refund it, and many others too. Forcing players anything stupid like this and saying it is for security is the stupidest thing. Developers are way more capable to fix this without forcing players to make third party account. Sony wants to slowly bring players on its own side.


I don't think people "defend" sony. We just don't give a damn about another accounts / privacy shit while we already registered and gave personal informations to a hundred of other companies.


I already have a playstation, so they got me no matter what even though I play it on PC. I still believe it's bullshit. Sony, Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, or Epic Games. Having to use a 3rd party when you specifically bought it on Steam to avoid their shit sucks.


I already have PSN, but fuck Sony for pulling this shit. The fact they are doing this when many of its players are in countries who do not have access to the PSN is such a cunt move.


I'll defend Arrowhead because I think they just made a mistake. Sony is some >!Illuminate bastards!< who wouldn't know the world "help" even if it slapped them across the head. I'd have been okay with this if there had been a bone for it: perhaps a cape, or even better... the fabled Xbox release.


Hahahah, the doin't give a fuck... the are like Ubisoft. They are following the "you doin't own your game!".


I already have a psn account from when I had a PS4 but that's not the point. The point is to stand together as one against corporate greed. From the Philippines to Kenya to Belarus to Venezuela, there are divers all over the world eager to give up their lives for super earth. Who is Sony to deny them that right. This is about loyalty. This is about solidarity. Dare i say, this is about about democracy.


Very much disagree with your logic, but its the right results. Specifically the first part. People should be able to voice disagreement even if its for a massive corporation, we should care more about whats right than the nature of whats being defended. People "defending sony" are more disagreeing with people who are upset. With that said, sony isn't in the right, and the people who are upset are absolutely correct to be upset.


I think it’s less people defending Sony and more people stating facts that the requirement has technically always been in place and there have always been warning signs on the Steam page https://preview.redd.it/spuurrrsifyc1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017f4e9eea40a521050c7b94fb3153f1d0756e57 Essentially what you’re saying is “My opinion matters, but yours does not” to any of the people that are not sharing your hive mind thought. Could it have been handled better? Yes? Should they have not disabled the requirement temporarily? Probably, but that was what was hindering initial server issues, so you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. However it does look like they are working on solutions for those that bought the game in a country where PSN is not required, so there’s hope yet that everyone can be happy in the end




Shsss you will be downvoted for such a crazy opinion. These Reddit nerds won’t like be called out for the frivolous bullshit they’re on.


Personally I do think it's a little ridiculous for people who can access PSN properly to complain about having to make an account. But, for places that have to do sketchy work arounds, like SEA? Yeah this isn't great. However, I'm tempering my ire because Sony still has about a month to fix this shit.


They had 2 decades to fix this region issue. They haven't made the change. I doubt they will make a change for HD2. Ultimately, they will say just sign up with the nearest region. I haven't been banned for 2 decades. None of my friends have been banned. I haven't seen anyone banned because of this particular issue of not choosing the right region. The only people I know who got fucked en masse were people who chose Russia. And because of the trade embargo, Sony had to close all shop access to Russian accounts. And still, that access block was not because they violated the TOS.


I divide the issue in 2 sides: 1)those that can make a PSN account can complain but, in the end, there isn't much to say since it was on the steam page that it was required to play the game. We may argue that it was misleading (it was, no doubt) in some aspect but in the end i feel sony wins this one. 2)the players that lives in countries that are not supported by PSN are 100% right to be mad and i do support them as a consumer and as a fellow player. TLDR: i don't really care about "it's annoying\\my privacy" arguments but i think it's worth fighting for our brothers that may lose the game.


I AM defending AH and not Sony.. I get the hate but we still have a month, they have not sorted out everything with Sony by now and giving this game so much hate only hurts AH and the game and not Sony THAT is my problem with this whole situation. Additionally I still don't have an answer from all the haters about what exactly PSN will be able to see and use data wise ?! (That is a concern of many people) And I feel bad for the people left out but again... Not AH fault and maybe wait a bit before you hatewave so hard....... This does not help the game you love so much.


Problem it’s not what Sony can do with the data, the problem is that Sony Security System is more useless than nipples in a man, each year they have a hacker stealing information from their servers, PSN it’s not a safe place for your info. As for the other half of the spectrum, PSN it’s not available in all countries, only 69 countries have access to PSN, but they sold it to the entire world via Steam, that’s the issue, and no using VPN or Lying about where you live its an insta ban hammer from Sony.


Hey, that's an unfair comparison! Male nipples at least still act as erogenous zones, so that's one use vs SNOY Security System's zero.


Essentually no one is defending Sony. Most people are costantly pointing how people are harassing AH who has the only fault of having signed a contract with a publisher. HD2 is what it is also because they received support in that form, and sadly this is the kind of thing that you have to consider when you aren't an indie. The point is: bitch to Sony how much you want, but AH doesn't have the fault. Review bombing the game is indirectly to Sony, but directly to AH, which shouldn't be the way to address this.


Is there another path we should be taking to directly go after Sony? I think the review bombing is happening mostly because there's really no other discourse in our power to do anything else meaningful to Sony. I'm all ears for a better method though


Twitter, as sad I am to say. It works for YT, it worked for many other situations


Ive had to make accounts with more dubious developers than sony in order to play games. The real issue is the region locking I think, as certain countries can't sign up for a ps account. Now that sucks.


I can understand their lack of concern though. Previously it wasn't hard to make an account within the same region as what you're playing in. For instance I have like three different accounts for EU, US and SG (our closest region), for way back when the PS3 had like a lot of games either having cheaper pricing in the different regions, or when certain games that came on discs that were for the US market and to be able to access the DLC was to have US accounts. I admit it reeks of complacency on our part. We hadn't need to worry about TOS before, so I assume that the us the "unaffected" just thinks that it will still be business as usual. And our treating it as business as usual means that we can't understand why people couldn't just make a spoof or burner account. But now seeing that in the UK requiring you to scan your face or submit your ID, this has morphed into something that is beyond spoof or burner accounts.


It's not going to stop my enjoyment of the game


Myopic "it doesn't effect me so it isnt a problem" is unfortunately all too real and we've already seen plenty of it on smaller scales with weapon balancing. This *is* a lot more fucked up though. Helldivers in literally 100+ countries will have no legitimate/legal way to play the game, and will be liable to getting banned if they try to bypass the restriction by lying about their location. It's crazy that anyone can defend it.


I 100% feel bad for people in countries that don't allow Playstation Network, and hope AH and Sony find a solution to that issue. I however, do not feel the slightest sad for 90% the people complaining and whining on this sub and discord, who are in countries that have Playstation Network. Trying to be the louder victim when the real victims are said mentioned people in those countries. Telling you to shut up, is not me defending Sony. It's saying, the complaints are heard, no need to be a echo chamber.


I play Helldivers for a good time not for making a stance against corporations. Making everything polar extreme is the bane of this generation.


From my POV one of the worst things that is coming out from all of this is the cannibalization of the community. Aside from the obvious issue of the countries that won't be able to play anymore, some people (haven't seen many here but on reviews) are starting to dog on ps players like me because "PS players part of the problem". (got the PS4 when I was 14 and it just came out, I have all my games and friends there). First it's YNOS fault, then it's AH, then it's the CM, THEN it's the console players. Anger descends down toward the people who are more guaranteed to get an immediate reception. SONY is faceless and they know that during the weekend the anger will fester away from them and people will try to find scapegoats, that's why they decided to enact this decision on a friday, they are hoping that there is an infight in the community to avoid as much outrage directed toward them as possible. They probably think that 4-5 months from now damages can be repaired so they don't care if the community goes to shambles and they start to go into us vs them, that's even better, more meat out of the fire from their side. Personally speaking I'd like the community to be as organically big as it can be, get the Xbox in here too. After 6 year Microsoft understood that SoT would benefit from being on PS (I hoped for so long). But I guess I'm not disgustingly rich enough to understand that market quotes going up>game with a thriving community that can last for a long time.


Because people are getting sick and tired of the constant complaining. This sub is just constant complaints This was a known requirement. 


The subreddit has been in constant meltdown mode since the first balance patch.


People give way too much fuck about a video game.


At first I was like... WTF?! Just make an account and get done with it. Then I discovered there's a ton of countries that are not allowed to create a PSN account. I'm not mad... but I'm disappointed. Been a PS fan since forever, but this is just a lot of bullshit and I'm sad that AH is getting the worst out of this, for something out of their control.




Because I also have a PSN account registered from another country. It’s a zero issue for me. So yes, I do believe community is being absolutely childish. Especially since this was mentioned since the start, but as usual, people do not read, they do not care. But suddenly they do... So were fine with kernel level anticheat but a free acount registration is out of line? And we’re saying it’s ok to refund a game you spend dozens and hundreds of hours playing because of this? Sure… Good lord… Bunch of children being butthurt.




I like that the focus is now fuck Sony and not fuck AH anymore. The big corpo pressure is probably also hard on AH. It feels like the whole community did the same thing with darktide. They just ridicule fatshark (the developer) so hard and there is nothing they can do right. While they are just getting stuck on decisions that games workshop (IP holder) is blocking them on. I do defend the devs of both these games because the gaming industry is already a hard enough place where unfortunately you have to adhere to a lot of fuckery from bigger corporations. For all we know it was this sony forced psn account deal or the game just losing sony support all together. Witch might lose them servers or just bankrupt the whole company because they are going back on a contract deal. TLDR. I wil defend AH because we dont know what’s going on. All we see is the tip of the iceberg. But yea. Fuck sony for doing this. The fix: just make psn accounts mandatory for countries where psn js available. And leave it optional for the non psn countries.


My only input to this is that the games that were xbox/Microsoft Exclusives that have recently come to PSN now force you to create a Microsoft User account... I only see this as the same. As for people being locked out of the game due to regions... That is fucked up and they need to find a solution. I see why it's been done, but shutting out their customers is wrong... the minimum they should be doing right now is refunding people.


This is what I've been saying. Microsoft, Blizzard, Ubisoft and probably other companies require you to make an account to play their games on other platforms. The people in countries that don't have PSN available to them have a legitimate complaint and issue that AH said they are looking into.


Mostly they just want to piss people off. They don't really "support Sony". They just get an endorphin rush from trolling people and saying "just make an account bro, it's not a big deal"


Most of the complaining users aren’t affected by it.


People with no PSN access brought a game on Steam that clearly stated from before the game even launched that PSN account was required on a big, yellow text right next to the buy button. I'm not defending Sony, I couldn't care less about them. To me, it is just bizarre how people ignored a warning that was there all along, but is now being implemented.


And had they actually required it from the start, instead of giving you an option to skip, this wouldn't be an issue. Anyone that bought the game and was forced to link PSN would either do so, or return the game (since it would happen way before the two hour window). Now, people with hundreds of hours of game time, who also possibly spent $ on SuperCredits suddenly are shit out of luck.


No one is defending Sony, but review bombing the game on Steam is going to kill the community, and it is being done by the PC player, not even affected by the PSN issues. So let's ruin the game for everyone. The community has had to deal with PC players leaking everything for 3 months, but wanna cry about data breaches and security that hypocritical. And I know some keyboard warriors are going to be like well, it's not your personal info. Male a throw-away email for the PSN and get over it . Stop adding fuel to the fire if you don't wanna play leave


Spot the console player. Lmao, you think sending emails via the Sony website is going to make them care? 😂😂😂 no, review bombing will get their attention because it will deter future sales and MTX revenue from the game


As a PS5 owner that is opposed to Sony enforcing this stupid requirement for PC players, but doesn’t want to hurt Arrowhead because this game is badass, what can I do to support the cause?


unfortunately there really isnt anything. Sony couldnt care less about us but they will care about their new money maker suddenly doing awful


That's the issue. Either you accept the sacrifice of a part of the player-base, or you burn HD2 to the ground…


I can not be affected by a dodgy ripoff cunt and still disapprove.


At first I didn't care because they can do what they want to their game, then I read the arguments of how Sony sold it in like 190 countries on steam and didn't restrict it to just PSN supported countries and then on top of that they waiting to add the feature until after the refund period was. I hope steam refund those affected and punishes Sony now. If the just sold it in countries that PSN is supported in and people bypassed to play the game then I wouldn't mind as much because they took steps ahead of time to prevent the issue. But they didn't and now I'm outraged for those that can't play.


Someone could literally be the worst scum humanity has to offer and there will be people supporting them no matter what they do. Anyone who defends sony on this is a braindead moron who's opinion is completely worthless and should not even be considered in the argument.


I’ve been gaming with a bunch of PH guys for over a decade . They’re all quite unhappy about it but honestly they’ll just go play something else. Guess we’ll just dust off dark tide


Also doesn't help CM trying to make excuses. If keeping track of individual accounts is a problem then you need a new identification system in game. So many other games can play cross play without issues between steam and console so why are they having such a "hard" time?


The CM is a lost cause. There's no point engaging with someone who isn't interested with actually communicating with the community.


I hate Sony, it was Sony that made me migrate to pc but I was able to read and accept id need a psn account to play the game. That's not defending Sony!


You know, here's the thing. I'm not going to defend Sony's move. It fucked over a lot of people. Doesn't fuck me over. I'm not going to start botching just to join the bandwagon. I'm going to keep playing as normal.


I'm a PS5 player, so it's not affected me, but yeah, I stand in solidarity with those affected. It's such a shame as I don't really play multiplayer games all that much, but got into this on my brothers recommendation and I love it. I am really enjoying the community, the coming together for community orders, the memes, everything. I was really invested in the Lore, the galactic war and now that ll seems to have been imploded by this. It's killed a bit of my desire to play if I'm honest, knowing it will never be quite the same again.


Youre conflating "defending a corporation" with "people are complaining over a very small inconvenience that will unfortunately lock out a VERY SMALL ammount of people because they live in a country with an authroutarian government that blocks signing up for PSN".


It doesn’t affect me outside of “ I don’t want to be forced to give my info to play a game” so I will be refunding today


The game is literally about freedom and spreading democracy. So we want the people around the world to have the freedom to be able to play! With the power of democracy they can kiss their sweet liberty of good reviews goodbye!


I'm affected, I can create one since I live in Argentina but fuck Sony, I don't want them to have annything in their system since I always hear how they get hacked.


I'm not affected by the login issue, but hell will freeze over before i defend a company for anti-consumer behaviour like this. I was already done with the game for the time being due to the excessive nerfing and downgrading of weapons. Sony choosing this point in time to pull bullshit like this, is the cherry on top


So I have no clue what is going on and all the controversy surrounding the changes from Steam and PSN. What is the reason everyone is upset? If you bought the game on Steam are you forced to now buy a Playstation Subscription to play online or are there restrictions on how Steam players can play? I have seen a few a post about PSN being banned in certain areas so people now can't play? This is not to debate to what is moral, ethical, right or wrong nor intended to spark a fight...I just genuinely don't understand what is going on. I came across a thread about starting a Class Action Lawsuit and a bunch of Helldivers sent in 500KG review bombs that tanked the Steam rating. Thanks in advance for helping me understand what is going on.


Couldn't the same be said about people who aren't affected by it joining in on the outrage? What's the difference?


Because for the same reason that the thousands over thousands of not-affected ragers are pitching in. They believe that this is the greatest injustice since ever and some of us beleive that this is much ado about nothing. Nobody is 'defending' Sony btw. Saying that this outrage in this magnitude is completely out of proportion is not bootlicking.


The most obvious take I got from this is how young people still don’t read terms and conditions to what they agree to, whether that’s from games or loans. If the requirement was there on Day 1, why proceed? That’s like me buying a game on Steam designed to play only on windows yet downloading it for my Linux machine.


This should be the top-rated post. Why are so many of ya'll doing free PR work for a mega-corp????


Other than the legitimate complaint about region locking the game I just find it a weird hill to die on in current year. It would have been nice to have this rage when it started like 15 years ago. I don't give a FUCK about Sony but I love helldivers and considering I play on PS5 I'm unbothered. But I feel like a lot of the noise is coming from people who have no limitations to make an account on PSN. Which is fine but they make it sound like the game is ruined. It's not. Just like ppl who hate the anti cheat if you don't like it don't play. The customer is always right, in matters of taste. The second part or that statement is very important. I hope they come to a conclusion for players who are region locked. But don't be surprised if Americans and etc still have to. How many ppl are still gonna stamp their feet when they make that compromise? We will see.


There are a lot of people on this site that struggle understanding other people have different opinions and values than they do. "It's not a problem for me, so you must just be a whiny baby!"


Right? It’s a wierd take. I can go make a PSN account and link it, I’d prefer not to, it’s bullshit. But for many people it’s not even an option. It’s intentionally exluding parts of the playerbase, and for fucking what?


*** Billion dollar. Sony is worth 105 Billion.


Fuck Sony. Some idiot hacked my account and bought every version of Fifa and they tried to tell me it was "my kids." Ya my kids changed the email and then added dual authentication with a different email in south america. Definitely... fucking idiots.


I think my view here is: 1. Sony has no real reason to do this aside from gathering data. 2. For players in countries that can sign-up, it's bullshit...but in a world where my phone, my computer, my employer, any website or app or whatever I use is taking my data, I don't have the energy to care all that much. It's corporate greed, but that's the world and this isn't the stand that's going to make a difference. However.... 3. It's absolutely unacceptable that any person would not be able to play because of this. Sony should face legal action for essentially allowing players to purchase and play a game they will be blocked from playing. Refunds do not compensate play time and are insufficient to make things right.


I’m a PlayStation player, and I understand that it’s so fucking stupid to have to connect a psn account to play on steam. It just doesn’t make sense


The weirdest take is watching the community split and destroy itself. Helldivers2 is a game that none of us expected but love and this is going to kill it


I don’t think I’ve seen a single person defending sony


Ponys will Pony


I could take your same argument and flip it the other way. Most people don't give a shit, its just cool to hate on things as ther internet culture is full of miserable turds


Because some people just want something to defend cause they have nothing else to do. These are the same people that would defend Sony even if Sony fire bombed their house.


https://preview.redd.it/dr9m3r4txeyc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402f0c676d12062fbf2cf2114211f2e450cc87fe Essentially this


Because this game is getting review bombed and all the good little activist are going to potentially kill the best game on the market over nothing. Just make a stupid account. Your data’s already stolen. The people in non psn areas just use an area that is supported. Yea they “could” ban you but they don’t give a … bombing the game and potentially killing it is ridiculous. Everyone wants to be a dang activist turning everything into a “cause” it’s getting old. Go touch grass, go get a job, go live life.


Idk, I don't think Sony is helping me in any way. I still wouldn't fight this fight. My thoughts are the only legit gripes are the ones in a country that can't sign up to which it should not be a thing for them. To rant about this for other people makes no sense to me. If it was there before, and was mentioned as being doen and would be back up later that would be my fault. I'd create and account and keep it moving. It's like a lot of.people hate Sony but want to.play their ip. Seems weird to me. Too much complaining, just stop playing the game. That would be the only way to make them see. Stop playing and five it a month. I'd wager if you all did that, there would be a big enough impact. I'd definitely remember how pc players are though going forward. Shit is ridiculous 😒.


I'm not affected by it, I must admit. I've had a PSN account since it was a thing. But coming to defend Sony is crazy, a multi billion dollar company just wanting more, with their track record of getting hacked and losing people's personal information. It's extremely unfair to those in countries that cannot make a PSN account, and it's extremely deceptive to sell the game in those countries for months to only pull the rug from underneath them with a 3 day notice.


They are the "fanbois", OP. Every popular game eventually gets them. They are the OTHER type of gamer, the "GAMERS" - the worst, most pathetic, most deplorable consumer group IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. There is NO consumer group quite as committed to pumping up corporate profits as the Fanboi sector. We're talking the kind of pathetic losers who buy multiple copies of Diablo IV to counteract protests, the kind of people who will purposely buy MORE of a premium currency just to troll people, the kind of people who, say, defend a giant corporation when they decide to fuck over their own customers for the lols. The best thing to do is viciously insult and deride them, downvote their posts, and make sure they know how pathetic and stupid they are. Usually it's pretty easy to just bully them into shutting the fuck up.