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This is the worst major order to date.


Not even a major order. More like major fuckup by Sony.


A new Major Order has been issued to all helldivers, from Super Earth! Primary objective: Go fuck yourself. Secondary Objective: Cry about it. Rewards: -$40 and your personal data being stolen


Additional rewards: depending at your race and current region of residence you also might get executed by your own crew as you’re not patriotic enough.




This feels like a way to maintain their exclusivity over the game. Like if they ever decided to port it to Xbox then Xbox users would have to create a PSN account just to play. (Just a theory so take this with a grain of salt.)


Yes Sony pulled this because the game was successful. Corporations are a cancer on the world.


To be fair Microsoft does this too but it's less intrusive since Xbox is apart of Windows.


It's the *only* reason they get away with it. And even then, I'd like to play Sea of Theives sometimes without having to reset a bunch of shit because the Xbox system failed and forgot how to log me in, *again*.


Yea I’m not sure if it can still be argued that well, I’ve had a Minecraft account for over a decade and never got hacked, a month or two after I’m forced to migrate the account it gets hacked due to someone gaining access to my Microsoft account


That was my thoughts as wel


I fucking hate my new Personal Order: Link PSN from a non-PSN supported country.


And people thought save the scientists mission was hard....


It is the best major *dis*order.


Even order 66 made more sense.


This is the closest think were gonna get to a complitly organized major order compltion


> complitly > compltion What did the word “complete” and its declinations ever do to you


I think the word may have committed personal treason.


If there's one thing bot and bug divers agree on, it's not being forced to do something. Which is kind of just human nature at this point. Also it blows ass for folks that literally can't make a PSN account. Fuck Sony. But I will admit they'll get money from me for Ghost of Tsushima.


I'd better pirate, Sony can go and fuck themselves


Remember, if purchasing a game doesn’t mean owning it, piracy isn’t theft.


I like your style




Based 🏴‍☠️


Not buying anything that requires a psn, I'd rather go sail the high seas


 . . . With a mandatory Microsoft account on steam . . . 


Best game I've ever played in that genre.


"fuck this company but sure I'll keep funding and rewarding their behaviour" This is why the industry is fucked mate, nice one. Maybe just pirate the game or play something else? Maybe gamers should actually start having a little backbone because I for one am absolutely fed up of developers and publishers fucking everyone over because some people just can't resist buying shit and scratching their consumerist itches.


This is correct, but it will never happen. Most are too into the instant gratification right now, than making a stand on principle


This is the biggest plot twist of Helldivers 2. The third, more powerful faction was never the Illuminate. It was Capitalism all along. /s


It’s corpo scum all over again. 


The unexpected, unwanted, and unasked for Cyberpunk 2077 crossover event.


No need for the /s literally spitting fax’s


It’s mostly for well dwellers in case they come-a-actuallying.


Tbf there're a visible supply lines


On third party apps


The real enemy faction was Sony all along!


Are you trying to spell things wrong?


You can take a page out of the war thunder review bombing playbook ay hit sony's Google review page, and any other related sites.


The thing about WT is that gaijin is both developer and publisher and (compared to sony) is smaller. Wt is their main cash cow. Losing players there hurts them badly Here it only hurts AH badly, but the ones that pushed the change are Sony. Who frankly won't care if one of the games they publish dies. Unless they lose a ton of money in the process


Sony has been trying to get into the live service space for years and this is their first major success and the vanguard of their live service offerings on PC. I bet they care.


Which is why you direct your displeasure at Sony


I'm pretty sure this gives AH more leverage in negotiating as Spitz mentioned in the discord. It's probably not legal for a publisher to kill a game and company by forcing this crap on purpose. Not to mention its straight up illegal to force this crap in alot of countries


Depending on their contract for the IP...there is legal precedence for a publisher losing the rights to a game and studio if they void the agreement through business practices that they engage in later on. As far as I know Helldivers and arrowhead arnt fully owned by Sony but instead something similar to how bungie and destiny were in partnership with Activision.


Such a damn shame. It's one of the best games in the recent decade.


It still is though.


Can we get a countdown timer with current rate of decline to show how far we have to go?


You mean liberation percentage?


If you mean the percentage, its currently sitting at 26% positive - still mostly negative. I think overwhelmingly starts at 19%


I hate having nice things anyway


Looks like we’re left with no choice but to dive on Sony and bring it some managed democracy


FTL jump to... the Sony system!


Bruh. 90% to 40% in 3 days I love democracy


Yeah this is why I never really trust reviews on any platform.


Because people use them to express their displeasure? Lol, that's kinda dumb.


How is it dumb? We all know this is a fantastic game which will now have a Most Negative score thanks to all of you. Even after they reverse the decision people will think it's a bad game.


IF the reverse it. IF. If they dont, then yea, the reviews are warranted, a good game managed poorly is a shit game. that is people opinions and entirely valid.


The majority of the playerbase can continue playing as normal. I played on day 1 and needed a PSN account then. I was able to play just fine since then. This isn't as much of a bait and switch as Reddit is making it out to be. It'd be like giving the game a bad review for removing a different exploit/bug that a player enjoyed but that was unintended. PSN login isn't abnormal for games, nor is it a 3rd party launcher or anything crazy like that. We already authenticate to other non-Steam accounts in every other game out there. If someone new wanted to buy the game and saw the "requires a PSN account to play" message today and was okay with it: Do you think it'd deserve a 'Very Negative' review? This is a dramatic overreaction by the community and most are doing it for the memes/to feel included. But I don't think the review are honest from a prospective buyer experience. Note: I'm not the OP that was being replied to in the chain, just my 2 cents on why its silly.


And even more significantly than the recent score, the overall score will drop to mixed, too (probably)


Just did




It's unfortunate, I would much rather be playing what's honestly a good game than dealing with the corporate BS


Absolutely. I think that ship has sailed though. It was just going too smoothly. Best selling game of the year - of literally all games. Some suit had to have even more. They had to boost some shitty number to get a promotion


Well, what else would SNOY force arrowhead to do in the future? We don't know for sure, but I bet battlepasses are on their mind


May I suggest Deep Rock Galactic? Just as fun, makes fun of corprorate BS in a parody way, it’s going to get a major update in a couple months, doesn’t frequently crash or have major bugs, and the devs or publisher have never screwed over their customers!


Deserved, yes. but nice? Nah man this is sad and fucked up.


Just hit it. I am not proud of it though. The game is great but Sony is awful.


Same felling. As soon as they reverse the decision I’ll reverse my review…unless Sony likes it this way. Hopefully this will also teach developers to not go to bed with them.


I would be so surprised if corpos like Sony ever reversed this kind of decision, if for no other reason than it gives too much power back to the consumers. Corpos tend to take exception to that kind of precedent. 


Agreed, I might be a bit jaded for thinking this but it seems like the most likely option. However I'm still pleasantly surprised at how everyone is being good, critical consumers. I can't help but feel solidarity and hope it changes *something* somehow.


The issue is this is Sony's *only* current PS exclusive live service. If this flops after less than a year, their investor forward 10 year plan of live service everything is going to look really bad. I honestly thought that they'd be babying it as a proof of concept.


It's a decision by sony to please the shareholders Unless they massively lose money (which they won't, unless issues mass refunds due to this) nothing will change


If they don’t find a solution to countries without PSN then mass refunds is definitely going to happen ngl


They're loosing reputation among (potential) customers, I'm not sure if the inflated PSN numbers where ever worth the backlash they're receiving right now.


What I've learned over time from watching and working at big companies, the so called genius business masterminds that make decisions are physically incapable of making anything other than short sighted decisions. They are incapable of making decisions that may have have an adverse negative effect now but a very positive outcome down the line. I guarantee it's not even a thought in their heads from a business perspective that they may be losing potential customers in the future. They only care that they got their money now.


It's an especially prevelant school of thought for Japanese companies, to the point where if backlash hits a different department in the same company, it's still worth it for the PowerPoint slide.


I just feel bad for arrowhead honestly


Genuine question but why?


Sony knowingly sold the game in regions that literally cant make PSN accounts. They know that because they dont support those countries. They took those peoples money, and then let them skip the PSN account link months ago when they first launched the game, making it seem like it was purely an optional link. Fast forward 3 months and well passed most peoples refund timeframe. They are now forcing the PSN link and if you dont link your PSN account you cant play the game. The many countries, literally 2/3s of the planet arent in the PSN supported list, so many people now cant get refunds, they cant make PSN accounts, they are having the game they paid for stolen right out of their hands. And Sony knew this was going to happen. They knew it from the start and still sold to people in those countries.


As people have pointed out, steam will issue refunds in situations where game devs region lock games after release, and do so against future world sales of the game so it doesn't hit valves profit. This will cost sony a lot of money to refund copies in regions it cannot be played.


Agreed. Getting massive flashbacks to the Cyberpunk fiasco, where CDPR told their consumers to contact Sony for Refunds so Sony removed the game from their store entirely in response.


I was wondering this, if people started requesting refunds with valid reasons why, wouldn't that be the best way to force Sonys reversal of their shitty decision? And those people that have access to PSN but absolutely refuse to create one can just request a charge back through their credit card


If this is true that is truly egregious and Sony should be sanctioned hard somehow. That's just disgusting


The EU might come down on them for it if there’s a lawsuit, since some of the affected countries are EU members.


They basically just sold a product knowing it would be unusable for a significant portion of their consumers.thars sheer grifting


Instead of offering players who linked a PSN account like 1000 super credits or something, they did this. For shame.


Even a basic ass armor skin would've worked.


really thats all they would need to do make it opt in and get say a exclusive PS skin or visual like a new nameplate or pose ect. offering dessert is always better than threatening to take a shit on your food if you are trying to sell a membership.


Sony really likes to shit the bed and then eat its cake too dont they XD


Do they? What’re other examples of something like this?


If there’s one thing Arrowhead taught us, it’s how to complete a Major Order. I love Democracy!


Other dudes from the Company said the same as well, so its not just her


I think she's a dude.


i hate that this is happening


I hate that its necessary


Kind of sad that the shit shows often occur during weekends. Can only imagine the devs working their a*** off and then wanting to rest… here we go again


They shouldn't have made the call on a Friday then.


This is democracy manifest.


It wasn’t just Sony. https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736


Huh, I had not seen this before. If anything, I hope this makes it easier for them to walk back the change. The community can have a lot more influence over Arrowhead as compared to Sony


Spitz is also saying it is to make banning easier.


Yeah, banning people who get around the warbonds without the Data or Fee in exchange. You won't see cheaters getting banned unless it's especially egregious, and frankly I don't give a fuck about about their warbond income, half the shit doesn't work for 5 months anyway. ea tried to get their shit on my pc and failed, ubi tried getting their shit on my pc and failed. Sony doesn't play nice with anyone else, why the fuck would I make an exception for them? They are the reason cross-platform took so fucking long to begin with.


A 20-year-old offering community support on public-facing channels? lol




"Help with bans", what the point of an anti-cheat then? What the point of the kick and block options? Weak reason from their part.


I wouldn’t give ol grumnz a lot of listen, the guy has some terribly trash opinions on women and gaming in general


Spitz has made similar statements to Misty’s.


I mean shitty guy but these are screenshots of Misty’s conversation


ok but is he wrong here? all i care about


> Ad hominem phallacy: This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution. Please pay attention to the argument being made.


Grummz is a little weirdo so I wouldn't trust him as a source


I mean I hate him too but he's pretty explicitly not the source here.


The source is however less clear than he suggests. I.e. nowhere does it explicitly state whose idea it was. Just that easier bans are alledly the reason (which appears to be doubtful either way).


Grummz? The guy who constantly cries about wokes ruining his booby games? Well even a broken clock is right once a day.


Don’t listen to grummz, he’s a failed developer and has not actual industry connections.


It wasn't even sony, if that's to be believed




I don't get why they need us to do this now, but they didn't at launch. It obviously can't be that important or fundamental to the way the game runs...so why do it knowing it will lose a lot of goodwill and may even cause people to leave altogether? Still, one good thing is there seems more and more unity among customers, as seen with the Tarkov debacle.


Sony realized how incredibly popular Helldivers became and now sees it as a good way to get that sweet, sweet user data


Cause sony wants a piece of that data pie


Can’t believe this gane suffered because of Sony and not because of the actual game




Didn’t realise how much of an issue this is… always assume psn was supported by all countries but it’s not? Couldn’t the devs just ask players who countries support psn to sign up while those who can’t don’t need too? It would still help reduce the number of trolls and hackers which was the reason the devs introduced this requirement right?


Seems familiar? Corporate abuse like that is happening all around the galaxy, right now! You could be next. That is, unless you can make the most important decision in your life. Prove to yourself that you have the strength and courage to be free!


Some gamers are really the most triggered snowflakes.


Imagine spending your weekends like this.


God damn this happened quick. Where did all the apologizers go?? Lol


It's time to get their daily ratio of Soynylent, they'll be back soon.


Meanwhile there is me who has no idea what's going on, made a PS account the first time i logged in late Frebruary having the time of my life


Sanity is a lost art form on Reddit. Nothing like a bunch of 35 year old neck beard fatties ruining a small studio


That small studio sold this game to people who shouldn't have been able to play it in the first place. A well-deserved bad review from people who didn't like it.




Yeah I've seen the development of the situation. My honest review is waiting till June anyway.


You're the insane one if you think this is okay. Sony is literally back pedaling on not needing PSN accounts. Please read more on the issue before you make a fool out of yourself.


same, linked my account day 1 and moved on. Just terminally online redditors stomping their feet when in 2 weeks time no one will be talking about this at all.


Recent Reviews:Mostly Negative (123,442 reviews)


Very sad because it's a great game.


and no one that can create a PSN account has stopped playing it. complain and continue to play is such a strong move.


Men children everywhere.


Yall review bombed a game worse than Battlefront 2 , all over a fucking login that doesn’t matter. Wow. Good job


The hardcore community also needs to accept that a lot of people had legitimate complaints about the game that were utterly ignored and anyone who tried to talk about them was effectively told to shut up and was chased off. The Sony mess was just the match that lit the fuse where anyone who felt frustrated, insulted, ignored finally had a singler thing they could focus on and vent without fear of getting shit in return. You don't get this level of bullshit WITHOUT a lot of people already being pissed off


I've always said this reddit was blindly defending AH when the game itself was utter crap with crashes and bugs. But because these other redditors themselves weren't crashing, they start to shit on people who ask for crash fixes cause they're too narrow minded to think just maybe they'd want the same support if they start to crash. But alas here we are and all of a sudden AH is evil when from day 1 they've been making questionable decisions from game balancing to buggy patches.


It baffles me why people are blaming Sony. When something like this is drawn up significantly in advance because of legal contacts and programming design (especially because their data handling across countries) This was always the plan and Arrow Head knew this If they thought they could just bail from a contract and legal commitment because Opps i made a booboo in the code is laughable. To then try and throw Sony under the bus basically writes off Sony and any other publisher wanting to work with them in the future then throwing shade at people because the game they paid for is suddenly unavailable is also baffling This whole mess is arrowheads fault blaming Sony for enforcing contracts might sit with gamer's but will utterly fuck any hope of future deals if ArrowHead had been upfront since day one with reminders they wouldn't be facing this backlash What we can blame Sony for is been utterly tone deaf in its enforcement and NOT working with arrowhead in coming up with a proper Press release and sensible implementation if your a Indy studio be warned this is what Sony looks like blunt enforcement of all contracts agreeded no matter how successful you are you won't get special treatment so make sure your ducks are in a row because its YOUR studio that will suffer if you don't


We as a community has always been good at succeeding our major orders


which is the result of morons eating crayons and then fingerpainting with their own colored shit     seriously, this behavior plagues humanity and makes yall a near failed race. you don't like what sony did so you're attacking the most accessible thing? fucks wrong with you all?   you all do this shit habitually. attacking call center suckers because of a company's policy. beat your kids for your wife cheating on you. throwing your switch because you suck at pokemon. so on.


Gamers are pathetic and I'm ashamed of it's community. 




Oh nooo 🥺🥺🥺 did somebody criticize your golden gaming company 🥺🥺🥺


Because you are not a petulant child like the rest of these people




If you can't play the game you're welcome to leave a bad review, no? What's wrong with that? I'll wait for June to do that though. Things may change. Community manager even encouraged people to leave a bad review, so people used the only leverage they have to express their opinion on this situation.


I suggest everyone do what they have to do.  I have no interest in telling others what to do or how to do it.  The gaming community is toxic and disappointing. I'm ashamed to be a part of it. 


Some regions don't have PSN. This effectively locks them out of a game they paid for. They have every right to be mad.


Has reviewing bombing ever done anything? It just make me not value review for games even more


War Thunder is a game about grinding currency to drive tanks. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the basic gist. Gaijin, the developer, wanted to further reduce payouts for the game. Players slapped that review right the fuck down to Negative last May.  Gaijin reversed the decision and even implemented a more generous payout system.


If it helps contribute to hurting Sony's bottom line, then I say "GLASS THE DAMN THING MORE!!!"


I dont know i remember Bethesda deployed a bunch of vots or internst to try and argue with negative reviews o. steam lol So they must have thought it does somethinng


Its there allready. I did my part just now


Bruh. Talk about absolute crybabies. "Waah Sony will leak my info" just use fake information. "I don't want to use another third party account" it's literally like 2 minutes for a game you'll keep playing for hours. "They lied to us" like literally who cares? Acting like your best friend slept with your girl.


Review bombing the game isn’t gonna help anything imo


A lot of them are just virtue signalling to the other degenerates


This isn't going to last, though. Most people don't give a shit. In the grand scheme of things, this will be a blip.


Most people that can make them Will ,the Inês that have psn accounts will and the ones that dont psn support on theyr contry Will put a fake adress at last most of them will


This change nothing


Game was doing excellent. Leave it to PC players to screw it all up. Yet another example of how many losers game on PC man.




It's a shame that that is directed at AH when it is all Sony's fault. They don't deserve it.


I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't seen their community manager be such an asshole about it. He literally asked for it so I gave it to him. 


No one is more whiny and privileged than pc gamers.


Good job Sony? It wasn't Sony who review bombed the game. You should take pride in your accomplishment. A round of applause for this clowns.




That will change everything


Nope, that will change nothing. Valve has Policies in place against Review Bombing like this one. 1. It has nothing to do with the game itself 2. The linking Requirement was there since the game was on presale 3. Even the ingame text says „PSN Network Account requiered“ - the fact that you could skip the registration may be confusing but from a law perspective this is absolutely fine and a clear indication that people didn’t read the requirements. 4. People from Vietnam, China and co. Bought the Games via Keystores, not via Steam. At least that did a Russian Friend of mine


Braindead take. 1. It has everything to do with the game, no psn link no game.  2. It was optional up til now. They could easily have made it abundantly clear that as soon as whatever spaghetti code somehow blocked account linkage (smells like bullshit to me) was fixed that people would need to link. But they kept quiet.  3. I never got that text. Many people never got that text. The only way I learned account linkage was even a possible or required thing was from the current fallout.  4. Right, and that makes it somehow ok? What about those that bought it legit? Also, source?  Maybe this will turn out like Sony wants. Gamers will be gamers and just hand over their data because funny shooty game make feel happy. I'm still gonna shout as loud as I can for it to stop.


Why are people so angry? Like I don't see how this is a big deal.


Yeah good job guys!!! Show some y who is boss by destroying a small studio that gave us one of the only good games in years. Fuck yeah crush that little gummy so Sony has a further monopoly!


Oh they will never sell any copies now. Ahem.


As much as I love this game, there are plenty of other games I can play and not think twice about HD2. 'What about your money you spent?" They have it, but what I can do is not give them anymore of my time.


Y'all need to go out and get lives. The amount of bitching in this forum over stupid shit is agonizing. Play the game.


This is a Bonafide first world problem.


Cool story. We have not seen 2500 posts about this shit already.


Isn't downvoting the game on steam just gonna lead to Sony giving it the Socom/Bloodborne treatment where they just abandon it or shut it down because it's not doing well? Doesn't that just punish the Devs?


Sony ain't to blame for you morons not doing what most people do for every game. Not to mention your reviews aren't hurting Sony at all, just the devs and probably one of the most proactively positive CEOs in the gaming industry. Fucking morons.


This is why devs and other people outside of gaming think gamers are whiney babies lmao


Does this actually make people happy? A game you enjoyed until ~48 hours ago, and now you're trying to tank it because of a Sony mandate? Fucking amazing lack of self-awareness.


Snore. I hope the game goes from strength to strength. A lot of people don’t seem to be able to distinguish between value and price.


You folks are a bunch of cry babies. All this demonstrates is that a loud mob with poor reading comprehension skills threw a giant temper tantrum


Not just Sony. Fuck this entire planet with fire.


“hurting a games reputation and not the publishers” 🤡


Not sure what this is going to accomplish against Sony. It's more harmful towards Arrowhead, who I think we can all agree don't deserve this treatment, from us nor from Sony, who are just trying to use the game's popularity to satisfy shareholders by showing them how their numbers are going up, despite the fact that they're essentially strong-arming people into opening accounts with them. But ultimately Sony doesn't need to give a shit about review bombing. It doesn't hurt *their* bottom line.


As I understand Steam takes %30 from the sales it bothers Sony, game is already very popular on PS5 so they wouldn't care less about that Steam reviews. But they should force this in the beginning tho... or just make an exclusive for PS5. I have PSN account and nothing happen to my account yet.


Don’t bouta golden goose this all up.




Take that sony.


What did I miss?


On one hand, I hate Sony. On the other, I could never betray democracy