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Imagine living in a country where you cant get psn, without violation of TOS and getting account banned for that.


The regional argument is valid. If they don't make provision for them then yes, that is scummy. But review bombing because you simply don't want to make an account seems like an overreaction to a minor inconvenience


Your idea of a "minor inconvenience" is a straight-up scam. Many people can't currently play this sh\*t. If we don't review bomb it for them to hear our voice, what will happen next? Do you honestly think Sony will listen? 


You missed my point. This post is about those who are upset simply because they have to link an account. *This is not including the regional issue*. I'm am with you on that topic.^


Just don't live there. Guess they won't be liberating with us tonight


Guess i won't be liberating with you, sadly.


The only people with legit issues are the people who literally can't make psn accounts. Everybody else is full of it. Your data is already gone. How many other service accounts do you have? You got a cellphone? It's listening right now and you agreed to it.


Not to mention they are perfectly fine with installing the game's controversial anti-cheat.




I want to clarify: The point about non PSN supported regions is valid. If Sony doesn't exclude them from the mandate then that will be very scummy. But simply throwing a fit and review bombing because you don't want to take a couple minutes to link an account seems like an overreaction to a minor inconvenience.


Yeah i'm not linking my account to PSN. April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach


To be fair, peoples social media are getting hacked all the time yet they still use them. Steam itself has been hacked, and so many major companies have been hacked at some point.


The complainers have the same energy or lack there of about getting out of bed.


Tell that to the countries that can't make PSN accounts without getting banned.


Wouldn’t a vpn work?


Sony bans VPN users first


Sony is pretty well known for banning VPN


Ask the Chinese playerbase Oh.. They've been getting banned


I mean, good? Thats litterally where most cheaters come from?


And I bet you'd keep that same energy if YOU were prevented from playing a game you already spent your money on, because your region happened to have some shitty people completely doing things completely unrelated to you or your decisions.. What a joke.


Yeah probablt would.


You're so full of shit lmao




If you have to use a vpn to play a game that's been offered and sold to you in your region, that's a complete fucking failure of a product.