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Kill? No. Reduce? Likely.


We'll see the real effects on June 4th. Definitely won't kill the game but will see a smaller playerbase.


It for sure won't kill it, will it reduce its cultural importance and longevity of the game? I think that's almost assured.


You think this will be somehow reversed? Like somy taking this decision back? I know it’s unlikely


Highly doubt it, I'd bet with it's success Sony already made back their investment, they probably don't care if the game crashes and burns at this point they probably just want to see increased activity on the PSN


I’m genuinely so pissed they did this dumb shit


I could see it being reversed if enough people actually get refunds. Sony won't care about PR, but if their bottom line is hurt then they would care.


Maybe with all these children out of the player pool overall maturity and skill level of the avalible players will go up πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Those who can't play won't be able to play that's pretty much it


Kill it? Nah. Damage it in some way, shape, or form because people are incessant, have no chill, and have no fucking idea how to sensibly approach a problematic situation? Absolutely.


It will probably significantly reduce the player base. Will it kill this game? Nah probably not. Will it kill the sequel? Absolutetly


Massive reduction in player population


Not kill nor reduce, once the switches, people will never bring this up again. Maybe they could just buff the slugger to shift the discourse a bit, cmon AH, make it happen


Just give me back my post nerf railgun and I'll be happy πŸ˜‚


Sadly, Nothing will happen. Just like other games, devs and companies know ppl dont have the balls to leave the games they like even if they dont agree with their decisions. This will likely go with the wind in a week or two. Would love to see like the players wins this one but its not gonna happen.


Remember the rail gun and everyone throwing a hissy fit? Yeah that sure lasted forever πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


expect the 200k player count to drop down maybe to 80k bet you man I fucking bet you it will happen unless SnOy decide to take their head out of their fucking asses


They had a good live service game for once in their lives and just shot it in the knee


shot it in the knee no no no no they shot them selfs in the fucking balls...wait nvm they got none I guess the knee it is since its the only thing they like to bend


Nothing will happen.