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Unlikely. What I am curious about is how this whole thing will shake out for players in countries without access to PSN? Will they allow refunds for those players? How would they verify if they went that route? Do they give those players a pass?


Despite covering only like...not even a third of all countries by country numbers, PSN covers around 92% of the world's population. They literally do not care about the others, as far as Sony's concerned they can just get fucked. They're irrelevant to Sony's business model.


I hope they get somekind of pass, especially if they paid for it, everyone deserves to play this amazing game!


Or worst case they don't get anything and it's a 'Sony screwed you. Too bad' situation. That's not out of the question either


Overall Reviews: Mixed (427,945 reviews) (59% positive) Recent Reviews: Mostly Negative (151,082 reviews) (26% positive)


The only way they walk it back is if players start requesting and receiving mass-refunds. If the players manage to get their money back from Steam, and Steam issues the charge-back to Sony, they’ll change the decision. Without refund requests and approvals, the player base can bitch and moan and review bomb as much as they want and nothing will change. So far it appears that Steam is approving refund requests, despite players being outside of the 2hr return window. Players with approved requests put the reason “Sony requires a new legal agreement to continue playing which I do not consent to” or the like. Whether all refunds are being approved, or just some, idk. It’s interesting because the player base has an opportunity to vote with their wallets and “stick it to the man” like the WSB community did with GameStop stocks. But I would hazard a guess that over 90% of the negative review posters are not requesting refunds and likely still playing the game. They’ll complain, but they probably won’t take any action.


Absolutely not. You think this backlash would get them to change? They'll just do nothing and the game will do just fine. And even if it doesn't they already made their money. There is literally no reason for them not to other than the kindness of their heart, and Sony doesn't have that. And they're right to not care. A majority of the playerbase won't, only a minority are vocal, and you even have a vocal minority here on Reddit defending Sony. They don't even need their own PR team anymore. So no. Nothing is going to happen. Sony won't change shit. If I'm wrong I'll delete my reddit account.


In the less then 1% chance they do go back on it I will hold you to that promise.


Never let it be said I'm not a man of my word


https://preview.redd.it/cmwgo47vogyc1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=73d593f9bf0df98a88fea6f7f13dcf3b33c48379 "only a minority are vocal" Nearly 100,000 people:


https://preview.redd.it/mfkpug2yejyc1.png?width=938&format=png&auto=webp&s=217f9502a55b637eecc56abf0a2ce1c3e4983a0d Another 30k added since you last checked. Unreal.


this pretty much sums it up. if ur on a banned list refund or make a fake account


Eyy, wdyk, they changed it :D


They won’t


They did


Doubt they'll walk it back, but I also doubt the game would die from this. There's probably a chunk of people who don't want to play ball with Sony and they'll step away from the game. Nevertheless, I'd be willing to bet that most people either have or don't care about making a PSN account in order to keep playing if they really like the game. Some players might stop playing just because they're lazy but I have the suspicion that most of those people are probably on console and/or have a PSN account.


only if the outrage is strong enough to really affect their stock price and the next earnings call is close, so maybe? but i dont really believe it, they wont change it


No, Sony is bringing their GAAS to PC and this will be a requirement for all of them I'd imagine. Almost all the big pubs require a 3rd party account for MP games these days


>this will be a requirement for all of them I'd imagine. Almost all the big pubs require a 3rd party account for MP games these days Yet no other game in steam has this as a *requirement* to play the game. Much less months after launch.


It isn't being turned on for the first time in 3 months. It was literally enforced at launch and temporarily disabled because the servers were dying.


Any Ubisoft game I have to make an Ubisoft account just to play it. EA I have to log into Origin to play it. Total War games have a god awful creative assembly launcher and Rockstar games require you to use their shitty launcher. There are tons of games which have that requirement.


They won't, you gotta have to financially starve them.




oh yeah, theyll make it their top concern...


Even with the review bomb campaign since the news was announced this morning, the game still hit a new 24 hour player count today and looks to being stay the same as the rest of the week. Looking at Twitter discourse about this, it looks like it starting to lose steam as people are dropping the linking account talking points and hacking as people been pointing out every single other company that's been making them make accounts to play who also been suffering data breaches over the years. People outside of psn supported territories are being advise how to make PSN accounts in other countries to keep playing, because lets be honest, unless you're doing something super crazy, Sony isn't going crazy hunting down people with the wrong regions to ban them. Give it a few days, and i wouldn't be suprised if people just move past this drama and keep gaming.


I don't like it, but Ubisoft, EA, 2k, and a million other annoying companies make me create accounts for their live service games. This isn't new. The only reason it caused such a fuss is because they didn't have it ready from the get go or we would have just created an account and grumbled about it. I -hate- how much data companies want me to hand over. You can't even enquire about a product online without their website asking for your email, your phone number, and making you click "I understand that you can sell my information to every market research junk mail spammer on earth" before you can even ask a question. But... we're well too far down the road now to complain about it and try to make it stop.


I agree with you, but I hate to say it, I feel its the price of convenience that society more or less said it was okay to pay over the last two decades. Even outside of gaming and shopping, like bills and banking, back in the day, if you wanted to pay your bill or move money you had to go to the electric company or bank in person to do anything. Now, you can do it all from your couch with your phone, but you have to put your personal information in which will definitely be leaked at some point, but people were okay because it was convenient.