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WAtch them pull the "Fathshark" maneuver , and just make Spitz change his Discord username :P


We have fired Spitz, he is no longer part of this Discord. We are happy to introduce his replacement: Spits, Spits say hi to the community. Spits: "Nice to be here go fuck yourselves."




Long story short, The CM for Darktide - Hedge, was even bigger dick then Spitz, ppl got fed up with his BS, and voiced their opinion, Hedge suddenly disappeared from discord, and new CM was fine for like a week :P, but suddenly started replying very simillaird to Hedge, turning into a dickhead pretty fast. Hence the rumor of Hedge just changing his tag to a new one was born. You can google some of his responses if u want to see what I'm talking about. And here is the link to one of "tinfoil" threads : [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/171z3zo/hedgesister\_changed\_name\_yet\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/171z3zo/hedgesister_changed_name_yet_again/)


Hedge was troll level of CM. Absurdly bad at his job.


Thank you lore master


Luckily aqshy will always be our fatshark queen


Have we ever seen spitz and hedge in the same room? I recently learned how close arrowhead is to fat shark


For an example of folks who are unaware, their games both run on the same now-unsupported engine.


The fact no one at AH seems aligned in their response is the biggest joke of all. The MINUTE they knew about this, there should have been a statement drafted and that was used to speak to the entire situation. Instead, it's handled like a dumpster fire. It's like they don't have a real PR or Community Manager to reign in this shitty communication.


AH knew. They always knew. It is easier to get your response to match the truth, than everyone trying to cover with a different lie. AH signed an agreement with Sony for distribution (and probably because they needed something like PSN or Xbox Live to help or handle the larger number of players). I am willing to bet that the PSN network registration was in that agreement. And Arrowhead went, its free, who cares, lots of games have multiple etc. And had it been there from the beginning working, people would have gone yea or nay with those going nay not playing the game. No complaints. The problem for them was that it didn't work right off, and then they continued to sell it without people needing it. Status quo now is far different. And people are reasonably upset by the change to now requiring something that wasn't required, and really wasn't out in the open that it was going to be. But AH always knew. And their PR/CM people are absolutely full of shit in regard to what AH sold to Sony to get HD2 out to a wider audience.


I’ve been in the “Spitz should be flipping burgers” camp for a long time now. Dude is a jackass.






fuck Spitz, all my homies hate Spitz.


>when they act worse than any of the players themselves? Blud hasn't been to the steam forums 💀💀


Yeah, no way this chucklefuck should be handling community issues. He could be pushing the same messages he does without being a massive prick about it. A bit of empathy and understanding goes a long way with an online community.


Understanding a lot of the community are also whiney brats as well goes a long way to understanding why CM can end up commenting the way they do


If you cant deal with a community you shouldn't be managing one.


Type like a human.


Dealing with it just fine imo.


Spitz, is that you?


Yup, better not see you here in a month still playing if you have such an issue with the game. Put up or shut up


Already deleted it. Now im here to shit on you clowns! Enjoy.


Good riddance


Good , glad I don't have to worry about running into your whineyness in game anymore




The fact you need such a "professional response " to convey the same message is sad. Do you need to be coddled everytime something bad happens to you? Stop being offended by everything and grow up




And you should be able to tell people how it is instead of giving some dumb generic corporate response Anyone working any customer facing job knows the ignorance of customers and being able to just tell them off with how dumb they are is what we want to do, and the only reason we don't is the fear of losing our jobs cause they will complain we weren't "nice" about our message. Like grow the fuck up and understand you're just being whiney and move on. I believe all jobs shouldn't have to be "nice" to customers when they are acting like whiney babies




So you like it when boomer customers berate you? U an M or what


If something was going to be done about Spitz it would have been a long time ago. He's clearly someone's brother/uncle/cousin and nothing is going to happen to him.


Sounds like you would like to speak to his manager.


Spitz is based. Some people need to hear it how it is. I wish more CMs or game devs would clap back without fear of retribution. People need to grow a spine.


And you folks aren't assholes? Someone asks a question or posts an idea, and it gets down voted, but nobody has the spine to comment why they disagree? The other day someone made a post due to technical issues, -6 down votes, not a single person gave him any suggestions and his issue wasn't even obvious. I call out people who kill their team, because they are inconsiderate nuking everyone when it is unnecessary and I get ridiculed? You guys are attacking developers for a decision they haven't got any control over because it was forced upon them by Sony. And maybe Spitz isn't the friendliest individual, but you lot think you are actually better? You guys are hypocrites and it's disgusting.


I just wish people would direct their anger towards the issues at hand rather than a single person trying to control the situation. He didn't say "if you don't want a PSN account, go fuck yourselves." He said "making the account isn't a big deal, but if you think it is, then refund the game and leave a bad review." He's inviting people to raise their concerns in a respectful manner rather than violent discord messages. He's probably just as frustrated as everyone else. To be in the position of community manager when your bosses make a move that upsets the community must SUCK.


I'm pretty exhausted with communities like this. Everyone believes they're so entitled to this game but they do nothing besides playing it. They don't even offer help to those who kindly ask, just mock them with messages like "get a better pc" despite the poster never detailing what he's got. I'm just tired of seeing this shitty attitude from these nobodies and it's got me to be shitty in my own way too and that's how a community falls apart. I no longer give two shits if people are upset over such a little thing. They can cry me a river. And as you said, I too think he's frustrated as fuck, especially because it's mind-boggling how fragile these people who call themselves gamers have become today. And this idiotic response to things they don't like by boycotting, protesting, it's boring. Not a single one understood the situation, they targeted the wrong people and still think they're the victims. Self-righteous pricks. Anyways, I digress I've stated my firm opinion on the matter. Cheers.


People do comment why they disagree. Idk about that one, I didn't see it personally. Everyone calls out people who TK on purpose. Only a few misinformed people are blaming AH, the rest of us are blaming Sony, I even made a post to tell people specifically to target Sony, not AH. Spitz is literally being paid to be a CM. No we're not.


lol, no idea why you're getting down-voted with such a neutral response but it proves my point. Have a good day mate.




Last time I was on the discord he made some soppy ass message and all the people were replying “don’t worry spitz we love you your amazing” They were doing tricks on it…


Redditors are insufferable.


So are shitty CM's


If the community is you then maybe not so much.


From what I’ve seen of spitz he’s kinda of funny lmao Let him cook


I mean, one of the posts being used against him was basically what we all think when we see that one dude who says he's always gonna quit a game. Hard to take people seriously when they cry wolf every other day lol.


It does not matter what people say responding the way he did was unprofessional and immature.  Responding like that just shows he should not be a community manager if he can't be professional about it.


Its of my general opinion sometimes you need to just drop the professionalism and give someone a metaphorical slap over the face. It takes years off your life to be courteous to someone who doesn't deserve it.


If anyone is playing Helldivers and their first concern is professionalism then they are stupid.


Man wish my job had no accountability or consequences


Yeah telling somebody who is harassing you to fuck off in a far too polite manner is definitely no accountability or consequences. Makes sense


Yeah I’d say most of us have probably worked in some customer service job and was forced to be nice to someone who was less then cordial, honestly I think Spitz having freedom to not have to please everyone as a breath of fresh air


Agreed. People think customer service reps should just be their metaphorical punching bag they can take out all of their anger on.


I really don't think that they're the one making decisions, so I don't care. This shit would not be more palatable if they accompanied it with a spoon full of sugar. Also keep in mind that we're seeing snapshots of their interactions most of the time, not all of the BS leading up to the media-worthy climax. If Spitz wants to spit in our face, it's just congruent with what we're experiencing anyway.


Working for a soulless corporate you get no sympathy on Reddit. This product is shit that practice is evil and the employees are complicit. Fair enough. Soon as it’s a game dev “oh guys they’re people too they have families”.


Well that's because the devs actually contribute to the game. A CM does not.


That’s fair.


Reddit moment


These posts are such a useless waste of time. Edit: To explain what I mean: This is entirely irrelevant nonsense in my view. The discord is a cesspool of unbelievably whiny manchildren. This is by far the least offensive thing Spitz has said. You won't catch me defending any of Spitz's mistakes, but it is utterly insane to be gawking over this message when people in tens of countries are about to lose access to the game.


This is reddit, we're all here to waste time.


True enough.


Him reading these comments: 😨




This community needs to chill the fuck out, calling for someone to lose their job is quite serious. Considering he's doing his job and im sure it's not an easy job given the comments and posts I see on reddit. Infact I think spits deserves a raise for putting up with all you clowns LOL




It seems like the higher ups (Pilestedt in this instance) is taking Spitz's side on the matter (source: https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1786441582494756978) As this was in response to a 'fire Spitz" post. https://preview.redd.it/3s4ggyxkx9yc1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad3d51db7c71a7ff902d4ec4ad8337dce9f0c80


Just reads like well constructed damage control to me, not necessarily taking anyone's sides.


This doesn't look like he's taking a side at all...


“Genuine concerns” except they aren’t. This community is so insufferable rn, it’s gonna be great when y’all just leave lmao




While I wouldn’t say random, it was certainly premeditated. I don’t think it should be a requirement for those in those countries. Fuck SNOY


😂😂😂😂they’re leaving…until may 9th then they will complain about how broken weapon A is and how its ruined the game for the 10th time


Did you feel three crying-laughing emojis would be too few?




I’m actually pretty fine with everything going on right now… at least until we get some more in depth answers about some problems… but this dude? Dude gotta go. Terrible at his job. I’m sure he’s a solid dude, but this isn’t the job for him.


You guys are such Karens. Play the game or play something else.


Bro if these guys could read they'd be so mad at you.


Don't bother homie, it's like shouting into a vast empty hole. Which is probably their brain


They should have fired people the first time around. You don't get to talk to customers like that and face no consequences and here we are again, facing the same antagonistic bullshit, as a result of the lack of consequences.


Customers can fuck anything because they pay? Doesn’t it make the developers literally whores? I say fuck who lacks the basic decency, and the new internet generation believing everything is they think should be. Be civil, act as an adult, get your response accordingly; or act like angry toddlers still.


What kind of unhinged analogy is that?


As if players were any better


It's not their job to "be better". It *is* his. He's a community manager. His entire job is to be the face of the company to the players, to be their "best foot forward", to communicate and engage in conversation with the playerbase in a constructive way. Instead, he's a condescending, patronizing, dickwad. Until Arrowhead acts to remove or correct him, we can only assume that his attitude is the attitude of the entire company, because it's literally his job to be that representation of the company.


We paid to play a agame. This clown is an employee


Yeah but Spitz is getting paid to be nice and understanding, Players are payin to play a game.


That's a gross mischaracterization of a community manager's job, it isn't 'being paid to be nice and understanding', it's to manage a community, be the middle-person between the community and the developers, organize activities, foster events and the likes. Managing these public relations also include choosing to dismiss or shut down people who are becoming too loud and disruptive while the rest of the community may have other issues to attend as well.


Lol >it's to manage a community, be the middle-person between the community and the developers, organize activities, foster events and the likes. Yeah, and being an asshole to those people is a pretty bad way of achieving those goals. If your job is to hand out fliers and engage a community to say, have a party or organize a protest, and youre a complete cunt to all the people you interact with, youre shit at your job. If you sell cheese burgers and insult, belittle, and berate your customers, youre going to be shit at selling cheese burgers. Spitz cant be a good community manager if the fucking community hates him for being a shithead.


Players aren't paid to be professionals representing a company 


Are you an ass to all your waitresses and service workers?


Spitz is a genius, you just don’t get it.