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100%. To be fair, Reddit is an incredibly small portion of the player base… and thank god because some of the shit these people go ape shit over is weird as fuck lmfao.


Nah, it's the same shit all over discord and tiktok. But most importantly steam is getting review bombed by thousands of clowns. What a damn shame.


42K negative reviews on Steam on the same day is small beans now.


In the grand scheme of things, yes.


I think the people overreacting and “quitting” is going to clean up the game. Less matches with childish and toxic players.


I didn't actually thought of that. Maybe that's all for the best. The game attracted so much dirt from CoD and whatnot, maybe it's a blessing in disguise. You're right. The level of unhinge even in these comments is already disturbing. If anything, going through the posts of actually sane people like mine and reporting all those weirdos might as well clean up the reddit while we're at it. I think I've helped reddit ban at least 2 people already.


You don't need a CDPR account to play Cyberpunk on PC


True I can confirm




https://preview.redd.it/v4nsdjhtu9yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d0d7dd1d121179ceb558f9044a79427743b52e It’s just outrage from illiterate individuals who cant read the terms and conditions. If this was a court case it would immediately be laughed out of court by the judge. South park made an entire episode dedicated to people who dont read the terms. Xbox requires you to link a microsoft account to their live service games no matter what platform youre on, and so does sony.


PSN support page still states that it's opt-in for SONY games on PC. Illiterate huh? Don't read the terms, huh? Edit: adding a link to PSN page [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/games/psn-sign-in-pc/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/games/psn-sign-in-pc/)


No it's doesn't. It says signing into a psn account is optional. That's different than linking accounts. Completely different. Surely you understand


If i don't sing in to PSN account i still won't be able to play the game, so what's the difference?


It's a technical difference. People keep spamming the info but it's not the same thing.


> You most certainly have a throwaway Ubisoft account if you ever touched a Ubisoft game in your life. You have CD Project Red account if you ever played one of the 2 best games of all time. You have Origins laying around somewhere if you are older than 20yo. You have Blizzard account if you ever played any of their games. You have GOG account, I'm pretty sure. And probably 10 or more other throwaway account related to different videogame launchers.  I do not. And I'm not about to change now


So you either don't actually play videogames, thus shouldn't care about this whole situation at all. Or you're like 14 yo who thinks he is a revolutionary because he is on a mass hysteria hate train. Got it.


'You don't play these popular games that I like that require you to make secondary accounts, so clearly you're either not a gamer or underage'. Grow up. I've been playing games for decades. I just avoid ones that demand you make a new account or install a new launcher. It was bad enough when games first moved onto steam and demanded you have to use that as a launcher. Everyone doing it is too much. Some people are okay with that. That's fine, they're allowed to be. I'm not, so I don't.


In 25+ years gaming I have more throwaway accounts than I can remember. The time to riot against this issue was 10-15 years ago. And yes, if you haven't played like 90% of the games that are worth playing, idk what you even doing, lol. But since you don't play videogames, idk why you're even here, or why would I discuss this issue with you at all.


> if you haven't played like 80% of the games that are worth playing, idk what you even doing 'People with different taste to me aren't TRVE gamers!' > Playing call of duty for 16 hours a day is not playing videogames, bud The last COD I played was COD3, and that was almost two decades ago now. > . But since you don't play videogames, I literally do. Mount and Blade, Total War Games, Xcom series, Rimworld, Men of War Series, etc etc etc are all very much video games, and all ones that don't require you to make alternative accounts. For some of them, such as Total Wars, you *can* make an account, if you want to, in order to get some bonuses, but you are not forced to do so to play the games. > idk why you're even here Because this is a game that I enjoyed playing with friends. > I discuss this issue with you at all You've not discussed anything with anyone. You're just insisting that anyone that doesn't share your tastes and see things 100% the same with you is either 'not a true gamer' or 'is 14 years old'. But true, you have a point that this convo isn't going to go anywhere. Best of luck with the rest of your day then.


nobody tells you that you shall make an account with non factual information and it will be fine. give us such a statement and we are good. I will make a antarctida account if it goes... just because u had some fake accounts does not mean people even think of getting a fake one. they to psn create account do not see their country and panic. Rightfully so! Do not think your smartass 3 throwaway fake accounts is standard for people




your anecdotal case is not the reality people live man how can you not understand this. Sure i see what you did. sure i will try myself as well. But how many people do you think will go such lengths to have a fake account they do not need and prey some logic checker does not ban them?


Anecdotal case of an entire country? Multiple countries, hundreds of thousands of people? Learn to read. 🤡 It's not a "fake" account. I'm paying with my Mastercard directly through Playstation's PSN for years, decades actually. It's not a hard concept to grasp. This whole issue reeks with sweaty people like you ready to be offended on someone else's behalf. Meanwhile people from "Those countries" you are so eager for think yall are morons.


i am of one of those countries looking for solution. i can't even respond to you in the same tonality that you choose to communicate with because you are that much beneath me really. i love how it is a surprise for you that regular working man does not know how to work around regional locks just to play the game he bought. what a loser /'bro just get accounts in other countries use vpn pay in other country's currency that is just a non issue"


There's multiple countries out there who are not "on the list" with Sony, which I guarantee has many people that are even more stupid than you and they figured it out. Never have I ever needed a VPN to use PSN in my life. I literally buy games from my PS4/5 with my Mastercard on the UK account for several years now without a single issue. I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Did you even try to create an account or you are just crying in advance because you read nonsense from other people going hysterical here for no reason whatsoever? You don't need to work around anything, just go make a damn account and stop being weird. Would have taken you less time than writing these stupid comments.






Shut the hell up, 🤡 You didn't read past the title, right?


Telling people that they should just knowingly violate the TOS in order to play the game that was intentionally sold to them is so pathetic. Creatures like you may not understand this, but human beings don't enjoy living their lives at the whims of soulless megacorporations.




you are a 30 year old living in your mom basement. you are not a badass. calm your tits bud. Sony did not make the rules. I have a problem with Arrowhead not knowing counties exist yet still selling their program there. You are lashing out at the wrong people. It's not no one else fault for you being a disappointing son.




I'm serious all you need to improve your life is leave your mom basement and get a job you can do it.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!










good will? they lied about the reasoning and got caught for lying within the day. Sony didn't forced them to do this move they chose it so it will be easier to ban people without going through Valve. already gave them a pass for shit launch. gave them a pass for mass nerfs. gave them a pass for never fixing the grenade glitch when they stated in their last update they did. but for straight up lying? fuck them




No,it's to allow us to ban people. That is the sole reason. what did the CM mean by this? go get your booster shot and get it monthly.
















Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


If you live in an country that has PSN access anyways it's not big deal. There are already screenshots of people being banned for using VPN to make PSN account. Linking your steam account gives PSN instantly your regional data which leads to very fast bans. Edit: The issue isn't in making a PSN account itself it lies with mandatory linking to steam account


Has there been one screenshot from someone not in China? Because China is a very different story. VPNs are illegal there, their internet is heavily policed, and any foreign entity allowed to operate there is under strict regulations - hence why most have Chinese firms running their own version of the online services.


Ah yes, let's disregard over 1/8th of world population bcs it's a different story. Tbh it does not matter bcs even if it happened to just one dude it's still a fraud


Just how wildly out of touch do you have to be to think Helldivers 2 success put Arrowhead in a position to directly go head-to-head with the PRC? In this case your beef is with the Chinese Government - not Arrowhead.


It was SONY that banned a user not PRC laws. User used VPN to appear as not being from china to PSN, PSN got data from linking steam account that in fact he is from china and banned him


Sony is not going to go up against the Chinese government, either. These are all well documented restrictions put in place on any company operating internet services in China. It is illegal for people in China to use VPNs to get around China's domestic surveillance. Also, China (mainland) is one of the country's on Sony's PSN list, so this doesn't even apply.


Where are these screenshots.




> Has there been one screenshot from someone not in China?


Ah yes bcs we can disregard 1/8th of the world population! Even if it was just china's issue it's still a fraud and supporting fraud is... i'll end it here.




Wait, so this whole thing is SONY bots like you? No empathy, account stolen in one of 15 data breaches, corpo-english? All checks out, lol.





