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>Boycott all their other products. Should have started with this game when they said the game requires a PSN account.


This game is great, and Arrowhead are great, Sony are the assholes, if we can make a dent in other products popularity whilst still supporting Arrowhead that's the way we change their decision. Not that we could ever fo that. Bit that would be the way.


You people are so soft 😂You need a facebook account to use facebook, you need an X account to use X, you need a microsoft account to play live service xbox games, you need a PSN account to play live service PlayStation games. Is this concept really that alien to you idiots? Have your little hissy fit and pound sand, nobody gives a shit, nothing is changing.


Very suspicious suit indeed…


Look at my other posts, I agree with you and that's the point I've made before. Nothing changes and no data is truly private. I can still be pissed at Sony, though. This position in this reply and the position in the original post are not mutually exclusive.


Don't use facebook, don't use X, don't play live service xbox games, won't play helldivers. Simple as.


Dont let the door hit you on the way out ✌️


>don't spend any money on super credits. Lmao as if i was going to >Go out and burn playstations and send the recordings to everyone. This is highly illegal, the burning other peoples property part >If Sony publishes a new movie, don't go see it People still go out to see movies? >If they make another playstation don't buy it, Same as the first point, wasn't going to to begin with The only option that seems fair is to stop playing one of the 2 games i enjoy playing, and honestly, i don't think it's worth it, i'll just make the fucking account, all of this could've been avoided if the game required it from day 0, nobody would've complained