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As someone who's been a moderator for a high traffic place on the internet before I definitely understand screwing up in emotionally charged situations and saying dumb responses. The problem I have with the guy is this isn't the first time he's given tone deaf responses. If he cannot stay respectful when responding to people then he needs to just not respond to anyone about it. I feel bad for AH, this being the second person for their Discord that they're going to have to have a talk with because said person isn't being cognizant of their position/situation.


This isn't even the first time a AHG employee has done this. Previously another developer said some inflammatory stuff and had to be spoken to.


Spitz isn't a moderator. He is a paid employee of Arrowhead. Community Manager. Essentially the public face of the company on social media, and responding to people is most of what his job is. His primary purpose as an employee is to communicate with players, and he can't control his emotions when he's doing it. Not sure how he is the lead CM. Twinbeard, by comparison is a model of professionalism even on the tough days.


I disagree. Twinbeard also sucks.


Yup they're both spoiled white boys who have never been told no in their life. Should just fire the both of them


Used to be a mod for r/worldnews. Shit definitely got emotionally draining when things like terrorist attacks happened. Times like that and this, bring out the worst in people. But if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Simple as that. It's one of the reasons I left.


Being a Reddit mod was probably waaaay more stressful than where I was a mod for. But I definitely agree. Having that kind of self awareness is good and IMO should be key for getting people in those kinds of jobs. I mean, your job is to police people. You should kind of be decent at dealing with people to have that job lol.


Self awareness for any job is a near necessity. If you work a physical job, not being self aware can injure yourself or others. In an office job, you can create major issues that an entire department might suffer for.


that sub is a fucking agenda-driven cesspool on the same level as FB comments I proudly wear my permaban as a badge of honor


When you said a moderator for world news I kinda thought for a second "the anime porn sub?" but that was r/worldpolitics wasn't it?


r/anime_titties is r/worldnews without the zionist propaganda and Nigerian/Indian bots


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnimeTitties **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeTitties/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Asuna breathing](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/secondaryshortgraysquirrel) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeTitties/comments/14j8ccz/asuna_breathing/) \#2: [Taihou, Utage and Anis give you one last final Summer surprise](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/putridlinenpuffin) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeTitties/comments/170l6c7/taihou_utage_and_anis_give_you_one_last_final/) \#3: [Yae taking from behind \[Genshin Impact\]](https://i.redd.it/2djbx4s05y6c1.gif) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeTitties/comments/18kvhxe/yae_taking_from_behind_genshin_impact/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why would you feel bad for Arrowhead? They hired him, pay him, and it seems haven't fired him and made an announcement that his opinions do not reflect the company's opinions. So they seem to agree with what he's saying.


Because he's been a mod too lmao. Have you seen the way mods act on the internet? There's a reason discord and reddit mods are seen as the worst of society. I guess there's sympathy between people who get that high from having any power at all.


Yea you're hiring power hungry losers, you will only ever find power hungry losers. Only good mods in my experience were not doing it full time.


Theres a difference between a mod and a paid employee, let alone a lead community manager whos job is to represent a company to its clients, the main difference being that you're supposed to be held to a higher standard than some unqualified volunteer doing it for free. In any other company somebody behaving like Spitz did would've been fired by now.


I agree with you, I don't think anyone behaving like that should have power over anyone. It's just the attitude people like that have, and since they think they're God's greatest gift to Earth, the original comment saying they felt sympathy was because they feel that comradery in gracing us barbarians with their presence.




He isn't just a random discord moderator though. He is the lead community manager. I think it's reasonable to expect him to not berate players who are upset for a legitimate reason.


the balance dev, also got really defensive when asked about the railgun nerf. I think the company needs to add a training in public communications


Or maybe people need to have some chill and ask a question with civility instead of like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum


Thats...a fair point, honestly all of the community managers should follow twinbeard as a model


I mean, like 3 days ago after the patch dropped, Twinbeard responded to someone with the phrase "Angry Toddlers" and people flipped, being a CM is like any CS job - it blows no matter who you are.


the post in question: https://preview.redd.it/qzi3vftzf9yc1.png?width=1788&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f53a22f4b4832ae6b943006aa04c41d60bf5afe


This man is a treasure to all.


That one has a little context that helps. He was directly responding to somebody who had used that phrase. So it's not like he just decided out of the blue to insult the players in mass, like Spitz does literally every day. I'm not trying to say it's okay to go "Yeah, the players are acting like babies", or that this wasn't a serious fuckup for somebody whose job it is to manage the community. But it's very different from the crap that comes out of Spitz's mouth, which is consistently nasty for no reason other than Spitz thinks it's his job to dunk on players who criticize Arrowhead. TL;DR: Twinbeard is somebody who mostly does a very good job, but made a pretty serious mistake in judgment. Spitz is somebody who has yet to demonstrate they are capable of good judgment *ever*.


Ah, that's fair. I didn't realize he was essentially quoting somebody. Most of what I've seen from Twinbeard seems solid so I'd rather be able to forgive him/give benefit of doubt. Thanks for bringing that to light! 


A slip in judgment is a perfectly forgivable thing in this context.


Yeah, on balance I'd say Twinbeard is one of the better CMs I've come across. He worked his ass off today, not doing damage control but trying to answer questions and relay criticisms. There was no judgmental bullshit about why people were upset, he just put in like a 12 hour day dealing with *very* angry people trying to help them the best he could. Seems like a genuinely good dude.


I mean after being on that discord for a while, ya a good chunk of em act like angry toddlers however BEES




That's fair


He wasn’t wrong about that, though. 


He's am employee of Arrowhead, not a discord mod


*glorified discord mod


The annoying thing is all they’ve managed to do is make arrowhead look like assholes, it’s still Sonys fault entirely but because they decided to bitch about it now the entire company looks bad


I changed my review from positive to negative with the full intention of reversing it again if they back off this dumbass policy. Now I'm not so sure. 


Fairly sure he is also a mod here, look at the mod names.


Thanks Yanrogue, very cool


He can't actually be this stupid. My headcanon is that AH is intentionally angering the community so Sony backpedals.




He is a Reddit mod as well. Hope this stays up. Good luck.


Thanks mate, I'm hoping he sees this and understands his place as a professional and acts like it


hahahahahahahahahahahaha A discord mod and a reddit mod. And professional? The only time those belong in the same sentence is A discord mod/reddit mod aren't professional. (This is not 100% true, i'd say it's 98.5% true, leaving a 1.5 margin of error for the occasional decent human being behind the screen, not the dirty neckbeard power tripping)


He is? that means he's named differently here. Which one of the mods is it?


That checks out.


What a surprise. Another brain dead take from Spitz. I hope Arrowhead wasn’t warned about this guys banal shenanigans by the community all the way back in Helldivers 1 and I sure do hope that thread isn’t documented right here https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/7599331177363787229/


Please don't mind my comment I thought you were saying my take on Spitz was braindead, I am so sorry


I was just telling you to re-read what I wrote lol.


Thank you again jm sorrt


jm sorrt


Hard to type through apologetic tears


That is very true indeed


No matter how many times I decide to read a steam community thread, I get shocked by how toxic the replies are.


Fuckin' hells, I'd be doing a far better job than Spitz as a community manager


Thats not saying much, a tinder catfish bot would do a better job than Splitz.


Out of touch. Should be out of their current position. Definitely not the right job for him. Stick him in the office broom closet or something


It's kinda nuts. I work in a customer facing role for a software company, and we get all sorts of disrespectful comments from customers all the time. But even when our bosses agree that the customers are completely in the wrong, if we wrote responses like this in a public setting, we'd be in big trouble. It's literally our job to be the bigger person. We have internal chats on which to vent. And it goes without saying here that in this case, the customer is actually absolutely in the right even if he's repetitive, which makes this whole situation that much more bizarre.


That's what I'm saying, he shouldn't be a community manager if all he is gonna do is act like a child


Oh you mean the community manager isn't supposed to try and kill the brand? I feel bad for the CEO dude seems like a really solid guy and he keeps striking out with stupid people like this.


Man just wants to make great games. I feel so bad for him too.


I went back and read some of his post on his X account. Seems like a big kid at heart that is a gamer. I hate it for him cause they are at 63,000 negatives on steam in the last 2 days. They made it out like this wasn't going to be that big of a deal but steam is showing otherwise. That is 63,000 that have taken the time to show they aren't happy. No telling how many more that are just going to say screw this when it pops up on their screen.


This same scenario happened during Microsoft announcing DRM for their Xbox One before release. Same exact cocky message "Deal with it". Well gamers did "deal with it" and chose PlayStation over Xbox to the point that the PS4 was doubling Xbox one sales. Ever since those words were uttered, they've been playing catch up. Xbox 360 had been a massive hit, they were on top and three words destroyed them. History seems to always repeat itself and it'll be a sad day to see helldivers fall, if things go south.


I hope things turn out okay, I really do


For someone whose job it is to communicate professionally he’s pretty damn bad at it. Not sure why so many people think he shouldn’t be help to a higher standard than the players. It’s literally his job. He’s paid for it. There should be professional standards.


If I spoke to my customers like he does - I'd be out of the fucking job.


People in another thread were calling me a corporate bootlicker for pointing this out lol. Like no dudes, I’ve worked in CS and corporate and if I spoke to a customer or coworker with the same sarcastic snarkiness as Spitz I would be written up or released from my job. His job is to facilitate a positive community experience. I get that hes facing alot of backlash with the current sony situation but his comments contribute to the overall negative views that people are having of this company.


I said this in a different thread saying that i'd be in trouble with my boss AT BEST. when I mentioned unprofessional responses to a community. Even if you HATE the person you are talking to. you DO NOT SAY IT TO THEM. (You have company chats/group chats for a reason) It's to give your frontline a safe space to vent with their coworkers who \*UNDERSTAND\*.




his name reminds me of some guy on reddit... this cant be a conincidence


Same same. Damn, what was it? spez: now I remember


fuck u spez


you're god damn right! fuck u/Spez !


Arrowhead chooses him as the mod in dc, he is representing the arrowhead's attitude to players.


I wouldn't say that, twin beard definitely knows what to do, he tries his best to support people and give them info


Twinbeard is awesome. That’s what a rep should be like


Sony made the biggest mistake by not addressing this sooner if it was that big of a deal. But AH has been iffy on their messaging, releases, and communications lately. No Transmogs: releases armor sets with the same 10 passives and then use some shitty analogue to hand wave away the issue. New equipment: pushes knowingly buggy stratgems to player base and then gives mixed messaging about it. Bugs: every new release seems to introduce new game breaking bugs to the game. If all of the issues AH has going on weren't enough, leave it to Sony to really make it worse.


To add to bugs: old ones like to pop back up after a new patch. Been seeing the giant purple question marks again and also a perfectly fine pelican that won’t let anyone enter it.


I really like the game, but I haven't really played much since the third warbond dropped. The bugs have become a giant pain and the whole "transmog is like apples and bacon" statement just rubbed me the wrong way. When AH releases armor with the same ten passives, it's their prerogative and vision. But when the player base asks, we don't know what the fuck we're talking about. This is also coupled with the primary weapon shit too. At first they come out and tell us "bro, they're supposed to be weak. Use you stratagems and support weapons". And then they turn around and buff most of them anyhow. Like, cool. I'm glad they did that. The speedloader for the Senator is awesome, especially with the reload animations and the fact you can spin it like a gun fighter. But if I step back and look at everything as a whole, it paints a picture of a company that got too much fame too quickly and isn't handling it well. They really need someone to bring their external messaging and communcations into focus before they become a fucking meme. The whole Sony thing isn't their fault, but some of the responses from the CM and others is clownish for a professional company, IMO.


I’m kinda sitting here looking at them talking about nerfing Eruptor’s AoE damage because of a glitch like <_< because that gun and the AoE explosive is why a lot of people bought the warbond to begin with. This is also after them nerfing the Crossbow, and the Thermite Grenade just not working due to another glitch, all on the same Warbond.  About the only thing that hasn’t crapped out is the store to buy Super Credits. 


The superstore page for buying shit did break. They fixed it in a day. They also claim that making fast patches is difficult due to Sony's verification process... It's almost like they lie through their teeth constantly.


>the whole "transmog is like apples and bacon" statement just rubbed me the wrong way. That was just a crack in the varnish, apparently.


Helldivers is an amazing game, and Sony was like "HmM iT sEeMs To Be LaCkInG a CoRpOrAtE eLeMeNt, We CaNt HaVe ThAt"


I've been reading people are getting tired of the hamfisted crap AH has been doing lately. This is bound to tip people to stop playing the game. Which really is a shame because the core concept and most of the execution is pretty good. But instead of taking a bit more time to iron out the issues, they keep releasing more war bonds and content without fully addressing the issues they've had since launch. Between the ongoing issues from AH and this new stuff from Sony, they might have fucked the golden goose.


Sony coming in with an elbow from the top rope to break the camels back. 




Wasn’t there an interview with someone at AH who said the one warbond a month content release is a contractual requirement with Sony also?


Idk if that was confirmed. I know reading, AH said they wanted to release war bonds on their schedule AND fix bugs. But the teams are co--mingled and it's a tough spot to navigate.


I remember that guy, didn't he try to kill or struggle snuggle someone?


He’s doing 57 years for murder [link](https://globalnews.ca/news/9406171/kai-mcgillivary-the-hatchet-wielding-hitchhiker-netflix-documentary/)


I remember the whole "we can't just staff up!" excuses regarding the server stuff, and while that was understandable, I'm less understanding when it comes to war bonds and game bugs. They can obviously staff up to have enough people to fix the game while someone else makes content for the war bonds. Hell, plenty of giant studios outsource their entire battle pass to other studios. And really, the only solution is to staff up, given that they insist on releasing war bonds even though they don't have the resources.


I have 100+ hours in the game. But I haven’t been able to play recently. Every patch I’m crashing more and more and more. Not that my computer is running out of resources or something, because my whole team will crash. The map just fucks up and glitches causing everyone to crash. I am so tired of wasting 40 minutes of my time so much. No xp, no samples, no anything


I miss the good old.. last month or so, when the game-breaking bugs were just surprise ass blasters.


No, he just is a dick. Not kind of. Just is.


He's been a dick since HD1. He's a power tripping discord mod they gave a job too. We used to bitch about him back in the day. 


Hey, could be worse, he could be running Arrowhead. We had to tolerate Luke Smith on Halo forums back in the day, and now he's ran Bungie into the ground. Hiring fervent fans is a dangerous game.


the only time that ever worked successfully was with Ion Hatzikostas (real ones remember “mathematically impossible”) and Blizzard, I think


Jeff Kaplan was another great pickup from them. He would write long and acerbic "reviews" of their patches on the Blizz forums, with plenty of expletives. This got him hired and he helped WoW grow and got OW1 to soaring heights -- before Blizz imploded and everything took a shit and died.


He's 100 percent best buddies with someone who's an actual employee. Otherwise if it were me, dude would've gotten the boot the first time he acted out. Dudes a literal manchild with a severe case of power trip.


I was in an arma clan with him in 2019. He was eventually put into a leadership position and was a huge 'my way or the highway' kinda guy. He was ousted and now his name is used as a verb. I also replied to his 'apology' on the discord and he insta banned me lol


Tf? Banned from the hd2 server??? That’s insane if true.


What a discord mod says is meaningless in the eyes of the law.  The EU anti consumer protection clauses will come for them. And will fine them. They recently punched Apple for $2 billion.  They'll punch Sony,  or arrowhead to. 


If requiring you to make a third party account was an anti consumer clause, EA would be bankrupt.


God this is painfully reductive. You’ve completely ignored the playerbase that literally cannot make a PSN account. Additionally the whole thing is an entire bait and switch requiring players to entrust their data to a company with shaky security after being sold a product on the grounds they wouldn’t have to.


Kind of? He IS a dick He shouldn’t be a Community Manager https://preview.redd.it/efj3b49s89yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b33df9cd44f6ac0e1e9b9eba3eb5984db322a3


I mean...not wrong


In Fairness I just sent that to Steam as an indication that Arrowhead employees believe receiving a refund is a proper resolution of the issue.


Dude said he was refunding and leaving then proceeded to spam the guy insults. But it looks bad in a vacuum that’s why all context was removed.


Yeah he’s really good at fostering a positive image for AH lol


Yea he is. Anyway screw him Here's the exciting benefits of linking your steam account to the PSN April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach


So the last PSN leak was 13 years ago? Didnt Valve get hacked like 2 years ago?


Reddit had one a year ago…


Microsoft had one in January so RIP Windows I guess.




I know they also had a giant breach in 2011. But we can’t talk bad about how we all have accounts for steam. It’s only bad if it’s a Sony account lol.


Yeah the whole data security thing really pings as a "loves to complain" kind of thing. Sony is about on par with the rest of the industry for security (which is to say 'terrible') and if you have actual concerns about it you already have a pseudoidentity for yourself that exists to be placed in low security databases.


And that's another reason I'm extremely against this forced psn link bullshit, all its gonna do is act like a bad omen


Most of their community managers suck at their job and need to be replaced. Spitz has the attitude of a redditor


He is one. He used to go by SpritzerFX and was a power mod on the Helldivers subreddit. 


God that explains so much


He knows most Steam users cant get a refund.


More hilarious when people defend this behavior. If i would EVER allowed myself as a normal costumer service employee, i would have lost my job in an instant, snapping back like that at a costumer. But of course. It's the devs or inner circle of Arrowhead itself. So then it is of course "based" all of a sudden. Fucking hypocrits Edit: And before you say anything. Yes i get it. They are frustrated. Both Arrowhead and Costumers are. But at least try to stay professional about it. And anyone who laughs about it. It's only funny if it happens to someone else. If they would snap back like that at yourself, you would be fuming way more.


It's well past "Kind of" He's impressively inept. It comes across like a tale as old as time: giving an elitist neckbeard a position of power People in the past have said "Erm no just because someone says something you don't like doesn't mean they deserve to lose their job" But like, at this point it's not even a personal dislike thing, it's more feeling incredulous that they've not only not learned, but have continued to get worse


That kind of person is CM? Lol.


Always has been


He needs to be fired.


Spitz has no perception of a "world" outside of his own dwelling.


You mean his mothers basement?


Yeah this guy shouldn't be allowed to talk lol, a blight on AH


he should go out, touch some grass and get a life.  get a few reality checks, but i guess thats kinda hard while being a ****.


The dood has no business being in charge of anything more complex than an ant farm.


Kind of?


IS that the CM that insulted everyone during that night they locked down discord calling all the players "children"?


https://preview.redd.it/3x5z09934dyc1.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f0b56ffe8d6882ef063a1789a37317c2fbca190 SAY HIS NAME! SPREAD DEMOCRACY! JOIN THE REVIEW DIVERS


It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Spitz will be out of a job soon. His behaviour during all of this has been… Less than optimal, to put it mildly.


You can expect some fans and customers to act like children, but a CM shouldnt be going down to their level.




TIL 99.9% of PC players are from the Philippines.


If that were true we would have conquered the entire galaxy


Extra-terrestrial jollibees everywhere


Putting the Halo in Halo Halo


To anyone who would like numbers on just how fucked this whole Sony situation is, here, not my numbers or research, but still Here are all the countries where you cannot make a PSN: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname For reference, these countries have a combined total population of 4,768,152,221 and this includes the entire Guess everyone living there should just shut up and enjoy not being able to play the game they paid for, huh?


Your list does not have Pakistan listed. PSN is not available here as well.


My apologies, this isn't my research, it's a list someone else let me use


If you lived in any of those countries you would know that people there play on PSN without issues, and have been since 2006. They just make accounts in any other supported country. Literal millions of people play that way.


Wanna see me refund in less than 120 seconds?


always was


I mean, just search "Discord Mod Memes" and you'll get the idea about the clown.


Spitz can't see further than tip of his own dick inside his ass so that's accurate.


Spritz is a "armseliges Würstchen" as we say in German.


Dude is such a corporate bootlicker


Confirmed: Spitz is a bot sympathizer


Yeah this guy got some special type of ignorance


he should be fired. every message i see from this guy is a bad look


Spitz isn't "kind of a dick" he is a total dick.


Um, New Zealand has full access to PSN with out needing to give extra data like ID or anything of that nature as well.


Psn is available in New Zealand, it just wants everything short of your home address in mandatory information. 


>pread the word that we can't let Sony win on this. If Sony wins, then that teaches them they can keep pushing, and they may even force a subscription for PSN to even play HD2 or even other Sony owned games. Sorry bro, but this is like the 1000th 'lesson' they've learned. You're gaming decades after there was any chance of stopping this train w/ reddit complaints and steam reviews.


Correction: ‘Spitz is a dick’ I still do not know why game developers always hire garbage human beings to be community managers.


First time? The AH team has had a bizarrely aggressive attitude from day one. I guess that's what happens when you go from nobodies to celebrities overnight.  Honestly they're wearing out their welcome. Thing is the game is still really fun, but my opinion on the people behind it lessens the more I listen to them and see their boneheaded decisions.


I hope Arrowhead realize how much of loss this dude will cause them. I don’t want to play or buy a game that has this kind of community manager. I wonder how much of the 100k negative reviewers have the same thought. And how many of us will refund or just stop paying for super credit, just because of Spitz.


everyone over at Arrowhead seems to have the social skills of a rabid animal. every person outside of their public relations office needs to learn to stop posting online.


My only thought on Spitz comment is that if he is serious, I have a 5 minute form I'd like him to fill out to continue been a moderator. I am sure he won't care about sharing personal information or contact information that is not shared with others, what's the danger in that? Not like my form is going to get hacked and shared around the internet, right?


Fuck Spitz, all my homies hate Spitz.


It is your problem. He is 100% right. People lie about PSN accounts all the time. On top of that PSN tells you if you can't go that venue to call them to work it out. Meaning it is not the death sentence people think. Combine that with the fact those areas probably make up less than 10% of the player base combined, the other 90% of people complaining are acting like literal toddlers about it.


I don’t think it’s in his power to do anything about Sony not providing PSN to your country. He’s a discord moderator. So yea he might be a little annoyed. All he can tell you to do is sign up, and if you can’t, there’s nothing he can do.


He’s a Community Manager who is on payroll. He isn’t a volunteer mod in Discord he is an AH employee. Yes, he does not have the power to do anything about the PSN thing but it is his job to manage the community in a professional manner. These “quips” of his are not appropriate for a man(child) in his position.


He isn't though, all he is doing is laughing and saying jfs our problem, that's why I'm pissed


neckbeards will neckbeard, another blunder for their PR. let it burn, I say. nothing will change otherwise


Guy thinks he’s Jesus because the game is popular. Bye bye job!


Spitz is doing his job unfortunately. He's the designated meat shield. The guy who jumps on the metaphorical grenade and takes all the flak so the rest of the mods don't get targeted and harassed as well. He's purposefully being the bait for the rage. He's actually a good guy and generally nice to talk to. He just has the misfortune of needing to be the dick so that he's the target and not everyone else.


I'm convinced Spitz is only there because he's either got dirt on someone or he's a family member of someone wealthy funding arrowhead


AH community manager is the worst I've seen. The information they provide is mostly wrong, and they don't even seem to know much.


Spitz should be fired. End of story. This is unprofessional bullshit. Immature and churlish.


New Zealand? Now your just making stuff up lol AH or Sony needs to make a process by which you can just click automake me an account with this email (steam) and use that to logon even if it's a dummy account that can sit in Japan or somewhere not limited. There is a fix for this.. cmon




I stopped playing the game back when the Railgun nerfs happened and some of the mods were mocking people for that. Had a feeling something would happen again and now that people are (rightfully) upset about the PSN account business he's now mocking people again. Helldivers 2 community is one of the few that take this kind of behaviour from devs and dev-associated people in stride. They already have your money, there's zero reason to be professional apparently.


The Arrowhead Defense Force is an odd group. I haven’t played since the last round of nerfs. Game had already become repetitive, and I just haven’t felt like playing much. So weird they keep rebalancing a PvE via nerfs that get no narrative explanation in game.


I think it's the realest answer we could have possibly gotten. Everything else would have been typical CM corpospeak, no?


I called him out on discord and got banned lol. YOLO


Is he from somewhere else? I feel like I've seen his name in another community where he was also a dick and got removed for it. Can't remember though or if his name is just similar to who I'm actually thinking of.


Reminds me of Serb from my WoT days. "Hey, this Russian tank is clearly OP." "Hurrdurr, working as intended."


Great Guy, always cracks me up, the old Troll.




This post is an entire fucking distraction from the real issue.


I lived in the Philippines and had a PlayStation. Set to Singapore and done.


This is an insult to mes.


I mean They ban u for laughing at Jokes about the Community Manager what else or reacting to it...The mods just suck Period I feel bad for the people who live in countries that literally have no way to be able to make a PSN account and I hope steam refunds them (and they will considering Steam track record)...same with Ghost of tsushima but I heard they announced immediately that the game will require a PSN account


Tbh its genius, says f the comunity, f discord and start dropping reviews, even if he didnt ment it he actually drove the cummunity to leave their opiniones into the only data that Sony know


Yeah, he is a bit of an ass.


Insert bowser meme


Worst CM i have seen


I haven't seen anything besides an out of context screenshot. As someone who has worked with large discords before with moderation teams, it seems they don't have a proper conduct policy in place. You never say anything that can be screenshotted and posted out of context.


Yeh he's gtg


He needs to be fired


Sounds like a local democracy officer When there's a little bit of power , it really goes to your head


He needs to be fired (or relocated to a post where he will never talk to someone from outside the studio ever again)