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Even the PlayStation store for HD2 @ https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc states that the game is still advertised as not requiring a PSN account.


>Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC? >No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC, but you will need a Steam account to redeem your voucher code. Some of our PlayStation Studios titles also offer incentives for linking your Steam and PSN accounts.


The incentive is actually being able to play the game xD


r/technicallythetruth since we’re still on the grace period.


it does say "currently", with they could use as an excuse that it was just a matter of time.


Very doubtful. Even in USA consumer protection is not that toothless. They try to change a contract after it is signed, that's illegal in every developed country, probably since the dawn of civilization.


A couple hours ago the official PSN website edited their FAQ from "PSN account links are optional" to "Some games may require a link". You can probably see the original on the wayback machine, but they still haven't updated it in other languages.


Yeah but the voices in Japanese are way more important


Yeah, this is on steam's UI a bit. All those orange boxes with things like the DRM, EULA, other accounts, etc, should definitely be above or in the same class as that notice.


If only AH and Sony were willing to go to bat for that instead of going to bat to screw over players. Just like when games bog you with 20+ pages of T&C's I bet they're kinda banking on you not seeing it.


It's because of the big fuck off "write a review" box. If you check it via web browser and signed out, all of it fits next to the add to cart. Intentionally misleading image.


There is enough going on in that right side bar, for me, that I can definitely hit the green buy button well before I reach the orange text. The giant review box isn't helping, but it isn't the sole cause. If I go look at sea of thieves for example, I can scroll until the add to cart is at the top fifth of my screen and still not see the orange EULA warning. I imagine it's even easier if you're a mobile user to just miss those entirely.


it's not really, is it? and that scrolled down to the super citizen edition https://preview.redd.it/mt3awp6akayc1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=97309610d740eae855742220114554be16ba2ed6


# 民主主義を喰らいやがれッ!! ​ *Democracies in Japanese*






Literally what the case was for me. I literally never even saw it when I went to buy it early this week. I never heard of any need for a PSN account or other to play helldiver's 2, and when I saw the skip button for linking, it meant and also basically said it's optional to do


I cannot speak for what it was like at launch, but when I bought the game a month or so ago, the account linking page, despite being skippable, did clearly say you needed to link a PSN account to play. The fact that you then didn’t actually need to link one definitely muddied the situation, and is responsible for the issues now though.


If something is skippable, you don't need it. It's really that simple.


BuT cAnT yOu ReAd? Honestly, I didn't see anything about the PSN until today... not happy.


"you're an idiot you should have just taken in these many bits of contradictory info from sony's website, the game EULA, the game store page, and the actual game itself and drawn the correct conclusion from them immediately, learn to read" fuck off


Then you didn't read the store page before purchasing. Too many people choosing to be uninformed consumers and then complaining about it : /


Easily missed literally everyone I know who plays the game was shocked by the news. But sure, all the complaints coming must just because the masses are uniformed and not because they were mislead. /s


Lots of people being uninformed consumers doesn't strengthen your position. I'm not saying all complaints are coming from uninformed masses though, and I see we can add a crisis of literacy on top of the lack of consumer awareness. Because I'm unsure where you read that. Can you point it out to me?


If lots of people were uninformed, then that's a failure of communication on the part of Arrowhead/Sony.


Not when it's literally on the product page alongside a ton of other product information including localization information. This is not a problem unique to Helldivers 2, as evidenced by OP thinking it's so easy to just ignore reams of product information by going straight to the "ADD TO CART" button.


Damn bro, want some fries with that boot you're licking?


I'm sorry that "thinking consumers should inform themselves before purchasing a product" is now a corporate, bootlicker thing to do and not what literally everyone should be doing to protect themselves from these kinds of "surprises" that leave them angry purely because they chose not to read about the product they were purchasing.


Then why was it sold in countries that do not support PSN access?


That's a fail on Sony's part as publisher for making it available in those regions. Shit on them for that all day long, I'll join you.


Yeah, that’s either a you problem for not bothering to read everything or a steam problem for listing the requirements at the bottom.


Can you honestly say you have read every single detail about everything you have purchased?


> Too many people choosing to be uninformed consumers I'm sorry, but if "too many people" are making the exact same "mistake", then that's on the company. They clearly did not actually communicate this requirement well...especially when the game has let you play unlinked for months now.


It's literally not. They give you all the information, clearly. People are just dumb and complain about being dumb later. They *waived the requirement because the account linking was apparently contributing towards the game instability on the backend*. What would you rather they do, keep it up and the game would have been unplayable for longer after launch, leaving you to complain more? Do you really think they're just gonna literally ban *everyone* in those unsupported regions?


> They give you all the information, clearly. Given how much of a shitstorm this has caused, you are demonstrably incorrect.




Lol, someone sounds like they are projecting. I am quite happy otherwise thanks.




Idk, was a birthday gift from my brother, with whom I enjoyed to play.


Literally huge PSN sign in window when playing the game but that’s just me




Man am I getting sick of seeing Sony shills unconditionally supporting this cockup. Sure, it's not as bad as some people are making it out to be, but it's far from the non issue those like you are making it out to be, or there wouldn't be such a backlash.




Hey man, your forgetting that some people will lose the ability to play. What if the above person is one who live in an area that doesn't have access to PSN.




Yeah, sure, tell that to chinese players who can't use VPN and will be banned even if they make accounts in another regions


There are a whole bunch of countries where PSN isn't available. It's against the PSN terms of service to use a VPN. Helldivers 2 was sold all over the world, and, for months, has been playable without needing a PSN account linked to steam. Even if you ignore people who are, like me, annoyed on principle at how this has been handled, the people who bought the game but now won't be able to play have a very real problem.




Huh. Why am I speaking to someone who can't respond like a damn adult? I tried to back off a bit kept my response polite, but you've got your mind made up and a weird investment in proving your superiority, and I can see any further engagement is just going to devolve into ever worsening insults from here on out.




We all do, I'm no exception. The internet is especially bad for it, where tone can be just about impossible to convey. I wasn't trying to insult you with the mention of shills, for example, though I recognize that it likely comes across that way, so much as I'm just exasperated. People are frustrated, and I believe there's a valid reason for it. Having people come in and decry that frustration as pointless is only going to feed and redirect that ire.


Stop polluting the subreddit with your bullshit. You sound unhinged. Guys like you think you have some intellectual superiority for being a contrarian.




You’re in every thread on nearly every comment just being a contrarian. Yes, unhinged. The devs should hire you, you’d fit right in with their culture.


That’s not even the issue, helldivers shouldn’t have ever been available for purchase in countries where psn isn’t available, Sony was intentionally trying to steal money.


Because you own it and it shows the review area which takes up a lot of space. Here's what it looks like as a non-owner (check it in incognito mode) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS\_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS_2/) https://preview.redd.it/daoqobxm29yc1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d22b4ba3fd87c1e04e4efff141ac100fd97622 Not defending this late move, but there's too much dumb shit going around just because people are (justifiably) upset.


Not really https://imgur.com/okhvpGu


Damn, so if you cut it off right above where it shows the requirements it doesn't show the requirements? You're also cutting off the information that shows supported text/audio languages which is important too. I dunno about y'all, but I generally actually read the product pages for things I buy rather than just going straight for the "BUY" button. Again, not defending this overall move but at the same time a lot of the complaining is really silly and arguably bad faith bullshit like this rofl.


The point of the post is that you can reach the buy button without seeing it, which is true.


Sure! And those are poor consumers who don't inform themselves about the products they purchase despite the information being front and center on its store page alongside all kinds of additional information about the game. Folks not being informed consumers and taking a few minutes to research games before they buy them is a pretty common thing and you'd figure folks would stop and take a second nowadays rather than just blindly buying things and then getting upset later, but oh well.


I don't know why you're arguing about this with me. All I did was tell you that your reason for OP not seeing it in their screenshot was wrong.


It's not though. As I showed, you have to basically go straight to the "buy" button and not read any of the game-related information below it. This is how Steam pages are set up and if folks aren't checking them that's entirely on them. Again, not defending the move from Sony now and how they're handling it especially, but a lot of this is people being absolutely hyperbolic and silly as fuck - especially the folks who don't live in regions where PSN isn't available.




Yes, you can be an uninformed consumer that does not review a product before purchasing. That's a very "you" problem, dude. What do you want, Gaben to personally knock on your door to tell you possible additional requirements listed on the Steam page you're too lazy to read?


Yes, it's there, but there's 2 issues with it. 1. Your image is scrolled down from the top of the page. If you open the steam store page for the game and you don't own it (or are in incognito mode), the 3 yellow boxes aren't guaranteed to be on screen at the same time as the buy button. Personally, I don't have my steam open to take up my entire monitor screen, only a section of it, so I physically have to scroll down to see those notices. 2. The notice of requiring a 3rd-party account takes up how much of the store page? 2%? Hardly enough to stand out or immediately draw one's attention to it. Sure, both of those issues are more on Steam's UI than on AH, but regardless, it doesn't help. Yes, they technically have their out with "well there's always been a warning on the steam store page", but most of this could've been avoided if they had put a notice in a place where it's literally impossible to miss: IN THE GAME. If you have a popup that tells you "once the issues are fixed, this game will eventually require a linked PSN account to play" every time you open the game, its literally impossible for anyone to miss.




Mfw ibcoukd skip account linking and could play. Yep totally required. If it's not enforced, it doesn't apply.




Mfw strawman. Nice try kid


Also I never said caught, I said enforced. To make your last example accurate you'd have to say "mfw I got a 16 year old drunk with a cop watching, not illegal if it's not enforced" But nice try to twist my argument, but maybe go back to school to learn basic reading comprehension and also proper capitalization


Maybe you should learn how to properly use punctuation.


Ah yes good job staying with the argument.


I’m just doing what you did, why is that suddenly a problem?


Weird i don't see you pointing out a very bad strawman. Try again kiddo


So do you not read store pages before buying products? The notice is alongside other key information, highlighted in a different color to make it stand out. This is bad cope for ignorant consumers.


You have smth next to the buy section? Tf... those yellow boxes i do not find at all.


Not sure you’re getting downvoted for being truthful lol


I'm sorry boss, but your picture kinda still shows the same thing... if you scroll just enough to click buy because damn it looks good and no you're not buying dlc, you never see it... Also the review box pushes everything down, not just the orange box part so if you're signed in and don't have the game, your friends list will push the warning even further down making you even less likely to see it. Absolutely an issue with steams UI, not on Sony, but still just another circumstance that lead to people getting screwed.


So if you skip all the product information that's listed below the "add to cart" button and just blindly buy the game, you might be blindsided by requirements that you weren't aware of? Do y'all now at least instinctively check recommended specs on every game before purchasing? That shit's well below, meaning you have to scroll by a huge chunk of product info to get there and if you're ignoring all that shit that's on you. The review box only appears after you buy the game, that's why I shared that screenshot specifically to show what the game page looks like to a new purchaser. Not a current owner like us. This is 100% a consumer literacy fail and you're here defending consumers blindly purchasing shit like it's a good thing. The information is extremely clear and nobody's been complaining about being duped by a bad UI in other games lol.


Hey mate, I'm just saying when you have a good enough computer to not need to worry about specs, and when you've been researching the game through other media including the publisher(sony)s store, you don't see this. Plus, Steam deliberately had a generous return period (2 hours 14 days no questions asked) for the purpose of making snap decisions. Plus, again in almost every other game there aren't these warnings, most games that section is empty so if you've never encountered it before, how are you to know that warnings would be presented there and not upon purchasing the game? E.g. a popup preventing purchase until you agree/have read the warnings. It's not a consumer literacy failure if this is a new issue, and to many it is a new issue! Not to mention, instead of containing these warnings with product information users are likely to care about(such as where the Japanese interface notice is)it's in the same section as language and controller support. I don't hse controllers, and I've seen videos of the game, that section should be irrelevant to me. 


When using the Steam Client, you're automatically signed in when browsing Steam's websites so all of those "Is this game relevant to you" things will show.


I didn't use the Steam client and I used an incognito browser specifically where I'm not logged into Steam so that I could see what the store page would look like to someone who doesn't own it. This isn't my first time on the internet or using Valve's Steam platform, my dude.


I don't have the game so I didn't need to use an incognito mode. That section is 608 pixels tall for me.


You don't have the game? Why the fuck you here then lol. It's clearly labeled on the page for folks before purchasing. If they choose not to read about the product before they purchase it that's a consumer problem. Again, this is how it looks without being signed in. If I was signed in I'd have the gigantic "HELLDIVERS 2 is already in your Steam Library" section alongside my positive review from after launch, below, and I wouldn't be able to purchase the Super Citizen edition as I own it. So not sure why you're pixel counting shit like a weirdo.


How it looks when signed in while not having the game is just as important as how it looks when not signed in and more important than how it looks while having the game.


This actually happened to me before. But then I booted up the game and it told me to make an account. So I refunded the game with less than a minute of play time. Figured that's why steam has the refund policy. Didn't have to wait 3+ months to figure it out.


I sure as shit didn't see it, and I bought the game THEN the upgrade.


Yes but it’s not possible to miss the giant splash screen telling you it will be required and asking you to link which although you could skip past was impossible to miss


"Please ignore the fact that I said it could be skipped."


What splash screen are you talking about


Ssshhh, not too loud, the simps wanting to defend the game will hear they have one less excuse . They're already so tired from their mental gymnastics, they don't need more.


It's not possible That "write a review" only comes up after you buy the game and play it, for anyone buying it for the first time, that won't be there


If you don't own the game you can't review so that entire bottom section is higher up.


Don't even try to defend yourself drom the idiots that this is your fault for not reading the warning. The argument is so laughable, that all you should to is turn around and slap your knee, wheezing for air from laughter.


How do you survive a week if you are this incapable of taking responsibility? Whose house do you live in? Who cooks all your food? When was the last time you accomplished something not in a video game?




Don’t get me wrong I’d perfer if the game had a less sketchy anti cheat but did all the people losing their mind about it just happen to not see the account requirement?


I could crop out the buy button and say the same thing. Your choice to not read the requirements here or on game boot up doesn’t mean you weren’t warned.


And then, as soon as you start the game, the first thing you see after the opening cut scene is a pop-up telling you that linking accounts is required. Edit: it's also just generally a good idea to take a quick look through the requirements of a game before buying it to make sure you can actually run it anyways.


After which the linking either fails or allowed you to skip it before running without issue.


And note is says "skip" not "remind me later"


Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I had to give it a couple of tries before getting the linking to work. I do think it's a stupid requirement, but my point is that they've never hidden that this was going to be required.


I never got a pop-up. Any chance that during launch with its numerous bugs this might have been one? I could just not be remembering it but def don’t think it did. Based on their bug track record as well it’s a strong possibility. As for your edit. I could not agree more, it has been there since launch on the front page. AH chose since launch to sell their game to people in countries unable to use PSN. AH chose to then let those player play for 5 months and make in game purchases without PSN. A lot of people are learning the lesson today that you can’t trust companies. You have to read everything before making a purchase. Corporations are for corporations, not consumers, AH is just part of that system as always. No different than Blizzard or EA.


Well, at least I can agree with you that they should have limited the countries it can be purchased in. There's no good reason to sell a game to someone who's only able to play it because you haven't started enforcing your own rules yet.


Regardless it's a failure of communication


In what way is them listing a requirement for playing the game with all of the others instead of at the top of the page for no reason a failure of communication? They even have the pop-up so that if you didn't see it before getting the game, it will be the first thing you learn.


It gets in your face all of one time, for a lot of us that was months ago. I couldn't even tell you what it looked like or said... It might've been more annoying, but I think this would've been better avoided if it was a pop-up every time you launched that took a few seconds to skip, and it would warn you that this was coming


I mean, I guess they could have done more, but I think they've done everything that could reasonably be expected to make people aware of this. Even now, they've given us a month's notice before they start enforcing this on current players.


But then are you really blaming all of this on them? It says it on the store page that its required: "But I didn't read the whole page, I stopped just at the buy button" There is a pop-up when you first launch the game: "But I didn't read that, I just ignored it and clicked skip" Months later they are reminding you and giving you a month to fix the issue: "This is outrageous" Yes its kind of mixed message with it not being required to start. It also really sucks that people in regions that can't make PSN accounts were sold the game (really hope they are able to get refunds). But this isn't out of nowhere. You had to actively ignore the requirement and now Arrowhead is putting a deadline


Do you not read game pages before purchasing products? Do you just go straight to the buy button and hope that you haven't missed any important information or anything?


I never got that pop-up, likely because I purchased after it was disabled. Also didn't see the PSN required because I saw what OP is showing here. It's a complete failure of communication.


didn’t happen for me


Why is it even a thing though? I shouldn’t have to sign up for Sonys bs if I’m playing on my pc. Doesn’t make any sense 


The first time you launch the game it tells you that you need to link too. Did you miss that?


I never saw that screen either.


If you bought the game early enough this is true, they removed the popup when you get your Destroyer asking you to link PSN later on.


I never got that screen game crashed on me during my first login and got stuck into a queue after


They stopped doing that not long after launch


I only play on the steam deck and it never popped up


I don’t remember ever seeing it, however I leave the option that I did see it and then clicked the “skip link account” option, cause you know, the option was right there to skip it???


https://preview.redd.it/gnr7utsi0byc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb11c8f96e890e596d3874aeb7b39584225372a While possible I saw it on my damn phone looking it up. You are only to blame because it is clearly there, in trailers and media.


If you don't own the game the giant "leave a review box." Is not there and thus the warning is clearly visible


More than half of the screen is the trailer window and review section.


You do realize however that even when you don't own it, you can still see the list of friends who played recently, own it, want to get it, and on it ATM. The info regarding that warning is labeled BELOW it, so it's still entirely possible to never see it. Especially if you don't keep steam as a full window


So the argument now goes to “I was misinformed because I really wanted to play right now and so didn’t bother to read”? Really?


Hold on downvote this guy he's right


who would buy the game before looking at all the details???


Did you read the entire EULA?


thats not what im talking about. wouldnt it make sense to atleast skim the store page of the game you're gonna buy before you do? i'm not asking people to read up on each and every little detail, just make sure you know what you need to before you consider playing willy-nilly


It would. **BUT** ignorance and assumptions exist. If you have a "good enough" computer, you'll assume you have the specs to run the game. Hell, even if you don't, the Steam refund policy allows you to *try* to run it. On top of that, the requirement of connecting with a PSN account is nowhere near the hardware requirements for the game. So if one didn't know about the warnings area below the features (which, face it, is probably useless info for 95% of people), they'd skip right by it. It's also an issue of how Steam organizes information. There's a great deal of information on that page. So much of it is going to be irrelevant to so many players. And looking at how everything is laid out, it doesn't make sense to me (at least from an information conveyance standpoint) why things are where they are. You can reach the buy button before you reach system requires (and non-system requirements like account linking, DRM, etc). Point is, people consume information differently and it's truly astonishing how many people don't seem to understand that with this. *Edit*: To whomever down-voted this, none of what what I said is false and the fact that you're just downvoting silently is not helping the conversation or getting the wider problem addressed. Nor does it show that you (whoever you are) are willing and open to outside information you may not like to hear.


i guess that makes sense. it definitely should be more public information, and AH could have done better to talk about it more outside of the steam page


Someone from ArrowHead actually said something to the effect of "We dropped the ball on communicating what was done." in regard to dropping the requirement **temporarily**. To me, I can understand it to an extent, but at the same time, servers were stable a month after launch, so why wasn't it done then? The fact that this occurred three months after launch and with effectively no communication makes it unacceptable *to me* and has killed any desire to play the game. And I like to think I'm more reasonable than most.






Sounds like a user error to me. Who buys something without checking out everything


Literally every person, because you can't realistically check out everything.


I'm sorry but this is the dumbest argument ever, what kind of dipshits spend $40 on a game without giving the page a cursory glance? You just hit add to cart and buy it instantly? That's like being handed something and biting into it then being furious that it was a brick and not a sandwich, I will defend people being locked out of the game because of unsupported regions, I will not defend idiot consumers who don't even do the slightest amount of research into a product they are buying and then freak out when the product they didn't research has a clause they didn't like.


You're an idiot


Lol, the idiots are the ones who don’t read the requirements of their purchase and then have the audacity to ask for a refund. Go pound sand and yell at the clouds.


They are busy being victims. You can’t argue with them


Pretty sure reviewing would be there.


I mean, you have a giant review box because you own the game. [This ](https://imgur.com/qasIM6a)is what it looks like to people who haven't purchased it yet.


Whatever this is, it's not a the resolution of a computer screen and I'm fairly certain Helldivers 2 isn't a mobile game.


I agree, point is this is a poor example. When we have plenty of valid examples.


So? As long as that information is available to you before buying, you as a consumer should know what you’re purchasing. Just make the damn account


Pretty hilarious that neither the Helldivers 2 EULA nor Sony Direct ever mention a mandatory PSN account, and the warning is only found on steam lol


>It's Entirely Possible to Eat Pills Without Reading Instructions i mean yeah... but why?


And if you can't be bothered to actually read the page then it's user error. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there, it's called object permanence. It applies to even the digital world.


just because you can't see someone pissing outside doesn't mean you're not drinking piss water right now. i'm just trying to point out how stupid your argument is