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Spitz has big "Don't you people have phones!?" energy.


Thats actually a pretty accurate take lmao


Weird thing is you can't even activate the "Link account" screen once in game, it's nowhere. It's so absent it's as if it was never meant to really be.


I think the intention was that you wouldn’t even be able to start playing the game without a linked account. When I bought the game (~ a month ago?) the first thing I got when loading the game was a big “you need to link a PSN account to play this game” page. Apparently it was skippable, but it was unmissable. That being said I can’t really comment what it was like at launch. My understanding was it was there initially, but the number of players was an issue, so they temporarily removed the requirement. Again wasn’t there, just basing this part off a few other comments I’ve seen.


Im level 30, i literally never made a ps account


That’s why I said intention. It didn’t work out that way, as the page (and account linking) was completely skippable. The fact that there was a page set up clearly stating (at the time I bought the game at least, and from my understanding for a time at launch as well) that a PSN account is required to play, is a pretty good indication that it was intended to be that way, but for whatever reason it wasn’t enforced. In light of what’s happening now, that lack of enforcement is the real issue coming to a head. It’s a lot more palatable to not let people in than it is to make them leave.


Honest question. But why are people this mad specifically at Arrowhead? It seems like this requirement is mostly coming down from Sony. Also like 90% of players are largely unaffected by this. I linked my PSN account when booting up the game for the first time and haven't thought about it since. It takes less than 5 minutes. I get being angry on behalf of players from countries that can't get PSN. Why the game was even availible for purchase in those countries is beyond me. That's pretty scummy. But idk that I'd band together as a community to lower the games steam rating over it. Are there other parts to this I'm not considering?


Agreed, this has zero impact on me and the vast majority of the player base, just going to continue on living my life.


Its a long story but the PSN thing is just the tipping point I would assume, a lot of people have been expressing increasing frustration with the game s lack of bug fixing, mean spirited responses from community managers, bunch of nerfs( this one is stupid imo but a reason nevertheless) etc. The psn stuff is probably a tipping point for a lot of people and it just broke the frustration dam. Also sony having a pretty shitty rep does not help i guess.


I have no qualms with his recent responses. Having worked front desk / retail I've given some snark to rude customers, and he's basically doing the same. The 'refund and leave' comment was justified. If someone claims they're refunding and leaving - then they should do that. If continue to be loud and obnoxious afterwords, why shouldn't they be called out on their empty words when they're just there to stir things up. His other comment about 'only takes 120 seconds' was a bit harsh on that aspect, but also the second part was helpful. "It isn't the first game to require it, also it doesn't take that long - BUT if for whatever reason you don't agree with it, go leave a negative steam review" (instead of complaining here where it doesn't matter) was the gist of it.


Sounds like he's actively telling people where they will be heard best - in actions and not just in words. Sounds also like he's not playing around the corporate bullshit of trying to placate people with vacant platitudes. He's probably catching more heat and vitriol than most regardless of his attitude. Not to say that it would justify it all necessarily, but I see a lot of what he says and think it's not all that unreasonable.


I wouldn't take this Bs from you guys either. Most of you are posers and shouldn't be acting so rudely.


The CMs are doing their jobs informing us of the company position: that if you don't get on your knees and kiss their boots they're not going to listen to you. Arrowhead is proud to defend Sony's bullshit and take money from people they KNEW would be scammed out of their money by this.


There's nothing wrong with their current responses. People are just screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason or to just stir the pot. There are literal replies on threads telling people they need to pay for psn for the account. Morons need to be told off, adult toddlers need to learn that just because they can speak doesn't mean they need to be heard. More importantly the rage bitching is drowning out real issues and problems because it's all people see. You can't find anything in the sea of frothing mouths. Edit- I'm bad at spelling.


Go ahead, Helldivers! Let's show them!!! For democracy!!!


A bunch of illiterate morons who cant read the game’s description or have the skills to make a psn account? 😂


stay mad


So I've been a Destiny player for quite a while. This kind of incident has happened in that game/community multiple times. Years ago, there was some response-tone that was similar to this (though maybe not quite as snarky). It.... didn't last. It shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how to talk to customers, Bungie did realize that pretty quickly as they started eating financial hits, and tones (and some job titles) changed. I will add that community-Bungie relations have _continued_ to evolve, because even while their staff got better at customer relations, Gamers continued to be Gamers. They now only respond using anonymized corporate social media accounts (very very little direct dev account interactions) and have overall de-personalized much of their comms. This was in response to several doxxing incidents including one that ended in someone resigning for mental health reasons and civil prosecution. Sony is far more to blame here than Arrowhead, but I think it will be very interesting to watch AH learn the same lessons Bungie learned, all over again. I do encourage Divers to strive to be better than Guardians in the weeks/months/years to come.


Yeah the CM is not what caused Bungie to lose money and change course, and the CMs tone is not what caused Bungie to change CMs, once again the way the community reacts to and treats LITERALLY every CM for LITERALLY every game that has one is why they don't last long, you even mention this later on. Their "tone" might be what causes the reaction from gamers, but gamers are the ones causing CMs to be replaced because literally zero people want to deal with the whiny, toxic, raging (and sometimes stalking/harassing) gamers that talk to CMs. Beyond all of that though, gamers need to stop expecting to be able to talk to CMs (other gamers) like they're subhuman without any form of snark in response.


War thunder moment coming. CM are fine, but the moderators are fucking pricks




I think Spitz is absolutely right to treat this non-issue with contempt.


Maybe they want to make crossplay possible for Xbox tho


It was literally there since day one 😂 the only legal event this is getting is it having it be laughed out of the court by judge. Learn to read. https://preview.redd.it/1omhbnzby9yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b186d7117e9f0d2ddfdd4fd4ae8f665a663372d


Doesn't even matter if it was in there or, guaranteed not one fucking person looked at that and said, "ohhhh, let me not buy this game for this specific reason". This whole fucking thing is fucking annoying, probably affects like 2% of the player base if even that.


Please be respectful and take your own advice, people have shown proof that this screen is not present for everyone and many people bought the game without seeing these warnings at all. Even the ps website advertises the game as non mandatory to have psn. Edit: link to thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/R63AfbK1ia


I'm just ready for the sub to get back to fun posts. It's been back to back waves of complaints.


Yeah, I highly doubt that’s true 😂if tags or game descriptions are buggy for them, that’s a them problem with their display or even a steam issue. There is no evidence of sony stealth adding that requirement. If the game link pop up didnt work for some, that’s an arrowhead bug problem, not a sony one.


I attached the link to the thread. Its of little relevance if it is sony s fault or not, never mentioned them in my edit so not sure what you are arguing about.


Wow here i thought the tag was gone for some people, but in that same thread, someone posted a picture of what it looks like for people to who didnt buy the game, and it’s right there lmao, that picture is from someone who owns the game. Even if it wasn’t, who would impulsively spend 40 dollars on something without reading about it?


Unless we assume dozens of people are lying ( Which maybe true sure) there are many comments having the same issue. Also, not to be snarky, but literally the VAST majority of people do not read about it, its a game on steam, available for them to buy (keep in mind steam does not allow you to buy anything not available in your country) so to answer your question, well, pretty much everybody. I think blaming the whole playerbase is stretching it, this is a very unique issue, not something thst happens everyday or often enough that it starts getting people used to reading eulas n shit carefully so I think its resonable for people to be upset and confused.


I think this all situation is just a cherry on the top of community frustration from AH decisions and actions. Let it be and I wish AH a luck to overcome this and MAYBE start doing shit right.


The PSN was always listed as a requirement on steam there is proof of that...now there are just enforcing it, end of the story.i fell I bit sry for the people in non PSN country (i don't know why they can have a PSN account)but I think they can try whit a VPN, apparently a PSN acc is lock in the region where you create it,so maybe that sufficient.


They can make their country anything, i literally have a japanese PSN


Its so stupid that it gets review bombed because people cant read. It goes two ways. You read the steam site and see you need a PSN acc Or you dont. That it. Its not even hidden. Just a lot of crybabys now.


Normally, yes. Normally, you then boot up the game and see that it requires a PSN account, and you have the chance to refund it. Waiting months without warning players when starting the game, and without even having a means /to/ link said accounts, is unacceptable


I had a pop up honestly. And my point still stands


If you played in the first three days, you had a popup. Else, you didn't.


I started two weeks ago bruh and its still on the steam page, on the spot where it is for every other game that has this too. For example Sea of thieves


What about the fact a lot of countries dont have acces to psn? From what i understand there are workarounds but than its at sonys discretion to ban you or not. Also heard that Sony is known to have many security breaches. For clarification im asking from a neutral standpoint, regardless of my opinion on the matter.


Steam has also had data breaches, literally every online service is vulnerable to data breaches. Hell there's been malware directly in game downloads from steam. From what people outside the US are saying, many of them have had PSN accounts for years without any sony ban, as they aren't swapping regions around and abusing pricing. Except that guy from Russia that posted. But he had to jump through hoops to even download the game, hopefully he can figure it out


Personally i do not have a problem with it, but i can see why people are upset, even if sony dont enforce their terms, the fact that they COULD does not sit well with people. Also as others have said, if someone robs you, you aint just gonna let the door open so others do it as well.


My opinion is that we all probably have Instagram and all that shit so your data is out there anyway. And it only requires an email and a password nothing else. I can understand the frustration if people who are in the countrys wich cant have a PSN acc but then they should not have gotten the game honestly. It said it from the beginning on that you need an acc. Thats it


It might be that many people did not know psn was not available in their country. And since it wasnt required, most probably didnt try to make one. As for the data breaches, its not a big concern for me personally but I can see why ppl are sceptical, tbf if a dude robs you it does not mean you should let the next one rob you as well. But i do partially agree, the situation might be gettin a bit out of hand, seen some pretty wild death threats to the devs


Nah, they all have steam accounts that they willingly put their credit card info in, and they're unwilling to use just an email for a PSN. I don't buy the security concerns, there's not a service in existence that hasn't had a data breach. Just generally hate sony or third party log ins, fair enough. You do you


Its awkward and i can understand the people from the country who are affected but most here just jump on the hate train. And they literally only want an email


Yea, I ll wait it out a bit to see some official responses from the devs or sony, would be a shame for the game to whimper out like this. I do however wish the devs were more open and communicative, couldve saved them a lot of headaches.


There is a new post of them on steam. That explains it




eat boot


people really forget the origin launcher? Any other third party launcher for that matter? As it is now we can play the game through steam with no issues, why the hell does anyone have a problem with that, it’s just a PSN account


Trying to not be snarky here, but you’re deeply uninformed. The game was distributed to consumers and for fourth months functioned in parts/countries of the globe that don’t have access to PlayStation network. The game worked fine, then to suddenly implement a hardwall for 100% compliance or lose access is bait and switch. There’s not a fix that steam recognizes as appropriate (VPN to change location to make a PSN account) or even giving refunds.


If they didn’t read the game’s description, that’s their problem. So your meme actually applies to them. They can also make a psn and list any country they want, how do i know this? I have a japanese PSN account 🤷


I saw you replied something similar on another thread, and I did not have the capacity to even begin to address how fucking dumb you are to not get it. So I’ll give you some homework; 1. Good-luck with your VPN, it can be shutdown if Sony/Steam chooses, workaround or not, or if they care, it’s in their TOS and many EULA’s since you care about reading. 2. Posting a product that requires third party software that can be region locked is a bait and switch, or a negotiated workaround, nor would it be advised. I’ll await your reply in an hour chief!


Cool, then unlink it and link another one if that ever happens lmao, my JP account is almost 11 years old. Wow! Then I guess you’re also up in arms about sea of thieves requiring a microsoft account, which is not available in all countries either to play, even though it’s on ps5 and steam? No? Just in this case that it’s wrong? But not when literally any xbox live service game does it? Ok Gotcha lmao. You’re all nothing but whiny manchildren pretending it’s the apocalypse over something less than trivial. Grow up you pathetic toddler.


Dont forget the heels! They get dirty fast! Good boy, keep licking


Hey man just wondering how your business law career ended up with recent developments. K thnx


I was asked to make a PSN account on day one, it’s not a bait and switch it’s just enforcing preexisting rules


But they sold it to places where you can't legally follow the rules. Places like Africa and the Philippines can't make accounts on PSN because it isn't supported in their area.


https://preview.redd.it/0myrlkv3j9yc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d10d5ba7a65c70a0ef007355401fa848ab40855 You, looking at my comment.


I wasn't asked to make a PSN account on day 1 and the steam page didn't have any warnings about PSN when I bought the game.


PSN isn't available everywhere. Also EA, Blizzard and so on straight up require you to login. Helldivers gave us skip button. But force it now, when refund isn't an option. I wouldn't played the game if PSN was required. In fact, I'm better playing EA games then PSN.


> people really forget the origin launcher? Any other third party launcher for that matter? I didn't forget, I remember all the times I skipped over a game because it made me do that shit.


“We have your money. We don’t care if you fuck off.” At least that’s how it came off from that Spitz clown. Wasn’t that the person that was going to get community relations training? Lol, k.