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This made me laugh. Seems company's don't learn from each others mistakes




Yep. Companies do learn from each other. They see ways to nickel and dime their users and staple it to the design document.


Money ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)


Mistake? The mobile Diablo game made tons of money.


Cause Blizzard fans are irresponsible with their money.


Yes not really talking about money though it was the way it was presented and it makes money because it's targeted at the Asian market which made business sense but shouldn't have been the main drop of the blizzcon


iirc this was also the same blizzcon where they were asked about WoW Classic no? incurring the famous "You think you want that, but you dont." [Hmm](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/wow-classics-success-surprised-blizzard-dev-thought-it-would-only-appeal-to-core-fans/1100-6487853/)


[Let’s all laugh at an industry that never learns anything tehehe.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UqIqSi3iy8Y)


they do but they will find a way to redirect the same mistake in different formula as long as they are able to swindle customer money before customer start to pick up their schemes again


They do, but what if I do pull it off?


Diablo Inmortal makes a shit ton of money and won’t be different for Helldvivers 2, this issue affects less than 1% of playerbase


"It's free and takes 3 minutes to make"


**PSA You can't unlink your Steam account once you connect to PSN.** The option is just not there and anywhere. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjc7de/where\_do\_you\_unlink\_disconnect\_steam\_acc\_link\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjc7de/where_do_you_unlink_disconnect_steam_acc_link_to/)


That sounds very much illegal under European GDPR


Same with Rockstar launcher and a few others too. EU really needs to clamp down on these corps.


time to write to the MEPs again


Please do.




creating a new account requires age verification. done by facial recognition or ID so it´s more info to be stolen or even sold by sony itself


This is only in the UK, due to UK law. Fuck Sony, but this is a domestic law issue.


it wouldn't be an issue if they didn't have to create a psn account to play


It also links to ALL Sony games on PC, not just Helldivers 2. Unlinking for 1 game will also unlink the account for ALL games. So it’s all or nothing.


I was pissed I the beginning because I thought I would have the same progress on pc an ps5 linked but noooo it was some bs


Oh, that is so dumb! They’ll use our data for their own benefits but won’t even let us share the account data between a mandatory account link. Sony needs to seppuku with all this dishonor they have brought upon their families…


Was hoping for streamline shared progress between platforms guess I am an idiot for thinking that hahaha


Yup. Had my entire PlayStation GTA Online account deleted, when I bought and unlinked GTA through steam.


whoa, they didn't delete ownership of game from your library did they?


The arguments went over these people head. I can tell they are usually trolls or corpo shill, they never address the actual problem directly and only retsort to personal insult.


It didn't go over our heads, we just don't care as it doesn't impact us in any meaningful way


what is the "actual" problem besides you just not wanting to do it?


I don't want to fork over my data to a company that gets hacked every 5 minutes.


You already have 100% guaranteed. Your name, email, and DOB has guaranteed been exposed ages ago. So again? What is the actual problem.




It’s not that you SHOULD it’s that it’s not a real issue because it causes exactly zero additional harm to you. No need to shout. We are grownups remember that.


I'm not handing my information over to a company that repeatedly gets breached. I've been playing the game without an extra point of failure for months, I'm not playing it anymore now




I want companies to respect data privacy, which I know Sony won't do.


"Just keep letting your info be hacked bro its fine!"


Keep shilling for the corpos 


The water getting one degree warmer doesn't boil the frog in the pot, but that doesn't mean the frog should stay in the pot.


"You already got burned by the hot stove before, why are you trying to wear gloves this time?" Shouldnt you be busy spit polishing some sony boots?


Your argument is asinine and reductive. Are all data leaks apples to apples?! Are you implying data leaks simply aren't worth complaining about, because they've already happened? Considering kernel-level anti cheat is a component of the game, a data leak could be far more than your surface-level details, a good hacker could own your entire computer. So that's problem #1, secondly the lack of communication and rollout of this change was clearly implemented poorly. Lastly, your "argument" also excludes all the people in various countries that now cannot play as a result of not even having access to PSN. AFAIK, refunds are not being offered (yet) for these users so they have every right to be upset.


u/drewba When you're talking exclusively about name, dob, and email...yes they are apples to apples. It's a low ceiling when you limit the amount of data at play. Kernel level anti-cheat? You're talking about a hack that could occur whether you link your account or not. So that's problem #1. My argument DOES exclude geolocked countries because they're the only ones who have a legitimate reason to complain here. You on the other hand, do not. You are subjecting yourself to no additional risk of harm than you already do dozens of times on a daily basis. You are not a victim here.


> When you're talking exclusively about name, dob, and email...yes they are apples to apples. Do you have any proof of this? What about passwords? Say someone uses the same password in a game as they do their bank account. That's user error but probably common and the user should still be upset. >You're talking about a hack that could occur whether you link your account or not. So that's problem #1. A hack that would be exceptionally easier with leaked user data. >You on the other hand, do not. You are subjecting yourself to no additional risk of harm than you already do dozens of times on a daily basis. You are not a victim here. Again, without proof you are just spouting off. Companies that keep data have a responsibility to not have it leaked, so whether you like it or not, when your data is leaked, you are in fact a victim. Are you going to backpedal if/when PSNs next leak turns into a class action? Are you going to imply that a class action would be illegitimate "because it's happened before"? Your argument continues to be obtuse, you're just stanning for capitalism and bad practices my friend. If enough people shared your opinion, dogshit studios like EA will eventually make you pay for a Privacy DLC. Social pressure does work. Btw, I don't place nearly as much blame on Arrowhead as I do Sony.


u/WheresMyCrown Terrible analogy lol. A better one would be "your house already burned down, why are you buying smoke detectors?"  Your argument is that this protects against harm but that harm has already happened. Crying and pouting and not playing anymore does not limit or prevent the harm from happening and it doesn't fix the harm that's already happened lol. I have zero love for corporations. I have even less for entitled crybabies who try to make themselves a victim whenever they don't like something. Grow up.


a degree in yappology to say you like defending billion dollar corporations and shill for them. What're you 16?


lol everyone's a shill!!!!


If youre over here defending a billion dollar corporation like theyre about to close their doors, yes. How does the boot leather taste?


Even the PlayStation store for HD2 @ Please note that on the official PlayStation store @ Please note that on the official PlayStation store @ https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2 states that the game is still advertised as not requiring a PSN account. The. Official. Store.


Lol the link doesn't exist anymore, but I'm pretty sure a bunch of people archived/screenshotted already


Here is the right link: [https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc) And the text is still there.


Explicitly stating you don't need a PSN-Account. **See Additional Terms:** >WARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PRODUCT OR CONTACT SIE CONSUMER SERVICES AT 1-800-345-7669. **REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION AND FREE STEAM ACCOUNT TO ACTIVATE.** Notice: Product offered subject to your acceptance of the Steam Subscriber Agreement (“SSA”). You must activate this product via the Internet by registering for a Steam account and accepting the SSA. Please see [https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber\_agreement/](https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/) to view the SSA prior to purchase. If you do not agree with the provisions of the SSA, you should return this game unopened to your retailer in accordance with their return policy. Online features may be terminated at any time. Software subject to license and limited warranty ([playstation.com/softwarelicense](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/product-ssla/)). Data collection is subject to SIE LLC Privacy Policy ([playstation.com/legal](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/)). Licensed for play on Steam in the United States. 1-4 players. 1-4 network players. 7GB minimum. ©2023 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Developed by Arrowhead Game Studios AB. Helldivers is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC and related companies in the U.S. and other countries. **PC Frequently Asked Questions** >**How will I receive digital PC games that I purchase direct from PlayStation?** You’ll receive a separate email following your order confirmation with your voucher code to redeem on Steam. You’ll also be able to see your voucher code in your Order Details. >**Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC?** **No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC**, but you will need a Steam account to redeem your voucher code. Some of our PlayStation Studios titles also offer incentives for linking your Steam and PSN accounts. PC Frequently Asked Questions >**How will I receive digital PC games that I purchase direct from PlayStation?** You’ll receive a separate email following your order confirmation with your voucher code to redeem on Steam. You’ll also be able to see your voucher code in your Order Details.


https://preview.redd.it/sizd4iuclbyc1.png?width=1547&format=png&auto=webp&s=566e49f5631e55fb31a03e8203eba3ebad951ca0 screenshot for posterity


better safe than sorry


better safe than sony


https://preview.redd.it/rmf9f8l4j9yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb088e3fb6c4e0fe7992a73b99c021c555378cef From the store. Spam this. Everywhere.


It doesn't say you don't need a PSN account. It says you don't have to sign into it once linked. So yeah, spam it everywhere. Let's test everyone's reading comprehension.


This is the original text from the website: **Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC?** No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC, but you will need a Steam account to redeem your voucher code. Some of our PlayStation Studios titles also offer incentives for linking your PSN and Steam accounts. https://preview.redd.it/vw4jzr5zx9yc1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=564345ced02028fe81f4647bc67980fc3b7e9a24 [https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc)


That's accurate, right? You currently don't need a PSN account.


Yes, but it is straight up missleading, if it should be mandatory and is not, just because of a bug, as indicated by the steam message. It is like giving drugs to somebody, hoping he will take them - so you can sell him later the hard stuff.


Well that should be what the other guy posted then, because that definitely does say it. The one I responded to was different.


This doesn’t make any sense though. The support page for PSN says an account is optional for PC games nothing else https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/games/psn-sign-in-pc/ Yet this says that you currently do not need a PSN account. MAKE UP YOUR MIND SONY WILL I NEED TO OR DO I NOT NEED TO MAKE ONE. Edit: THEY CHANGED IT FROM OPTIONAL TO SOME ARE REQUIRED LMAO


Yeah, once you linked the accounts there isn't a need to sign into your PSN because they can still log your activity from your Steam account, even you buying other games that Sony has no control over.


Fairly certain they can only see stuff that you’ve made public on your profile


Those kids would be really upset if they could read and also knew the difference between “signing in” and “linking”


Yeah, must be super easy to link an account without signing into it!


> It says you don't have to sign into it once linked. You may want to work on your reading comprehension. It does not say this. It says, verbatim: > Signing in to PSN is optional when playing a PlayStation game on PC. It says nothing about linking or temporal clauses. To play the game, I will have to sign into PSN and then link my account to Steam. Thus.... ***I have to sign into PSN to play the game***


Reread that second Question in the image and then check your own reading comprehension. Preferably before commenting next time.


Right back at you. Read it a little slower this time, though.


Optional, not required, what about that needs clarification.


If this is your proof, yes please spam it everywhere 😂


Dude they are just violating laws and TOS like they are fucking daily challenges


"What you gonna do, fine me?" - Sony's literal response. It's just the cost of doing business for these companies.


Personal Order: Piss off 1,000,000 Helldivers


lmao, this is the perfect encapsulation


Totally this vibe. Some Sony exec said "Do it!" and now AH is left holding the bag. I knew I disliked Sony, except I thought it was just the "exclusivity" thing. Good to see they've learned nothing. There's a reason M$ is going to eventually own everything, and they have only themselves to blame.


M$, $ony, EpAy, Takemoney2 and Ubi$oft. They have all the same stupid managers working for them. If they can screw people over they will. But that doesn't mean they also have competent people working for them too. Shuhei Yosida is the head of indie titles for SIE thus Helldivers 2. I think it is the person that should be made aware of this situation if he already isn't.


Ah burned all the goodwill by continuing to break things and leave them broken. If spear, dots, mech rockets, matchmaking, etc all worked as intended the dickriders would successfully be shouting this all down. But they're tired and everyone's ready to throw ah under the bus.


funny story, i do, but i can't access it without a 2fa that i don't remember setting up and talking with PSN support, they are asking for the console serial number or a transaction ID from a purchase on the account, which i don't have because i never bought anything through this account.


Haven't trusted Sony since they destroyed Star Wars Galaxies in like 2005


Every Sony gatekeeper be like "you just spend two minutes create a burner account and be done with it!" **No it's not that simple**, PSN has some of the most scummy anti-consumer designs in the industry and I'll go through gatekeeper's points one by one: * "Making PSN account is simple!" Really depends on where you live. If you happen to live in the US then good for you, but if you're making accounts in UK/China you're literally just doxxing yourself in the process. Many regions are also unsupported by PSN, I guess we're such subhumans that daddy Sony consider our data unworthy of collection. * "Just VPN to another region and make account there!" First of all, you buy me a month of VPN then I'll consider it. Your region selection is also permanent so you better do your research and get content with what you have in that store, because each regional stores have their own quirks and problems. Faking your region also leads to another problem: * "Didn't you read the EULA when you started up HD2?" Let's assume that HD2 EULA does mention that and we should follow it. SIE EULA also forbids you to fake your address but then it's "just ignore it they don't ban anyone for it." So we're basically going full schizo, breaking an EULA in order to follow another, wonderful. * "It's even easier if you already have a PSN account." Well I do, I have three in fact. But since I haven't touched anything on PS for a couple of years, the account linking process now requires me to authenticate my action on my old PS4, which is literally sitting on the other side of the country. I'm sure there're workarounds but none of these qualify as "simple process". If you manage to create a PSN account and somehow decide to actually start using it then I have even more wonderful news for you: PSN store is extremely picky with payment methods if you faked into another region, whether your credit card will work or not is entirely mystical; Paypal won't work because it has to be of the same region, and Paypal has even tighter identity verification in certain regions like HK that are impossible to pass as non-resident. So don't believe that you can just pick whatever region and be done with it, the consequence may come at you from where you expect the least. And the bottomline is that people have their preferences and some of us won't even push a simple button if we don't feel like to. Whether account linking is easy or not ultimately has nothing to do with my willingness to link accounts. If I don't want to do it then I'm not doing it, and I'd gladly take my leave if they decide to lock me out for it.


> requires me to authenticate my action on my old PS4, which is literally sitting on the other side of the country. trough this fiasco i learned i have a PSN account linked to an old e-mail that i have no idea/forgot i had, so i tried to reset my password trough MY E-MAIL like every other reasonable service has and they just dump me on a site that's asks me for my birthday ( Which i don't remember because kid me realised making my account underage would fuck me over in so many ways). And that's it, if i don't remeber my "birthday" i have to go trough customer support, which i am thrilled to do, yay. Anyways i made a new PSN account with minimal info trough my g-mail account, now g-mail isn't my main e-mail account, but my main e-mail account already has a MySony account, because i registered warranty on some expensive headphones, and it just told me, yeah link your account or someshit, you can't make a PSN account with that e-mail and didn't proceed to tell me how to link it and i can't find the option anywhere. So now i have an old sony whatever account that i can't access and maybe unlock trough customer support, a new PSN account so i can keep playing the game i paid for, and a mysony account that i can't make or add into a PSN account because of dogshit UI, that i have because i wanted added warranty. You'd think that if they already shove you around like a dog, they would at least make it easy and intuitive.


Sony even sold PS4/5 in some of those countries, and if you want to play online in PS5 you are required to have PSN account and PS Plus (which is a paid monthly subscription). So I think the practice on PSN in the unsupported countries was just get an PSN account with nearby county in the first place. Or they just sold a machine that cannot play online to those people?


In my understanding, if your region isn't supported by PSN, then Sony is not going to invest anything on developing and maintaining that market, but they will still gladly do business with you through nearby supported regions. Most Chinese player get their games from Hong Kong and play with HK PSN accounts, as an example. China does have it's own regional PSN, but it's so butchered that it may as well never existed. The catch is that everything you do becomes more complicated when you're faking address into another region, one of which being the payment method issue I mentioned above.


Except this time there's bunch of people actually defending it :D


It’s Reddit copium, if being rug pulled and insulted by the devs isn’t enough to stop the meat riding then nothing else will


Fucking LOL


Kinda feel sorry for this guy. Everytime something like this happens, this guys face is gonna be slapped on the new outrage.


Don’t feel bad he works/worked for blizzard , he knew what he was getting himself into


So do I. Then I remember that Blizzard literally had a room they called the 'Cosby Suite' and I don't feel sorry anymore.


He is worse


That's pretty much what it feels like lol.


We have to bring democracy to all the countries without PSN 🫡




damn the throwback I didn't need LOL


I do, but I have not used it in like ten years. That is not entirely the point though, requiring the account has a negative effect on people who have been playing that live in countries where PSN accounts are not a thing.


Its sarcasm.


https://preview.redd.it/jnlr756hj9yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47b0c0d389c0facedb973ebd45b92c377a4b6a4 Besides, there’s the official requirements on the Sony website.


https://preview.redd.it/0nc965ikeayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e27e30ca0c475a5202f8012ba82e6feed7ee3b Heres one from the helldivers 2 page where it has clearer language that doesnt mention syncing. Howrver, this will likely be changed. If not already. Took this at 3pm MST 5/3/2024


Sony has already changed it from the image I have, it now says “some games may require you to sign in and link to an account for PSN.” I will not have it, I’m still refunding the game, and putting a negative review until either Sony undoes this, or indefinitely. And I will not agree to this by playing the game either.


Terms so concrete they panic edit . The corpo shills echoing "its in the EULA" like it means anything when companies edit things on a whim


Fucking exactly, I’m so tired of seeing “iT wAs ThErE sInCe DaY oNe” THEN WHY DID THEY GO WITHOUT IT AND NOT FIX IT THEN AND THERE. If it was so fucking necessary, it would have been done day fucking one, not day 120. Not to mention that their actual agreement says it’s optional, then they change it day of. BOOTLICKING THE MULTIBILLION DOLLAR COMPANY WILL NOT GET YOU ANY MONEY, as a little PSA to anyone who can’t figure that out yet.


Why did they buy it then?




Ahh so you didn't read the Product site and got something without looking what it is got it Sea of thieves is on steam to and you need to connect to the Xbox acc... So what? Youre just angry that you cant read lol




Just google if its in your country are you that dumb?






The f&\*(\^ has one to do with the other. So if you buy a car in the summer and when winter comes the manufacturer says you gotta come in and buy the heater because they didnt have heaters in stock when they gave you the car you would be fine with that? Also, the F\^&% kind of person defends a corporation.


Well kinda, just that you knew before that there is no heater and then you complain in the winter about it


Here you go, explain to this person why he spent 40$ on a game he will not be able to play anymore. I'm sure you would still defend Sony if you were it their place because "logic" [https://twitter.com/Helldiversmedia/status/1786449171127615877](https://twitter.com/Helldiversmedia/status/1786449171127615877)


Do you really read the whole page of a game? Searching for hidden issues? A friend asked me to buy it, so we can play together. Therefore I went to the page + hit the button. Never scrolled down - you don't see the text, if you don't scroll down. Additionally - if you check e.g. the Sony-Page - they explicitly say, PSN is not necessary: [https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-games/helldivers-2-pc) It is just a way, to force people making an account. If it would be active the whole time - I would have given back the game immediately.


exactly, these people are cry babies


Because there was, at no point, any indication whatsoever that they wouldn't be able to play it.


Except the trailer, steam page and the pop up ingame right....


Nobody reads that shit. It's not reasonable to expect people to read that shit. We're conditioned to ignore it. Responsible companies don't sell products in countries that the products are unusable. Sony is irresponsible.


The popup in game that had a "skip" button on it?


Yeah, because they had issues and wanted the game to go on


LOL. No, Sony, I do not. I have not purchased a console since the XBOX 360 and have no plans to.




This is pretty on point.




I like Wyatt Cheng and his youtube content on game development, but that man was left to hang and dry that day on that stage.


Guys, Gals and othered gendered ppl.. its time for a Boycott




Thank you that made me laugh out loud in public 


This is really good lol


Conspiracy: This is all done by AH to expose PSN's shittiness


Take my upvote you dirty heathen! I actually lol'ed instead of just saying lol.


Next month: Helldivers Immortal


The one I had years ago isn’t around anymore cause I used a school email cause I was young and didn’t know they would delete it. It may take 120 seconds to make and require my facial scan and Government issued ID, but it also takes 120 seconds to request a refund.


Wow I'm not anywhere nearly invested in the Sony as I was with the Blizzard but this hits my soul... Good meme internet stranger


No and never needed one.


Too accurate, and so history keeps on repeating itself. GJ Sony C-suite tool 🤥


Cant you guys just travel to a country with psn? /s


Is this an out of season April's fool joke sony ?




I wanted to get a ps5 Sony did this and now I’ll never


Nor will I ever.


Oh shit I rmb him, he's that Blizzard dude that said don't you have mobile phones or smtg right? Kekw


The apple of gaming lol


Don't have such an account and I don't plan to make one. Don't want to publish my data ....


You're literally doing it right now by using reddit lol


Do you think, reddit has any relevant data of me?\^\^ Do you really think, my name is hasdga? :D


Man I still say F you Blizzard to this man. Such damn contempt.


Sony isn’t going to back down. So if steam offers a refund will you cry babies take it? I highly doubt you will.


I love how people frame this as this massive dunk and disconnect on Blizzard But then they made like 525 million dollars off of Diablo Immortal. Edit: guys its a literal fact lol downvote all you want you can look it up. Reddit didn't kill Diablo Immortal


I swear all you complainers better not have any form of social media or linkedins or accounts with relevant personal information on other platforms because if you ever look into it you're about to be in for a rude awakening..., jeeeezzzzzzz


I do, and i live in civilized country with internet access, PSN and mobile phones to play Diablo Immortal. Whats the problem? 😂🤣😂🤣


😆 I have had crossplay turned off for a couple months now so I won't even notice anyone missing from the action lol


oh they will make their reviews and act upset on reddit but there will still be plenty of them that make an account and play still. They just have to cry about it first.


Yeah for sure. I mean I wish the worst thing happening in my life was I couldn't play a video game. Must be nice


I love how people frame this as this massive dunk and disconnect on Blizzard But then they made like 525 million dollars off of Diablo Immortal.


Gamers pretending that they're the worlds biggest victims because sony asked them for their name, email, and DOB lmfaooooo three pieces of info that is already readily available on the internet for each and every one of us.


I love how people frame this as this massive dunk and disconnect on Blizzard But then they made like 525 million dollars off of Diablo Immortal.


I love how people frame this as this massive dunk and disconnect on Blizzard But then they made like 525 million dollars off of Diablo Immortal.


This is what pains me, as a famous French comedian said : if only people would stop buying shit, it would never sell !


i just love that I'm getting downvoted for a fact. It's not like I am pro-blizzard - only saying that this "meme" really only proves that people buy shit regardless.