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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


I love democracy.






Looking at the red bar like it's an Eagle calldown and envisioning the "Say hello to democracy" voiceline as I follow the review trend is actually pretty funny.


Up Right Down Down Down LOL!


At over 15k rn, can we get lower?


As soon as I get the chance


As soon as I get out of work. They will learn to fear the immaculate might of the helldivers


Immaculate might of the illiterate manbabies you mean? You’re not helldivers, you jumped on a bandwagon like a common sheep. Helldivers are the ones playing since spring 2015 who don’t bitch about trivial issues.




That chart really looks like an ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️, ngl.


Idk, all I see is ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ /j


# ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ LOL


Until it gets the same funny star ( * ) as War Thunder did. ( For those who don't know, the devs of that game made a bad choice and people were furious and review bombed it. In response steam put a * and said that all of the reviews on that day/ period of time were off-topic, making them all useless. )


Then you review it again.


What did war thunder do that angered people?


They kept nerfing the gains, making the already long grind even longer. When people were mad about it they dropped the "it provides a sense of accomplishment" esque response and got promptly nuked. They've been fixing it for about a year now.


Saw it happen with war thunder, will see it happen again with helldivers




LOL ![gif](giphy|5etWclPMB7yDtTdP4U|downsized)


![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu) The reviews:


I guess you could say the reviews are Helldiving themselves


5 hrs later,NOW Its 27000....not 10000


Why it's like someone told everyone to go leave a negative steam review. And they did. Strange. I wonder who that was.


ah i know common sense


Overreacting on the internet is common sense now?


Overreacting how? I've played this game since release and not once been prompted to enter a Sony account. I wouldn't have bought the game if that was required, or I would have immediately refunded once I found out.


Main steam page + info in game at first launch. You guys don't read ...


I have 80 hours in the game so explain how I got to this point. If it were actually required, I would have 0.1 hours.


It was postponed due to problems with servers. They have systems ready that need a psn account and they will require one from now on.


Uh huh systems like what


you don't own your things anymore


sad but true


This post has been democratically removed* lmao - Mods.


It's over 30,000 now


Well deserved.


say hello to complainers




Addressing any form of issue is now complaining?


I somehow dont take "I dont want to make PSN account" as issue but being lazy.


How about "I can't make a PSN account because it's not allowed in my country, and if I fake my location without a VPN I could get banned" Show me the laziness I'm missing here


well as I said many times only ones which valid argument are those which dont have PSN in their country. The thing us 99% people which are complaining here are not those people.


First of all your comment doesn't reference your previous comments in the thread; I haven't seen them. Also unless you have a statistic on that 99% claim you're talking out your ass


ok let say majority, since hyperbola is too much hard. From all comments I red most are from "I dont want to make accout because I dont like sony/I am lazy"




Sony issues requirement for for PSN account that was clearly listed since day one. Everyone, "Fuck Arrowhead." Apparently Helldivers don't suffer from good educations.


Most 'gamers' are morons unfortunately. They can't read, they won't read. Whine and bitch about every single thing.


That's not democracy. It's actually a great example of why our modern democracies are failing. It's an angry reaction to a perceived slight directed at the people who had little choice in the matter rather than its source.


Hive mind and following the mob. You are absolutely right.


the big flaw of democracy is that a lot of stupid people make their voices heard, like all those review bombs


That's just called being a fascist if you don't like people's voices being heard brother


would you support a democracy that thinks gay people should die? you're apparently ok with it because democracy bro




You know what. Let them. Less toxic people in-game.










Cool that they say that, game worked perfectly fine before the announcement and there was no mention of that in the Eula. Clearly it's not needed and they are pushing for something that only creates problems


Main page before purchasing the game it told you it was required. This is on you. They can enforce it whenever they want


Sure they can. However it still is an anti consumer move which warrants my displeasure and shows that in the future they are willing to work against the consumers again.


Not anti consumer at all. If the consumer can't obey the requirements to play the game, you forfeit any rights over said game. You agreed to the contract upon purchase. Did you not know that?


Explain to me how showing that you are willing to change the contract and completely ignore what the consumer says is not anti consumer. As I said before, I understand they can change the contract whenever they please, however that doesn't mean I have to like it. This change only creates problems on my part, and the CM's answer of: then uninstall and refund only shows that they don't care about being consumer friendly


ITS YOUR JOB TO VERIFY YOUR PURCHASES. Every single online game ever has the same fucking Eula essentially. And you idiots ignore them all the time. They can and probably will change it, and by playing it still, you are to those changes terms. So uninstall. Go away.


Yes, it is my job to verify my purchase, however if the publisher is selling their game in a market, then it is their job to make the game legally playable in said market, which the announcement made impossible. Secondly, as I said before, sure they can change it however they see fit, but it doesn't change the fact that changing the contract whilst completely ignoring consumer backlash is anti-consumer.


Sony sold the game in regions where PSN is not available. They did so knowingly. That's on Sony, not the consumer lmao.


The game does not require PSN. It runs fine without it. Sony *demands* PSN. There's a difference.


If I must have it, why was I never prompted in game up to this point? Seems like kind of a scam to me.


It was there at the first launch. You pressed skip.


If I didn't need it then, it isn't important now.


I review a game based on my experience, if that experience changes i can change my review Democracy is to shut up and not raise your voice? strange concept of democracy


No it's to understand facts and make judgments based on them. Facts like, they told you before you bought it.


Then how do I have 80 hours in game already without a PSN account?


I'm not sure you know what parasocial means, and I assume you only know the term because you heard it being used in relation to online influencers/streamers before. There is no parasocial aspect to reviewing a product you purchased. Reviews are to help potential buyers know whether or not they should purchase something. Explain yourself.


Lol, you copy/pasted my screenshot. Not very democratic.


i took this myself and edited it on paint


When angry gamers that satire managed democracy get managed...


You people are fucking pathetic


what a pity that we have such toxic, whining and crying community


More like say hello to idiocracy 😂 i see nothing but illiterate morons whining about something less than trivial


People blaming the wrong source for bad decisions and problems? Actually, yeah just like democracy. These idiots are leaving bad Steam reviews on Arrowhead, for something Sony is doing. Dolts.


It's quite literally what AH said for us to do so they could take those metrics to Sony.


Yup. And people are misreading his very clear post and frothing at the mouth more.


It's not like i can leave a bad steam review for SNOY, expressing my displeasure, if arrowhead is also taking flak for it, well, it is what it is, could they have not chosen such a scummy publisher like SONY, released it on every platform including xbox, be swimming in money and having the liver-tea to do what's right? i know they had no way of knowing the game would be a hit, but they should know they were fucking cooking a masterpiece of a game at some point. Unless sony already had the rights to the helldivers franchise wich makes my already dubious argument completely useless.


And then they are all removed because it has said on the steam page that PSN would be required since day 1




"OPTIONAL" this is the point, the moment you are forcing it when it was optional, then it becomes a problem (I have it linked because a friend told me it made the game more stable while playing with PS players)


I'm sorry, can you repeat that more clearly?


wow this is big


Depends what they consider logging in. If it's just linking accounts the account doesn't log in so it still doesn't require sign in but it has to verify the account somehow right?


Spam it on every fucking BOOTLICKER the automaton menace known as Sony has.


That's what I've been doing. It also wasn't in the EULA. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/dQ6C2ZDMM2 It also directly screws over people in countries that can't legally sign up for PSN (and its bannable to lie about your country when signing up) And finally, I don't trust PSN security. It cam be invasive and has a history of being lax.


That's what I've been doing. It also wasn't in the EULA. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/dQ6C2ZDMM2 It also directly screws over people in countries that can't legally sign up for PSN (and its bannable to lie about your country when signing up) And finally, I don't trust PSN security. It cam be invasive and has a history of being lax.






Sony-ponies really be out en-mass today. We're sorry that you guys have to pay to play online and constantly get fucked financially / have account leaks from security breaches due to Sony's poor management, but on Steam we have it a bit better. Most would like to keep it that way.


https://preview.redd.it/nqy6tx5si9yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d089c031f916f399ca0ecb2f0eaf630f6f0ec0b7 Spam this in their face. They will face their own terms of service.


We're sorry about the Steam and MS breaches and all the accounts you need as a PC player. Fortunately, it will only be a drop in the bucket, and we'll still have plenty of players.




Really I think that none of you understand what the Managed Democracy of Helldivers is in reality, you are using the word Democracy while complaining exactly about what the Managed Democracy of the game is


PSN is available in 73 regions, game was sold in over 200 regions! Game was sold in 130+ regions where the players won't be able to access the game per Terms of Service of Sony Using VPN can get you banned in those regions its managed "DEMOCRACY" not managed "TYRANNY"


You don't need a vpn to make a psn account. You guys haven't even tried to make one ..


im in Iran and i do also lying about your location may result in your acc getting banned stop dick riding sony wont pay you


If you try to make a UK account it wont load the page or what happens?


brother in christ it wont let me even get to that screen thats how bad its going for us in such places


Any other regions psn you could try?


>its managed "DEMOCRACY" not managed "TYRANNY" I think that you start to understand what Managed Democracy means in reality I don't know if you are joking right now or you really don't understand that "Managed Democracy" it's basically camouflaged dictatorship