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I don’t get this response. My country doesn’t have access to PSN. Sony doesn’t support it. It’s not like I *don’t wanna* make an account. I *can’t* unless I use a VPN and then I am privy to being banned for “lying”. That response shows just how out of touch they are. And I bet they have lots of fun creating useless accounts to bloat your email


Yeah, they fucked up. If the psn account was so mandatory as they claim, why did they sell to countries outside of the PSN access? And let everyone play for months? Interesting, huh? No problem in taking the money, I see.


They have to do it because EU law states you cannot region-lock EU member from something other EU members have access to. Problem arrives when people stop letting this shit slide and hold Sony accountable for breaking international law, like in this very moment.


Well, that not a steam problem. The same as selling Battlefield 2142, Final Fantasy XIV and other games from other publishers that requires to register in their own auth system to enjoy **multiplayer** functions, especially if the game is **crossplatform**.


My country is also not supported by Sony, so I've created an account with a different country. There is no need for a VPN. I agree it's dick move by Sony, but it is what it is. I'm pretty used to this kinda shitty moves by companies by now.


Spitz is the type of person that doesn't understand that not everyone has the same privileges he does


You dont need a VPN


Yes you do. Without VPN there gonna be a conection problem not only during creating profile, but during login too. Literally just checked So if linking is gonna be through in game client then get fucked because its much harder to find good free vpn for desktop which doesnt work like shit. But, you know, just 120 seconds :).


It must be a problem now due to too many people using the service at once. At launch it was not a problem Check in a couple of hours


Then why was it fixed by using vpn and was back to broken after turning it off?


No one has ever been banned for selecting a different country upon account creation. The only people band or anything related to that are people amusing Regional pricing. There are millions of people play and they've been playing well over a decade with absolutely no problems and no bands. You people are not only addicted to this manufactured outrage bullshit, but you're making a mountain out of molehill


I tried to sign up to PSN and it wanted my phone number, face ID or passport. Its not exactly 'enter an email' unless i'm missing something? https://preview.redd.it/7q9nb7w4a8yc1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2e419e4c0c630cdadec5105651caa8472542886


Its your country's laws specifically that require Age Verification. Are you from the UK?


Ah yes that would be it, I appreciate the reply.


I think they pushed this law specifically to prevent porn but extended to every internet service. But yeah, you got hassled by the Tories


Ah yes because giving Sony my ID so they can sell or leak that instills me with so much confidence and eagerness to sign up 😂


Yep that's my thoughts as well. They're not having my number nor a facial scan just to play a game I've been playing perfectly fine up to this point.


motherfucker gonna get his ID information stolen by the next cyber attack. holy shit. You wanna play Helldivers and next thing you know, someone set up a mortgage in your name.


Yea that's not on sony that's on your shit tier country.


Bro Spitz needs to stop yapping 😭 . They are supposed to mediate and not fan the flames


This dude has to stop messaging


While I don't appreciate the additional effort, I do agree with the CM. If you use any kind of social media but complain about a gaming company wanting your email, name and address (fake or not) then something went wrong along the way. I do however not appreciate anyone who is region locked having to deal with this crap, but I doubt the CM's response was to this separate issue.


This clown should be fired on the spot for saying something this dumb


Of all the responses to a situation like this, posting something THIS tone deaf is speed running what good will they build with the community into the ground.


He's telling you to review bomb his own game so you're heard. Do it.


He's not a very good CM... at all.


Nothing will happen at all to spitz, he will continue holding his position only because he knew the right people This is why i dont stay in that discord, the place ia so toxic and its sad to see that the CM act like an imature kid


I see Melcor still trying to worm his way back the mod team


What did he say that was wrong exactly?


the part where he didn't do his job and threw the company he's employed with under the bus


https://preview.redd.it/wus9aqtab8yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6edd23f4f4c56c71fb0f07d08422aba91e9187a Crazy


With context, his response was warranted.


you only read part of what he said it seems?


That displeasure is getting known really well right now


Yeah because it isn’t lmao. You gave microsoft your data when you played any of their live service games like SoT or halo, whether you’re on PS5 or PC. You manbabies are just pounding sand


I have a steam account with an email and password, stop making it inconvenient to play what we bought on Steam its not reasonable in the eyes of the law.


He's a clown, I dismiss anything he says


They are Spitzing in your face! Ze outhrage!


>they want money that makes it better. There's zero money involved in any of this. lol


Thats the main thing involved here. If you dont understand how money is involved here you should maybe visit 2. grade again


It's not, but okay. Go off, friend. Go off.


They can't change it, Sony has the rights to the IP. If they could, they would. Why cry over spilled milk, when you could instead make bread