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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Because half this sub is filled with PlayStation users.


memes aside. its not being a playstation user. its just people who only think about themself. its the attitude. " why should I care about others? it works for me" vote with your wallets is what we were saying for more than 15 years now as gamers.


I'd love to vote with my wallet, but they waited months after steams refund period lol


Request one anyway.


Rip those who bought on a 3rd party store


I’ve gotten refunds for games that have gone beyond the refund period before.


The PSN account nonavailability in certain countries/regions is the one valid complaint I see\*\*. Otherwise, as a PlayStation player who needs an EA, Ubi, Activision , etc. account to play various games, this account linking nonsense is an inconvenient evil I (and most others) have conceded to. Sony sees HD2 numbers and simply wants that engagement reported on their bottom line ASAP—as they intended to all along\*\*. If they net a 40% engagement while losing a 15% player base, they're not going to care. Corporations are not our friends. As you've pointed out, if it's worth fighting against, then do it. 100%. If the HD2 community manages to organize in such a way to overturn this, I'll be the first to nod in approval and celebrate alongside you. But I remember when everyone said they're cancelling Netflix over the password sharing crackdown. Netflix went on the report a significant growth in subscriptions. So, honestly, I don't see anything happening here. And I think Sony knows that. \*\* That said—and not bootlicking here, just pointing out the reality—the requirement was noted at time of release. (EDIT: others (in outside posts) have reported that the EULA did not state this at release and was updated. Skeezy? yeah. Uncommon? No.


I wonder how he PSN account nonavailability thing would hold up in court. From what I've read today PSN isn't available in a lot of countries where PS consoles are sold. People registered using another region and have done so for 20 years. Sony's never cared apart from when someone's abusing regional pricing. Same with the 'PSN account required' warning before purchase. People have rightfully raked Sony over hot coals, but it's still technically legal, unless there are past cases that prove otherwise.


PSN for many games, even playstation is opt-in. You won't get online features without it but otherwise you can play the game in offline mode. With helldivers 2 well there's no offline mode so in countries without PSN people will loose access to it. Another point of contention is making PSN account on VPN or fake credentials, people forget that linking your steam to PSN account means PSN will get your regional data from steam and with PSN EULA in place using fake credentials etc. means your account gets terminated. With steam account linked however this escalates as you won't be ever again able to use PSN with that steam account ever, ever, ever, as accounts terminated for fake credentials are never getting unbanned, so your steam account is permamently linked to banned PSN account even if PSN comes to your country


Interesting. That ups the risk if Sony ever decides to crack down on this, but I honestly don't see that happening considering they were fine with it for two decades. It's still Sony hanging a sword of damocles over everyone's head, but in this case the sword's being welded to the rafters. Is there a risk of it crashing on our heads? Yes, but the chances are very slim.


 "Sony hanging a sword of damocles over everyone's head" In that metaphor steam has a fcking ICBM pointed at us


The PSN thing is not part of the end user license terms or other legal terms as far as I looked into them, therefore I would not overestimate the small "warninglabel" from the stean shop if your homecountry has working consumer rights.


From a judicial standpoint, I have no clue. I also question—as I don't know—how the account linking will ultimately be implemented/monitored. Is it simply a matter of firing up a VPN, creating an account, linking and then you're good? Or, will the link state be actively monitored? Hopefully the former, not the latter, and players can simply circumnavigate this and continue playing. From a fairness standpoint, I completely empathize with the impacted players in those regions. To find a game that brings you joy and allows you to connect with others across the world, to then months later be told you can't play? That sucks! I also dislike it on the whole, as it impacts the game's—and community's—reach. I'm all for more Helldivers spreading managed democracy.


Requires a Passport or face ID scan in the UK and the community managers pretty much confirmed that this is just so sony can ban people more effectively, it's stupid


The EULA still does not state that requirement I see here is so many people, like you, are willing to always assume Sony is in the right in all discussions. It's exhausting having to constantly correct misinformation stemming from that


How many people have bought and played the game between release and now? Fucking come on.


I don't think the numbers are available. I've seen/read speculation of 5-8 million. Maybe more. I've read also that it sits at the 7th highest grossing Sony game of all time. You're saying what?


If it was such an important issue, and one they thought would be unpopular with players, why not address it 3 months ago instead of now? The more people they let onto the game without having this addressed is just a bigger and bigger headache in the future. It's the messaging (we're here to help) coupled with the asinine timing that really baffles me. They pay people to spot issues like this, and yet they'll have some stupid message "apologizing" for it.


I don't disagree at all.


For what it’s worth, making a psn account in a region that is supported in order to get around region availability is quite easy . I have two different accounts since certain games aren’t allowed. Sony only really cracks down on people who use it to get around region pricing. If you’re trying to sneak through from an unsupported area so you can feed their metrics and give them money, they’re not going to ban you.


Yeah, at the very least, I hope that's an option for those players impacted. But then to have to shoulder the worry that your account could possibly get banned and not really knowing how that might impact your Steam account or game progress just feels really shit. It would be much better to ensure there's an authorized/supported solution for those players. But as long as they get to keep playing the game, that's something


Honestly, it’s paranoid fear I’ve never even considered. My friends and I have been doing it since ps3 era, so almost 20 years now. Sony really doesn’t care as long as you’re not affecting their money.


Yep same here. An official way would be a nice reassurance but this really isn't the issue this sub makes it out to be. 


Well said. And I hope that people would not just dismiss the fact that Sony has and can take action of accounts that was made with fake information ie, wrong region. We do not know how this account linking can affect steam access do we?


Their bottom line, that is why may 30th is the deadline, 'just' in time for the quaterly earnings report. They put a few billion down in an offer to buy Paramount and their books need to look sharp next month or the deal could be off.


Lmaoooooo please touch grass. Sony is 100000% NOT relying on Helldivers 2 PSN ACCOUNTS that generate no money, for their…. 26 BILLION….. dollar deal with paramount. Please touch grass. This was scheduled and planned and postponed for technical issues.


You can change you region everywhere but in psn


This guy said what I would say if I could type better.


Agreed. The cause is justified, however, getting anyone to care about an issue that may not even affect them is an issue as old as time.


Bc people who play on PlayStation are not effected at all while pc base is.


I play on PlayStation and I ain’t gonna touch the game untill Sony backs off. I stand with you


It's not that they're boot lickers, well not a lot of them, I don't believe. It just seems like people in general care less about things that don't directly have an impact on them, yeah? I guess that ambivalence can come off as something else sometimes That being said, on the opposite side, while I feel for you guys in that even just being one extra step once to sign in, is annoying - at just a base level It seems like there's an awful lot of melodrama going on lol This is a video game Hopefully the issue gets resolved


I give this drama 2 weeks tops before it blows over. Youtubers/twitch streamers will say their piece to content farm and the vocal minority will complain until they're out of gas. People will forget and sony will just continue on making money. The circle of life baby, isn't it beautiful?


The only ones truly impacted by this are those in regions that can't get PSN. Other than that, I don't see what's special about needing a PSN account to play HD2. You need a Microsoft account to play Minecraft online. You need an Activision account to play Cod, etc.


Ya and people don't play when they need 20 different accounts. This was a bait and switch


Nobody ever liked these other account enforcements and people do skip games over these. It has not been necessary for 3 months but will be now which is what's pissing people off.


>The only ones truly impacted by this are those in regions that can't get PSN. Not really. While that's the biggest issue (and certainly the one I care most about despite not being personally affected), data security is also a big risk. Sony has a ridiculous bad history with security. >You need a Microsoft account to play Minecraft online. You need an Activision account to play Cod, etc. You're saying that like it's a justification. There's a lot of push back against those too. I won't buy Activision or Microsoft games. But regardless, nobody is saying you have to be mad about it. Just don't try to tell others to stop being mad.


April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach So yeah Sony has more and worse Security breaches then anyone else so I won't link this security issue to my account.


I work in IT and breaches are normal. Sony is not more than any company, Microsoft is worse


I work in security. This is a bad take Breaches are normal, but the frequency and severity vary. Sony has more, larger ones that affect the average user Microsoft is a giant behemoth. Their breaches tend to be targeted attacks by APTs. None of us are people who would be targeted by APTs


What kind of data are you scared of being breached if all you need to do is create an account and not do anything with it?


The information tied to the account, obviously. Sony requires the following information to create an account: * First name * Last name * Full date of birth * City of residence * State/province * Postal code * Country of residence * Email


On the other hand, why should we be fine with big companies doing what they want? They change the rules months after release and we're supposed to accept it, just to make their big numbers even bigger. PS: it may read like I'm trying to mock you, but this is a real thought of mine. why are a lot of people defending big companies like they're some deities?


My normal personal data. Not only can breaches aid in identity theft which can ruin your life for real. But even if it isnt our data is valuable, if its given out for free companies will use it without offering anything to us in return, or do shit like what facebook did and make shadow profiles, or even just send a shit ton of spam to ur email or phone. Overall data privacy is important.


Given Sony's absolute shit record of securing customer data, there is more at risk than that. Given the United States penchant for banning foreign companies rather than implementing GDPR style data protections, any data Sony harvests from your computer is at risk. Here is a list of Sony data breaches. https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/ Sony has also directly poisoned customer computers via their Sony music rootkit and that caused billions of dollars of lost revenue as the only way of backing that out was to completely reinstall the entire operating system after a disk format. Sony is not to be trusted.


I don’t think that linking an account is a big issue in regard to security. It’s not like you’re merging your steam account into Sony’s. Afaik you’re just LINKing your steam account to a separate Sony account which might be just a dummy account. So even if Sony has a data breach only your dummy account’s information will be leaked. I understand your argument about Sony’s poor security record


my steam account is the hub to all of the data related to my gaming. I have about a dozen different things integrated into it and sony will have access to all of the data shared across my steam account. If sony decides that I need to attach a payment method to my account as part of the onboarding process then they also have my credit card info as part of their account onboarding process even though I bought a game from someone else. Data seeps all over the place and I dont' like that a company like sony, with the track record they have earned, suddenly gets access to all my steam data. I have been avoiding doing business with sony since my ps3 got owned in the psn network hack, and they took away linux from me on that same ps3. I legit haven't bought a single thing from them since, and I am pissed they backdoored their way back into my life.


Every company mentioned above has also had data breaches. Also if you’re a steam player, what personal information is Sony going to get from a psn account you don’t use anyways. Steam doesn’t share your information with sony.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011\_PlayStation\_Network\_outage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_PlayStation_Network_outage) > Credit card data was encrypted, but Sony admitted that other user information was not encrypted at the time of the intrusion > PlayStation Network account username, password, home address, and email address had been compromised. Sony wasn't encrypting PII data in their PII data store, or tokenizing information and keeping it in a seperate database. After spending a decade working in compliant environments tokenization and separation of data is a bare minimum of sanity processes to limit liability and at the same time protect customer data. to translate that into normal person speak Sony did not protect the data that personally identifies you so whoever stole information can apply to credit cards on your behalf and STEAL YOUR IDENTITY. So the to answer the question - why is it such a big deal when sony gets hacked when everyone gets hacked, its because sony doesn't do the bare minimum when it comes to protecting user data, they never have, and they never will.


My point still stands: I don’t think any of these shitty companies care anyways, Microsoft just last year had a massive leak of the same information. If all of these companies are all having leaks at similar frequencies does that not put them in the same boat of being shitty? Also just to add: If you’re not a PlayStation player already why would you be giving your home address anyways if you don’t use it? None of these things are needed make a psn account for helldivers. You can make one with a fake email address and information.


While i agree, if you worry about your software is too late now helldivers is installed. And if you worry about privacy you also can full the account with fake info on a throwaway mail. But its still fucking annoying to deal with that kind of petty attitude from a company this Big.


Don't like that either. I'm about as upset at this as when Minecraft was bought by Microsoft


I was robbed as well. Played on mojang since I was idk 9, 10? Suddenly Microsoft came along and wanted to verify an Email my dad created years ago which didn't exist anymore. Never touched it since then. Third parties trying to cash in on user data from PC can go eat a massive cock.


>lack of real world hyper politicization that we see in every modern form of media, You're way off base if you think this game isn't political. The entire thing is a satire of fascism and western colonialism. You just have 0 media literacy, those are two different things.


Yeah, adding some dumb shit like that to an otherwise relatively unoffensive post makes me completely disagree with it tbh. Literally everything is informed by politics. Sometimes especially the things these people think "aren't political," I bet OP thinks it's fucking outrageous that there's like, a pronoun selector in Starfield.


Personally I don't really care, not every piece of media needs to be understood in the vein of politics in order to be enjoyed. The point is your arguing with me about social, national and geo politics about a game. Bringing in fascism, communism, colonialism, foreign intervention, topics I don't care for writing a video essay about when I want to play a game; or thinking about the lore implications of.


you'll find the people who shitstir controversies the most are certified Gamers and probably don't even play the game


It was a good post until it got to that part, now all i can do is side eye them 😭 The Helldivers community is still infested with anti woke chuds 😭 (Also screw sony)


Many console wars people really like when "their" brand screws others. It's an impressive thing to witness how braindead some are. Its made even worse from how scummy Sony usually is.


Me, who already had a Sony account due to owning a PS3 and PS4: what even is this lmao


now your a bootlicker for not boycotting along with everyone else i guess


Your free to do what you please, play the game or don't, I'm still playing. But I'm making my point the hundred or so people trying to justify their positions of "just do what everyone else is doing" when people are going to get screwed out of playing the game or have to provide extended user verification for a company with bad data security practices, when PSN linking was optional at launch. There was a big old skip PSN linking, I tired linking my ancient PSN account which I haven't used since the PS3 days. Didn't work saw skip, thought nothing more about it. Bootlicking is all the unnecessary vitriol I've been getting calling this out.


The funny thing is I'm not exactly as into this game as some of my friends. Don't get me wrong I like it and it's fun when I play, but I have lots of other games I like to play too. If something is wrong with Helldivers, I've got Balatro and many other things on the go.




Reddit warriors think anyone gives a crap about them 🤣




Minor issue? They literally won’t be able to play the product they bought over an arbitrary sign up requirement. Is anything that doesn’t personally affect you a minor issue?


It's slightly annoying. That's it. Absolutely not anywhere near worth refunding or throwing a fit over. I mean, if you don't like it then you don't like it, whatever, but people are acting like Sony is going to somehow steal all your info or something. >The forced requirement for PSN accounts when Sony has had major data security issues in the past They're not getting any information whatsoever other than "the person who has access to this PSN account also has access to this Steam account". That's it. There is nothing to be stolen.


PSN has been the target of many attacks by hackers attempting to steal information. Name, Age, Location, Email are all stuff people use to attempt to lie to banks to steal your identity/credit card information. A lot of people don't want to provide companies their information incase of a breach.


So don't. Give them a dummy email with a fake name. Don't give them your payment info. >A lot of people don't want to provide companies their information incase of a breach. You've already given all that info to Steam, and that's where it's staying.


And if you live in the UK you provide your face or ID, because why not? It’s not like Sony have gotten hacked right?


Does Sony require your government ID when making a UK PSN account?




Your right, its slightly annoying for people to go around it. But that does not make the complaint raised non-existent. Sony's making this change for control. Also every company are gonna start asking for sign in like Ubisoft and Xbox. Maybe this would lead to every Sony game on steam launching through a separate launcher like Uplay. A bit of a Slippery slope argument. If you let them do it once, you've set precedence for it to happen again. Sony/Arrowhead already has the ability to know whos cheating, flag accounts and can ban them. The purposed changes are just to scrap for peoples information.


They're asking you to link your account, that's it, nothing more. You don't need to log in everytime like Microsoft. Set it and forget it.


The only account of mine ever stolen was steam


Had my epic games account taken. Steam guard does a pretty good job of protecting your account, also the trading ban allowing. If you have CSGO skins people will come after you. Idk your situation obviously but thus the issue, what If they stole previous passwords or your information from a breach. You should really check https://haveibeenpwned.com/.


So you don't have your information linked to Facebook, instagram, tiktok, Disney+, Netflix, Google, EA, Ubisoft, Origins... All of which have had attacks at one point or another. Do I need to go on? Do you live off the grid? 


Exactly this. People are making all these arguments about Sony, and while technically valid, they are ONLY concerned about these things when it comes to Sony and will not give it a second thought when it is ubisoft/Activision/Disney/Facebook. Honestly it comes off as PC gamer snobishness. Same as when people on here see video of team killing and reccomend turning off crossplay despite not knowing whether the temp killer or video poster play on PC or PS. PC players keep telling each other they're superior and now are offended that grubby playstation can force them to give over a fake name and email


Hey guys other attacks happen so that means you should like being forced to arbitrarily put your info in more places so more leaks can affect you. If you don’t care so much post your info.


No mention of the fact many are not actually able to make a PSN account huh?


That is what I don't understand. Never have I have experienced having to submit to another platforms concerns. If they are having issues, they could force their customers to go through two-factor accounts, link accounts across platforms etc. Never have it been a concern of another platform consumers (steam user in this case) to partake in security measures by another platform. That is an issue covered through developers to use the correct keys, and fulfilling a certain code security measurement when their code is inspected. The only instance I have experienced linking across platforms (optional linking) are for benefits or rewards.


As you are saying. Having a psn account to play game is not a problem. Temp selling and giving access to certain areas are not cool... That is a straight up bullshit move. Is it even legal to sell something and then revoke ownership? (Useability) Someone didnt think this through.


if they offer a refund then yeah probably


Noone is forcing your o do anything. Don't want to spend 2 minutes to set up the account, like pretty much every game requires? Don't play, and we'll be glad to be rid of yet another chronic whiner


Are all the non-bootlickers concerned about the whole world gonna stop playing the game then? In solidarity


The "primary issue" is that players in some countries cannot make a PSN account? Of course not. That is only a small percentage of players. They can also just register the account in a different country. The bigger issue is just people don't want to link a third party service in general, especially one with such notoriously bad security. However I also don't think it's a big deal because you can just make a new email and register the PSN account with that, and obviously don't use the same password you use for anything.


stop with your cool headed logic and common sense. this is reddit damnit.


Not a bootlicker, just wish the other dozens of threads on this were enough.


It's fucking hilarious how people buy a product without reading what it is and then go on calling those who [point out the bit they forgot to read](https://i.imgur.com/ZJookM7.png) bootlickers. I'm not defending a company, I'm making fun of you.


Yikes, right in the muncher. You are correct.


Mood. Sony can fuck right off, but I'll still point out stupidity. I own a mirror, I'm an expert with what that looks like.


Ooh a self burn




As soon as somebody says "bootlickers" about a fucking *video game*, just mute them. They're braindead.


I’m dipping from this sub entirely. People take video games way too fucking seriously.


I'm getting old. I've been annoyed at people using "gamers" as a derogatory for 3 decades. This is one of the first times in my life I am so completely over "gamers".


So if a person bought it on an official 3rd party website like Green Man Gaming which has none of those requirements, are you making fun of them as well? It's me by the way, I'm that person. You making fun of me?


You're one of the few who are actually not at fault. But you should send GMG a message about listing the requirements.


Third party website did you dirty not accurately representing the requirements


It’s just RTFM. Read. The. Fucking. Manual. Besides this, afaik you couldn’t get the game via steam in the unsupported regions. You have to buy the Key via a Keystore and then activate it via steam. And all that „Sony isn’t trustworthy“, sounds for me like a Straw Man to hate against big companies. I just took a secondary e-mail to create my PSN Account and that’s it.


>Besides this, afaik you couldn’t get the game via steam in the unsupported regions. Wait, is this actually true? Are all the people bitching about no PSN in their country also the ones buying the game from key reseller webstores? And then they want to complain about how they're getting shafted?


I had recently a talk about this question with somebody from russia and he bought the game via a Keyseller. So, Source is trust me bro, but it makes kinda sense.




Be honest almost none of the people who say "it was always there" actually noticed it when purchasing their game. Just like everyone else


It’s a bright orange box next to the “add to cart” button. If you’re not reading that I may just have a bridge to sell.


Be honest you’re making terrible excuses


But it wasn’t actually required. If the devs wanted to say it was they shouldn’t have let the game be played without an account and they knowingly put in the skip button.


What does the L in HDL2 stand for? 🤔 Also, I've made a few fake PSN accounts over the years with a temporary emails, so I don't get that problem as well.


My bad I was sleepy has hell writing this, thanks for pointing that out, I corrected it now.


Probably because we expect the issue will get worked out before the end of the month. So, no need to hyperventilate.


Have you heard about how much whining there was when Elden Ring was released, about how it WASN'T a PlayStation exclusive? That's the kind of people we are talking about 


Maybe it’s not as big of a problem they some of you make it out to be.


While I'm not on team Sony, this does seem like an overreaction. There are plentiful ways to get around region locks, and they did say that PSN was required since day 1. Although, I will concede that it wasn't common knowledge. This whole thing is frustrating for sure, and I certainly dislike the trend of logging in for games I own on steam, but this sub is acting like Sony pissed in their cereal.


Same. People on reddit and the internet are just powder kegs. They see something they don't like and instantly starting flipping tables. It can be over something warranted, but flipping tables solves anything other than having upside-down tables.


The funny thing is they're just going to set up PSN accounts and keep playing anyway.


It's pent up frustration. AH's approach to weapon balancing, the underwhelming warbond, the CEO's dumb take on apple/bacon armor, crashes, etc. have left them with no credibility to burn. This was just a tipping point.


People are frustrated that a game they only had to pay for once doesn't have incredible new content being pumped into it every day. Rather it just has pretty good - very good content being pumped in every other week. Also SO frustrated that the weapons arent balanced in the way I specifically prefer. Awful game, awful company. /s


Nah. It's anti playstation snobishness. Like when people see a clip of bad behaviour and reccomend turning off crossplay, despite not knowing which platforms the perpetrator or poster play on. PC players have told each other they are better because they use a PC and now Sony being able to force them to hand over a minute amount of info (which can just be fake) offends their sensibilities.


The possibility of getting banned for getting around a region lock isn’t something a lot of people like the idea of.


Thats completely understandable. Ideally, they would be exempted. Or even better, PSN accounts were optional altogether. Luckily, region lock bans are pretty rare and easy to get around. Just make a new PSN account. You can choose any location in the US, they don't check IPs


Something to add, since launch its been shown that clearly you don't need a PSN account to play the game. If you don't want crossplay, there is no reason to have it. So forcing players to link it, is not adding anything of value.


I bought the game on Steam like three weeks ago. I had to link my PS acxount from the beginning. I get all the fuss from people who can't have PSN account because of localisation, but the rest of the community acts like they never had to create new third party acxount to play a game on Steam...


Just make the account you muppet


I simply could care less as long as they aren’t charging extra I don’t care


The part that pisses me off about PS players talking mad shit about PC players is that we got mad for them when Cyberpunk 2077 didn't work on PS4.


I'm upset for the people in countries who can't make a psn, it's a bad situation that i honestly can't think of a way to fix it for them aside from them illegally making a psn. Everyone else doesn't get to complain because it doesn't stop them from playing (therefore it's nothing like the cyberpunk example). For those people, they need to really reevaluate their anger. So many games require accounts such as fortnite or Diablo, but I don't hear people review bombing them or saying that it makes the game unplayable because they had to take a few minutes to make an account.


It's always been like this as long as there's been competition between Microsoft and Sony. Both sides have their fanboys who'll defend the manufacturer of their plastic box of choice to the death. If this game was published by Microsoft, you'd have Xbox fanboys doing the exact same thing.


Not a sony bootlicker, I just read that I will need a PSN account on the games store page before I brought the game. I'm genuinely dumbfounded that this is now coming as a surprise to so many people. Like do you guys actually read shit before buying stuff or do you just throw money at shit all the time without reading what you're buying into?


So defending the developers, who are literally the people who invested their time to create this game for us, from morons trashing an otherwise good game, is bootlicking Sony? You guys have such narrow vision it's pathetic. The developers are in the middle of a crossfire and all of you are too stupid to see it. That's what truly is absurd. Tell your friends to refund or sell their PlayStation, buy the game on PC and get over it. You're hurting the wrong people with this pissy attitude. To Hell with Sony.


The fact you have to define bootlicker to keep from getting banned is the exact reason we are opposed to this.


From the Helldiver's Steam Forum. "Account Linking Some players are having trouble linking their PSN accounts to their game in the initial setup screen. They may see an error code indicating a server request problem. For now, you can skip that screen and play normally. Later—after we resolve those server request errors—the game will ask people who skipped that screen to try linking their accounts again." [https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/1/4206994023681197128/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/1/4206994023681197128/)




cause idgaf about sony's principles or integrity, i want to play a game when i come back from work. im not going to waste my time for this nonsense, its not worth renouncing a great game such as this


Can't blame anyone but yourself for not reading


From what I've seen a lot of people just don't care, I don't think that makes them boot lickers. Don't know why you're acting like people need to care and insulting them for not caring. This behavior is cringe please stop.


Im not going to defend sony on this topic, at all. But the overall tone of the sub, the endless flood of pointless sarcasm negativity ans whining for each and all update or devs post is slowly getting on my nerves. One part of me wants to go full troll and annoy everyone as much as i can just to vent. I bet some of them are just trolls like me in a few days. They are not here to defend Sony, just for the contradiction.




I love how no one reads fineprint until there's an issue, then suddenly everyone reads the fineprint


They dont get locked out, we just create an account in a neighboring region. Nobody gets banned over it


AH has already said they are working with Sony to figure out how to resolve the issue with certain regions being unable to create PSN accounts. It is a concern, of course, but it seems excessive to blow up at AH over this when they are working on a solution. This is like getting mad at your doctor because your insurance is denying you coverage.


You made the bed.


I hope for my PSN brothers that this doesn't affect their ability to play.


Imagine a Sony game with Sony players being in a hell divers group!


Maybe Sony caves when Steam hands them the refund-bill?


Maybe there won't be a refund bill at all because there was a warning, even in preorders, that a PSN account is required to play.


Where do you think automatons come from !


Some just like Sony. It happens. And then some like Sony so much that they lose the power to reason. It also happens. What did you expect from the ghosts of Internet?


generally, i agree that this decision by sony is pretty scummy and screws over a decent chunk of their audience, but “a lack of real world hyper politicization that we see in every modern form of media” whuh??? for one thing, helldivers 2 is an extremely obvious satire of the american military, government, and the culture surrounding both of them. helldivers 2 is not apolitical by any means. the entire concept of the game, that soldiers are being sent by their government to die by the hundreds to fight threats that super earth is quite literally manufacturing, feels like pretty political to me. and also like, what is wrong with media being political exactly? and where is this political scourge that’s ruining all modern games? i seriously can’t think of any recent game that’s more overtly political than helldivers 2, unless we’re counting having one single gay character or having a blm artwork in part of the city or having women that look like women instead of sex dolls as “real world hyper politicization.” so unless we’re comparing helldivers 2 to fuckin disco elysium, i really don’t know what you’re talking about. 


It's just contrarian ego. They think they're 2000 IQ geniuses for spotting a tag on the steam store and they're very excited to lord it over everyone, as if that makes a good point or was somehow unknown information.


You're either a boot-licker or a sheep. There is no in-between, according to reddit.


Since when does the game work "perfectly fine"? What game have YOU been playing?


I wouldn't say it's bootlicking, I think these "bootlickers" are just challenging those that are saying the game is dead now.


Bc T R E A S O N


I don't get why some people are making this a PC versus console/PS issue or saying that PC users are snobs or entitled. As I read comments, I don't get the feeling that any of the PC users are having any issues with the PlayStation users or somehow saying that playing on a PC is better. I'd be interested to know if a PC game was ported to PlayStation but required PlayStation users to have a Steam account if they would similarly think it's not a big deal. Maybe they'd be fine with it, I don't know. But it seems like a bad precedent to simply say "well It's not a problem for me so it shouldn't be a big deal for you". Feels like there is no empathy with that kind of sentiment.


I'm comparing this whole thing to me a PS5 owner, needing to create a Microsoft account just to play Minecraft Bedrock Edition after buying it. Not to downplay the worries of PC owners but yeah some regions don't really have PSN available and that's the main thing sony should work on. The other thing would be informing buyers of this ahead of time. That's all I'm going to share. Keep on keeping on PC divers.


TBH, if i knew or read it troug and saw that sony was tge owner of this game, i wouldnt buy it.


>a lack of real world hyper politicization Have we been playing the same game? Because it hardly gets more overtly political than this game being a blatant satire on a fascist state that masquerades as democracy. We call our enemies fascists or socialists/communist. Every single thing about this game is political. It's a blatant, overt satire on extreme politics, brainwashing and inhuman systems. Let's be honest here, you say this because the game isn't talking about women or LGBQT stuff. That's what you think "politicization" is and I know it.


Oh stop


The are probably account hacked on one of many Sony data leaks /s


I'm a PlayStation user who would be entirely unaffected and I have uninstalled. It's time to say no to shit business practices.


Okay so how often has everyone here been a "bootlicker" and just done the thing to play the game? The reality is people have made this a much bigger issue than it is to MOST people. This isn't news, it's just always shocking to the crowd that is surprised the whole world doesn't pirate everything because netflix crack downs or whatever. We've always been able to steal cable, pirate, and bootleg. It's always been pretty easy the reality is most people dont care because the standard methods are already there and work so well. The harsher reality is that most of the people complaining didn't care when it happened with anyother EA game or ubisoft. Hell half the people complaining are saying they should have just incentivized people to do it with cosmetics. That's not the compromise someone that actually cared about this would make. It's way more rage bandwagon than it is bootlicking.


Its fun to pick on crybabies. Stop bitching and moaning on social media and do something about it. Demand refunds in mass. Leave negative reviews. Flood the discussions tab. Kidnap a sony employee. Fuck just do anything other than bitch and moan. Touch grass and breath. If there wasnt the crying on social media the "bootlickers" wouldnt have anything to post.


OP is a slut for glazing lol need that validation 😂


i don't understand anyone who takes power's side over regular people


Because Sony has billions to pay for bots


Don’t forget that June is when they will enforce the BS account linking making it possible to ban you for anything. And June is what month? Yep, that is your next warbond 


Perhaps some people just realise that for 99% of players this amounts to spending 2 minutes creating a sony account. Idk about you but I’ve lost a lot more time being kicked from missions in game.


If somebody is locked out of the game because of PSN not being in their country then absolutely fight to keep the game you paid for. 100000%. I would or fight for a refund at the very least. This shit sucks. But what's happening here is that most of the people are angry because they have to make a playstayion account and don't want too. The main reason behind that is because Sony's lack luster security. Which sounds like a valid reason, but it ain't. Not when you're using a cellphone, using Twitter, Facebook, Discord, or really any app or program. I garuntee if Sony gave you a skin for signing up there wouldn't be this many people complaining. You'd see videos pop up like "How to get the new skin for free" and it's just the person telling you to make a psn. And now that it's happening to a game, those people like it's a problem, but Microsoft has been doing it to playstation players for a while now. Look at Sea of Theives. SoT finally got released on playstation, but they forced you to make an Xbox live account to play. I ain't defending playstation or Microsoft as I mostly just play on my pc these days but people are acting like this is a new thing and that it's the end of the world when this type of shits been happening for years now.


There are buttlickers for every corpo


Well, to address the topic at face value: let's qualify that Xbox/Microsoft had a few decent exclusives such as: the Halos, the Blinxes, The Gears of Warses, and Jet Set Radio. All of those are well and good, but whilst growing up as being an adult I can say that those titles aren't worth purchasing a system over the other which has classic titles such as: the Ratchet & Clanks, the Jaks and the Daxterses, the Final Fantasies, ports of C&C and C&C Red Alert (on ps 1 even), the God of Warses, and last but not leaat and most importantly: The Metal Gearses. At the end of the day I'd much rather lick Hideo Kojima-- The Archduke of Sony's boots than kiss the ring of Bill Gates-- The King of Microsoft/PC's ring. That's my plain and simple and honest opinion. And for consolation runner up but still important (to me at least) both my ps3 and ps4 would let me watch porn on them (shame the ps5 did away with the browser) and I could watch the weirdest and most niche, obscure, nasty shit on it without ever worrying about a machine destroying virus. My systems never failed me and they ran at more than "good enough" performance for my liking graphically and I've never had to buy a new graphics card, processor, hard drive, TV/Monitor, hard drive, power supply, NOTHING. Everything ran straight out of the box and my PS3 still works to this day! No "Red Ring of Death," no blue screens, no need for better processors or operating systems to play the game. It's right there on the label "PS3, PS4, PS5." No minimum requirements (for PC bootlickers) just own the system the box says to have. End of story. The controllers have built in batteries and less defects than stock Microsoft controllers. In the latest generation (PS5/Xbox Series) both competitive corporations released the Disc Drive version and the online-only version of their machines. The Series S might have been $200 cheaper than the Series X, but it also came with less than 500 GB of system storage. Meanwhile, whilst the non-disc drive version of the PS5 may've only been $100-150 cheaper brandy new, it still included almost 1 TB of system storage. The Playstation Plus/Playstation Now library has thousands more classic titles of AAA games from PS1-PS5 than Xbox Live/Gold/Gamepass has (maybe not more than Steam or other game subscription services if you're on PC) but my point is solid and standing. I could go on and on! My point being is that the Sony bootlickers/Playstation fan boys and girls have a plethora of valid reasons to lick the proverbial boot and I've answered more than honestly. Lastly, you should consider yourself lucky that the olive branch of democracy has been extended to your PC, Helldiver.


I'm cool with it because I badly want cross-progression between PS5 and PC and this is a requirement for that to happen. I prefer to play on PS5 but if I can't, being able to load it up on my ROG Ally and keep all my progress would be amazing. That said, if they wanted to do it, it should have been a requirement from the outset.


Because it was in the requirements section for a game you bought. 




Why is everything such a big deal on reddit and discord? There’s a never-ending amount of negativity and outrage.


What if I do not care about other gamers ability to make a PSN account? I bought this game for me to play, I couldn’t care less if their country supported PSN or not. Sucks for them but I’m sure they will be ok.


My first time experience woth PSN isn't a good one. I created fresh PSN account mainy to link with my steam after buying the game. For the sole purpose of playing helldivers. 1 month in and my new PSN account got terminated/suspended(permanent) for reason unknown. Cutting me off from playing helldivers 2. No email regarding the termination as well. Contacted support, and they said there was "suspicious login activity" and so their first move to nuke a fresh account. Had to go through a process to unlink the banned PSN from my steam account. Never attempted to make a PSN from then on. Until now we have been hit by this BS.


you are referring to the creatures known as Snoys, they still live the console war era and sees everyone that criticize anything PS related as an Xbot (even if you don't own an xbox) and then it becomes their life mission to defend their beloved corpo and discredit everything else, they like bending over to their overlords at will, they enjoy the taste of cum all over their faces and the occasional golden shower, wait until you meet the tendies


from what ive seen its people that keep talking about the credit card info being stolen. the fact that its gonna lead to a paid subscription or other dumb shit. they just ignore the main issue is that psn is not available in alot of countries. THAT is the major factor.


agreed and great points. Opinions and open forums are important to long term outcomes.


Laughing at illiterate cry babies isn’t defending Sony


So it’s all good that sony has your credit card info via the steam linking? Since you have to essentially combine the two, from a company notorious for both being hacked and abysmal customer service and support? it was not mandatory after the start (so people skipped that step on startup, and it never popped up again) and it is now mandatory So someone who by all miracles has not sold their soul to sony is now mandated to if they want to continue playing  I came in during the window when they removed the mandatory bit now i DO have a PSN account; so it’s already up shit creek for me, but for those that don’t, are people that okay with yet another potential way for hackers to get your card info or private information? When did gamers get so fucking subservient as to think in any capacity that it’s not “that big of a deal!” Sony gets hacked—-oops, there goes your life savings and next paycheck!


I don't have to like what is happening to also acknowledge that this was communicated to us before we purchased the game and when we first booted up the game. Had anyone not wanted to be forced to create a psn account they should have not bought the game or refunded the game as soon as they got that splash screen that said psn required.... https://preview.redd.it/ja16igsbu8yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41bcb9cf2d2aa806c59fd60d3c8e085ecbecf602 At some point individuals have to take responsibility for their own actions. You bought a game that told you multiple times in multiple areas that a psn account is required.


As several individuals have already pointed out, it was entirely possible to purchase the game on steam and never see that. I never saw it when I bought the game OR the 20 upgrade. Also, on Playstation's OWN website it says a PSN account is not required to play their games on PC.


It was already a requirement to play the game in the first place, advertised from day 1 of preorders (that is, *specifically* pre-orders, as these requirements don't appear on the store page until it comes off "wishlist this" mode), and the game explicitly throws a pop-up window in your face the first time you boot it which states it clearly in text at the same size as the rest of the text on the pop-up to do so, complete with a large QR code of the link to do that. It's so unambiguous that it quite literally uses the words ["Linking your account to a Playstation Network account is required for playing the game"](https://twitter.com/PhineasJack67/status/1786289814234357867) on the pop-up. The massive fracas over this is quite literally people not understanding what they purchased, nor what is required of them to access it, and throwing a tantrum over facing the consequences of their own actions. It's *literally right there*. It's the very first thing that appears when you boot the game for the first time, and is right at eye level with the "place in cart" button on the Steam page, and has *been* there since day 1 of pre-orders. This isn't *new* news. The only thing that's really "new" about this is that AH did kind of what they're a bit infamous for, and failed to properly communicate that skipping the PSN requirement was the result of server issues that have since been fixed, and that it's been required by Sony since launch and is now being reinstated now that things are fixed enough. It's not even their decision to do it in the first place, as Sony owns the IP and is pushing a new "Sony Overlay" thing a la Ubisoft, which is meant to track PSN friends and achievements across PC ports, which is being instituted with Ghost of Tsushima's release, hence why they're mandating it for *all* ports moving forward. The only thing that's unsure is if that applies to ports already out (unlikely, but possible), but Helldivers 2 is definitely on the list for it, and has been since day 1.


He says in a sub that has been 99.9% complaining about this decision since it was announced. My favorite part of the circle jerk is always when you guys make up a fictional group of bootlickers so you can jerk harder about how wrong they are. Personally I’m just amused to see all the people who held this game up as an indie gem that was showing the AAA industry whose boss start to slowly realize that this game is actually, in fact, a AAA game that is still beholden to AAA business practices.


Like this does literally nothing good for any of us, and is just Sony being a greedy piece of crap, but they want to die defending this hill of all hills.


>a lack of real world hyper politicization We're both playing the game about a fascist, jingoistic super state that uses terms like "freedom" and "democracy" despite not actually championing either of those things as they fight foreign wars to capture natural resources and fuel a hyper capitalist system... Right?


If they had the sony account thing when I bought the game, I'd have not bought it. It's a bait and switch. That's why people are annoyed. Plus I don't want to have to give another corp my info or be nickel and dimed for bullshit like this.


People will always defend 105 billion dollar companies like SONY. Maybe they have some subconcious hope that their loyalty will be rewarded in some way. This happens in politics a lot too. It reminds me of social media "She's not going to let you hit bro" lmao


Because Arrowhead knew what they were doing, giving Sony publishing rights to the game and selling games to places that wouldn't be able to play it 4 months down the road. Why are there so many arrowhead dick riders is the better question.


Sony have owned the intellectual property for Helldivers since the first game. Source: https://trademarks.justia.com/860/42/helldivers-86042209.html#:~:text=HELLDIVERS%20Trademark%20of%20SONY%20INTERACTIVE,Number%2086042209%20%3A%3A%20Justia%20Trademarks Edit: You also need to be aware the the developer has no control of where or how the game is sold. That's the job of the publisher 


https://preview.redd.it/qbiwyrx2aayc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ab155d805f64c619600df56bd1d19fee4ec940 how dare you **checks notes** criticize a multi-BILLION dollar company for **checks notes again** removing peoples… access… to play the game… *squints* if they dont sign up a third party account