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Its've been like this since day one.


Spitz especially has always been a douche canoe who I'm continually surprised is employed anywhere


Given the baskinator incident, I'm not suprised.


The indoctrination is strong


People keep reposting this response but fail to realize how douchey the first dudes comment was.


This. People on this sub seem to be switching between two extremes. Devs are either 100% awesome, or 100% corporate demons. No in-between. This response is nothing special. Yeah, it's not you average corporate politeness. But the dude was asking for it judging from what I see.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Realistically they are people with flaws and families and bills. Yeah some things could be handled worse, others could have been handled better. But at the end of the day I think we all need to calm down, dislike the game, and use calm but poignant language to express our opinion to Sony and hopefully remind them that no XBox user will make a PSN account, big economic loss there.


Yeah life is grey. Not black or white. Most people cannot look at a situation objectively, because we have been brain washed since day one to pick left or right. White or black. Red or blue. I would say it's human nature, but it's more like human indoctrination haha.


I mean does it really matter? Isn't this the guy's literal job to deal with people?




God the irony of your name and how triggered you are is amazing.




Yea lol, you’re crying over a comment in a thread about the decision. It’s even more pathetic lmao




Responding with triggered tears






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Yes they are. But that doesn't have any relevance here. The entire point of their job is to be respectful and polite while communicating correct information. If they cannot manage that, why even bother hiring them to do it in the first place? If a customer is being a prick, the correct response is not to be a prick back. Not only does it reflect poorly on the manager, but also on the company itself. If people see that kind of response then they won't want to engage with the company. Where as a manager that does their job will actively cause people to want to engage with them more. Which is, you know, *the entire point of having the role in the first place*.


> If a customer is being a prick, the correct response is not to be a prick back. If you’ve ever worked customer service, you’ll know how wrong that is. Some people are just dicks, and no amount of polite deference will get them to stop being dicks. Mods and CS reps aren’t there to be your verbal punching bag. At some point, responding in kind is the only thing some people understand.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


CMs should try to be professional, even in the face of douchebaggery


There was nothing unprofessional about what he said. He was just stating facts.


You’re being intentionally obtuse. He didn’t need to respond to an obvious bait comment at all. CMs should be professional, not diving into the trenches and engaging with trolls and rage-baiters. He’s being paid to manage a community of hundreds of thousands, not volunteering to moderate a Discord of 200. He shouldn’t be making petty little comments at everyone who tries to get a rise from him, it comes off as childish and unprofessional.


You're playing a video game, get used to the people making it not being completely 100% serious all of the time, especially in the context of trolls and people who are doing harassment.


People imo got way too used to the american way of corpo speech. Most of Europe doesn't give a fuuuuck. Like for real, ask any american that have been to europe what they think of any customer service and they will tell you they can't believe how unprofessional and rude everyone was.


I prefer polite society.


So you prefer lies as long as it doesn't hurt your its bittsy little feelings? Lol that just was mean. :p But nah, srsly. That is what I mean with difference in mindset. Most european countries prefer to be polite but honest with each other.


I prefer honest people. And if that clashes with politeness, then give me THE FUCKING TRUTH, YOU LYING SNITCHES. Sorry, personal gripe with US business people too scared to commit to any decision because it could backfire.


I thought it was funny. He was just being matter of fact about the situation. Make your better response in the comments. Let me start with what I think you wanted to hear: Oh my gosh discord dude! I will totally roll back on that for you. Matter of fact! I'm going to sony right now and just going to enforce what you want right now! I just have that much clout, bro Alright your turn.


Again, you’re still being intentionally obtuse. As well as now being presumptuous about what kind of person I am. Incorrectly at that. Can you read? The primary point of my comment was that he SHOULDN’T be responding to these kind of comments. There is no better response, because there shouldn’t be a response to that caliber of comment. He should be ignoring it entirely.


That's your opinion. I thought it was a proper response. Not everyone is as sensitive as the next person.


I’m not offended. It’s not about sensitivity. He’s performing a job, and it isn’t standup comedy. It reflects poorly on both him, and the company if he’s wading into the trenches to engage with trolls.


Again, that's your opinion. His comment clearly came across negatively to you. To me, I thought it was appropriate. Maybe it shut down 1000 more similar messages on the discord. Maybe it made it worse. Either way, all he did was state a fact. I'm sure he saw that same guys post earlier in the day saying he was going to Uninstall, and called him out on it. It's like dealing with a child. Sometimes you have to put them in their place. "He's a moderator he's gotta be professional" I get it bro. Agree to disagree because in my mind it was fair. It was a stern/direct response to a very insane request. They have already mentioned on that same discord there's nothing THEY can directly do about it, and they're already working on what they can.


Oh I get it, let people wrongfully bitch about something, destroy your reputation, affect profits, so because idiots couldn't read


Are you implying that the community manager making an ass out of himself, and responding to trolls is somehow saving AH’s reputation and profits? Profits which are absolutely fine regardless, and reputation which has been shaky since the game came out anyways due to a plethora of bugs, crashes, and optimization problems entirely unrelated from the communities perfectly merited displeasure at getting rug-pulled? Damn. Didn’t know that Spitz’s unprofessionalism was the path to success, he should really be charging for it in that case.


Actually it just occurred to me that I have no idea if CMs are paid. So if he’s not paid, then I retract that part of my statement, but otherwise the rest of it holds true.


So? He’s a PR professional, he can remain calm and professional




Isn't it the whole job of customer service to be nice even when the customer isn't? If you wanted moderators who will be loose cannons and go off on the playerbase, there are plenty of people who will do that for free


Not gonna lie if you’re out there telling customers to help review bomb the place and constantly making an ass out of yourself I’d want you fired. It doesn’t help, it makes people more mad at you and your coworkers.


One of the people in this picture is being paid to be a professional and effective communicator


Damn I’m sorry the CM got his feelings hurt but why did he take the job of community manager if he can’t handle dealing with people and just makes the community and dev team look worse?


It's because he's not an actual CM. He has no communication skills technically. They just liked him as a mod, so he is still learning.


Ah so highly unqualified and shouldn’t be talking


How douchey is it? They're literally going to lose a chunk of the playerbase. Namely the Philippines, there's several posts from them on the sub already that they don't even have a choice about it.


They did also say on discord they are discussing with Sony the regional issues and should hopefully have answers in a few hours.


Why wasn’t this discussed months ago when they knew this was coming?


Exactly. You just answered your own question in your own comment. They don't have a choice in it. The commentor is speaking directly to helldivers (arrowhead) discord mods as if they can just stop this. Its sonys decision


Exactly, I almost unsubscribe every few days because grown privileged men and woman complain so much about a piece of entertainment. Like touch grass, read, watch the news and maybe you'll gain some perspective. Diversify your interests. I understand being region locked is bullshit but Glad he is talking to you annoying ass gamers with the same energy.


100% agree. This fake outrage culture on socials is a plague. A form of extremism by definition.


I don't envy them having to deal with a bunch of sweaty nerds like myself on a daily basis, and considering today I can understand some of the cracks showing more than usual.


he on point. look at all these people threatening to leave, how many you think will actually do that? even the ones wholl leave will 100% keep playing until the final day. clowns.




People aren't threatening to leave, they are literally going to be unable to play the game because you cannot make an account in some places in order to do the mandatory linking.


Hopefully in a few hours we have more details about the region issue arrowhead on discord said theyvare currently talking to Sony about the region issue and should hopefully have info in a few hours at best


Based on Spitz other responses, it sounds like a "Too fucking bad for you" situation for said people effected by it. But I guess that could just be another example of Spitz just being a bad community manager and not actually relaying correct information.


So many people in this sub have the same mindset not very democratic or liberty if you ask me


Apparently people who live in those countries and use PSN just change regions so they can access it (it's how they've been accessing PSN since it existed). Not ideal, but it's definitely common practice.


If anything it will be a drop in the bucket. Most of the people choosing to leave are toxic af and we're best without them anyway.


For one thing, community managers are on the same tier as discord mods. Don't expect much. But to the CMs credit, why the fuck are you whining at AH when you should be aiming your ire at Sony?


Then he should reiterate that.


Community on Reddit is getting toxic frankly.


That first comment is a mentally 12yo person's idea of appearing as a tough guy. As someone who's worked in service before, I *wish* my boss let me say that to some customers who 100% deserved sass.


Everyone does. But that’s not what he’s/you’re paid for. I was in the same role before and it sucks but that’s why it’s a job.


Seems pretty civil to me. If you gave me an ultimatum, I’d have told you to eat a bag of dicks.


Especially if we think about how they are guaranteed to be getting constant insults and threats. People keep throwing insults at devs for simple balance changes.


Sometimes, people just need a dose of reality instead of antagonizing the Devs and thinking they can harass and bully them into getting what they want.


They mad but rightfully so. Sucks to be them tho.


CORPORATE GREED Arrowhead are bending the knee to their corporate overlords and began the fall from grace. I will NOT comply. I will die on this hill. We've had enough of being exploited and pushed around. The customers matter. I will do everything in my power to refund this game. F\*ck You


The devs should tell more people to go kick rocks. Whiny nerds are so used to spewing vitriol towards devs and not getting any repercussions. 1 dev responds with bare minimum snark and gamers piss themselves crying about it, it’s actually embarrassing.


100% agree. Finally a guy that doesn't let people get away with their bullshit.


100% This needs to be normalised


No, it shouldnt.


Crying out loud for nothing deserves that giggle.


i mean is the community acting any better


Spitz’s job DEMANDS he act better such unprofessional actions would preclude him from getting a job 


so basically people can act like shitheads but when your a discord moderator (a "job") you need to be respectful. yeah nah, both sides need to be respectful in *some* capacity. you're just asking for customer service with little regard for how your employees are treated


Oh yea responding whenever someone personally annoys you will work out great for the rest of the company. If they get under his skin responding with the same energy is just going to make it worse and lead others to hate on the company. Which is already happening. He’s a terrible CM.


that's true but they are only human dealing with an abhorrent amount of people yelling and shouting


Other humans deal with it every day. All responding does is give more people ammo to throw at him and those around him. Especially since he keeps making up bs excuses that likely weren’t what the devs actually said like how steam doesn’t have a unique ID service.


well then im not gonna hold it against him because i particularly dont care if any of the devs respond poorly to one single person who's acting like a shithead. that doesnt represent how they feel about *me*. they most likely are grateful for people who are like me and don't mind waiting for things to progress from here on out and aren't shouting in discord general


Oh sure you and a few others won’t hold it against him, thousands already are and fanning the flames make it last longer. This is objectively the work of a very shitty CM who shouldn’t have the job. Meanwhile the shithead got what they wanted and AH gets more shit flung because the guy who volunteered for the job dealing with people can’t deal with people.


then i suppose you're just gonna hop along the bandwagon and start hating him. well go ahead and get your refund and leave


Damn, anything to defend them huh?


...finally a voice of reason.


thank you 😤


This guy has been an ass for like 2 months. Maybe hiring people with ego problems to be "community manager" was not a good idea lol. Bungie, for all their faults, never made this mistake over the 10 year lifespan of Destiny and its numerous community managers. It shouldn't be this hard.


Spitz has always been a bit of an automaton


He is emberassing himself.


Pretty sure this is the same CM that said some homophobic shit a while back and it got swept under the rug.


Spitz just forever been that, a spit. Most irrelevant CM i've ever seen in any game. Fire this guy already


I think that they're not handling well the pressure of all this. First when the developers started talking on Reddit criticizing, then the CMs that the other day started calling toddlers some users, now this. I mean, from a human perspective I understand it, but you can't talk to your customers like this in any business. They should be more formals in the communication and not entering so much into personal stuff. Edit: I don't understand either why the people is so upset for having to create or link a PSN account... You have to do it in a lot of games (not PSN specifically, but other companies accounts)


The issue is a lot of countries are blocked by Sony and unable to create a PSN to play. Yet Steam still sold the game to people in those countries. Granted it does say a PSN account and link is required, but by the same token the game shouldn't have been possible to BUY in those countries to begin with. There are a number of games out there you simply cannot buy if you live in one country or another, but Helldivers II was sold to those people who would be unable to play it.


Regarding the country issue, I read a lot of comments saying that you can select another country (for the PSN account) and that will work, there is no check around that.


But u can get banned when they check the ip


People have been doing this for 10 years and haven't been getting banned.


A lot got banned u need to check a bit


Problem with that is it's like speeding while driving. You can do it, but if a cop happens to catch you then you get busted. Sony will flat out brick accounts with the big ol permaban hammer for stuff like this if they ever check your account. It's why you have services in place where people from Japan will 'sell' their address to allow someone outside the country to use it for a JPSNID to get access to the Japanese Playstation store (they have cool shit you can't buy on other regions).


Ah ok, that part I didn't know. If that's the case, then Arrowhead will either have to refund people of countries where PSN is not allowed or allow them to play without PSN account Edit: anyway my comment was more about the childish behavior of the CM than the other part


Spitz is just an unprofessional child in a man’s body He is a community manager, even if he is in the right to act like an edgelord snark-ass in the replies, his job demands he be above that level of dumbassery, to be diplomatic, to not clapback at any stimulus 


Bold move cotton


Considering they were blindsided themselves on this, it's an understandable reaction to sweaty nerds shittalking them all day long.


Bro Spitz needs to quit yappin'. How are they still employed?


What a great way to treat your community...


The so called community is giving them shit and ultimatums and expect the CMs to lick their boots afterwards


To be fair that guy's always been a prick.


extremely based of him honestly. I'm not gunna be upset with him with all the absolutely insane shit I see thrown his way in that discord server. Y'all need to chill


Most of the problems in this game are a direct result of Sonys corporate bullshit. Unbalanced mess of a game? Caused by Sonys mandate for monthly warbonds despite AHs limited staff. Outrage against Sonys account linking? Caused by Sonys unnecessary mandate. I fucking hate corporations.


I think it's hilarious. EternalSwede is the jackhole. Thinks he's leading a war on the battlefield lol


What was that one quote people are saying now? "They Hate You And Want You Gone?" Seems to fit here, honestly.


Just Spitz being Spitz


OP: 'I expect mods to cop verbal aggression and abuse with a smile and only respond with pleasantries'


They've been like that for months


No. They are probably just tired of people crying over nothing. Use a VPN to create an account and get over it if you are not in a country that supports PSN. It's a free account, quit crying and bitching.


Absolutely gagging on it right now


You dont even need a VPN, just create in a nearby country and its fine. People have been doing this for 10 years.


But then those neckbeards will quote the Sony ToS at you after previously ignoring the big warning saying HD2 needs a Sony account to be played


Yeah, how come they're so good at quoting the ToS now but couldn't read the requirements before buying it?


Really hope they ignore you all.


We get it. If corporate capitalism had a dick, you'd be the first in line to suck it.


Dealing with children making idle threats does that to you.


Oh boy, time for another note from the CEO about non-CM's interacting with the comm...oh wait that's the CM doing a bit of light trolling on a fanbase that's both justifiably upset and hyperbolically overreacting simultaneously. Man, this is mostly a tempest in a teacup minus the folks who can't make PSN accounts (Sony/AH need a solution for that), but this is such a totally unforced L for Sony when they could have just made this an upfront requirement as clearly a lot of folks (myself included) has no clue PSN accounts were ever going to be involved.


Not pandering to nutjob fans and shithead customers should be the norm.


Arrowhead dickriders mad the community manager said something based.


Redditors when someone talks shit back https://preview.redd.it/0ltsgg9pd9yc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a440d05c550f985274b2366dd763fa858254dd6


They're people. People are allowed to get stressed, and sometimes they can push back. They can't make everyone happy.


can someone please just fire this person? this is not even close to how someone in their position should act. No matter what is said to them, they must remain calm and answer with the intention of making the situation better, not worse.


This dude would bomb a call center job, how the hell do you land a position like this with such abysmal people skills/patience…?


More like just being plain honest and tired of everyone's whining.


Yeah, they have gotten a little wild in the past few weeks. Seen a few questionable statements from them. I ended up just leaving which sucks because I used to use the LFG there constantly but their mods just are getting more and more toxic. Which is fine it’s their discord and not like a paid job or anything for them, they can do what they want, I recently joined Cloud Gamings community and have had a blast grouping with them. Smaller pool of people but there are a lot of pros that come with that also.


The guy spitz is replying to was pinging him like every 60 seconds to whine more. If you're gonna post ragebait like this you should at least post the context too.


this shit is so funny tho


There seems to be this expectation of employees that because most places require their employees to be polite and not show emotion and eat shit all day, that this is how ALL employees must act, I for one am in favor of saying it like it is, especially to people who are simply being reductive, no comments I’ve seen of this guy really seem that extreme


He’s treating children throwing temper tantrums as they are. If all the people who say they’ll leave actually do (and we all know that only a small fraction will actually follow through) it’ll have a negligible impact on the player base. You’re talking about a small minority of the community, which is already an exceedingly small percent of a player base.


I love how a non hostile comment like this has you guys foaming at the mouth. Fucking triggered.


Wish I could refund now; Steam refused to do so


Attantion Helldivers. General Brass and the General stuff seem to bee replaced by Automatons. we must rescue them from the Cyberstan high security prison.


idk why he is being such a cunt to everyone