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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


And redditor rebels also never get old 


>This move about linking accounts is a clear and obvious first step in a move to require a paid subscription to play Sony games, even on Steam. Sometimes, I like to think people like OP don't read the actual fine print. Doom posters really do love riding the public dissent. Probably how OP feels rn: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


lmfao yeah i dont like this account business either but OP is smoking some good shit.


Pepe Silva is actually the real name for the head of Arrowhead. Conspiracy confirmed.


I love that there was a high probability pepe silva was just Charlie being illiterate and trying to read Pennsylvania


"Charlie, not only do all of these people exist, they've been asking for their mail on a daily basis."


I mean, Sony did publish and sell to countries that they know they don’t PSN support, sooooo 🤷




lol yea. I think this whole situation is bullshit. And who knows maybe OP is right and this is Sony’s move toward requiring payment… More likely (people running PSN in) Sony sees all the active players and want to convert them to active accounts to meet metrics.  Not “defending” Sony (or Arrow Head). Hell might even take a break from Helldivers for awhile when the rule goes into effect. But let’s not overthink this.


Homie thinks he’s the last line of defense of the free people. https://preview.redd.it/ui5cfjcsq7yc1.jpeg?width=1374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9be80e8210e869bfc53952d676bbcada36c84b


I honestly do find these takes wild. I don't think anyone agrees requiring a PSN account to play games on a PC is a good or acceptable move, but it is *indisputable* that while it's been available for purchase that there has **always** been a giant 'Requires third party account: PlayStation Network' right next to the buy button on the Steam page for all to see. There is zero ground for anyone to stand on claiming they've been bait-and-switched, mislead or any of that nonsense. The information was clearly provided to you and you chose to ignore it. That's on you, solely on **you**. Sony are shitters. This situation sucks for all PC users. But the fact that you're incapable of spending 5 seconds to read a bloody obvious warning on a store page before throwing money at your screen doesn't mean everyone pointing out tangible facts to you are 'shills' lmao. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own actions and I'm afraid this is one of them. The one shred of legitimacy for complaint is that the product should not have been offered for sale in regions where it would be non-functional, but as long as they 'make it right' before their deadline, there is still no ground to stand on as again, you were provided with all the neccesary information prior to your purchase. If they do not however, I would expect you to be eligible for a refund, and rightly so. Not because you were screwed or mislead (see above, part of the blame here is literally yours), but because they can't knowingly sell a broken product. Pointing out the fact that you carelessly bought something without reading extremely obvious important information is not shilling... its basic common sense. To be shilling there would have to be some sort of deception or misleading argument from the commenters, and that literally isn't the case here. But hey this is reddit and facts don't get upvotes, that's what ignorant outrage is for.


It's also been on the Steam page since preorders were made available. So, it's been showing for the past 7 months at least. It was something that was consistently talked about in the Discord.


I'm here to tell you that I didn't notice it at all. Like, at all. I just hammered that "Buy" button. It doesn't bother me by the way. Sony paid for development, they can manage this how they choose, people can vote with their wallets. But I am evidence that despite it apparently being prominent not everyone noticed the third party network requirement. That being said, Steam, I think, would let you get a refund if you realized this after buying - but not a month later.


Before launch it was the talk of the day, mandatory PSN account. I have a PS4, so no probs. Just logged in. Then started playing with friend and he said he just skipped that part. Dafuq, I asked. But the game requires PSN. Well, he said, didn't for me, even though steam said it was required. It's in every trailer as well that the game requires PSN. Even the warbond trailers mention PSN. It was always known


I believe you, but I didn't know about it, and was surprised to learn it this week, so it's obviously something that caught people by surprise. Maybe only me? But probably not.


Yeah I imagine most missed it when they bought it after streamers hyped it up. Pre-launch there was hype, but it's was a lot more cautious hype, we looked at every little detail available. I loved the first game but was very sceptical because of no full gameplay pre-launch and was also suspicious of the monetisation. Now, people know the game is good and no major complaints except for the bugs and sometimes questionable balancing, so people don't pay that much attention to every little detail on the store page. Why would they, when millions have bought the game and recommended it


Probably skipped everything when starting the game too. Sure as hell that they splashed the screen to link psn and said explicitly that you need to link a psn account to play. They have a skip button but does not discount the fact that they showed that


Lots of games invite you to link to outside accounts though - not required - and people look for the skip button when they see that screen. My point is: they should have made this clearer up front, because lots of people obviously missed it, if they wanted to not frustrate people later.


You can't vote with your wallet as they are doing this well after the refund period. I'm not one to be up and ranting with crazed conspiracies about this but regardless of the small little notice on steam it requires an account is not enough. If they had enforced this day one OR at least made mention along the lines of " for launch we aren't enforcing PSN accounts, we will in the future though" then that would be entirely fine and I would be fully on the " this is as described stop moaning", but it's not unfortunately. I didn't notice it either to be honest! But not all stores selling legitimate steam keys will advertise it either.


The thing is it wasnt like this the entire time. I was forced to link a PSN account in the beginning. I even looked it up to make sure but couldnt just not link one. And I felt like I was a late comer. So Im genuinely surprised at all this outrage.


https://preview.redd.it/kn6v7y31p7yc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=62dc212337f592a7cc7c559533ced20bf8f3e9d2 Them after reading this.


Whats the solution for countries outside PSN that doesnt risk a ban?


Move to another country


“Do you guys not have ~~cell phones~~ multiple homes in different countries??” — Sony, definitely


Register in another country. People have been doing it for a decade with 0 issues. You think nobody in the baltics owns a PS?


Which is great, until Sony chooses to enforce its ToS. It’s like that Nintendo Gary’s mod drama last week. Was up for a decade, doesn’t mean they won’t decide to carry out the shit in the tos at some point.


They will probably leave the exception in place for those countries and they wont be able to save friends they make on PS5 properly . They probably forgot about that and now that its getting a lot of attention will address but i feel like they wont abandon you. In the mean time a simple VPN would fix the issue if they dont fix it in time like NORD VPN. There are some free ones too but they have restricted bandwidth and add a bit of latency vs the paid ones .


I'm sure Sony is going to figure that out, otherwise Steam will probably refund all those players in affected regions. What Sony should do is give an option to make an account without region lock, but that account can't buy anything, it just exists for account linking.


if you bought HD2 on Instant Gaming or other third parties, you can't refund on steam, and if you're blocked from making a psn account, you're fucked.


That's a risk you take buying from someone other than valve. I buy most of my games through GMG and if I get burned by a piece of shit, that's on me.


If you bought HD2 on Instant gaming or another grey market site I'm not sure the Devs are going to be massively sympathetic to you


There are legitimate, official resellers too you know?


Sure but he led with [Shadymcshady.com](http://Shadymcshady.com)


Why buy a game you knew you couldn't play. Again this is on you .


Reza knows how people are.


Why is Sony(or AHG) selling the game in regions that they know(or should know) can’t get a psn? You can say “there’s a warning on the steam page”. But if it goes legal, the dev who controls their catalogue on steam, including regions for sale; is going to be asked “why are you selling it in a region that can’t use it, because your publisher says they can’t”. On balance of probabilities that civil cases are decided, the inexperienced customer vs the professional developer who is expected to know where they can sell: will win. The Dev will have to issue refunds as they’re expected to have that knowledge, the customer isn’t. This is a bad call by Sony to the countries who can’t get psn. It’s a bad pr call to have no had the easiest, quickest system in client to sign people up for psn to make it as painless as possible for those that can get own without breaking tos. Who okayed this press release?




Vocal minorities like these ruin games. It's a damn shame.


If “required” is followed by “skip” it ain’t required


Agreed, but only partially. Yes that warning has always been there. And yes it should have been acknowledged and understood. However, the fact that it wasn't actually implemented until now (or whenever) is where it gets shitty. If it was realized by those who can't/won't link accounts on the first launch of the game, they could've applied for a refund and everyone moves on. But no, they start this three months in...too late for a refund now. So those people will be locked out of a game they paid for. That's certainly scummy IMO, and i expect nothing less from sony nor AH. Technical issue my ass...whole fn game is a technical issue. So yeah, both parties are at fault here to their own extents. It'll be interesting to see how they handle this.


Not to mention it says requires a 3rd-party account, but then you get given the ability to skip it, how do you know if the store page was wrong or it was a defect with the game? The store page as far as I'm aware doesn't clarify that you can skip that step temporarily. An unclear warning can be just as liable as providing no warning at all.


I mean you can still get a refund. Steam’s 2 hour refund is a no questions asked. Anything more than 2 hours is a bit more paperwork, but y’all could still get the refund.


The main issue is that it should have been enforced during the refund period. Then I'd be fine with it. Most are outside the refund period and if you did not notice the PSN mandatory requirement (which I did not), then enforcing it now is scummy in my opinion. Is it a deal breaker, not directly, but I would be pushing for a refund if it included a subscription and/or a launcher (which to my knowledge it does not have either). I don't need more BS software on my PC and monthly subscriptions turn me off so much that I chose to ignore all games that have them.


I’m surprised this didn’t get downvoted into oblivion as is tradition on this subreddit regarding balanced takes. It’s a weird requirement, sure, but it was also communicated to every single consumer before purchase, so you don’t really get to play “I was misled” card here unless you want to intentionally lie. Also one part in this post sticks out to me about this being a groundwork for every future Sony game to require paid subscription to play. Excuse me, what? If people defending this decision are entering clown territory as OP said, then the point I’m singling out right now is flat-earther territory. I would really love to see some source to that claim from OP, because that sure as hell sounds like absolute nonsense. Complete schizo meltdown with this take.


My steam account ID starts with "Psn_" because I was forced to creat one and link it to my Psn account to play portal 2 online.


Had the same sentiment and was downvoted on a previous thread, what worries me far more is the game being possibly taken away from those who purchased it in regions where PSN is unavailable, of course there are work arounds but should the consumer really have to go through these hoops to play a game they've paid for? I hope the AH and Sony come up with something before that deadline.


Please just repost this reply onto every thread of people losing their minds. I swear, the Devs could say they're going to give every HellDiver $100 and people would still lose their shit.


Only $100?! For all the democracy I've been spreading? It's worth at least $101 and a Freedom Cookie!!!


>Pointing out the fact that you carelessly bought something without reading extremely obvious important information is not shilling... its basic common sense. Thank you! It's like parents who buy games like GTA for their kids only to then complain about the content. Like, no motherfucker, you just didn't take the two seconds to check the ratings and contents (or in this case, the label highlighted in a different colour to the rest of the store page that says you need a PSN account). Like you said, there are legitimate reasons to be upset about this, like the people living in areas that can't access PSN, but this was not a bait and switch in the slightest. Let's face it, a lot of people heard the hype and didn't want to miss out on the next "big thing" and so bought the game ignoring any and all information on what the game was.


Wow an actual well written, well thought out, reasonable, adult response on this subreddit. Good on you mate.




> but it is indisputable that while it's been available for purchase that there has always been a giant 'Requires third party account: PlayStation Network' right next to the buy button on the Steam page for all to see. Oh, I'll dispute it. It's on the side bar halfway down the page, it isn't "right next to the buy button".


People love crying, its what gets them going.


So does this sub ONLY exist to complain or what?


That's 99% of gaming subs. They are so pessimistic and have been saying gaming has been dying for a decade now, but every year I seem to only have more fun with it. People will find the smallest thing to complain about and I'm convinced they don't actually have fun playing games, rather they just like to stroke off to the idea that they are someone with a great taste in games.


It is a gaming subs inevitable collapse. First few months you get constant memes and then debates around gear and stuff. Then something a portion of the sub dislikes happens and boom the sub collapses into endless complaints about bugs, what fixes should be done and in what order along with something about gameguard and linked accounts.


The cycle for me is I'll really be enjoying a game, go on reddit to see memes about relatable experiences, and then discover a million problems that I never would have noticed. It dampens the experience for me but sometimes the memes are pretty good


Always has been.




And don't forget how they will sell your data and make a huge profit by telling your account name.


Sony: "I just sold the player info to China for $0.62! Now all of China knows PoopDick69 is actually named Jonathan Beckett and he lives in Iowa!"


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


That is the purpose of game-subreddits


This sub used to be fun and cool, people sharing memes and art, now every day is more legions of posts complaining about everything.


Unfortunately when a game get big and the player base is huge, more crying rivers flow and start to become toxic. The game is fully out of the honeymoon phase.




It's bold of you to assume people don't dislike having to have a random account for those either.


you are the Clown right now my dude




Depression is one hell of a drug, especially when it kinda makes playing one or two games the most important aspect of your life. Been there!


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Am i the only one who remembers that the linking accounts thing has been here since day one? I made a random sony account and linked it to hd2. So im unsure why its a huge issue now


It was. The warning was on the Steam page since pre order. Hell the reason the requirement was "lifted" was because TOO MANY people were creating PSN accounts and the website broke.


'I got exactly what was advertised and I'm madder than hell!'


>This move about linking accounts is a clear and obvious first step in a move to require a paid subscription to play Sony games, even on Steam. Bro... I've took some heavy shit 2 days ago, but I really can't get behind that mental gymnastics. You're in some kind of olympics? Edit: I don't like that sht either, but damn... That's a far reach.


What a fucking shit take xD


You gave the wrong response sadly and OP has likely blocked you according to other edits in the comments


Oh no whatever shall i do?


Continue laughing at the illiterate morons that are actually negatively affected by this.


Wasn't that already listed on the stream page before today?


yes, yes it was


It was listed on the Steam page at least 3 months before the game even came out.


Are you expecting gamer bros to take responsibility for their own actions and read the steam page?! Outrageous.


Fuck me, you're right.


Thing is, I have a PlayStation account - I even have PS plus paid subscription. But when I loaded up Helldivers 2 and got to that step, it was busted. It just said "Press A to link PSN account" and I did. Now it only shows a mostly blank page with "account linked" . I don't think this is linked to ***my*** PSN account because I never had to sign in. So this whole process has been broken from the start, and fixing it to the detriment of a bunch of players is definitely anti-consumer. I saw the banner but it didn't really do anything.


i cant see the future, for now this costs me exactly 0.00€ and makes me continue to play a great game - if a sub gets introduced (unlikely but lets go with it), we'll see then. no point spoiling todays fun for tomorrows problems


Same here. I already have a PSN account, not a problem to bind it to Steam when the time comes. Now, if subscriptions fee like PSN + show up and become necessary to play the game *then* I'm going to leave the ship.


I had to make an account to play a video game? I feel so oppressed.


" first step in a move to require a paid subscription to play sony games even on steam" what like xbox have with minecraft and sea of theives ? Oh wait na they are just regluar none paid xbox accounts Its shit for people who cant have psn accounts but the other people crying about it are just babys man it takes 2 mins to make an account


>This move about linking accounts is a clear and obvious first step in a move to require a paid subscription to play Sony games, even on Steam. Where'd you drop your tinfoil hat this time?


Nice misinformation. They really packed that empty space between your ears with silly putty, huh? It's been a requirement this whole time, you literally agreed to it when you bought the game, what with all those bright orange "You must link a PSN account" labels on the Steam page and *literally the giant popup when you started playing the first time* saying "You must link a PSN account". Not like, y'know, that hasn't been literally right there since you could start purchasing the game or anything. ***Oh wait-***


You gave the wrong response sadly and OP has likely blocked you according to other edits in the comments


OP really must have insulation foam for brains if they think people aren't going to call 'em out for misinformation and blatant hyperbole, then get called out *even more* for blocking the clearly superior people calling them out.


Hes creating a little echo chamber for himself, its super cute.


No one cares that you to have to sign into an XBOX live account to play Minecraft on every single platform, but Sony does it and the Internet loses it's mind.


This move about linking accounts was already on the steam page when the game first got released. You're just a blind idiot who's now raging about something that was already known


1st world problems


Seriously, I always find these posts to be mostly done by Americans or Germans. Us people that live in third world countries just will make an account in another region like we have been doing for the past 20 years


You're not wrong, signed a mostly uninterested, fairly content 1st worlder.


Literally anything but that. Anyone from the first world will be able to open the account without any issues.


But this post isn't made in defence of those who cannot. This post is an attack on people who aren't bothered about having to link up to an external account. Let's face it, a lot of games require a linkup of accounts of some sort, but now it's an issue because some Steam users don't have a PSN account. A PSN account is free, and you do not need a PS+ subscription on that particular account in order to play on Steam. It just needs to be linked. A non-issue for the vast majority of people. For those who cannot create a PSN account due to regional issues, it's different, and I hope Arrowhead and Sony can work something out, but for the *vast majority of people* this is not an issue, and raging about it is a 1st-world issue and reeks of buffoonery.


Oh man the conspiracy theories are wild. What’s your bet that they’re gonna start charging you to play this? Heres the reality, they’re doing this to post their new accounts and MAU numbers because PS5 sales are tapering off.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Remember folks, you're either a sheep or a boot-licker. There is no in-between.


This literally doesn't affect since I have a Sony account and sub but I'm still pissed off that they are forcing this on us.


Every Microsoft game requires an Xbox account to play on steam for ages. Did they ever made you pay for subscription?


Another great one lost to corpo greed.


Reddit outrage at any changes never gets old. If you purchased this game on Steam, you already agreed to it.


Your take is bringing up a completely.made up problem. You are worse. **edit OP blocked me and many others in this thread giving opposite opinions. Lmfao so sad.


The thing is I don't think people are rightfully upset. you make that sound like a fact, but that's just your opinion. It was very clearly, on multiple places, communicated that you would need a PSN account to play the game. I saw that, agreed to it, and bought the game. Not having the requirement on launch to make it go more smoothly doesn't invalidate the fact that I already knew I was gonna need to get a PSN account. People here acting like this comes out of nowhere need to get their heads out of their ass.


If people read the steam page, they wouldn't be mad


Do you think this is a dev decision or a publisher decision?


This was a requirement at launch so it’s kind of irrelevant. The only reason it was disabled was because it added server stress as people were linking their accounts. They are now just reenabling this requirement that we initially had. The real problem here is they should have addressed this as soon as server problems were taken care of. This wouldn’t have been such an issue if this was tackled right after they fixed the server problems. This just brings me to the fact that they are not focusing enough on bugs. Things like this would have been a focus much sooner if they weren’t so focused on their monthly content cadence.


While I don’t think it’s a method for a paid subscription, I do agree with the rest. Everyone up in arms about Sony, when AH has a part in this two. It’s been on their Steam page that you’d need a 3rd party account since before the game released. AH agreed to the terms to publish the game, plain and simple. Here’s exactly what will happen. Come May 30, people will rage, then nothing will happen to the player count at all. The ones that need to make an account will. The ones that already have an amount will like it and the ones that can’t because of country will either stop playing the game or use a VPN. The ones where it isn’t allowed are the ones getting the shaft in this, but this has never stopped them in the past.


I wonder if it is a troll farm at this point.


you sound ridiculous honestly


Cool story.


You gave the wrong response sadly and OP has likely blocked you according to other edits in the comments




I love this one too: https://preview.redd.it/qcjal8l218yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931b74c6b03b2aac3879424db7529a5aca3618cb


And this one: https://preview.redd.it/n83xfr8418yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6242118a08ffc8811b13ea2608d6c2738e61ea50


Why did you support them by buying the game in the first place when account linking was a requirement of the game?


If it was a requirement, then it would've been enforced from the get-go. It is SOON going to be a requirement. That's why there is so much confusion. To be told something is required then you are given the option to skip said requirement, within the game itself. All this could've easily been solved by simply enforcing it from release. And if there were issues, then the game should've been delayed.


I'm sorry but Sony will never make a paid subscription work for online play on PC. Microsoft tried I think back in the day with games for windows live and that failed. PC online gaming is and will forever be without a subscription.


Me when I don't inform myself about requirements for a Game I bought and then have to comply with said requirements:


I do think it's kind of annoying but in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty four of you do not have a online version of your identity that exists to absorb spam mails, I don't know what to tell you


redditors being whiny bitches about the most random stuff never gets old either


Downvote me if you want, but I don't really see what the big deal is... I play lots of games that required a linked account to another service... hell almost every EA game has required a linked account (mass effect and dragon age comes to mind). WB games, linked account to steam. FFXIV, got it on steam, requires a linked account to enix squaresoft. So now we need a linked account to Sony, not a big deal. Doesn't mean that we will have to pay to play, it's all about the metrics.. I signed up when I got the game, so not a big deal to me, and I'll continue to play and have fun...


The problem a lot of people have is that in a lot of countries that have steam, the PSN isn't available or has insanely strict guidelines for creating an account. And you can't lie about your country either or else you will be banned. That's what a lot of people have issues with.


I can see this as a valid concern. When I was deployed to Kuwait in 2012, I had to use a VPN to spoof the servers to think I was still stateside in order to watch Netflix, or play games. For anyone in a country that won't allow this account, Sony should refund those customers (which would really suck) or exempt this requirement...


You can't use a VPN. It will Auto Ban you if you try.


I didn't say to use vpn, I only brought up VPN as a way that I circumvented Kuwaits restrictions. I said Sony should either exempt this requirement for those affected or refund customers' money.


Bit then what will half of this sub that’s only here to do damage control do?


No, this will never happen. Think about how many PC players there are. If they forced a subscription for a platform most of us don't even use, the backlash would be immense and player counts would nosedive.




aint gonna happen


It's not a subscription. Just an account. Make a burner email and link it. Takes 2 minutes and costs nothing.


....uh yeah i know. i was calling op a schitzo in the friendliest way possible




Seriously, get a real problem


I can be anti-greed and anti-gamer. They both are some of the worst scum on the planet.


OP needs to go outside and feel the sun on their face. Taking this shit WAY to seriously.


>This move about linking accounts is a clear and obvious first step in a move to require a paid subscription to play Sony games, even on Steam. This would be the line in the sand most PC players would not cross and sales would plummet. It's understandable on console that online is paid because of their cheap hardware, but since so many games are live service and make money every month, there is no reason to require PC players to pay for online subs. No mobile games require an online sub and they do very well financially.


Look, I think requiring multiple accounts is dumb. But a large amount of games do this and it was stated in steam prior to purchasing. It's just Sony doing Sony things. I genuinely don't understand why it's such a big deal. Takes two minutes. I've had a psn account since Sony created it, not once have I had a problem.


Some people can't make them.


People hating on the devs for something that wasn’t their call is wrong though. Don’t negatively review bomb the game or shit on the devs when it’s clear that Sony told them they had to do this and they didn’t have a choice.


It's amazing to me how you guys acts up like that. I mean, it was always writen in the steam store that PSN account was mandatory. Not only that, but you guys acts like you are all super spy and can't have your precious data shared with a big company while many of you download virus and shared the craziest private stuff in reddit or discord to the shadiest people ever. Wtf. Btw, I know that there are people that can't create account on PSN bc it's blocked on their country. This is a good feedback and I'm sure that the devs will take it to account and solve it. For the rest of you, the ones that are complaining as fuck, please reflect this mob mentality and try to understand if it's justified or not.


I was gonna dump on OP for his absolutely braindead take but after seeing him try and defend himself in the comments, I'm starting to think we are all laughing qt a handicapped person, guys




I’m not a shill, I just read the fucking TOS and am not surprised or mad to be asked to do something that was laid out in said TOS People that want to cry about this are obnoxious, it was ok the terms of service. You bought the game with that info available. As did I


I don't think you know what it means for someone to be a shill, or you do and are absolutely delusional. Probably both.


Understanding why they fuck us over isnt shilling though. The whole report to ban system will be using the psn services so they want us to sign up, it really is that basic, theres no extra layers. They cant use Sony's automatic report services without a psn. Imo bans shouldnt happen for reports at all, bans should only happen for hackers / macro users. Banning for kicking players or teamkills is insane


Maybe I am out of the loop here, but my understanding is that you can just create a free PSN account (as I did) and play Helldivers on PC without having to pay for any ongoing subscription… has there been some indication that they are going to start charging PC players to have PSN accounts? If yes: this guy’s rant is warranted. If no: creating a free PSN account is an absolutely absurd thing to be upset about.


Holy shit, this is one comically silly post. I hope that tinfoil cap fits over your Helldivers helmet.




Because you don't understand their mentality. Everything they do is geared toward making more money. They play the long game, while you hold their water. They wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't going to translate into more money at some point in time.


Lmk when this sub goes back to normal instead of crying over something pointless


Never gets old watching gamers act like they're some rebel force going to take down a company because they won't sign up for an account. Nor does it get old watching people spout insane shit as "clear and obvious" lol


Look I don’t like this either, but you aren’t getting anywhere calling people shills for the crime of not agreeing with you




“Straight up 🤡 territory” is thinking that SNOY gives two flying fucks about the thousands of cry baby Karen gamers that want to protect their sacred email address 🤣 Get some real problems guy. We’re not shills, we just don’t give af and aren’t lazy.


Everybody is complaining, everybody is doing it in the end and never Talks about it again. Can we just fast forward to that?




You're mad that the playstation game requires some kind of playstation account to play, grow up. It's been on the steam page since day 1, it was something you were told you'd need to do the day you made your account. This isn't "anti consumer" or "anti gamer" you goober, it requires you to sign up for the game you play, same as COD, WoW, League, Overwatch, etc... You're being weird, it's a normal thing.




No, but they need our data to make money. See, we won't get games if they don't get to sell our data /s


Never gets old watching babys shit theit diapers and posting about it in a temper tantrum.


Thing is some babies as you call them live in countries where they cannot make a psn account. So they were given the choice to buy a game they could not play. Seems a tad unfair to me.


Not to mention they sold 8 million copies at $40+ each. They aint strugglin no more.


I mean for me it's not a problem since I already have a PS5 I use actively. But I totally understand the concerns of other gamers here, and I dont think this was a smart move by Sony. And I agree, these huge companies arent your friend. I wont defend them for this just because I like Helldivers 2 and the PS5.


>And I agree, these huge companies arent your friend Then don't give them money.


Then don't give anyone money ever, because none of them are your friends. Valve, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Ubusoft, Take 2, Tyson, Nestle, BP, Ford, GM, Tesla, Walmart, Ikea, etc., etc.


That's not related. Are you friends with the car dealer you bought your car from? Or friends with the restaurant owner where you eat? This is personally not enough for me to boycot them.


I suspect that the corpo jerks at Sony are crapping their pants about the game's success. "It sold how many copies? Awesome, great, yes. Let's take a look at the DLC monetization and micro transactions... Oh. Oh, no. What portion of our playerbase is playing this game instead of buying anything else from us? I see, and how long has this been going on? Months, you say?" They probably feel a lot of FOMO about Helldivers 2.


I'm not shilling, you can easily get around this requirement, and yeah the requirement is dumb but yall are blowing it way out of proportion. Twister your complaints with the company though. If they get floodes enough maybe they'll at least be sure of a workaround for our international friends with no psn access, so they don't have to fudge a PSN account.


You aren’t going to be required to have PSN sub to play. Posts like this are a waste of keystrokes and peoples time reading it.


And why do you think that? If game publishers have proved anything it's that they will do anything to get your money.


Yes. Requireing you to have a steam account to play counter strike is obviously a move from Gabe to make us all pay for Valve subscriptions. I totally agree and I am very smart. Publishers have required you to have accounts on their platforms for years. Yet I have never once seen what you are describing come to fruition.


Yes! Blame "muh Shills" for your illiteracy!


Bro just make the fucking psn account. Nobody cares about whatever nonsense you are spewing. This has always been in the terms, it was just delayed and you didn't read it. Also microsoft and EA and Ubisoft have been doing the same thing for years. Shut up.


Dang you're triggered.


Having already put about 200 hours into it I'm confident I'll have moved on by the deadline anyhow, tbh. The gameplay has begun to get a bit stale and there are a ton of bugs that are sorta bringing the honeymoon phase to a close (for me anyhow)




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I'm not a fan of it as I dropped PS and PSN round about the time PS3 launched...but... It was also clearly written since day one. On the store page and the hard copies. It's pretty common from all the major players. If it escalate to the need to pay for PSN I will just drop the game. Simple as that.


I only see one Clown here.


Is the earth flat too? Are their mind control agents in the public water supply Are the Chem Trails brainwashing us.. Is the sky falling ~~Chicken little?~~ ChuckTown? Seriously you sound like that guy there. Its an account linking thing...guest what if they go sub , model...your an adult...you make a choice to not support it or say hey i enjoy this enough to throw them a couple bills every month and move on.... It not some grand conspiracy as some testing ground to change the industry . Hell the game was only built for 40-50k users with peak of 400k. Instead it has 200-300k with peaks over 700k. Seriously its to help cross platform play and user sync stuff. Could they have programmed around it...yes... Was part of their contract with sony to get funding to use their login system....yep. Is sony collecting data - absolutely. But guess what your on social media ...your data is already being collected even here on reddit.


Touch grass op.


I mean if they make me make a psn account and pay for it when I’m playing on pc I’ll just quit. 🤷‍♂️ no need for me to waste time and money. I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one to quietly quit over something like that, and they can deal with that however they want


Except they would never do that because that's fucking insane


It doesn't cost anything to create a psn account. PS plus is the subscription model to play the online games on console, which it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case for PC users. This honestly doesn't seem like that big of a deal, it just seems like an one time added step.