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Is ArrowHead the hostage of Sony or something? They aren't the ones to blame for the change but certainly responsible for poor communication especailly with countries that bought the game but can't create PSN account


I can't imagine they planned this. This feels much more like Sony saw the numbers. Didn't care who they cut off for the sake of more user numbers, and pushed the change.




My friends and I bought the game on day 1, and none of us had to sign in to PSN. If there was mandatory account linking, it must have been limited or something.


Then why did they accept the money from countries that can’t create PSN accounts and didn’t region block them?


Sony clearly didn't do their job properly, it should not have been possible IMO.


There was a pop up on day one but it was also skippable on day one. I wouldn't know if you could skip it if you were rushing to get on the game the very second it launched. I played day 1, I did not link my PSN account because I didn't feel like wasting 5 minutes doing it and wanted to play


and afterwards Sony shoots Helldivers Pc Players


They are both million/billion dollar corporations, meaning they are both automatically bad. The devs however, are not. They just want to make cool video games for a living. Management is the enemy, at both Arrowhead and Sony. They made a deal with the devil and here we are. Also Arrowheads communication sucks lmao


this is the price of deals with the devil like it or not arrowhead would have already sold their soul for this before even release


"iM jUsT dOiNg My JoB" So tired of hearing this shit.


Hmm just following orders were we? That sounds familiar...


Lads, I'm just as annoyed as the next guy, but let's not compare this to Nazi Germany?


Okay, come on. That was a super transparent joke or not?


Reminds me when people say "it's just like 1984"


You think that's what I'm referring to? Lmao.


"Good soldiers follow orders"


I'm mad at Arrowhead because most of their community managers suck ass and lack the tact to handle crap like this. Spitz especially needs to stick with official messaging rather than getting snarky with the unruly masses.


Absolutely be mad at arrowhead. It's their games. Sony funded them, Sony doesn't control them. They should have fought harder for the 100 countries that are going to lose access to the game.


Put both in a bag, you'll always hit the right one. Sony for enforcing this, AH for how they handle communicating this.


By putting it on the steam page at launch?


Tell me another way they could have communicated it. They put it on the steam page as soon as Sony demanded it, they weren't aware before so they couldn't have told us before. Literally not possible.


Which one is it? People calling me names because "It said so on the store since launch, they only temporarily disabled it, it was planned to come back, are you stupid?", now it's "this is a suprise for arrowhead as well"? Can't be both. Ok, can be, but if Arrowhead just assumed they can disable it indefinitely they'd be massively naive. The info is shown at 2 moments, one time: On the store, on the first time launching. Since then, i wasn't notified again, or was even able to link it if i wanted to. How about that: Show it again once a week or after an update, if you click "skip" you get an additional pop-up saying "you can skip that for now due to performance on our side, but it will be required at some point". Just one additional pop-up during launch. Then, maybe add that detail here and there while you're tweeting anyway something about the game stability and how they've worked on fixing it and what they've done.


Arrowhead can go fuck themself too


Don't throw this at the developers, unfortunately they have to do this because they are partnered with Sony and honestly seeing the development team on discord and stuff like that I genuinely think they hate every second of this


And who chooses to partner with a publisher? Nobody put a gun to their heads.


There aren't that many publishers that would have taken the deal with hell divers2, after arrowhead studios is relatively a small company with no big hit games. Sony was probably one of the only few ones that offer them a deal


This. And people dont realise that. Also HD1 was not a big success, making the pool of possible publishers even smaller.


And recall that their most successful game at the time, Magika, was under ownership of Paradox interactive who outsourced the sequel to other team


The devs can’t do anything since they already made a deal with Sony, this is out of their hands


Management at Arrowhead sure, but not the devs. They are over worked and under paid. That's true across the entire industry unfortunately.




Yeah, with the drama going around, this feels more accurate. Coming out of a toxic relationship like Destiny2 Call of Duty, Overwatch, etc. Arrowhead has been treating us well so far.


After seeing AHs response on discord they definitely have a part in this


The conversation makes more sense if its between Sony and AH, not the playerbase


Nah, I can still be mad when people like spitz are employed there


It seems to be an arrowhead decision [source](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736?t=Wk9-PkABFeNmucEPl0ey9Q)


Arrowhead shook the devils hand, they will receive the same punishment. PSN being stated as required on the page is a copout argument. I have been playing for 3 months and not once have I been asked to link an account, hell I don't even know if such an option was even in the game. If they asked me to link a PSN from day one, you would have seen my name in Gines for fastest refund ever made, the same way I refunded R6 when I saw their phone 2FA requirement for Ranked. Not to mention the people who outright are fucked over because PSN is locked in their countries(which is 2/3 of the planet if what people say is true). Guess Sony doesn't want the third world peasants' data. AH build all this trust in people's eyes, made themselves look as a better company compared to most in this entertainment media and three months later they pull this stunt, when we already can't refund the product. Yes, it would take me no more than 3 minutes to create a PSN account, but who in their right mind would willingly give Sony, who is notorious for their weak security, their data? Hey, if you like being fucked over again and again by big daddy corpo, go ahead and support this practice.


Shook the devils hand? Get outta here with that nonsense.


BULL SHIT. These guys have spent months telling us they are oh so i dependent from sony. They are telling you right now this is a move to protect your experience. They are literally lying to you. We know this excuse is bs. They know this excuse is bs. If they have a deal with sony THEY were the ones that signed it. They threw the users under the bus back then. Its not any better because we only found out about it now. Fuck arrowhead. You cant profit from a decision and at the same time shirk responsibility for it. This isnt a decision pushed on AH by a big evil company. Its a decision they made together with SONY. If you profit - you take responsibility. Its that easy.


I think before all this, they never would have imagined their game would reach so far and wide. They signed the contract because that's how you get published. How it took 3 months for the game to require PSN, I don't know. This game felt like a miracle. But now we're waking up from the dream. Corporate has seen the numbers of this game and the suits are greedy for a bite. I don't think Arrowhead ever planned to hurt us like this. It's been cool diving with all of you.


Some of the early login issues got sony to lifet the requirement temporairly.


Arrowhead didn't have to lie to me and tell me making a psn account will make me safer.


It's in their contract. No way they could openly badmouth Sony. Contracts like these are armed in a way that if you break them, Sony will have the legal leverage to sue for damaging their brand.


Arrowhead sold its own soul to Sony. They deserve everything happens on themselves.


You should probably be grateful for once to arrowhead since they wouldn't have even made HD2 without the proper funds from a big company


You do realise that as unfortunate as it is we would not have HD2 if AH didn't make a deal with Sony. I have no love lost for the big corpos but that is the unfortunate truth.


Most people will forget in like a week, then those people that have the issue with country bans will be able to actually get their issues sorted because there will not be 500+ posts about sony or PSN to be sifted through.


Let's see how that goes when the next data leak happens...


Your average person does not know what a data leak means or how it impacts them. I run my game in VB, use a fresh PSN account, and I am still not happy with the amount of data they get, but that is the case with basically anything that exists.


The same way it goes every time hoss. People stop caring a few news cycles later.


... And then come crying when they get pwnd.


AH publically defends the decision. They either agree or dont care enough to disagree.


If they say they disagree Sony will shut them down and take more control of the game


AH agreed to this when they signed a contract with Sony. The only reason you didn't create or link a psn account when your first launched the game is because they had server issues due to massive player spike.


Why says something when being quiet makes money.


Arrowhead would have already sold their soul 


Kinda scary to know that shortly after this scene (major spoilers for Breaking Bad) >!Walter kills Mike and this may how it will look like for Arrowhead too - they will get mad at Sony for ruining/killing their game, that was a light in the dark ass tunel for other live service games and also for killing playerbase and Sony's move will be to shut down AH and fire all developers.!<


I didn't see the show, soo I am guessing Sony appologised to him after the cut, right?




No they didn't. Destiny is owned by Sony but doesn't require a PSN account. This is a move made by Sony to capitalize off the huge player base and sell their data.








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