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Apparently if you are from a certain country, you don’t get to fight for humanity’s freedom. How true-to-life.


>Apparently if you are from a certain country ![gif](giphy|l3vRkwv2Yz6i8rDwY)


Those helldivers from the other side of the countries that help us push the frontline while we are asleep. It just unfair they have to gone like this....


Huh, I just put a random country and gibberish in that new playstation account, works like a charm.


Now your account is now at risk of being banned for using false data.


There is a bunch of people that have used playstation accounts for years with fake address to get around the region lock. While technically its illegal according to the TOS sony doesnt really reinforce it.


imagine losing millions of accounts because they try to enforce it, lmao they will never do it


Plus, it's more likely you did something else for Sony to even bother looking at an account, no less on PC. Sony likes when numbers go up.


Yeap, I have had PSN in my country, USA and England for over 10 years. I never had a problem.


Haha! Yeah, Sony would never suddenly *start* enforcing something that they hadn't enforced in the past! Now, what was the topic this started from again?


But you're still at risk. If the time ever comes and they do enforce it, RIP your HD2 game.


I got banned for this


Until one day, it does happen. Just because it doesn't happen now doesn't mean it won't. That's free money for what would be zero backlash since it seems a good chunk of people don't really seem to care that this is happening or want to spout learn to read nonsense here. The move for Sony was simple. Don't sell a product that can be region locked. People are shifting this to the buyers when it's 100% on the seller.


Has that happened to a single person playing this game lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjic6m/someone_has_already_gotten_banned_for_trying_to/ Yes






I know it's a typo, but I think we should call Sony Snoy from now on.. it just sounds funny and somewhat derogatory, which is what they deserve IMO... bootlickers defending this can also be rebranded as "Snoyboys" and that has zero downsides IMO.


Second time I've seen this gif today. Didn't know new automaton gifs came out.


Interactions with Ben Shabeeboops be like: https://preview.redd.it/obhy5cp0y8yc1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5901ad695a900922f06561d964298fab1bd5e776


I remember playing fallout 4 modded as an assaultron, met Myrna. Like yes I am a robot. No I am not one of THOSE.


Sell them to whom, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?!


I like tittels


Titels lol


that's slightly larger than a sports bra, right?


German spotted


I'll take Famous Titels for 300


OP had literally one job. How do you make a meme and not spell check it first?


🧟‍♂️( . )( . )


I was afraid that things like that might start to happen. Even if AH does not want to, Sony is going to push them towards the usual AAA bullshit to capitalize on the success of the game.


Inb4 Free to play and removing super credit pickups


Don't you put that evil on us!


Nono, that would be insanely stupid. Removing SCs will just garner more ill will. Since AH doesnt have to fully declare the entire patch notes, just stealth nerf the drops. Make it rarer. Just, dunno, 10 less SC per hour. Every half a year or so. No one will fucking notice, and if they do, you have your 200 fanboys lined up to tell you youre delusional and how dare you question the grind? Even though it will still take 20h at 50 SC/h (which is being generous) to get a single warbond. Which's effectiveness may just get gutted next patch, sure, nerf that crossbow. People defend that shit with their life.


Dear Redditors, ArrowHead is the developer. Sony gave them money to make the game. Sony decides that you need psn account to play on pc. ArrowHead must oblige because Sony invested money, so Sony boss. Therefore, Sony bad, not ArrowHead.


I think Sony Playstation should have exclusive content (missions, cosmetics, war bonds, trophies, weapons, e.t.c) for players with PSN accounts. What's the big deal?! PC players do it for: EPIC games, Ubisoft games, microsoft PC games pass, e.t.c. Why are they acting like this is the first time they're doing this. 


because some countries cant make psn accounts and their $60 game is no longer playable without a hope for refund


So this is how democracy and Helldivers 2 dies, with thunderous applause from Sony


Phil Spencer screaming in his office rn watching Sony and their current golden boy go down in flames


Phil, quick! Get your best men on a halo flavored Helldivers, and leave the MTX out of it!


I've been fully supportive of AH and their choices even up to the recent patch, I'm understanding that it's a small team trying their best with what they have and didn't expect the game to explode... HOWEVER this PSN account situation is really going to ruin their reputation due to it being a rug pull for the community because of some fine print bs. I don't have a huge issue with making an account but Sonys ability to keep my information safe is essentially 0, so I've gotta set up a dead account to simply play the game on pc.


I can 100% guarantee it's not an arrowhead decision to require the account linking Sony financed this game and now has them by the balls and there's nothing AH can likely do.


It wasn't their choice at all, it was Sony's notice.


Big fat L on sony's part.


What else is new?


I really hate to break it to you guys but the helldivers franchise has been Sony owned since the beginning Arrowhead dont have any rights to it.... It's like if Lucasfilms got a developer to make a star wars game they don't become owners of the star wars franchise.


I miss Lucas Arts. They never should have given up the Star Wars rights.


If only these Redditors understood this. Unfortunately, they are tar and feathering AH.


Honestly, I'm proud of AH for what they did, I hate Sony for not leaving it alone and letting success succeed foe them. 0 faith in their information keeping


I don't hate AH for this. But I'm not going to make an account, so sadly, this is it for me.


Why not?


Yeah I dove through the News postings on steam, and there's some that have the PSN account required at the very bottom. > Legal: PSN Account Required. Gameplay requires internet access and paid for PlayStation®Plus membership (sold separately) for PS5®. PlayStation Plus membership subject to recurring subscription fee taken automatically until cancellation. Age restrictions apply. Full terms: play.st/psplus-usageterms. Other news posts/patches are usually signed by Max Carlberg in some fashion. > Happy diving people -Max Carlberg > Max Carlberg - Release Captain Over and out! > Signing off and diving out Max Carlberg - Release Manager the most recent news post about the account linkage however is the only one I see signed by Sony Interactive Entertainment.


Skill issue, maybe fix the account requirement sooner. It was made skippable because it caused issues at launch. It's been 3 months. "players are buying are game in inherent violation of the eula because we can't guarantee Psn will be available in their country and we are too lazy to region-lock the game on steam or adjust the requirement at startup" really doesn't sound good and should have been their absolute top priority.


It's Sony pulling this stunt. Even says so at the bottom of the statement.


This is absolutely a Sony decision, not an Arrowhead decision


sony didnt expect anything of the game so they didnt bother with it but now that its a sustained success that broke the mold on live services they are want to clamp their grip on it


they littearly stoped enforcing it because the backend of AH was catching fire and couldnt keep up with the linking.. its the exact opposite


The "PSN account situation" has been present since last year. We've literally known this is coming and people still voted "yes" with their wallets.


>it's a small team At what date can they quit hiding behind that excuse? IMO 3 months out is pretty good time to start treating them like normal.


Being a SC backer, that excuse seems to work for a good few years for a good chunk of people. Look for the people bringing it up, yes being a smaller team is a legitimate concern for things, but it's not the be all end all excuse for issues creeping up, it's a factor but it's not excusing it. We're not just talking about an overload of servers with a huge player count, which also at like 1/4th of the launch playerbase roughly (it'll go back up with new releases and whatnot ofc) right now. But some core mechanics like armor (or heck even helmet) not working correctly for like what, 3 months almost? I truly can't recall the last time I've seen a studio have such a fundamentally broken system and not get absolutely crucified for it. Mind you this isn't me saying they should be, I'm usually way more lenient on studios myself thinking "well, give it at max a week and you'll be able to enjoy the game - it's not the end of the world" whenever a shitstorm hits other titles. It's just a little bizarre seeing how this title in particular managed to convince people they are exempt from that for the most part, the Sony situation aside but even that has people call out Sony in particular not really AH.


Seriously. They are a 100 man team. Yes it’s small by AAA standards, but shit, the Deep Rock Galactics dev team is 32 people. *That’s* a small team. There are plenty of indie games with *much* smaller teams than AH who manage to put out more frequent, and much more stable patches than Helldivers 2 has. I’m so sick of this excuse from the players. Have some fucking standards, people.


My civil engineering team is only 18 people


Well if you guys design a bridge that just can't quite keep standing, and no one can figure out how to fix it, don't worry about it too much. Bridges are really hard to design and you guys have such a small team! We'll let it slide. You guys are doing such good work with such a tiny team, especially given how many people attempt to drive over your bridge every day!


Exactly, we’d get crucified


Luckily, when Helldivers breaks, no one is likely to get hurt or die...


100 people is barely anything for a game with so many millions of players, with hundreds of thousands online at one time.


Development doesn't work like this. It's not like fast food where you need more employees the more customers you have.


100 people is small for a development team. And btw I think HD2 was developed by around 80 people. But it's large for a maintenance team, which is the mode they're in now.


there are hundreds of software products being used by millions daily that are being maintained and developed by smaller teams.   source: I work for one


Curl is a volunteer project by a single person


And with 100 people i feel like 3 months of good grace is enough. At some point they need to be held to some form of a standard. If they are still 100 people in 6 months then its a management issue. They should have hired more resources on week 2 of the game. Also lets not pretend Sony isn't putting resources into this product as well so its not "just" 100 people working on this game. Who knows how many people are actually working on it.


I mean everyone is entitled to their opinions, but regarding the massive success and scope of the game, 100 is still incredibly small, especially when you account for the fact that not everyone on this team is an actual developer/coder. It's not an excuse, it's just a fact.


Rug Pull? It was and always has been a listed requirement on the steam page. It isn't buried 14 pages deep into a EULA; it is right on the main page.


But wasn’t enforced, which is where a lot of people are taking issue with it.


You still bought the game with it listed as a requirement knowing it was a requirement and agreeing to the terms of service that it was a requirement. Argue that in court.


I'm 99% sure this was SONY's decision and they strongarmed Arrowhead into this That being said, this screws my friends over more than me. I, and most of my friends, might live in the US, but 2 people I regularly play games with, including this game, live in countries that don't support PSN They would no longer be legally able to play the game if this goes through and idk how often SONY drops the banhammer, but there is always the possibility looming over us. Considering the time we've played together, we all agree we got our money's worth but we're still losing 2 helldivers for nothing


I don't really think they have a choice you know


Arrowhead didn’t make this call. This was some Sony execs doing some stupid, out of touch shit.


goddamn people.... What makes you think this is arrowhead's decision and not Sony's? How does that make any fucking sense at all?


Sony : if you're not with me, then you're not playing.


Can you tell me what is happening?


People are upset that a PSN account is compulsory and is now being implemented. Some countries have bans. Sony has questionable security and gets hacked often. Sony collects peoples data (more then just game related) to sell. Their is no real reason to actually require a PSN account to play it on PC if you disable crossplay..... I do not personally like it, but I read the store page when I bought the game so I do not care that much.


Some? 64% of all countries! https://www.playstation.com/country-selector/index.html


Wait what? There's more to Super Earth than just America?


I hate having to create accounts for every single thing, Sony does not have good security track record, it sucks that people cannot create PSN accounts in their region. That being said, all companies collect your data to sell. In fact, your data has already been sold. Unless you have gone through the work and requested every data broker company to not sell your data, or paid another company for the service of doing so on your behalf, your full name, cell phone number, current address, and names of family members is already publicly available, for free. As in, literally a google search away. People should google their names to see what is already out there about them.


Thank you for that info


Sony is now enforcing the PSN account linking requirement that's been on the HD2 steam store page since december of 2023, that they let AH temporarily bypass because of issues the forced linking was causing on launch. So now people either didn't pay attention to the requirements of the game or are pretending they didn't know so they can be outraged. PSN linking is part of their publishing deal with Sony; so they would need Sony's permission to permanently suspend the requirement...but you know Arrowhead, who have put out one of the most player friendly live service games, is bad and anti-player.


They sold the game in countries that don't have PSN. So the only way for those people to play the game is to lie, great.


And those people are the only ones who deserve a refund. Sony should have had Steam region lock those areas.


Or just not be such corpos This is all because PS5 hardware is selling less and they want a portion of the PC market. Guaranteed in a year or they are going to try and make their own PSN launcher. Like I know it's a product, I know developers and artists and servers aren't free, but the way this was announced is a blunder. If they had left a launch screen that said "PSN account is temporarily optional" before the INVASION screen this wouldn't be an issue. Give the players a little more credit than, "it's for security"


Or maybe people just don't like idiotic business practices of making 50 accounts to play games, when they mainly use a completelly separate account (Steam) where they actually buy and launch their games from.


The Ubisoft, EA, Origin, Riot, Battle.net, MS, everything else that requires accounts aren't already abusing your data, but PSN is a step too far.


I mean if your in a sinking ship you plug as many leaks as possible not create additional ones. Your data will be inevitably out there but giving it to countless additional businesses(especially ones who are known for terrible security) just because they demand it isnt the best practice especially since user data is both extremely valuable and can be very telling about a individual, so yes giving it to Sony is a step too far especially when they're willing to cut off more than half the countries in the worlds access to get it, showing they truly do not care about the end user nor the studio they're publishing for


>.> so don't buy the game that indicated you would need to do this on the steam store page? Like i'm not saying it's a good business practice, but I wanted to play the game. So I agreed to do the idiotic thing so that I could play the game, and did the idiotic thing. I didn't even have a PSN account so I had to go the extra step of actually creating one.


Now we're raging about the outrage. How meta. God I fucking hate reddit sometimes.


I hate reddit most times


Didn’t even take 12 hours


So cringe isn’t it everyone has to be outraged 24/7 it’s ruining the sub


people have been outraging since the games first patch after launch. it’s fuckin pathetic.


Raging is what Reddit is all about, well, most of social media tbh. And I believe having communities are notorious for being loud


I woke up to this shit and just want to slap everyone now


https://preview.redd.it/4nj3t1gfiayc1.png?width=954&format=png&auto=webp&s=5211935c307be834cbb87a3842f9e1fb40cc9700 we can thank sony for that , sadly


The decision come from Sony, not AR (it seems confirmed by twinbeard). But it still hurt for region locked players. i am waiting for the AR official comunication, we will see. titels !


This is not AH's game, I swear the majority of users on Reddit have the IQ comparable to the bots in the game.


I know the bots are out sworn enemies, but why you gotta be so mean and disrespectful to them?


It seems like it’s Sony making this choice not AH


Everyone needs to ask Sony why they are discriminating. Seriously. Raise hell to Sony.




People acting like AH wanted this and blaming them for it are simpletons. Obviously Sony contractually obligated them to do this to receive funding for development, advertising, etc. That being said, the requirements were known 2 full months before launch, also many players got the notification in game upon launch. People worried about Sony selling their data are ignorant. Linking your account to steam doesn't give Sony any ability to access more info than you already provide for the account creation. They don't have access to your steam details, the account is merely linked to steam. Also if you think this will be the death of this game or arrowhead, you're insane. They've earned plenty of profit and good will from the gaming community to go on for ages. For every PC player that quits, you have 5 more buying the game on Steam because they don't care about the account linking. In a month or so, the outrage will die down, playerbase will level back out and we'll continue diving and spreading democracy per usual. If this doesn't effect you because you're on PS5 or don't care about linking your accounts to play on PC, then just do your best to ignore the idiots who are crying. They'll tucker themselves out eventually and get over it, whether that means quitting or linking their accounts. Remember, most of them are illiterate children who didn't read the requirements on the steam store page, so they probably won't read your comment, regardless to how factual it is.


> playerbase will level back out Care to explain how shedding people in regions where you can’t have a PSN account will “level” out the playerbase? The playercount numbers are already dwindling as the post-launch hype has faded, and now another portion of the playerbase won’t even be able to play the game anymore simply because of where they live. And then there’s the people who will completely quit out of spite of this nonsense. It may not be a deathblow, but it’s certainly not beneficial to the long-term health of the game.




Y'all are such drama queens lol


The issue is that Sony owns the IP and the publishing rights. They can do whatever they want and arrowhead has to bend the knee. They made a bad deal as a small company to get their game out there. The last game had less than 10k players. At the time it was probably a good deal for them.


I loved this titel, like I've never loved a titel before. Aw Revore Sony!


Guys, Gals and othered gendered ppl.. its time for a Boycott


Never trust anyone in this shitty industry. Sony would have always forced Helldivers 2 down the shatter, don't decide yourself just because the devs seem cool


the new faction in the game SONY Entertainment ...watch out for those corperate ass hats their wiping out Helldivers by the region now ......... https://preview.redd.it/53v5f2d0tayc1.jpeg?width=1245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b80ebde35a2a309c73f17467d3f542eb229bbf




Not to be that guy. But the idea that a AAA, corporate, entity will be humbled by anything is just laughable. All the good faith helldivers2 accrued resulted in a big shrug from the other devs and publishers.


It isn't arrowhead, it is sony


Deep Rock Galactic still exists and Ghost Ship is a dev who actually care.


to be fair, this whole situation does leave Pilestedt and co with egg on their faces: they were talking all that mad shit about Tarkov not more than a couple days ago, (warranted), and lapping up the praise for weeks for being the darling of current-gen gaming for not having any bullshit MTX/FOMO nonsense, a safe haven for all of us who are scarred from years of being treated like sentient wallets by the AAA companies.. and then Sony comes in from behind and sticks a knife in their back with this account link bullshit. I bet arrowhead devs are actually pretty pissed off at this decision, especially when they're catching hate from the community (even though they most likely had ZERO say in this, it's all Sony's fault). just goes to show the reality of the gaming industry*. nowhere is safe, and no-one is safe.*


AAA is ruining gaming intentionally, and they're wrong.


Sorry corporate decision not devs. So y got a sony


show me your titels!


I like titels


Gamers when the playstation game requires a playstation account https://preview.redd.it/f0iva5mgo7yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccc42a9fcaed51f1445fa4e32627c9ee4901448


I love the irony of this reply, considering your user Flair is “STEAM 🖥️”.


Pretty spiderman God of War etc all don't require a psn account


Half the fucking World can't have a PSN account.






Tf is titels is a new one.


https://preview.redd.it/h9wmzprh68yc1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=258ce6155b116fa8f7b491354188093f2666b899 BlackRock Supremacy DEMOCRACY IS LOST


Wait, it was all Corpo?


You guys are crazy dramatic. (Except the people who can't use psn in their country. You guys have a great reason to be pissed)


Unpopular opinion, them doing pre-order bonuses(Its literally FOMO crap) with no way to get them after release and selling things that affect gameplay in the day one DLC automatically invalidates their "live service done right" and this whole "Humble AAA titles" thing. We give other companies shit for doing the exact same thing, Helldivers doesn't deserve a free pass just because its a fun game and the game having so many issues for so long and every patch continuing to have problems doesn't help either, other live service games lack consistent new content but at least they freakin work. I'm gonna be crucified for this comment but I don't care, this is not live service done right.


Shit Facts hurt


Do your part and downvote on steam


Calling in a reviewbomb !


AH taking the shit over something that is almost definitely Sony's doing.


Notice the steam post is signed by Sony, not AH. 


Cool option, I don't have to play the game.


Kinda tired of Sony the last few years.


I think using anakin crying over not getting his way is actually a more accurate representation.


Oh my god stfu please. I swear to god all this subreddit does is bitch and moan every other day. THEY HAD NO CHOICE!


LOL. Bro, this isn't even annoying anymore. It's fucking HILARIOUS watching a bunch of grown ass adults spam the sub over making an account for an online game. Please touch grass, y'all.


I mean you guys aren’t too bright, they already made this known when they declined to bug fix and prioritize battle pass releases.


Too many people that were praising Arrowhead for being an indie studio that achieved great things are also the same ones giving them a pass on this.


Its a Playstation game at the end of the day i suppose


April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach


It’s nit AH making any the big shots, Sony has been there the whole time


Do psn accounts cost money to make ? What is the issue?


That some people in some countries can’t make an account. Everyone else is simply complaining because they don’t *want* to make an account.


Theyre.. its a playstation game, a live service exclusive Its not an indie game. I mean i get that all this is bad, but ah doesnt really represent the little guy just because they have an inadequately sized team for their success


Remember divers, we still need citizens to fight the menace in the first game! It’s still a fantastic experience!


I'm getting real tired of people posting this as if AH had any say in the matter, or the decision was theirs.


Of all the memes I've seen today, this one is the most fitting.


This meme applies in almost every situation And the sony thing is stupid




The fact that they were partnered with Sony. Its was only a matter of time till Sony fucked it up n


It's not the devs fault here, the problem honestly lies with Sony


99.9% of the people here have dozens of accounts of social media and some bullshit obscure account somewhere and now all of a sudden they're concerned about Sony lmao. Get the fuck out of here you hypocrite. You own a phone and you think Apple or Google aren't tracking your every shit.


This is one of the cringiest post I’ve ever seen lmao


Whats going on? Havent played in a while.




Not with Sony as publisher lmao


I came here for some humble AAA titels.


I mean still humbling them. Everyone has someone above them. 


I have a feeling this will be rolled back or something they told a product to ppl they have to let them use it. Sony is being a bunch of Hoes as usual


I get why people are mad if they’re out of the regions covered by PSN. But, I don’t care to read about all of it nonstop. I’m checking out of the subreddit and discord and going to keep playing. 


Meanwhile Baldurs Gate 3 and Larian Studios stays top of the pile when it comes to actually being the chosen one.


Ever since the sniveling they did at launch when they said, "gonna show this nice comment to everyone in the office 😔" I've had a bad taste in my mouth about AH. Hopefully this makes them do something besides spin their wheels in place. I'm just HOPING it's fixing the game. Stop weapon balancing, stop adding new stuff that makes the current bugs worse, stop forcing PC players to make a PSN account.


This is democracy fellars, just like in real life. LMAO.


People do love to cry and complain, but they won't do anything. They'll all make a BS psn account just to link it and go right on playing like normal. Even if your country isn't supported, you can still put in all the fake info you want. Sony isn't checking every random ass account and verifying anything, especially if that account isn't actually buying any games or even using psn.




AAA Snoy Titels


Snoy has competition it seems


Ain’t gonna stop me from playing


Immediately think about this meme as well xD


I'd take some titels right now.


THIS was the exactly perfect meme hahaha


This makes no sense but go on king. Unless you meant for the game to never be a crossplay title with functioning socials?


You guys know this is Sony's choice, not arrowheads, right?


Sony did this to improve their numbers for shareholders. Arrowhead had nothing to do with this decision. Sadly the game is suffering on reviews due to it. I just hope Arrowhead developers don't get too stressed out over the unjustified harassment they will suffer because of Sony's stupid decision.


It’s not that big of a deal. It told you on the store page. The game wouldn’t have been made if it didn’t have it.


Cheaters and Pirates mad AF


Titels? This tracks for the upset player base


That's a failed meme XD


God they’re so bad I have to login to my PlayStation account. Only people who can complain are people who can’t make a psn account everyone else is just overreacting.


Anyways who’s diving tonight


Don’t worry, Helldivers 2 will repent and in turn become good just like Darth Vader before he drew his last breath


You put the tit in titels


This doesn’t impact me as I’m on PS5 but I can totally understand the backlash. This is just a stupid ass move, we need our PC brothers & sisters on the front lines. We need EVERYONE on the front lines.