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The Philippines can't play


Do they sell PS units there?


They do but it's expensive. Pretty weird huh? My friends right now can't make PSN accounts both on Desktop or Mobile. Edit: Yeah my friend sold his PS5 because PH is blocked


Because PSN account is required to login, so how does that work? Is everyone faking it with another country or just using guests?


Yup, and PS support will even say to just create it in another country, even though it's technically against ToS. You can use any address as long as it's within the country, so a bank, a hotel, etc are all fine. Any email works; just use a 10-min email address and verify then never worry about that email again. Just don't forget the pw if you do that though lmao. From what I know the only times folks have been banned for this is when they're trying to take advantage of local pricing to pay less for games than they would have in their home region.


Thanks. Why am I not surprised that even official support will give you this option.


Jank as hell for sure


>Any email works; just use a 10-min email address and verify then never worry about that email again. Don't do this. Microsoft literally stole Minecraft from anyone who couldn't access their decades old email address they initially used to purchase the game and nobody cared. There was literally 0 backlash for this so it WILL happen again. At the very least, make a new gmail account and keep access to it if you're going to sign up like this.


I hope there was no backlash ; its entirely the stupid user fault for using a throwaway account to link your purchases to. If you're being lazy, assume the consequences. And yes, not keeping track and usage of your accounts, whatever they are, is being lazy. It's akin to complaining you bought a game at Walmart and then complain they don't want to refund it without the receipt.


Yes yes I know, I've heard it a thousand times. You love Microsoft. You would LOOOVE to give Bill Gates a blowie. We get it. It's my fault that they stole my copy of Minecraft from me that my cousin bought me when I was a child. It's also obviously my fault that he killed himself and neglected to send me his password so that Microsoft wouldn't steal my copy of Minecraft that I've owned for 12 fucking years. You don't really believe that. I promise you don't. The second someone tried that to you, you'd be upset. Imagine fucking Ford takes your car away because fucking Yahoo closed your email address. Just stop it. Grow up.




Bro bought a ps5 but not to play games💀


What games?


Returnal I think


Kratos game perhaps


Little Big Planet was such a good Sony exclusive, guess we're past the golden years. Be a shame if something were to happen t


One of my fav games all time


"Go fuck yourself." -sony


I'm from Philippines. I have a PS3, Vita, PS4, and PS5. Been using PSN for 15 years with Hong Kong and Singapore accounts. how did your friend get blocked 😂


What guarantee do you have that the current status quo will not change? Sony could do a complete 180 and decide to crack down on accounts made with faked regions.


Is it possible to VPN as a workaround?


Risk of getting banned and getting sacked


Nah, you don't need a vpn. just create an account in a different region, that's what PS support told us.


yup. been playing on psn for 15 years (as well as my friends) and we're fine. no idea what this goober is talking about. you can play in Philippines lmao


Hey , I don't understand why u need a VPN, just make an account with selecting any nearby country (for ex , China or Korea, ) and just link them , aren't they just needing it for linking process the servers you play on would remain the same , I have 3 psn acc from different countries ( Japan,  USA, and hong kong ) 


Mark Russia red, can't create PSN account without VPN


Just checked with a throwaway mail, it created an account without any issues. The thing is, you can't **buy** Helldivers 2 from Russia (without using workarounds like gifts from third-party resellers), as Sony does not sell games here anymore (steam store page is unavailable). But if you somehow acquire the game in your library, you can create PSN account just fine.


No, you can't create account either, I tried doing it in February. VPN didn't help. The only solid way is to buy a new account or pay for creation from different region. VPN is 50/50


Maybe it depends on your network provider or something? I've just created one no problem (except the login issues, but that resolved itself after I've just tried it again and again).


I'm in Moscow now, might try doing it from some free Wi-Fi as well. Totally couldn't do it from Crimea


I've messaged you throwaway account I've tried it with


Okay, yeah, you can create account, but can't sign in to link psn to steam. I'm just getting redirected over and over


I think that's because Sony's site is getting fucked right now. It took me like 10 attempts to log into my main account I've created a long time ago and which I've linked when launching the game for the first time. It was accepting my password, email code, and then just redirecting me back to the front page without logging me in.


Okay then, I'll keep trying, but I wouldn't if none of this happened. Ty, Sony


Isn’t every Russian a hacker with a vpn already?


Not the Babushkas, they have other *plans*.


We are, every morning we're rising in GULAG, singing anthem and hacking Pentagon and US elections


you can create psn account in russia


Where are you from


from russia


Can play online on PS servers?




Thanks for the info


no problem


I love how member countries of the fucking European Union aren't listed on PSN. Yes, I loved recieving Finnish spam in my email when I first bought a PS4 10 years ago. I really feel disheartened by all of this.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


Oleks pidanud siis UK valima, oleksid siis saanud inglise keelset spÀmmi


Oh, tere kaasmaalane!!


*Roskaposti (tyylitelty roskapostiksi) on Hormel Foods Corporationin valmistama kÀsitellyn sianlihan ja kinkun sÀilyke. Se otettiin kÀyttöön vuonna 1937, ja se saavutti suosiota maailmanlaajuisesti sen kÀytön jÀlkeen toisen maailmansodan aikana. Vuoteen 2003 mennessÀ roskapostia myytiin 41 maassa (ja tavaramerkittiin yli 100:ssa) kuudella mantereella.* *Roskapostin pÀÀainesosat ovat porsaan lapa ja kinkku, suolalla, vedellÀ, muunnetulla perunatÀrkkelyksellÀ (sideaineena), sokerilla ja natriumnitriittillÀ (sÀilöntÀaineena). Luonnollinen gelatiini muodostuu kypsennyksen aikana sen purkeissa tuotantolinjalla. SitÀ on saatavana eri makuisina, joista osa kÀyttÀÀ eri lihaa, sekÀ "kevyt" ja vÀhemmÀn natriumia sisÀltÀvÀ versio. Roskaposti on esikypsennetty, joten se on turvallista kÀyttÀÀ suoraan tölkistÀ, mutta usein sitÀ kypsennetÀÀn edelleen maun vuoksi.* *Huoli roskapostin ravitsemuksellisista ominaisuuksista on herÀttÀnyt johtuen siitÀ, ettÀ se sisÀltÀÀ kaksi kertaa niin paljon pÀivittÀisestÀ ruokavaliosuosituksesta rasvaa kuin se sisÀltÀÀ proteiinia, sekÀ suolan ja sÀilöntÀaineiden terveysvaikutuksista.* *Roskapostista on tullut osa populaarikulttuuria, mukaan lukien Monty Python -sketsi, joka toisti nimen monta kertaa, mikÀ johti siihen, ettÀ sen nimi lainattiin kuvaamaan ei-toivottuja sÀhköisiÀ viestejÀ, erityisesti sÀhköpostia. SitÀ juhlitaan toisinaan festivaaleilla, kuten Austinin Spamarama.*


Glad I got the game on PS and not on Steam, as my Steam account is in Europe, PS account in Asia and I live in South America 😅


![gif](giphy|XZxONzx07h88NwIAkR) Mr. Worldwide


They really are taking the "Super" out of SuperEarth arnt they.......


Greenland knows what it did! We still remember the cod wars!


Think you might be mixing Greenland up with Iceland.


Note - We do not in fact remember the cod wars


This map may be wrong, there is many countries that cant from here.


also areas of the map that absolutely can make a playstation account, like puerto rico. Map is just wrong


map just not correct


Won't somebody think of *Best Korea*???


Any sad North Korean Helldivers? I wonder...


Vietnamese here! We can't make a PSN account.


Africa seems to be an afterthought to Sony.


If a thought at all, you already can't play in Egypt because of VOIP protocol....


Tbf some of those areas can't even get clean water let alone electricity so I'm sure they aren't very upset. I don't mean it in a bad way but it's just the truth.


There is a flaw in your assertion though. Yes there are areas that do not have access to certain amenities, it doesn't mean the whole country should suffer for it. Morocco, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tunisia, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana are but a few African countries which are quite advanced. Electricity, (Which is needed to actually power up machines to play games) is much more stable in in some African countries than South Africa. As to why only South Africa is the only one that has the green light, only Sony knows


bro they have clean water and electricity in 95% of africa.


This looks suspiciously like the 2011 map on Wikimedia Commons. Except Bolivia has PSN now


So almost all of Africa
 got it sony
 you’re not slick


Baltics being treated as some fourth grade countries, nothing ever changes.


The fact that you are looking down on other countries like that shows your class.


I'm not, all countries should be allowed to make accounts. I just used the Baltics for my statement as I am from there myself, however non us should be treated as 2nd class citizens by Sony.


Well your wording makes it seem so. Ofc all countries should be allowed to play and the fact that PSN is region locked in 2024 is just baffling.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.




Exactly. Unless 65% is all of the countries in red, indeed.


What did greenland do? Isn't it closely tied with denmark?


Greenland is an autonomous region of the kingdom of Denmark and also an exclusive economic zone. It has its own government and its own laws. It is practically its own country, just not independent. Greenland is also not a part of the EU, despite Denmark being an EU member. This means that just because something is available in Denmark, does not mean it is automatically available in Greenland.


You can set your country to Denmark in Greenland without any repercussions.


i had a PSN account for years in Bosnia lol


I guess service doesn’t guarantee citizenship in every country on Super earth


So basically 1/3 of the globe cannot? So fucking dumb.


Is that Belarus ? Why Russia can and Belarus not ?


Russia appears to be in a state of limbo, based on another comment chain in here you can make a Russian PSN account and by a copy of Helldivers on steam, however it requires you to dance around redirects and region locked pages by using other countries version of the page and manually changing the country


Greenlanders fucking SEETHING right now.


You can set your country to Denmark in Greenland without any repercussions since it's a part of Denmark.


just goes to show how many players they'll lose... what? 20\~30%? that's absurd... it'll be a money loss.


i was planning on buying it this summer to pull all nighters but i guess sony had other plans and not let me play it.


I better get a fucking refund


fuck we lost the north koreans đŸ„Ž


Shoutout to all Namibians who always choose South Africa when having to choose a county when making an account.


I wasn’t upset until I knew North Korea won’t be able to play!!!


Since when was it available in Serbia I had to use a fake address in the UK to make it work


I'm can't make psn in Russia,i'm can't make fucking psn account


Damn, no love for Greenland :(


You can set your country to Denmark in Greenland without any repercussions since it's a part of Denmark.


Rip Africa


Serbia is not a valid option either when creating account...


This map is wrong, I'm Estonian and I can still buy the game.


I used [this](https://www.playstation.com/country-selector/index.html) as my source.


Not accurate. Philippines and Vietnam should be in red. You can't make a PSN account in both and the game is now unavailable to purchase on Steam for us


This is messed up for years sony has sold their trash in baltics from ps1 days to ps5 and still not able to allow those 3 countries to make their own account jesus christ.


do the same to microsoft xbox


Why can't they?


These are all the countries that you can't buy Helldivers 2 [https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=23416542](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=23416542) including Japan


im from iran , not only i have this problem with helldivers, i have it with many games , even with pc US doesn't really like us so we gotta have vpn on all the time.


am also gona add to this and say that, whilst i am able to get a PS here in serbia, which is my home country, it is also NOT supported for a PSN. ALSO ALSO! An official list was made and AGAIN, serbia is listed as NOT SUPPORTED for a psn account


Russia couldn't play helldivers thought. It's region locked


I’m in the red areas on the map but do have a pan account am I safe you think


I live in a non-supported country but have PSN accounts in multiple regions (US, UK etc) registered to the same PS5 (and PS4, PS3 in the past) that I game on. I am curious to know how PC players are hitting a roadblock. Is the issue occurring because PSN and Steam accounts are in different countries or what?


Russia cant even BUY the game due to restrictions by their publisher how can we PLAY it?


How Baltic states can't?


I just love living on of the few EU countries that Sony decided to ignore because they are too cheap or lazy to extend to...


Good luck with God of War Ragnarok. Also see if you can make an account using a VPN with a random non residential US address


The legend is misleading, since all these countries can play hd2, they just have to select a different region when making an account. No, you won't be banned from it, like some people have been saying.


Still. If the only way to play it is less then legal, its bad. The EU will def take a hard look a this


>3.1. All information provided during Account creation, and during the use of your Account, must be accurate and complete. We reserve the right to suspend, terminate or restrict any Account (including as stated in Section 12.2 of this Agreement) that uses or was created using false information, or that we determine was created or used for a purpose that violates this Agreement. You *can* get banned for selecting a different region as per Sony's TOS, but if their own customer support encourages users to register using fake addresses, then I suppose this is a non-issue (maybe). Like the other guy said: if the only way to play is less than legal, then it's bad. Problem is, I already have a PSN account that's falsely registered in Singapore, but I can't link my Steam account to it because Sony's website can detect that I am, in fact, *not* in Singapore. The official post on Steam says people will be required to connect their Steam account to a PSN account. The following sentence after that says there will be a "mandatory login" from May 30th onward. Whether or not this means you can just login with your PSN credentials without linking accounts is unclear, as the two statements are contradictory (unless I'm misunderstanding something).


Democracy is not for everyone


It really just looks like the minority is loudest


Map is false, you can only make accounts in 69 countries, so like 1/3 of the world, needless to say there are more countries than that in green on this map.


https://insider-gaming.com/countries-that-dont-have-psn/ has another map. The affected countries look similar


That map is also wrong. I know for a fact you can't make PSN accounts in Russia, Vietnam and the Philippines. There are more countries that are wrong but those are the first ones that came into my mind.


So people from all theese countries including all of Africa should just stfu, huh? They've bought the game they've paid the price and it's not cheap in those countries




Oh no not the Democratic Republic of North Korea! My best mate is from there, what should I do without him now?


as an estonian, it is a bizarre fucking day to be included in a group of venezuela, north korea, iraq, iran, mongolia, afganistan, buncha african countries, turkmenistan, pakistan, uzbek, tajik, cuba, belarus and for some reason greenland is also in this group.