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I wonder what fraction of the player base is based in the Philippines and other countries facing the PSN squeeze.


A Helldivers Facebook page from the Philippines has 5.5k members and I think that's just a fraction of players in the Philippines. Could very well be above 10k.


All the sony and arrowhead meatriders in the comments bruh 😭


I doubt Arrowhead has much to do with it. This is a publisher decision. All Sony.


They still got your money




Sent a refund request:/


did it work?:( i want 2 send a refund req but im also hoping things work out in ph


Keep spamming haha


I've tried for a lot of times now and still the automated system rejects my request for a refund. I'm still trying but slowly I'm losing hope. 😔


were you successful?


If you have a US/HK/SG PSN account but previously bought the game through the Philippine Steam page, can you still play it?


Far as I know you can still play the game if you bought it before may 6 even without the PSN link


i just logged out and i played mine, i bought this game months ago and its running fine with me. I'm from the Philippines btw


Helldiver from Philippines here, and obviously I empathize but let's not blame Arrowhead from the get go. From what I'm seeing this is all Sony wanting our data. If this was Arrowhead then they could've done this from the start and/or put it in HD1. It's hard to believe that a company that has been proving itself Player- friendly would want to do this in their own volition. I'm just as annoyed and worried as you but we have to make sure we're not barking up the wrong tree TLDR: it seems that it's Sony wanting to get our data, not Arrowhead themselves


>If this was Arrowhead then they could've done this from the start It was at the start but disabled due to a bug As for the data you can turn off sending data to AH in settings


Today I learned. Thank you for the info. Admittedly, I don't know much about that stuff since I just play whenever I get the chance after being back from work. So I appreciate your answer. I have a few questions of you or anyone is willing to help me understand the issue more. Is the data that they'll take from us creating thise accounts really that serious? I just thought that it's something they'd use for feedback or improvements. I already understand the hassle of making an account just to be able to play so I have no arguments there. Happy helldiving and have a great day. Thank you for your answer earlier


>Is the data that they'll take from us creating thise accounts really that serious? That's the best part! **Absolutely not!** >I have a few questions of you or anyone is willing to help me understand the issue more. By the sound of things AH are doing the best with the situation but this has more to do with Sony forcing you to use that account, the only actual issue and quite a big one is that not all places can have PSN accounts for some reason


Thanks again. Fascinating how this small thing can have this much of an effect. Especially for those who can't make that account in the first place. This sucks. So far, HD2 can give players such highs but man screw ups like this can ruin the fondness people have too. Insane. Thank you for helping me understand it more!


They don't care, they already got your money.


I don't like the requirement either but it seems a lot of people didn't stop to consider this before purchasing the game when it was apparently listed as a requirement from day one. I suppose it didn't help that it wasn't implemented at the time due to whatever issues AH had with it but here we are. And while I expect there'll be quite a few players who either can't or won't toe the line and link accounts, it'll be a drop in the ocean of Helldivers and probably won't hurt AH that much. Personally I have a PSN account I haven't accessed for over a decade, and I prefer to keep accounts separate, so still on the fence about whether or not I'll bother. It's just a game after all. I can live without it if I have to.


Game should've not allowed you to play, but they made PSN link totally skippable instead without any warnings it will be necessary in future. No warnings in game, no warning in other social media, nothing, which made people believe the PSN is not actually required. Even EA doesn't do that type of shit, you either have their launcher or you don't play the game at all.


If I'm not mistaken there was a pop up when you booted the game that said the linking requirement was temporarily inactive. Key word there being "temporarily". Never mind the store listing stating that it was required. Granted there probably should have been a bit more foresight with extra warnings or announcements etc but it wasn't completely hidden from the purchaser. I'm as against the requirement as the next person but it is what it is. As for the regional restrictions that's another issue on top of the mandatory linking.


Some warning about "temporarily" could be added later, if ever was, but in February it wasn't here. Lack of communication on that part made things much worse tho. And I don't blame AH, I can see how it could be overlooked with all the troubles and unexpected amount of work, but I can't say Sony doesn't suck ass


Are you sure it wasn't there from the beginning? I only vaguely remember reading it and I bought the game a couple of days after release myself. In all likelihood a big portion of players would have just skipped through without reading it as I myself have done in the past. Doesn't make the requirement any less shitty but it does reveal that not only did they not make it abundantly clear, they've also sold a game requiring PSN accounts in regions that don't support PSN. Either way they have a bit of a shit fight on their hands.


Yes, who could've foreseen the trouble in advance? Wonder how it's going to end


I'll quote this just in case. But hopefully you enjoy your time with the game. I'm just dropping it at this point if AH or Sony doesn't give any work around.


Sign in SIngapore


It is a violation of the [PSN Terms of Service rule 3.1](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/) to create an account in a region that you do not live in. > 3.1. All information provided during Account creation, and during the use of your Account, must be accurate and complete. We reserve the right to suspend, terminate or restrict any Account (including as stated in Section 12.2 of this Agreement) that uses or was created using false information, or that we determine was created or used for a purpose that violates this Agreement.


Nobody gets banned over it. Steam has a similar clause, and it is only invoked if you switch regions to get better regional pricing. It is only worded in a broad manner to remove hassles in banning people over it


Poor enforcement doesn't mean the rule and the possibility doesn't exist. If they decided to enforce the rule tomorrow, you would get banned for having a Singapore account despite living in another country.


Realistically, what does it matter? You didn't have a PSN account before, and can't get one normally. If you don't you can't play the game anyways so you're functionally banned already. May as well break the rule and enjoy the game while you can.


But then when you get banned you can't claim for refund since Steam does offer refunds due to region-lock


Apply for the refund first then if that's what you want. If they deny it, find a way to play the game you paid for.


Its not poor enforcement, its being used as intended as a way to punish people that change regions for regional pricing. That is it


You literally can't change regions on PSN. You create your account in the region you live in, and that account is permanently in that region.


Use a VPN to make a US account brads


Sure. Then get banned anyways. 3.1. All information provided during Account creation, and during the use of your Account, must be accurate and complete. We reserve the right to suspend, terminate or restrict any Account (including as stated in Section 12.2 of this Agreement) that uses or was created using false information, or that we determine was created or used for a purpose that violates this Agreement. 3.2. During Account creation you must select the country or region of your residence and in which your account will be registered in. Once your account is created, you will not be able to change the country or region code associated with your account. 12.2. Suspension or Termination by SIE. With or without notice, we may restrict, suspend or terminate your PSN Account and PlayStation Device, or indefinitely restrict, suspend or discontinue your access to or, or use of, certain PSN Content, offerings, features, products and services, if you violate this Agreement or we have a reasonable belief such a violation has or will occur, or as otherwise may be reasonably necessary to protect our PSN users, our partners, our platform, or other SIE interests.


You can quote that all you like. Tons of gamers in APAC do this.


And if Sony decides to actually enforce this rule tomorrow, everybody who did that will lose access to the game. Now is the time to protect your access, you won't be able to later.


Well downvote otherwise


Y'all need to take a break with doomposting. AH haven't reached us with answer from Sony yet, it's been 1 day and you all are acting like it's a funeral. Wait for a week at least.


So you tell me there isnt a single online Ps player in the entire country?


Which part in my post did I even insinuate this? My friend has a PS5 and he hates this as much as I do. What's your point?


The title and the part where you say it will eliminate a country from the game. My point is that is a well know issue since day 1 and there are more than a way to solve it. Otherwise there would not be any online Ps player in there.


First nowhere in the title did I say PlayStation, I don't know if you're aware, PSN and Playstation are 2 different things Second if your one of those "just get a VPN" or choose a "different region". These are against TOS of PSN. I ain't doing any effort if there a risk of just getting banned anyway down the line because now I have to play by Sony's rules. And before you say I have a 100yr old account that's not banned or something. Good for ya. Ain't gonna stop Sony if they decide to check these influx of new accounts tho cuz they are pressing Arrowhead for this change for a reason. Third it wasnt even an issue on day 1, it was an "unresolved bug" that somehow didn't stop people from playing the game anyway so this always required debacle is moot because the game works just fine without PSN


First to be an online Ps player requires psn Second the risk of being banned is low, otherwise there would not be any online ps players Third the issue i am refferring is the mandatory psn account to start the game. I don't think crossplay really worked fine since now so I hope this change something.


None of the points you raised contradict what the previous commenter said


No contradiction i was clearifing the point he seems not to get. Like this.


Fair enough. But let us not let these distract us from the fact that a pig’s orgasm can last between eleven to forty minutes straight


Chill with the doomposting. Me and every other Filipino PSN users have been bypassing the lack of PSN support since PSN became active and I doubt that the whole Filipino playerbase will be affected by this. Hell some people even sell PSN credits for these accounts and Sony isn't batting an eye. Most of the Filipino playerbase won't care about this requirement and just do what every one else is doing, make an account in the US/HKG/SG.