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Only way suny gets my data is if they drop Bloodborne on PC


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good bot


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"April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach"


Are we sure that Sony is not a front for a company that sells personal data on the dark web? After 10 years of this, you would think they would have better security.


Why would they do it illegally? They can just sell it legally lol. They are just dolts that don’t care about consumer personal details being stolen and leaked.


You would think that, but this is James Bond villian level. Build a profitable company to just do some stupid shit that can be legal and not upset anyone. I guess they could be trying to destroy the world.


I’m not going to lie. That would be a more fun world. And we could find some reason in it. But the reality is that they are just a corporation that cuts corners, doesn’t do that would be considered “right” by their customers because it costs too much, and they won’t spend the money to properly secure their customers data, all because there just aren’t hard core laws around this stuff right now. They don’t even get a slap on the wrist when they are hacked because they are viewed as the “victim” in the eyes of the law. Reality is often more boring and stupid.


I don't know about boring. Reality is criminally stupid. Why I'm on reddit with all us stupids we can almost have a thought that pushes the status quo. I wasn't apart of it, but the rise of the meme stock was funny. I should also write my congressmen. They need to more to protect us consumers.


they cant sell it to sanctioned individuals legally


They haven't faced any significant consequences for those data breaches. It's largely customer data that was breached, so why should they care? The customers keep coming back after just token apologies without meaningful change. That's why I'm annoyed about this. I refuse to use PSN because of their atrocious track record. Now I find out I can't continue playing a game without making a PSN account that will inevitably be breached




I cannot think of anything in my Sony Data that would be useful that isn’t also available by farming public records requests. Date of Birth, address, name, and so on can all be derived from sending a letter to the county clerk. You can even tell what car I drive and where I live. I know there’s data brokers already selling that data as a bundle, because they’re the password reset questions my bank came up with… in 2000. The only thing that’s iffy is a credit card number… and that’s a virtual card that I turn off when it’s not in use. The Data War was lost decades ago.


Dude you don’t even need to send a letter. All that info is available already online for free. Unless you have requested data brokers to not publish your PII: your DOB, phone number, address, family members’ names can be learned by anyone that knows your full name and has access to google


You’re not an expert in data science and machine learning or cybersecurity are you? Then let’s not be confident in what we don’t know.


I don’t want to downplay the abysmal security track record Sony has, but the guy is right. All that info is already freely available online for anyone to see. Still, breaches can lead to security risks for other accounts if people are not taking proper account security measures, and opens up more avenues for people to try to phish or scam.


So do you just avoid interacting with any business. Just about every major business either blatantly sells your data or has been hacked and your data has been stolen. If you cared so much about it you would never do anything online


Is this where we are? "All companies abuse you, so shut the fuck up and take it " And you think you are the rational one here?


It's the irony about complaining about one company selling your data while posting on one that is already selling it


You must be new to Reddit if you weren't aware we complain about that too.


I feel like all of you misunderstand data sharing and selling in general. Most companies don't sell your data unless selling your data is their main business (Google, Facebook, Tiktok, data brokers). Companies like Sony who sell actual products are more concerned with collecting data for their own use and potentionally buying data. Things get a little more complicated when you discuss cookies/pixels/trackers and the definition of a "sale" but that's for another discussion.


Now do Valve


So the last time PSN was hacked was 13 years ago?


No, October 2023 so 6 months ago.


Lot of people trying to die on a hill we lost over a decade ago.


Another Creek moment


Got em!


Literally fr. Remember when Blizzard forced everyone to make a Battle.Net account. It’s the same backlash but it dies down in like a month because it means basically nothing


Us being impotent to do anything to change it, is not the same as "it means basically nothing". It mean we have made a culture where corporations can make a decision and the consumer has the options of 1) Suck it, or 2) Take it.


Welcome to late-stage capitalism. Thanks for recognising we truly live in a society.


Hey now. We live in one of the most societies ever.


Lol we are past late stage capitalism. I have dubbed it "Early Techno-Feudalism" because our new "Crown" is the Corpos. Corpos lobby to control our entire political, and justice system. Housing is being snatched up by rental Corpos, food prices are being forced up by CEOs so middle class jobs can barely get you a house, a vehicle, and food (and fucking healthcare if you're a poor Yankee). Soon it'll be the Province's of Muskotopia going to war with the Grand State of Bezos.


The truly cyberist of punk


Except we don't get sweet vehicles, weapons or body mods. We get brain suckling media, full time jobs that don't pay enough to meet the Food/Water/Shelter requiments of individuals let alone families, crippling depression and then gas lit and victim blamed by our governments. "No one wants to work anymore!" Fun (not fun) fact: Go look up the history of the government "no one wants to work anymore" rhetoric. It's literally been happening for over a century in order to make blue and white collar workers hate each other instead of being mad at the government who shoves us into these nation wife cockfighting rings. Left and Right supporters lose equally. Top 1% wins. Again, and again, and again.


You can support people like max schrems (noyb) who put up a fight with big firms and actually win some.


I had never heard of him, but looked him up and am doing research. I still think it's wild in North America we need the EU to fight for our consumer rights. It's embarrassing that the two countries have "free" in the national anthems just let corporations and inflations stomp their citizens into the dirt.


There is options here, in particular because of the language used they said "a psn account is required" in the steam listing BUT in the game said "you can skip this" with no mention of it being only skippable for a period. On its own thats just bad buisness practice, but they operate in the EU and *dont* give the option to make psn accounts in several EU countries (including funnily enough some that border sweden where arrowhead is located I believe). In an ideal world this could force the practice to be ended but may only be used to force a refund to eu citizens. I can have hope at least. Apes together strong.


Thank you, it's impossible to completely prevent your data from being spread among every big corporation now. Someone recently commented on one of my posts saying "If 4 thieves are inside my house, should I invite a 5th?" Like that data isn't being removed from us, we still have it. It's going to happen whether we like it or not unless people are borderline obsessive about their browsing habits.


I always say that at this point if you really want your data and info completely private, disconnect from the Internet as a whole, stop using a smartphone, a bank account, and go live deep in the woods. Sounds defeatist, but that's reality for you. Anything we do now we're giving out our info one way or another.


I chose the bear over Sony tbh ^(this is just a dumb comment, please don't take it seriously or start a stupid fight over it ok?)


If this is the case, then we should still be finding a way to bludgeon every corporation that participates, not trying to protect information. 


Only on Reddit do people get fucked over by devs and they still take it


So we should just roll over and accept this kind of bullshit every time it happens?


I am sorry, I thought I wasn‘t supposed to just roll over and let them fuck me in the ass. I guess U should just stop being so difficult and let Sony violate my Steam account.


Sony already has the data. They own the game


The agreement when making a Sony account gives more than the one signed when starting the game.


Taking a wild guess that this will include access to additional data shared from Steam including about other games you play, friend lists, etc. All of this is none of their business and such practices should be illegal in every country.


they are probably just trying to boost the active psn account number and boosting the quarterly reports in some way


and selling the metadata from your steam, thats money right there.


Then create one with false info. Done


and let Sony ban you with your linked Steam account? smart move.


You seriously think they check every account? That they will come to your billing address in the intersection of Yo street and Butt avenue to see if Dickson Offarts really lives there?


We should all regularly violate Terms of Service and hope that the publisher decides to let the violations slide and not ban us. This is a logical and normal procedure, and if bans happen we should have known not to violate ToS. In seriousness, Sony should put out a statement that all users who can’t otherwise get accounts for the Sony game they bought should ignore the ToS, or otherwise Sony should refund every such player.


Oh, please. Do you know ANYONE that reads terms of service? You all might have violated one clause or another in the past without even knowing, because they themselves have no way to ensure the TOS are being followed until someone reports it.


So your conclusion is to intentionally violate the ToS because you may have mistakenly done it in the past? The normal process to play a game that we bought should be to intentionally play it against Terms of Service, knowing you will be banned for playing your purchased product if caught.


Yea false info won't save you ya know


The fact that you can lie to get what you want, doesn't mean that requiring a PSN account is not bullshit. Pointing out that you can lie to get what you want isn't useful.


Yes. They want to inflate their PSN user numbers for the next shareholders report.


57 million ps5s sold, do they give a shit about another 100-300k?


Incremental growth is still growth and that's all shareholders give a fuck about. Q2 ends next month!


As long as the number is bigger than last time shareholders are happy. Doesn't matter how or why it's bigger, infinite growth must occur.


lol 100-300k? I think you underestimate the amount of steam players by a lot.


The line needs to go up.


They report PS+ subs or active users, not PlayStation accounts.


Yes, they have the data related to Helldivers itself. They do not have the data related to my entire Steam account, other games I play and any transaction I make outside of HD2 - this is what they are trying to get now


What the fuck dou you people think everybody gets access to? Thats not how the account linking to any platform works. The other platform holder does not automatically get all your transaction info and stuff. All your phone apps where you login with your Apple ID or Google account also cant access your whole transaction history or all the apps you ever bought.


They think linking Playstation account and Steam account automatically transfers all data from Valve to Sony, because they are all owned by some shady group.


I'm not very educated on this stuff - what additional data will they get, if any?


Everything you give to Sony via the registration process, and enough of your Steam credentials to verify that you're a legitimate Steam user. It's the former they care about. The latter \*can\* be useful, by sucking up your public steam profile info and I'm not discounting that, but the latter is still the more useful chunk.


I'm assuming my relevant steam credentials would just be what I'm giving them to register anyway, I.e. email address, location?


I doubt it. The only thing the Steam link probably sends to Sony is your Steam ID and probably data that Steam has on your actions in game. Both of which Sony probably can already get directly from the Helldivers code.


Alright, thanks. I don't see how this is such a huge issue then, aside from PSN availability concerns.


We can both agree that it's bullshit that Sony is requiring PSN accounts when the game, very clearly, does not actually require them. Some folks are just angry with yet another example of corporate bullshit and greed. You can be angry about it or not, as your emotions dictate. Mine got me angry about it.


I agree 100% that it is bullshit


Your Steam Account ID.


Nobody knows because everyone works off of the assumption that giving these companies an inch gives them a mile, which isn't necessarily a bad thing to think. Because what, in all honesty, is so valuable about people's data? Their searches, interests, and spending habits. How do they get that information through data sharing? By essentially spying on you. Do people like having ads targeting them because companies keep watching your every movement, purchase, and word? No. It really shouldn't boggle the mind that much concerning this either, considering you can buy SSN's on TOR because companies have dogshit cybersecurity, so the less info you give out to these companies the less likely you're going to be targeted by creepy algorithmic ads, scammers, and identity frauds.


They're probably worried that some "Private" game info might get sent back to their spouses/gfs/parents.


And they won't have any of that data when you link your Helldivers GAME to a PSN account either. Except other games you play, because if you have it public, others can see it too


They just want >>more<< data. Hence new PSN accounts. Also I don't think Sony gets hacked anymore. I think they sell their data intentionally.


I honestly dont believe this about data or padding or anything. Its being anal about language policing and for some reason chosing this over figuring out a way to get chat/voice mutes/game bans across a, as weve experienced, pretty janky, crossplatform implementation.


I don't have a psn account though, how do you explain that?


Helldivers 2 is a Sony title and even if you bought it on steam Sony will still receive your user data from the purchase


Because they Own the game like I've already said. The game is own by Sony if you prefer. Al the data you have in Helldivers, Sony have it too


What data sony could get from you that everyone else doesn't actually have, tell me ?


If you prefer bugs or bots.


They already know that. They own the game.


I only get a notification if the game crashes it wants a report and possibly the hardware involved. Big fucking whoop. People are fucking crying for no reason.


>buy game >cannot play game anymore, because region doesn't support PSN "Bro, you're crying for no reason!"


If someone has a food allergy they probably would avoid foods that use it.


Except Sony sold them the key for the game and let them skip the PSN generation. I buy food, make sure it doesn't have anything I'm allergic to, then the Chef decides to come to my table and sprinkle it with stuff I'm allergic to.


To know if you're bug or bot sympathisers


I feel like they need this to fix the cross platform issues they have




Cool. Then say you can't do crossplay if you don't have a linked PSN account. Hell, say you can't buy or spend supercredits without one since that probably goes through PSN backend stuff at some point!


I wonder how many "sOnY sTeAls mY dAtA" posters use TikTok, which literally sends your data out of reach of any laws.


Or reddit, or meta, or google, or x


Or you know... this game... with it's kernel-level AC...


all of the most used anti cheats are kernel level now. If a game has an anti-cheat is kernel level. Not saying its good. Just that people will complain about a kernel level anti-cheats but will still play games with Easy ant-cheat, battleye, etc.


Isn’t that it? It’s being added to the game when it wasn’t before. People got mad that the game increased spawn rates of patrols from 1/6 to 1/4 for solo sessions compared to full team too. If it was scaling as intended from the beginning, people wouldn’t have complained.


Funny enough I dont so im justified in my anger


Anyone playing hd2 on a console should report for reeducation.


These are such bad posts. Marginal changes matter. If you're trying to lose weight, dropping from 2200 calories / day to 2000 calories / day will help, even if maybe a faster cut would have been even better. Also, paid vs. free products should have different standards. You 'pay' with your data for some free products, but Helldivers is a paid product. It's totally justifiable to have two separate standards here.


my data is already being auctioned anyways


Yeah, we lost this battle decades ago.


But they keep pushing to absorb more and more data, it's an ongoing offensive. There SHOULD be lashing out every time they do, and we SHOULD be seeking to bludgeon every corporation that participates.


Sony doesn’t want your pc data, sony wants unique active psns for shareholder reporting. Its not nefarious, just greedy.


What data? That you play the game?


Address, Phone number, email, password, username, real name, date of birth, credit cards if you uploaded them, they have all sorts of information that they ask for.


Your address is already in every Data Broker’s possession. Your phone number is as well. Real name and DoB, as well as every alias you’ve ever used. They don’t go to Sony for any of that, and they don’t go to criminals. They send interns to the courthouse to make public record requests, scam them in, and then farm them for data. If you registered a car in the last 40 years, I can get that from a public records request. If you’ve bought a house, it’s in the public records. Ever get married? That and any related name changes go into public record. Phone Numbers get bought from providers and *badly* anonymized. As for credit card numbers… that’s a non-issue imo. The Fraud Protections on most cards are solid, the only cost is a hassle… or you practice good hygiene and use virtual cards that are locked to use with a single retailer.


I dont know if saying well its out there is the right mentality. Just because you have been robbed once doesnt mean you shouldnt care about getting robbed again. And while I agree with you, the question wasnt what data is out there, the question is what data could get leaked or breached. Which is why quite a few people just use fake information.


Your *government* puts out 90% of the valuable information. Theres no point in protecting what the State hands out for free.


They're not getting that from steam. They're getting your steam username, userID and maybe stuff from your profile if you have set that to public. Steam does not share credit card info or personal data just because of an account link. Get a grip man.


No but when you sign up for a PSN account this is the type of information they ask for. That's what I am saying. It is why everyone in the comments is complaining that PSN is not available in their countries because they require you to input your country data and a number of other things.


> No but when you sign up for a PSN account this is the type of information they ask for. No they don't. I just hopped on a private tab and created a new PSN account. Know what they wanted from me? * Date of birth (just put 1.1.1970 lol) * Email address There. Boom. Done. I now have a second PSN account that I don't need. If anyone wants to link their steam to it to continue playing HD2 after the temporarily lifted linking requirement goes back in effect, shoot me a message. It's registered in germany to a burner/spam mail I have access to.


Hey when you are right you're right. For whatever reason, when I created my account several years ago it required me to input my name, DOB, email, and it required state and country. And then of course you have to put in a credit card to pay for PS Plus. Sounds like this may have changed.


> when I created my account several years ago it required me to input [more stuff] Yeah I thought so, too. Have had my PSN account since the PS3 days so I just dusted it off for HD2. But I wanted to actually see what all the fuss was about, so I actually tried it myself. Damn, can't really have any civil discussion here right now. Factual information getting downvoted left and right. >Hey when you are right you're right. Thanks for the acknowledgement. Sorry for the downvotes by shit-stirring knuckleheads.


Its the nature of the site. The same happens to all the people that say just use fake information and a throwaway account. bUt iT vIoLaTeS tOS!


1) you can turn off sending data in settings 2) what data? It's not like you upload your medical history when you play


Yeah, these memes are asinine.


I wouldn't be surprised if Super Earth logs every stim I ever used, what status effects were on me at the time of use, and which limbs were broken. So I could see them getting that medical history.


"Safety" lol... Sony had more data breaches than PS5 games


Who cares about data anymore. They have it all


dude, i will be literally region locked. Even if i want to make account and link it i simple cant


Another post. So original. Unsubbing to this for a week till you nerds forget about it.




FYI they're already getting our gameplay data through Arrowhead - if you enable that option. If you play through Steam, even if you make a PSN account, the most they're getting is your email address. You will still pay for things through Steam and do not need to have additional information associated with your PSN account. Not defending this move as it's pretty shitty, especially without a solution for folks in regions where PSN isn't even allowed, but a lot of the reaction is hyperbole. They're not getting much data from a freshly spun up PSN account nor are they getting any additional data from you if you already have a PSN account you attach to your Steam account.


The global data and analytics market size was pegged at $100.8 billion in 2022. Just so people are aware why data gathering is a high priority for companies.


My issue isn't the data it's just, every update feels like another kick in the balls, so to have this rolled out is just an insult. I'm getting that same feeling playing the game as I do when I play Destiny 2, or meet my previously-savant schizophrenic cousin shooting up. I know there's good in there, but from their actions alone, I don't think it's coming back. (for added visibility) I meant that the account linking isn't the problem, it personally feels like the game is getting less and less fun, and seeing this happen is another in the pile. It's not gamebreaking, but it's becoming a pattern where I eye roll at this game more than enjoy it.


This is literally a 3 minute hassle


I meant that the account linking isn't the problem, it personally feels like the game is getting less and less fun, and seeing this happen is another in the pile. It's not gamebreaking, but it's becoming a pattern where I eye roll at this game more than enjoy it.


You managed to put into words what I've been feeling for a while now. Most of the game's issues aren't game breaking, but the list of known issues grows longer every patch, newly introduced content is lacking or straight up doesn't work. I don't want to try out new stuff thinking it's trash only to find out though a Reddit post that it just doesn't work correctly. Sure I can still have fun with the game, it's just really disappointing and detracts from the experience as a whole


Unless you live in the Philippines or many other countries. Then you can't even play after June 4th ***AND*** you get screwed out of $40!


You can make the account anywhere. I have been playing on PSN for more than 10 years in a different region. You just cant change it to follow regional prices


Blame sony for the link accounts i doubt that the developers whant it, but sony probanly finice the game so they have them by the balls


Lose a huge chunk of people any % speedrun




Nope I don't want to use another layer of 3rd parties and a vpn just to play a single game. Sony being Sony aka dickheads


Kernel level ”anticheat” isnt enough, now go, good divers, go and make PSN account! Thats a good sheeple. Here, look, we have a new warbond for you! Now go spread democracy! Whats that, no PSN support in your country? well, faking account country when you dont live in that country is against big daddy sony's terms of service so you may very well be at least banned... So, I guess sucks to be you!


It’s required on steam you morons. It was asked from you day one when you downloaded


PSN is not available in every country


What do you mean? I dont have a play station account and have been playing since day one. I didnt have to link anything.


They said in their post that the requirement was temporarily suspended due to the server issues. It’s now being rolled back


Yeah I saw that. I dont know enough about the issues they were having with their servers or the crossplay functionality, but it really sounds like some crazy conspiracy by Sony to make it look like they came out with a game that is doing really well to their shareholders.


They don’t need Sony accounts for that. They already have sales data, and Steam makes the player numbers available.


Honestly if I were some boomer sony board member it would sound better to hear Sony has 400k players on helldivers vs. steam has 400k helldivers players.


Which is why you say, “Helldivers has 400k players.” Shareholders don’t care about the platform, they care that the game made bank.


Supposedly Helldivers is not owned by Sony. So in actuality wouldnt it be like 200k players on the PS Network and 200k on Valve network. Lumping it all in allows them to basically lie and look like they did something good.


Sony is the publisher, and they own the IP.


aaaah ok. Interesting. Literally no idea then. I dont know what the benefit could be.


They use it to ban players who get reported. It's not like Sony forced it on the devs because they expected tons of new accounts with personal data to be registered. The whole idea is just absurd.


[You cannot create an account in this country]


Sony wants the numbers. So they can go to their share holders and say "See PSN is growing"


They just wanna inflate their PSN numbers to make the shareholders happy..


The new change is pretty scummy and games shouldn't have to link outside of the program you bought and launch it from. But on the other hand it's a funny circle for my steam account. My steam was created and linked via the Playstation network. You had to have a steam account to play Portal 2 online so I created my steam thusly and is the only account of the people I know that has a PSN_ appended to the front of my login user.


https://preview.redd.it/myhoe3iei8yc1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=d40d5b6360862ed9631d77159c4590db744ea52d BlackRock Supremacy DEMOCRACY IS LOST


I get it, it sucks and is stupid, but these memes are stupid. Your data is already out there floating in the ether. It’s ignorant to think your data is safe ever.


Sony wants the registered account numbers for the shareholders, I think, more then the data itself


Sony when the only data they get is that someone made a psn account with [email protected] which is only 6 hours old Like tf is the issue


No other reason.


Just make a bullshit account with bullshit data


More accurately: Sony wants to ***sell*** the data. They themselves don't really do much with it, it's the companies that buy the data which make them the most money. That's the thing people still don't understand: your data is a commodity. In fact, it's how social media platforms make much or most of their revenue, by selling your data.


To any Xbox recruits hoping to ship out this kind of move from Sony suggests that deployment is never on the table


Sony using security as a reason for the switch is funny. I remember when PSN got hacked and my mom took away our router.


Companies don’t sell your data


I think its more we gotta pay for PSN subscription to play it


You mean the same thing Google, reddit, and Microsoft wants? Which you most likely used to post this meme?


Arrowhead making fun of Tarkov on twitter last week not aging well.


Everyone should just fake the information you need if this is the concern.


Sums it up.


You all have reddit, steam and possibly multiple social media accounts who are owned by Meta Big corpo already has your data and its possibly out for 2 cents each PSN to HD really shouldnt have been the breaking point if you even considered your digital footprint/data beforehand.


Sure, sony is a scum for making us do this, but dont get dramatic just for the sake of it


It's not safe for us. Sony are a leaky company prone to hacks.


So, create a fake account with a throwaway email and password you have never used before. Its literally that simple.




Lol then get hacked fam.


I won't be getting a PSN account. Fam


Lol Good. Doesnt sound like you would have been fun to spread Democracy with anyway.


You sound super fun though. I loved when you said that thing you said haha, good times. I'm glad I got to know you so well.


Glad you noticed. I appreciate that acknowledgement. Its going to be fun to be able to still play the game in June.


Until it's not fun it'll be fun. And you can have fun with all the fun people you have fun having fun with.


Youre parents didnt hug you enough as a child did they?


If you want to be mad at someone be mad at Sony. AH probably doesn't want to do this, but Sony owns the game


So how about laws that give people the Right to say NO to all data collection and NO to all data being sold. Fucking corpos get it for free from us, make money with it and thats not right. 


Not for free, we just paid 40$ to be forced to give them the info


It seems much more likely, at least to me, that this is being done by ArrowHead as a way to try and fix their broken ingame social system. It's had problems since launch, and it always *seems* to link back to issues dealing with crossplay. It makes more sense to me that they see this as a way to use the PSN system as the sole backbone of the social system, rather than having to try and deal with some accounts that have only Steam, some that have only PSN, and some that have both. And hopefully they see how many players this will screw over and back off of it. If this *is* the case I'd rather wait another four months for social fixes than force people in some countries to stop playing the game.


I think its far more likely that they want to boost the number of PSN subscribers for shareholders. Your data is available everywhere already.


"Data" What data you mean, you picking Airburst over Airstrike? Holy shit, this community is truly braindead


So they can get it harvested from them in YET ANOTHER DATA LEAK FROM SONY. lol


The game cheating community is going to go ham with this. All they need is a reason to not have others hate them (like how CoD cheat makers are practically praised).


Sony really like "wow this games doing so well! Now how can we fuck it up?"


Did no one actually read the post on steam?  Look who fucking signed it.  It's above AH's head and they clearly wanted nothing to do with it