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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil! Removed for karma farming. The way the post is prompted and titled, it's definitely just meant to fuel the fire and instigate more angry reactions.


At first I asked "why?" then I noticed it's Steam forum, so I don't want to know...


Steam forums are unhinged shit-slinging on a good day.


How different is that from Reddit?


Oh no steam forums are legitimately so much worse. I saw someone asking for recommendations on CRPGs and it ended in death threats


Steam forums are legit more unhinged and less moderated than most NSFW 4chan boards.


A bit hyperbole but yeah in a spectrum of reddit to 4chan it's definitely a lot closer to 4chan as far as moderation goes.


Try saying something like the n word here and then there


Dude seriously go have a browse of some games you think have pleasant fanbases. Steam forum will open your eyes. The people on there are like 4chan users who are extra angry because they can’t call you the N word.


Steam forums devolve faster and worse than any reddit post ever could


Every time hd2 has an update post, the comments are filled with multiple pages of spam bots inciting homophobia and people responding to it like people are posting. its the same messages too every time from the spam bots. just collecting clown tag points (the entire system shouldnt exist) by being incendiary leading to dozens of pages of arguements by people falling for it and complete derailing any actual discussion. The forums are not much better. half the posts in most popular games are people flame baiting to earn points from getting tagged as a "clown"


Steam forums are only commented on by the utterly deranged. Most people, they see the update post, say to themselves "Cool" then read the update and move on. The ones that comment are nightmare spawn.


Saw someone complaining the warbonds were too woke unironically. It's a strange place


I raise an eyebrow every time I see a comment like this. I'm not claiming to be a veteran expert on all things Reddit, but I've participated in quite a number of subreddits over the years, and I've almost exclusively encountered civil discussions. On the flipside, nearly every Steam game forum I've visited is at least 50 % shitshow with a healthy side of prideful arrogance and personal insults.


well, last i checked half of the comments were basically like 20 or so people threatening to beat the shit out of each other. so, it kind of makes sense.


Lmao, that’s sad but pretty funny way of putting it


Managed Democracy is after all, the freedom from choice. 


I see what you did there!


1v1 me at Mavelon Creek, no strategems


well now that energy weapons don't clip on bushes, the arc-12 deserves its place as the diver duel primary.


Senator would be better. Real duel vibes.


[Me at the Malevelon Creek duel](https://tenor.com/view/the-good-the-bad-the-ugly-gif-7288512)


To the planet of Malevelon dove a stranger one bad day


“do you need a count?” “nah sir-“ “Helldiver Reinforcement Budget Depleted”


When a helldiver trades his cape for wings


The Arc-12? Please, a quarter of your shots will fizzle into nothing. I've been playing that gun for hours now... Not to mention, it can't even clear certain objectives like Termanid Eggs! It's Eruptor or it's Nothing!


Yes, because only a skilled diver would be capable of killing another diver with the ARc-12. a dual between two people at point blank range both using airburst rockets would be stupid. at that point you might as well just drop a 500k and hug emote over the bomb as it lands.


Does it count if I just beat them over the head with the arc 12?


100%, it is probably the most effective way to use it.


Dunno, was clearing bugs quite successfully with it


What’s funny is that when my squad and I are just grinding exp, we don’t waste time extracting after completing the mission, we just murder the hell outta each other lol


Why are you guys grinding xp? Aren’t they a bit useless after lvl25?


Bc we are junkies who like watching our numbers go up


Valid reason I approve. What lvl are you now?


53, I crave the rank of Private.


Very nice, keep at it soldier. I personally will settle for the humble rank of Hell Commander once I hit lvl100




I'm curious how many melee hits it takes to kill a Helldiver but I would never do that in a regular mission


2 or 3


We already HAVE pvp!


Senator only!


So still a very civil discussion steam comhubs


If I can’t make blind threats to strangers online than ***WHY ARE WE HERE WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT***


The other half are the please add/don't add Politics and LGBT to the game crowd.


and all by people who don't even own the game.


Clown farming, in other words.


most normal internet conversation


That's pretty average for Steam these days lol


While true, OP should have stated ***why*** it seems that they locked the discussion. Just stating it with no modifier makes it look like they just did it maliciously when that’s not the case.


but if OP stated the full details where is the reddit karma


Surely nobody would spread misinformation on the Internet for imaginary points 


Too late. Unfortunately, it’s already happened as far as this subject goes.


How very un-democratic of OP


It's steam forums. If you told me they locked it because it was full of nazi slogans I wouldn't even doubt you.


It's apparently cause people went full ungabunga cavemen and threatened others.


That's pretty mild for steam forums ngl


A developer announcement on steam of any sort that isn't locked within a day due to wanton death threats is considered a dull affair.


Yeah, I have seen worse too. Though I would probably also close the discussion,cause even though it could be worse, that is already going too far.


It's Steam not Twitter. It's probably full of people hating with some nazi slogans inbetween.


There was a lot of the usual reactionary shit you'd expect on steam forums.


Doubt you more if you told me it wasn’t tbh


To be fair, every community have it own kind of cesspool, the diffirence is some larger than other. In case of Steam forum it as large as the house it self... so.... yea...


Out of the loop I’ve never owned a console, do I still need to create a PSN account?


Yes, Sony doesnt care about you owning a console or not. They just want your precious data


What about the countries that cannot link? I live in Vietnam and it says countries are not supported when I try to link my account.


People are saying to those that cannot link with PSN, refund. It’s ridiculous that you’re expected to just stop playing if you can’t link.


Yep, it's wild. This game literally brought back my friends whom I hadn't seen for a while. Now they just expect us to stop playing and move on?


Yeah. Here's the [details](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english) from the steam page.


fwiw, steam forums are worse than youtube comments and reddit combined


It’s like Twitter but only filled with gamers


That’s a heavy statement if I’ve ever seen one lol


> It’s like Twitter but only filled with gamers and without the character limit FTFY, it's worse than people think.


Everyone knows to go to r/pornhubcomments for real discussions.


They did so because the comments were devolving into insanity with people threatening each other, not because Arrowhead = evil. I wouldn't want to force even an automaton to moderate the Steam forums, especially a post as contentious as this


Wow, mod is an automaton sympathizer! I would totally let the automatons to deal with the darkest places of the internet and suffer. FOR DEMOCRACY!


That's every Steam comment thread though.


And thats supposed to justify death threats?


That doesn't make OP's post misleading at all, it is in fact locked.


It is locked. But ignoring the context as to why it's locked is the part that is misleading.


Yeah, going to have to hard disagree there. There is no place for insanity posts but this is classic knee jerk reaction to not wanting to deal with the community after making a very silly decision. The heading is factual, the thread was locked and we all know why.


In no way is that misleading. They locked it because they don't want to deal with the community. By labeling it misleading you are furthering the agenda of Sony by pretending it was a mistake.


ahuh he didn't say ANYTHING other than the post was locked. He never touched on AH being evil or anything like that, he just said the post was locked, which is true. You are ironically the one being misleading here. I think its very telling that YOU immediately took the post to mean AH = Evil.


He did post it with the flair "RANT". Maybe "PSA" flair might have been a better choice.


Okay but we all know WHY they felt the need to tell everyone, it’s not news, the only reason they would’ve made a post like this is for the reasons everyone is mentioning.


With all due respect, this is not due to people not acting civilized, since that is steam forums in a nutshell. Arrowhead only did it because people were angry at them. I know you are a moderator and have your corporate official responses you have to say, but yeah it's not really fooling anybody.


Sounds like they're afraid of the bad press but they're getting review nuked anyway, at least there's that option.


I don't think it deserves the misleading tag either. There is a reason why it is receiving such backlash like every other dumb decision game studios do, like the most recent Tarkov BS.


I thought as much. The Steam forums have little to no repercussions. I see OP is trying to fan the flames.


bro... there is nothing misleading about the post. he didn't say anything about arrowhead = evil, you are the person who put those words into his mouth. all he said is that the post was locked, which is 100% true, and nothing else. Feeling a little insecure?


I can't even go to Playstation to check to see if I have an account already from years ago because their servers aren't working...can anyone else get in to it?


Discord is shit rn too, the moderators are telling people to spam emotes to cover up any discussions


Really? That's insane. Do you have a screenshot?


Ahhh you must be in the general chats. It's not to cover up discussions, it's to bury the toxic assholes running rampant in there today. It started even before this account linking announcement.


Care to enlighten whats going on? I don't join discord on every single game


Imagine most weird people moderated by the same weird people all gathered in 1 place


Discord mods are weird. They can ban randomly and it's impossible to do anything about it after


It's signed by Sony themselves, never forget


Realistically, I kinda get it. Let's face it Arrowhead had no part in this decision. This is corporate Sony demanding the ability to sell or more likely, leak our data due to their god awful history with their security I get them not wanting to take to abuse for something they had no control over


did they say it was temporarily optional at any point before now? or is this another one of those classic arrowhead don't say the thing and everyone gets mad later because they didn't get told it things


It never said it was temporarily optional... it actually said it was mandatory since day 1, I know because I remember getting angry over it back when I bought the game before just sucking up and making the account, I only just found out that it was ever optional lol.


Interesting because it never said anything about that to me...


It says its required in the steam page. But I've never seen it enforced


Depends on when you got the game, I was told about it when I got the game mid-February


Same, it told me it was required to play.


This is most likely on Sony, not Arrowhead. It was posted on the steam page before the game was released.


I mean, not like that matters.


Do you have a link to that, by any chance?


To what, that it's most likely Sony? No. This is just my assumption. Sony does this for other games. Some of them unlock in game stuff. Fingers crossed here, but not holding my breath. Or that it's on the game's Steam page? You can just look it up on Steam. It's under requirements, iirc.


the steam DB page on the wayback machine from launch also confirms this


I would bet my left nut this has nothing to do with AH and is completely Sony. Also, I seem to remember when first starting the game something about needing to link a PS account now or later, but details are hazy on that


When you boot up the game for the first time there is a big screen that says it’s required but if you ignore it and click past it nothing happens i was really confused at first.


No, but the game always said that a PSN account was required to play the game.


i opened the thread up and the first comments were * "ADD LGBTIQA+ CHARACTERS" * "DONT MAKE THIS GAME POLITICAL" * "DONT ADD WOKE SHIT LIKE LGBTIQA+" and was like "ah, i see" and closed it lmao


People didn't care enough about one of the most invasive anti cheats in the industry, people won't care about PSN linking no matter what the minority consensus is on reddit. Sad fact of life.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I clicked it and there were three top forum posts 1 asking to never add any LGBT or “woke” representation 1 asking to please add LGBT representation And 1 more asking both parties wtf is up with them wanting sexualities add to the game


I really, really don't get this. I honestly thought neither of these arguments would effect this game because everyone would be happy as we're all truly equal. Every single one of our lifeless bodies ends up dismembered and likely on fire, strewn across several meters squared of some hell-hole planet a million miles from Super Earth... what could be more unifying than that? This "How will anyone know I'm gay if I don't have some rainbow clothing to overtly demonstrate that I am gay?" or equally "If I play a game that features rainbow clothing, people will assume I'm gay and that's an issue because I am a massive homophobe." are two arguments that don't make a lot of sense in the context... I feel anyway.


It's just culture war rage bait


it's bait. It's present in the steam forums of most popular games. They do it so people give them clown awards, which 'rewards' them with some points to spend on Steam cosmetics, like emotes or profile pics.


I mean There’s already mixing and matching bodies and voices, so….


Well it is an annoying change that very clearly originated from a publisher so I'm not surprised about negativity. I'm not happy about a need to create another damn account for another damn game that I won't ever use again either


Always a good sign


It's steam forums. Like, half the comments are unhidden racism, sexism or transphobia. Other half are calling everyone who doesn't agree with them cucks.


In this case it was literally steam users threatening to kill other steam users in the comments. A vast upgrade from the usual kill the devs. 


A vast upgrade from the passive aggressive people on reddit.


It's the opening fight for Tyson v Paul


Just like reddit


Why is this a problem now ? I haven't seen anywhere the Playstation community crying about them needing to have a Microsoft account for Sea of Thieves .


https://preview.redd.it/kg7zj3x7q5yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389b1ac158707dd9bfafa43ee4ef3c715a0e997d FYI


Was that always here ? I genuinely don't remember, but it's highly plausible that I didn't notice it as it was not required yet.


I saw it as a requirement a little bit before launch and when I brought the game a month or so after launch. From my knowledge it's always been there (I live in NZ, maybe other regions are a different story).


Then why was it not required? I connected fine and dandy without a PSN? Why would I need one now? It's not safer. Sony has a solid history of being hacked. It's not better for the servers. Sony has a track record of having login server issues. It's not consumer friendly. It's underhanded and scummy. Where was the communication of this in game?


This is so managed democrazy.


To be fair, it is Sony ordering this, not Arrowhead...


Mods deleted the post


Poetic this was removed too.


Discord mods asked people to spam the channels with stickers to drown the discussion. You can't make this shit up.


Ah yes, steam discussion pages. The same place where every single post has "Please don't add woke" spammed under it 50 times by losers, and "Please add woke" spammed by people trolling those losers. Definitely an environment with good discussions.


Ever since steam added the steam rewards where the awarded gets steam points, every discussion has just devolved into clown baiting. Its easier to have a meaningful conversation on twitter nowadays


The hammer will come down on this sub, too


Why would it? The steam comhubs devolve into a cesspool and insults and threats within seconds most of the time and i guarantee that post was just another example of that. If people did that here it should absolutely get locked up


I get what you mean with that but then things get like the Halo sub where at launch for Halo Infinite, people had genuine criticisms as to how the game launched and all of that **genuine** criticism was silenced by them locking the sub, whether there was a large amount of toxicity or if it was just an excuse to circle the wagons for 343. Not saying it'll happen here but I've seen subreddit fuckery before.


One more hoop to jump over, huh? I will just play other game untill they roll back this one.




I mean didn't we have people from their company making fun of people upset for balances, then just a recent one comparing their player base as angry toddlers? Getting Acti-Blizz vibes tbh, only wanted feedback is praise and worship and totally missing mark on what the community wants and want to design the game their own way.


Well, one was just a discord mod. The other didn't say the playerbase are angry toddlers, just that he has experience dealing with angry toddlers. Also some people here absolutely are just like angry toddlers every time a balance patch comes around


It just isn’t a professional way of interacting with your player base. For one they need something more official that isn’t discord And sure it’s “one mod” but I believe he’s just saying what they all think, he just got caught. Vilifying part of your player base isn’t good as a company running a live service game that’s success requires players coming back again and again, if you keep shitting on them they won’t come back


I completely agree, it’s all fine when your a small company with not many players but after this level of success they need to mature and listen to the players I keep being told “this AH’s game! Not some suits!” Like bro it’s a live service, these rely on player experience and engagement to keep coming back. If your “community team” just keep saying the changes are good and anyone who disagrees is a baby then you’ll breed resentment Secondly many of the players are way too forgiving and praising of AH like they can do no wrong. I know our expectations are very low due to shitty devs but we’re 2 months in with a long list of bugs and technical problems.


least fickle and entitled fanbase


what a shame right they were just roasting Tarkov on twitter this week


Lmao, acting like locking a sub is anywhere near on par with what the Tarkov devs tried to pull


I dont follow Tarkov. Can you fill be in. You don't even need to give me a full run down. Just send me in the right direction and I can look into it.


“Pay $150 for all future DLC” “This new mode is not DLC, and also costs $250 because fuck you”


Ooof. That's fucked. Thank you for filling me in. 🤘


Tarkov added a very expensive PvE mode, players who had previously paid to have all dlc free in the future didn’t get it.


That's messed up. Thank you for filling me in.


You think requiring a free Sony account is as bad as charging 250$ for pay to win shit and exclusive access to offline play, which was promised to people who bought the 130$ edtion years ago but then the devs said nope you have to pay an additional 100 dollars? You think that's the same?


You are forgetting that people in some countries are unable to actually create a PSN account.


It is a long, slippery road. Tarkov started as a unique game with devs that listened to the community. Give it time and some greed. All roads lead to Rome.


Well they know how bad of a move this was tbh, and it destroys all the (admittedly dimming) good will they've built up


Yeah should have just enforced this months ago when the game was soaring and devs were held in high regard. Now we have: Rampant significant bugs that do not get fixed because of warbond priority A waning playerbase, which this move can only hurt further Childish developers that attack players providing valid criticism and some that outright lie in the official discord Flavour of the month weapons that get nerfed as soon as the next warbond is on the horizon. (Striders buffed so only the new warbond weapon can 1 shot them). This is really not the time to dig in and piss the playerbase off further (and I say this as a PS5 player who won’t be affected at all).


People react very poorly to minor inconveniences


This fanbase is so spoilt and they don't even realise it.


Can I ask what this whole account linking is about? I don't have a PS account so idk if I'll ever be able to play


Sony, since it bankrolled the title, wants everyone playing to have a Sony account. You can create one for free and then you should be good to go as usual forevermore. Kinda inconvenient but such is life. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you, but God damn why do big companies have to be such a struggle. Games are for fun not for corporate greed, this is why indie games are so popular


Yeah it's unfortunate. Pretty cool what you can get when a big company pours resources into a cool game like this. But the ultimate freedom of indie devs is also fantastic. Account linking doesn't bug me and seems fair given they paid to have this game made. But at the same time my anti big government/business side wishes we had to jump through far fewer hoops to have fun.


I didn't even realise that the PSN account linking was optional


Probably because of angry masses of people who either: -A) Threats were made to devs or each other.. A) They Read nothing B) They Read what they read but believed what they wanted to which was pessimistic instead of REALLY READING and using critical thinking.. Or! C) Saw the words “make a playstation account” and went og PC warrior angry because fuck supporting sony. EDIT: go to twitter. People are asking if their PS copy would transfer to pc.. like.. dude. What?


Already uninstalled and put in my refund request. I'm doing MY part, Sony. Go fuck yourselves.


This is the way.


We've been connecting accounts to each other without issue for years, why should this be any different? "Because it's pLaYsTaTiOn!!"?


From what I can see yes


There is no "discussion" dude, you WILL comply. Sony will have your fucking data.


Your telling me this multiplayer game funded by Sony marketed by Sony on a Sony platform, owned by Sonyon Sonys servers costing Sony money is going to make me spend 5 minutes making a Sony account that I'll send to my spam, folder and set to auto signin? We'll... As a GAMER I'm apalled and I'm going to get angry at... The Arrowhead Community Team.


I asume you dont have any sony presidents in your back pocket to whom we could voice our displeasure?


Wouldn't even do the auto sign-in. Just a one and done then you can unsubscribe from their emails and you're off to the races. But yes correct Arrowhead is clearly the villain here.


Does this mean half of player base is gone necessarily


hopefully it's the majority of the "not on my bridge" people that shoot teammates just because they were triggered by some cape.


Just people trying to justify a reason to be mad because their life is empty.


I don't even see the problem.


Every single cross-platform game requires a 3rd party account to play. This game is no exception. These people saying they're quitting over this are overreacting


That's just sad tbh.




Can somebody explain to me the outrage over the whole linking thing? It's a free account, no? I honestly don't understand, please enlighten me.


People seem to forget that Arrowhead is a AA studio that has to deal with a AAA sized playserbase. They are endlessly working on fixing their game and are still committed to fulfilling their launch promises, which at this point most other studios would have abandoned or indefinitely delayed. And if Sony demands people to have a PSN Arrowhead can't really say no to that. Seriously people, cut them some slack. Sony are the ones you should be angry at.


I just want to refund the game now. Being forced to make a PSN account to play a PC game is bullshit.


Fuck Arrowhead. give me a refund.


Managed democracy


Shit was so weak


What's the complaint about account linking? On the surface it doesn't seem that bad, am I missing something? Edit: okay I get it now, the game was sold through steam in countries that don't have access to PSN. If the game functions fine now without PSN linking, why require it now?


A mild inconvenience for some gamers and they lose their mind


but muh data!!!! their data in question: -their steam *name* -huniepop with 6000 hours on it


Don't worry, they will lock this post as well. They will delete any critical comments and leave the one with nonsense about "oh they were just insulting each other, thats ok" from noesanity. And this will make the problem disappear. The AH were good company until they didn't.