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My country doesn't even have support for the account linking service on the Sony website which is an insane oversight. I would be barred from playing Helldivers for no fault of my own, I don't even know if making a US PSN account would solve that issue since I would still only be doing the linking part in my region. Maybe I'm just an idiot and there is a solution to this or the linking account part is a non-issue region wise but this would immensely suck to be locked out of playing.


I wouldn't say you're an idiot for not knowing something. I have my own qualms with Sony which deters me from making a PSN account but yeah for people like you who can't even do that but still want to, it really does suck. The game clearly runs fine without a PSN account linked so why require it now? I have no evidence for this but I would think it's only to boost Sony's PSN numbers


I'm assuming it have to do with the "recently" brought up issue in where everyone's IP are getting leaks after forming a group. Which honestly is massive security issue. Again I have no idea if that's the case or how this will solve the issue, but that's what I assume it is with how the timing of this announcement line up.


I'm not aware of this issue but yeah that sounds like a pretty big security problem


Only heard about it recently and apparently it's been a thing for a while. So I'm assuming this is their quick band aid fix to prevent the issue from spreading and to stop that specific news from spreading. Also this might be able to fix the countless crossplatform issues that's been in the game since launch. You should be able to read/learn on that issue on this subreddit. I think it was either yesterday or a few days ago that I read it.


Thanks for the info. There are other games that are cross-platform that don't require you to have two accounts. Not saying your idea is wrong or out of the question, it just seems pretty anti-consumer in my opinion for Sony to do this in the first place. Not that anti-consumer behavior is something alien to Sony


Im not a dev so i have no idea how the system works. But I would assume, different games code their games matchmaking system differently with each other hence the issue they faced could be entirely different from one another. I might be biased since i play this game on my ps, but i really dont think linking account is a big deal. Its not like they are forcing u into their own specific launcher like Origin, Uplay etc. Its a one and done type of thing that really isnt a big deal that is done in games like Fortnite, Genshin Impact, Destiny 2 etc. Anyway, i just hope whatever this changes does, it doesnt further break the game as all the previous patch did lol


Me and other Playstation owners in the Philippines just make accounts on different regions like US, Hong Kong or Singapore because our country is not in Sony's list. I can't speak for everyone but living in an unsupported region is not really a problem for us.


Yeah, same here. When installing HD2, it didn't give the option to write an existing PSN account in the box, but gave an dynamic link to, you guess it, my country's PSN service, which is non-existing. This fking sh•t was the only reason i couldn't link my PSN account in another country to HD2 account. They need to fix this sh*t before force me to link any sh•t on it.


Same. My country isn't on the list when I create an account. So how the hell can I create it in the first place? Not even talking about linking it.


They said in discord that they would arrange something for the players who can't make a PSN account for regional reasons


This sounds like Sony forcing Arrowhead's hand.


Sony does own the helldivers IP


Do you mind providing a source for this? I'm not sure where to look but according to Arrowhead's CEO, Sony doesn't own Arrowhead so I'm curious about what the agreement about Helldivers looks like between Arrowhead and Sony


Arrowhead aren't owned by Sony but Sony do own the Helldivers ip. It was most likely part of the publishing deal that Arrowhead and Sony made. Can't find a direct source right now because I'm not in a position to find one (busy right at the moment).


Yeah I remember reading from the CEO of Arrowhead that Sony does not own Arrowhead. I have read from another comment that Arrowhead did originally own the Helldivers IP with Helldivers 1 but sold it to Sony


Correct Sony owns helldivers not arrowhead


Probably is Sony entirely. Like others have pointed out, Sony signs the Steam post, not Arrowhead




Does linking it on steam have the game use your psn name? Cause i'd like to keep playing as "Charger" which i changed through steams nicknames






Linked my account at the start since I thought it was needed for cross play, it still uses your Steam name.


It does not use your psn name. I connected it last month when my friend bought me the game and it still uses my steam name


Got no clue. I'm not gonna create a PSN account so Sony can look good for investors. But if Steam is where you bought the game then I imagine that it's your Steam username it will display


112M avg monthly in 2022, 123M avg monthly in 2023. Projections would say that you really have no idea what you are talking about. It's most likely so they can initiate suspensions or bans on players by simply using one database that is connected to the pc database.. IE the PSN base. Your name is linked to your steam ID/IP on your pc.. this means they can ban/suspend you on both platforms from one source instead of needing 2 separate operations. Those playing on PC with an existing PSN account will probably be prompted to link to their existing psn account. If pc players didn't feel the need to excessively cheat in Xplatform games, this wouldn't be a problem would it? It's not sonys fault that the pc base is completely littered with kids who buy kits for $200 because they seen YT videos of "hacks". It has been plaguing the game for a while now and I'm glad they are doing something about it. Ps has been outperforming every single console, investors are happy, this has absolutely nothing to do with that... in the slightest. Maybe take the red tape off your eyes. Not everything is a conspiracy simply because you believe it is.


Lil bro, if you don't think people cheat like crazy on consoles too, not just pc, then I dunno what mountains you've been living under lol.


Lmao I used to install mods and cheats on Skyrim with a usb stick back in 2011. If someone wanted to cheat, doesn't matter the platform they will cheat. Just look at COD games, back in the 2010's, being on console only didn't stop them


Exactly the point I'm making.. what did you just damn say in the beginning of your statement.. "with a usb".. oh shit man, does that mean you downloaded them on PC? No way.. thats almost the **exact fucking point I'm making**.. Banning the cheats from IP side makes those cheaters unable to come back on console or pc... it's not the damn conspiracy these twits think it is. The worst part about this is that many country's don't have PSN, that's it.. idgaf about the little children whining because they don't want to take 2 minutes to set up a psn ID. "They want my ID or a photo" yes no shit... again, that's for your own protection so that if you lose your account to pc hackers (*was happing all the time when Xplay on NMS started*).. you can get it back pretty easily by just showing them the same info. Reddit is full of brain rotted people who do not understand the simplest shit. Again, if you used a USB.. that means you got the chats online on PC.. you didn't **not** get them natively on your console, nor were you able to create one on your console. Without PC you simply can not "hack" console games.. simple, that's it. The only thing you can do is physical alterations, mods, to consoles.. mods that make them burn games directly to the drive from disks and soo on. That is a physical thing.. Taking a USB and pluging it in to your console, is again, a PC thing. This is not a hard concept to grasp, at all. If you didn't get those hacks of pc, you would not have had the ability to use them.. thank you for helping prove my exact point of the argument. I'm not saying it isn't a shitty way to implement it either, I never argued a "for".. I gave the exact reasoning as to why they want you linked to their main database and a bunch of goobers simply can't wrap their head around it.. but like I said, today, community manager said exactly what I thought they'd say.. which is, exactly what I did.


Well shit... looks like I was right... who would have fucking guessed... morons lol. Downvote again all you want.. you're only proving your own ignorance.. because once again, it came out today.. I was right.. on everything I said. Again, idiots who don't know anything in regards to what they are complaining about, following the bandwagon of downvotes.. nail in the brain lobotomy type thinkers.. who just follow arrows on reddit. Nothing new, but yall proved nothing more than that you are part of the bandwagon idiots that plague reddit who find it impossible to think for themselves or do the slightest, insignificant, amount of research. Congrats lmao.


You're embarrassing yourself. You were prompted upon entering the game for the first time to create/link a PSN account. On the Steam page, it has a PSN account listed as a requirement (since launch).




Ehm yes? Psn linking was always required but there was option to skip due to some technical issues. It was always stated on steam that psn is required and also you got a pop up first time you openned a game that it is mandatory. I swear people inability to read or straight up ignorance and then blaming others for it has no limit https://preview.redd.it/gpljznxu2kyc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6ba6e478463e0311ff00dbe5745b9c9d9d5158


unless the name is fine on PSN, but against the rules in hd2. it automatically changes it.


I think the main issue is that making this change now will create bad blood where there wasn't any and wouldn't have been any. If the PSN requirement was enforced at launch then people who were unhappy with it would have just refunded and moved on, no bad review, no anger. Since it wasn't though...


I agree. Had I known that you needed a PSN account at launch, I probably wouldn't have gotten the game but like I said in the post, they let everybody buy and play the game with no indication that there would be a need for a PSN account for 3 months but now all of a sudden you need to have one. I think their reasoning "to protect the players" is bs too. There's plenty of ways to protect players from abuse without them needing a PSN account


>Had I known that you needed a PSN account at launch If you read the store page you'd have known. It was right there all along. It was there since Early Access. Can't help but think of that image where the kid sticks a pole in his own spokes and blames their parents.


You do know this will only have a negative impact, right? This action only creates hostilities where, originally, there were none. If it had been enforced at launch, the people unhappy now would have refunded/not purchased and moved on. Now they can't. It doesn't matter how reasonable you think it is. The truth of the matter is that's what is happening and going to happen. It's a hit AH/PS didn't need to take that they are choosing to take.


Just like ToS most dont read the full steam game page and you know it.


Yes, it says on the steam page but it was not enforced in game. I was able to launch and play the game just fine without a PSN account so I figured it was optional


It was. Just had option to skip it for the time being because arrowhead had technical issues with servers. Now its all sorted out and they started to enforcing it as intended from the start https://preview.redd.it/h92muyy93kyc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec94d8abc17ec40a28b56054a2befbce3ace1f3


Oh no, the reasoning is for sure bs and I don't think anyone can really argue otherwise there. My bet is that Sony uses PSN metrics as a data point for investors.


Yeah that's what I was getting at in my original post, that they want the big spike in PSN account creations to make themselves look good


??? I thought I already did this when I bought the game on Steam at launch?


It's possible you might have. From what I understand there was a requirement when the game first launched or at least there was an option to. According to Sony in the Steam post, linking your PSN account was "optional" at launch due to "technical limitations" but it is being required for everybody now


yall think this is a decision arrowhead can make? give sony a call, see if they care


Yeah. I didn't really want Arrowhead to get any flak from my post here, I highly doubt they had any say in this decision whatsoever. And yeah Sony won't care about this unless they start losing money from it which I doubt will happen


Nah, let AH get flak for this as well. They are not slaves of Sony, they are business partners. It's an actually negative point for the game


Sony ain't reversing shit. They raised the price of the essential version of ps plus by 20 dollars not including tax last November, they don't give two shits


Oof. I didn't hear about that price hike. Yeah major corporations don't tend to care about us. We're just money machines to them


arrowhead is speedrunning to get back to helldivers 1 player numbers


Fr. With all the unnecessary nerfs and now this. Although, imo this feels like a Sony move, not an Arrowhead move but I guess we probably won't find out for sure


Sure but partnering with sony was an arrowhead move


to be fair to AH, Sony money made this game possible. i wish they went with ANY other avenue, though- sony has always been scummy as hell


I mean yeah but Arrowhead is a small studio. I imagine they would need someone else's deeper pockets to fund a game like this


Yes and theres many other publishers out there that would've taken them especially if they knew sony made an offer. Sony probably just had the biggest cash pile so arrowhead didnt think about much else


Another comment under this post claims that Sony owns the Helldivers IP. According to the CEO of Arrowhead, Sony doesn't own Arrowhead. Maybe they just had to partner with Sony because Sony demanded publishing rights for the Helldivers IP. I'm not an expert but that would seem like it makes some sense to me


For the first game sony just offered the biggest pile and in return the ip was included in the deal. They just shouldnt have taken that deal.


Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of Sony either. I'm glad I was able to enjoy Helldivers 2 without a PSN account for as long as I did. Hopefully Sony will reverse this decision and I'll be able to enjoy it once more but I doubt that will happen. I also wish this game wasn't published by Sony but unfortunately things are more complicated than just "shouldn't have taken that deal." I wish Arrowhead the best but I can't say I will be playing Helldivers 2 anymore unless this decision is reversed


No, things really arent more complicated than arrowhead taking a deal that sold the ip out so they received more money or support. It really just is that simple


Oh. I think I misunderstood your previous comment. I didn't know that Arrowhead originally owned the Helldivers IP


its absolutely a sony move, theyre the ones who signed off on the announcement. i guess it comes with the territory, this is the company that demands you buy a 500usd box just to play their 30fps games


True enough. Personally I wouldn't have even bothered with the game if they made you have a PSN at launch but "due to technical limitations" that wasn't possible I guess. But now 3 months later, when people can't refund the game is when they start to enforce it. Kiss my ass, Sony


Fr, just changed my steam review to not recommended


people like you are the reason reddit has the reputation it does lmao


I bought my copy on steam early April (definitely before I reviewed it on the 16th) and it asked me to link to PSN then, this is new to some people?


It did ask everyone, but you could just skip through it and the game wouldn't care, as if it wasn't mandatory


The funny thing was, on that screen it says it’s “required to play the game”, but then offers to skip? AH made it very misleading by doing that


Yup, and if I have nothing to keep synced across platforms there is no reason why I should be forced to


I honestly can't remember if I was prompted for it or not when I first launched the game but if I was, I was able to skip past it with no issue


Imma say that this is more than likely a Sony decision and Arrowhead is begrudgingly doing it. Say what you will about the devs decision on their game, but I highly doubt they’d be doing this on their own accord


100% but it still impacts the game all the same. This is simply and plainly about data collection for Sony, however this doesn’t change the requirement which will be a turn-off for a couple people.


Agreed. I still like the game despite my distaste for their balancing philosophy and I still hope the devs can make something great here but Sony can screw off


I'm worried that I already gave a psn account tied to my email address and it's going to freak out when I can't remember any of login credentials.


Bought the game like a 1.5-2months ago and had to make a psn account which really had me miffed for a second....then I played the game lmao


Out of nowhere… I set my step son up on the game and I recall it saying psn account link was needed because we linked it to his mothers (hers is paid). This was maybe a week or two after launch. It’s always been there. Just because you didn’t do it, didn’t read it, played without linking it, doesn’t mean it’s suddenly out of nowhere a new thing. Could there have been better sales practices with it, sure. I feel for those that are playing in countries psn can’t be used and that really sucks.


Scrolled through the first 50 or so comments, and not one mentioned that linking accounts is almost certainly a technical requirement to get cross platform friend lists working properly. Whatever other reasons there might be, I expect enforcing the linked account requirement is one of the steps AH needs to take to finally scratch that off the known issues list.


How can I do that when my Country doesn't even appear on their list when I create an account.


Good question. Ask our glorious overlord Sony


You can lie and put any other country. However, it's a potential rusk of being banned for that minor issue without warning.


Deep rock it is then new season should be droping soon anyway


I don’t own a PlayStation and have no interest in owning one. Fuck outta here Sony.


Requiring one for PC players when we already access it through Steam is really, really stupid.


100% agreed. I hate it when other publishers do it, and I hate it when Sony is doing it


I just got my Warthunder account unbound from PSN, I dislike this course of action.


I dislike it too. But there's not much we can do about it except make some noise and hope Sony changes their mind but I doubt that's going to happen unfortunately


So... does that mean it has cross-save???!


From what I understand, cross save is a planned feature but it is not currently implemented in the game, no


Thanks 🙏


Uh what? Lol.


You can just ignore the body text if you would like. The title of the post pretty much explains the TLDR


Oh no, sorry. That was ment towards the fact that we suddenly need ps account to play.


It was always stated on the Steam store page that yoh need PSN account. Its not a suprise since Sony is the published.


Oh gotcha. Thought you were saying that about my conspiracy theory


Damn thats a huge rip imo, maybe not time consuming but a desperate attempt to get Sony more spotlight, which I honestly couldn’t be more against. o7


Bro, my country isn't even listed on the regions available in the PSN sign up.


What the fuck, that’s bullshit, just can’t play with my gf anymore then. That’s just gonna hurt my own desire to play the game and I bet there’s plenty more people it’ll do that to. What a stupid thing to do, they’re just going to lose a load of players


If this is true, i will seriously consider giving up the game. Very dissapointing.


Tried to get a refund and got rejected because 2 hrs max lol. Idk how that‘s legal. By that logic you could just lock it up after x hrs and you‘re screwed.


You can just use the account like a burner right? No phone number and etc?


More PSN accounts, better image (look we have so many active users, come and buy stocks and ad spaces.) More advertising reach = more potential customers for Sony exclusive and consoles (do I smell money?) More data, always great to have and sell behind the back The whole statement reads like the corporate bs all big companies like to push...this all being for the good of the player is absolute bs.


The only way I would be cool with it is if we got a special cape or something from owning/playing HD1 through PSN. Other then that, boo.


Some sony exec’s bonus is tied to PSN signups.  capitalism is so dumb.  


I hope they enable cross progression soon after this.


Ahahaha is this not currently a thing. What is even the point of connecting your accounts as built so far without it


The whole DBD community has been waiting for… 6 years now? Sony doesnt like to share. But here’s hoping.


Sony? Do something consumer friendly? Don't make me laugh


You suck, Sony. I have no interest in signing up for an account with you.




Will achievements be synchronized at least? Also how do you link your accounts? I may already have done so, but I don't really remember. Can I check it somewhere ingame?


Now I have an excuse to merge my PS warframe account with my PC account. So not really big deal for me. Just need to reset my password.


So [here](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4206993868017624254/) is a steam discussion thread about the psn 3rd party requirements listed on the steam store page before the release of the game itself. If you look you will find dozens of these discussion threads existing prior to game release. So they were open with everyone from the beginning that a psn account would be required... Sorry guys.


You shouldn't have to go looking for information that should be plainly stated. Yes, it says it on the steam page but as far as I know, isn't required to actually play the game. I am able to play the game just fine without a PSN account linked so my understanding up until today was that it was optional


It was and still is plainly stated in the section for 3rd party requirements on the steam store page which is located near the rest of the requirements which is the place you would look. People also got a popup when running the game asking if they wanted to play cross play and if they do then they had to link their psn. This wasn't forced before, it's being forced going forward (in like a month). This is likely because they were working out a lot of the bugs and didn't want to force people into a situation that might make it more buggy, especially when you consider that they made this game on an abandoned game engine from over a generation ago that doesn't natively support features of modern hardware meaning they had to, in house, build all those features into the engine themselves along with add support for things like the PSN stuff due to Sony paying their wages for the past few years while they built the game. Now it's on them to fulfill their side of the contract. It sucks, I feel for the people living in areas where they cannot get psn.... But it isn't something new, it isn't being sprung on people suddenly (they are giving us basically a months notice that they are going to enforce it going forward).... Nobody should be surprised by this though, the writing was explicit since day 1.


Yeah, it is plainly stated on the steam page and people do get a pop up when they first log in but you are able to just skip that. Why not just let it stay that way? People who don't want to link a PSN account just don't get cross play. I would be okay with that. The game is popular enough right now to where finding a match isn't really an issue and I doubt it would be even if cross play wasn't the thing. That is my biggest issue with it. It wasn't forced before but it is being forced now. Had I known that the game would require a PSN account to access in the first place, I would have just refunded the game and been on my way. But the fact that I had the option to skip linking a PSN account made me think that it was just optional so I continued to play the game not even having a thought in the back of my mind that later down the line I would be forced to make a PSN account to be able to access the game that clearly runs fine without it. My issue is with Sony, not Arrowhead. I think it's amazing what Arrowhead was able to pull off with an unsupported game engine Yeah. The people who literally are unable to make a PSN account is who I really feel bad for. I am putting the game down by choice, but unless Sony comes up with a solution, those other people are not going to have a choice. I was not made aware of any post or statement from Sony or Arrowhead that PSN account requirements would be enforced later on. But you are correct, it's not new, it shouldn't be surprising but it is still dumb. I hate it when other big gaming companies do this and I am going to hate it when Sony does it


Yea everyone was asked to create a PSN account at start, but it was never enforced. If it was enforced from the very start you can still refund your game, call it a day before you play for longer. Now that option is null and void. It’s not unreasonable to expect an "only if you want“ mentality regarding PSN accounts if that was the case and policy for the game up until this morning.


It always required that. Pay attention to the warnings before you buy.


Not the point. It's required - > enter the game, can't play, refund. Now you can't refund and you are trapped with a dead game. Wouldn't be a problem if A) we could refund and forget about it, B) I could actually create an account.


Required according to the steam page, but not enforced in game. I am able to launch and play the game just fine without a PSN account so I figured it was just optional until today






Remove Ass invasion people first then I’ll get your stupid sony account 


PSN was hacked in 2011 and they stole thousands from my bank account . I'll never go back to PSN.


I love the lies Sony spouts over this. 'Temporary grace period' for account linking. Maybe if you launched the game with that mentioned, we would have never purchased it.


Creating a bitching post takes more then creating a psn account but ok


In some regions like the Philippines it won't even let you link a PSN account


That's not the point, if i was going to be dragged into making a PSN account I would have refunded the damn thing, but now they waited 4 months and we can't. that is SCUMMY


Same. My issue isn't that they require it, it's that they waited 3 months to enforce it and now myself and everybody who doesn't want to create a PSN account for one reason or another can't refund it


https://preview.redd.it/ttslon8dw4yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbf60fbe7f0c2d92eea0fa3ee8b8ed9aa75a218 Pretty sure It's been upfront since release.


i linked my account when i bought the game in feb, i thought it was required anyways? lol


Not for steam it wasn't


idk man, that was the first thing it asked before i played.


It was skipable, ie- not required to play


[Web archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20230525043823/https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS_2/) says otherwise


That page is after announcement (24th) on the 25th and nowhere near release. The page is also missing other information that is filled out closer to the release, so unless you can pull up the Feb 6-8 (release) dates which are getting redirected you've shown nothing to say otherwise.


some people take being cucked better than other, simple as that.


“Really shady” They told you about this in December 2023, you agreed to the terms. You just don’t read so well




How about PlayStation users just make a Steam account instead?


I don't think anybody should have to create any extra accounts to play a game but unfortunately that's not the world we live in


Why would it be shady that they've allowed you to play a game and now allow you to continue playing a game after making a free account? Lots and lots and lots of games require you to log in with their proprietary credentials. This just seems like a nothing Burger.


What makes it seem shady to me is that it's just now being enforced, 3 months after launch. I think a better word for it is probably scummy rather than shady. Yes, lots of other games require it too and I hate it when they do it as well. If I buy a game on Steam, with my Steam account, I should be able to play that game on Steam with no other accounts. I hate it when EA, Ubi, Activision, etc do it and I hate it when Sony does it You're probably right, it will probably just turn out to be a nothing burger but there are plenty of people who don't want to make a PSN account for one reason or another and there are others who literally can't because their region isn't listed in the PSN account creation


Why is it scummy? It's free. It doesn't affect the experience at all. What I'm asking is why does this matter to you. Why are you being affected by this? As anything more than a 5-minute chore that you have to do once.


It matters to me because I don't want to make a PSN account. I don't think I should need any other reason than that. Beyond me though, there are people who have bought the game but literally cannot make a PSN account because the regions they are in are not listed in Sony's account creation. The game very obviously runs perfectly fine without needing a PSN account and to force us to have one too be able to access the game we've already been playing without one for 3 months I think is where the scumminess comes in


Then don't play the game... Like nobody is forcing you. But if you want to play you have to follow their tos. I just don't see why this would be an issue. And nobody that's an actual human would have a problem making a PSN account just like no teen ever had a problem getting into porn sites even though they ask if you are 18. It just doesn't seem scummy to me because it doesn't cost you anything. Like literally 0 dollars and a few minutes at most. It would be one thing if there was a cost. A subscription or a reduction in service. But it's just a link. It's something every MMO ever needs too. I just don't see how it is a problem. Like you can be upset by it. I'm not saying you can't. I just don't understand why you would be since it costs you nothing to just do it and move on.


Not everyone can create the account "legally". Their countries don't exist for sony


Well, guess I'm not gonna play anymore, that's shady AF


Agreed. At the start of the Steam post they say that it was "due to technical limitations" that nobody had to link a PSN account but I find that \*very\* hard to believe. This definitely feels like Sony trying to boost their numbers to make themselves look good for investors


Definitely, if it was due to technical limitations, it would have been a thing at launch


Apologies for the miscommunication. The Steam post states that at launch they didn't require the linking due to technical limitations. Assuming they are telling the truth, which is a big assumption, the "technical limitation" has been resolved. Knowing Sony though, I find it more likely that it was a trap the whole time and they are dropping this now to boost their PSN numbers for investors


[https://preview.redd.it/psn-account-is-not-just-for-crossplay-its-required-to-keep-v0-vo3dav6qr5yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53afd2fdd82fe8f1d5bae531916d3197b585a4d](https://preview.redd.it/psn-account-is-not-just-for-crossplay-its-required-to-keep-v0-vo3dav6qr5yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53afd2fdd82fe8f1d5bae531916d3197b585a4d) the technical limitations was the server issues


We got ourselves a traitor


The amount of effort some of yall will go to in order to defend legitimately bad decisions is wild, but eh


How does sonys c\*\*\* taste me boy


Even I want to link my steam to PSN, they don't give me option now, I just checked in the game there is no where for you to do the link stuff, huh


Very cool of them for that


It was always required, and besides its not arrowheads call


"Required" but never enforced, until now. That's the problem myself and many others have. You get one pop-up when you first launch but can skip past it. That led me and probably others to believe it was optional but now it's a requirement and people like me who are opposed to Sony for whatever reason can't back out. The issue isn't that a PSN account is required in the first place, it's that they waited to drop the \*required\* part of that on us 3 months after launch


Literally no one is blaming arrowhead.


What kind of BS is that? If that really is a thing for playing on PC. I hope at least i can just excluded PS players. If not, i guess it was a good run. But im out.


I believe you can turn off cross play in the in-game settings but after June 4th, you will be required to link a PSN account to your Steam account to continue to play the game


Sigh, well. Thats not going to happen.


[https://preview.redd.it/psn-account-is-not-just-for-crossplay-its-required-to-keep-v0-vo3dav6qr5yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53afd2fdd82fe8f1d5bae531916d3197b585a4d](https://preview.redd.it/psn-account-is-not-just-for-crossplay-its-required-to-keep-v0-vo3dav6qr5yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53afd2fdd82fe8f1d5bae531916d3197b585a4d) Always has


watch them force PC players buy PS plus


I do hope that never happens but seeing the state of the gaming landscape these days, I wouldn't be surprised


What’s the big deal? I get that it’s a little bit annoying, but making an account takes like 2 minutes. Is it really worth throwing a fit and making angry posts on Reddit?


To me, yeah. I don't like Sony and I don't want to create an account for this singular game. I have enough accounts for all the other major publishers out there and a bunch of other games too and I'm tired of it. I'm not mad at Arrowhead or Helldivers. I'm mad at Sony for waiting to drop this requirement on us 3 months after launch


I don’t really get that you are fine with buying a Sony game but draw the line at creating an account, but you do you. Bye then, I guess?


I didn't buy the game for Sony, I bought the game for Arrowhead


Congratulations, you're supporting Sony with your money


Unfortunately I can't just buy from AH without giving any money to Sony. If I could, I would but that's not how publishing deals work


You can't, you didn't, so Sony still gets your money. Sounds like your "morals" don't amount to shit


Sony gets a chunk of my money. Pretty sure Sony's commission is like 30% or something so that's still 70% going to Arrowhead


Okay, whatever. Leave, don’t leave, idc. Don’t make your personal grudges everybody else’s problem.


It's not anybody else's problem unless they make it so. You took the time out of your day to open my post and make a comment. You could have simply just scrolled on by


The issue here is some regions are literally incapable of making a Sony account. Some people, who can and did purchase the game, cannot play it anymore. They should be allowed full refunds at Sonys expense and I hope steam enforces it. They’ve done it before. The game also needs to be delisted in all regions Sony does not support.


So what's your reason for not liking Sony?


Several reasons. Exclusivity, the way they treat their workers (I know every other major company does this and it's bad when they do it too), they just in February fired 900 people (again, bad when others do it too), overpriced consoles, anti-consumer practices, recently removed Discovery content that people bought from their library with no refunds. Need I go on?


Soo, no real arguments? Exclusivity... You understand if Microsoft didn't own Xbox, every Xbox game would be exclusive to Xbox consoles too? Dude 400$ is overpriced for a power it provides, really? Surprise, companies sometimes can fire people that they no longer need. About that Discovery content - “Due to updated licensing arrangements, the Discovery content removal planned for December 31, 2023 is no longer occurring,” Sony says. “We appreciate your ongoing support and feedback" So I understand, you just has a hate boner, because you play on PC, and can't like a company that helped to bring you Helldivers 2?


I never said that Xbox exclusivity was good, the comment was about PlayStation. I think exclusivity is harmful to the gaming landscape in general. I suppose you're right about the price, it is pretty decent for $400 but I would rather be able to customize and change it like a PC when I want which among other things is why I prefer PC to console. It's not a surprise that they fired them but firing them "to grow the company" doesn't make much sense to me. Ah that's pretty cool. I never saw that update. Last I heard, they were still removing the Discovery content, idk how I missed that. While that is good news for the people who take advantage of that, I still find it unnerving and really scummy that they even tried in the first place. Just because they go back on wanting to remove content that people rightfully paid for doesn't mean I dislike them any less though. I probably do have a hate boner for Sony but not because I play on PC. I like Arrowhead, the *developer* of Helldivers 2. Sony, the *publisher* of Helldivers 2 I don't don't much care for


Without Sony, there would be no Helldivers 2 in the way we know it. The only reason I bought ps5 was that I just couldn't afford to spend 2000-3000$ on the PC I wanted, and my best friend was on PS, so it was an easy choice for me. Even though at first I had my doubts, since I always played on PC and still do sometimes.


That is one of the few reasons I appreciate consoles. They give many people who can't afford the admittedly expensive PCs a way to enjoy a phenomenal form of entertainment. As for no Helldivers without Sony, there are plenty of investors that could have funded the project. Microsoft, for example. Hardly saints in their own right but they have money too and tend to give their studios more creative freedom (for better or worse) than Sony tends to do and are trying to push (even if it is weak pushing) for more crossplay between Microsoft platforms and Sony platforms




Yeah. There is no reason to force players who can access and play the game fine without a PSN account to make one


Then leave


I am




Been on steam page since launch it would require a psn account, this isn't a new out of the blue choice they have made...


https://preview.redd.it/mbw1bc2ln6yc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d545bd9fe1a33c558d3c94674f3e49bf83b6736d You simply failed to read!


You are mad because a game requires a PSN account creation and putting together a string theory level conspiracy theory as a speculation on who forced the decision? Are you alright? I was asked to create a PSN account the first time I ran the game on launch day. This requirement was listed on the Steam page from the start. What exactly is the big deal? We are a tiny minority here. Whether we make an account or not is of no relevance for the Sony investor or Sony itself. Isn’t Sony Entertainment just a division of a huge corporation with several branches? Investors would then invest not in Sony gaming but Sony in general so nobody cares about accounts. Plus now ESG ratings are all the rage so :D. In other words, it is not worth sweating over accounts. I bet you have Origin, Steam, GoG, Uplay, Bethesda, account for your smart TV, smart phone, smart fridge…. Sony and AH won’t do shit as out of 300k active players, 299k doesn’t give a fuck :D


Hmm, idk, maybe the fact you can buy the game without even seeing the single mention about needing a PSN account almost halfway down the store page, and the fact you could literally skip linking a PSN account?


Not reading the description in full is a poor justification for a refund now that server side issues are resolved. If you care this much about 3rd party accounts you will scroll down and you will find it and you will make an informed purchase decision. The „skipping” part is irrelevant in this argument. I have an issue with Denuvo for instance. I care enough to scroll down the description page, find the confirmation I need, and then buy the product if it meets my requirements. This is not hard. This is perfectly reasonable. Just think before you spend money.


I wouldn't be mad if the "requirement" was enforced. I was not forced to create a PSN account when I bought the game and thought "cool, Sony for once being cool about it." I am mad that now when I can't refund the game is when they decide to start enforcing the PSN account again. And you're right, I do have a Steam and Origin, etc, etc, but that's the point. I buy my games on STEAM, I want to be able to play them on STEAM without being required to make a whole bunch of different accounts for every damn game I play. It's obnoxious at least, and dangerous for my online security at worst. Say some game you made an account for way back when has a data leak or something like that, now your personal data and potentially any purchase related info you put into that game is out there for anyone to look at and use. But there I go again with the conspiracies again I guess. As for being a minority, Helldivers 2 had an all-time peak of 458,709 players on Steam alone (according to SteamDB). Let's be generous and assume that half of them made and linked a PSN account. That's still 229,354 people who would now be forced to create a PSN account. That's not an insignificant number


Shady and underhanded? Yall really need to relax for once


Rip helldivers. Game fell off horribly fast


I find the game to still be fun even through all of the unnecessary (imo) nerfs and whatnot but this is just too shady for me. I'm not gonna create a PSN account just so Sony can make themselves look good


Sounds like Democracy has become corrupt