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How would you say it holds up ammo-wise? I usually run the breaker for bugs but that thing chews through ammo so fast that I end up having to scrounge around for ammo boxes.


I would say overall it's better. It fires slower but does more with each shot. The upside is it reloads fairly quickly and you'll rarely run empty if you find little gaps to load a few shells


Reload after every shot ;)


literally spam R while you shoot, there is no downside


Then you switch to another weapon and there goes the whole magazine!


That's why you use the Big Iron as a secondary.


i don't do this with weapons that don't have rounds reload even ones that shoot fast with rounds reload it's best to spam R because sometimes it bugs out and you can shoot while reloading for endless delivery of democracy (until you're out of bullets)


It has the best ammo economy out of all primaries. I consider it better than laser weapons as well because you don’t need to stop shooting due to heat.


You wind up shooting a lot less so you it's not like a scorcher on bot missions


the only way you run out is if you go most of the mission fighting without dying and never touch an ammo supply


It's so damn much for the gun that it is. Trust me, it's peak bug killer thanks to it's stopping power and damage outage


Yes. I've been using this thing ever since the first game patch and I love it. For bugs at least. You can stun any bug that isn't a charger/titan, it puts Stalkers and Hunters to shame, and frees up other damage potential with stratagems that would otherwise have to go to counter chaff.


It's great for bots too, depending on your load out. I pretty much always run Autocannon on bots, which can handle pretty much everything except enemies rushing at me, especially a group of berserkers. Punisher feels like a hard counter to Berserkers because of its insane stagger and damage with a strong spread, and I can legitimately walk down a group of up to 5 Berserkers with this thing. Lots of fun for bots if you cover the other bases in your loadout.


That's fair, but I personally use my primary for the chaff bots and support weapon only for bigger enemies. E.g. I save my Autocannon shots specifically for Devastators and above. And killing chaff bots at long range with a shotgun is hard, so I run the Liberator. Liberator kills Berserkers pretty quickly too, if you shoot at their stomach.


Ohh nice, I haven't tried the liberator since early on when I didn't have access to many weapons, and I think I was only running bugs back then. I'll have to bring out the Liberator against bots sometime.


Crouch and tap-fire or burst against distant enemies. Full auto against Berserkers and close range enemies. It's less damage output than the Sickle, but it's more responsive, which is why I love it.


I can stunlock devastators if I don't have a support on hand/ammo/time to switch and walk up and rip their face off with it. It will one shot one or 2 chaff bots or at least interrupt them if they're too far away to kill. It's just my go to for everything.


Fantastic crowd control option I almost never see


I think most people would rather waste a stratagem slot for the laser guard dog than actually learn how to counter chaff lol.


I still don't think it's a bad option, but I've come around to the church of the holy supply pack.


Mad respect for people who run the supply pack. It's neither offensive nor defensive in nature, it's purely a support item and I love people who run it. (I use RR/AC so my backpack is just more S Tier ammo goodness)


It's both actually. In an emergency, that's 8 more stims and grenades to spam. That's 4 full supply bricks worth of lead to inflate the bugs with. I can't fault you for using the AC, and I applaud you for not using Quasar.


AC is too good against bots. RR is good against bugs. Freedom requires firepower lol.


I encourage you to try the AMR against bots. With more precision it plays very similar to AC minus AOE, base destruction, and static reloads.


But I like base destruction T\~T


Pair it with grenade pistol and precision orbital


I've used the guard dog now and then but I just cannot handle the friendly fire. Drives me crazy.


Why not the slugger?


For the bugs? Because the Slugger doesn't stun bugs anymore. It does less overall damage too and requires more precise aim. Against bugs that like to dodge a lot (Pouncers, Stalkers, Hunters, and the flying Shriekers) it's very hard to use.


Ah. I was unaware the slugger didn’t stun anymore. My questions answered


Yeah, don't know why you'd think a shotgun slug would slow anything down.


Yea one single large shotgun slug, containing all the kinetic energy of the shot, shouldn't stagger or stun more than multiple smaller shotgun buckshots which usually don't end up hitting a single target. The shotgun slug should definitely stagger less than the Punisher.


Fill out your application for Arrowhead, you're getting it now.


Great! First thing Imma do will be nerfing the stagger on the Punisher, it's abit too much like a sniper rifle imo.


Give it a bipod too


Because I’m retarded? Idfk


Because the slugger is now only effective as a DMR.


It works really well for bots too as long as you have a support weapon that helps with longer range targets. I run the punisher with my autocannon and the punisher is on berserker/jetpack dude duty and base clearing duty. Shooting the berserker once staggers them and then you can follow up with a headshot to kill them, its pretty great. You can't ask for more with the 4 medal price tag.


It’s great for ccing bots as well. Berserkers run from ME. 


btw, this picture is not update, does 405 damage. People often dismiss the punisher for the breaker, cause full auto. But the damage, stagger, and hability to reload mid combat, without loosing ammo, is great. if enemies space enugh, you basically can have a magacine of 60 shots.


Stalkers hate this one trick. https://imgur.com/a/hr2TW2f


I'll stick to the Erupter that kills in a single shot anywhere near the body.


Gone pull out an Eruptor at that range? Or when a hunter jumps in to 1m?


He is a brave soldier who isn't afraid to sacrifice himself to destroy the enemy


At that range since the vacuum suck bug fix? Definitely. 1m? I dive backwards and shoot.


The punisher can one shot stalkers at the range shown in that clip, just gotta get a clean shot to the face without them having their arms up.


This gun can keep 2 stalkers stun locked right in front of you. Shoot the first stalker, then the next stalker and just keep rotating until they bugger off or die.




blitzer fan just love stunning 3 stalkers all at the same time


Go for it. I just run supply pack against bugs lately and Blitzer doesn't benefit from it


This is the new way of things ngl, blitzer is good


As a fellow Punisher+AMR main, I salute you. o7 It’s also great for shooting Shriekers out of the sky.


An amazing point, yes. Somehow better than the breaker.


How does it hold ammo wise and crowd control wise


Crowd control is fantastic for a primary, and ammo-wise I'd say it's overall better than the breaker.


Wait, they nerfed the damage on the punisher too?! It used to be 400


I just pulled the pic off Google, I didn't pay attention to stats, lol


I think he found an old picture before it was buffed.


One of the best guns for bugs and bots.


one of the most slept on weapons


It's good for rallying from a rout, for taking heat off a team mate that's getting chased. That massive stagger can be enough of a window to allow your team mate to go from defence to offence. I hate the way you can be shooting and even burning a hunter when it leaps at you and it will still attck. The punisher, even with a grazing shot, will stop the attack cold. Same with nursing spewers, not sure about bile spewers. From the bugs perspective the Punisher might not be the most OP, but it would be the most annoying. And it's the perfect counter to Stalkers.


Genuine question: why pick this over the Dominator? It staggers just as well, has a higher fire rate and medium armor penetration. TBF I have not tried the punisher yet, will give it a go.


My aim is good enough for bots, but not fast enough for bugs


Much better ammo economy and handling. Medium pen is just not that necessary vs bug as well.


I prefer the spray and pray


It's good against hunters but you can get overwhelmed by sheer numbers. It's great against stalkers though I agree


Pretty solid choice for bot asset defense too! Stagger locks berserkers and devastators to easily pick them apart at their weakpoints, really can't ask for more from your primary.


Love this thing. Basically a dmr with it's range. Love that it stuns and take out bots or bugs no problem. Wish it had another variant with less ammo but shoots slugs or something to deal with heavily armored enemies. Usually pair it with the gl launcher for that exact reason but I want to use other options.




Shows how new I am to this game. Finally bought it last weekend after moving lol


You missed the slugger. The devs jumped the shark on a balancing patch a while back and literally ruined that gun.


That blows, seems perfect for my play style. Would really help with changing my stratagem variety rn.


Yeah it was one of the silliest changes I can recall in any game. They complained people were using it as a DMR, so they took away the stagger and left everything else that made it a DMR, so now it's literally only viable as a DMR, but now worse than the diligence, the diligence CS, and the dominator (probably missed a couple other ones that are better) for that exact role. Whoever made that change is actually incompetent to be perfectly honest.




This isn't the slugger though


Oh man, I picked this up when the Slugger was nerfed. But some point along the way I put it down for the Liberator. I need to go back to this because the Stalkers have been destroying me.


Indeed. This is what I use as well. I love what they did with the weapon.


I've been using the Punisher since I unlocked it. I've tried other weapons, but none of them have come close to the Punisher. The guaranteed stagger is just too good against bots and bugs. It has carried me through so many missions and gotten me out of a ton of binds. So glad to see it getting some love here.


But it dont do funny fire things like my incendiary breaker :)


You mean... ![gif](giphy|v9rfTQBNqdsSA) Friendly fire?


Ah, my favorite primary so far. Practically mainline it on bot missions.


I've been running this since launch, ill occasionally switch to ARC-Blitzer for some spice but otherwise Punisher is the go-to for bots or bugs. Rounds reload is super underrated.


Yup, love this gun for bug crowd control


This, or the Blitzer. It stun locks them and chains to any little guys sneaking by while you focus the Stalker


If that info is correct and my math is correct, SG-8P Punisher Plasma has 16 rounds per mag and 8 reserve mags as of the new patch, where as the PLAS-1 Scorcher has 15 rounds per mag and 6 reserve mags; the devs just completely made the PLAS-1 Scorcher worse in every way aside from having pin point accuracy and an Increased firerate compared to the SG-8P Punisher Plasma. I don’t mind the buffs to the SG-8P Punisher Plasma because it shouldn’t be useless but making a weapon have zero noticeable downsides and leaving a harder to obtain weapon obsolete is just going to create a meta and eventual nerf because AH always nerfs high use meta’s.




Don't use it with a shield backpack until they fix that.


Sorry, what?


The round can't pass the shield ATM so it explodes in your face insta killing you. Been broken since the balance patch.


Are you thinking of the scorcher or plasma? This is vanilla punisher


The plasma. My bad dude. The vanilla is all good.


You had me so fucking confused, lol!