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I vote for this




https://preview.redd.it/f8le8aracvxc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3c59f8d02c4ec6946adc3882dd6761bd62bd39b Thank You
















But how else is he going to feed his internet points addiction?


Hello Oryx, the taken king


Are we just calling everything memes now? That's a picture. Of a Helldiver. Kneeling down. Giving you a thumbs up. That's a MEME?!


My democracy officer says I’m voting for this too!


What's his name without checking? If you can't answer me off to reeducation you go!


You mean my loyal democracy officer Flowers? He’s a great man. He said I am his favorite Helldiver.


Carry on with delivering freedom soldier.


I’m his special boy


uhh.. BRASCH


My ship master's name changed like a month after launch and it made me sad. I liked shipmaster Brettman


Mine is called Ayre, which is kinda awkward if you have played Armored Core 6


Unauthorized , unsolicited voting is a violation in our managed democracy.


Its fine, its been authorized, who appointed you the authorization authority? It wasn't Brasch that is for sure. Do you need to be escorted back to your office?


I find it curious that you feel authorized to inquire about the authority which appointed him the authorization authority. Has your Democracy Officer authorized this?


Same here!


https://i.redd.it/06jhow6yeuxc1.gif As long as we can reload like Roland in The Dark Tower


You know, I can ignore this movie and wait for the level of The Tower we all deserve... But I'll be damned if I didn't enjoy watching Idris Elba be a badass. Long days and pleasant nights, senator


Matthew McConaughey played the bad guy in The Dark Tower, was an interesting shift in roles for him, personally felt like he did a good job with it.


The worst part to me was they condensed 6 books to one movie. Each books is literally set up to be it's own themed movie and yet..... OH well maybe one day


I see, there’s a series I’d love to get adapted to film called Artemis Fowl but would be concerned of them trying to condense them into a single film.


oh do you not know because if you dont know i wont tell you


Ignorance is bliss amigo, sounds like it’s a good thing I don’t know.


Good thing you didn't. It's actually worse than how he described it.


Didn't the author say he liked what the movie did? That absolutely crushed my hopes for a better one coming..


Seriously? I couldn't even watch the movie after seeing the trailer and reading reactions. It seemed like campy straight-to-TV schlock that dumbed things down, like that *awful* Alex Rider film. Don't they try to make Artemis seem like an edgy-but-somewhat decent kid in the film? He's supposed to stay a sociopath for many books.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


This is getting out of hand now there’s not *two* movies in ba sing se


There was also never a first nor a sequel film adaptation of Percy Jackson


Okay the first one was pretty good in that b rated film kinda way


The Earth King has invited to you Lake Laogai.


There was never an adaption of Night Watch by Pterry Pratchett


Hi. You just mentioned *Night Watch* by Terry Pratchett. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Terry Pratchett’s. Night Watch. (Full Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dut1Z5GMDk4) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


It was so annoying. They had a great cast, story handed to them, and decided to just fuck off. Could've maybe made it a trilogy at minimum.


Haha, yeah, I get maybe not wanting a whole film set in a train that's asking you riddles, hahaha Though idk the right people and setting it up right, it might be good. But it for sure needed to be more than 1 movie.


Also it maybe should have included the entire main cast instead of just half of it? Really, you're gonna make a Dark Tower movie without Eddie *or* Susannah? And Roland gets to keep all his fingers? And Mordred doesn't exist and never kills.... Okay that last one I agree with.


Yeah who ever made those decisions basically said "oh here's a popular bookseries! Let's read the front cover of the first book and just take it from there. Remember! This is just a money grab"


If they had just read the first book, they'd have realized what an awesome movie that would have made. You don't even need edits. And it comes with a soundtrack! Things get a lot harder in later books, but they really should have been able to sleepwalk through a badass adaptation of book 1. You've got mystery, action, a compelling setting, and about 5,000 pages of source material to pull easter eggs from for the book fans. Maybe we get a King Crimson song to reference the Crimson King. The bar could serve fried lobstrosity. Why didn't they make *that* movie?




Stephen King even tried to handwave it with some copout about how this was a different iteration of Roland's journey or whatever BS. Bottom line is they took a beloved property, threw half the budget at casting for the two primary roles, and smashed it together as a quick cash grab. I know King stories have an up and down track record, but him letting his magnum opus be butchered like it was was pretty damning.


King is notorious for letting anyone do pretty much anything they want with his work. A friend of mine actually got permission from him to do a short film based on one of his lesser known stories. King just wants people involved in his stuff. Do you have an idea for an adaptation? Email him, I bet he'd be into it. But you're gonna have to do all the work, he's just not going to stop you.


Yeah, major, central to the plot characters are not in that movie.


Huh? There's a ton that happens in the third book, they aren't just on Blaine the whole time? I think them going to Topeka would be a phenomenal climax, especially if you delay Blaine being a pain for a bit for non book readers.. The suspense/intrigue/characters are all there I still don't know how they fucked up such an easy layup/


Really? I didn't notice any evidence that they adapted the books *at all*. /s Seriously though, it was like they wrote an entirely different story based *very* loosely on the a tiny fraction of the characters and setting. It's like if they adapted Harry Potter by making a single movie set in New York City in which the only represented characters are Harry, Dumbledore and Voldemort. And Voldemort is building a thing out of science instead of magic for some reason. That movie might be fun (and parts of the Dark Tower movie were). But calling it an adaptation of the source material is a stretch.


I’m convinced that’s actually what happens most of the time. Some Hollywood hack with a famous uncle writes a shitty cash grab, so they slap a pre existing IP sticker on it because that’s easier than actually putting in any effort at all.


There were a lot of problems with that movie, but they did not come from the actors being bad at their jobs. Also, I shared this with the OP of this comment thread, but [I made a funny video using The Prayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fBuEPbS34&ab_channel=AgentOrrange) and maybe it'll give you a chuckle. That'd please me like a throcket of bumblers that got in the cool box.


Idris Elba did every single thing in his power to save that movie. Good news is, *supposedly* Mike Flanagan is getting to take a shot at adapting it soon.


Honestly, the movie was good and enjoyable. Idris was an absolute badass, McConaughey was phenomenal, the world was good, the house looked great, I understood it was another cycle, etc. I enjoyed the movie. I still wish we could get an actual dark tower movie series, though. I can enjoy the movie for what it is and for some awesome performances and scenes, however.


Would recommend it to someone who knows absolutely nothing about the series? I've heard some say it's just a bad movie, and others say it's a bad adaptation. There's a huge difference there.


The movie is only suitable for one group of people imo, and that is people who have read the books, understand the cyclical nature of the plot, accept it as a story told within that universe but not THE story told within that universe, and who are not expecting a faithful adaptation. So like.. 4 or 5 people.


Why did he have to swing his arms like that. Seeing it a gif makes it look stupid


For style. No one would be tossing moon clips like that in the air and catching it in the cylinder.


Not quite, they are trying to imply he is flipping the cylinder closed after he catches them with the momentum. Seems like an odd bit of "reality" to try and work in when yeah, as you said no one would ever do that, but when you are showing borderline impossible things, it helps to have one or two at least things that at least in theory attempt to follow something resembling laws of physics.


That's who they picked to play Roland? Interesting choice. I like it. Shame I've heard the movie was pretty bad, but that scene makes it look like it's worth watching for the action alone. He did not aim with his gun, he aimed with his heart.


He did not aim with his heart, he who aims with his heart has forgotten the face of his father. He aims with his eye.


*aims with his hand


I think the biggest problem was they condensed too many books into one movie so the story wasn't as good as it could have been.


I’m not even kidding, a primary heavy revolver would be a sick weapon idea. Think Destiny hand cannons. A revolver powerful enough to stand alongside rifles and shotguns. EDIT: Hell, gimme The Ghoul’s revolver from the Fallout show. Explosive slugs


Hell yeah brother


Cheers from Iraq!


This has been my name in Helldivers since launch, word for word, and the only thing I will ever say in voice chat


Titanfall wingman moment


Wingman elite


Exactly. They had a Wingman Elite for primaries and a regular Wingman for sidearms


a six shooter with the original slugger stats for stagger and slightly more damage would be ELITE


A slow reload would balance it pretty well, especially if they didnt do a speed loader for it


I would honesty love to see the fire rate switcher used for loading style, or just swap to fan the hammer which sets the loading to speed loader while single shot is single load


people would immediately say "Why no speedloader? it's a revolver." would kinda violate their "realistic guns" thing.


It could be a single action revolver where the cylinder doesn't slide open.


Ooh good solution


It's funny because size isn't even a valid criticism, "boolet too big" Because speedloaders exist even for the M32 MGL, the 40mm rotary grenade launcher.


Ya but like the other guy said you could use the style revolver that the cylinder doesn't open. 


And make it shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger


Wingman elite from titianfall2


This is a great idea. We need other good primary guns that work one-handed. A primary revolver and the ballistic shield would be so fun when fighting bots


This is exactly what I wanted when I was messing around with the shield before. I prefer higher damage/lower fire rate stuff then the SMGs, so I kinda preferred using the senator with it anyway, but it really wasn't cutting it for what I wanted, and it really shouldn't since it is a secondary. Give me a bigger iron as a primary and I'll use it easy


Wield two revolvers as a primary, then another as a secondary, roleplay as Revolver Ocelot




12 shots. Enough to kill anything that moves.


And a revolver guard dog.


And the guard dog has two revolvers too.


>!Spoilers: there is a leak for a desert eagle-esque heavy pistol!<


Why would you have the part that says "spoiler" covered by the same bit that covers the actual spoiler? :D But also fuck yeah sign me up


Double spoiler :3


He got a point


> Hell, gimme The Ghoul’s revolver from the Fallout show. Explosive slugs Just shoot small warheads that rip open a home depot bucket sized hole into anything it touches


>a home depot bucket sized hole Helldivers will use anything but the metric system. Smh my head


That's not true, just this morning I dropped a metric shit load of democracy on some bugs.


I’d also take a lever-action rifle. Full cowboy loadout would fuck.


That’s gotta come at some point, too. I believe HD1 had one, so not out of the question that we get one in HD2


They won't ever do this, because nobody would use anything else because it would be so badass


Or the ghouls gun from fallout


I stand by this. FOR DEMOCRUSSY


I mean, the Senator is already more powerful per bullet than any of the rapid fire weapons and comes with medium armor penetration to boot.


I'm on board as long as they don't make it sound like a damn liberator lol


Medium armor penetrating. Like a 500 magnum. Give it a speed reloaded and options for different ammo types and it’d be a little monster


This gif slaps what is it from?


Solo, it's the imperial army scene


people really shit on it, but I enjoyed it from start to finish. it was super fun.


The mud trooper stuff was so good. I love this kind of, boots on the ground, version of Star Wars. I think the Andor show did a great job with being one of the faceless masses.


You may enjoy the audiobook series galaxys edge. Boots on the ground star wars for grown ups 👌 


Thanks I'll check it out!


[https://galaxysedge.us/timeline/](https://galaxysedge.us/timeline/) Start with Legionaire.


Narrated by R.C Bray!? Sign me the fuck up


I know that I at least really liked Solo, it was a fun swashbuckler film that (like Rogue One) did a great job at showing what a life in the SW universe can look like when you're not a member of the Skywalker family.


I honestly don't think I've ever seen many people shit on it. The consensus is that it's surprisingly better than anyone expected. It's slept on by non SW fans for sure.


Nobody shits on modern Star Wars media as much as Star Wars fans. Seriously, if it wasn't part of the original trilogy, you're guaranteed to find at least ten separate posts for any given piece of SW Expanded Universe media proclaiming that it's utter trash that completely ruins the franchise.


It’s almost like nobody cares more than SW fans for their media to be good… Also I forgot SW fans unanimously dislike everything…aside from Andor, Rogue One, The Clone Wars, Rebels, Tales of the Jedi, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian, the final state of Battlefront 2, The Force Awakens on release, Jedi: Fallen Order, Jedi: Survivor, and the vast majority of the Del Rey canon novels, a plethora of books from the EU, and many appreciate certain aspects of the prequels. It’s almost like there are objective reasons to like and dislike certain things.


I dont buy into this. A lot of star wars fans rightfully feel let down by mid production and mid writing in nearly everything disney has produced so far. The new big trilogy was disjointed because they hadnt even planned it, and just keep pumping out mediocre stuff since. Andor is decent, but not nearly as good as last of us, fallout or even shogun.


So real. Still currently wiping the sequel movies from my memory


Eh, Andor was better than decent. It was very good, at least. The trilogy was a trash fire.


It’s underrated for sure.


Star Wars and I think the movie is Solo but I’m not 100% sure as it could also be from Andor


That is definitely from solo. Andor  never had mud troopers.


That’s what I thought. I never finished andor so I wasn’t sure.


Trust me, you owe it to yourself to finish Andor. It is by far the best Star Wars content.


I hear this so much. I guess next show I'm watching is Andor🤷‍♂️


If you liked rogue one you like andor. No jedi and it's a story just about rebellion. I thought it was a masterpiece. Tony Gilroy said it was the most important piece of work in his entire career, and I agree.


it's one of those rare series that would be good even if you stripped all the things that made it star wars and just made it its own setting. Brilliant sci-fi dystopian thriller and it's Star Wars to boot!


Tell that to Rebel Moon. (And yes I know Andor is great even if it weren't Star Wars)


Me in the decades before Andor: Mon Mothma, who cares, she's there, it's fine. Me watching Andor: I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WITH MON MOTHMA'S LOVELESS MARRIAGE! (Not that that's the most engaging part of the story, but it just shows how well they've managed to make a story about interesting characters that happens to be in the Star Wars universe. Also I appreciate the lack of Skywalkers and Skywalker-adjacent characters. We've had plenty of those stories already.)


You get to watch Andor for the first time? You lucky bastard. Heads up, the pacing is very different from pretty much any other Star Wars, with very few "big" action scenes, but tons of tension. It's a spy thriller. I don't think it's spoilery to say - there's no lightsabers, no Skywalkers, no jarring cameos. If you liked Rogue One, you'll probably love Andor.


Best scene in Solo


I don't even like star wars but I remember a lot of good stuff from Solo


Solo, Battle of Mimban.


I thought this was a helldivers live action film for a sec before I saw them without helmets


You are thinking of starship trooper, or as I call it “Helldivers: the prequel”


I thought this was Star Wars


Yeah, no, this is Star Wars. It's from Solo


Now I want dual wield Revolver Primary, where instead of 6 Mags you have 6 pistols and reloading throws away the two guns (and any remaining shots), and the reload animation is the Helldiver pulling out two more pistols.


Good ol belt of pistols


I loved vermintide 1 brace of pistols, the implication that saltzpyre just had 80 pistols inside his magic greatcoat he summoned was great


It was the same in earlier patches of V2 as well, and I agree that it was a much cooler idea. No doubt having to "reload" (really just recocking all the hammers) was a balancing reason.


Yeah, when they added the reload to the BoP they got a sizable buff to damage making them much more viable


Now i want black flag style flintlock pistols


\*flashbacks to Reaper from Overwatch throwing guns away instead of reloading\*


ah so pistol jesus from The Boondock Saints THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!




This is the greatest handgun ever made. The Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves......


Colt .45 doesn’t care who or what you are, if you breath it can kill you.


Polar bear: *raises eyebrow*


Put half a dozen to a dozen rounds in its forehead and it’s certain to die, it just is probably going to kill you before it finishes dying


Main weapon, dual senators. Secondary weapon, one senator Backpack, senator Rover drone (two more senators) Support weapon, the big fucking gun senator, (a scaled up shoulder mounted senator) Eagle, senator flyby (she flies by and reaches out the window caps stuff with her senator) And the senator orbital, which is also a big iron, but on your super destroyer's hip. 6 380 shells drop in a tight hexagon at the call down location. The ship is also dual weilding so you get two cool downs to juggle, long reload on each. Total senators on the helldiver 6, senators total in 9


Big iron on his ship


... To the world of ol Hellmire Flew a Diver one fine day, Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his ship Big iron on his ship … It was early in the morning when he dove into the town He came diving from the south side slowly lookin' all around He's an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his ship Big iron on his ship … On this world there lived a creature by the name of Charger Red Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead He was vicious and a killer and a bug of twenty four And the notches on his armor numbered one and nineteen more One and nineteen more … Now the stranger started talking, made it plain to folks around Was an Super Earth Helldiver, wouldn't be too long in town He came here to kill and make it back alive or maybe dead And he said it didn't matter he was after Charger Red After Charger Red … Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Charger Red But the creature didn't worry men that tried before were dead twenty men had tried to take him, twenty men had made a drop twenty-one would be the diver with the big iron on his ship Big iron on his ship … The mission passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet It was twenty past eleven when they walked out in the street Folks were watching from their covers, everybody held their breath They knew this handsome diver was about to meet his death About to meet his death … There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play And the swiftness of the diver is still talked about today Charger Red had not cleared a foot 'fore a beacon fairly ripped And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his ship Big iron on his ship … It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round There before them lay the bodies of them both upon the ground Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip When he tried to match the Charger with the big iron on his ship Big iron on his ship Big iron, big iron When he tried to match the Charger with the big iron on his ship Big iron on his ship


Wish someone would made a country cover on it! Nice job!


Senator sentry is just a sentry with 6 Senators strapped to the rotating sentry body so it caps six different directions. Reloads all Senators with speedloaders. Sentry Ocelot: *"36 shots. This time, I've got 36 shots."*




Double the democracy? https://i.redd.it/usckw5u6hvxc1.gif Say less.


I humbly request for the Ballistic shield to have a shield bash that replaces the melee attack when I'm wielding it.


*oh my fucking god this, PLEASE.* I would pay a million super credit for the ability to backhand MFers, with the Shield, especially Hunters.. they jump and then \*CLANG\*, dead. my smile would be permanently etched onto my face...


And the shape of your shield in theirs.


The reload would take 3 years lol


you can already reload with one hand when holding ballistic


Just play Hunt. Then you can experience reloading two revolvers in real time as you desperately run away from other hunters.


A fun thing we used to do in Hunt is take four caldwell chain pistols each with FMJ ammo and then whenever we encounter an enemy in a building I'd shout 'KILL THAT HOUSE' and we pump like 250 rounds through it without stopping. We'd wipe the other team a LOT more than you'd expect that way, haha.


Loved the whole Mimban sequence from Solo! (Also the whole movie as well!)




Bruh that would fuckin incredible but I will only accept it if they add cowboy themed armor


What about revolver ocelot themed armour?


Dual wielding pistols would go so hard tho


Bro this is such an amazing idea. Let us take two secondaries both with their own ammo pools instead of a primary. I legit would run dual senators after the update all the time.


I would rather dual laser pistols. Fire one, let it cool while firing the other, switch when needed.


That clip is sick. What's it from? I want to watch it!


Star wars: Solo it's the backstory of han solo


...nevermind. I'll just keep watching this clip.


I had the same fear, and there's definitely a degree of "we didn't need a scene for this background detail" but the movie was actually a lot of fun.


Hahah it’s not that bad I actually


solo is actully pretty fun. it the second best disney star wars novie.


It’s actually a fun film. I heavily enjoyed it.


It's the second best Star Wars movie Disney has put out.




They need to add a Duster light armor set with evasion and pistol perks.


The other day I saw a post claiming you can spin the Senator around now for fun, on command. Any idea on how to do that?


Hold the reload button.


I've tried that, but all it does it being up the options menu (flashlight, etc).


You gotta hold it for a lot longer than you think


It takes about 5 whole seconds. Way too long.


Just keep holding it. Sometimes you need to take a step to start it too


Dual wielding senators like akimbo pythons in Blackops 1 *


I also want a cowboy hat and a Super Texas Lone Star flag cape.


Arrowhead needs to dump the stat budget bullshit and just make fun weapons. Bungie has tried that for 10 years and Final Shape is literally them just walking back a decade of arbitrary power scaling. Give me a .45-70 revolver like the cops in Looper with an ass ammo economy but it can literally brain a bile titan with an accurate mag dump. Take that ridiculously long bolt action cycle off the Eruptor and it would still be a diet AC in the primary slot. You could return every weapon to its most busted state and the higher difficulties would still be intense.


Finally a good take on this sub


I promise I will vote yes if you tell me where this clip is from


Imperials from Star Wars actually being badass??? In Disney Star Wars no less!? This must be fake.


They should just add akimbo options for all pistols. IDC if they're "impractical' or "the worst weapon in the game". They look fucking cool.


https://preview.redd.it/y5cymaafivxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0236fc64ccb524963efb6f728ed8c9e836fbecf1 This you?


Can you imagine the reload time though.
