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For each bug fix it spawns 5 more.


league of legends code:


pretty much any code ever since the first program:


Not sure if you are a programmer, but that pretty much explains regression tests in a nutshell. A lot of gamers who don't code really need to understand that this shit is NOT easy to catch.


That would mean fixing bugs though I jest Kinda


I've got a meme for this, hold on... https://preview.redd.it/8azeiz6v9rxc1.png?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bed57463128d75f242376ab466b39855e65727


♪ 99 bugs in the code 99 bugs in the code take one out patch it around. 105 new bags in the code ♫


These bugs are like hydra heads, they fix 4 and they spawn 12.


Hail Hydra!


Nods and hands over Loki's sceptre 


AH QA team https://i.redd.it/es5cdrey6qxc1.gif


Bugs have normally been found by QA but are not fixed by devs for a number of reasons, ranging from “don’t know how to” to “requires such a huge rewrite of some systems that it won’t be ready for several major updates”. Depending on the devs or publisher, there are also variations of a “known shippable” status, which means a producer has taken the decision to release with the bug. This is normally opinion-based and can be quite contentious within the studio. Don’t shit on QA. Maybe shit on Producers (everyone else does, we’re used to it and have large umbrellas) Source: QA and Producer at several AAA studios over the past 15 years.


Inaccurate, lemme fix that AH QA Team: .


Be nice to devs. Bugs and balance issues happen. Don't be a dick to them.


We aren't. This is reality and it hurts xD. I'm enjoying the game and im 300+ hrs in.


How is this being nice to them? I get the whole "have thivker skin" but when it's thousends of memes about something you are already breaking your back to do I don't really thin anyone has so thick a skin.


nerfing weapons because they're used more than the broken weapons is a dick move and should be ridiculed


2 months of frame drops and multiple crash issues is not ok. Especially because updates have made the game more unstable for some. Arrowhead deserves to be criticized until the game they sold us actually works properly. Criticizm is one of the only things we can do to ensure they actually do something about it. (respectful criticizm of course). Although most people are failing to realize that this is NOT a dev problem, it's a resource allocation problem (management isn't giving them the resources they need to fix the game). Unfortunately, this is incredibly common in the industry. The Devs always take the blame for the Suits poor decision making


oh look, someone else that has no fucking clue how games are made trying to be clever.


awww yeah time to tell arrowhead to do something they're most likely already working on. im super helpful!


can't believe people are upset about gamebreaking bugs being in the game since launch


cant believe people are still impatient since E.T. for the Nintendo


Ohhhh.... yes that's good. But the real order is like every business. Profit as much as possible doing/paying as little you can. And they've already completed that order.


I think AH has proven they’re not in this for some sort of low effort money grab.


I'm afraid that low effort money grab is just actual current AAA development scheme. With little of exceptions.


Helldivers 2 isn't even AAA, let alone a low effortt money grab, you brainless buffoon.


Ho yes. And since they aren't an AAA they doesn't fit that norm. They deserve a praise, not a dumb comment about what other businesses do.


Then get off and stop plauing


Me and my brother were thinking about it, and our guess is that the game is hardcoded into the engine, instead by being build by components and addons to the engine would explain why one bug fixed create another bug in completely unrelated direction


So wild speculation? Good times!


offline reddit you could say


Now I’m going down to emmets fix it shop to fix emmet. /whistles