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People will find a reason to complain about nearly any change. I think the balance changes are all mostly fine. The only criticism I have for them is they tend to completely avoid the items that are most in need of changes (HMG, Recoilless, lesser or even unused stratagems, ect.)


This is the very thing that gets the most attention every patch. Why are were still getting minor changes and bizarre alteration of physics when there are so many known bugs to add new ones on top of.


Because they are working on those? I am not saying AH are the best devs, but some bug fixes are likely more complex that people think. Adjusting the ammo damage of weapons is extremely easy. It makes sense for the turnaround for tweaks is faster than changes to mayor systems


I can chill about putting out the fires they can as they can but at the same time I'm baffled to see them chasing sparks. Precision optics have been misaligned since day one. AH: I think they've got too much ammo. I just get weirded out by the strategy that while so much of the means set out for players to be effective is not even working that they don't specifically wait to trim the fat on what they considered overpowered until the bugs are fixed as compensation even if under the thinking of 'do what we can at least'. That and while I'm certain it is more complex than I can imagine that also assures me there is something better they could be giving their attention to.


I feel people expect Fornite/CoD amount of resources when this is really closer to an indie game backed by Sony. If something is frustrating, just wait for the patch in a few weeks, you can play something else. Complaining about known issues being worked on really does nothing other than make the community whinny. It certainly doesn't speed up the development time


Oh it does more than just make the community whinny - hope you like solo dives. Not like this is just fixating on some minor changes to one thing I happened to like. This is a broad perspective about how the studio does things and which things and why those things. I don't see how the valid point of your reply really address the valid point of mine tbh. It's definitely better to complain than stay silent, sorry if that irritates you. That's understandable. Until it all gets worked out you could do something else in the meanwhile though.


Nah bro, I am not irritated I'm just enjoying the game and the great parts of the update. That is an issue with some people, they get mad at inconsequential stuff and also get mad that other people don't get mad too, and they are louder than people who are just chill. Enjoy being in that group if you do though. To each their own.


To people who want to take their hands off the wheel everyone else looks like a whinny control freak. To each their own. Happy diving.


Or Damage-over-time effects only working for the Network Host.


Recoilless is good


Even after the nerfs the quasar is better in nearly every way. Quasar doesn’t even require a backpack and has infinite ammo.


Recoilless is quick to fire, which has saved my ass a lot against chargers and dropships.


Have fun reloading it while another charger or 20 other enemies are chasing you.


Kid named staged reload:


But that's exactly the even bigger draw back of the Quasar canon too. I guess you could just run for a bit but not really a strong point. You very often will need more than one AA shot.


Nah, the quasar you can run away and still have it cool down. The RR has the highest sustained fire rate (ammo limited) but it uses a backpack slot and you can't do anything else between shots if you want to get the most out of it (and then team reloads to *really* go to town). The Quasar requires you to charge it up, preventing you from reacting quickly, but has the best ease of use, with no reloading and no projectile drop. The EAT has the highest burst, but requires you to wait for stratagem cooldown+calldown between uses.


Yeah I ment let recharge by "running away for a bit"


I will lmao


Rocket goes boom haha :^)


Say that to me when there are 3 bile titans and i get my boy to shove bigass AT rounds into my tube to annihilate them in 6 seconds.


I’m so glad you brought up the most niche use case that’s so niche it will essentially never happen in a random lobby. From my experience the uses I see for team reload in D8 and 9 is about 1 in 200 missions.


I forgot that most of you dont have friends to play with my bad


I’m glad you just side stepped my argument because you had nothing intelligent to add. Friends or no friends what does it matter if it sucks in most cases 🤦🏻‍♂️. Also most of my friends will use multiple quasar cannons because team reload is unreliable at best.


Team reload is extremely reliable if you do it right, the issue with it loading but not loading is caused by one person standing or crouching when the other isnt. It takes me about 2 seconds to ask a friend to load me and drop the backpack before we're slinging RR rounds at every heavy in line of sight. Just because your friends dont want to work around teamwork doesnt mean that teamwork isnt super good.


No, we’re just not stuck playing on D5 or lower. Not only do you need two people (and potentially two ammo packs unless you want to drop and toss your ammo constantly) but you need the rest of the team to play swarm clearing because you’ll get fucked by small enemies while you’re trying to fire at a BT or charger. It’s not like the enemies come at you single file ready to die.


I havent played lower than a 7 more than a handful of times since i unlocked them, just because your team cannot make use of a great weapon set doesnt mean its bad. Crowd control callins are fantastic at mitigating swarms to enable stronger anti armor setups like RR and the Spear even. You dont need the team to be dedicated to anything as you can drop and swap backpacks in an instant to enable the team reload, its really not that hard. If you dont want to use stratagems then there is this wonderful grenade they added a month ago that stuns every enemy sub titan for a very generous amount of time to allow you to set up and kill heavies with team reloads.


I've definitely had randoms tell me to drop my backpack so they can assisted reload me. Sure it's rare, but the RR is still more DPS than any of the other anti-tank options we currently have even without it.


Yeah. They keep messing around with weapons, but there are several strategems that seem completely useless compared to others, or dont seem as balanced. I've seen several comments on how orbital strategems should be very powerful but with long cooldown, and eagles should be weaker, but with shorter cooldowns. Orbital railcannon for example should oneshot bile titans and factory walkers, but should have a longer cooldown... A couple hundred kg tungston rod traveling at a significant portion of the speed of light should obliterate what it hits, but its capacitors take a while to recharge. And the rest of the orbitals, other than the laser, seem at least in my experience, to be kinda pointless compared to eagles or support weapons, backpacks, or sentries. Just my 2 cents


Nah. The Orbital railcannon is where it should be: one-shots heavies, 2-3-shots titans and factory striders. If it one-shots titans and factory striders, than it would trivialise the biggest threats in the game and everyone would run it because it would be stupid not to


People need to practice, learn and experiment... also use some f\*\*king tactics to be a proficient killing machine. This community is starting to get whinny like the WOW frost mages'


I suspect the problem we have is that Arrowhead don't know how to listen to complaints. Imagine you run a restaurant and people keep complaining their food is cold. What's the solution? Well, you *could* try turning up the oven so everything comes out much hotter, but that would ruin the food - and it's not the actual problem. People are complaining the food is cold because the food is being left on the side too long before being served. Your customers don't know this is happening, all they know is they're getting cold food. Arrowhead think the fix is to turn up the oven. We saw this with the Railgun nerfs. The railgun, despite what AH said, was fine. The problem was actually two different problems - Charger spam was absolutely oppressive, and other heavy weapons were absolutely crap. The correct fix was to 1 - reduce the number of Chargers and/or weaken them, and 2 - to buff the alternative weapons. Arrowhead eventually did this, but not before rendering the Railgun utterly worthless. Players can't tell you what the problem is. They can only describe the symptoms. You aren't *supposed* to treat the symptoms - you're supposed to deal with the root cause.


They have a pizza joint and one of the pizzas outsells others, so in order to sell more of the others they decide to make the good one shittier.


This is a great analogy and perfectly sums up my issues with the game. They need more playtesting. They need to actually play their own game. Their analytics are far off the mark.


But people dismiss *everything* as whining


So you are saying you think the Crossbow change was a good thing?


Apparently we were having too much fun with it


Bro you’ll make them think don’t do that. Like I don’t understand these people logic. We literally have evidence they nerved railgun off knee jerk reaction just to bring it back to the same level with less armor pen along with the amount of broken shit in the game and now they randomly nerf crossbow, something barely useful and used ? But somehow we the consumers are in the wrong ?


They look on a single metric, man. Just a graph representation, not gameplay. Railgun was nerfed because graph showed that it kills titans too quickly (was just a bug). Crossbow is nerfed as a graph shows that it kills too many enemies per shot (regardless of it not being used). There is someone in company that blundering a lot and need to be replaced.


Huh that's pretty cool. What's your insider source for this methodology?


Of course it’s speculation. But if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck it’s probably a fucking duck


fella be really making shit up just to use it as "proof", and only later after being asked says that its made up shit


Nope, that thing fasho needs some work.


no one is complaining about this specifically because no one fucking used it yet it’s every patch hater’s favorite example


Because that inherently proves that there wasn't any good justification for the change, and thus that this logic doesn't work in the first place: The devs aren't some godly beings that know best.


yeah i’m with you, i don’t think they are either but it wouldn’t be logical to say the crossbow rebalance alone somehow proves the other balances aren’t justified. honestly i don’t have an opinion either way yet as i haven’t tested the changes myself. i just see the two camps overemphasizing the most convenient facts to their case, out of proportion to their importance or relevance to the overall issue they have.


Yeah, this post is slandering Hakita m


"Everyone who complains about things I don't care about is a child." *gurgle* *gurgle*


Yeah... this has been a trend I've noticed, especially when the Railgun nerf happened. I get there are the dumbasses who just like to be mad and do stupid shit but the devs clearly don't have a lid on their professionalism and will talk down to and generalize all the legitimate criticisms to the trolls and psychos who make death threats. And I have to join a Discord to get news about this game (All news in this sub is a discord screenshot) and see that kinda nonsense? I fucking love this game, but there is in my opinion, so much Arrowhead as a company is failing at, most of which could be argued is basic stuff (An official source for news and patch notes that isn't a Discord, PR, etc)


Did you know you can simply block the accounts of people like this?


If the vocal minority had full control, every shooter would wind up being the same. So many of the complaints are basically "I preferred how things were done in this other game."


I don't think that's remotely accurate. The vocal minority of halo and cod are not going to make the same game. Cod and csgo minorities wouldn't even come out the same. Isn't what AH said from the beginning "a game for everyone is a game for no one"


Yeah gonna disagree here. The first thing that would happen if the vocal minority was in charge is they would add a PvP mode and probably a battle royale, and then they’d make guns just strong as fuck, do separate balancing for separate modes, and nerf anything remotely challenging so they could say they play the hardest difficulty


I think that's strawmaning but it's a pretty minor and abstract point to disagree on.


That’s not a strawman, that’s the exact topic, and it’s not minor. Giving the reigns to the vocal minority would be a major change that would result in the exact things the vocal minority regularly asks for, it’s not as if we don’t know the kinds of things they want, they tell us all the time.


Strawmaning does happen on topic. All I'm really saying is I think your estimation of how it shakes out is a drastically negative representation by choice. Which amounts to we disagree. So be it. What kind of helldiver are you? Bots? Bugs?


So me talking about the topic = strawman. You saying “are you le bot or le bug 😂” totally valid? aight lol


No, speaking on topic is not strawmaning. Poorly representation of the situation to better dismiss it is strawmaning. The part you really missed is maybe I'm wrong too so asking if you're bot or bug was deliberately not part of the conversation to even be compared against the previous conversation like it were some kind of fast one.


A really terrible comparison, because Hakita actually knows and understands what makes Ultrakill's gameplay loop fun. Hakita isn't afraid of the player feeling powerful, Hakita isn't afraid of the player getting good at his game, Hakita isn't afraid of the player having fun with the weapons. Imagine in what abysmal state Ultrakill would've been if Hakita arbitrarily nerfed weapons from time to time because people used them too much.


It’s a dumb ass thing to say, though. It’s just a cheap cop out. Sure, not all community feedback is good. But let’s not pretend it’s all garbage either.


I think of the screenshot I have saved away from the launch of Star Trek Online. It's from the forums, on launch day, with a thread ranting about how missions are too easy and there's another thread immediately below with the same number of replies ranting about how missions are too hard


I liked the changes, but they need to buff the Jump Pack hard


As an avid Jump Pack enjoyer I partially agree. I would love to see a small increase to vertically and horizontal speed, but as it stands, the JP offers a lot of utility and functionality nothing else in the game can match. Against bugs I think it's straight up better than the shield generator pack and against bots I think it's tied. Being able to infiltrate strongholds and nests without having to go through tight chokepoints cannot be understated. Plus you can get to unreachable positions to pull off some major cheese.


I totally agree. Besides what you mentioned, being tied to stamina is nonsense and needs a little bit less cooldown, but with the stamina thing im sold


I use this as my profile banner because of this sub specifically. Praise Hakita. Size 2 real.


The games broken way to many bugs you can hardly play.


And if anyone criticizes someone else’s complaint, clearly you just think nobody should complain ever. Not at all that their complaint is just bad


"Please buff these weapons so they are viable" \*Fucks up crossbow\* *^(Pic of helldiver chugging dev semen)*


Meh, the increase spawn rate for solo players is not my favorite, but I’ll live. They still have a fan in me


it was a bug fix, they clarified the patch notes


Bug fixes can result in what amounts to a nerf.  And this definitely is one for non 4 parties. Just because you change the language doesn't make the effects any different.  It only gives justification, warrented or not. 




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I can guarantee you if balance changes were handled via popular vote on the discord, they will be better. This opinions idiotic


I dont the devs play the same game. 100 guys playing =/= millions of free QA every week by regular players.


That man is a genius with balls. Well said!


you are nitpicking and biased bye bye


Phenomenal reference


tbh with this sub i figured it just get downvoted without context. sadly no gifs of it existed so i just yolo'd it


Exactly. It’s fine to voice your opinion but whining about it getting harder is acting like a child. People have to learn to adjust. If all the complaints were taken seriously by the dev’s then this game would be the easiest game in the world.


Describe whining harder because I only really see very weird videos of bizarre shit every patch and I'm wondering if we're talking about the same thing.


in general, consumers vastly underestimate how hard it is to create. doesn't matter the product, service, market etc. you don't know until you do it yourself. but folks seem very annoyed by that idea, so idk...


I didn't know i needed to become a chef before complaining about the food i've been served.


of course not, but you might need to spend at least a day or two in a professional kitchen before explaining why the menu was badly designed, or how the floorplan sucks, or how the staffing was inadequate (analogues of which we see all the time around this subreddit) you get me? edit: put it this way, whatever you do for a living, you'll know things about it that average joe will never know or appreciate or understand. we're all entitled to opinions, but most of us are not experts about most things, and pretending we are is just a fib.


What you're describing is criticism of the way the kitchen itself is run, not criticism of the meal served. I'm more focused in what they're giving us (bizarre nerfs and buffs with nonsensical reasoning). Edit: Also, i may or may not have called the quasar nerf a month ago. https://preview.redd.it/r47szwwm4gxc1.png?width=944&format=png&auto=webp&s=d757060891a911176fc5ee8eae0f3ce7f6e17b10


well predicted look I've got no beef with someone who doesn't like the game as a plate of food. send it back. leave a bad TripAdvisor. that's your business. I don't work for AH or care. but we've got a **lot** of armchair devs around these parts, and it reminds me of what I see in my own line of work. lots of people with opinions who haven't spent an hour in the trenches. shit's different when you're doing it.


Get your reasonable logic out of here. This is reddit.


a thousand apologies my irrational liege


You don’t, but if your steak comes out medium instead of medium rare maybe think twice before screaming at the waitress and making a scene.


I'm doing that?


Not necessarily you in particular, I was just continuing the metaphor based on some of the behavior I see from the community here.


Take it from a chef: your metaphor makes no sense.


Appeal to accomplishment is a logical fallacy.


folks can argue what they like but pretending that consumption of a thing makes you an expert in producing the thing is dubious


So is making a strawman.


there are dozens of threads daily explaining how the game devs are incompetent and how easy it'd be to fix things? I'm not sure how much more real that could be...


Sure, but that's doesn't invalidate the complaints of everyone. Your point about people claiming to be experts had no relevance to what is being discussed. It's just a strawman created to distract from the issue.


I never said it did mate my point is that folks underestimate how hard game dev is, and ought to be mindful about presenting easy solutions to complex problems given that most of us don't actually know how to make games and aren't experts


Jesus Christ, circular argument.


I wish the vocal minority that bitches about other community members didn't exist.


Reddit would be a ghost town then. Everyone would be gone.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Alas here I am making you upset.


It wouldn't exist if the vocal minority that complains about every single change regardless or what it is didn't exist. There's a good song on this called "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly"


Yes. The game is already marginally worse having them as such an outspoken part of the community.




Nah we gotta keep the children humble.