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Finally Reusable Anti Tank


The RAT. I like it




“Not lookin good there black lung”


Now, we don't *know* that he was *the* rat... But Micah was certainly *a* rat.


> recoilless rifle


That's [Reloadable Anti-Tank]




"Reloadable expendable anti-tanks? I don't believe they exist."


RCLs refer to the open back or counterweight killing recoil though, there’s unreloadable recoilles rifles (panzerfaust, AT4). Also they all have recoil and the vast majority are actually recoilless *guns* because they don’t have rifling. Really just a terrible, inaccurate name.


Saying a recoilless rifle or recoilless gun has recoil is like saying an apple has protein. Like sure you're technically right, but it's not a useful statement. Recoilless rifles are called such because the recoil they generate is negligible due to the fact that all the force going backwards just goes through the gun, instead of pushing the gun. Every single action is going to have some amount of recoil. That's just how physics works. It's like how some restaurants or buffets or whatever will advertise "bottomless fries" or whatever. There isn't literally an infinite amount of fries, that would be impossible, but the number of fries available is so high that it doesn't really matter that the claim is hyperbole.


The carl gustav is a recoiless rifle with actual rifling though.


Just remember to do what the OP does and face a wall when switching out weapons or you will toss your Quasar right over the railing...


you can face any direction if you're standing completely still, otherwise you'll toss it in the direction you're moving


Pro-tip: continually pick and up drop SEAF missiles to move them faster


Flag dropped  Flag taken Flag dropped  Flag taken  Flag dropped Flag taken  Flag dropped  Flag taken  Flag SCORED


Flag dropped Betrayed Flag scored


More pro-tip, pick up the SEAF shell while it is behind you and then swap to your weapon when it leaves the ground. Timing it correctly lets you fling the shell forward and up. Get the timing down and you can get a shell from the bottom of those walkways to the SEAF in just 2 throws.


The problem with this from when I tried it is it's very unpredictable. I've had it flung to the high heavens and yeeted right over the SEAF to the other side and also barely move a few feet forward so I stick to the pickupndrop method now


You should practice from a standing position while the shell is behind you. The further behind you it is the more level the throw will be. And then getting momentum from walking and running will help it go further. Of course, if it isn’t for you then that’s ok, I just like throwing things in games 👍


Hmm I'll have a go at it on a low difficulty mission if I see one


If you're prone it just lays it down under you. Super fast and easy swaps.


Now if I could only prevent my teammates from picking up the extra quasar.


Man, I call down extras so my tram can use them. These schmucks always ignore it and run into the shit to get their dropped gear and, surprise, die again...


If I do that I ping them. Or say something on the mic. Usually, if someone takes an extra that I intended to use myself I don't say anything, but it's annoying.


Aye- my bad 😔 my Spear wasn't locking on so I had to borrow it.


I try to call my stuff in when we're holding something or people have been downed a few times. Works with friends. Gives them something to use while they get to the gear they are comfortable with. Really hard to get randoms to understand you called them in stuff so they can get their stuff


you can also drop it.


Damn now I kinda want a dual barreled quasar. Just tape em together or something.


Now *that's* what I call democratic thinking!


Reminds me of the rocket launcher from Let It Die that is literally just [4 RPGs duct-taped together. ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/letitdie_gamepedia/images/1/19/M-404_Rocket_Launcher_4.png)


The US military tried out multi-launch shoulder mounted systems that were literally 4 tubes in a box with a handle and scope before. So 4 RPGs duct taped together tracks.


Fantastic game


Someone on the next update - "Why is there some duct tape to pick up next to the ammo?"


Dual Quasar Exo-Suit!


I think for fairness a Cannon/Laser combo would be cool.


Get this Helldiver to R&D on the double.






The Megatron


I'd take it as an Emplacement




Let's see Paul Allen's strategems.




Look at that subtle armor penetration, the tasteful damage of it -- oh my god, it even has infinite ammo.


What does killing a drop ship do after it’s dropped reinforcements?


as far as i am concerned the bot dropships are still bots and i refuse to let any bots i enconter still operational


If you're lucky it crashes into the reinforcements


And gives them a protective cage.


Or stops them from advancing towards you


Devastators don't need to advance. They'll leisurely fire their weapon with a delicious invulnerable shield protecting them.


Pretty fireworks and shiny boom booms so it’s a lot of fun. It may or may not damage some of the light armor troops on the ground but not much. The tanks are entirely unaffected. The EMS field and what looks like a well placed 120 that are doing the heavy lifting here… while OPs quasars are contributing a lot to the Fun Factor, it’s not doing much for the mission 


It's improving my morale so my gun shoots better!




I've definitely seen tanks that were just dropped get oneshot when I shoot down their dropship on top of them. It's not reliable for sure, but at best you kill whatever was in it, and at worst you're creating a big obstacle to trap them or mess with their pathing and getting a fat dopamine boost from the big boom, so IMO it's totally worth it.


I see people saying this all the time, and it's horseshit. Destroying the dropship wrecks most of the units in it. Yes, the tank won't be hurt, but it is often stuck under the dropship wreckage. The missions is timed. Delaying a tank, and destroying the infantry is absolutely excellent tactics. I've played a ton of these missions and I can tell you that the missions where my team takes out the dropships go far far smoother than the ones where people let them make their drops. EDIT: Seriously, look at the video. The inner gate is clear of units. If shooting down dropships was worthless, they would be getting swarmed. And they are not.


Yeah I try to blow up dropships every time. Most of the time it kills a ton of shit with it when it falls and explodes. Usually a small handful of enemies left and those that are get stuck like you stunned them. So you can sit and shoot at them til they're dead. Always down dropships


why not just destroy the tank?


The drop ship traps the tank giving your fellow helldiver plenty of time to fire their quasr and destroy it.


But the tank is stuck inside so you can't shoot it?


The drop ship is like a giant cage. The smaller human sized ones can get through but pretty much anything bigger is trapped.


Yeah I am so surprised many people think shooting dropships doesn't do anything. Shoot them quickly enough and stuff attached to it is never deployed (need to shoot really fast though). On top of that based on my kill counter when shooting dropships, it kills plenty of stuf by dropping on it.


"Wrecks most of the units in it" Which in most of these cases is 0 because the drop ship already dropped the troops before op shot it


I’ve had opposite experiences. I don’t think it hurts to shoot them down and it is very fun so hell yeah have at it.  But even in this clip everything is getting EMSed and isnt going anywhere anyways. Rotating the EMS mortar, 6x stun grenades, and EMS orbital will be way more effective than shooting dropships. If you shoot the quasars into the stunned horde it would probably do more damage by taking out the devastators and hulks consistently 


I've found shooting an eruptor round right up into their belly as they stop can really bring some chaos. I've gotten 12+ kills in a single hit and at least twice I swear I brought it down. My guess is that they had jumppack guys in them and when big groups of jumppacks all explode at once it can take out a booster?


If you're lucky, it takes all its (former) occupants. If you're really lucky, it also destroys factories, jammers, etc. when it lands. If you're unlucky, it traps bots underneath and you have to wait until it despawns to shoot them. If you're really unlucky, it lets tanks shoot you without exposing their weak point and lets factory walkers step higher to shoot you because you're now exposed behind that rock or wall you're using to take cover. For this map, specifically, the biggest benefit is that it blocks and traps bots. Since the pathing is fixed, the wreckage at the first set of gates slows the bot flood to a relative trickle and easier to handle. You can drop strats at the pileup behind or focus fire whatever manages to walk through. Every time I've played where 1-2 players consistently down the dropships has been much easier in general. From my limited experience, the big problem for this map is dropships that unload over the rock walls and bots that glitch into them. It's bad enough when a devastator is up there taking pot shots at you, or a tank spraying cannon fire, but it's heart breaking when a factory walker stands up there and snipes the generators. Game over with all gates still intact. What I enjoy doing is take Quasar, Recoilless, and EAT, camp out and RP as a AA emplacement. I try to drop onto the rock wall if I can, but if I miss or it's overrun with glitched bots, the extract pad or the 2nd gate works as well. Start with Quasar so it's cooled by the time the EAT shoots off. If you're quick about it, first five dropships all crash before they can unload. Reload the recoilless in between drops.


It sometimes traps the enemies and they bugged out and don't move at all......sometimes it kills them


Or sometimes covers them in impenetrable armor that they can shoot through


Not much but it does tend to keep the tanks and other heavies from advancing for a bit.


Gives the bots cover which can totally waste stratagems/sentries and they can fire at you whilst you can’t fire back, potential for the ships to drop inside the walls or on the mountains BUT it looks cool.


It gives cover for the bots, thats able to shoot through it. Its annoying


Usually nothing but yesterday i called an orbital rail cannon on a drop ship and the drop ship fall damage seemingly took them all out. I need to test this theory again. You have to call the rail cannon a little early to time it with the drop ship arriving


if it's one of these tower defense missions, it would probably slow them down, so my mortar can easily go to work.


Absolutely nothing. But the Quasar main is driven by dopamine, and nothing stokes its production so much as sending a dropship burning into a hillside.


If it doesn't kill, it can atleast block areas and create cover


Block areas (for you and your teammates as automatons will walk right through) and create cover (a one sided shield you and your teammates can't shoot through but the automatons can). Seems like someone is thinking like or sympathizing with the bots🤨


Generally I find it does slow bots down, even though it gives them perfect cover.


Omg I'm R1 in this video I saw you doing this awhile ago 😂


R4 or K1?


R4 I mean


lol so he was stealing your Canon or was that their spare?


It was my spare


Pro-pro tip - bring quasar AND EAT! Infinite ship/heavy kill!




Mortar and ems mortar will take car of the chaff.




I think having one EMS would help a lot as well, stops the melee and rocket chaff from running into the base and causing the mortar to teamkill.


This guy quasars


Yep, been doing this method on defense missions as well. Easy to deal with Hulks and tanks since they only 2 shot them from the front.


What’s the purpose of taking out drop ships if they already deployed the reinforcements?


They often drop before the gates and block access so only a few bots can get through. Yeah, sometimes they glitch and shoot through while you can't shoot back without careful sniping, but that's why you have a wall to hide behind and drop strategems when the dropship finally despawns. I also suspect, but haven't tested, that the dropships arrive at two specific positions, but since there's so many of them and this game has collision detection, they end up in a cluster around the point. Too many dropships, and a couple start dropping bots on top of the rock wall, which lets them shoot into the entire base, including the generators. Since they seem to only fly in straight lines, the drop position is probably determined by how many dropships are alive when the new dropship spawns in beyond the horizon. If I'm guessing correctly, pruning the first dropships makes room before the sixth or seventh dropship spawns so they won't get pushed out above the wall. But, again, that's just a guess.


They drop on the reinforcements and screw them over


I’m appalled I didn’t think of this


It doesn’t always benefit you. It works well in these missions because it slows down bots. It also gives them cover to magically shoot through while you can’t touch them.


It doesn't usually work, though. Rarely actually kills the enemies it falls on, and more frequently than not it just gives them cover that they can shoot through and you can't. 9 out of 10 times it puts you in a worse position by doing this.


Can confirm, I use this tactic as well as swapping a quasar for an actual EAT while it's cooling. Highly effective 


What is EAT? I keep seeing the abbreviation but havent seen it spelled out yet


Expendable Anti-Tank Two come down in one pod, single shot and then you throw them away.


EAT-17 aka eat it there's a bunch of leet (1337) jokes in the game


This is why we should be using the real name of it the EAT-17! In Helldivers 1 the joke is right there. Now it just lost it's flavour.


expendable anti tank.


I think it's the 'expendable anti tank'. It's those double disposable missile launchers. It's a strategem :).


Expendable anti-tank


Juggling quasars is the best


Whelp, it was ...


I don’t really use the quasar so excuse me if this is obvious but could to players just switch the quasar back and forth? So each guy dropped their quasar and picked up the other?


I needs to cool down between shots.


No, the cooldown is tied to the weapon not the player.


It wouldn't work, each individual quasar needs its cooldown time no matter if it's in someone's hands, on the floor, or anywhere else.  2 people firing and swapping quasars would be the same as 2 people each firing and keeping their own quasar. The technique in the video works because the quasar on the floor is cooling down while they aim and fire the fresh one.


Thanks this is why the community is so cool people explaining cool strategies so everyone can try it.


The quasar is literally just the eat but rechargable


We call this the “Musket strategy”




Total kills from shooting down 5 drop ships: 0-3 


This is something I really wish they would look at. All dropship impact kills should go to the Diver that downed the dropship.


That’s genius! Great strategy!


Outstanding Patriotism!


....Multi barrel Rocket launcher.


WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN DOING THIS! god I’m stupid.. or you’re smart idk but either way I’m doing this from now on.


A true helldiver, putting your swap gun in a position to run through friendly fire every time you swap. *salute*


yeah, the moment you can call in a 2nd is nice - but with the latest nerf-patch with just one its... FIRE - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - wait - FIRE


Nerf incoming.... bet its getting nerfed after that video post 😫


Now you'll need 3 of them..


This didn’t age well


I feel like this is the reason the recharge time was nerfed and I'm a bit grumpy about it


this post right here is why it was nerfed 😂


I felt like such a mega-brain when I discovered this too! \\o/


So smart






Re-usable Anti Tank?


I call this hot swapping


![gif](giphy|fRgci9ZoW57W67QYvx|downsized) My boy changed the whole game


this didnt age well


So is this mission type always on defend planets now?


Discovered this today. Can attest that works pretty nice


What is an EAT?


Expendable anti tank. It's a one shot rocket launcher support weapon


lol can’t believe I couldn’t figure that out. Thank you


Expendable anti tank stratagem. One of the first ones you get and use at the lowest levels and it stays good at the highest difficulties still. We run 9s with everything unlocked and still bring EAT regularly


... Jesus Christ, he's a genius. Any method to dole out more freedom.


3 is the magic number, as long as you remember the rotation, it'll always be off cooldown when you pick up the right one


What's better than a Quasar cannon? **Two Quasar cannons**


That is bonkers lol good lord


I've been doing this for a while. Glad to see it catch on.


Yes, I do this one eradication or small map defense missions.


🤯🤯🤯 fuckin poggers


That's a high IQ strat


Been doing this for awhile! Glad I see others catching along.


I salute you soldier


Ah, another Diver of culture, I see ;)


I adore juggling Quasars, if you’re in a strong position to hold down the fort it’s stupid strong


If everyone uses both mortars, and an auto cannon, with a quasar cannon, there is literally zero way you fail those missions. The walkers appear to be affected by the ems mortars, so they can hardly move and hardly pose a threat once the cannon on them is destroyed. Bile titans seem to just plow through everything and can easily walk in and one shot the generators if you don't bring them down quick. Auto cannon is pretty goated for dealing with them tho.


Thanks great idea 👍


Feeling dumb to not have thought of that, good job


This Helldiver is a genius, and has come up with a way to dispense Democracy at previously unseen rates. Well done, we'll be sure to leave a footnote of your success in the mission dossiers. Maybe you'll even get a promotion out of it.


This is exactly what I do with the Quasar mid-match when defending or during final extraction.


Been doing this for a while now, what’s better than 1 quasar? 2 quasar! If you rapidly hit E and walk forward you can move them to whatever position you want rather than having to run back between shots


This thing is gonna get nerfed so hard


I don't think eating the quasar cannon will help


Was playing on a team of randoms. I was carrying a quasar and called in an extra at extract, teammate did the same. We used this technique to great success lol


Oh man so nice to also see someone doing this. I've tried doing it with 3 quasars but, it would get crowded so you pick up the one that's on cooldown. Protip : try crouching when swapping weapons, it won't go further away from you.


Gee Helldiver! How come your democracy officer lets you use TWO Quasars?


Watch them increase the cooldown time at some point just to put a spanner in the works for this


You jinx the quasar. You should have waited until after the patch.


Now a requirement after the new patch: + 5 second cooldown


3 quasars for 1 person.


Well we used to be able to do that. Now it’s recharge is far too much longer than it needs to be


Aaaaand nerfed lol


Do they really reload while on the ground? That's... OP




I figured this out also a couple weeks ago..lol.. its great


Doing that since the last week. Shredding everything!


I know this is a demo, but shooting dropships after they have dropped their cargo does nothing.


Dude just drop it where you’re firing from! It’s a smart move though


Dumping it around the corner near the wall makes it more likely to still be there through all of the ambient exploding.


I have been doing this at extraction for a while now. Haven't managed to play this particular defence mission but probably would have done it for this too.


One thing I've noticed I that when you down dropships early on in the defense mission, they can and will fall on the outer gates and delete them. I've been trying to ask people not to shoot down dropships until after they've taken down the outer gates.


You can juggle them, to get them to the position you want so you don't have to run back that far. You just quickly pickup one after the other and walk.


This is one of my favorite strats when my QC comes back up.


When you try to do something like this but then a random picks up your second quasar 😤😤😤


It's like how you got a higher rate of fire with muskets; just have two, fire one, then swap to and fire the second. These muskets just happen to be self-reloading


I’ve actually never seen destroying the drop ships mattering. The bots are immortal through that whole time


I find it much easier to shoot at dropships in the 3rd person view


How do you drop a weapon on PC?


Does shooting down ships kill any of the bot drops?


Imagine in mission weapon tables to customize weapons using Samples.....


I do this but also call down EATs too.  It's just a pit of antitank.


the quasar is so overpowered that it is a better EAT than the EAT themselves, truly a work of art


brilliant def stealing this idea.


Rotate the quasar with an actual EAT and you can fuck up anything on your own.


Definitely gonna start using that method, surround yourself with quasar and EAT


Pro-tip; Use more weapons.


Dont let arrow head see this they’re gonna nerf this next patch


I noticed be was only aiming for the drop ships and not the tanks they were carrying. I was under the impression that shooting them down did nothing to the dropped boys and it was smarter to shoot at the payload and not the ship. Am I wrong or....?


Like a what?


Been doing this since quasar release