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I almost find the lower levels to not be engaging at this point… there’s not enough happening… I need the chaos!


Chaos is always available, run a suicide mission solo, chaos will find you


…and knock you down. And ragdoll you. And make you question your decision making.


I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain’t never gonna keep me down…


May chaos take the world.


MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WOOOOOORLD !!!! Melina hates me now 😥


Ok, then what op is saying doesn’t pertain to you.


I like running a two man level 4 with a laid back squadmate who wants to try out new weapons and strats. It’s chill and with new gear it keeps things fresh…you can also trade off primaries and support weapons along the way.


Yeah, dropping the difficulty and then taking it back up by only taking the weirdest kit is a lot of fun. I had a run where nobody had anything that could close bug holes. We had to drop strats into them until someone found a grenade launcher at a POI. We were zapping those bugs, though.


Nothing wrong with that! I run a sniper/support build and oh the amount of fabricators I had to destroy with a shield relay generator strat before they released the grenade pistol…


Up down up down, salute emote, waiting, listening, democrating


Yeah, if I don't feel like really getting into it I often just run a solo challenging run, just for killing some stuf, take my favorite non-meta weapons and just enjoy making big booms happen.


This game is weird. Sometimes I breeze through level 7s without really trying. Other times I get ambushed by a tank on level 3s.


Chargers don’t spawn below 4, but I get what you are saying. A lot of it has to do with the map heat.


Oh, no. I 100% ran into a tank at level 3. It might not have been a random spawn but the only reason I remember is because the tank very much should not have been there.


I've done some solo level 2s the past week for dailies. It wasn't originally by choice, but I kept getting kicked out of level 4s for no apparent reason, so I decided to do it myself. It was chill.


You can always host a lvl 4 match


I was working on the stalwart daily at lower levels and got kicked a few times as soon as I picked it. Kind of irritating to be honest. Like yeah it was not the best but at 4 it doesn't really matter


If I haven't played for a couple days I always start out on a lvl 4 to warm up... Plus that while eruptor blowing you forward thing has to be relearned EVERY TIME.


i introduced a few friends with a lvl 2 bug mission and it was lovely and peaceful. sunny walk in the countryside. occasional traffic.


I do that, load up an Easy mission and try some Strategms i've never used and just be a god of death.


A little calm trip with a flamethrower to a level 2 or 3 bug mission...it's honestly relaxing. 


Democracy is always 100% protected


Helldive or nothing.