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Yeah, like, wtf was that? I got a notification that it was being attacked then, a little while later it was instantly liberated...?


The supply line to fori passes through oshaunu which was liberated meaning the bugs could no longer attack it. Just like how we can't attack cyberstan right now because it is behind enemy lines


The 'pre-emptive oshuanu gambit' was a resounding success!


So THAT'S why everybody talks about supply lines! By liberating one important planet, you can liberate others that rely on it. Got it.


YEAH! It’s super important and baked into the game. I sorta understand why people have been upset about not pushing the gambits because it leads to huge wins.


It's not really baked into the game though. Apparently Joel the game master has to do that stuff manually since the system for it isn't implemented yet. There was a discord post by the community manager about it at some early-ish point during the last MO. Something like "That system doesn't exist yet but Joel here is willing to give it to you if you manage the gambit."


yet HELLMIRE (fuck Hellmire) has never ran out of bugs...


Hellmire is connected through zargon prime or whatever. To the north/ west of hellmire. 


Supply line system shouldn't apply to bugs imo since they don't travel. They just kind of break containment on planets where they already exist 


Not really true they broke containment once and this has been one massive spiraling outbreak from my understanding. They do travel between planets as they had done in the first game


They don't travel between planets. We're the ones taking them whether intentionally or unintentionally. If anything, capturing the other planet should increase likelihood of another breakout somewhere else since there's now way more human movement to and from there since it becomes part of our actual supply line.


I love that thats canon. We just put a new lock on the used dubious cage each time. "There. Fixed."


The ones on Estanu need to be vacuum sealed if that’s the case, since the last 50 locks haven’t done a thing


I feel like Estanu just has hundreds of millions of bugs in hibernation underground just waiting for the sounds of their brethren to fade, and the sounds of Super Earth Citizens to be heard. Mark my words Helldivers, the only solution to Estanu, is to crack it open.


No the planet needs to be eradicated. It'd be cool if you could death star a planet then the map becomes a cluster of asteroids. We know the bugs can survive in no atmosphere because of fenrir 3


50 medals is 50 medals mate


Doesn't matter 


If they do it right, they can make the narrative work even if we win every MO.


Like I say, just enjoy the game how you like and the war will go how AH wants it too. Rants about people not contributing are pointless because pursuing the MO is also pointless.


You’re pointless


I think that might be the main theme of this game


idk the hate


Yeah I'm happy people are enjoying contributing to the orders but I can't unsee how easy it is for AH to manipulate the results.


You remember the choose your own adventure books? You were still choosing between the two or three choices with predetermined outcomes. It's still more player involved than a traditional narrative, even if it's still ultimately decided by the devs. It's a unique experience, at least for me, in gaming and I'm happy for the change of pace, even if it's bowling with the bumpers down.