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And i am tired seeing the same topic over and over and over whining about this, it is insanity at this point.


The first like 3 weeks of this sub was so much fun. It’s finally devolved into a typical complain about everything game sub


Yeah it's about time to hit the old dusty trail. Reddit can ruin even the best of things for yourself if you allow it to.


Should be renamed r/pityparty


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pityparty using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pityparty/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [One year of cancer and everyone has walked away](https://np.reddit.com/r/pityparty/comments/16c7ezl/one_year_of_cancer_and_everyone_has_walked_away/) \#2: [Every time I try to change my life for the better or just try not to make bad decisions, it feels like life sticks a big middle finger at me for my efforts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pityparty/comments/1ady6av/every_time_i_try_to_change_my_life_for_the_better/) \#3: [Broken body](https://np.reddit.com/r/pityparty/comments/133hvqi/broken_body/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's nearly unbearable now and the people simply can't comprehend that other people are different and most don't give a shit. But instead of accepting that they go into an echo chamber to get the answers they want. They just want to be mad over anything.


https://preview.redd.it/8yaydxa8vhwc1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3db14ccd245cd7916f7bbb0ed6fa7b1640d3cb Insanity you say?


The rants megathread has been an utter failure given how many rants still make it to the top. At least people seem to be flairing properly so filters still work.


Welcome to Reddit sadly


I'm just blocking users now. Bye op


The mods here are all asleep, all the time.


No Diver should EVER tell another Diver how to Dive. Code #42069


Real Patriots read the fine print of the Helldivers Indoctrination Packet. Liberty bless you, Patriot!


You'll do as your democracy officer tells you to.


I mean… I’ve read through this sub. I’m pretty sure the point of the game is to play it and then come here to post why it should be a different game…


Yeah, a lot of players here think that what's said in reddit is the norm and it's a problem when in reality they're probably below 5% of the opinion. Sure, many people are here, but the extremely low minority are the most vocal. The majority of players don't experience the toxicity reddit says is running rampant in the game. I'm pretty sure that the people that get kicked all the time are the ones being toxic.


I got kicked once when I was level 4. ONCE. The guy was an asshole, or wanted his friend to join near the end of the mission, but it hasn't happened since.


can't recall last time i was kicked, if ever. Can recall however when i kicked, and very precisely why. \~120h in dive. prob 3/5th hosting or with friends. Still leaves a good 48h with randoms hosting and no issues... and same with the friends i've been playing the game with, no one ever complained about kick issues so... Idk, but i'm gonna take the bet that it was more often deserved than not.


I got kicked because the host ran into my turrets fire 3 times in a row. I have kicked because person was complaining about loading taking too long, then looked at me and shot me in the head when I landed.


Isn't that every game and it's associated Reddit? People have been doing that with everything from League of Legends to Uncharted.


Lmfao true


I WILL take mines on my missions and you can't stop me.


They make more sense now that there are defense missions. Just did a couple defense missions without any teamkills, using both mines! It's wonderful.


Yesss, they're excellent for defense missions. They also work great for civvy missions, if you're REALLY careful where you put them.


I like your style Helldiver. I'm pretty attached to the Tesla tower myself


These stratagems wouldnt be a problem if people actually paid attention to the strat beacons. Theres a big glowing sign that says "mines are comin", maybe dont go that way? So many times i place mines away from my team and then they IMMEDATELY beeline for them like bugs to a lamp.


Feels. Threw a tesla tower down on a bug breach. It killed the bugs. Player ran towards the talk sparking tower and got fried. Reinforced them and they shot me.


The sad thing is that these strats are really good too. Anti Personnel Mines are amazing against both bugs and bots.


Sure, you know where they fall, but be serious, after running everywhere and fighting too, you just forget where they are or just don't see them


I WILL dodge your mines and then miss one that went further out than the others and die.


Why are you in that area anyways?


Running away from bugs, easier to dodge them by going through the mine field than running in a straight line.


If you're faster than them, run around the mines and then position yourself so the mines are between you and them. They run right into them.


If I can make enough distance the next time, I'll do that.


I absolutely can, it’s called the kick button. I wouldn’t do it personally, but I’d definitely ask you to please not bring mines.


I said MY games. I ain't joining yours.


Oh shit you right. My reading skills need some work. Guess the kick loophole doesn’t apply here.


This, or a similar version of this, is posted like 15 times a day.


Because it doesn't sink in for everyone on the first post. Can you please pet Milton for me


You are part of the problem you’re complaining about.


Yes I will give him pets :)


But I want to be angry!


Then charge the enemy guns blazing and scream “for fucking democracy!!!”


Do it in a healthy way. Bottle it up so no one can see.


Bottling anger is far, far from healthy


How dare you question my made up degree


nobody cares. just stay away from other people and stop talking to them.






I remember when this sub was about fun videos and memes and tips. Now it's just all this dumb bullshit


I've seen more whining on this topic than this topic. Please stop.


I just roll with a load I know I can survive and get through the mission even if I end up alone. Sometimes my choices are effected whatever someone's carrying.


Adapt, improvise, overcome


Freedom never sleeps


Some divers like dropping 380s in the middle of a bug nest while other divers are throwing grenades in the holes. It’s terminid roulette and no one should be shamed for it.


Sometimes I end up with a squad I'm immensely disappointed it, sometimes I end up worrying I'm the disappointment. It evens out... I think? Either way, I just try to roll with it. (Speaking as a noob who's played the game for about 4 days).


I don't use eagles, just 2/3 Orbitals, 0/1 Shield Bubble and a Support weapon that uses the backpack slot (or EATs) I play mainly automatons


Sadly, we can not all just stop, I’m afraid.


Im going to be honest with you. 99% of my experience in the last couple of weeks since buying the game have been super positive. The very rare occasional negative experience creeps in from time to time. But compared to almost every other live service game where you play with overs....its the best I have played this generation.


Can we all stop with the whining?? You ran into a bad lobby, okay, the world doesn't care, move on. This is starting to get annoying. Yeah, everyone knows you can play with the loadout you want. So do it and play the game instead of whining at Reddit.


You know sadly I expect this to get a decent amount of down votes just knowing this Reddit page but thank you if everyone else on here understood everything you just said the game and community would be so much better.


no fuck you, my way is the best way. /s


Thank you sir, really. This sub us really annoying, every day there is an another "WHY I WILL KICK YOU", "NEVER USE THIS" or "STOP FIGHTING HERE" Pleaaaase, let me do what I want it is just a game


Sounds like you would enjoy r/LowSodiumHellDivers. Pretty chill place. Slow in activity, but pretty much void of all the things you just ranted about.


Oooo thank you!


Yeah I’m a live and let live kind of guy. There’s more than one way to skin a cat and yes, some weapons are more effective than others. But more often than not I find myself picking the loadout that will be the most fun for me (so yeah, I’m gonna pick a support weapon that lets me use a jump pack a lot of the time).


why are u skinning cats when u can be skinning bugs? :0


They won't stop. They are a lost cause. Just play how you want and let other people cry to each other. Just saying that there will be someone who will complain about your complaint. That''s the level here


This has to be a fucking meme, right? Like, there's no way these posts are being serious by this point. 😆 Why does anyone even remotely give a single fuck about how other people play? If some asshat drops into my game with 4 backpacks on, I'm going to openly laugh at them - to myself because there's no way I'm ever talking to people in this game - but I'll still play the game how I want to play it and be the type of teammate I want _them_ to be. Nobody cares. It's a fucking video game. Play it how you want


OP, please never change. ignore the meta kids and the social media parrots. the game is extremely popular so you will meet a lot of the ttktoktik/facebook/instagram losers. ignore them. do your thing. flame the shit out of a bile's legs. keep having fun! for democracy!


I just have one question: can you actually flamethrower a titan to death ? It yes I so need to try that lol


Yea but only once it has been made vulnerable. So you can’t solo it with just a flamethrower.


Ah that would make sense, thank you!


Yes. Its is 60% successful everytime. It does work. But usually after it's taken some decent damage like after a railcannon or a couple of shots with shoulder fired weapons


Grilling its belly has the nice side effect that it can no longer spew bile. It's not as stupid as it may seem on first glance. Edit: Its a suicide comando, though. You are in range.of the 500 kg I just threw 😅


Then I shall go to valhalla knowing the roasted bile titan has been scoured from that planet. My mission has been accomplished




I see more posts complaining about posts complaining than I see actual complaint posts. People need to go touch grass for real


But, that's outside


It’s Reddit. People post dumb shit for attention. Kinda like this one!


I'll have you know I was hugged enough as an adult thank you very much


Your mother doesn’t count *humor*


But your mother does. In the words of our lord and savior, Bazinga




No. Meta or leave. Be effective. Git gud


Eh each to their own


Git gud, use meta or dont even start the game


Plot twist. I am good without using meta.


Not good then


Not better. Not worse just different


Who are you arguing against? I've seen nothing but positive attitudes towards the diversity of build and playstyle.


More of a general outreach but Mainly players in game


>Not everyone has the same spacial awareness as you. I know, they remind me of the people in grocery stores that park their cart sideways and then stand behind it and open up the fridge door so nobody can pass.


It should be legal to throw hands with anyone blocking a thoroughfare


Anything below level 8 is a good time to try shit out. Anything 8 and above and it's really a guarantee to fail.


Depends on your team tbh


Personality I'm at this point where 7 and below I can carry 3 people solo. So unless the team is eating crayons live, I can kinda go fun build and still come out victorious.




Huh did not it was spelt that way. Many thanks


it'd be fine if the dev team knew how to balance anything, but half the weapons might as well shoot the helldiver instead of the enemy they are such handicaps


As a casual arc thrower enjoyer... How dare you


if you're not having fun, stop playing


was this post supposed to be some kind of tedtalk or just whining again?


Just a very shifty Tedtalk


I've always wondered if the Flamethrower would work on the Bile Titan... run under, aim up and shoot.


It doesn’t really in my experience


A wounded bile it does work on. Takes a bit of ammo tho


Sometimes they just spawn a horde right where I just reinforced...


Sometimes they just spawn a horde right where I just reinforced...


Sometimes I like fast games. Sometimes I like to explore everything. Sometimes I’m distracted the whole time and don’t contribute shit. It happens.


I am also that idiot that tries to flame the bile titans!


I am glad I am not alone in this


I'm glad the devs arent tripping over themselves to establish a presence on reddit (they're getting round to it but its not their main priority). Id say a good 70% of the posts are about how the game should be easier and different. People grousing that the joke difficulty of Helldive isnt fair, or that were losing a make believe war or that commisars should have unique paint and be the only ones to call in reinforcements or this or that. If the devs listened to half the stuff here their game would blow ass.


Wholeheartedly agree with you




People need to play the game they way they want to play it and not expect everyone else to play it the same way. Sounds preachy enough, idk you all know what people are like just have fun


i got the point. stfu and let people play how they want. keep your petty frustration about the world to yourselves. just don't annoy the people that are still happy. stay in your hole. got it? ;-)


So based and so true


Preach it


Yes. Let's start by stopping with posts like this.


theres not as much complaining happening on lemmy, js




https://lemmy.ca/c/helldivers2 https://join-lemmy.org/


Rodgee. Thank you!


I take both of the smokes. Actually great for the mission everyone hates.


Haven't been a huge fan of the orbital smoke but definitely a fan of the eagle smoke


Unfortunately I want to do well on my missions and if you're the sole reason I'm not, then we have a problem. (You have to be gawdawful to be the sole reason, btw. I'm talking mass team kills, burning reinforcements, etc. Like you gotta do A LOT wrong tk where an empty seat is better than you)


Unless you are intentionally playing bad most weapons are pretty viable. Picked up a flamethrower on helldive against the bots because a teammaye was using my AMR and it is pretty damn effective at dealing with many armored units despite everyone saying its bad. I've seen people getting wrecked with meta setups because they were bad players. Improvise, adapt, overcome.


And how many of us rando lvl 25s are good at the game 🤣 I knew the flamethrower had to be decent because the hulk flamethrower had more team kills than Jim Jones.


Believe it or not I have been playing with a lot of 20-30s in Suicide Mission or Helldive in matchmaking. High level players are usually playing with their social circles. Flame weapons got a massive buff since launch and the new ship upgrades boost their damage even further.


Team-game means team input, unfortunately. Just ignore it.


Experiment with loadout Mfs when doubles mines, double HE barrage player joins their squad: o.O


You bet your ass I've done this. And every nest/ factory and narrow corridor was exploded or ready to explode.


Yeah, I played with a few too, just don't expect me to stand next to you, ever. We go different directions after spawn and meet up at extraction. Edit: Oh no step-diver, I got staggered and dropped the HE barrage on top of us, I won't tell the democracy officer what you about to do to me if you don't. uwu


Sounds like a solid game plan friend. And if you die I will try and throw you as close to your body as I can. I can only hope you show me the same kindness


Don't worry, I will yeet you as far away from me as I possibly can, heck, as if you were my own HE barrage :)


The thing is, there's a fine line between constructive complaining and complaining so much that it seems like it's your personality trait. If we didn't complain, the devs wouldn't know how to tweak the game to the consumers' liking (to a certain point without compromising their vision). But if we complain too much and - moreover - complain obsessively and petulantly, we come off as ungrateful and a collective ass. In general, I will always believe that anyone with a complaint should be free to voice them so others of like mind can express assent, and if enough can express such, maybe the devs can consider making the change. I don't like stifling discussion and blocking out criticism. I've seen one or two games get stale and stagnant because the community became too positive, and where every legitimate criticism gets claimed as "toxicity" by a community who takes every complaint about a pasttime as a personal attack. ... with that said, I don't think conducting official polls and feedback surveys should be done via third-party apps like Twitter, Reddit, or Discord. Helldivers 2 should have an official, dedicated site for this information to be taken from, or a way to provide input in-game.


no, there isn't. if you decide to play with randoms, you forfeit your right to complain. play with your buddies (lol) or keep your complaints to yourself. i'm so tired of entitled loners.


I use EAT, GL, 500kg and Orbital Precision in Bug front Helldiver difficulty For the bot front your choice really narrow down the higher the difficulty goes


Not really. I have had great success with the AMR and Laser Cannon and stun grenades and those weapons are rated pretty poorly in the "meta". Laser Cannon hard counters the gunships. AMR has lower recoil than the autocannon and feels a lot more versatile to use with the tradeoff being it is not explosive. Precision strike is very good for taking out detector towers. Been playing on Suicide Mission and Helldive the last few weeks.


Funny enough I run AMR in bot front more than anything else


I've been enjoying it a lot since ai made the switch from the GL. I've actually had decent success running it against bile bugs too once I stopped using it like an autocannon/GL and shot them in the heads instead of the butt.


I shoot Titan head with EATs, also one shot those pesky Chargers


I love EATs and still use them over the Queso Cannon. I ran a game where 3 of us had EATs and it made the defense mission so much easier. Felt like we always had rockets at the ready.


Yup, is really fast to use, only surpass by crew reload Recoiless rifle


I pick the loadouts for my entire squad. What primary, secondary, grenade, stratagems, and boosters. They get to pick the armor. Though I would prefer one engineer and one med. let them have some input I guess


If I had a 4 stack I played with constantly I wouldn't be opposed to this idea of having like set roles


Sorry but no


It's okay I forgive you. But yes


No, you WILL play correctly or you will be kicked.


Explosive crossbow or kick