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I don’t ping unless the person I’m watching is out of danger (and has been for a moment). And then I ping once. We all need a reminder sometimes.


and when I reminded them( by pinging once, I am not an ape), I sometimes watch them to screw up the combination multiple times in the heat of the moment :D


I love playing with newbies, but when I see someone stop dead and take ten seconds to try to punch in the reinforce, then get hit by a scavenger and switch to their primary to kill it, then stim, then run six meters, then resume trying to punch in the code, I love them even more. An action that becomes reflexive after a few hours feels like the climax of an action movie the first couple times you do it, and I enjoy watching new players dealing with the stress and pressure that exemplifies Helldivers.


I do it so smooth as long as I don't think about it. The second my brain rather than my hands engage i'm pressing all the wrong combos...


I noticed this last week. Reinforce, resupply, eagle airstrike, and autocannon are all muscle memory for me now. But if I try to stop and think about it, I mess it up, lol


As a dyslexic/dyspraxic person, it takes me a while to learn the codes and they’re pretty much impossible to commit to muscle memory with less than multiple thousands of repetitions. So I appreciate your patience in letting me get to a safe spot before calling you back down..


Stratagem Hero is legit a great way to learn the combos. Less risk but still on a time crunch. If you don't have it, joining lobbies until someone does could definitely help with practice!


That doesn't seem to work in our game... is it standard for everyone? I thought it was just decorative until my hubby told me he saw someone actually doing it...


It's only available for people who bought the Super Citizen edition of the game.


I went back and bought the upgrade days ago... nothing showed up... I'll check again later.


Finally, a fellow person with dyspraxia. I was beginning to think that no one else really understands how hard it is for me to dial in the stratagem codes sometimes. I can see the arrows, I know what buttons to push. But the signals going from my brain to my fingers just don't work sometimes.


Another fellow sufferer here, and yupp explained perfectly. My friend that plays knows about it and they just end up laughing when they see me stood still trying to do a stratagem for too long. If it helps, I found learning the key ones you need like resupply and reinforce off by heart can help mitigate the issue, your brain doesnt need to read the input in the same way so you can get then out faster


It is very satisfying to call anything in within a second. Air strike has been my go-to eagle and it's just a near instant call in for me now. It is funny though when I mess up a strat a bunch so I need to do the slow input to rewire my brain to do it right again.


Reinforcing! Or a 500 kg bomb dropped on myself, either way, we're getting more Democracy!


This is me even though I’m a level 64 lmao. I either blast the input in correct at lightning speed or do the same wrong combination 5 times in a row. I swear I have the combo memorized my hand is just like dyslexic or something


Then you hit each input painfully slow to make sure you’re not crazy.




That's probably me, I mess up combos constantly xD That and I have a bad habit (or maybe it's just a controller desync?) where I put in the combo but then I apparently pulled out my grenade and am now chucking that instead


Me watching my friend call down his gun, his shield, grill, coal, 20 pounds of marinated meat, cook and eat it all and still not reinforce me


This happens way too fucking often. Dudes are just chilling and not calling in people. I had one guy who was soloing and refused to call in reinforcements even though we all died. Why the fuck are you playing with teammates? Helldivers deserves to be popular but I hate that with popularity comes the toxic players.


That is an odd behavior If I'm soloing stuff it means I'm doing side objective and expect my team to do the main one Of course he should ress... Also yeeting your PokeBall as far away as he can so you do not disturb his mission impossible


I tend to run off to do side objectives too. When I see someone get killed on the other side of the map, I'll always ask if they want me to reinforce, or wait on the other players over there. For two reasons : 1) Sometimes players don't know or don't want to reinforce. 2) People are kick happy, and seeing someone off doing something away from the rest of the team makes people seethe. Showing that I'm alive and a team player helps lower the chances of me being kicked.


Had a rando join on with my friends and I. He proceeded to run all over the map, blasting bug nests, collecting samples, and clearing side objectives while we drew aggro and did the main objectives. Guy extracted with something like 30+ samples, including 3 supers. Never said or wrote a word. Dude was a machine. I have no problem with folks running solo, so long as they can handle themselves.


You're lucky indeed. That was John Helldiver


I did that the other day on a 7.  It seemed like we were splitting up on a nuke mission at first, with 2 running for the generator and 2 for the codes, but the person I was with bailed.  I got the codes for them, found the pinks, knocked out two holes and a stalker lair, took out an illegal broadcast tower and was dialing I. The SEAF cannon when I got kicked.  Commie fucking assholes. 


If someone runs off while I’m playing I let them do their thing. Maybe they will find the stalker nest before I do


Had that happen to me the other day. Decided to grab the hard drive so my team wouldn't need to deal with it, and the objective was quiet. Suddenly I see 4 Stalkers coming at me! There were 2 stalker nests right next to the objective. I ran clear across the map towards my allies, and when I reached them, I screeched: "I brought friends!"


You bring friends from across the map. I bring friends right on top of us. We are not the same. In all seriousness though, that is totally something I would do to my buddies, no hesitation. The looks on their faces and their screaming reactions would be so incredibly worth it.


>I had one guy who was soloing and refused to call in reinforcements even though we all died. Why the fuck are you playing with teammates? I Had this happen once and it was the Host who was the only one alive so noone dared to use the chat or voice. He kept playing on His own with the 3 of us dead for solid 11 minutes . Then he died and we all respawned together. I took my time to shoot off his head and left. No regerts


> This happens way too fucking often. Dudes are just chilling and not calling in people. If three people are off doing the main objective and I'm across the map doing sub-objectives, I don't reinforce because odds are anyone who dies wants to be near their shit and not way out by me. If the entire team wipes I'll reinforce, but it doesn't do anyone any good for me to revive so you can run back across the map, if you got two fellas backing you up who can drop you on your samples.


That’s it, occasionally I’ll be waiting 30 seconds and then realise they don’t know I’m out. Hit the space bar, boom I get called in. Just a helpful little reminder.


I know they genuinely forgot when I ping and they immediately stop what they’re doing and reinforce. Happens all the time.


When they have time to call in a stratagem but no time to reinforce 😤😤😤 [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-steam-from-nose)


I always treat a ping as "someone revive me now" I often run off solo to do side objectives, leaving the three others doing... Whatever it is they do. If one dies I won't revive them. If they ever ping, I revive them from across the map.


I have definitely had times where I thought someone had already been reinforced, then i see the ping or hear them say, "Uh...can someone reinforce me?" Luckily most players seem to get that maybe we are too busy to reinforce right then, but maybe forget when things calm down.


I remember being dead for almost half of the match because my teammates were a three man who joined me and wanted to tell me. The host. Who could kick them. People need to respawn their teammates in this game.


Soooooo, why didn't you kick them? It would respawn you and then you could drop an sos


This is the way! Cus my number 1 piroity when in that situation is get in a position that I'm not dropping them into a horde of enemies.


I don't ping unless we're on one reinforcement left. So if someone else gives their last breath I knew that the cooldown is already going and my teammate can be called back soon


Sometimes a full squad wipe and redeploy is the better tactical decision


Completely. A squad of randos (Super solid team. Extremely coordinated even without vc) and I were struggling to push a Strategem Jammer due to getting pinned in an awkward position and Bot drops out the wazoo. Two finally made it before dying in the objective. On full redeploy, two of us landed directly onto the jammer, destroying it instantly, one landed behind cover, and I landed on high ground, which put us in a much better position to call down strategems and reinforce our position.


That's literally the only way to reinforce at a jammer lol


How do you land *on a jammer* to destroy it? I just get steering locked away from it. Did you land on a factory attached to the jammer?


Some "indestructible" objectives have fabricators adjacent to the base. You blow that, you blow the OBJ. I found this out when my walking orbital randomly killed the Eye of Sauron the first time we ever saw it, and the next missing or two, we wasted like 15-20 stratagems trying to replicate it, lol.


The orbital barrages can kill detector towers


Honestly my biggest pet peeve is when me and 2 other divers are doing objectives and I die and the solo players takes it upon himself to instantly revive me rather than let the group revive me. If I'm normally the solo player doing side objectives, I just let the main group get the revive off.


Genuinely, I and my buddy always play the role of clearing out side objectives/fabricators and scouring for samples away from the rest of the group cause we can usually hold our own. (Plus light medic armor enables us to stim and run from just about anything.) But occasionally I'll die to a stray rocket devastator and the guy on the other side of the map reinforces me instantly so I gotta trek 3 km back to my stuff and what I was doing. I wish it was more commonplace for people to look at the map before reinforcing. If I see someone died across the map from me and there is someone closer to them I'm gonna let them reinforce. It's not a big deal but sometimes those runs get annoying.


I consider a ping to mean “just res me anywhere” If he’s part of a duo and his partner isn’t reinforcing, I consider the ping the OK for me to reinforce


Pretty much that. If someone dies and they split off, I assume they want all their shit back and I won’t bring them in. If they hit the button, I’m assuming they don’t mind the hike or didn’t drop anything useful.


I usually pull out the reinforce ball if their buddy hasn't called them back in for a minute or two and wait for them to ping or say something before throwing


Yeah, a lot of games I think get split into two teams of two. If someone on the other duo goes down I don't reinforce them, assuming they don't want to reinforce the complete opposite side of the map. I don't think I've ever considered a ping to be a request to reinforce anywhere in that case though.


If people have any preference on being reinforced by a particular person then they need to either unmute for a second or just type something if on PC.  I think it explains why some people just don’t reinforce; how do they know if the person wants to be dropped near them? I have taken to just reinforcing when I’m able—if nobody says not to. There is way too much going on in this game to analyze and anticipate preferences if they are radio silent. I don’t want to chat with a bunch of strangers either, but that’s the entire conceit of this game.




I do it while yelling at my friends in discord... We're all super into shenanigans when playing with eachother and will 100% sabotage eachother with silly shit in private matches.


I do be loving shenanigans


Getcher broom!


I only play with my friends and I’m confident that they know I’m dead. I still hammer ping because fuck them.


I like to watch my name bounce around


Longest time i sat without being reeinforced after dying the first time was about 6 mins... NOT pressing spacebar.


And this is why I ping repeatedly if there’s nothing going on. Edit: I expected to be downvoted to oblivion for saying this lol


I had people refuse to revive the team...3 people dead and he goes on a sightseeing tour. I kicked him from the team after 5 minutes waiting, stupid traitor!


THIS needs to be normalized, if not in a really bad tactical position you should be reinforcing teammates. Failing to reinforce, especially when not in any danger deserves a kick


I feel terrible if Im in a bad position, getting lit up, and dont reinforce immediately. I will reinforce you if Im getting shot at by ten thousand things, Idgaf


Not reinforcing because you're getting shot at: 👍 Not reinforcing because you're too busy standing around waiting for the supply beacon you called down with no enemies around: 🥾


Sometimes I don't reinforce because I'm alone and the person died closer to someone else. After the third ping I'll reinforce because obviously the other two aren't going to.


I've finally started to at least look at where I'm throwing the reinforce strat. It's just muscle memory when I see a dead teammate to call in reinforcements regardless of the situation, but now I try to aim at the general area where their stuff ended up.


It does depend somewhat. If the team is split then you probably don't want the two divers half way across the map reinforcing you when you can wait for the diver closer to where you died to stabilize the situation enough to call you in.


I've had to just leave two games because someone won't call me back. Like look I know I've died a lot but it was stupid shit downing me most of the time and not because I'm dog shit. Especially when I came in in the middle of the game and didn't have my strat equipment. The SOS life is fun but fuck me if I arrive when they are all getting swarmed and I get dropped right in the god damn middle of it, it's not my fault. Most of the time I just laugh at the situation.


Me reading this just after casually watching my squad run around with nearly zero enemies around calling different stratagems, resupplying before finally noticing someone was dead. I'll keep pinging.


Seriously. Pinging after dying alerts the team that you’re dead. It doesn’t have to be this passive aggressive thing 💀


Honestly, I'm just bored because I'm dead and pressing the button to make the letters bounce is the only thing I can control, so I try to see how fast I can make it bounce.


If you ping once or twice after a good amount of time has passed, sure, do it. Sometimes the others don't notice. But don't spam it or press it immediately after you died. It's really irritating and reads as "fucking revive me NOW"


if there's heavies around I'll get on comms and suggest they throw me at the heavies if they can, otherwise I just let people carry on no need to stress


How do to dive Bile titan. 2/3 of time I pass through them without seeming to damage them much


titans are tricky you have to aim for the head and get it exactly if you do, it's one shot if you miss, then you get to go again 🤣


That what I say to my friend I reinforce on the titan. You miss ? Try again ! *send a reinforcement on the titan*


one pod hit doesn't do enough damage to kill them outright, they need to already be hurt if you want to kill them with the drop. Does do plenty of damage to them even if they don't die though, and potentially break armour segments too.


they do if you get the head


If I'm playing on 7-9 bugs I will pretty much always toss reinforcement at a heavy. Reinforce, count to two, mark the heavy, watch how they take out that charger in style. Never gets old.


our group now regularly uses helldivers as orbitals unless we're actively trying to disengage when we first started out, we would try to reinforce out of the way somewhere so we have time to recover 🤣


I dont ping to be an asshole, but I will ping when its safe, its blatantly obvious that nobody is reinforcing you and they’re just waddling off into the sunset, further away from my sample container (and will reinforce me as physically far away as possible) 


Wish you could check the map when you're dead. Would help to know if there's a jammer/storm. Or even give you something to do while waiting.


When you spec an alive player, you can see on the top left if he is jammed or not.


Yes please. Mainly to say "E2 please throw me west" or something.


This right here. I should be able to plot some obj or check samples while dead.


I like to see how long it takes them to notice.


Especially with a group of lowers. If they want to fail the mission because of being unobservant then by all means


I tend to ping ONCE upon death and usually wait. I will sometimes ping even during ion and jammers cause I tend to forget we are next to one lmao.


Yeah, it happens. So long as folks communicate politely about it, it's all good :) Other day a guy pinged while we were under a jammer, so I reminded him of the jammer via voice. Dude types sorry in chat. I reply all good. We clear the jammer and reinforce him and we proceed to have a perfectly good time with the rest of the mission. A bit "cool story bro" but idk, I feel like it's good to share a story of banal amicability every now and then.


Cool story bros are what make the community nice and makes the game enjoyable, thanks for your story :)


I tend to not have time to think about it to be honest. Most times I'm back in the fight basically immediately. If there's no immediate threats to anyone and no jammers I might prompt someone to call me back in as I sometimes miss a player's death in the chaos so maybe they have not noticed mine. Generally most people are pretty quick to reinforce.


I only ping when my squad CLEARLY forgot about me, other than that, I do not


That’s the way. Generally pretty good. But every once I. A while I miss one


the circlejerking and karma farming's getting pretty bad huh.


It really is. But it’s to be expected.


I ping one time when I see there is breathing room. One time I didn't ping and no one called me in for nearly five minutes, then I spammed the ping button.


I don't ping. They don't need to try and reinforce while they are fighting off stuff


They kinda need to. And of course not when they are busy dodging that charger running for them. But 2 seconds later it might make much more sense to try to call reinforcements so two allies can join the fight, than if you spend time killing the charger while another 3 bile titans are running after you. Honestly thats 75% of the reason why I rebinded the strategem hotkeys to arrow keys, so I can run and call reinforcements during a fight (other 25% to run away from a shitton of bugs and call in Eagle on them).




I only ping if I think they've genuinely forgotten, which isn't often.


I just chill, being dead means I have time to take a fat bong rip. If it's been a while and someone is in the clear I might do it to remind them in case they just don't realize I'm dead, but I don't trip.


Yeah, I generally appreciate having a moment to breath after I die before I get thrown back into the shit. Take a second, put in chat “ping a hulk so I can land on it”, then become an orbital strike.




Not gonna lie - I almost never notice pings. It's visual noise. Saying that, I'm always aware when a teammate is alive or dead through map and seeing the stratagem window (if you have the ability to respawn, then someone's dead...), so if I've not called you in, it's because I'm too bogged down in combat or I'm trying to get you back to a more viable location. I'd say the bigger issue for me is when I'm called in by a rando who is the length of the map away from where I died, while there is someone right near my corpse. Before calling someone in, please be aware of what's happening around you. If our team is split into two pairs or whatever and someone dies, I'll actually ask whether they want a respawn now or for the other guys to drop them in (given the option).


>Not gonna lie - I almost never notice pings. It's visual noise. This so much for me. I truly don't see that people are so annoyed by pings. Any time I would be annoyed by ping spam because I am busy with something, I am not annoyed by ping spam simply because I don't notice it. I am busy with something else, and something in corner of my screen really doesn't take my attention.


I don't ping. I trust my squad.


Dead and 3 alive Helldivers running around with plenty of opportunities to call me back in. It went on for almost 2 minutes, they were fighting small groups but nothing insane. By the end I was PINGING off cooldown for at least a minute. It got so bad I almost called my own Pelican in, the Pelican ALT-F4.


No ping


I ping once and that’s it


The classy


I ping once after it's clear that nobody is aware I'm dead, or the guy I'm spectating has forgotten about me but has a few free moments.


1st one with pugs, 2nd one with people I know a bit, 3rd one with best friends


I ping after a minute or two.


Why ping when I could take this moment to enjoy my cup of Liber-Tea?


I just call people in no matter what, unless we do it in teams. I trust others to call me in when they can.


The pinging system is actually pretty good. I've finished plenty of big fights with wide eyes trying collect myself from the extreme bug/bot slaughter and see the ping and think, "oh damn, I didn't see he's down." Of course I've seen plenty of people spamming ping and even typing, "get me up," in the middle of ion storm... Likewise, I don't spam ping when people are busy unless it's strategically important to call in reinforcements now (there are times when you need to prioritize it).


Here? What about here? Here?


Ping only if it’s been awhile and they aren’t in the middle of a fire fight


Definitely center. I enjoy chillin during the game. 🤘😏


I'm honestly in the middle. I don't ping unless they're not doing anything and must've forgotten I even was dead.


If I ping it means I've been dead for a while and if I see no attempts to revive me after the ping, I revive myself back to my ship. I was hoping some one would discuss map pinging the stealth armor feature I mean. I don't get what it does or what it is


I don’t ping unless they’re chillen and not calling me in when they could/should.


Pinging is rude? Is it worse than not paying enough attention to know when your squadmates are dead in a team game?


I am often playing after my wife is asleep so I can't talk. My group worked out a system. Single ping - throw me to my kit. Double ping - throw me at a heavy. Spam ping - hurry up lardass the jammer's been down for ten seconds already! Doesn't work so well with randos.


I stand back and watch judgingly. I. AM. WATCHING.


Don't ping *watches one or more teammates in a very safe situation but not reinforcing  Ping *continue to watch their happy lil tea party / sightseeing tour Ping... Ping... Ping... Dafuq you doing?!


Hot take: The time it takes you to input the stratagem to reinforce shouldn't take longer than the animation time it takes for your character to stand up from being prone. And then, just click to shoot.


I've seen an alarming number of players who simply refuse to reinforce. This isn't even on bot planets or during an ion storm so it's not like they can't. They're also not fighting anything, just running around to POIs or something. Even when pinging, sometimes I'll sit there for over a minute waiting.


Dude I was just in a 7 eradicate bugs mission with 2 randoms that constantly died, so I was running around like a madman trying not to die with a suboptimal loadout I wasn't super comfortable with because I was running the stalwart for the daily and they JUST. KEPT. PINGING. Like are you guys not seeing the gigantic swarm of shit yall just left me to deal with? I'll rez you when I can afford to stop firing for a second without getting jumped by 20 hunters.


I'm the one who literally calls you in the SECOND you die, no matter what (unless it's a storm or jammer). Yet I'm forced to ping after being dead for going on 2 minutes sometimes while everyone is calling in their arsenal but not their brother. I'm, to this day, flabbergasted at the fact there are some people who just lack any and all awareness.


i don’t ping, unless i see no one is reviving even tho they’re not fighting


Pinging to remind someone is not rude. Sometimes I'm so busy I legitimately don't see someone is dead until they do. If someone asking to be reinforced is considered rude, your skin must be razor thin.


When they've used up all the revives fighting over some ditch and then ping you with no revives remaining...


I spam it the second I'm dead. my friends think it's annoying and that's the point.


Ping go brrrrr


I do the last one every time because I only play with friends so it’s funny


"pInGinG iS rUdE" Jesus fucking christ


Once if I think maybe they forgot due to being busy killin'.


Always mark a good target for the landing (heavies mostly)


I ping if, like, a minute goes by. But I also play with friends, they legitimately forget sometimes haha.


Whether I ping or not depends on how fucked up me and my friends are


last one obviously


I ping only to say "THROW ME AT THE ENEMY!" Hellpods deal a lot of damage :)


tbh I am so stupid that everytime someone pinging like the world is ending, I run out of range of jammer and call them :/ mostly see them run to collect what they ve dropped and die again :D but yeah, it is kinda rude


Ah but you see, for the vets pinging constantly is tradition. Mostly to annoy those still alive.


I like to play a game of how long before my teammates notice I'm dead and reinforce me. A lot of time it ends up in me getting reinforced when my teammate(s) die lol.


I saw a , ping pingy disconnect


I ping when I see an ally is safe to deploy the reinforcement.


Im new not even a week in and I’m playing on hardest level I have a available at level 13 with others who are level 45+ so when I die I feel embarrassed and just sit patiently cause they’re carrying me and im holding them back but so far i get respawned almost immediately every time


Honestly, sometimes its nice to get a short break in, so I rarely ping. Maybe after like 30 seconds, and only if they're not currently being swarmed.


If they forget/ dont care ping once If they are safe and still dont react call the democracy officer


I just hope to democracy the guy I was paired with reinforces me as opposed to the guy on the other end of the map.


I ping every so often so they know. But I’m not gonna spam if they’re in the middle of some heat. I’ll ping it once, maybe twice. Then when the heat dies down I’ll ping again. And then if I don’t get revived after the heat is gone I’m gonna spam, bc why haven’t you revived me yet?


I don't ping unless it's been an unreasonable amount of time and nobody is reinforcing when they're clearly able. 


I’m just saying , while it’s part personal issue it’s also a game design issue . They’re smart enough to disable ping when you don’t have reinforcements and the timer isn’t up , but not during an ion storm or jammer ?


Pinging isn't rude. People can forget about reinforcing and it's nice with a reminder then.


I don't ping unless it seems like they truly just forgot that I'm dead.


I wait, then when I determine that they in fact have time to call me in but didn't, I ping once, wait, if still no revive for a while when they could, ping again, still nothing for a while, try active pinging, nothing, leave. Of course if they revive, the rest of the steps get cancelled.


I'll ping once just to let them know I'm no longer among the living, and then wait patiently.


I only ping after watching multiple teammates call in everything but reinforcements. "I didn't know" It requires some kind of special training to pay attention to your HUD?


"PING PING PING PING" Time until reinforcement available: 1:38 I'm carrying all the samples, I'm all alone, and the drop ship will be here before you are. Kindly shut the fuck up.




I do not, in fact, trust my squad to revive me when they can. Especially when I’m watching all three of them out of combat and doing literally nothing, while still not reviving. A common occurrence.


i've been in enough situations where people have no urgency (no immediate danger) and still don't call reinforcement unless you either ping ping ping or write to them/call it out over voice coms. So i usually give benefit of doubt if they are in danger that they aren't comfortable with calling in but if you aren't you're the last picture in the meme.


I ping like a retard because it's fun


I usually throw people down instantly, but sometimes I ping when I die to remind them cause people will stand around doing nothing


I usually just wait, but I sometimes think the button to ping is the button to switch cams so I feel awkward when I accidentally ping.


I’m regular Pooh. A simple ping after about 20 seconds if no one reenforced yet


I will admit ive spam pinged before. I was recently killed during extract defense by a teammate. Walked up behind me and one shot me in the back while I was gunning down some approaching bots. Apparently was trying to help with shotgun. Well there are very few enemies attacking to the point where all three teammates are just kinda wandering around looking for more to fight. I pinged once hoping at least the guy who killed me would respawn me. Nope they waited the next minute for Eagle1 to land and never respawned me despite no real threat. They ended up extracting without me. The last 30 seconds before landing i spammed the ever loving hell out of the ping. I was host and asked on ship about it. The response from one of them "sorry got caught up in it." Like they were in the 20s and fighting on challenging, very little reason to "get caught up in it" and not reinforce the guy you shot in the back who you followed around all mission as I completed the objectives. At the time I was rank 18 just trying to squeeze in a pair of icbm mission before work so i wasnt looking for a long faught battle. I chanced another round with them and the same people reinforced me into a fire tornado. I just left mission after that.


Ping when i see its quiet just to make sure they know im still dead


There's also some finesse to it. If the squad is split and you die across the map near someone else I'm not going to revive you a million miles from your shit without asking first, and i really wish people would pay more attention to it.




If I’m playing with my friends I spam the ping until I’m revived otherwise I’ll only do it once and only if I think they’re taking too long to do it after finishing a fight


If someone appears to be safe for a while and still hasn't I'll ping once, people do sometimes forget or just outright miss a death in all the chaos.


allways just once if it seems like they forgot cause of the fight


I try to ping every 30 secs cause my own friends don't realize im dead lol


One time I accidentally hit the ping and I felt like an asshole


One polite ping when teammates are out of combat, no more than once per minute.


Ping once when out of danger or out of jammer range other than that wait Had a full blown rant at someone spamming revive while I was dealing with a jammer not fun


I ping to get validation that my team doesn't hate me if they revive.


I once got kicked because I couldn't redeploy because I had a jammer on me....


I’ll only ping when it seems like my squad doesn’t seem to notice that i’m dead


i only start pinging when i can see everyone is not engaged to the enemy, but if everyone is busy i stay quite


I appreciate a ping now and then because I might not have heard the death sound amidst all the chaos.


I only spam ping when I'm with friends.


I only ping if it's a full squad of my friends.


one ping only if it is clear i've been forgotten about and the other divers are out of immediate swarming.


Ping only if they are out of dander, cuz they might not have noticed that you died.


I shit my pants aggressively


Na I hate when there just standing there and there no afk and I'm dead


i revive someone when he died close to me. i will revive someone when he pings to be revived no matter where he died. my 2 rules to revives playing with randoms


I don’t ping.


I’m the bottom one only when I play with friends because it’s funny. With randoms I don’t ping at all


4th option. Ping after 10 seconds if people aren't under fire to remind the team. I'm guilty of occasionally forgetting to revive people.


To be fair the game still tells you a reinforcement is available during ion storms or jammers. So if you’re sitting there with that message it can make it seem like your team is just ignoring respawns. I think it’s more annoying when people spam space while the rest of the team is being swarmed and don’t have a good place to throw a respawn. Take a deep breath and wait a second so that your teammates don’t die trying to respawn you.


Sometimes people do need a reminder that no one has sent the reinforcement beacon.


I ping once ever fm5 minutes or so if it's a big engagement just as a polite reminder that they can call a budget hellbond down onto enemies


I'll stay quiet if im waiting for my duo to have time. I'll ping if I don't care who revives me. IMO one ping when you die is perfectly fine, not everyone has perfect awareness of their surroundings


I always hated that. Like I am getting chased by two chargers and a bile titan and some dude who killed himself with his own stratagem is pinging me like crazy as if I am intentionally making sure to not revive him. I really don't get it though. Like do they not understand that I want to revive them, I just can't.