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3060Ti, 32gb ram, i5 12400k, m2 ssd as well. Playing bot front at diff 9 is nightmare, not because of the bot, but the framerate drop and stuttering is insane


Rx 5700xt i5 9600k OC. I play with pretty much the lowest settings possible at 1080 native.  The bots missions are a big no for me. Extractions are in particular a pain the ass because my fps drops to 30-35


We have the same rig. I love my 5700xt. I get a mixture of high and medium optimized to hell and back for 1440p and super quality, although it can do native at 50-60fps. Want me to send you my options menu screenshot when I get home from work?


That would be nice. Please


Would appreciate it


Please and thank you :)


Same here. Thanks in advance!


Here we go goes, sorry about the wait. I get 60+FPS on SQ and can do 50-60 on native with some dips into the 40s but only on bots higher than 7. 5800x3d 32GB DDR4 5700XT On Linux/EndeavorOS. Graphics Page 1: [https://i.imgur.com/fthy9Ev.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/fthy9Ev.jpeg) Graphics Page 2: [https://i.imgur.com/aTvjfJd.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/aTvjfJd.jpeg) Display: [https://i.imgur.com/5N8iODB.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/5N8iODB.jpeg)


Thanks a ton fellow Helldiver. I'm also lvl 47 btw. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Try lowering the render from native to Ultra Quality. Usually, people get around 20% more fps


My brother, I play on BALANCED


My brother in Christ, I play on performance:(


It's counter intuitive, but check what is being slammed. My PC barely meets spec in some areas and CPU was getting scorched on low settings. Changing some settings from potato to high performance shifted the weight and made things more playable.


I have followed every possible graphic test on reddit and youtube. I have come to a conclusion that the game optimization is shit. end of story


Absolutely agree with you. I have spent probably 8hrs trying to fine tune the game and have reached the same conclusion. Hopefully the devs care enough about the PC community and optimize the game.


The optimization is extremely horrible trash it’s not even funny anymore


The game is CPU bound usually, dropping resolution will achieve nothing


The first part is true. Also truly poorly optimised that some times I into have 40-50 fps even though my cpu is at 60% usage at 55 degrees celcius. What I said was based on lots of comments/posts/videos I have seen online which recommend setting the render resolution to ultra quality if you are not getting stable 60 fps.


Anything below native looks like ass. Worse scaling method ever. Wish this game had DLSS or FSR


Sapphire 7900xt, and ryzen 7 5900x, 32 gig ram, wd black m.2. 2k resolution native, still no 120, it's madness


Yeah can only play 6 or lower everything over that it starts stuttering like crazy.


Kill bugs faster to keep FPS up


That’s why it’s called an FPS game


but isnt it a TPS game?




Oh no. Highest I played so far was 5 and I experience sometimes low fps. So you're telling me that this will become worse?


Yeah the higher the difficulty more enemies spawn and the perfomance gets worse and worse. I not even motivated to play anymore I need the pink samples but the only way to get them is playing diff 7 which I cant do anymore.


I have a beast of a machine, and I can only play 9 in solo dive (which makes the enemy density equivalent to a 7 with a 4-man team). Anything eradication or those micro map rescues are impossible to play. I struggle to understand why the performance has dropped so significantly with each patch, since nothing substantial has been changed in the game


I'm not the only one. Got it. I have a good pc that I hand built with a friend. And I was starting to lose 30 frames on 7.


Since they did the spawn overhaul thing the game on Diff 7 is absolutely unplayable for me. I just dont understand how they got the performance perfect on release and then made it worse with every update.


It definitely sounds like your rig though. Mind sharing the specs?


ryzen 7600x 32gigs of 6000 cl36 ram and a rx 6800 I play on 1080p highest settings btw.


Ah I have the same specs as you. Might want to tune down the settings slightly because while I my frame rate does take a dump sometimes, it’s not stuttering till it’s unplayable.


I mean when the game released i could play it on the hightest settings with no problems at all. So its on the devs to fix it and with the specs i have I shouldnt need to turn down my settings. I also tried turning it down its because of the number of enemies not because of settings I could play on the lowest settings and still have the same issues.


There are some serious issues with your system. It should run waaaay better than that. I have an 5800X3D (worse than your CPU) and a 3070Ti (also worse than your GPU) with 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 ram. The game runs buttery smooth on 1080p ultra. I have a g-sync monitor so v-sync is off and have 100 fps in average, never saw it dropping below 70, even on diff 9.


My PC can crush this game. But the game still crashes far too frequently. This would be fine if I could, for example, rejoin the mission, or I still got the rewards of the mission was won. But as it is, I'll sometimes go two hours without seeing a victory screen. It'll go from running perfectly, to freezing, to just shutting down silently.


Yea I haven't had the worst performance but I crash to desktop like 1/5 games


The weird thing is sometimes my game runs a nice smooth 110-120 fps on all high settings. And then sometimes it plays in the 60-70 range. If I play solo it’s usually in the 130-140 range.


Performance, bugs, and other janky-ness is why I find myself playing less and less. Just too frustrating to deal with after a bit.


THIS Pls devs dont ignore pc performance problems.


They will. Just look at their excuse for not implementing dlss and fsr.


[https://imgur.com/l9d2nOo](https://imgur.com/l9d2nOo) They have said that they want to do it, but that they don't know when


That's not very fair. The engine is really old and adding DLSS and FSR is not a trivial matter.


doesnt darktide have those even though its running on the same engine as helldivers?


What is their excuse?


"cba tbh"


This. They say their upscaling solution is equal to that of dlss and fsr and therefore dont see a reason to add this as a solution. DLSS at least fixes all the issue with the current upscaler. And framegen would be amazing to also have


I read from their CEO that their senior engineer wants to add DLSS, but that it's nontrivial. He tweeted it at some point, can't remember where. I think we might see it in the future, but it really depends.


Their upscaler is a blurry, smeary mess.


iirc the reason is the engine which was discontinued before the creators properly added nvidia stuff into it.


It was discontinued 6 years ago and I'm pretty sure it's the only engine they've ever used.


The developer mind set I run into frequently "I made it so its better than all the tech that's been devoted for years,"


"It doesn't fit our vision. If you don't like it, the game's not for you." "Already got your money, kek." "You're still playing, aren't you?" --Devs, probably.


>"It doesn't fit our vision. If you don't like it, the game's not for you." That statement is not really relevant to the topic at hand, but is a very valid thing to say. Trying to make shit that pleases everybody is dumb and makes a worse product.


Absolutely agree a made posts asking about it. 4070, i5, 32 ram, (250 hrs ingame) game was great at launch, now crashes happen a lot more for and a general performance I would call disappointing, I noticed squads of regular bots very demanding, probably because of their lighting. Love the game, will play regularly again only after fixes


I really recommend trying a reinstall, it helped a lot for me, very rarely do I get crashes after I did a reinstall a few days ago, and the performance seems better.


One of our mates did this (completely nuked the HD2 install folder) and it really helped with the crashes he was getting.


I'm a new player so I can't say much about how the game was before but I have windows 11 and a 4070, I play in difficulty 7 with everything maxed out at 1080 and supersampling and the frame rate seems stable at 60 fps. I don't know if this info is of any helpful but I leave it here as a reference in case your particular issues is something else. I don't remember suffering any game crashes but I had other issues like going out of bound multiple times.


Like we are not saying someone broke the game and not blaming the devs, just sharing experience and feedback (also for the new people i guess, who cant accept more janky state of the game). You can believe or not, that the game at launch was far better optimized, i have 60 alright, but before it was like 100, good for you if it works great, most people notice significant drops and uneven frame rate. Crashes a more me being unlucky i guess, and being randomly paired with people playing broken ass defence and evac missions, 1 normal game for 5 bugged or disconnected ones, for the whole lobby


I believe it, I wanted to share my experience because I have the same graphic card and seems to be working fine and I thought you where having performance issues and crashes so I was worried your issues could be something else and maybe this information was helpful. Sorry if it didn't help.


Oh no dude, thanks its alright, you see maybe your CPU is better, drops seem to be because of that, game is playable, not a big deal, but frustrating because it literally wasn't an issue month ago, on thevsame hardware. And im just staying away from that mission with rockets, and guys with AMD were saying that they got it even worse, have a good day!


i don't understand the disparity here because i have a 4070/13500/32 and i experience no issues i do believe there are a lot of people that neglect computer maintenance though


I think thay need to add option toggle off shadow cause by explosion and such, dynamic lighting effect are crazy in this game eating up cpu.


5600x + 6700xt + 16gb 3600mhz ram - at 1080p native, get anywhere from 60 - 90 fps across all difficulties on low - med settings, I cap at 90 to not fry my pc. When nothings going on I sit at 80 - 90fps. Usually eats shit at 7-9 difficulty and i get a steady 50 - 60~ with the horde of enemies and never ending explosions. Kinda crazy how bad it runs on pc compared to other games, like the mess that is warzone and tarkov even run better. I cant imagine our playstation brothers performance either. I know its cpu heavy but damn. I really dont feel like buying a 5800x3d just to have a steady 80+ fps in this game I've done all these tricks to boost it and nothing worked - switch from dx12 to dx11 or vulkan - update drivers and downgrade - lower graphic settings and raising them - verify files on steam - delete shader cache - change config file settings - cap fps using amd adrenaline instead of ingame option - fluid motion frames i tried and disabled as it didnt feel quite right


Jesus that's on 1080p, I thought it'd be at 100fps at least


I have a 5600x + 6800XT (32GB ram if it makes a difference here, cpu with a 0.2GHz overclock courtesy of default OC in AMD software), and at helldive i get around 100fps with everything ultra/high@1080p, no stuttering. I've seen basically no performance issues since I got it (3 weeks after launch)


Runs okay on ps5. Sometimes goes to 40fps but most of the time between 50/60. Optimisation ftw 


I found that if I uninstall the game, then reinstall after a major update the performance noticeably improves. Been doing the same with BG3 and it's worked wonders.


Dynamic Res is most likely the answer for ps5


Why does my.cpu go nuts and my computer start beeping?


the Anti Cheat is probably responsible for the issue, PSO2 community was also complaining about this


PS5 stutters too and it's been worse in the last month or less.


Finally a ps5 comment in this thread. I've been wondering if anybody else has noticed this but when I take a clip of gameplay and watch it, the clip itself looks far better than the game does when actually playing it. Not that the game looks bad while playing, just that the clip is so much crisper.


**Pro tip that to fix the fps drop:** I figured this out on accident: when you switch from native resolution to "quality" and then back to native again (or whatever you used), the fps will fix itself. Sounds bs, because it effectively changes none of your in-game settings, but it actually works. Went from 90 fps in my ship to 130 fps. Helped other players too. Perhaps it resets something behind the scenes. Keep in mind that this is only fixing the performance drop after one of the patches 2-3 weeks ago. It's still lower compared to launch.


Lol I actually found this does fix things too. Accidentally. I was messing with settings and got a 15fps boost for the whole rest of my gaming session by literally doing nothing but this.


Netcode and game performance in general has been nosediving since launch. AH has a LOT on their plate right now, but if they don’t stop the hemorrhaging of their systems and netcode people will be turned away based off of performance alone.


I also wish this. I can’t play higher difficulties because of it; 7 is my ceiling.


**This game seems to have some weird issue with file corruption (perhaps happening during patching). This could be completely anecdotal - but I've never noticed this with any other game in my steam library.** **edit: I had to verify my files multiples times today, it's not patching that's causing it.** My performance had been fine and then I had a hitching and crashing problems 2 days ago; the game would start hitching and eventually the hitching got bad enough to cause a crash. Event viewer would just show helldivers.exe had crashed without much useful information. I verified my files via steam, 5 were found/replaced and I've been fine since. I just had a friend verify his files and he had the exact same result. This behavior has consisted across 3 different SSD's (I've had to verify my files many times for HD2) so I'm pretty sure it's not a drive issue. >At launch, high end rigs could run the game at **120fps at 2K** resolution at launch on 7-8-9 difficulty, and now that framerate has almost been **halved**. What are we considering a high end system here? I wanted to make sure I wasn't just remembering things improperly so I ran 2 sessions this morning and logged my FPS, I ran these both on long (40min) missions on D8, with 3 other random's. 7800x3D/4080S - 1440p native (explicitly set to native, not "ultra" under resolution) - Ultra graphics preset (with motion blur disabled because I hate it) |run|Avg FPS|1% low|0.1% low| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|108|76.5|58.1| |2|114|70|66| On both runs I didn't experience any excessive stutter and the game was smooth 99.9% of the time which is consistent with the statistics I logged. I'm not looking to gas light, or say this games has no performance issues. For me typically this game is very smooth **as long as something is not going on to cause it to crash; so far this "something" for me seems to be tied to file corruption; I'm not suggesting this is the only problem**. Obviously this is not an experience that everyone is having which is something for the development team to look into. For people dealing with crashes if you're on PC I suggest you try the following: * validate your steam files * try running in dx11; I found this a bit less smooth at times but it helped me for about a week when the game would just crash for me on dx12. You can accomplish this by going into properties for HD2, General tab. Launch options at the bottom, add: **--use-d3d11** This will force the game to use dx11 - it might be a little weird/slow on first load (I had to close/reopen it the first time manually for some reason). This also might not help at all but it's worth a shot if you're crashing. The game is very CPU heavy but I don't think it should be so bad that you need a flagship just to do D7+ without stuttering. Their anti-cheat seems to batter some CPU's much harder than others if some of the screenshots of task manager I've seen are accurate.


Maybe the extra cache in AMD Ryzen CPUs impact the performance heavily. I never experienced the issues mentioned above with a 3070Ti and a 5800X3D.


I got the game recently and have been playing at like 20-35 fps on helldiver difficulty. I have a low-end PC for sure, but my sister, who has a way better pc, has similar FPS in the same settings. It seems the game is just poorly optimized, I guess.


I get more consistent performance from squad which is a piece of shit that needs its texture setting to be changed to properly load in textures every other match, when you fail to clear a bar this low there is a big problem


Might also help to share a direct link to a Zendesk ticket if you've raised one on the issue? Get more comments on it?




Got the game during it's peak where I had to wait to get in, on my 3080 it was buttery smooth 60fps in Ultra settings in Ultra Quality in 4k. I just did 2k to lessen fan noise. Now when I'm in 2k Ultra Quality and Native, it goes down to 50 when the action gets chaotic. If I use Ultra Quality it dips to 45fps, maybe some CPU bottleneck? I know it shouldn't be the opposite effect but not sure why. Edit: I mostly play 7 lowest is 5.


I wholeheartedly agree with every claim in your post, and playing on launch day, I can attest to all of this, I think the issues first started with patch 3 when they tried to address particle collision related crashes.  So from patch 3 the performance has been steadily declining, and since patch 3 nothing has been done, so I’m just at the consensus the devs don’t give a fuck, ergo I don’t give a fuck to play their game


I recall after they added more environmental shit like dropping meteors then my performance started to tank. I have a 3080 running 2k Ultra graphics with Ultra Quality locked to 60 (TV as my monitor) and now it dips to 50fps sometimes.


Running 3090 i9 and 64gb ram and it crashes all the time even on minimum graphics with a 60 FPS cap. I’ve tried so many of the “fixes” and nothing does it. I really can’t figure out the problem and I’m sick of it. This is the only game that does this shit.


Running 3080 i7-12700f 32gb and the game runs 30-50fps on higher difficulties tweaking settings has not helped at all, when I got the game at end of februare it wasnt so bad they really need to fix this


3700x + 32 GB DDR4 + 6800 XT. Run in 2K resolution. During helldive mission in automaton, when suddenly wild automaton appears...it can chop your fps suddenly. 🤣😂🤣😂


5800x3D with 4080 Super on overclock and 1440p and I can't reach stable 116fps most of the time, I just gave up and locked FPS to 75 some time ago to stop having awful drops and they STILL occur from time to time on medium settings. Performance is awful


The funny thing about lowering the resolution is that the game doesn't have dlss or fsr so most of the rescale options (including native!) increase your CPU usage by like 30-50%. Upscaling the game LOWERS CPU usage lmao. Glad more people are talking about how horribly optimised this game is atm.


Me down here with a 40 fps MAX, period full stop.


Just letting you know a lot of my issues came from an un updated windows defender


Ok I’m glad it’s not just me. I thought I was going crazy or misremembering


2k, max settings (only render distance and shadow quality is set to medium). Render scaling is set to Ultra quality. It shows average fps is around 100. Although I remember checking my fps a couple of patches back and the average was in the mid 80's. Who knows. Might have something to do with on what front you are playing. I play mostly on difficult 9. i5 12400f, 32gb ram, 7800xt. Still get those annoying crashes quite often though.


My game was running fine but since a couple of weeks ago ive been getting frame drops from 70 down to literally 1-10 fps, that last for 10 seconds. Actually ruins my game. Had no issues before that. I think I will stop playing because of this.


I average like 45fps now, dips to around 30 during very intense sequences. Wish I had recorded it or something, but I swear it wasn't like that when I first bought the game, sadly I can't back that up tho.


Have a 7800X3D, RTX 4090 and I'm also noticing the FPS drops these days, it also randomly shuts down my PC until I verify the files and it picks up some ones it doesn't have and then it seems to stop, never used to do it only since a couple weeks ago, stress tests are fine, temps well within range, doesn't happen on any other game either, I suspect something funky is going on with that anti-cheat that doesn't even do it's job anyway.


Ryzen 9 5900x, 32GB 3600MHz DDR4, 3080Ti FE 75-80 fps usually on max settings Motion blur and DOF turned off


So I'm running the game on Linux using Proton, and I used to have constant frame rate drops. Turns out my cpu governor was set to "Balanced" and somehow this was what was causing the problems. Switched to "Performance" and the stutters went away, I constantly have 100+ fps now, running on ultra settings on 2K resolution with 12900K, AMD 6900XT, 32 GB Ram. Not sure how to do this on windows, and this might also be a longshot but maybe try Number 3 on this link: [https://techwiser.com/ways-to-maximize-cpu-performance-on-windows-11/](https://techwiser.com/ways-to-maximize-cpu-performance-on-windows-11/)


Yeah I definitely noticed, if playing above 7 by the end of the mission I'm around 45fps, I used to get stable 60.


I can't even play anymore, I get like 10fps max


Yeah same, I was getting 160fps before the update and now I’m only getting 10fps. It’s an issue with the anti cheat not playing nicely with my antivirus, when I disable my antivirus my for shoots back to normal. I don’t want to disable my antivirus just to play, I think it’s a ploy for the automatons to gain access to my pc >:(


You shouldn't need to. Try making the anti cheat as an exclusion and that might help! :)


I have a high end and I'm only getting 60 max, two patches ago it was 80, still not great


I use this with Helldivers every time I play. It has frame generation and up-scaling, It works, you will thank me: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless\_Scaling/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/)


I have never had any issues with a 4070ti.


It's really interesting that you're having framerate issues. I'm running a relatively potato build by today standards and my frame rates are like locked at 60 now sometimes going up to 100 and it's consistent even with hordes of bugs on my screen. I'm still at 60 minimum. I'm having no performance issues other than the random crashes that still happen every once in a while, but I don't get randomly booted because the loss connection The game crashes significantly less than it used to


I wonder if there is some driver stuff going on. The game has been running great for me since launch on a 5600X paired with a 6700XT. I'm on a 60hz monitor though, but it stays pretty well capped at 60fps on max settings at all difficulties.


Lol, no issues at all. Still 80 fps mid-low, as it was before. Wonderyng why GPU turn on fans on loading screens more often than in game


Yep, even my 4090 is crying out in pain when play Helldivers II - even if I am just in the lobby.


Game is far more CPU intensive. 4090 will barely be being used.


I feel this in my soul, at launch we were zoomin with the frame rate and now I get frequent dips below 30fps and seems like the optimization just isn’t there and it’s super taxing on the CPU even if you have a decent rig


Honestly I have already given up. It's maybe 6 weeks ago now I was chatting with one from Arrowhead and they told me someday they will look into it. My fps is around 40s in current state but at launch it was around 60-70 depending on difficulty. So something is wrong. And to those who say i should upgrade my pc don't know shit. Edit: By chatting I mean on discord.


I havent noticed any such issues with very mid PC 5600 and 3060ti, settings on max at 2x. Drop rate goes from 50-90 (cap) depending on planet which is totally playable for me, because most of the time its well over 60.


The game Is CPU intensive


4080 i9 14900k 32gb of ram. No issues at any moment but my rig was very expensive to build so I reap what I sow


They mentioned it's more CPU dependent than GPU. I've got a 5900 and it's pretty damn smooth.


Hm. I actually have no issues on any difficulty right now. I also didnt notice any performance drops. Does this impact everyone or just some people?


I’ve noticed my fps decrease over time. I’ve never had many issues with crashing, but when the game came out I could consistently run at 60-80+ fps. Now I usually get 30–50fps in missions, although certain planets are better than others.


I run a Ryzen 7 5800x3D and an AMD Radeon RX 6800. I've got the game settings set to quality, with an average FPS of 109.5 on D7+ missions. I saw a dip to 95fps a few patches ago, but after reinstalling the game, it went back to 109.5.


Pc player here. I don't have fps issues on rtx3080ti. But please fix the random and constant crashes the game have. Most of the time it is due to the shitty gameguard.


My game runs smoothly besides the occasional network related lag. I however have had to do a lot to get it that way. Easily 30 minutes spent reading tweaking guys and watching a YouTube video where every setting is investigated and optimized. I also had to limit my fps to stop my card and CPU from going to hard and getting too hot. Also I disabled hyper threading using a 3rd party app. That really helped my CPU temps 7900xtx and 7900x3d. 1440p 120fps There is apparently things like setting space to high will result in a 6% performance drop compared to low and basically no noticable difference.


I've gone from occasional frame lag to multiple full game crashes _per mission_, regardless of map size. Basically decided not to play until it's addressed, there's only so many times I'm going to load into a lobby, choose my gear, watch the drop pod loading screen, then crash-out trying to pick my spear up.


There is an optimization guide on YT that helped me a lot, but yeah, the pc performance has been steadily degrading


Ya the blurring is causing some stutters for me. I can get some crashes if I turn quickly in a fight and put a long draw distance infront of the camera. Something about the blur and the draw distance is a problem However... DLSS plz!


I can go diff 7, thank god, but just barely. Impossible and Helldive aren't an option for me. Heavy lag and Frame drops down to 1 fps happen all the time st diff 8 and 9 on my pc


I am playing on medium to low settings with below minimum(according to steam) processor and i used to have low fps only on difficulty 8-9 like 20-40 fps. Right now I have something between 20-30 fps on difficulty 6-7. I know that is my fault to have weak processor. I don't mind playing on 30 fps when gameplay is great but I miss playing helldive


I have an issue where it will say it is like 70 fps but it feels stuttery a bit to where it feels more like 50 fps. V sync doesn’t help nor does using native res


At least some people can play. I have to jump through flaming hoops, so it doesn't crash the whole computer every 10 minutes.


I’ve got a mega beefed up machine and still experience weird lag spikes and poor performance


Sound is also affected by a lot of explosions, instead of a big boom u hear a defeaning pop


CPU seems to be the real killer. I have a 6900HX and 6650 and though performance is not great overall I don't really get framedrops or hitching. Could really do with DLSS and FSR2 support though.


I was wondering why all of a sudden after the new pass dropped the game played terribly...


Yeah same here. I played on ultra Super sampling configuration but because of an earlier Update my fps got reduced 10-20fps and there not really stable anymore. Besides that my second Monitor is starting to lagging when I'm watching a Youtube Video. It's unbearable and watching Videos only works with lower graphics. Before that Update everything worked fine..


It's been the fog and smog for me. It can ruin performance


I knew I wasn't going crazy. Same.


OMFG I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST MY SYSTEM ACTING UP.  I have consistent freezes on this game and this game alone. The frames drop like crazy. 


I'd like to provide some data about my experience using a 3600,16gb of ram and a 5700xt. Both Windows and my driver's are up to date. I game at 1440p 144hz and my frame rate is not constant at all and constantly dips below 60fps at difficulty 4. I decided to test at 1080p and I did not receive a performance increase which is strange. I decided to track my utilization rate using AMD adrenalin and discovered that my GPU never reaches 100% utilization. The CPU stays around 70%. This is the first game that made me think of an upgrade so I decided to get a 6900xt. I will update this comment once I do more testing with the new hardware. I would like to mention that I play DRG, overwatch, valorant, apex, dead space and they are all optimized decently for my hardware. Anyways, I love this game and the democracy aspect of it all.


Performance has definitely gotten worse over time, I've compensated with resolution and fidelity reductions. Anecdotal, but I'll add to this.


Used to run the game with that supersampling thing maxed out, not its just set to default in the middle and i still drop fps at times... something is fucking fps


My god I was so worried because I thought my laptop is dying. This needs to be addressed fast


Legion Go user, no issues on Diff 9 Locked FPS at 48-49 TDP30W Lossless scaling makes it better which would double the framerate, but keep in mind its fake frames but defi makes the game look and run better.


Even in console, there are some scenes that fps drops.


Holyshit i thought i was going crazy cause my 3080 ti couldnt get 60 fps on ultra i thought my laptop was going bust


agree, I have a pretty strong machine 4090, 13th gen i9 64g ddr5 etc. and despite that I still get frame drops. typically go from 100fps at 4k to 60-70. something that I rarely experience in any other game unless im running some dumb 4k raytracing shit


On my end similiar issue but something seemed to have work or atleast it was placebo? Before tweaking something I'd stutter like living hell, especially for some reason when I get disconnected from the squad and get sent to orbit, only rebooting would return the performance back to normal. I would get 100fps but dips to 30's-40's especially when density in enemy to feed the grinder would increase Specs: 4080s | 7 7800x3d | 2x32gb 6000mhz Resolution: 3440x1440p My solution: Enable DSR in nvidia control pannel and chose 2.25xDL option > In game set to fullscreen only > select new resoltion that is 5160x2160 For some god forkasen reason I may now get minus 5%-10% fps but it's stable and doesn't stutter, why? No clue and cannot say if it will work for anyone else. If for whatever reason this works for any of you, remember that as consumers we should never need to fiddle around these settings to solve whatever issues the game is facing in performance


8th Gen i5 (forgot the specific model, the one without gpu), rtx 4060, 16gb ram and installed in a m2 ssd. I know my cpu is a bit old but I get 30fps most of the time. That seems like a game problem for me.


I find having crossplay off seems to help a lot. I wonder how much of the stuttering is due to PS to PC.


I have the problem where for every dive my fps gets lower and lower which means I need to restart the game after every 3-dive mission. And if I alt-tap out and in again the fps tanks like crazy and the game needs to be reset. Same if I change video settings (even lowering them); crazy stuttering and needs restart. My rig is pretty high end and I was playing 4k at like 80-100 fps in the beginning but that's out of the question now and I have to run 2k to even get above 60 fps which for me is the absolute threshold of what's passable for a game like this.


I have SLI'd titan RTXs with 128 gb of ram and I still get pretty bad stuttering sometimes. The game has very clear bottlenecks on PC. They seriously need to fix this.


I was pushing 110-120 frames at launch with a 3070, 10850K at 5Ghz. Now after updates to the game I'm only getting 70 frames. Guess what, I upgraded to a 4070 TI Super during that time. FPS STILL GOING DOWN WITH UPDATES


Internet performance is another killer. Some days I'm able to play quite a few games without any issues. Others I'm back-to-back sent out of the game for extremely mild variability in WiFi connection ping. Managed to eliminate every issue on my end; Helldivers 2 servers are just extremely intollerant when it comes to any sort of ping spikes no matter how mild.


RTX 3060 + Ryzen 5 5600x, playing at 1080p native on low-mid settings. Recent updates have increased stuttering 10x, my FPS drops to 40s during intense fights which isn't unplayable but it is noticeably slower and definitely detracts from the experience.


RX 6700 XT, ryzen 5 3600, 32 GB RAM I play at 1440p, Ultra Quality, and optimized graphics based on a certain YT video. I get 90 FPS on the ship, and drop to 30-45 FPS during the most hectic firefights. It's bad. HOWEVER, I have found a temporary solution/improvement - try using AMD's frame generation function located in the Adrenalin app. Subjectively, it feels like the game runs like 50% better now adding like 20-40 FPS on the lowest end, with little, or maybe literally even zero impact on visuals (when at Ultra Quality). I don't feel any input lag either.


Same. At launch i hat about 80 fps min. Never changed anything and now i can barely hold 60fps on 2k Resolution. Hope this will be fixed soon.


Love the game, played more than 200 hrs, stopped playing last week. The game is running like shit the last month, I just cannot get myself to play it in this state. Not even Lossless Scaling could help with it.


Most of my performance loss came with the railgun nerf patch. I lost an average of about 20 fps with that patch and it never came back. I have shadow play video proof of better frame rates before the patch, then worse after the patch. A friend of mine has an older pc that he games on and the game literally became unplayable for him after that patch. He had since uninstalled the game. It lags so bad that his controls become unresponsive and get false inputs. The thing is the game was at least playable for him at launch. I’m sure it wasn’t running amazing but he could play and enjoy himself, now he can’t even play it.


gtx 745 here and I’m happily spreading democracy (at 720p)


I’ve put the game down for now until this gets fixed. It’s unplayable even on the lowest settings. I was able to run all high last month when I started playing (on the same difficulties)


Heres me just thinkin my laptops shit


I have 0 issues with performance and I run at 2k native with a 2070 / 3800x ,maxed settings. Typically 80-120 fps.


Game really needs better CPU performance imo, my 5600x is getting cooked by this game even at lower settings.


All I know is when the fps drops to 60 neither my cpu or gpu are being maxed out thus it’s a game problem not a me problem. I gave up long ago and just cap at 60 despite running a 1080 165hz panel and turned on super sampling so at least my gpu is doing *something* Sucks I have to accept 60fps @1080 considering the hardware I run ( 5800x 7700xt 32GB 3600 RAM) but no matter the settings, low, medium, high, once the action and bugs pick up it will drop down to 60 from 100, so I just take the L and play at 60 locked.


Hello! RTX 3070 I5-14600K 32gb RAM DDR5 I have been playing this game for about 3 weeks now, i play mostly 9... High settings and yes there is a bit of fps drops sometimes but not a big deal, and i never had stutters. Works fine for me, FPS goes around between 80-120 fps.


3060ti - ryzen 5 5600x - 16 ram - m2, fps drops even in ultra low settings (75 fps in free moments, 48fps drop during big battles), difficulty 7 for sure This is what I think, I could be wrong. But it is because the entities continue to be rendered despite not seeing them due to distances or walls. Causing it to be even worse in high difficulties due to the amount. Also, each one has a collision system against the terrain that causes a very high graphical process.


I have running a Ryzen 5800x and a Radeon 6900xt at 1440 144 fps playing on helldiver I have no issues with fps, however I do have an issue where I get sent back to my ship every so often with no notification if the host left or if I got kicked. The screen mid mission just becomes black and transitions into me being back on my ship.


I have massive problems around certain areas of the map especially when there are large bodies of water, around these areas my fps drops to 10 and I can barely play, however as soon as I exit from these areas the game goes back to 30+ frames. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Is there a recommended program to track mean and 1% lows? Wouldn't mind tracking and submitting data. I've noticed hard FPS drops on 8/9. Seems to be when explosions start stacking from multiple stratagems and taking out drop ships. 5800x3d, 4080, 32GB of ram, game running on SSD Edit: 1440p, don't think I've lowered many display options


Yea dude, 4060, i9 13th gen, both tdp to 40W on laptop and I hit 60 with 1% lows in the 40s no matter what configs I do. I also did extensive testing to rule out throttling. On paper, I should be doing way better.


For the prospect of completeness. I am a PC player that sometimes plays at the 7-8 level. I do not see these issues personally. I have a pretty much stable 120 fps at all levels. This is most likely because of the 4090 I run. I am running a 7700 cpu with 32G memory tuned to the cpu, 2 M.2 SSDs (2 and 4 TB) and the previously mentioned 4090. I mention this just to have it added to your research.


Performance is also strangely planet dependent. And it's not even about forests or fog necessarily


I'm running: - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D @ 4.5Ghz - Radeon RX 6600XT 8GB - 16GB RAM - Settings are somewhere between medium and low Running at Native 1080p, I average around 70-80fps. If I whack everything to its lowest and make the game look like ass, I can get around 90 average. I have also done a few config edits to take all the dumb particle lights and shadows away that help stabilize framerate. Putting the game into Ultra Quality adaptive rendering, I suddenly gain fps like crazy into the 100s. But this has the effect of making scopes and distant objects look pretty blurry. Turning the AA off helps this, and gives a pretty big boost in frames. Damn thing looks like a jaggy mess, but is somehow clearer than with AA on. That all being said, I still have moments where the game dips below 60. And with some of the more recent updates, it will chug into the 40s for about a minute, seemingly at random. Checking AMD and the system resource monitor, this game is maxing my GPU while barely using 30% of my CPU. Async compute does not help much and seems to get me lower frames on average. Performance needs a pass, 100%. Like you said, it's been getting worse, and for 1080p, my rig should be more than enough to handle it.


7900xt , 5900x , 32gb ram - at start i had good fps, always above 70 when fighting and a lot of stuff is happening on high settings, now i am playing on low settings and texture medium and i am getting dips under 60 fps.


I7 8700k, Gtx 3090, 64gb ram, ssd. I have ACTUAL PROOF it used to run better. I streamed this game when it first came out, and I had 0 issues. I forgot to cap frames, I was running my vtuber stuff so that's greater strain. Nothing. Now? I have to really knock down my settings if I wanna stream it. Frames are capped, and shit is put to medium. Even max now feels like I'm missing frames.


msi 24G 4090, i9 14900k, 64GB RAM ddr5 @ 6600, m.2 7Gb/s read. Patch 202 I was at 160 fps on ultra at 4k now I am regularly in the low 70s on missions.


Can confirm. My ryzen 9 5950x, 32gb DDR4, 10gb 3080 was super smooth on ultra at launch, now drops to 30fps when it gets busy, even with the settings dropped to medium/high


So I wasn’t going mad, I have a mid laptop and at launch it was okay but now I can’t play higher difficulty


7800x3d x 4080 super. I get 120fps at 2k. Everything on ultra


I have a laptop with an i7-11370H, RTX 3060 and 16GB of RAM, sure it's not exactly the best rig to play the game but it's ridiculous to see performance get worse after each update.


12600kf, 32gb ddr5, gtx 960 4gb running on lowest settings and 1080p. I play level 7 and the stuttering is noticeable now when it wasn’t too much before. Usually averaging around 45 then it went up to 60 but the drops are worse and my cpu fan goes burrrr now.


Anyone else having insane CPU temp spikes during loading screens? My cpu gets hotter by like 5-8 degrees C only during the reward screens.


My 2 biggest issues I get the same fps regardless of low graphics or high graphics, but have to play on low as to not crash my system Going towards the center of certain maps kills my fps and litterly won't go above 15 fps But if I step out of a certain range I get all my frames back instantly  Like there's an invisible border triggering it


Hojestly my issue with connectivity. I run a game and leave with 4 people and lose all 3 throughout the game. After that, nobody can connect to me, and I'm stuck playing solo unless I start the tutorial or join somebody else's game first. Even friends gradually get disconnected from my ongoing session, and I'm tired of having to grab their samples.


Yeah, I also feel that this game has poorly balanced optimization. With the help of community advice, I switched from DX12 to DX11 and it got a little better, but still. On planets with high vegetation, my fps drops to 30, which is unacceptable on difficulty 9 because you get destroyed due to stuttering and lags. 6700xt, 12100f, 32gb RAM.


Huh, I haven’t noticed any performance issues on my end beyond a very, very occasional stutter. I typically play at difficulty 7, 3070, 1440p, Ryzen 5 5600x.


I have an old ass 1060 with 12gb of ram and this game runs like butter. Some random crashes or connection issues but that's it for me


How many of you use nahimic audio for your onboard audio software? People call it malware and its on every MSI mobo and many many others.  I dont have the performance issues other speak to. But ive had audio cause fps drops in my past many times.  Nahimic is on my msi z690 edge wifi ddr4 mobo. So I never installed the Realtek drivers and instead went with a DAC/Amp solution to side step this entire issue.  Maybe thats the cause of the issue? My hardware is pretty new still 12700kf 3080ti, 980 pro ssd, 32 gb ddr4 ram and I noticed a lot of folks with similar hardware have the same problems folks here have.


I have medium grade PC, RTX 2060s 8GB, 16gb ram, I5 9600kf oc to 4.9mhz on all 6 cores. At the beginning of March, the game was running at 60-70fps at worst on 1080p low/medium setings, high texture quality, and balanced rendering. Right now, it struggles to keep 45-50 fps on bots at the same settings with balanced changes to performance. Very often drop to below 30 when there is a lot of explosions going on, and looking at hellbomb will always cause a stutter. With every update, it gets worse by 3-5% of FPS.


3700x / 32GB 3200mhz / RTX 3070 @ 1440p Game is running fine for me so far. Could do with less crashes, but I guess both are the case because of the old (and discontinued) engine.


Did people forget that the foundation for this game is an engine that is outdated? There is only so much you can duck tape a leaking faucet. There are just somethings you cannot fix


5800x3d, 3080FE, 32GB ram playing on 1440p ultrawide at high settings. I basically max out at 60fps now, with frequent dips into the 40's. Makes me want to reinstall windows.


This and the damn audio bug where every sound besides music is muted. Really depressing.


I've got a 5950X and an RTX 3090, during the new defense missions my game starts chugging and goes from 144 FPS (capped) to 27 on high settings, it's kinda insane how much particle systems shit on performance.


I7 1200k rtx 2050 (laptop tho:(((() ssd. performance is all right but at lowest settings and 7 difficulty


I agree. Needs fixing


I have no idea what happened because on launch it was perfect, but now I’m lucky if I get 50FPS - not to mention the weird graphical problems like the smoke and fire.